Texts from total dictation. Texts from the total dictation World dictation in the Russian language results

“A strong economy means a prosperous Russia!”

Results of the All-Russian Economic Dictation

The all-Russian educational campaign “All-Russian Economic Dictation” was held for the first time on October 12, 2017 at 638 sites in 80 regions Russian Federation, gathering more than 59 thousand participants.

Most Active participation(by number of participants) the following regions took part in the Dictation: Belgorod region, Vladimir region, Voronezh region, Kirov region, Kursk region, Lipetsk region, Moscow, Moscow region, Novosibirsk region, Omsk region, Republic of Sakha, Republic of Tatarstan, Rostov region, Tambov region, Ulyanovsk region, Chelyabinsk region, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

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The Free Economic Society of Russia and the Organizing Committee of the all-Russian educational event “All-Russian Economic Dictation” thank the participants of the action and the organizers of regional platforms for holding the Dictation at a high organizational level.

The Organizing Committee of the Dictation reports that according to the action plan for the event Certificates of participants in the All-Russian Economic Dictation can be obtained, by contacting the organizers of regional sites, from November 14 to December 29, 2017. Organizers of regional venues will be provided with an electronic version of the certificate, which can be printed and filled out locally.

The Dictation Organizing Committee also asks the Dictation participants to pupils and students who scored more than 80 points according to its results, send by e-mail to the Organizing Committee a scanned copy of a personal tear-off sheet with the last and first name of the participant, as well as provide your contact details (telephone, place of residence, email address) until October 31, 2017.

In addition, the Organizing Committee informs that the results of the All-Russian Economic Dictation will be presented at the All-Russian Economic Meeting at the State Kremlin Palace on November 11, 2017, an analytical report on the results of the Dictation will be published on the Volny website economic society Russia, in " Rossiyskaya newspaper", as well as on the resources of leading media.

We also inform you that letters of gratitude from the Organizing Committee will be sent to the organizers of regional sites for the All-Russian Economic Dictation from November 15 to December 15, 2017.

Purpose of Dictation

Determining and increasing the level of economic literacy of the population as a whole and its individual age and professional groups, developing the intellectual potential of youth, assessing the economic activity and economic literacy of the population of various constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Who will take part?

Anyone who wants:

You can take part in the Dictation completely free of charge.

When will the Dictation take place?

Where will the Dictation take place?

The dictation is held on the same day in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Central sites:

Moscow, Leningradsky Prospekt, 49 ( Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation)

Moscow, Stremyanny lane, 36 (REU named after G.V. Plekhanov)

Moscow, Volokolamskoe highway, 4, A-80, GSP-3 (Moscow Aviation Institute)

Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, 4 (NUST MISIS)

Moscow, Leningradsky Prospekt, 17 (Moscow International University)

Complete list with addresses and contacts of regional Dictation sites

What is economic dictation?

Dictation form - test task.

Why write an economic dictation?

  • Test your knowledge
  • Assess your economic literacy
  • Find out if you can make economically sound decisions
  • Improve your economic knowledge
  • Compare your results with friends, colleagues, famous figures

How to write a Dictation?

Option 1: Come to any Dictation site.

Test tasks for full-time writing are compiled in two versions (for schoolchildren, students and other persons).

Option 2: Take the on-line version of the Dictation on the promotion website (on-line mode starts on October 12, 2017 from 12:00 to 24:00 Moscow time).

Please note that the on-line version is the same for all age categories of participants and, unlike the first option, is a simplified version of the test.


is an annual educational event that unites people around the world who want to speak and write Russian correctly. “Total Dictation” takes place simultaneously in Russia and abroad, including the USA, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and South America. In 2017, 517 cities confirmed their participation in the event, including about 80 foreign ones.

For the “Total Dictation” excerpts from the works of famous writers such as Gogol, Kipling, Vasil Bykov are used; in 2017, the author of the text was the modern Russian writer Leonid Yuzefovich. The action is also attractive for participants because the text of the dictation is read famous people, theater and film stars, journalists.

