Tense aspects in the natal chart: how to work through? How to work through tense aspects? The most complete guide How to bury the hatchet of opposing planets

Number 4, rulers and imprisoners Moon, Saturn, culminators and decadents Mars, Jupiter, Neptune.

The number 4 symbolizes involution, the crucifixion of the spirit during its materialization. Division into 4 parts means a painful, disharmonious decrease in vibrations, in which the essence loses its unity (unlike division into 3), and the separated parts have yet to gain it through long efforts.

In the sphere of influence of the square, a person feels internal and external disharmony, he feels gross enmity and mutual rejection of planetary principles, which completely do not understand and profane each other, and at the same time cannot disperse in different directions, since they are destined to be together and constantly interact . On the other hand, the square as an aspect, which is an inversion of oneself, gives not only disharmony and all kinds of obstacles, but also means of overcoming them, including, very importantly, enthusiasm for a person who is interested in overcoming external and internal obstacles, thereby participating in evolutionary process.

The effect of a square can be compared to a brick wall appearing in a person’s path, which is impossible to get around. However, taking the bricks apart one by one, he uses them to pave a road through an impassable swamp located directly behind the wall. The square is a natural topic for elaboration, during which a person, on the one hand, overcomes certain (by fate) external

obstacles, and on the other hand, he understands himself, isolates, views and transforms the lower programs of the subconscious. Often one of these processes occurs under the close supervision of consciousness, and the other, as it were, on its own, but for working through a square, the simultaneous solution of external and internal problems is typical: half is, as a rule, not enough. Subjectively, the square symbolizes the holes in the plain of a person’s general well-being: external and internal. Objectively, the square represents those manifestations of a person in which he seems (and often is) lower, rougher and more primitive than usual, or, in any case, areas in which it is difficult for those around him, due to his inadequately biased and often painful attitude towards them . Working through the square gives understanding, wisdom and that knowledge in the relevant areas, which is at the same time a skill. But still, a person is left with a feeling of some of his own inferiority, the lack of true harmony, which is given by the trine of the corresponding planets. This is due to the fact that working through the square takes the problem of mutual rejection of planetary principles to the next level, but never (in this incarnation) removes it completely. On the other side, constructive attitude to the problems that the square poses, it gives a person the opportunity not only to effectively build himself, but also to be included in significant karmic programs: first at the level of an intuitive performer, and then a conscious participant.

The Moon as the ruler and imprisoner of the square symbolizes man's dual attitude towards the manifestations of the square. As a ruler, the Moon makes the severity of the corresponding problems for a person natural, as if immanently inherent in personal destiny; This feeling is meant by the saying “you can’t carry your own burden.” Many people with a difficult fate, even those who constantly complain about it, would nevertheless not agree to exchange for a lighter and more harmonious one. This is connected not only with the habit of one’s life and even its hardships, but also with transmissions of the individual spirit: a person feels that precisely the circumstances in which he lives are destined for him by a fate with an unknown, but very high goal. In addition, the Moon, as the ruler of the square, makes it possible for a person to subconsciously adapt to the specific disharmonious circumstances in which he finds himself, and a person sometimes demonstrates vitality and adaptability to seemingly unthinkable and inhuman conditions of external or internal life.

On the other hand, the Moon, as the imprisoner of the square, gives colossal subconscious resistance to the idea of ​​constructively working through difficult and unpleasant situations and circumstances for a person. No matter what the mind says (and it often does not object), the subconscious program for saving strength forces a person to overcome obstacles at a minimum height, ignore troubles, postpone a responsible decision as long as this is physically possible, etc. Therefore, at the first levels of working out the square, a person’s adaptation on the one hand, it goes towards disharmony of external and internal realities on its own and quite successfully, and on the other hand, with the greatest possible economy of forces, and economy from the point of view of an extremely myopic ego. This is similar to how a person, settling down to sleep on a bare rock, sprinkles it with sand exactly along the contour of his body - the way it looks at the moment of falling asleep, completely ignoring the fact that any movement in a dream will lead to unpleasant contact with the bare stone. This peculiar balance of natural adaptation and resistance to it, which can be called the principle of local and necessary adaptation, brings to life numerous effects consisting in the fact that the sore spot is (if possible) carefully isolated from the psyche and outside world, as a result of which it is indeed partially protected, but at the same time it is completely deprived of the possibility of healing, developing an adequate reaction and normal relationship with the rest of the psyche. Depending on specific external circumstances and mental organization, these effects manifest themselves in the form, for example, of a narrowing of perception, repression into the subconscious, various inferiority complexes, phobias, neuroses, etc.

Working through the square gives a person insight into his subconscious and (in the appropriate areas) the transformation of the grossest and most disharmonious ego programs into more acceptable ones. However, the problems of the square do not end there: a person begins to sort things out and struggle with himself at a new level - now he is not satisfied and those circumstances of the external world and internal life that previously seemed quite acceptable or did not attract attention at all seem disharmonious and incorrect.

