Characteristics of the class (5th grade). Questionnaire “Attitude towards academic subjects”

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Average comprehensive school No. 7 ZATO Uglegorsk, Amur region



  1. General information about the class team

The great team began to take shape in 2009. Up to the fifth grade there were 22 people. During the first half of the 5th grade, two boys arrived: Valentin Shilovich, Yaroslav Matveychev (transferred from 5A grade).

The number of students at the end of the first half of the 5th grade is 24 people: 13 boys and 11 girls aged 10-11 years.

Physical and mental development students corresponds to the norm (according to the medical record). Deviations are observed in Alina Mikhailova (reference).

Social class passport:

Children at risk:

Children with poor health (Knyazeva Alina, Repina Anastasia, Mikhailova Alina);

Registered children (Dmitry Lysov).

  1. Content educational activities
  1. General characteristics of class performance and its dynamics compared to 4th grade.

To the beginning school year 2013-2014


FULL NAME. student

Year mark

4V class

Drummer Candidates


Vasilets Maxim

Donskikh Matvey

Kalashnikov Vladislava

Knyazeva Alina

Kulikov Alexander

Lysov Dmitry


Lysenko Emilia

Mamontova Maryana

Mendeev Ravil

Mikhailova Alina

Plygun Dmitry

Ponamarev Mikhail

Russian language, English language

Repina Anastasia

Semizhonova Diana

Senkin Danila

Happy Daniel

Tyapkina Yulia

Mathematics, English

Ustimenko Anastasia

Fadeev Mikhail

Tsik Daria

Shataev Alexey

Yushkevich Veronica

"4-5" - 50%

"3" - 50%

At the end of the first half of the academic year 2013-2014


FULL NAME. student

First half mark

5V class

Drummer Candidates


Vasilets Maxim

Russian language, English language

Donskikh Matvey

Kalashnikov Vladislava

Knyazeva Alina

Kulikov Alexander

Lysov Dmitry


Lysenko Emilia

Mamontova Maryana

3 (2)

Mendeev Ravil

Mikhailova Alina

Plygun Dmitry

Ponamarev Mikhail

Russian language, English language

Repina Anastasia

3 (n/a)

Semizhonova Diana

Senkin Danila

Happy Daniel

Tyapkina Yulia

Mathematics, English

Ustimenko Anastasia

Fadeev Mikhail

English language, history

Tsik Daria

Shataev Alexey

Yushkevich Veronica

"4-5" - 50%

"3" - 50%

"2" - 4.2%

n/a – 4.2%

Class Progress Summary Chart

  1. Discipline and level of education of the class.

There are children in the class who violate discipline in class (Maryana Mamontova, Ravil Mendeev, Dmitry Lysov, Emilia Lysenok) and during breaks (Ravil Mendeev, Danila Senkin, Mikhail Ponamarev, Maryana Mamontova).

Based on the result of determining the level of education of the class general level is: 3.8 (average).

  1. Class life outside of educational activities
  1. The interests of students were divided into the following types of activities:


Kind of activity

Number of persons

Percentage of students


29 %


21 %


Physics and mathematics clubs

38 %

Not involved

21 %

  1. Attitude to public affairs. Class participation in public life.

Students in the class are always informed about what is happening in the school as a whole and in other classes. Therefore, they take part in school events and competitions.


FULL NAME. student

Participation in school events

Vasilets Maxim

Participation in class life

Donskikh Matvey

Meeting with the torchbearer

Speech for Mother's Day (poetry reading),

Performance at the New Year's party (dance),

Participation in class life

Kalashnikov Vladislava

Meeting with the Torchbearer

Knyazeva Alina

Support group at an environmental competition,

Participation in class life

Kulikov Alexander

Reading competition “My favorite city Uglegorsk”,

Participation in class life

Lysov Dmitry

Meeting with the torchbearer

Lysenko Emilia

Preparation for the school anniversary (dance),

Meeting with the torchbearer

Mamontova Maryana

Participation in class life

Mendeev Ravil

Preparation for the school anniversary (dance),

Speech for Mother's Day (poetry reading),

Performance at the New Year's party (dance),

Mikhailova Alina

Support group at an environmental competition,

Performance at the New Year's party (dance),

Participation in class life

Plygun Dmitry

Preparation for the school anniversary (dance),

Meeting with the torchbearer

Performance at the New Year's party (dance)