Anyone can take part in the “Total Dictation”, regardless of age and profession, voluntarily and completely free of charge.

2 Time and place

“Total Dictation 2017” will be written on April 8, 2017 on more than 1,500 offline platforms around the world, as well as online on the official website of the event. In Moscow, 33 sites for the action have currently been identified. The start of the action in Moscow and the Moscow region is 14.00 Moscow time.

This year, many residents of the Moscow region will be able to write a dictation in their city. You can find out whether the “Total Dictation” is being held in your city on the promotion’s website: by clicking the “Change City” button next to “Menu” in the upper left corner of the site, the user goes to the full list of participating cities. To view the addresses of sites in a specific city, you need to select the city from the list and open the interactive map.

The final list of venues will be known and available on the website totaldict.ru by April 3. If a dictation is not held in your city, you can write it online or become the organizer of a dictation for the next year (details in the “Become an organizer” section). Applications for 2017 have already closed.

All questions regarding the “Total Dictation” can be addressed to the organizers of the event by email: [email protected].

The editor of Gramota.Ru dispelled the myths about “kin”, Strogin and school slang>>

3 Registration of participants

Registration for “Total Dictation” will open on March 29 on the website https://totaldict.ru/. Each participant must create an account that provides access to their Personal Account. To register for a specific site for the “Total Dictation”, you need to go to the city’s page, select the appropriate site, click the “Register” button and follow the instructions. Information about which platform you are registered for will be available in your Personal Account.

It is not possible to register earlier than the specified period or in any other way except through the website totaldict.ru.

4 How to prepare

To prepare for the “Total Dictation”, everyone can take advantage of the online courses that started on February 22. Special attention focuses on the rules of Russian grammar and complex cases found in dictation. For example, the spelling N/NN, a comma before the conjunction AS, the spelling NOT/NI, continuous and separate writing adverbs, spelling of dashes between subject and predicate, introductory words, etc.

In the “Total Dictation Online School” section, lesson topics are updated every Wednesday. Class materials include video lectures from teachers, explanations of the rules in text format, practical tasks and exercises. Each new lesson goes to live, and any participant can ask questions to the teacher. All previous classes are also available on the website.

In addition, in-person training courses are held in participating cities; the schedule of events can be followed on the website.

5 Evaluation criteria

The “Total Dictation” test is carried out according to uniform criteria. The organizers provide three ratings – “5”, “4” and “3”. “Excellent” – only one mistake is allowed, and it should not be spelling. “Good” – no more than four errors, while various options for the ratio of the number of spelling and punctuation errors made by the participant are allowed. “Satisfactory” – no more than eight errors, of which no more than four are spelling errors.

At the same time, assigning 0.5 points for minor errors within the framework of the “Total Dictation” is not practiced. Any punctuation or spelling error counts as one.

Number of errors: spelling/punctuation

"4" 0/2 0/3 0/4 1/0 1/1 1/2 1/3 2/0 2/1 2/2

"3" 0/5 0/6 0/7 0/8 1/4 1/5 1/6 1/7 2/3 2/4 2/5 2/6 3/0 3/1 3/2 3/ 3 3/5 4/0 4/1 4/2 4/2

Part 1. St. Petersburg. Neva

My grandfather was born in Kronstadt, my wife is from Leningrad, so in St. Petersburg I don’t feel like a complete stranger. However, in Russia it is difficult to find a person in whose life this city would mean nothing. We are all connected in one way or another with him, and through him with each other.

There is little greenery in St. Petersburg, but there is a lot of water and sky. The city lies on a plain, and the sky above it is vast. You can enjoy the performances that play out clouds and sunsets on this stage for a long time. The actors are controlled by the best director in the world - the wind. The scenery of roofs, domes and spiers remains unchanged, but never gets boring.

