What is the passing score in NSU? Novosibirsk State Medical University. Information about entrance examinations conducted by the organization independently

Once again, like last year, we are comparing passing scores for various universities in Novosibirsk. The weakest applicant can be used to judge both the popularity of the university and the quality of education it provides. We hope our review will be useful to mothers whose children will graduate from school in 2019!

Please note we are comparing GPA receipts for the budget, taking into account both creative tests and points for individual achievements. The result was rounded to a whole number, so the amount of points may differ from the calculated one by up to one and a half points.

Since in some universities the number of specialties can reach several dozen, for most educational institutions We provide lists of faculties on our charts. For everyone - the most “expensive” and the “cheapest” specialty in terms of passing score, all the others are located within this range.

Novosibirsk State University (NSU)

Novosibirsk State University traditionally considered the most prestigious and difficult university to enter. Indeed, some specialties are amazing in their requirements; So, to become a linguist, you need to have a GPA above 92! However, this situation is more typical for humanities specialties, where enrollment on a budget is very small.

As for mass specialties, they are still available to the talented and diligent: you can become a geologist with an average score of 75.

Contrary to popular belief about an increase in the passing average score compared to the previous year, this is not entirely true at NSU. Yes, in geology he grew by 4 points, but to enter medicine or a prestigious faculty information technologies it became even easier.

Novosibirsk State Technical University (NSTU)

NSTU still competes with Novosibirsk State University, but (even simply due to its size) it is easier to become a student here than at a classical university. Having an average score of 80, you can confidently enroll anywhere, well, except that you will have to work hard for the faculties of business and humanities education.

By the way, it is more difficult to enroll in the specialty “management” at NSTU than at NSU: the average score is 88 versus 83.

Novosibirsk State Medical University (NSMU)

There are sudden changes at the medical university! If last year pediatrics was the most unpopular specialty, then this year it has overtaken pharmacy and preventive medicine. And the average score of future pediatricians has risen by five points at once; if it is below 75, you can’t even dream of studying at the expense of the budget. General medicine suddenly became more popular than clinical psychology.

And becoming a psychologist at NSMU, by the way, is not much easier than at Faculty of Medicine NSU: the average score of applicants differs by only two points, 77 and 79.

Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management (NSUEM, Narkhoz)

The situation in Narkhoz has also changed. Applicants suddenly ignored “Innovatika,” which was popular last year, and ended up in last place on the list of preferences. But even when entering this specialty, the average score must be quite high - no lower than 66. Last year, “programmers” were accepted with 63 points, but this year the competition has intensified significantly: the average score must be no lower than 70.

In general, we can say that at NSUEU, in comparison with other top universities, the passing score has increased significantly, and precisely due to the not very popular specialties of the university, which suddenly “increased in price” among applicants.

Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (RANEPA), branch in Novosibirsk

Becoming a lawyer is not easy these days - the average score must be under 90, no matter what university you enter. Perhaps this is due to the fact that in many universities this area was not certified and was closed as non-core. At the Civil Service Academy, the average score of those entering this field increased by 3.5 points!

We should note that the list of directions at this university is noticeably different from last year. In particular, the relatively unpopular “Psychology of Official Activities” has appeared, where specialists are trained for “moral and psychological support of official activities.” Who knows, maybe this is a chance for your child to become a psychologist - the average score is still just below 70!

Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University (NSPU)

The Pedagogical University is perhaps the most confusing in terms of admission. The fact is that in most faculties students are offered to obtain not one, but two specialties, for example: teacher of physics and computer science, geography and English. Depending on the set of specialties, entrance scores vary, sometimes quite significantly. Let's say, consider the Institute of Physics, Mathematics and Information and Economic Education. If your child dreams of teaching economics and computer science, then you need to take into account that each of these specialties combined with physics is much more accessible than the “Economics + ICT” package: the average score differs by five points!

There are specialties that are close in spirit, the competition for which differs in different faculties. For example, preschool defectology at the Institute of Childhood requires an applicant to have an average score of at least 82 (this is actually a lot!). While you can become a defectologist at the Faculty of Psychology with an average score of 63 - you must agree, “a huge distance.”

Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies (SGUGiT)

Amazing changes have occurred in the preferences of applicants to the University of Geosystems and Technologies. Firstly, the passing score has increased noticeably: if last year an average score of 65 guaranteed admission to any specialty, this year it should have been five points higher.