Ponamarev Mikhail

Speech for Mother's Day (poetry reading),

Speech at the New Year's party (poetry reading)

Repina Anastasia

Semizhonova Diana

Speech for Mother's Day (poetry reading),

Speech at the New Year's party (poetry reading),

Participation in class life

Senkin Danila

Happy Daniel

Speech for Mother's Day (poetry reading),

Speech for Mother's Day (poetry reading),

Speech at the New Year's party (poetry reading),

Participation in class life

Tyapkina Yulia

Speech for Mother's Day (poetry reading),

Performance at the New Year's party (dance),

Participation in class life

Ustimenko Anastasia

Preparation for the school anniversary (dance),

Participation in an environmental competition (costume made from household waste),

Speech for Mother's Day (poetry reading),

Participation in class life

Fadeev Mikhail

Meeting with the Torchbearer

Tsik Daria

Preparation for the school anniversary (dance),

Participation in an environmental competition (costume made from household waste),

Performance at the New Year's party (dance),

Participation in class life

Shataev Alexey

Speech for Mother's Day (poetry reading),

Speech at the New Year's party (poetry reading)

Yushkevich Veronica

Support group at an environmental competition,

Speech at the New Year's party (poetry reading),

Participation in class life

Shilovich Valentin

Speech at the New Year's party (poetry reading),

Performance at the New Year's party (dance),

Speech for Mother's Day (poetry reading)

Matveychev Yaroslav

  1. Social work at school, in the classroom.

Labor activity in the classroom is not active. The children constantly need to be reminded about duty in the classroom, in the cafeteria (by the end of the second quarter they learned to distribute responsibilities), general cleaning in the classroom (occurs regularly, but only a minority of the class is involved).

It should be noted that in September Mamontova Maryana took part in cleaning the school grounds.

  1. Parental influence on the classroom.

There is a parent committee in the class consisting of three people: Olga Vladimirovna Vasilets, Zoya Yuryevna Fadeeva, Evgenia Vasilyevna Schastlivaya. However, at the first parent meeting, one of the problems was the choice of the parent committee.

For the first half of the year, the parent committee helped purchase workbooks for individual subjects and gifts for the New Year.

Parents' influence on educational process child:

  1. Relationships within the team

The class is an average group in terms of its quantitative composition. But the following groups already exist in it.


Among girls

Among the boys

Knyazeva A

Tsik D,

Yushkevich V,

Semizhonova D

Mendeev R

Happy D

Matveychev Ya

Ponamarev M

Shilovich V

Mikhailova A

Kalashnikova V

Semizhonova D

Shataev A

Plygun D

Donskikh M

Ustimenko A

Tyapkina Yu

Lysenko E

Vasilets M

Kulikov A

Repina A

Lysov D

Mamontova M

Fadeev M

Boys and girls are friends with each other, with the exception of Mikhail Fadeev, but this does not become an object of hostility among the students. However, situations sometimes arise between guys where they allow themselves to insult each other.

The children do not yet know how to patiently and carefully listen to each other during lessons, during class hours, during recess, and when doing various joint activities. But it should be noted that orders and instructions from adults are always responded to.

There is no clear leader in the class yet. But in a certain situation, Dmitry Lysov can become her and lead her.

Most of the students in the class are open and easy to communicate, but there are also closed children (Fadeev M, Kalashnikova V, Kulikov A, Mikhailova A, Yushkevich V).

There were no conflict situations in the class.

  1. General conclusions

Pupils of class 5B are at the stage of forming a class team and a class asset. The class teacher still has to regulate and distribute activities in the class, since the children are not yet able to independently carry out class activities or distribute tasks among themselves.

The atmosphere in the classroom is positive, students maintain good relationships, so they can easily understand a problematic situation. Find a way out of it as a whole team, while everyone tries to speak out.

Accept Active participation in the life of school and class.

The only one negative quality for the class is restlessness, which interferes with educational work.