In 1941, Hitler decided to starve the people of Leningrad and wipe the city off the face of the earth. “The Fuhrer did not understand that the order to blow up Leningrad was tantamount to the order to blow up the Alps,” noted writer Daniil Granin. St. Petersburg is a stone mass, which in its unity and power has no equal among European capitals. It preserves over eighteen thousand buildings built before 1917. This is more than in London and Paris, not to mention Moscow.

The Neva with its tributaries, ducts and canals flows through an indestructible labyrinth carved from stone. Unlike the sky, the water here is not free; it speaks of the power of the empire that managed to chain it in granite. In summer, fishermen with fishing rods stand near the parapets on the embankments. Under their feet lie plastic bags in which caught fish flutter. The same roach and smelt catchers stood here under Pushkin. The bastions also turned gray then Peter and Paul Fortress and the Bronze Horseman reared his horse. Except that the Winter Palace was dark red, and not green, as it is now.

It seems that nothing around reminds us that in the twentieth century a crack in Russian history passed through St. Petersburg. His beauty allows us to forget the unimaginable trials he endured.

Part 2. Perm. Kama

When from the left bank of the Kama, on which my native Perm lies, you look at the right bank with its forests blue to the horizon, you feel the fragility of the border between civilization and the pristine forest element. They are separated only by a strip of water, and it also unites them. If as a child you lived in a city on a big river, you are lucky: you understand the essence of life better than those who were deprived of this happiness.

In my childhood, there was still a sterlet in Kama. In the old days, it was sent to St. Petersburg to the royal table, and to prevent it from spoiling on the way, cotton wool soaked in cognac was placed under the gills. As a boy, I saw a small sturgeon on the sand with a jagged back stained with fuel oil: the whole Kama was then covered in fuel oil from the tugboats. These dirty workers pulled rafts and barges behind them. Children were running on the decks and laundry was drying in the sun. The endless lines of stapled, slimy logs disappeared along with the tugs and barges. The Kama became cleaner, but the sterlet never returned.

They said that Perm, like Moscow and Rome, lies on seven hills. This was enough to feel the breath of history blowing over my wooden city, studded with factory chimneys. Its streets run either parallel to the Kama or perpendicular to it. Before the revolution, the first ones were named after the churches that stood on them, such as Voznesenskaya or Pokrovskaya. The latter bore the names of those places where the roads flowing from them led: Siberian, Solikamsk, Verkhotursk. Where they intersected, the heavenly met the earthly. Here I realized that sooner or later everything will converge with the heavenly, you just need to be patient and wait.

Permians claim that it is not the Kama that flows into the Volga, but, on the contrary, the Volga into the Kama. It makes no difference to me which of these two great rivers is a tributary of the other. In any case, Kama is the river that flows through my heart.

Part 3. Ulan-Ude. Selenga

The names of the rivers are older than all other names on maps. We don’t always understand their meaning, so Selenga keeps the secret of her name. It came either from the Buryat word “sel”, which means “spill”, or from the Evenki “sele”, that is, “iron”, but I heard in it the name of the Greek goddess of the moon, Selene. Compressed by forested hills and often shrouded in fog, the Selenga was a mysterious “moon river” for me. In the noise of its current, I, a young lieutenant, felt a promise of love and happiness. It seemed that they were waiting for me ahead as immutably as Baikal was waiting for Selenga.

Maybe she promised the same thing to twenty-year-old lieutenant Anatoly Pepelyaev, the future to the white general and the poet. Shortly before the First World War, he secretly married his chosen one in a poor rural church on the banks of the Selenga. The noble father did not give his son his blessing for an unequal marriage. The bride was the granddaughter of exiles and the daughter of a simple railway worker from Verkhneudinsk - as Ulan-Ude was formerly called.

I found this city almost as Pepelyaev saw it. At the market, Buryats who had come from the hinterlands in traditional blue robes were selling lamb, and women were walking around in museum sundresses. They sold circles of frozen milk strung on their hands like rolls. These were “semeiskie,” as the Old Believers, who used to live in large families, are called in Transbaikalia. True, something also appeared that did not exist under Pepelyaev. I remember how on the main square they erected the most original of all the monuments to Lenin that I had ever seen: on a low pedestal there was a huge round granite head of the leader, without a neck or torso, similar to the head of the giant hero from “Ruslan and Lyudmila”. It still stands in the capital of Buryatia and has become one of its symbols. Here history and modernity, Orthodoxy and Buddhism do not reject or suppress each other. Ulan-Ude gave me hope that this is possible in other places.

