Book: “General and typological linguistics. Book: “General and typological linguistics Katsnelson general and typological linguistics

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    Katsnelson, Solomon Davidovich- Wikipedia has articles about other people with the same surname, see Katsnelson. Solomon Davidovich Katsnelson (August 12, 1907, Bobruisk; December 30, 1985, Leningrad) Russian linguist, Doctor of Philology, professor. Works on... ... Wikipedia

    Katsnelson, Solomon

    Katsnelson S.- Solomon Davidovich Katsnelson (July 30, 1907, Bobruisk; December 30, 1985, Leningrad) Russian linguist, Doctor of Philology, professor. Works on Scandinavian studies, German studies, comparative historical linguistics, linguistics... ... Wikipedia

    Katsnelson S. D.- Solomon Davidovich Katsnelson (July 30, 1907, Bobruisk; December 30, 1985, Leningrad) Russian linguist, Doctor of Philology, professor. Works on Scandinavian studies, German studies, comparative historical linguistics, linguistics... ... Wikipedia

    Katsnelson Solomon Davidovich- Solomon Davidovich Katsnelson (July 30, 1907, Bobruisk; December 30, 1985, Leningrad) Russian linguist, Doctor of Philology, professor. Works on Scandinavian studies, German studies, comparative historical linguistics, linguistics... ... Wikipedia

    Grammatical semantics- Grammatical semantics is a linguistic discipline within morphology that describes morphological meanings, or inner side word forms. It is contrasted with morphemics (“formal” morphology) as an area that describes ... ... Wikipedia

Worked as a teacher high school, a mechanic at a factory. He graduated from the Pedagogical Faculty of Moscow State University II (1932), worked at the Research Institute of Nationalities in Moscow. Since 1934 in Leningrad; candidate's dissertation “On the genesis of the nominative sentence” (1935); doctoral dissertation “Nominative structure of speech: Attributive and predicative relations” (1939). Since 1940 - professor, employee of the Institute of Language and Thinking named after. Marra, taught at Leningrad University. In 1950, in connection with the campaign against Marrism, he was dismissed from the Academy of Sciences, and taught at the Ivanovo Pedagogical Institute (1950-1953). Since 1953 - at the Leningrad Region Institute of Linguistics of the USSR Academy of Sciences, head of the sector of Indo-European languages ​​(1971-1976) and the sector of the theory of grammar and typological research (1976-1981).

Contribution to science

S. D. Katsnelson is one of the main representatives of the Leningrad Grammar School. Early work on syntactic typology was largely influenced by Marr's ideas about stadiality, but with b O greater attention to the facts of specific languages; one of the first to use the concept of valency to describe syntactic relations. S. D. Katsnelson is characterized by a constant interest in philosophical problems of language, connections between language and thinking; in the style and nature of his works (criticized by some for being archaic and ponderous) there is a connection with the views of W. von Humboldt and his followers. S. D. Katsnelson is considered one of the predecessors of semantic and grammatical typology; his theory of “categories of thought” asserts (as opposed to the structuralist approach and in agreement with the majority modern concepts) the existence of a universal semantic level common to all languages ​​of the world. He was a critic of Chomsky's generative model.

He was also involved in the historical accentology of Germanic languages ​​and the history of linguistics; initiator and Chief Editor a series of monographs “History of Linguistic Doctrines” and a monograph “Grammatical Concepts in Linguistics of the 19th Century” published in Leningrad.

Main publications

  • On the genesis of the nominative sentence. M.-L., 1936.
  • Historical and grammatical studies, part 1. From the history of attributive relations. M.-L., 1949.
  • Word content, meaning and designation. M.-L., 1965.
  • Comparative accentology of Germanic languages. M.-L., 1966.
  • Typology of language and speech thinking. L., 1972.
  • General and typological linguistics. L., 1986 ( posthumous collection of selected works).
  • Categories of language and thinking: From the scientific heritage / Rep. ed. L. Y. Braude. M.: Languages ​​of Slavic culture, 2001 ( reissue of the main works, with additions).