The team continued the tradition with primary school congratulate, wish everything

Characteristics of the 5 A class class team

There are 26 people in the class: 15 boys and 11 girls. All students born in 2006, several students born in 2007 (10 years old). 5 students (Velegon V., Evseev M., Golshtein K., Remezov K., Prokhorenko S.) came from 2 other classes.

There are 13 students in the class who finished the school year without C grades (50%), but at the end of the 1st quarter, only 9 students confirmed their status as “good students.” There are no underachievers in the class, but there are a number of children with low educational capabilities (Velegon V., Golshtein K., Prokhorenko S.). The class as a whole has an average and good level of learning. Approximately 60% of children master educational material"good" on average. General development The number of students is uneven: there are children who easily learn the material, and there are also those who find it difficult. Students are actively involved in solving a problem situation in class (reasoning, debating). Show initiative in educational activities on a variety of issues. 1 person is registered with the police as an admin. offense. (Mingalev D.), preventive work is being carried out with him and his family.

They don’t miss classes without a good reason, but there is a group of students who are constantly sick, and debt elimination plans are drawn up for them (Velegon V., Ushakova K.). Prokhorenko S., Kochetkova V., Khramtsov A., Tatarchuk T. constantly violate discipline.

Cl. The head visited the families of students and drew up housing and communal services reports. All students live in satisfactory and good conditions, have a study and sleeping place, families are registered different levels do not consist.

5 "A" class has high creative activity, many teachers attend dance class, modeling, there are also skiers and football players. Children are responsive to the initiatives of the class teacher, readily carry out public assignments, participate in school-wide events: Autumn Ball, Initiation into 5th graders. (An example is the participation of children in the "Hipsters" competition at the Autumn Ball, where the children became winners in almost all nominations.) During lessons, children work actively, interestedly, and diligently. However, a number of students shout out from their seats, create extraneous noise, violate discipline during the lesson, engage in extraneous activities, and comment out loud on each other’s answers and behavior. During breaks, students behave just as actively, violating discipline. All this is a big problem for gaining knowledge and mastering curriculum, noted by all teachers working in this class. To solve this problem, the following measures were taken: 1) personal conversations were held with parents about behavior in order to eliminate deficiencies

2) attendance of lessons by parents in order to control students

3) conversations between a group of students and social media. teacher and educational psychologist regarding conflict situations and behavior

4) cool watch, the topics of which are aimed at overcoming shortcomings in the behavior of students

As a result of checking the diaries, minor shortcomings were identified (failure to complete the list of teachers, the first page, additional classes). Parents check the diaries in a timely manner and are interested in the progress of their children. Only a few diaries fit the bill. A conversation was held with the students and is currently underway active work to eliminate all shortcomings.

Large class of 26 people. According to the results of a sociometric study, several groups can be distinguished: leaders, preferred, elected, and there are rejected ones.

There are "stars", "preferred" and "favorites" in the class. According to the results of sociometry, there is a high coefficient of well-being of relationships in the class. There are small groups present, but they are united by common interests. Public opinion plays an important role in the classroom; there is also criticism from classmates. Most children try to improve their educational results. The ability to overcome feasible difficulties is not available to all children, in my opinion, due to the fact that not everyone fully understands the meaning and importance of educational activities. to identify motivation in 5th grade. Questionnaires were also conducted and based on the results of their processing, I received the following results: 6 people have high level motivation: Radosteva V., Saltykov E., Krasnoperov K., Vystavkina V., Gevorgyan V. 16 people average level, 2 people low level(Khramtsov A., Holstein K.)

Girls and boys in the class communicate amicably. True, girls in the class behave more restrained and more seriously than boys. Therefore, girls approach business, plans and their interests differently (more responsibly) than boys. They are the main violators of discipline. In addition, there are children in the class who are not accepted by the team, as a result of which problems constantly arise between this student and the team, which the children sometimes figure out right in class.

The children try to take an active part in school affairs. Every week a class hour is held to unite the class team and convey useful information. All students attend class. Various educational competitions, quizzes, and events are organized and held.

In the classroom, a duty schedule for cleaning the classroom, duty around the school, and the general office is observed. The children, although sometimes reluctantly, carry out all the instructions of the class teacher and other teachers.