Secondly, there was a change of leaders: the most popular specialty was “Technosphere Security”, +7 points to the average passing score last year! But “Ammunition and Fuses” has lost the favor of applicants: now it is the most unpopular specialty, although the passing score has remained virtually unchanged.

Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Informatics (SibGUTI)

The preferences of SibGUTI applicants have also changed. The absolute leader of last year, the direction “Mathematical and information support of economic activity,” became an outsider in the Faculty of Informatics and Computer Engineering in 2018: the average passing score fell by four points. But the specialty “System Software,” which did not particularly interest applicants last year, this year became the most popular at the university, and the average passing score immediately increased by 9 units!

I would like to note that the preferences of applicants technical universities not permanent. Both SSUGiT and SibGUTI this year surprised applicants with ups and downs in the passing score for different specialties. So if your child is not interested in a specific specialty, but rather in the faculty as a whole, apply to several specialties at once and monitor the change in rating between the first and second waves in order to “shift” the documents in time.

Novosibirsk State Agrarian University (NSAU)

Hello again, Agrarian University, a refuge for those who could not (or did not want) to please themselves, parents and teachers with high Unified State Exam scores. Where else will you go with an average score of 45? Yes, practically nowhere. But for “Landscape Architecture” - you can! By the way, this specialty, which was the most popular last year (minimum passing score 59), has become the most unpopular this year, apparently setting a record for a drop in the average passing score - 14 points! But veterinary medicine, which was equally of interest to 2017 applicants, has become less accessible to C students this year: +4 points to the passing score (minimum average score is 64). We don’t understand how this happened, but we can say one thing:

If you are planning to come to admissions committee next year and expect the distribution of applicants to be the same - don't get your hopes up. Graduates rush about unpredictably, like schools of herring in the ocean. Either give them landscape architecture, or they don’t need it at all...

Yes, amid the scandal with state certification specialties, which broke out literally in the spring, you may have a question: what about lawyers and economists in agriculture? They are still recruited, but only for on a commercial basis, so they were not included in our review.

Siberian State Transport University (SGUPS)

The University of Railways looks much more solid compared to last year.

If in 2017 the minimum average passing score was 40 (which, generally speaking, caused some bewilderment), then in 2018 the lowest score was 52, and for most areas it was generally about 70, which, generally speaking, puts it on par with NSTU.

Like agrarians, road workers teach lawyers and economists only for money.

Siberian State University of Water Transport (SGUVT)

A career as a water driver attracts applicants much less than a railway worker. Having an average score of 45, you are guaranteed to enter any faculty, and 65 opens the way to any specialty. However, last year things were even worse: you could become a student barely passing the 30-point mark!

There is also an interesting inversion at SGUVT: the specialty “Power Supply” went from being the most popular last year to almost the most unpopular this year, second only to “Ship Power Installations”. The average score dropped by almost 18 points! However, like last year, you won’t be able to get into SGUVT with an average score - you need at least 40.

Novosibirsk State University of Architecture, Design, Art (NGUADI)

Let's return to universities with high and very high passing scores. Strictly speaking, for a university of architecture, design and art, excellent USE results are not enough - you also need to pass creative tests: drawing and/or sketching.

However, the average score in NGUADI is an average score, and the future student should have it not lower than 76, and better - 80 or higher.

Novosibirsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (NSASU, Sibstrin)

Many applicants consider Sibstrin a light version of NGUADI. Indeed, the specialties are similar, well, except that at NGASU there is still a noticeable practical bias.

However, this year the difference in passing average scores among architects is only two points (i.e., the benefit is rather that one can avoid the harsh creative competition).

Novosibirsk Technological Institute (NTI)

And one more institute where you can get a variety of specialties, including the top profession of designer. This is the “most accessible” design of this year - the passing average score is 76, lower than in NSPU and, especially, NGUADI, although here, too, a creative competition is provided for this specialty.

What conclusions can be drawn from our review?

    The passing score for universities in Novosibirsk actually increased compared to the previous year, but this happened at the expense of less popular universities, which, let’s be honest, turned down almost no one during the 2017 admissions campaign. At popular ranking universities, scores remained virtually unchanged.

    There are still universities in the city where you can enter with an average score of 45. Well, we can call them by name: this agricultural university and the University of Water Transport. Who said higher education is inaccessible?

    The preferences of applicants are changing at hurricane speed; specialties that are in the top this year may lose popularity next year and vice versa.

​Prepare for admission calmly - everyone who needs to enter will do so! We are sure!

