The most powerful missile cruiser in the world. The world's largest warship. Russian warships. The newest warships. The largest battleship: the Iowa-class battleship

At different times, these giants terrified the enemy. But the world will remember them not only as a formidable weapon of war. The names of the largest warships of their time are forever inscribed in golden letters in world history.

7. Project 1144 nuclear cruiser “Orlan”

Country Russia
length: 250 m
width: 28.5 m
displacement: 25,860 t (full)
crew: 1035 people

“Peter the Great” - this is the proud name that today’s only heavy nuclear power plant bears. missile cruiser Project 1144 "Orlan" (a total of four such ships were built). Project 1144 is iconic in every sense. Now "Peter the Great" is the largest warship in the world, not counting aircraft carriers. But the cruiser is famous not only for its size. In open combat, it is superior to any non-aircraft carrier. P-700 Granit cruise missiles with a range of up to 625 km pose a threat even to aircraft carriers (although, to be honest, the ship itself is a convenient target due to its size). Soon, "Peter the Great" may receive new hypersonic missiles "Zircon", thus becoming even more dangerous.

6. Universal landing ships of the "America" ​​type

Country: USA
length: 257.3 m
width: 32.3 m
displacement: 45,700 tons (full)
crew: 1059 crew + troops

Universal landing ships, as you might guess, were created to conduct landing operations. But the Americans have greatly expanded this definition. The new America-class UDC is, in fact, a mini-aircraft carrier that is capable of carrying a solid aviation group of 22 fifth-generation F-35B fighters. These planes will take off from the deck using a short takeoff run, and they will land vertically. But there are other configurations: the UDC can carry many V-22 tiltrotors, which can deliver troops by air much faster than conventional helicopters. The lead ship of the USS America series (LHA 6) was introduced into the US fleet in 2014, and in total the Americans want to receive twelve such ships. In the future, they will replace the Wasp-type UDC.

5. Universal landing ships of the Wasp type

Country: USA
length: 257.30 m
width: 42.67 m
displacement: 40,532 tons (full)
crew: 1147 crew + troops

Until the advent of “America”, ships of the “Wasp” type had no competitors in their size among UDCs. They were created specifically to ensure transportation by sea and landing on an unequipped coast of an expeditionary marine battalion, the number of which could reach almost 1,900 people. The paratroopers can be supported by AV-8B Harrier II vertical take-off and landing combat aircraft (their number can reach 20). The Marines also have AH-1W Super Cobra attack helicopters at their disposal. At the rear of the Wasp there is a large room where equipment used for landing operations can be located. In total, the American fleet received eight such ships.

4. Clemenceau-class aircraft carriers

Country: Brazil
length: 265.0 m
width: 51.2 m
displacement: 32,780 t (full)
crew: 1338 people

In fact, aircraft carriers of the Clemenceau type were created not in Brazil, but in France, and back in the 50s. After the appearance of the much more modern Charles de Gaulle, they were removed from service, and one of the ships was transferred to the Brazilian Navy, where it continues to serve to this day. In Brazil, the ship was named "São Paulo". Even today, it remains a fairly formidable combat unit, which can carry up to 40 aircraft, including fifteen French carrier-based attack aircraft Super Étendard.

3. Aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle

Country: France
length: 261.5 m
width: 64.36 m
displacement: 42,000 tons (full)
crew: 1200 people

This is the only nuclear-powered aircraft carrier of the French Navy: the authorities wanted to lay down another one, but this idea was abandoned, given the enormous cost of the warship. In any case, we have before us the largest European aircraft carrier. The basis of the power of this ship is the Rafale M generation 4++ fighters. In total, it can carry up to 40 aircraft. In terms of its combat potential, the Charles de Gaulle is inferior to American aircraft carriers (they are larger in size and can carry larger number winged cars). However, the Charles de Gaulle also repeatedly proved its combat capability, in particular during the operation in Syria. British aircraft carriers of the Queen Elizabeth class will soon displace the Charles de Gaulle: when they are commissioned, they will become the largest warships in Europe.

