Help for applicants: how to get a targeted referral to study at a university. There is no place for thieves here. Rules for targeted admission to universities will be tightened Which cities accept applications for targeted places

IN Lately Enrolling in a university in a specific field is becoming increasingly popular. However, judging by the comments of visitors to our blog, not everyone yet knows what it is and how exactly to use this method of admission.

What is target direction and target reception?

Target direction is a document issued by an enterprise, department or government body to an applicant to study at a specific university in a specific specialty with a guarantee of subsequent employment. This document is provided by the applicant to the university along with the Unified State Examination scores.

Targeted reception– this is admission to a university in a targeted area on the basis of an agreement on targeted admission between the university and the customer of the targeted admission.

Targeted admission to Russian universities is divided into two types: target set according to quota (for government departments) and targeted contract training(for those who come with a referral from enterprises). Targeted enrollment, as a rule, takes place in industry universities (energy, oil and gas, communications, light industry, etc.).

The targeted admission quota for bachelor's degree programs, specialty programs, and master's programs for each specialty and each area of ​​training is established annually by the founders of educational organizations.

For targeted contract training, the university has the right, in agreement with the founder, to establish a higher proportion of applicants.

Targeted admission within the established quota is carried out on the basis of a targeted admission agreement concluded by the educational organization with customers of targeted admission:

  • federal government agency;
  • body state power subject of the Russian Federation;
  • body local government;
  • state (municipal) institution;
  • a state-owned company or enterprise in the authorized capital of which there is a share of the Russian Federation, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or a municipal entity;
  • a commercial enterprise that has the means to pay for the education of its future personnel.

The target direction is given personally, only to one university and one specialty.

Nuances of admission and training in the target area


on admission:

- the applicant does not participate in the general competition, but in the “targeted” competition for places within the allocated quota (but not outside the competition, as some mistakenly believe); That. It may be easier to do so, because there are fewer competitors, the passing grade is lower;

— if the applicant does not qualify for the target area, he can apply to participate in the general competition;

during training:

– training on budgetary basis or at the expense of the enterprise;

– the opportunity to receive a scholarship;

– providing a place for internship in government agency or at the enterprise;

– assistance and support during training (assistance in collecting materials for coursework and scientific articles);

upon graduation from university:

– guaranteed employment.


— the choice of the applicant (university and specialty) does not always coincide with the needs of the customer of the targeted admission;

— during the learning process, the student’s choice may change;

- compulsory work (usually at least 3 years) at an enterprise, organization, specialty specified in the contract, while no one promises high wages and career;

— the “target student” must study successfully, no less than satisfactorily;

- if the target student does not want to work, he is obliged to return the full cost of training paid to him by the enterprise, and in some cases also pay a fine.

Note. At the same time, there are conditions under which you do not have to pay the cost of training (they must be specified in the contract). A valid reason for refusing to work may be:

– disability of the 1st or 2nd group of the graduate, his wife/husband or one of the parents;

- maternity leave;

– the presence of a child under 3 years of age or under 6 years of age, if, according to the conclusion of the medical advisory commission, the child needs care;

- single mother or father with a child under 14 years old;

– a university graduate leaving for the army;

- the contract can also be terminated if the enterprise is unable to provide the graduate with a job in the specialty in accordance with the medical report, as well as in the event of bankruptcy of the enterprise.

These questions should be clarified with the employer when concluding a contract.

How to get the target direction?

The target direction can be obtained:

- at the enterprise itself (organization, plant, etc.);

- in the local administration - municipality.

Approximate Algorithm:

— if universities and specialties have been selected for admission to study by a graduate, you should go to the universities’ websites and find out whether these universities have targeted admissions, for what specialties and areas, what are the quotas, who are the customers for admission;

— select the reception customer;

— contact the customer, providing him with an application, certificates, diplomas and other evidence of individual achievements in the chosen specialty;

- perhaps pass an interview,

— if the decision is positive, conclude an agreement with the customer, receive targeted direction from the customer (enterprise or municipality);

- submit Required documents V admissions committee university along with the target area.

Note. Agreements on targeted admission and targeted training are concluded in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 27, 2013 N 1076.

Thus, after weighing all the pros and cons, you should decide whether to enter the target direction or go through the general competition. Good luck to you!

Everyone chooses a business to which they may have to devote their entire life. Some claim to budget places, others are quite satisfied with the contractual basis of training.

Every year there are opportunities to receive higher education is getting bigger. Another interesting method, called target reception.