Prepared by Alena Novikova

D Even in the most unfashionable university, in the most unfashionable specialty, there will definitely be at least one applicant with prohibitively high Unified State Examination scores. Since childhood, he has been convinced that his vocation is artificial insemination of Achatina snails, or he is determined to continue the family dynasty of masters in repairing steam boiler whistles. In short, as you understand, there is little point in comparing the best of the best.

Another thing is the “best of the worst,” those who barely jumped on the departing train and became the last to enroll in the second wave. It is they who will become reliable reference points for anxious 2018 applicants; it is they who (to be honest) say a lot about both the prospects of the university and the level of education in it.

For comparison, we used the minimum scores with which applicants managed to enroll in budget places for a particular specialty (bachelor’s or specialist’s degree) in state universities. If there were too many specialties at the university (as, for example, at NSTU or Pedagogical University), we took for comparison the lowest score in each department and indicated the specialty for which this applicant was accepted. Let's make a reservation right away - we did not consider universities and specialties that held their own creative selection competitions. As you understand, the decisive factor there was far from Unified State Examination points.

Novosibirsk State University (NSU)

It is believed that the scores for admission to NSU should be prohibitively high, but this is true primarily for humanities specialties with an extremely low admission plan. To “break through” into linguistics or African studies, a student will really have to work hard.

As for more or less widespread specialties, the most difficult ones are to enroll in computer science and computer science and medical science (average score 84.3), the easiest is geology (71).

Novosibirsk State Technical University (NSTU)

High Unified State Exam scores will be required for applicants to enter non-core faculties that train humanists and businessmen. Also, NSTU is an excellent chance to become programmers for strong students, who, however, do not have enough points to enter NSU: the average score in the specialty “Mathematics and Information Technology Software” is 74.3, 10 lower than at NSU.

But it’s a bit of a shame for future heat and power engineers: an average score of 50 means they’re C students! It has become a little clearer why our utility bills are rising every year... However, this is good news for parents of future energy workers - you can save money on tutors.

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Novosibirsk State Medical University (NSMU)

What a shame, no, what a shame, that we find ourselves in the dentist’s chair with our mouth wide open, which is little conducive to intellectual conversation! Because titans of the spirit go to dentistry, people who are widely and diversified, methodical, disciplined and value knowledge above all else: the minimum average score for admission to a medical university is 90! No, of course, the requirements for Africanists at NSU are even higher, but... do you know many Africanists? And everyone has a familiar dentist, and he is a real hero of our time!

In general, NSMU still remains a university for excellent students - even the most unpopular specialty - pediatrics (which is a shame) - requires an average score above 70.

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Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management (NSUEM, Narkhoz)

NSU, ​​NSTU and NSMU can safely be considered the three leading universities in Novosibirsk; enrolling in all the others is much easier. True, only a brilliant young talent can still become a manager at Narxoz (the minimum average score is 84), but good students with an average score of 63 have a chance to study computer science at a respected university.

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Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (RANEPA), branch in Novosibirsk

An alternative to Narkhoz is a branch of the Civil Service Academy under the President of the Russian Federation. Of course, the Novosibirsk branch is a bit far from the president, but the prestige educational institution this has no effect: to become a lawyer, an applicant will have to present a minimum average score of at least 85.3!

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Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University (NSPU)

Learning English is still fashionable! The minimum average Unified State Exam score for admission is slightly above 80, which is a very high figure. The easiest way turned out to be to enroll in the Faculty of Technology and Entrepreneurship (minimum score 167). In a word, only strong, good students become teachers - that’s right!

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Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies (SGUGiT)

SSUGiT is a university that is quite accessible to strong C students. If you can become a specialist in environmental management with an average score of 64, then optics (a very promising profession, by the way!) is available to those with an average score 10 points lower. Agree, to get an average score of 54-55 you don’t need to grab stars from the sky, you just need to study diligently!

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Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Informatics (SibGUTI)

Perhaps SibGUTI cannot boast of the smartest applicants, but it should be noted that this year the composition of the groups will be quite even: for several specialties at once the minimum passing score is equally beautiful - 200, and the admissions committee did not deviate far from this figure. Of all the applicants, there were the fewest people willing to master nanoelectronics - the minimum average score for this specialty was 58.7. Really "nano-" going out of fashion?

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Novosibirsk State Agrarian University (NSAU)

If you were planning to criticize the Unified State Exam, you can start. Because 43 points for the organizer Catering... Well, if the applicant will study at the university without much stress, then perhaps it’s time to buy the collection “Eating at Home.” It should be noted that the specialty “landscape architecture” has recently become fashionable. Modern gardeners must be solid students with an average Unified State Examination score of at least 60.