On April 8, 2017, 200,234 people around the world wrote “Total Dictation” in Russian. This could be done in person - at 3,008 sites in 858 cities and towns in 71 countries, as well as online - 23,000 people took advantage of the broadcast opportunity.

In Russia, the most participants gathered in Moscow – 20,150, St. Petersburg – 7,184 and in the homeland of “Total Dictation” in Novosibirsk – 6,930. Among foreign cities, Tallinn is in first place: in ice palace“Tondiraba” brought together 2,973 Russian language lovers. The dictation was first written on 10 flights of S7 airlines (329 participants), on three trains (60 people) and by 45 passengers on the Simferopol-Alushta-Yalta high-mountain trolleybus.

One of the Moscow sites of the “Total Dictation” was the Lomonosov School - it brought together students, teachers and everyone who wanted to test their knowledge of the Russian language. The star “dictator” (as it is customary to call the person voicing the dictation within the framework of the action), television journalist Ilya Fedorovtsev, read an essay by Leonid Yuzefovich, written specifically for this occasion.

The text consisted of three parts, each about one of the author’s hometowns: Perm, Ulan-Ude and St. Petersburg. The Moscow participants of the “Total Dictation” received a fragment about Ulan-Ude.
Before starting work, everyone was noticeably nervous, but a humorous news broadcast dedicated to the action, as well as listening to the text performed by the author, calmed the tension. Dictator Ilya Fedorovtsev radiated support and benevolently repeated difficult parts of the dictation, and prompts appeared on the screen in time - geographical names, Difficult words.

The youngest participant on the Lomonosov School site was fourth-grader Bogdan Chudnov: “Dad told me about “Total Dictation,” and I asked him to take me with him. It was quite difficult, but I think I got a B.”

Project experts and volunteers are still checking the work. Those who wrote the dictation online can find out their grades after April 12, and the results of face-to-face work will be known after April 18 - all this on the website totaldict.ru. There you can also print out a certificate with grades from personal account. But now you can listen to webinars with detailed analysis errors: they were carried out on each part of the dictation by expert philologists.

Rules for dictation evaluation are also posted on the website. The inspectors are quite loyal: unheard and misunderstood words (in the dictation about Ulan-Ude these were, for example, “Evenki”, “exile”) are not considered an error, and various versions of punctuation marks are also accepted - but only within the framework of the rules of the Russian language.

For those who have never participated in the “Total Dictation” and “caught fire” after this year’s event, a few words about what attracts the project.

The atmosphere of a voluntary public action. “It was the first time I was invited to participate, and, to be honest, I thought it was just another event “for show,” says actor and dictator Alexander Oleshko. - But when I came to the site, I saw how beautiful, spiritual people were gathering, that for them this was really a holiday and they were doing it solely out of love for the Russian language... Everyone in the country is now concerned about the fall in the level of education, but after everything I saw on April 8, I I declare to you with authority: everything is fine with us!”

Playing and competing with yourself. “I like the very idea of ​​the Total Dictation, because it is both a test of literacy and a competition with oneself,” notes Daniil Soloviev, a student at the Lomonosov School. “As long as “Total Dictation” exists, I will always be among its participants - I want to see how my results will change.”

A real opportunity to improve literacy. “This year, the number of A’s that participants received increased to 10% against the usual 2–3%,” says Olga Rebkovets, head of the “Total Dictation” project. “We explain this by the fact that participants began to more actively prepare for dictation in our face-to-face and online courses.”

Anyone can participate in the “Total Dictation”, regardless of age, gender, education, religion, profession, marital status, interests and political views. See you at the dictation in the spring of 2018!