  • Biographical information about S. D. Katsnelson on the ILI RAS website

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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    Solomon Davidovich Katsnelson (July 30, 1907, Bobruisk; December 30, 1985, Leningrad) Russian linguist, Doctor of Philology, professor. Works on Scandinavian studies, German studies, comparative historical linguistics, linguistics... ... Wikipedia

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    Katsnelson S. D.- KATSNELSON Solomon Davydovich (190785), linguist, doctor of philology. Sci. Sotr. Leningr. Department of the Institute of Linguistics of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Tr. in philosophy problems of linguistics, in the field of typology of languages, grammatical. theories (functional grammar, grammatical... ... Biographical Dictionary

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  • , Katsnelson M.M. , One of the main places in the pharmaceutical industry is occupied by the production of synthetic, organic, pharmaceutical drugs, which has received particularly strong development in Germany,… Category: Agricultural machinery Publisher: YOYO Media, Manufacturer: Yoyo Media,
  • Preparation of synthetic chemical and pharmaceutical preparations, Katsnelson M.M. , One of the main places in the pharmaceutical industry is occupied by the production of synthetic, organic, pharmaceutical drugs, which has received particularly strong development in Germany,... Category:
Preface (Yu. S. Maslov)
Word content, meaning and designation
Full meaning word and concept
Main types of meaningful words
Unity of meanings and concepts
The relationship of lexical meaning to formal and substantive concepts
Meaning of the word and subject
Genesis of elementary conceptual structures
Antimental critique of dietary theories of meaning
The semantic content of the word, meaning and significance
Pros and cons of polysemy
Criticism" general values"
Polysemy and homonymy
Saussure's doctrine of significance
Elements of significance in polysemy and synonymy
Meaning and designation
Structure of the conceptual field and method of notation
The semantic structure of language and the neo-Humboldtian “vision of the world”
Some results
The language of poetry and primitive figurative speech
About the grammatical category
Generative grammar and the process of syntactic derivation
Deep syntactic structures and semantic foundations of speech activity processes
About grammatical semantics
Grammatical semantics and syntactic formalisms
Supplements of pronouns in Germanic languages ​​and the genesis of the nominative sentence
Nominative structure of speech Attributive and predicative relations
On the origin of the ergative construction
On the semantic-syntactic connections between names and verbs in an archaic language
Phonemes, syndemes and "intermediate" formations
Sound laws and their internal mechanisms
Method of systemic reconstruction and internal chronology of historical and linguistic facts
Towards a phonological interpretation of the Proto-Indo-European sound system
Diphthongization of Germanic narrow longitudes and the problem of internal patterns of phonetic development
About obligatory and optional apokopa
"Principles of the History of Language" by G. Paul
Linguistic concept of F. de Saussure
Semantic-grammatical concept of W. L. Chafe
W. L. Chafe and descriptive linguistics
W. L. Chafe and Generative Grammar
Problems of the relationship between sounds and meanings
Semantic taxonomy
Diachrony as an aspect of synchrony
Content-typological concept of Wilhelm Humboldt
Theoretical and grammatical concept of A. A. Potebnya
Afterword (V.B. Kasevich)
List of published scientific works Prof. S. D. Katsnelson

In the multifaceted scientific work of Solomon Davidovich Katsnelson, several main themes or, better, lines of development can be identified. First of all, this is a study of the relationship between language and thinking, viewed from a broad historical and typological perspective. This is also a linguistic typology in general, historical and synchronic, intensive and phonological, developed on the material different languages with constant consideration of the complex dialectic of the universal and the idioethnic. The scientist's books and articles present general, typological and comparative historical linguistics, syntax and lexicology, semantics and accentology, studies of Germanic, Slavic and other Indo-European languages ​​and the Australian Arantha language. A separate line, however, at a number of points intersecting with the main directions of S.D. Katsnelson’s research, is the history of linguistics and a critical analysis of its current state.