2. Project 1143 aircraft carrier cruisers

(characteristics correspond to the Admiral Kuznetsov TAVKR)
country Russia
length: 306.45 m
width: 71.96 m
displacement: 59,100 t (full)
crew: 1980 people

Let us clarify: the definition of “project 1143” hides several subtypes of aircraft-carrying ships. Four of them (Kiev, Minsk, Novorossiysk, Baku) could use Yak-38 attack aircraft with vertical takeoff and landing. Subsequently, on the basis of Project 1143, the Project 1143.5 ship Admiral Kuznetsov was built, as well as two more aircraft-carrying cruisers (Varyag and Ulyanovsk), which received an expanded take-off deck and the ability to use aircraft with conventional takeoff and landing, such as the Su- 33. The fate of all these ships turned out differently. "Admiral Kuznetsov" became the only Russian aircraft carrier. But “Varyag” turned into the Chinese “Liaoning”. The ship "Baku" underwent modernization and joined the ranks of the Indian Navy under the name "Vikramaditya". “Ulyanovsk” was never completed, although conceptually it was the most advanced of the entire series: it had a steam catapult and, in theory, could use AWACS aircraft.

1. Nimitz-class aircraft carriers

Country: USA
length: 332.8 m
width: 78.4 m
displacement: 106,300 tons
crew: 5680 people

Finally, the well-deserved first place in our rating went to the American giant Nimitz - the largest and most powerful warship of all that are currently in operation. Almost 90 aircraft can be accommodated on board! For comparison, Admiral Kuznetsov can carry no more than 50 aircraft. The Nimitz air group includes F/A-18 fighters, EA-6B electronic warfare aircraft, E-2C airborne early warning aircraft and other aircraft. The Americans commissioned ten such ships: they were actively used, in particular, during the campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan. But the Nimitz will not last forever, and soon this type of ship will be replaced by other aircraft carriers of the Gerald R. Ford type. They will be just as huge, and in addition, they will be able to carry fifth-generation F-35C fighters. In general, the Ford will become more economical than its “big brother” while maintaining high combat capabilities.

The world's largest warship was designed in Russia. This reconnaissance vessel was called "Ural".

The unique development has become a real floating disaster for the Russian fleet. It all started with a number. Surprisingly, out of hundreds of combinations, option 1941 was chosen. It’s not even worth explaining what associations these numbers evoke among millions of people. Mystical or not, the Ural project, on which more than one billion Soviet rubles were spent, ultimately did not bring any benefit.

What was it for?

To understand the purpose for which Soviet designers created the world's largest warship, let's turn our attention to the southern section Pacific Ocean. It is there that the top-secret American test site is located, where the intercontinental MX and Miniman types, starting from California for testing, land. Since 1983, this place has also played the role of one of the US research centers implementing a strategic defense initiative. The idea of ​​its creation belonged to Ronald Reagan, who planned to disarm. Soon, missiles began to be launched from this test site, the purpose of which was to intercept and destroy Soviet nuclear warheads. Telemetry information from such tests could shed light on Reagan's machinations, but how could it be obtained? Civilian ships like the Academician Korolev or Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin were not suitable for reconnaissance purposes. Although these ships were equipped with special control and measurement systems for monitoring space objects, they could not obtain intelligence information about what was happening at the above-described base in Kwajalein.

The main reason was that they did not have functioning radars and only received signals sent by domestic satellites. That is why the idea arose to build a powerful warship capable of capturing all available information about any subspace object on any part of its trajectory in all areas of the World Ocean. This is how project number 1941, “Titan,” arose. It was developed on the basis of the Leningrad Design Bureau under the name “Iceberg”, and the ship was built at the Ordzhonikidze Baltic Shipyard.

Painstaking work

In order to create the world's largest warship, equipped with the latest technology, powerful electronics were needed, otherwise the collection of a huge amount of information about test launches American missiles didn't seem possible. Eighteen ministries worked to create the equipment necessary for the Ural. active participation own design bureaus and research institutes. To equip the ship with equipment, specialists from the Leningrad Production and Technical Enterprise, created for this purpose, were brought in.

