Where can I find out the results of the Unified State Exam appeal? How to behave during an Unified State Exam appeal? Here are a few examples when the court agreed with the decision of the conflict commission

To ensure the right to objective assessment, a Unified State Exam participant has the right to submit in writing (i.e., a complaint) about:

Appeals are not accepted:

    on the content and structure of CIM;

    on issues related to violation by a Unified State Exam participant of the established requirements for fulfillment exam paper.

Appeals are considered by specially created for this purpose territorial conflict commissions.

The terms and procedure for the work of the conflict commission, its composition and powers are established by the local (municipal) education authority and are brought to the attention of graduates, their parents (legal representatives), teachers and directors of educational institutions no later than 2 weeks before the start of the state (final) certifications.

Appeal about violation of the procedure for conducting the Unified State Exam

Rules for filing an appeal about violation of the established procedure for conducting the Unified State Exam:

    an appeal about a violation of the established order (procedure) for conducting the Unified State Exam is filed before the exam participant leaves the examination point (hereinafter referred to as the PPE);

    To file an appeal about a violation of the established procedure for conducting the Unified State Exam, the exam participant must obtain two copies of the application form from the authorized representative of the territorial examination commission in the PPE or from the responsible organizer in the classroom and fill them out;

    the USE participant submits the completed applications to the authorized representative of the territorial examination commission in the PES;

    the authorized representative of the territorial examination commission in the PPE accepts the application and certifies it with his signature, after which one copy of the application is handed over to the exam participant;

    consideration of the appeal by the conflict commission is carried out within two working days (including Saturday) from the moment of its filing;

    If the appeal about a violation of the established procedure for conducting the Unified State Exam is satisfied, the current result of the exam participant in the relevant subject will be canceled and the participant will be given the opportunity to re-take the exam in this subject in the traditional form.

Appeal about disagreement with awarded points

Within 2 working days from the official announcement of the results, you need to come to your school and prepare a package of documents to register you as a participant in the appeal. You need to take with you the notice with which you went to the exam. This is a form with the stamp of your school and the signature of the responsible person, where all necessary information(exam date, your personal data, code educational organization, registration code, PPE number and address educational institution, where you took the Unified State Exam). School staff will help you fill out all forms.

After registering for an appeal, you will be informed of the location and time of the procedure. Be sure to carefully study all the answer forms that you download from personal account, for technical errors or controversial issues in verification and scoring. By law, parents and legal guardians and other representatives of the student may be present at the appeal. This means that you can issue a notarized power of attorney for a teacher or tutor and take it with you to the appeal. The test part of the appeal is not considered, drafts are not taken into account, so be sure to plan your line of defense with your teacher the day before. This is the key to a good outcome on appeal.

Deadline for filing appeals about disagreement with the assigned points for the main stage of the Unified State Examination in 2019