Saturn as the ruler and imprisoner of the square symbolizes the dual nature of the style of obstacles that arise in front of a person, as well as the ways to overcome them. Saturn as a ruler makes it necessary to deeply study the problems corresponding to the square, both external and internal, which is most often expressed in the fact that these problems cannot be circumvented and are difficult to completely repress into the subconscious (although here a person, as we know, is capable of much). They have to be solved gradually, and mainly through internal work, that is, working on oneself. Saturn as a ruler symbolizes the fact that walls built in a square should be dismantled brick by brick, and not broken through with a battering gun or your own head. If the square is worked out correctly, then each removed brick, on the one hand, is recycled, and on the other, makes the hole in the wall visibly wider, which is a source of both enthusiasm and new information about the unknown world behind the wall, to which a person gradually gets used to. Saturn as ruler gives patience and discipline, and over time, the wisdom needed to overcome obstacles.

As an imprisoner, Saturn makes the obstacles of the square unbearable for a person; he perceives them as prison bars and often, in despair, focuses all of his energy on the manifestations of the square. inner attention, being unable to escape from the problem, which at the moment is clearly not solvable, but objectively, perhaps, is not so significant for him. However, some force sharply narrows his consciousness, and he sees neither the sky with clouds and various luminaries, nor groves and meadows with their characteristic fauna, nor even the delights of the city landscape, but with a tenacity worthy of better use, he circles with his thoughts along a closed trajectory, vainly hoping to find a way out of it. The imprisonment of Saturn often provokes ambition aimed at completely unattainable (at this level) goals, which leads to severe frustrations, and, as a rule, a person gets what he wants precisely after his lust disappears. Saturn as an imprisoner gives many difficulties, primarily of a psychological nature, preventing a person from proceeding to a constructive solution to the problem associated with the square; in this list, the reader will recognize the traits of an unprocessed Saturn: lack of faith in one’s own strengths, exaggeration of difficulties, lack of patience and concentration of attention and strength, indiscipline, despair due to the fact that the problem cannot be solved in a week, etc. Imprisonment of Saturn makes it a separate problem pulling out the first brick from the wall of an obstacle gives a person the feeling of being walled up. Working through the square gives the ability not only not to lose courage at the sight of seemingly insurmountable obstacles, but also to help in working through the squares, especially in the first phase, to other people who have often completely lost hope of liberation from the vicious circle of almost identical events and problems, which seem to be broken impossible.

Mars, as the culmination and decadent of the square, manifests itself differently depending on the level of development of the aspect. As a climax, Mars provides high vibration energy, very constructive for the person who can master and use it. This makes the square potentially the most powerful of all aspects, since the energy hidden in it allows you to build not only the tallest, but also the most delicate towers, synthesizing reasons that would seem incompatible, and overcoming obstacles that are apparently insurmountable. At a low level, the culmination of Mars gives a person energy that is actually directed towards increasing chaos, that is, his actions actually aggravate the difficulty of the situation in which he finds himself, making the wall created by the square even more impregnable. This false activity is combined with an internal feeling of one’s weakness, inability, being at one’s own level, to even approach the solution to the problem of the square, which reveals the influence of Mars as its decadent. Often the first influence (false activity) is visible and is a cover for the second (feeling of powerlessness), which is mostly repressed into the subconscious, but it also happens the other way around: a person outwardly demonstrates his powerlessness and passivity in the face of difficulties, hiding behind them the desperate but meaningless inner vanity and throwing. On high level Mars as a decadent gives the ability to constructively solve the problems of a square at a minimum of energy potential, like plants that lead complex chemical reactions on the energy of some sun rays(photosynthesis).

Jupiter as the culmination and decadent of the square symbolizes the dual nature of the feeling of support and burden that karma gives to a person when working through this aspect.

At a low level, the influence of Jupiter as a climax is expressed in the fact that the obstacles and difficulties of the square are objectively perceived as excessive in number, which is well understood by folk wisdom: “Trouble has come - open the gate,” “Trouble does not come alone.” This feeling is aggravated by the influence of Jupiter as a decadent, which is expressed in the fact that the person initially does not feel any support from higher powers, which you need to earn by overcoming despair yourself, forcing yourself to look at things realistically and starting constructive activities. This situation is typical for many fairy tales that describe the karmic program associated with the square: trouble comes (activation of disharmonious influences), the hero is left alone, but there is nothing to do (rule of Saturn), tears cannot help grief (fall of Neptune), the search for happiness or the missing princesses (constructive activity) you need to start on your own, without moral and physical support, which, however, is promised by the continuation of the fairy tale (elaboration of the aspect).

At a high level, the culmination of Jupiter symbolizes the abundance of opportunities and the significance of the achieved result for further development a person, as well as expanding the possibilities of his participation in the destinies of other people and their karma, which he can help them work through effectively and, as far as possible, harmoniously. Jupiter as a decadent symbolizes at this level the power of an autodidact (self-taught), who, having learned and overcome all obstacles himself (this is typical for a square without harmonious aspects softening it), turns out to be capable of progress in completely unexpected directions, but at the same time his limitations : a well-developed square can never be compared with a trine; it always gives some inferiority and one-sidedness of development (the costs of professionalism, for which the square is typical; the trine gives a versatile amateur).