Labor results

The world's largest warship was equipped with a powerful Coral surveillance system. It was based on seven highly efficient radio-electronic systems. Information was processed by computers that were unique at that time. They provided the opportunity to decipher the characteristics of any space objects at a distance of up to one and a half thousand kilometers. According to the creators, the Ural crew had the opportunity to determine the secret components of the fuel based on the composition of the exhaust gases of moving objects. In addition, the largest Russian warship had outstanding defensive characteristics. Thus, it was equipped with artillery that approximately corresponded to the armament of a destroyer. There was enough ammunition for at least twenty minutes of continuous battle. At the stern there was an aircraft hangar in which a Ka-32 helicopter was waiting in the wings.

Combat vehicle crew

To control the Ural, a team of a thousand people was needed, of which at least four hundred midshipmen and officers. It was assumed that the crew of the reconnaissance complex would be divided into six services.

The designers also took care of the conditions for rest of the ship's crew. Thus, the Ural had a smoking room, a cinema and a gym, a billiard room, slot machines, a swimming pool and two saunas, as well as a nature salon.

Naturally, to accommodate the equipment and everything else, a body of appropriate size was needed. The design of Project 1144 “Kirov” (nuclear-powered missile cruiser) was taken as a basis. As a result, “Ural” could boast a length of two football fields and a height from keel to keel of a twenty-eight-story building!

Big plans

The hopes placed on the Ural by the USSR Ministry of Defense were simply enormous. This is evidenced by the fact that the chief designer of the project, Arkharov, who was in no way connected with military service, after completing the work, he was awarded the title of not only Hero of Socialist Labor, but also rear admiral.

The launch of the Ural took place in 1983. Six years later he entered the combat ranks of the USSR. In the same year, the ship set off for its permanent base in the waters of the Pacific Ocean.

At first everything went well. The crew successfully tested all the capabilities of the unique equipment. The Ural easily detected the launching American space shuttle Columbia, located a thousand kilometers away. More and more information was received from the ship about the movements of enemy military equipment. However, working with systems that constantly failed was very difficult. The situation worsened when the Ural arrived in the Pacific - its place of permanent deployment.

The first voyage of the unique ship turned out to be the last. The quay wall was not prepared for it, so it was not possible to supply electricity, fuel, or water from the shore. The Ural's boilers and diesel generators never turned off, reducing precious engine life, which was supposed to be used only during hikes. We can say that the ship “ate” itself. In addition, in 1990, there was a fire on the Ural, as a result of which the aft engine room failed. For more than a year, the bow machine was replenished with electricity, but then it too burned out. After that, the only sources of energy were emergency generators. There were no funds for repairs.

An inglorious end

In 1992, the ship's nuclear reactors were shut down. It was placed at a remote pier and turned into a huge officers' dormitory. The SSV-33 “Ural” began to be sarcastically called a cabin carrier, and the abbreviation was deciphered as “special sleeping car.”

Current state of affairs

Russian warships fully comply with the classification accepted in the world. Morally obsolete ships are being replaced by modernized models. The fleet is constantly being improved.

"Admiral Kuznetsov"

The largest military, of course, is represented by the class of aircraft carriers. The pride of the fleet is the aircraft-carrying cruiser Admiral Kuznetsov. Its decks, seventy meters wide, accommodate fifty helicopters and aircraft of various types. The ship's hull is armored. It is able to withstand a direct hit from a charge weighing up to four hundred kilograms.

"Peter the Great"

Russian warships are also joining the ranks of cruisers. Thus, the attack missile ship "Peter the Great" embodies the power of the modern fleet. Its nuclear power plant is designed for fifty years of operation. This is the flagship ship Northern Fleet- a thunderstorm of strike air groups. A speed of thirty-two knots can be maintained indefinitely while running on a nuclear power plant. Autonomous life support for the crew will last for sixty days.

Cruise missile strike systems are designed for a range of more than five hundred kilometers. The group guidance system is truly unique: it was built on a multivariate intelligent control algorithm.


Modern warships are represented by another powerful cruiser - the Varyag. It is similar to the American missile ships of the Ticonderoga series, but develops greater speed and has impressive firepower.