Exam Exam date Official announcement day Unified State Exam results at the regional level (no later than the specified date) Acceptance of appeals about disagreement with the assigned points (no later than the specified date) Completion of processing of appeals about disagreement with the assigned points at the regional level (no later than the specified date) Completion of processing of appeals regarding disagreement with awarded scores at the federal level (no later than the specified date) Approval by the State Examination Committee of the results of an appeal regarding disagreement with the assigned points (no later than the specified date)
Geography, Literature 27.05. (Mon) 11.06. (Tue) 14.06. (Fri) 24.06. (Mon) 01.07. (Mon) 03.07. (Wed)
Mathematics ( a basic level of) 29.05. (Wed) 11.06. (Tue) 14.06. (Fri) 24.06. (Mon) 01.07. (Mon) 03.07. (Wed)
Mathematics ( profile level) 29.05. (Wed) 12.06. (Wed) 14.06. (Fri) 24.06. (Mon) 01.07. (Mon) 03.07. (Wed)
History, Chemistry 31.05. (Fri) 14.06. (Fri) 18.06. (Tue) 28.06. (Fri) 05.07. (Fri) 08.07. (Mon)
Russian language 03.06. (Mon) 20.06. (Thu) 24.06. (Mon) 04.07. (Thu) 11.07. (Thu) 13.07. (Sat)
Physics 05.06.(Wed.) 20.06 (Thu) 24.06. (Mon) 04.07. (Thu) 11.07. (Thu) 13.07. (Sat)
Foreign languages 05.06. (Wed)
07.06. (Fri)
24.06. (Mon.) 26.06. (Wed) 06.07. (Sat) 12.07. (Fri) 15.07. (Mon)
Social science 10.06. (Mon) 25.06. (Tue) 27.06. (Thu) 07.07. (Sun) 12.07. (Fri) 15.07. (Mon)
Biology, Computer Science and ICT 13.06. (Thu) 27.06. (Thu) 01.07. (Mon) 11.07. (Thu) 17.07. (Wed) 19.07. (Fri)
Geography, Literature
17.06. (Mon) 02.07. (Tue) 04.07. (Thu) 14.07. (Sun) 19.07. (Fri) 22.07. (Mon)
History, Physics
18.06. (Tue) 02.07. (Tue) 04.07. (Thu) 14.07. (Sun) 19.07. (Fri) 22.07. (Mon)
Biology, Computer Science and ICT, Chemistry
20.06. (Thu) 02.07. (Tue) 04.07. (Thu) 14.07. (Sun) 19.07. (Fri) 22.07. (Mon)
Mathematics basic or advanced level
24.06. (Mon) 08.07. (Fri) 10.07. (Wed) 20.07. (Sat) 26.07. (Fri) 29.07. (Mon)
Russian language
26.06. (Wed) 09.07.(Tue) 11.07.(Thu) 21.07. (Sun) 26.07.(Fri) 29.07. (Mon)
Foreign languages
27.06. (Thu)
28.06. (Fri)
10.07. (Wed) 12.07.(Fri) 22.07. (Mon) 29.07. (Mon) 01.08. (Thu)
Social science
28.06. (Fri) 10.07. (Wed) 12.07. (Fri) 22.07. (Mon) 29.07. (Mon) 01.08. (Thu)
reserve for all subjects 01.07. (Mon) 15.07. (Mon) 17.07. (Wed) 27.07. (Sat) 02.08.(Fri) 05.08. (Mon)

Rules for filing an appeal about disagreement with the assigned points:

This year there were no scandals related to the leakage of KIMs before the Unified State Exam, there were relatively few cases of cheating, but the number of complaints about the procedure and the essence of the appeal about disagreement with exam scores increased significantly. The teachers' council collected some of the most revealing stories about how the appeals took place.

Why is the Unified State Examination appeal in the Russian language a scam?

1. The period for filing an appeal is limited to two days. If you work, you won’t have time to prepare for it.
2. You are not shown KIMs (tasks), including the text on which the essay is written.
3. Checking the test and the correctness of the assignments is not allowed (however, there are errors and incorrectly composed assignments in the FIPI database).
4. You are not allowed to familiarize yourself with the full package of documents for the exam. They hand the child separate pieces of paper to sign and do not give him time to familiarize himself with them.
The documents are not bound. The aunties are running around with a pile of papers. You can lose or replace any of them after the fact.
5. There are no expert edits in the essay, so it is difficult to challenge them. Crazy experts of the conflict commission are sometimes unable to even read the text carefully, so they prefer to intimidate the child and parents, or they brazenly lie and talk nonsense, pointing out “mistakes” where there are none.
6. You are not allowed to attach written explanations or a reasoned appeal to the case. They fear this like fire...
7. Limit time to 15-20 minutes.
8. You will not recognize the names of the experts. They are anonymous.
10. Turmoil and confusion are deliberately created; hundreds of people are allowed through the CC on one day. There is no required number of premises. Several CCs sit in the same class.
11. They constantly shout at you, threatening to remove the points they have already given.
12. It is impossible to reach the Rosobrnadzor hotline.

The appellant cannot influence anything

This year my husband and I took the Unified State Examination in History as graduates of previous years.