The scientific activity of S.D. Katsnelson began to develop in the 30s. Already in his first major work - the monograph "On the Genesis of the Nominative Sentence" (1936), the young scientist acted as one of the pioneers of the historical-typological direction, which later received widespread development in Soviet science of language. This same line is continued on other material and significantly deepened in the second book of S.D. Katsnelson - “Historical and grammatical studies. I. From the history of attributive relations,” published after the Great Patriotic War (1949). In this collection, the content of both monographs is reflected only very briefly in the form of abstracts of their earlier versions - candidate and doctoral dissertations defended by the author in 1935 and 1939, respectively. In these studies, S.D. Katsnelson, relying on vestigial phenomena in the syntax and morphology of Indo-European languages ​​and taking into account typological parallels in languages ​​that are genetically unrelated, seeks to reconstruct the early stages of the development of the grammatical structure. He defines these stages as “prenominative” (namely ergative) and “ancient nominative” and tries to find the specific features of thinking that underlie these stages of development of linguistic structures.

Works from the 30s and 40s. bear the stamp of their time, which is manifested in some formulations that echo the provisions of the so-called “new doctrine of language” by Acad. N.Ya.Marra. For a correct assessment of these formulations by the modern reader, it is useful to cite the following statement by the teacher S.D. Katsnelson, Academician. Viktor Maksimovich Zhirmunsky, dating back to 1967: “I had to say more than once that all of Marr’s specific linguistic work at the time of his creation of the so-called “new doctrine of language” should be completely and irrevocably rejected, since it was entirely built on the fantastic idea of ​​paleontological analysis all languages ​​of the world according to the four primary elements. However, this does not mean that Marr’s theoretical ideas and individual statements, in most cases scientifically undeveloped and chaotic, did not contain creative and fruitful thoughts, to which most of us (especially Leningrad linguists) owe a general perspective of our works. To such general attitudes I include, first of all, Marr’s struggle against the narrow Eurocentrism of traditional linguistic theory, the stage-typological point of view on the development of languages ​​and their comparison, regardless of the commonality of their origin, searches in the field of the relationship between language and thinking, and what can be called semantic approach to grammatical phenomena."

The provisions of N.Ya. Marr highlighted by V.M. Zhirmunsky seemed even more significant to Soviet linguists of the younger generation, then associated with the former “Institute of Language and Thought” of the USSR Academy of Sciences. They were like that for S.D. Katsnelson, who was undergoing graduate and doctoral studies in those years. But in essence, a deeper influence than the ideas of N.Ya. Marr was exerted on the young scientist by his passion for the linguistic heritage of A.A. Potebnya. In the works of the great Russian linguist of the 19th century. was attracted by the desire to capture the progress of the development of abstract thinking behind the change in forms of linguistic expression and to reveal the gradual formation of its modern norms. This is precisely the pathos of the two named books by S.D. Katsnelson, as well as a number of his other works of this period. Thus, in the article “The Language of Poetry and Primitive Figurative Speech” (1947) he poses the same problem, but in the sphere of lexical semantics and, moreover, on the material of the archaic Australian language Arantha, the words of which are characterized by a kind of polysemanticism, even the indivisibility of objective and qualitative meanings and at the same time their extreme fragmentation.

The article “On the Grammatical Category” (1948) covers, in addition to historical and typological problems, a number of other important issues of the general theory of grammar. Let us note that in this article, for the first time in science, the concept of syntactic valency was put forward, interpreted as “the property of a word to be realized in a certain way in a sentence and to enter into certain combinations with other words.” This concept only later, under the influence of the works of L. Tenier, became widely used in linguistics. This article substantiates an expanded understanding of morphology and its division into “inflectional” and “syntactic”, peculiarly correlated with the identification of morphological categories of “general” and “particular order” (i.e. universal and idioethnic), and among the latter - “secondary” formalized categories" (gender, class, case, combining heterogeneous grammatical functions, etc.).