The newest warships will soon be represented by a class of universal landing craft. Russian experts plan to launch these new products closer to 2020. In the process of creation, corvettes and frigates are becoming more and more improved.

The largest warships of the Steregushchy type provide confidence in the strength of the Navy. Russian ships are becoming world leaders in the following indicators: availability of onboard aircraft, versatility of missions, firepower, autonomy, cutting-edge electronics, excellent performance.

Majority modern projects are characterized by low cost of creation and operation, which corresponds to global trends. According to statistics, the current number is at least two hundred units. Unfortunately, some ships are outdated physically and morally, do not meet the latest requirements for naval combat, and are in need of modernization or at least repair. In addition, hydrographic services, maritime units and auxiliary vessels require additional funding.

The largest sailing warship

"Santisima Trinidad" is a real giant among sailing military vessels. It was launched in Havana back in 1769. He served in the Spanish fleet for thirty-five years. The entire hull of the ship was made of very durable, expensive material - Cuban red wood. The thickness of the sides reached sixty centimeters, which made the ship practically unsinkable.

The armament of this sea giant consisted of one hundred and thirty cannons of various calibers. After modernization, there were already one hundred and forty-four of the most powerful guns on deck at that time. The ship's crew included from eight hundred to one thousand two hundred people.

Important mission

During the American Revolutionary War, the Santisima-Trinidad was tasked with scaring off British enemy ships in the English Channel. During the battle near Cape St. Vincent, the ship miraculously escaped English captivity.

Final chord

The last battle for Santisima-Trinidad was the Battle of Trafalgar. It was the largest scale sailing battle of the nineteenth century. The described ship played the role of the flagship of the Franco-Spanish forces. The leading English ship was the Victoria. It concentrated all its power on Santisima-Trinidad as its most dangerous rival. The ship was simultaneously attacked by eight British battleships. Each of them had at least seventy-two guns, but they could not cope with the assigned task: the Santisima-Trinidad remained afloat. was boarded after about four hundred crew members were wounded and about the same number were killed. Two days after the end of the battle, it was decided to scuttle the ship. Thus, a unique creation of human hands disappeared into oblivion.

Military power has always been a source of pride for the state that possessed it. Water is one of the areas where powers are trying to have their own influence. For this reason, a huge variety of ships is created. Each of them has its own purpose, and therefore its size. But now it’s worth turning your attention to the list of the largest warships in the world.

1. USS Enterprise

  • Length: 342m.

The top spot in the ranking of the largest warships belongs to the USS Enterprise, an aircraft carrier in the United States naval forces. This ship entered service with a world power in the 60th year of the last century and serves it faithfully to this day. Its achievements include not only record size, but also participation in virtually every large-scale water operation in which the United States has participated. The Enterprise operates on eight reactors, a one-time refueling of which allows the ship to operate for 13 full years. The length of the aircraft carrier is 342 m, and the cost is 452,000,000 US dollars. It was this last “achievement” that caused the United States to abandon the construction of the ship.

2. USS Gerald R. Ford

  • Length: 337m.

The next largest is another of the largest aircraft carriers in the US Navy - USS Gerald R. Ford. The ship received its name in honor of the 38th President of the United States of America. This aircraft carrier and subsequent ones like it that will enter service with the American fleet are designed to replace outdated brothers - the aircraft carriers Enterprise and Nimitz. Gerald R. Ford, with similar sizes and quantitative equipment of military aviation equipment, has more modern automated equipment, which allows the use of a smaller crew. And this, in turn, reduces the cost of its maintenance.

3. USS Nimitz

  • Length: 333m.

Another legendary American warship is the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz. This ship became the progenitor of a whole type of ship - the Nimitz type. The weight of the vessel is about one hundred thousand tons, and the price tag is 4,500,000 US dollars. In addition to performing combat missions, the Nimitz also performs humanitarian work - fourteen years ago, after the tsunami in Indonesia, the aircraft carrier was delivering humanitarian aid plural victims. In total, the United States has a dozen ships of this type in its fleet (however, the others are significantly inferior to the Nimitz in size and combat power), which allows this power to maintain a leading position in the water world.