My husband was given very low scores, completely unreasonably. He went to appeal and prepared to defend his position all evening. But it turned out that the appellant could not influence anything: the commission double-checked the work in advance and entered the results into the protocol. The appellant comes simply to personally find out his result from the commission. As a result, he was given 3 points - it was completely incompetent that they were removed during the first check. But they didn’t give him the fourth disputed point and couldn’t explain why. Allegedly, there was a factual error in the essay. No matter how much the husband asked to point out this mistake to him, the commission was unable to do this. They pulled out some wording just to answer something. Suspecting a violation of the rules, after the appeal, the husband called the federal hotline of Rosobrnadzor, and they confirmed that the appellant could not influence the re-check in any way, no one needed his evidence. So the presence of a parent, teacher or tutor is only needed for psychological support. And the presence of the student himself is unclear why.

The points were not returned to us, although the evidence was reinforced concrete

Our conversation looked something like this:
— The topic in task 15 is covered well, but we won’t return the point, because we could have started with the biographical information of the poet.
- No, it was impossible. Substitute lyrical hero biographical author - one of the biggest mistakes in the Unified State Examination in literature.
- Hmm... But then look, she wrote that a poet must remain real. I should have said “true”, this is a factual error.
- There is no mistake, these are synonymous words.
- Uh... Look how bad the handwriting is. Surely you can find some speech errors.
— There are no speech errors.
“If you want, you can still find something.”

When you arrive, everything is already decided

This year I took the Unified State Exam in my subjects, out of interest. I went to appeal, like a fool, I spent the whole evening preparing my defense strategy, and I was just as easily introduced to the results of the revision of my work. The Rosobrnadzor hotline said that this is the order and everything went without any violations. So, alas, yes - it is pointless to prepare for an appeal. When you arrive, everything has already been decided, the protocols have been signed.

Wrong because it's not right

Today I attended an appeal for the Unified State Exam in social studies. Administrative law does not work there; there, as we were told, is “educational law.” They would need advanced training... So, the news:
1. Information and post-industrial society are one and the same.
2. The USA is not a democracy.
3. There are two post-industrial countries in the world - Japan and the USA.
4. Economic growth cannot be defined as a stage of the business cycle.

The procedure is non-transparent, the conflict of interests has not been eliminated, the regulations establish only a general procedure, all “particulars” are at the discretion of the Chairman. It is prohibited to express arguments on issues. The outcome of the appeal is already known (!) at the time of entering the office and it is actually read out. Imagine, really... You come, they just tell you the result... and that’s it... And it doesn’t matter that none of them understands what GDP is! And yes, by the way, note that GDP is the volume of production. Change the SNS and textbooks urgently. And call Rosstat, otherwise they don’t know.

Professor Polyakova was there in the morning, and by lunchtime she started saying, “Listen, mommy.” This is complete profanation. And after this the question is: who teaches our children and what. After all, I would venture to suggest that the commission’s members are not the worst teachers. Due to the need to comply with the Personal Data Law, I do not post the names of the heroes.

How the Unified State Examination appeal was violated in Krasnodar

This year I finished 11th grade and passed the Unified State Exam. I was not pleased with the result in literature - only 69 points. What to do in this case? You can either resign yourself and go to university to study commerce, or file an appeal about disagreement with the results, which is what I did. I’ll say right away that everyone intimidated us by saying that they would deduct points for our work and that it was better not to submit anything anywhere. They didn’t deduct points from me, but they didn’t add them either. But the procedure itself was treated like a pig.

1.I went to the head teacher of my school and filled out an appeal form. Here it was important to choose whether I would be present during the consideration of my work / the work would be considered without me / my legal representative would be present instead of me. I chose the first one, i.e. my work should have been rechecked WITH me. After which I took the form to the director for signature and began to wait for the date when I would need to take the form to the education center.

a) It is written on the Internet that the form should have been in two copies. I was given one and there were no problems with it.

2. I came for identification. I looked through the sheets, signed the paper for the correctly scanned first part and the integrity of my work. This is where the first bell rang. I asked the woman what time I needed to arrive for the appeal. At first she hesitated: “The results will be communicated to you by phone.” But when I insisted, it turned out that at 14:00 the meeting would take place in assembly hall, where I am also invited. With this we said goodbye.

3. I came to the meeting. The hall was full of graduates and their parents. The experts sat on the sides, and on the stage - 10 people sat at a huge table, the “Big Us” (managers).