Almost a quarter of a century later, these ideas are further developed and form the basis of a “reduction analysis of morphological categories” in one of the best works of S.D. Katsnelson - in the monograph “Typology of Language and Speech Thinking” (1972), which, unfortunately, did not fit into scope of this collection. True, some idea of ​​the general grammatical concept of this book is given by the articles reproduced here “Deep syntactic structures and semantic foundations of speech activity processes” (1972), “On grammatical semantics” (1974), “Grammatical semantics and syntactic formalisms” (first published in -English in 1977). In them, in particular, defending the thesis about the fundamental unity of semantics, covering both vocabulary and grammatical structure, the author explores the close connections between syntactic functions manifested in a sentence and the categorical components of lexical meanings (the concept of “hidden grammar”). At the same time, these works show that in addition to the semantic-grammatical categories corresponding to the categories of speech thinking, there are also grammatical categories of other types in the language - communicative (determined by the characteristics of language as a means of communication and as a special sign system), pragmatic (reflecting the desire influence the behavior of the speech recipient), etc.

In a slightly earlier report at the X International Congress of Linguists in Bucharest (1967) and in the article “Generative grammar and the process of syntactic derivation” (1970), the generation of a statement was considered as a combination of “hard” and “probabilistic” moments in the course of conversion transformations of the original proposition, in the course of its actualization in the surface structures of a given specific language.

S.D. Katsnelson also explores the problem of the relationship between language and thinking using the material of vocabulary. The book “The Content of the Word, Meaning and Designation” (1965), reproduced in the collection, is dedicated to this. Based on the distinction made by A.A. Potebnya between the “immediate” and “further” meanings of a word and on the achievements of both modern semasiology and sciences related to linguistics - philosophy and psychology, S.D. Katsnelson here offers an original solution to the question of the relationship between meaning and concept. Further, he gives a critical analysis of anti-mentalistic theories of meaning (behaviorist constructions of L. Bloomfield and others), the concept of “general meanings” (R. O. Jacobson, K. Baldinger), the doctrine of F. de Saussure about “significance” (valeur) and the hypothesis L. Weisgerber and other neo-Humboldtians about the special “vision of the world” (Weltsicht) inherent in each given people. The book’s analysis of the concepts of polysemy and homonymy and the identification of the dual role of context in clarifying the content are interesting. polysemantic word(“selection” of meaning and then its actualization), delimitation of etymological and synchronous derivational connections between empirically established meanings. Let us finally note the description given here of the different types of structure of conceptual fields and ways of denoting concepts.

In the 60s and 70s. S.D. Katsnelson again turns to the Arant language and to the problem of reconstructing the most ancient stages in the development of language and the thinking behind it. In the article “On the Origin of the Ergative Construction” (1967), he clarifies his understanding of the ancient structure of the sentence, distinguishing two historical layers in Arantha - archaic and living. In the archaic layer there are features that significantly distinguish the Arant language from languages ​​considered typical owners of the ergative construction. The article “On the semantic-syntactic connections of a name and a verb in a language of an archaic type” (1973) deals mainly with the connections between the lexical meanings of names and denominative verbs of the Arant language and the peculiar polysemy of these verbs. The author, “on a new turn of the spiral,” returns here to the problems that occupied him in the above-mentioned article of 1947, and seeks to clarify the specifics of that historical stage in the development of “speech thinking,” which can be (noting the strictly conventionality of this term) qualified as “primitive figurative thinking": the languages ​​of tribes, whose entire economic activity until recently was reduced to primitive hunting and gathering of edible fruits and plants, not being "primitive" in the proper sense of the word, reflect a "thinking technique" very far from ours.

Since the 50s. S.D. Katsnelson includes in his circle of interests a new line - comparative historical and historical-typological study of phonological systems.