4. USS Forrestal

  • Length: 325m.

And in fourth position in the list of the largest warships is again the American aircraft carrier. This time we are talking about the USS Forrestal. The ship received its name in honor of the first Mr. America. The project to create an aircraft carrier was founded in the 51st year of the 20th century, and the USS Forrestal itself became the first warship built after World War II. During the development of the project, the designers took into account all the available experience in combat operations on the water, and therefore they managed to create a unique vessel. "Forrestal" was launched four years after the start of the project's development. This ship is in service with the United States today, and over the past years several more ships of a similar type have been created, but with more modest dimensions.

5. USS Kitty Hawk

  • Length: 323.6m.

The US aircraft carrier USS Kitty Hawk is one of four such ships that were created back in the 60s of the last century. The strongest metal alloys were used to create this ship. In addition, the Kitty Hawk, together with the Nimitz, remained the only operational combat ships of this class - the rest were decommissioned after the end of the events cold war. Unlike most ships of their class, these two aircraft carriers received an increased base length and a different elevator arrangement. USS Kitty Hawk is one of the most powerful ships in the world equipped with combat aircraft.

6. USS John F. Kennedy

  • Length: 321.6m.

The US Navy has another aircraft carrier that deserves a place of honor in this rating - USS John F. Kennedy. This warship was launched in the 69th year of the last century. After 24 years, it was sent for modernization, after which it returned to service, equipped with four catapults, two thousand telephones, and four elevators for aircraft combat vehicles. In addition, USS John F. Kennedy was equipped with more than 5.5 thousand seats, two additional anchors and 2.7 thousand cabins. But to this day, the John F. Kennedy has not completed its service - the ship was taken out of service.

7. Admiral Kuznetsov

  • Length: 305m.

In seventh position is the Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov, which brought some variety to this parade of American ships. Distinctive feature The Russian combat vehicle is a combination of powerful defensive-offensive systems. The ship is equipped with a variety of anti-ship missiles with enormous ranges. Today the cruiser is the heaviest ship in the world, and its launch took place in the 90th year. At the moment this is the only aircraft carrier in the fleet. Russian fleet. Up to thirty aircraft can be transported on board.

8. USS Midway

  • Length: 295 m.

Next we should mention the USS Midway, which is an aircraft carrier in the British fleet. The length of the vessel is 295 m, and the first work on its design began in the 41st century. Six years later, the world saw three such ships put into operation British Kingdom. To date, only one aircraft carrier has been decommissioned. Throughout its life history, the USS Midway was used in all maritime conflicts in which Great Britain participated.

9. USS Lexington

  • Length: 266m.

The historical significance and importance of the aircraft carrier USS Lexington is difficult to overestimate. This ship was built almost a century ago (in 1920). For that time it was the first huge and full-fledged aircraft carrier. Seven years later, the cruiser was sent for modernization. USS Lexington marked the beginning of a small series of similar warships that would later play an important role in the naval battles of World War II. In total, three such ships took part in the battles, one of which was sunk. After the war, USS Lexington and the second ship were again sent for reconstruction, and then battles in the Coral Sea awaited her.

10.USS Iowa

  • Length: 240m.

And the top ten largest warships in the world is completed by the battleship USS Iowa. This is the only “non-aircraft carrier” in the rating. The length of the ship is 270 meters. The battleship is located in the United States Navy. Initially, the ship was planned to be created as a high-speed battleship, but later it was re-equipped and turned into a powerful combat ship, capable of conducting effective combat against entire enemy battle groups. Today, USS Iowa is armed with 32 Tomahawk combat missiles and is capable of carrying up to 2,800 people on board.

Largest: Nimitz-class aircraft carriers

Country: USA
Launched: 1972
Displacement: 100,000 t
Length: 332.8 m
Full speed power: 260,000 hp.
Full speed: 31.5 knots
Crew: 3184 people.