So, this is where things got interesting. I thought that I would defend my rightness, my scores would be increased and I would enter my faculty without any problems. But no. The Main Woman (alas, I don’t remember her name) told all of us sitting in the hall: “Your work has already been checked. Now we will announce your results. If you have any questions, you can ask them to the experts, but your scores will not change.” .

I won’t tell you how nicely we had a conversation with a female expert about romanticism in V. Soloukhin’s poem or how happy 3 girls were when, out of 20-30 present, their scores were raised. I'll tell you why I'm writing about this here and asking for your help. Now there is such a thing as the “Internet” (yes, yes), so I talked to people who were on appeal in other cities. They called what was happening in our city a CIRCUS. Firstly, I was not allowed to sign a document indicating my agreement with the outcome of the appeal. Those. it was as if she never existed. Secondly, as you remember, I decided to PERSONALLY attend the appeal, this means that my work had to be checked with me, in a separate audience (possibly without me, but there should have been a private meeting) and only after that points were assigned (as was done in other cities).

I and others were simply presented with a fait accompli, thereby violating the appeal procedure. If anyone knows where and how to write a complaint in this case, please write in the comments, my future and the future of other graduates depends on it. With the help of Internet resources, a fake medalist was recently exposed, don’t let this be silenced either. I may be wrong about something, but here I told you about everything I know, about everything I was informed about.

The teachers' council was unable to find the appellant, who this year, as a result of filing an appeal, managed to increase his score by more than 3 primary scores. Although we have found those who believe that they have the right to a more serious increase, and are ready to prove it. We hope that the matter is not in the installation sent to all the appeal commissions, but in the fact that we did not look well.

Single State exam It has been compulsory for more than ten years, but despite this it remains a serious test of knowledge acquired in the subject and psychological stability. Every point counts here, and obtaining the desired profession and future depends on it. Results that can be disappointing often seem certain, but they are not. Every graduate has the right to appeal. This is a serious event for which you need to carefully prepare, including morally.

The essence of the appeal

This is an appeal of the results examination test, which were determined by experts. The goal is to increase the scores that the graduate expects when applying. It must be completed within two days of receiving the results.


Careful preparation and review of your work in terms of whether your answers meet the assessment criteria is the key to success. Make a list of tasks and possibly questions that you want to ask members of the expert committee. Ask a teacher or tutor for help in a particular subject.

Behavior rules

To understand how to behave, consider the stages of this event:

  • the place and time of the meeting are appointed;
  • come on the day of the procedure with your passport;
  • Parents can accompany you as legal representatives of a minor;
  • your work is checked again, then a discussion begins;
  • you are asked questions about tasks that you are not satisfied with;
  • answer them using weighty arguments (textbooks or manuals with theoretical material on the required topic).

You need to come prepared: work through in advance (on your own or with a teacher) all objections regarding the work, be confident in your knowledge that is to be demonstrated. Therefore, we do not recommend starting this if you yourself doubt them.

It is possible and even necessary to win a little favor from the commission appearance. Be strict in your clothing; you should not look provocative or unkempt.

The right attitude and behavior will also play a positive role in the appeal process. First of all, yours will be important here. Don't take this meeting as last battle, which must be won at any cost. Get a good night's sleep the night before, don't be overly nervous, and remember: everything that seems extremely important and significant now will become a trifle in a few years. Don't let some numbers throw you off balance.

Remain calm and balanced, be polite and courteous. Defending yourself and the results of the Unified State Exam by using accusations, a raised tone, and perhaps even screams and hysterics in your speech will not only not give you anything, but will also not make the best impression. After this, you will no longer have to hope for a successful outcome in your own favor. Prove your point of view calmly and reasonably, without unnecessary objections and emotions.

Be polite: be sure to say hello pleasantly, and at the end also say goodbye, regardless of the outcome. Conduct a dialogue in a businesslike manner: be interested, ask questions that concern you, ask experts to explain what is likely to be incomprehensible. Of course, you can argue if you cannot do without it when arguing, but it is important to do this as tactfully as possible, without rudeness.

How to get a higher grade

If your appeal is denied, your previously awarded scores will remain unchanged. If it turns out to be satisfied, then their number changes. Keep in mind that re-checking may lead to their reduction if it turns out that some of the criteria were not met or you cannot argue convincingly enough for one or another aspect of the work.