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Siberian State Transport University (SGUPS)

One cannot help but be happy for the future of transport logistics - only excellent students with an average score of at least 70 are accepted there. Otherwise, this is an excellent university for ambitious C students. Do you dream of leading an international corporation, saving companies from bankruptcy, maybe just becoming a lawyer, but you didn’t get even 50 points on the Unified State Examination? Well, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is to believe in yourself and your dream! SGUPS already believes in you!

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Siberian State University of Water Transport (SGUVT)

Do you want to become a transport logistician, but don’t have enough points to enter SGUPS? It doesn’t matter, there is SGUVT! Here (paradox!) this is the most unpopular specialty. An applicant with a score of 107 was admitted to the budget department. That is, he barely received a certificate, but this did not prevent him from continuing his education at the expense of taxpayers... We believe that this is the end of the discussion about the inaccessibility higher education in Russia can be considered completed. How accessible it is! On the other hand, really, what kind of logistics are there on the river? Especially with the flow: you float and float...

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Novosibirsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (NSASU, Sibstrin)

NGASU has always been a fallback option for those who did not qualify for the more creatively demanding NGUADI, where the emphasis is on art rather than construction. But it seems that it’s time to reconsider this point of view - enrolling in a number of specialties here is just as difficult as at NSU. However, the main specialty of the university - construction itself - is still available to most applicants; the minimum average score for admission is below 55.

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Novosibirsk Technological Institute (NTI)

The requirements for applicants planning to become geophysicists are lower than for future commodity scientists! Compare: 213 is the passing score for the State Humanitarian Faculty of NSU, 215 is the passing score for merchandising at NTI. so trade is still a prestigious specialty! By the way, much fewer people came to the institute to become technologists - the minimum average passing score is below 40, which raises serious concerns for the future of light industry. Not geophysics, of course, but it is still desirable to be a specialist with a sharp mind who loves innovation...

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Which Novosibirsk university is easiest to enroll in?

With what amount of points can you still get access to budget education at a specific university?

What conclusions can be drawn from our review?

    The devil is not as scary as he is painted! It is possible to enter a university in Novosibirsk with almost any Unified State Exam result (if, of course, you don’t care which university).

    If a diploma from a specific university is important to you, and Unified State Exam results are not high, then it is worth looking at related specialties - often the passing scores for them differ quite significantly. If a specific profession is important to you, the passing scores for the same specialty at different universities can vary by a hundred points. There is room for maneuver!

    Of course, it should be taken into account that this year’s graduates were born in 1999, one of the worst years from a demographic point of view. But even taking this into account, admitting graduates to the budget department who barely cleared the bar to receive a certificate is a dubious achievement. What will be the qualifications of a certified specialist who has mastered the school curriculum? Or is it like this ? Perhaps now you will have a different attitude towards the initiatives of the government, seeking to reduce the number budget places in universities...

​Get ready to enter universities in 2018! Good luck to children and valerian to mothers!

Prepared by Ekaterina Ershova

If you want to receive not only high-quality knowledge, but also learn how to apply it in practice, then you should pay attention to Novosibirsk State University. After all, his motto is the expression “we won’t make you smarter, we will teach you to think.” But in order for the admission campaign to go without unnecessary problems, we suggest you learn about the main rules for admission to NSU in 2017.

Admission to Bachelor's Degree

The first thing you should pay attention to is the timing of the introductory campaign. So, applicants will be able to submit documents on June 20, but this process will end at different times, namely:

  • July 7 is the last day for accepting documents from those citizens who will take exams (but only those that are either creative or professional);
  • July 10 is the deadline for submitting documents for those who will also take exams, but different from the above;
  • July 26 - this date is set for those who will enroll without passing exams.

As for the deadline for completing the enrollment of citizens, the priority enrollment stage will end on July 29, when the corresponding decree will be issued. The next stage, after which about eighty percent of the main competitive places will be filled, will end on August 3, but the enrollment of all applicants for the remaining places will take place before August 8.

It is worth recalling that an applicant has the right to submit his documents only to five universities in the country. Moreover, in each of the selected universities you can choose only three directions.

Now let's move on to reviewing the documents that need to be prepared for submission. Of course, each applicant fills out an application indicating all necessary information about him. It is also accompanied by copies of documents that can confirm identity and education. If you have certain advantages upon admission, then you also need to confirm your status and rights with relevant documents.