Starting from the famous “Memoir” of F. de Saussure and relying on the idea of ​​syllabomemes dating back to L.V. Shcherba, which was already being developed in the 30s and 40s. in Soviet linguistics, S.D. Katsnelson attempts a phonological interpretation of the Proto-Indo-European sound system (an article on this topic was published in 1958). With the long-term reconstruction that the scientist strives for, it is especially important to attract convincing typological parallels. It turns out that in this area archaic language Arantha provides invaluable material. Carefully analyzing the relevant data, S.D. Katsnelson puts forward the concept of “protophoneme” and, in the light of this concept, offers his solution to some controversial issues in the evolution of the common Indo-European language and its individual branches.

The next step in the study of phonological issues is turning to prosody and accentology. In 1962, the second volume of the collective “Comparative Grammar of Germanic Languages” was published, in which S.D. Katsnelson wrote a chapter devoted to accentology, and in 1966, his large monograph “Comparative Accentology of Germanic Languages.” This book is based on detailed analysis Using the richest material of Scandinavian and dialectal West Germanic (mainly Rhenish) accentuation, the author showed the determining role of prosodic factors in the history of the Germanic phonological system.

To characterize the general position of S.D. Katsnelson on issues of phonology, phonological evolution of language and the scientific reconstruction of this evolution, the articles “Phonemes, syndemes and “intermediate” formations” (1971), “Sound laws and their internal mechanisms” (1976), "Method of systemic reconstruction and internal chronology of historical and linguistic facts" (1972). The idea of ​​the organic unity of “discrete” and “continuous” elements of the speech flow while recognizing a certain functional difference between them (the distinctive function of phonemes and the “bracketing”, connecting-separation function “syndem”) is essential, as is the idea of ​​​​combining these functions in “intermediate formations” "of various kinds. This is to a certain extent comparable with the concept of unified semantics in grammar works scientist and highlighting in them a kind of intermediate sphere of “hidden grammar”. Further, it is essential to require, not limiting ourselves to stating the “regularities” of sound development (“sound laws” in the sense of the teachings of the neogrammarians), to revealing the true laws of this development, i.e. to find out its internal mechanisms, which is impossible without resorting to methods of systemic reconstruction. And here again an undoubted analogy arises with the desire manifested in the grammatical and lexicological works of S.D. Katsnelson for a systematic consideration of linguistic facts, as well as for identifying - especially in the works of the 70s. -- internal mechanisms of speech production.

Two articles placed at the end of the section “Historical Typology” further specify the provisions of the author’s historical-phonological concept on German material, developing, like the mentioned book “Comparative Accentology of Germanic Languages”, the thesis about the decisive influence of stress and distribution of syllabic accents on the development of phonemic composition words.

With a wide range scientific interests S.D. Katsnelson and the significant variety of problems he posed, his work has great internal integrity, which is due to the unity of the scientist’s worldview and the clarity of his creative style. This integrity is also manifested in quite numerous works on individual linguists and linguistic theories (of these works, only three are presented in the collection, related to the leading directions of foreign linguistics of the last century - neogrammatism, Saussurianism and post-structuralism).

The linguistic works of S.D. Katsnelson received a wide response. Already his first book, “On the Genesis of the Nominative Sentence,” not only opened a new direction in Soviet linguistics, but also aroused interest abroad, as evidenced by a positive review of it written by one of the most authoritative Western European experts on ergativity, K. Uhlenbeck. The book "Typology of Language and Speech Thinking" was published abroad in German and (partially) in Hungarian translation. The scientific creativity and teaching activities of S.D. Katsnelson had a profound influence on many dozens of linguists in our country and abroad. This influence was experienced not only by his students and younger comrades, but also by his peers, and even some representatives of the generation that came to science earlier than him. Many of S.D. Katsnelson’s ideas entered the golden fund of theoretical linguistics, while others gave rise to fruitful debates and discussions.

The now undertaken new publication of selected works by Solomon Davidovich, which meets a long-standing public need, is carried out in accordance with the plan that was outlined by the author himself even before the serious long-term illness that ended his life on December 30, 1985.