The grade is usually increased if a so-called technical error was made (this applies to the test part). For the part that requires a detailed answer, it is more difficult to achieve an increase in points. To do this, you must have a strong evidence base and the ability to defend your position using all arguments. Keep in mind that experts increase their ratings infrequently and rather reluctantly. Thus, they have to admit, in a sense, their own incompetence. But it's still worth a try. We wish you good luck if you decide to do this!

If you disagree with the Unified State Exam scores, cancel the assessment results, or illegally remove a child from the exam, parents - and the student himself - can file an appeal.

Let's consider what the procedure for appealing score results is, when and how you can challenge the received document. You will also find out what the practice of Russian courts is in relation to this issue- and whose side the judges take.

In what cases can you file an appeal against the Unified State Examination - deadlines for filing an appeal

A student undergoing the Unified State Examination procedure can challenge the commission’s decision, but the deadlines for appeals and filing an appeal are different.

We list when and in what cases a student can appeal the decision.

Cases of appealing the results of the Unified State Examination


Deadline for filing an appeal

Violation of the procedure for conducting the Unified State Examination

The student was illegally kicked out of the exam.

The Unified State Exam participant was given a cheat sheet, but he did not use it. The commission had no evidence of violations.

Member admissions committee I found a phone next to the student that did not belong to the child.

The child or his teacher or legal representative must write an appeal without leaving the school where he took the Unified State Exam, on the same day - the day of the exam.

Once the student submits the form, he can write an appeal. You can't pull!

Disagreement with the assigned points

The student knows and remembers that he entered the correct answer on the form, and the commission members, due to inattention or mistake, indicated the wrong result.

You can file an appeal within 2 days, not from the moment the exam is held, but from the moment the results are announced.

Let us remind you , that the student should have been informed 2 weeks before the exam about how the passing procedure will take place, within what time frame it will be possible to appeal the decision, in what place.

It will not be possible to challenge the commission’s decision in any way if the student or parent wants to emphasize the incorrect content of the test tasks, the child’s failure to fill out forms incorrectly, or the student’s failure to comply with the requirements set by the commission members.

The procedure for appealing the Unified State Examination in case of violation of the rules of the Unified State Examination - instructions

In order to challenge the decision of the commission if a child was illegally expelled from the exam - or the procedure for conducting the Unified State Exam was violated for some other reason, you must follow the instructions:

Step 1. After submitting the forms, going out into the corridor, the student must contact the organizer.

Step 2. Explain that you want to appeal and state the reason.

Step 3. Ask for an application form. If the organizers stand their ground - persuade you, do not write an appeal, do not listen to them. If you decide that you were illegally kicked out passing the Unified State Exam, then it is better to write an appeal immediately. Then they won't consider it.

Step 4. Write a statement. In it, be sure to indicate for what reason the Unified State Examination procedure was violated. Prepare the application in two copies.

Step 5. Give the organizer one copy of the application and keep the other for yourself, but just ask the teacher to sign it. This will serve as proof of your application.

Step 6. Wait for the results of the commission - they will be ready within 2 days. The student and parents may be invited to the committee meeting. You must have your passport with you.

Results of the conflict commission can be obtained from the school where the child is studying.

The documentation must indicate the decision, as well as the date and time of retaking the exam.

How to challenge the results of the Unified State Exam if you disagree with the points received for the exam - instructions

To challenge scores already received, parents, or the student himself, must follow the following instructions:

Step 1. Contact educational institution where you are studying.

Step 2. Ask for an appeal form.

Step 3. Write a statement. It must be issued in the name of the director.

Step 4. Ask to sign the document. The parent or student must keep one option for themselves in order to have evidence of their appeal. The other should be given to the director.

Step 5. Wait for the commission's decision. The director must transfer the appeal application to the conflict commission. The student may be notified of the date if his presence is required.

As a rule, the application is processed quickly - within 1 week. After receiving the documentation, the student will either be assigned a retake day, or will have their scores increased/decreased, or will retain their existing scores.