The team has created and successfully operates a parent committee that enjoys authority. He successfully resolves all conflicts and problems in the classroom. The parent committee readily responds to the class teacher’s requests and is always interested in cooperation and organization of all events.

The class teacher uses a democratic leadership style, the teacher relies on the team, and stimulates student independence. Students participate in discussions about the problems of collective life and, as a result, make certain choices. But the final decision is formulated by the teacher or must be approved by him. The teacher shows a certain tolerance to the critical comments of students, strives to understand them, delve into their personal affairs and problems, and in organizing the activities of the team tries to take the position of “first among equals.” I hope that I will develop friendly, trusting relationships with the guys, all within the framework of school rules.

The level of development of education is average, all children comply with the School Charter and wear school uniform(units violate).

I see the solution to the problems as follows:

  1. Monthly attendance at birth classes. committee
  2. Cool watch, parent meetings, conversations with students and parents
  3. Psychological, pedagogical and social. accompaniment of the class and parents, as well as the involvement of other services and departments

Characteristics of 5th "__" class 2017-2018 academic year

1 class 5 "__"

2. Full name of primary school teacher

Full name of the class teacher

teacher in English

3. Number of students in the class: ___ Human

of which __ girls, ___ boys

4. Age composition of students: 10 - 13 years

of which born in 2004 - 1,

Born 2005 - 2,

Born 2006 - 21,

Born 2007 - 4.

5. Physical and mental health children:

At the moment, 6 students have type 7 disabilities, 2 students have special needs.

6 students have poor vision.

6. Social status of the class:

Of the 28 families, 11 are low-income,

7 large families,

4 incomplete (3 single mothers, 1 - loss of breadwinner),

24 full families.

7. Place of residence:

Vladimirovo village - 2,

Partizanskoe village - 8,

Lesnoye village - 2,

n. Nivenskoye - 7,

Pobeda - 2,

Slavskoe village - 1,

p. Coast - 1,

Severny village - 1,

s/t Elochki - 1,

s/t Parus - 3.

8. Level of knowledge of students at the end of 4th grade:

“Honorable List” - 2 students (...),

“5” - 3 students (...),

“4” - 8 students (…)

"3" - 14 people

"UO" - 3 students (...).

9. Risk group: I would classify students in the risk group of this class as ____________ . This student periodically violates discipline, minds his own business during lessons, once tried to escape from class, once did not wait for the school bus and walked home to the village of Partizanskoye. ____________ does not violate discipline, but during lessons he allows himself to speak off topic, thereby distracting others, minds his own business, comes to lessons unprepared, and runs away from the last lesson.

10. Working with parents: is carried out every day - through telephone, Viber, personal visits to school parents. Parents are responsive, active, and proactive. If they are interested in their children’s studies, they come for consultations with subject teachers. In 2 past meetings, the number of parents was 15 (September 4) and 20 (October 14) parents out of 27. In less than 2 school months, they attended 2 sports events and initiation into fifth graders with the organization of a tea party, contributed to the organization and conduct of 2 educational and educational trips of the class group (October 1 - regional musical theater, October 25 - Curonian Spit).

general information:

The team of this class has been formed since 2013, from the moment of admission to the 1st grade. In 2014, 2 students arrived in the 2nd grade from the Partizanskoye school - _____________. In 2016, 6 students arrived in the 4th grade from the school in Partizanskoye: ______________________________. 1 student - ______________ - was transferred from grade 4 “B” at the beginning of the school year. After the end of the school year, 2 students dropped out - ________________. By the beginning of the new 2017-2018 academic year, 2 students arrived - _______________.

The class has high performance in all subjects. Students are attentive in class, and most conscientiously complete their homework. Thus, the quality of knowledge in the class was -%. There are no underachievers.

Results of the annual medical examination indicate that children's health is within acceptable standards: 100% of fifth-graders have the basic health group.

The discipline in the lessons is satisfactory, the activity of students in the classroom depends on the subject, but in general the students are ready for lessons, the requirements of the subject teachers are met. From time to time it is necessary to explain the requirements for completing homework. Often, class discipline is violated by _______________, who also often comes to lessons unprepared. Conversations with mom give results within a day or two. Since the composition of the team is heterogeneous, the classroom management requires a special approach to each student according to individual characteristics, the existing level of thinking, the social level of the family. The attitude towards the class teacher and teachers is respectful and trusting.