Solomon Davidovich KATSNELSON (1907--1985)

An outstanding Russian linguist-theorist, a classic of Russian linguistics. Doctor of Philology, professor. Author of works on Scandinavian studies, German studies, comparative historical linguistics, linguistic typology, philosophy of language, history of linguistics.

In 1932 he graduated from the pedagogical faculty of Moscow State University II; in 1935 he defended his candidate's dissertation on the topic "On the Genesis of the Nominative Sentence", in 1939 he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic "The nominative structure of speech: Attributive and predicative relations." Since 1940 - professor, employee of the Institute of Language and Thinking named after. Marra, taught at Leningrad University. In 1971-1976 headed the sector of Indo-European languages, and in 1976-1981. -- sector of the theory of grammar and typological research of the Leningrad branch of the Institute of Linguistics of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

S.D. Katsnelson is one of the main representatives of the Leningrad grammar school. His works preceded the emergence of semantic and grammatical typology. He also studied the historical accentology of Germanic languages ​​and the history of linguistics. Initiator and editor-in-chief of the series of monographs “History of Linguistic Doctrines” and the monograph “Grammar Concepts in Linguistics of the 19th Century” published in Leningrad.

Solomon Davidovich Katsnelson(August 12, 1907, Bobruisk - December 30, 1985, Leningrad) - Soviet linguist, Doctor of Philology, professor. Works on Scandinavian studies, German studies, comparative historical linguistics, linguistic typology, philosophy of language, history of linguistics. A number of his works expressed innovative ideas for their time that played a role in the development of semantic and grammatical typology.


After graduating from school in 1923, he worked as a teacher for four years, in 1928 he entered the pedagogical faculty of the 2nd Moscow State University, and worked as a mechanic in Moscow and Magnitogorsk. After graduating from the university (1932), he became an employee of the Research Institute of Nationalities, and in 1934 he entered graduate school at the Institute of Language and Thinking (IML) of the USSR Academy of Sciences in Leningrad under the guidance of academician N. Ya. Marr. Candidate's dissertation on the topic “On the genesis of the nominative sentence” (1935; a year later published as a monograph), doctoral dissertation on “The nominative structure of speech. I. Attributive and predicative relations" (1939). In 1940 he was awarded the degree of Doctor of Philological Sciences and the title of professor, and became a senior research fellow IYAM.

During the Great Patriotic War he served in the political department of the Leningrad Front and was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, II degree, and several medals.

After the war, he returned to scientific and teaching work at the INM and Leningrad University, but as a result of the well-known discussion in 1950, he was expelled from the staff of the Academy of Sciences and was forced to look for work outside of Leningrad. Worked as a professor for three years Pedagogical Institute in the city of Ivanovo. From 1957 until the end of his life he worked at the Leningrad branch of the Institute of Linguistics of the USSR Academy of Sciences, where from 1971 he headed the sector of Indo-European languages, from 1976 to 1981 - the sector of the theory of grammar and typological research. For many years he was deputy chairman of the Scientific Council on the Theory of Soviet Linguistics at the Oleksandr Leningrad Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

Contribution to science

general characteristics

S. D. Katsnelson is one of the main representatives of the Leningrad Grammar School. Early work on syntactic typology was largely influenced by Marr's ideas about stadiality, but with greater attention to the facts of specific languages; one of the first to use the concept of valency to describe syntactic relations. Katsnelson is characterized by a constant interest in philosophical problems of language, connections between language and thinking; in the style and nature of his works (criticized by some for being archaic and ponderous) there is a connection with the views of W. von Humboldt and his followers. S. D. Katsnelson is considered one of the predecessors of semantic and grammatical typology; his theory of “categories of thought” asserts (as opposed to the structuralist approach and in agreement with most modern concepts) the existence of a universal semantic level common to all languages ​​of the world. He criticized Chomsky's generative model (see “Typology of Language and Speech Thinking”) and Charles Fillmore's theory of cases (see Questions of Linguistics. No. 1. 1988). He was also involved in the historical accentology of Germanic languages ​​and the history of linguistics; initiator and editor-in-chief of the series of monographs “History of Linguistic Doctrines” and the monograph “Grammar Concepts in Linguistics of the 19th Century” published in Leningrad.