Having prepared the entire required package of documents, you can choose one of two ways to submit them. The first is directly to the selection committee, and this can also be done by a trusted person who has authorizing documents. The second is sending by mail. As for the modern method of submitting in electronic form, unfortunately this university does not provide it. So you either have to come to the university or send it by letter.

Considering admission issues, Special attention It is worth paying attention to the benefits that are provided to certain categories of citizens upon admission. Thus, prize-winners and winners will be able to take advantage of the right to admission without passing entrance exams All-Russian Olympiads, as well as citizens who became members of teams representing the Russian Federation at international olympiads. It is worth noting that only the results of Olympiads will be accepted that correspond to the direction chosen by the applicant, and also if they were held within four years before the start of the admissions campaign.

There is also a preferential right for enrollment, which can be used by thirteen categories of citizens, including war invalids.

Please note that NSU also takes into account the individual achievements of applicants. There are a total of fourteen categories of achievements, which are graded from one to seven points. Moreover, if citizens have several achievements at once, then they can only receive an additional ten points.

It is worth noting that some citizens will take entrance examinations, so attention must be paid to their characteristics. Firstly, all of them will be conducted in Russian and in written form. Also, for each faculty or institute there are three or four exams, for each of which certain passing scores are set. Each of the entrance exams has one or another degree of priority in each area. Thus, depending on which faculty you choose, the passing scores for each subject will depend. For example, if you choose a field such as “mathematics,” a similar exam is provided minimum score in the amount of 40. For those who choose the “chemistry” focus, they must score 50 points for the mathematics exam. Also, different indicators are set for such an exam as the “Russian language”. So, at the Faculty of Geography you will need to score 40 points, but at the Faculty of Information Technology - 60 points. So pay attention to the indicator and remember that these passing scores will be the same both when applying for a budget and a paid form.

We will pay special attention creative competition, because only those who want to become journalists will take it. Its peculiarity is that it will take place over two days. On the first day, applicants will have to write an essay on one of the proposed topics. The next day, only oral tests will take place. Firstly, the essay will be discussed, if available, and the applicant’s portfolio. In addition, it is necessary to analyze the proposed text and answer the questions. At the same time, the maximum that an applicant can score for this stage of testing is 100 points.

We hope you are not scared by the requirements that the university puts forward for its applicants and you can easily pass all the tests, as well as hold out with dignity in this race called the “entrance campaign.”

Master's degree at NSU

For those who already know what it is student life- The admission procedure is not that scary. But still, we invite you to find out some of the features of admission to a master’s program. First, we pay attention to the lines, since they are somewhat different from those already indicated. Applications will begin on the same day as for undergraduate studies—June 20. But this process will end for everyone who enters the master’s program at the same time - August 6. As for the entrance tests, they will be held in two stages. The first is in July - from 4 to 16, and in August - from 7 to 18. It should also be noted that in this case there are two forms of their delivery - oral and written. There are also two to three exams for each department or university. Do not forget that even when applying for a master’s program, there are passing scores that must be achieved. Their indicators also depend on the priority of the subject, for example, if you choose “management”, then in the Russian language the minimum score is 20, but for “sociology” this indicator is 40.

So take these features into account and feel free to enroll in a master’s program without any fears.

Prices in 2017

In most cases, applicants who choose a university to obtain knowledge first of all pay attention to the cost of training, therefore, for those who plan to obtain knowledge in 2017-2018 academic year this question is no less important. But for now it is impossible to answer it accurately, because this information not yet available. Despite this, we suggest that you consider the prices of previous years in order to be able to at least somehow navigate this issue.

As for a bachelor's degree, the most expensive course in management is 75,000 rubles for one semester. But the cheapest way to learn the basics of linguistics is only 35,000 rubles per semester. All other specialties are within these indicators, so you can already roughly understand how much the pleasure of acquiring knowledge will cost you.

As always, a master's degree is much more expensive. In this case, the most expensive direction is “computer science and computer technology” - 138,630 rubles per year. At the same time, the minimum is 85,000 rubles and it is provided for many areas, including geology and mathematics.

But still, we remind you once again that these indicators are previous years, so tuition fees may change. So keep an eye on this information on the university website.

And finally, of course, it is worth mentioning such events as the day open doors. This is an excellent opportunity to get to know those who will give you lectures and take exams, as well as find out the answers to all questions related to the admission rules. We would like to inform you that the autumn open day has already been held on October 30, so we hope that similar meetings will be scheduled for the beginning of 2017. But there is no information about this yet, so stay tuned for updates on the university website.