The class consists of several microgroups united by common interests and neighborhood of residence. The nature of relationships between groups is not always smooth and calm; may have different opinions on any issue, argue, and often quarrel. The relationship between boys and girls is friendly.

The team has leaders - _____________________. They are independent, active, and able to lead the class. But due to the “redistribution of power”, conflicts occur in the classroom, especially among girls. In addition, there is a group of guys who have organizational skills (_________________), creative skills - ___________________________.

The children are active and creative in conducting class and school events. Initiative, activity, lively response to new things, creative endeavors - these are the main features of a cool team. However, despite all the activity shown and taking into account age and the transition to a new level educational process, the team requires constant monitoring by the class teacher, close communication between subject teachers, the class teacher and parents.

Many children study in institutions additional education, both sports (martial arts, football) and aesthetic directions (art studio, choreography, music school (vocals, musical instruments), foreign languages.

The boys are not vaccinated careful attitude to work (using the example of putting the board in order). They are thrifty in preserving textbooks and school furniture, show great interest in public affairs, but volunteer to participate independently only in cases of extreme interest (on duty at school, canteen).

The class is active and full of creative energy. Fifth graders strive to constantly communicate and collaborate with each other. They are distinguished by stable interests.

The team almost always treats all classmates fairly, and issues of mutual assistance are resolved kindly. Difficult conditions, danger situation, unexpected strong impacts They unite the class even more. The class treats new members of the team kindly (______________________), tries to help them get comfortable and “settle in,” and integrate into their environment.

Most of the children in the class listen to the opinions of their comrades and come to a unanimous decision, often easily finding a common language and mutual understanding when solving group problems. Critical comments from class members are not always received kindly, but most often contribute to the creation of a unified group opinion.

Goodwill in relationships prevails in the class. The children like to be together, they want to be in class more often, to participate in joint activities, not only academic, but also extracurricular, extracurricular. They enjoy participating in joint trips and hikes.

There are 20 students in class 5 “B”: 11 girls and 9 boys. The class was formed in 2011, after graduating from primary school. There was no change of class teachers after the formation of the class.

Class asset: Dmitry Stolyarov, Aidana Dzhusupova, Dina, Aidar Falyakhov, Milyausha Kiyamova, Guzel Akhmetova.

The results of sociometric studies confirmed the presence of 2 informal leaders in the class: Nikita Kuznetsov and Mikhail Mozokhin. Taking into account the observations, we can conclude that their authority is based on greater erudition among other students and is explained by their organizational skills during various competitions, competitions and games in which they take an active part. Nikita and Mikhail make decisions on equal terms; no rivalry has been identified between them. One student from the class received the least number of positive votes: Galiullin Iskander. The main reason This, in my opinion, is due to the fact that the class was formed this year.

The level of antipathy among classmates is one of the lowest. For improvement social status The student needs to find and develop the field of activity in which he can achieve maximum success. Successes must be encouraged and made public, attracting the attention of classmates. Give negative assessments with reason, explain all mistakes and failures. It is better to do it in an individual conversation.

The most common grades received by students in the class are 4 and 5. But there are students in the class who are less successful in their studies.

The class team, whenever possible, tries to take part in school affairs: sporting events, holiday concerts, school duty, collecting waste paper, drawing competitions on various topics.

Discipline in the classroom is not a concern or worry. The class team is very friendly, students take assigned tasks responsibly, show independence and activity. The level of education in the class is undoubtedly quite high. But, despite this, even in such a well-mannered class team, conflicts occur. When conflict situations arise, it is carried out individual work with individual students, interaction is carried out with a psychologist and social teacher.

The emotional climate in the classroom is positive. Pupils are open and tolerant of other people's opinions. Students who enjoy great authority in the class team, who know how to communicate with classmates, unite the team, and who have undoubted leadership qualities were selected as the active members of the class.

The school has various clubs and sports sections. More than 75% of students are involved in various organizations not only at school, but also outside of school. They are interested in drawing, football, dancing, acrobatics, gymnastics, volleyball, folklore, and practice karate. Using the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in the classroom, they participate in various competitions and competitions held at school.