Currently, the largest surface ship in the world is the Nimitz-class nuclear-powered heavy aircraft carrier. The lead USS Nimitz was launched on May 13, 1972 and entered service with the US Navy three years later. A total of ten ships were built, named after famous American political figures. Chester Nimitz, who gives his name to the entire series, was the Commander-in-Chief of the US Pacific Fleet during World War II. In terms of its architecture, the Nimitz is a smooth-deck ship with an angled flight deck. The flight deck area is 18,200 m2. The ship has surface and underwater structural protection. The bottom is protected by an armored flooring of the second bottom and the third bottom. The four-shaft main power plant includes two pressurized water nuclear reactors and four main turbo-gear units.

Structurally, the ships of the Nimitz class are the same, but the last six have increased displacement and draft. The recharging period for their nuclear reactors is up to 20 years. The basis of the armament of Nimitz-class aircraft carriers is aviation: George W. Bush, the last, tenth ship of the Nimitz-class aircraft carriers, was commissioned into service with the US Navy on January 10, 2009. She became a “transitional” ship to the new generation of Gerald R. Ford class aircraft carriers.

The most original of the modern: trimaran USS Independence

Country: USA
Launched: 2008
Displacement: 2784 t
Length: 127.4 m
Full speed: 44 knots
Crew: 40 people.

The most unusual warship in the world is perhaps the American trimaran Independence (LCS-2). By 2035, the Americans plan to build up to 55 ships of this class of two sizes - small (up to 1000 tons) and large (2500-3000 tons), but today only the first ship, the “founder” of the new class, is ready. She was launched in 2008 and entered service with the US Navy in January 2010. The peculiar design of the trimaran is dictated by the need to build the fastest possible warship; The hull was developed by Austral, which has already tested this concept on the civilian ferry Benchijigua Express, plying between the Canaries, Tenerife, Gomera, Hierra and Palma in the Atlantic Ocean. Independence is a littoral combat ship capable of accelerating to 50 knots (90 km/h) and conducting combat operations with a five-point sea state (“restless sea”, wave height 2.5–4 m). The trimaran's main class competitor is the Freedom class ships developed by Lockheed Martin. The latter have a classic layout. Time will tell which is better.

The largest non-aircraft carrier: “Peter the Great”

Country Russia
Launched: 1996
Displacement: 25,860 t
Length: 250.1 m
Full speed power: 140,000 hp.
Full speed: 32 knots
Crew: 635 people.

The most powerful non-aircraft carrier ship today is the Russian nuclear-powered cruiser Pyotr Velikiy, which belongs to the Project 1114 Orlan cruiser series. The first ship of this project, the heavy nuclear-powered missile cruiser (TARK) Kirov, was launched in 1977 and transferred to the fleet in 1980. Today only “Peter the Great” is in service, the other three cruisers are undergoing modernization, and the fifth TARK of the project (“Admiral of the Fleet” Soviet Union Kuznetsov”) was never laid due to the collapse of the USSR. "Peter the Great" is designed to destroy enemy aircraft carrier groups; it was laid down in 1986 and transferred to the fleet in 1998. Its cruising range is practically unlimited, and the P-700 Granit cruise missiles are capable of hitting a target at a distance of up to 550 km. The cruiser's power plant is equipped with two fast neutron reactors with a thermal power of 300 MW each and two auxiliary oil steam boilers.

The most advanced missile cruiser: Ticonderoga-class missile cruisers

Country: USA
Launched: 1980
Displacement: 9750 t
Length: 173 m
Full speed power: 80,000 hp.
Full speed: 32.5 knots
Crew: 387 people.

Ticonderoga class cruisers are considered the most dangerous among ships of this type. They are designed to operate in conditions of mass destruction and are capable of fighting in storm conditions of seven degrees. The Ticonderogas use two vertical launch systems with 61 missile cells each; their typical load is 26 Tomahawk cruise missiles, 16 ASROC anti-tank missiles and 80Z Standard-2 missiles. From 1981 to 1992, 27 missile cruisers of this class were launched, five of them have already been decommissioned; By 2029, it is planned to completely replace the Ticonderoga class with a new generation of missile cruisers.

The most famous ship of World War II: battleship"Bismarck"

Country: Germany
Launched: 1939
Displacement: 50,900 t
Length: 251 m
Full speed power: 150-170 hp.
Full speed: 30.1 knots
Crew: 2092 people.