Procedure for considering an appeal to the Unified State Exam and deadlines

The procedure for considering applications to appeal the results of the Unified State Exam is as follows:

  1. The organizers must accept the student's appeal.
  2. The application is submitted to the conflict commission, which does not include members of the subject commission.
  3. If necessary, the participants of the conflict commission send a request to the RCIO of a certain object of the Russian Federation to provide information regarding the student’s passing the exam. Videos, audio recordings, copies of protocols and other paper documentation may be submitted for review.
  4. The conflict commission must check how the student’s examination work was assessed, whether it meets all the requirements, and make a decision.

IMPORTANT: Parents or students may be invited to the meeting. They may be provided with a response form filled out by the graduate to confirm that the applicant was the one who performed the work. Members of the subject commission may also be invited to the meeting to establish the correctness of the student’s assessment.

The student will be able to receive the decision of the commission within 4 days at the school where he studies.

Judicial practice of appealing the results of the Unified State Examination - how and when can you file a lawsuit?

After contacting the conflict commission, if the decision is not satisfactory, the student or his legal representatives can file a claim in court.

Deadlines for applying not defined by law.

Of course, the sooner a claim is filed, the better. The child will have time to retake the exam this year.

In practice, judges do not always side with students.

Here are a few examples where the court agreed with the decision of the conflict commission:

Example 1. Petrov was kicked out of the exam due to cheating. Violations have been proven.

Example 2. Sokolova used a wristwatch with the function of receiving and transmitting data.

Example 3. Ivanov's cheat sheet fell out, but he was not caught cheating. Later, a video was sent in which Ivanov was seen cheating.

Here are examples when parents and a graduate achieved recognition that they were right:

Example 1. Sidorov found himself next to someone else's phone - it was lying on the floor when the student went into the toilet. The organizer demanded to take his phone, but Sidorov refused - he said that it was not his device. The organizer expelled the graduate from the exam - thus, he was wrong.

How to appeal the Unified State Examination? Every applicant has asked this question more than once, since sometimes even one point can decide one’s fate budget place. How to properly defend your position? How long can this be done and what part of the work can I complain about?

Appeal to the Unified State Exam: structure of work, appealed parts

So, before you start thinking about getting additional points, you need to study in detail the structure of the exam paper. The Unified State Exam itself consists, as a rule, of three sections: the first two are test tasks(choice of one correct answer and answers from a sequence of numbers/word combinations), the third is the written part. The Unified State Exam score is summed up taking into account all three chapters of the work - this is the so-called primary score, which is then converted using a complex formula into a secondary one in a hundred-point system. It is worth immediately noting that an appeal can only be filed against written part work, that is, for tasks related to the graduate’s detailed answer. How to do this correctly? Now we will analyze in detail all the possible nuances.

How to appeal the Unified State Exam: algorithm of actions

So, an appeal can be filed within two days from the official announcement of the results. Therefore, there is no need to delay this. As a rule, each classroom should inform graduates about the point of filing a complaint and the time. If this has not been done, then after completing the examination work you need to approach the chief expert at the Unified State Examination point and clarify this data. It is also worth asking teachers in advance how this type of application is submitted. In general, you need to go to such a commission with a teacher or tutor.

How to appeal the Unified State Examination? This kind of complaint is very often submitted to the third part of the compulsory Russian language exam, since uncredited examples or incorrectly defined problems are very common in essays. That is why, immediately after submitting the work, you need to sketch out an approximate text of the work on a piece of paper and take it to the teacher or tutor, who should analyze this essay and, after announcing the results, say whether there is a chance to increase your score or not. The same applies to work in other subjects. You need to make a sketch of your answers or decisions in order to be prepared in the commission and be able to answer any question and defend your point of view, since the experts sitting there are not always friendly. Now you know how to appeal the Unified State Examination and what is needed for this.

Causes a lot of criticism Lately: These are scandals with the placement of answer options on the Internet, and the unworthy level of the work itself. How to deal with this if every year there are more and more questions? The Ministry of Education is probably doing everything possible to equalize the chances of test takers. It is for this that you need to strictly know how to appeal the Unified State Exam and what is needed in order to receive additional points, which, perhaps, will decide the difficult fate of the applicant.