Parents also take an active part in the lives of their children (organizing a parent committee that works closely with the class teacher). Parents' meetings are held monthly with the invitation of subject teachers, meetings with the participation of both parents and children.

Characteristic feature of this age is the active formation of collective groups. Thus, socially oriented students, dependent on the opinion of the group, easily comply with the requirements. If a group, for example, characterized by behavioral disorders, becomes authoritative for them, then these students can learn the norms of this group. In this regard, it is necessary to monitor the sphere of communication of these children. However, you can also improve relationships with students who disrupt the classroom. A friendly attitude towards them on the part of teachers, taking into account their individual characteristics, can help them overcome emerging difficulties and increase their level of development. They need help finding an acceptable social niche in the class and establishing good relationships with classmates. Teachers should encourage their diligence and conscientiousness, emphasizing their positive traits. It is necessary to involve in participation in practical and collective activities (watering flowers, distributing notebooks, etc.). It is advisable to use opportunities to improve their social status and improve the atmosphere in the classroom. It is important that they feel the usefulness of their activities and receive approval from others.

Outline of the test event

“Learning to be cultural”

(the event is held in Russian)

Objectives of the event:

Educational purpose: develop cultural behavior skills in Everyday life; to form the experience of moral relationships in a team.

Developmental goal: develop the ability to correctly evaluate yourself and others

Cognitive goal: expand children's understanding of etiquette rules

Objectives of the event:

1.Improvement interpersonal relationships in class.

2. To form the experience of moral relationships in a team.

3. Promoting self-realization of children.

Participants: 5 B"

Form: conversation and competition program

Time and place: 10.28.11, office No. 27.

Duration of the event: 45 min

Equipment: record player.

Literature used in the preparation and conduct of this educational event: N. I. Derekleeva “Class teacher. Main areas of activity", " To the class teacher about the class hour: Technology of preparation and conduct of student-centered class hour"(edited by Stepanov E.N., Aleksandrova M.A.) Ed. 2nd; authors: Alekseeva N.A., Aleksandrova M.A., Stepanov E.N.

In class 5 “B” there are 25 students: 15 boys and 10 girls. 24 people were born in 2002, 1 student was born in 2001. 10 children (40%) live in the city of Vyksa, 15 (60%) - in the suburbs.

One boy is receiving individual training.

All children are raised in two-parent families. 3 children are from large families. The living conditions of children in families are satisfactory. All students are diligent, neat, provided with textbooks and necessary school supplies. This suggests that parents care about their children.

Not all students receive hot meals, but only 12 people. The rest of the children buy pies in the cafeteria.

Analysis of the results of the medical examination showed that 5 students (20%) have special group for physical development: student’s FI. This fact should be taken into account when planning physical education lessons.

As a result of observing the behavior of students, individual conversations with children and parents, and questionnaires, we can conclude that children have high motivation to learn, adequate self-esteem, the level of education is quite high.

A good mood and a positive attitude towards learning prevail in the class. During lessons, children are diligent and active. They cooperate successfully with each other. They are distinguished by their diligence and accuracy (students’ FI). They have high efficiency (students’ FI). Capable, but not self-confident (students' FI). Three children (FI students) cannot independently organize educational work.

Among students, they are distinguished by their broadened horizons and increased curiosity (the FI of students). These guys enjoy authority in the class, their opinions are listened to, and most students in the class want to be friends with them.

Behavior in class is generally good. The general emotional background is smooth and calm. The children became friends with each other, became more tolerant of each other, and were ready to help. But there is no cohesive team yet. Self-criticism is insufficiently developed, students find it difficult to assess their capabilities, they are more demanding of others than of themselves.

Most students take an active part in the social life of the class.

Almost all children study in city and school associations of additional education. Some students study in two associations.

The highest body of self-government is the class meeting, which plans, discusses and evaluates the work of both the class as a whole and the work of each child. Such an organization makes each student feel like they belong to the class team and teaches independence and responsibility.

For the full text of the material Characteristics of the 5th grade class team, see the downloadable file.
The page contains a fragment.