The target area also affected future doctors. In 2016, the Government of the Russian Federation was seriously concerned about the lack of qualified personnel, but the development of medicine in the country and the level of service to the population as a whole depend on the level of knowledge of doctors.

Medical education has always been considered prestigious, but talented personnel often, after graduating from a university, begin private practice, which not every resident of Russia can afford to pay for.

This is how the State Plan for the Training of Medical Personnel appeared.

The targeted direction has been revived thanks to the signing of a number of important documents that today allow applicants to apply for targeted places.

Targeted training in medical University is carried out at the expense of the federal budget, funds are allocated in accordance with applications submitted by municipalities.

Initially, a commission is created to find out how many doctors the region needs, after which this information is submitted to higher authorities.

In practice, the target direction in 2016 looks like this: after graduation, the graduate will have to work for at least 3-5 years in the specified medical institution or return all funds paid to the state treasury.

Who can apply for the target direction

Applicants can apply for the target direction:

  • having in hand a document confirming receipt of secondary education;
  • those wishing to study at a university free of charge for the first time;
  • those who received the largest number of passing points among all those applying for the target place.

Graduates of schools can receive a refusal:

  • who are not included in the above list of persons;
  • if after checking the information it turns out that the applicant provided false information about himself;
  • if the documents are executed incorrectly or not in accordance with the form;
  • The submission of papers was made after the deadline for accepting applications had ended.

Procedure for obtaining a place at a medical university

If you are interested in the opportunity to enroll in a medical university using a targeted direction, it is useful to know that in 2016 documents for a quota are accepted from March 1 to June 10, 2016; it is better to find out the specific date at the selected university.

The complete set of papers is represented by the following documents:

  • An application drawn up by hand according to the model established by Russian legislation. The text of the application must indicate that you are applying to participate in a competition for applicants who want to enter a medical university and study at the expense of the state.
  • A photocopy of the passport - you will need a front page and a page where the registration of the student’s place of residence is indicated.
  • A photocopy of the certificate, which indicates the date when the person applying for the target direction was born. A certificate is only required if you are under 18 years of age.
  • If the applicant participated in competitions held between schoolchildren in the main subjects in which the medical university is interested, it is allowed to provide the relevant documents.

After receiving a set of documents from all applicants, the commission transfers it to the state medical organization in charge of the region, after which a target-oriented project is consistently drawn up, and information regarding the submitted applications of applicants is sent to the Main Directorate. All this must be done before June 30, 2016.

Employees of the Department, for their part, make an official request regarding the results conducting the Unified State Exam, all information is entered into the register maintained by the Department of Science and Education.

No one is immune from force majeure circumstances, for example, when 3 or more applicants have the same scores. Then the commission members make their decision based on the additional achievements of each person. The final decision is reflected in the minutes of the commission meeting.

If an applicant does not qualify for this specialty, the commission has the right to offer him a free place at another medical university.

So, when the protocol has already been drawn up and signed by management, the secretary is authorized to draw up a list of people who are competing for the target places. There can only be one target area per applicant.

A guarantee that the student has received a place in the desired direction and at the same time undertakes to fulfill his obligations to work after completing his studies is an agreement on targeted training, drawn up in 3 copies.

Which cities accept applications for targeted places?

In 2016, applications for study at targeted places can be submitted in different cities to a number of leading universities in the country.

So, for example, in Moscow to the medical university - Moscow University named after A.I. Evdokimov" with a general admission plan of 24 people, as many as 100 people from Moscow are admitted to the target places with 123 applications submitted! This is practically 1 person per place, and the Unified State Examination competition for applicants drops to 149 points!

Practice has shown that few students understand what constitutes targeted admission at universities. Hence the problem: people do not fully understand who, how and where can use it?

Let's figure out together what a target referral to a university is, what the admission rules are and where you can use this service.

There are targeted places in almost every university. And in the largest universities the competition for these places is enormous

What is targeted training: advantages and disadvantages

Before looking for how and where to study the target direction (in Moscow or other major cities), you need to figure out whether you have the right to do this.

Targeted admission is admission to a university on a budgetary basis with a referral from a state enterprise or department.

If you are planning to go to university with a referral from a company, you should think twice. After all, this imposes an obligation on the future student to work at this enterprise for the period specified in the contract.

If you receive a targeted referral to universities in Moscow or other cities from government bodies, then you will have to work through the state distribution system.

