The meaning of the word "pine point" in the modern explanatory dictionary, BSE


(Pine Point), a lead-zinc mining area in Canada (North-West territories). The deposits are stratiform epigenetic. Developed since 1964 open method. Explored reserves are 36.3 million tons of ore with an average content of Pb 2.4%, Zn 6.0%.

TSB. Modern explanatory dictionary, TSB. 2003

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what PINE POINT is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

    (Pine Point) lead-zinc mining area in Canada (North-West territories). The deposits are stratiform epigenetic. They have been developed by open-pit mining since 1964. Proven reserves 36.3 ...
    (Pine Point), a mining site in Canada, on the southern coast of Greater Slave Lake, in the Northwest Territories. Railway station. Arose in connection...
    (Pine Point), lead-zinc. mining district in Canada (North-West territory). Stratiform epigenetic deposits. They have been developed by open-pit mining since 1964. Proven reserves 36.3 ...
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In Canada (North-West territory), located 11 km south of Bolshaya Nevolnichy Lake. It was known to the Indians before the colonization of America by Europeans. First application for the forge. the withdrawal dates back to 1898, the start of exploration work - to 1928 (1.5 million tons of ore were explored), during 1946-54 the reserves increased to 5 million tons of ore containing 4% Pb and 7% Zn. Developed since 1964.
The Rudny district extends from the south-west. on C.-B. at 48 km at latitude. OK. 10 km. Paleozoic rocks developed in the region make up the North American Platform, gently plunging to the west and overlain by glacial deposits with a thickness of approx. 12 m. Ore deposits in the cp section. Devonian are confined to the Givetian reef-carbonate sequence of Pine Point (120-170 m), represented by karstified crystalline rocks. sandy dolomites and limestones (Fig.).
Geological section of the ore zone of the Northern Reef: 1 - ore bodies; 2 - ore-bearing crystalline dolomites; 3 - sandy dolomites; 4 - ; 5 - mudstones">
Geological ore zone of the Northern Reef: 1 - ore bodies; 2 - ore-bearing crystalline dolomites; 3 - sandy dolomites; 4 - limestones; 5 - mudstones.
Most ore bodies occur in cavernous crystalline rocks. dolomites, partly in underlying sandy dolomites. Both varieties of dolomite are replaced laterally by limestone. Ore deposits form two ore-bearing zones, confined to the Main and Northern Barrier Reefs. More than 40 industrial areas have been explored. ore deposits, most of which do not reach the surface. The shape of the ore bodies is sheet-like lenses, ribbons and “prismatic” columnar deposits of mineralized breccias with dimensions along the long axis from a few tens of m to hundreds of m. Ch. ore minerals: , galena and , minor - and pyrrhotite. Textures and structures of ores - breccia, collomorphic, nested and disseminated. Ores contain (%): Pb 1.8-4.5; Zn 4.7-7.8; impurities of cadmium and silver. Ore reserves in the department ore bodies from hundreds of thousands of tons to 15 million tons.
During 1964-84, St. was mined and processed. 60 million tons of ore co cp. total Pb and Zn content approx. 9%. The remaining explored ore reserves in the ground are approx. 40 million tons co cp. Pb content 1.9% and Zn 5.3% (1983). M-tions are developed by the company "COMINCO Ltd." in an open way. The depth of the quarries is 25-100 m. Mining transport. equipment - drilling rigs, draglines, excavators and front-end loaders, ore carriers and tractor-tractors. Chapters are being worked on. arr. columnar ore bodies. In 1985, 300 thousand tons of zinc and 70 thousand tons of lead concentrates were produced. H. H. Bindeman.

Mountain encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. Edited by E. A. Kozlovsky. 1984-1991 .

See what "Pine Point" is in other dictionaries:

    - (Pine Point), lead-zinc mining area in Canada (northwest territory). The deposits are stratiform epigenetic. They have been developed by open-pit mining since 1964. Explored reserves of 36.3 million tons of ore with an average Pb content of 2.4%,... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (Pine Point) lead-zinc mining area in Canada (Northern Western Territory). The deposits are stratiform epigenetic. They have been developed by open-pit mining since 1964. Explored reserves of 36.3 million tons of ore with an average content of Pb 2.4%, Zn 6.0%... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Noun, number of synonyms: 1 region (57) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

    - (Pine Point) is a mining site in Canada, on the southern coast of Greater Slave Lake, in the Northwest Territories. Railway station. It arose in connection with the development of a deposit of lead-zinc ores. The mine came into operation in 1965... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

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