Selected works

The book “On the Genesis of the Nominative Sentence” is the text of a Ph.D. thesis. It contains a critical review of existing points of view and a presentation of the author's view on the problem of ergative construction, which was widely discussed in those years. The task posed by the author of finding certain archaic phenomena in ancient Germanic languages ​​did not find direct theoretical confirmation and encountered resistance from practical material. Thus, the assumption about the former presence of an ergative construction in Germanic (and in general Indo-European) languages ​​was not confirmed.

Solomon Davidovich Katsnelson (August 12, 1907, Bobruisk - December 30, 1985, Leningrad) - Soviet linguist, Doctor of Philology, professor. Works on Scandinavian studies, German studies, comparative historical linguistics, linguistic typology, philosophy of language, history of linguistics. A number of his works expressed innovative ideas for their time that played a role in the development of semantic and grammatical typology.

After graduating from school in 1923, he worked as a teacher for four years, in 1928 he entered the pedagogical faculty of the 2nd Moscow State University, and worked as a mechanic in Moscow and Magnitogorsk. After graduating from the university (1932), he became an employee of the Research Institute of Nationalities, and in 1934 he entered graduate school at the Institute of Language and Thinking (IML) of the USSR Academy of Sciences in Leningrad under the guidance of academician N. Ya. Marr. Candidate's dissertation on the topic “On the genesis of the nominative sentence” (1935; a year later published as a monograph), doctoral dissertation on “The nominative structure of speech. I. Attributive and predicative relations" (1939). In 1940, he was awarded the degree of Doctor of Philology and the title of professor, and became a senior researcher at the Institute of Nuclear Sciences.

During the Great Patriotic War, he served in the political department of the Leningrad Front and was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, II degree, and several medals.

After the war, he returned to scientific and teaching work at the INM and Leningrad University, but as a result of the well-known discussion in 1950, he was expelled from the staff of the Academy of Sciences and was forced to look for work outside of Leningrad.

For three years he worked as a professor at the Pedagogical Institute in the city of Ivanovo. From 1957 until the end of his life he worked at the Leningrad branch of the Institute of Linguistics of the USSR Academy of Sciences, where from 1971 he headed the sector of Indo-European languages, from 1976 to 1981 - the sector of the theory of grammar and typological research.

For many years he was deputy chairman of the Scientific Council on the Theory of Soviet Linguistics at the Oleksandr Leningrad Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

Books (3)

Categories of language and thinking. From scientific heritage

The book contains the most valuable materials from the scientific heritage of Solomon Davidovich Katsnelson (1907-1985), an outstanding linguist and theorist, one of the classics of Russian linguistics.

The contents of the book are the theory, methodology and history of the study of linguistic forms and categories in their connection with categories of thinking. This edition includes unfinished monographs, as well as articles, essays and sketches. Here is presented what the author was preparing for publication, but did not have time to complete, and what was not intended for publication was written “for himself” as “notes for the future.”

The materials collected in this book are from the archives of S.D. Katsnelson significantly complements previously published works and more fully reveals the topic of the relationship between the categories of language and thinking, which Solomon Davidovich developed over half a century.

Word content, meaning and designation

In the book of the prominent Russian linguist S.D. Katznelson (1907-1985) provides an analysis of the teachings of the Swiss linguist Ferdinand de Saussure on significance, as well as the neo-Humboldtian vision of the world; At the same time, an understanding of the semantic system of language is proposed that is different from the system of Saussure and neo-Humboldtianism.

The main units of the semantic system of a language are those coinciding with formal concepts lexical meanings. The work describes the influence of expressive and genre characteristics of meaning on the semantic system of language; The problems of polysemy and homonymy, the structure of the conceptual field and the genesis of elementary conceptual structures are considered.