Despite such complex and seemingly burdensome conditions, the target direction also has its advantages:

  • free education;
  • guaranteed employment after receiving a diploma;
  • lower competition for those who enter the target area;
  • The enrollment period for “targeted” students runs before the main competition. This means that if you are not accepted, you can participate in the competition along with others on the same terms;
  • an expanded social package (scholarship, provision of a dormitory, payment for a travel card and further by agreement), because, as a rule, the future employer provides it to the “target” student;
  • often - all possible assistance in collecting the necessary material (for example, when writing a coursework, dissertation) from the employer.

But there is only one lack of targeted directions to the university in 2018 and 2019, but what is it: compulsory service for a certain period of time with a future employer . And there is almost no escape from this, even if during your studies you suddenly realized that you were in the wrong direction and did not want to continue studying in your chosen course.

If you decide to go against the system, you will have to reimburse those who gave you the targeted direction for the funds spent on your training. It often happens that you have to reimburse not only the cost of training, but also that additional social package, and sometimes even moral damage. So the total amount can be increased by 2-3 times.

There are organizations that provide their employees with a more convenient work schedule during their studies.

Where can I get a targeted referral to a university/institute?

How to find such a “sweet” organization that will be ready to bear all the expenses, and then it would not be so difficult for you to undergo probation? You will be interested to know that in 2018, not only organizations, but also universities (often in Moscow) provide targeted directions. All that remains is to find out which ones.

So, here are a few nuances that will be useful for you to know:

  • Find out with which organizations/enterprises the university where you are going to enroll has an agreement on targeted admission. Typically, such information is contained on the university website. For example, MAI, MSTU im. N.E Bauman, MIPT;
  • find out whether the relevant government agency in your area can provide a referral to the university of interest (for example, if you are going to a medical school, ask for a referral from the Department of Health in your region);
  • If you don’t know how to find a future employer, seek advice from your local government (city administration). They often have freely available information about which organizations have submitted applications to the selected university in order to conclude a target agreement;
  • Consider whether it is possible to receive a targeted referral directly from an organization that interests you as a future employer. It is enough to “scan” leading companies and find out during a personal visit whether they would like to hire an excellent young specialist by providing a targeted direction now;
MIIT has an agreement on targeted cooperation with the Moscow Metro and Russian Railways; after RUDN, the target students go to Gidrospetsproekt and Mosenergo. And, by the way, Gazprom also cooperates with many top universities.

How to take a target direction to a university: step-by-step instructions

When should you do this? The earlier the better. Try to start collecting the necessary information at least six months before graduation.

And here is an approximate algorithm of actions:

  1. Choose a direction that interests you.
  2. Start looking for an organization that will pay for your training (unless, of course, you are not). This can be either a company or a government agency.
  3. Collect a package of necessary documents.
  4. Conclude a target agreement with your future employer (don’t forget to discuss additional “goodies” in the form of a travel card, health insurance, hostel, etc.).
  5. Take the documents for submission to the university, attach a copy of the target agreement to them.
One student can receive only one targeted placement at the university. It is not surprising that many employers operate a competitive system for those who approach them with such a request. Therefore, they will look at both the certificate and personal achievements, and will also conduct an interview.
If you have won prizes at the Olympics, this will be a big plus for the company.

Track the date of submission of documents for receiving a targeted referral. It is important to submit your application on time.

Documents for obtaining a target referral

To conclude a contract, have time to collect the following documents:

  • if you are a schoolchild, you will need a transcript of academic performance for the first 6 months of your graduating class with the seal of the school principal;
  • If you graduated from school last year or earlier, please attach your education certificate;
  • if you are applying for a place at a university after college/technical school, attach a diploma of secondary specialized education;
  • photocopies of passport;
  • characteristics from the place of study (on request);
  • evidence of personal achievements (medals, certificates, diplomas, etc.).

In general, the point targeted training clear: free education with subsequent work in an organization under a contract.

Many people are afraid of distribution. But we urge you not to panic. Firstly, approach the choice of such an organization wisely. If the company is reputable and directly related to your chosen industry, then you will not only get the opportunity to study for free, but also will not waste energy (like many of your fellow students) on finding a job immediately after receiving your diploma.

Secondly, you need to understand that the first couple of years after graduation, a graduate works for experience and image. A priori, he cannot receive much from the start. And working on the target area will be an excellent basis for your future work experience.

In the meantime, others are frantically looking for a way to avoid this very distribution, feel free to work it out. Any difficulty on your way will make you stronger. And if you prove yourself well, you can move up the career ladder.

However, the main thing is to graduate from a university so that later you can at least get a job. But don’t worry about it, because there will always be a reliable one nearby who will not give offense to tests, tests and exams!