The Bismarck was one of the most advanced and powerful ships of World War II, the lead ship of the Bismarck class (the second battleship in the series was the Tirpitz). Even today, the Bismarck class is one of the three largest battleships of all time, second only to the Iowa and Yamato, built somewhat later. Powerful weapons (including eight 380-mm cannons) allowed the Bismarck to withstand any ship of its class. True, the very first raid of the new battleship turned into its death: after the Bismarck sank the flagship English fleet battleship Hood, a targeted hunt was opened for the German giant and destroyed by clearly superior forces.

Largest battleship: Iowa-class battleship

Country: USA
Launched: 1942
Displacement: 45,000 t
Length: 270.43 m
Full speed: 33 knots
Crew: 2637 people.

The American Iowa-class battleship is the largest surface ship in the world before the era of attack aircraft carriers. Its creators have achieved the maximum combination of weapons, seaworthiness and protective equipment. A total of four battleships of this type were built: Iowa, New Jersey, Missouri and Wisconsin. They entered service with the US Navy in 1943 and were withdrawn from service in 1990. They took part in the Second World War, in the wars in Korea and Vietnam, and after modernization with the installation of Harpoon anti-ship systems and Tomahawk-type cruise missiles in addition to the main caliber guns (406 mm), they carried out high-precision strikes on coastal targets during Operation " Desert Storm."

The most modern warship: Type 45 Daring

Country: UK
Launched: 2006
Displacement: 8100 t
Length: 152.4 m
Full speed: 29 knots or more
Crew: 195 people.

The British Type 45 destroyer (Daring) is considered the most modern and advanced warship in the world today. At the moment, the first two Darings have arrived at the disposal of the British fleet - Daring D32 and Dauntless D33. These ships are designed primarily for air defense in the fleet's operating area, and the ship's systems are capable of coordinating the actions of coastal aviation. On the other hand, a cruising range of over 5,000 nautical miles allows the 45 type to be a sufficiently mobile autonomous platform for deploying air defense systems anywhere on the planet.

The very first production drone: Protector

Country: Israel
Launched into series: 2007
Length: 9 m
Full speed: 50 knots
Armament: typhoon weapon system with the ability to install a 7.62 mm machine gun, 12.7 mm machine gun or 40 mm grenade launcher

In 2007, the Israeli company Rafael Advanced Defense Systems Ltd launched the Protector unmanned boat into serial production, which became the first unmanned combat watercraft to enter service, not only in Israel, but also in Singapore. The option of putting it into service in the US Navy is also being considered. The main purpose of an unmanned boat is reconnaissance and patrolling of coastal areas, when the use of conventional means is dangerous for personnel.

Best ship of the First World War: Steam turbine destroyer Novik

Country Russia
Launched: 1913
Displacement: 1260 t (1620 t after
Length: 102.43 m
Full speed power: 42,000 hp.
Full speed: 37 knots
Crew: 117 (168 after modernization) people.

For many years, the destroyer Novik, launched in 1913, was considered the best ship of its class in the world - the fastest, most invulnerable, and maneuverable. On August 21, 1913 (even before the official presentation to the public), at a measured mile the ship reached a speed of 37.3 knots - at that time this was a world record. The Novik was initially designed to carry 60 ball mines without weight compensation, while its English competitors, in order to take on board such a number, had to remove the stern gun and the stern twin-tube torpedo tube.

The best heavy cruiser of World War II: Tone-class cruisers

Country: Japan
Launched: 1937
Displacement: 15,443 t
Length: 189.1 m
Full speed power: 152,000 hp.
Full speed: 35 knots
Crew: 874 people.

The best ships of the heavy cruiser class in history are considered, oddly enough, not American or English developments, and the French "Algerie" and Japanese cruisers of the "Tone" type. Two cruisers of this series (Tone and Chikuma) entered service in 1937 and 1938, respectively. In comparison with the original project (they were planned as light cruisers), the Tone were heavily overloaded, and the crew lived in very close quarters, but in terms of the level of armament, armor and torpedo protection, and counter-flooding measures, they had no equal in the world.