Neptune, as the culmination and decadent of the square, symbolizes the various types of meditations that accompany its elaboration. At a low level, the influence of Neptune as a decadent is expressed in negative emotional meditations associated with the emergence of an insurmountable (at first and second glance) obstacle, which plunges a person into despair, tears and dull melancholy and similar states in which obstacles are seen as snowy ridges, and enemies omnipotent evil wizards and sorcerers, and dispelling these Neptunian (lower octave) spells can be very difficult; The inclusion of Saturn helps: “The eyes are scary, but the hands are doing.”

As a climax, Neptune at this level gives a person the temptation to forget, to escape from the problems of the square, for example, flying away with a bright dream in those times when the corresponding problem will be finally solved, and how wonderful it will be from all sides. However, if the severity of the square becomes completely unbearable for a person, Neptune can give him partial narcotic anesthesia.

At a high level, the culmination of Neptune is expressed in supporting the efforts of a person with higher meditations, when he (in the sphere of action of the square) will be able to be steadily in a state of spiritual aspiration, and then he will be able to see in what karmic programs he is taking part, and to do this more meaningfully and more free; at this level, in the corresponding spheres, he feels cosmic love directly. The influence of Neptune as a decadent is expressed in a certain disappointment experienced by a person who reaches the next level of elaboration of the square: his usual meditations and vibrations disappear (more precisely, they cease to please him), and in place of old problems new ones appear, which concern him no less. than the previous ones; and those, having decided, will bring much less emotional joy than he thought at the beginning of the journey.

At the first level of working through the square, a person turns out to be completely unprepared for its disharmonious manifestations and perceives them not as an obstacle, but as a misfortune, from which he begins to seek salvation, first of all, in outside help, or does nothing for some time, trying to repress all troubles into the subconscious and secretly hoping for a miracle that will turn the square into a trine. However, the square (when it is turned on) is a permanent obstacle (unlike the opposition, even if it has not been fully worked out, whose disharmonious influence can often be waited out by slouching and covering your head with your hands), and it is not possible to displace, ignore or deal with it with one blow, and a person has a feeling of a hunted animal in the relevant areas; the subconscious mind reacts with its protective (semi) measures, and in pronounced cases creates programs that are well known in psychoanalysis: complexes, phobias, obsessive actions, depressive states or inadequate aggression, etc. Harmonious aspects, on the contrary, soften and sometimes make these effects external almost invisible, but the problem nevertheless remains.

The disharmony created by the square should not be imagined as a set of purely negative phenomena. Even at the first level of elaboration, that is, without having yet had time to do practically anything, a person feels interest and abilities in the spheres governed by the planets forming a square. Often troubles begin precisely because a person feels the energy of the interaction of planets, and he really likes it, but he, completely unaware of how disharmonious it is both outside and inside him, behaves as if these planets are in a trine , each time sincerely surprised at the seemingly random mishaps that bring him so much undeserved grief and disappointment. A typical manifestation of the square at this level is described by the saying: “The road to hell is paved with good intentions,” since good intentions in the spheres governed by the undeveloped square (and a person in these spheres is always internally very interested and often very active) lead to the revival of involutionary programs. A typical reaction of the psyche here is often expressed in a rationalization like: “I am very capable, but circumstances (people, political situation...) do not allow me to realize my talents and capabilities.” Here it should be borne in mind that external disharmony is always a consequence of internal disharmony; it is this that should be sought and the elaboration of the square should begin with it.

At the second level of working through the square, a person finds the courage to admit that there is a significant obstacle in his path that must be overcome.

At this moment, he feels his loneliness and abandonment by God, but he feels sufficient strength to start doing something, although he has little hope of success. As a rule, a person’s actions at this level, as well as his awareness of the problem, relate exclusively to the outside world and are therefore ineffective. Unresolved internal contradiction exteriorizes into more and more new obstacles, very similar friend at a friend, and the person, with great difficulty overcoming them one by one, feels like the hero of a fairy tale, chopping off the heads of a snake, which easily grows them again and again. However, as this battle progresses, some essential details and details of the karmic knot symbolized by the square come to light, although very slowly, and, in addition, the person learns something about himself and his subconscious as his own. hidden possibilities(courage, strength, resourcefulness, which suddenly appear when it is really necessary), and about the lower programs of the subconscious and rough personality and character traits specific to given square. These traits and programs seem to a person at this level to be integral parts of him, with which he will die (“the grave will correct the hunchback”), but he tries to suppress them, understanding the negative role they play in external situations governed by the square. In other words, at the first level of elaboration of the square, a person often does not even feel how he is “carried” (an evil force within its limits), or does not try to oppose anything to this, while at the second level a person partially monitors such states of his and tries to overcome them. dock.

The second level is characterized by partial internal acceptance of the gravity of the square (although on occasion a person may try to speculate on it) and lunar (subconscious) adaptation to it, and although a person does not yet feel Jupiterian (as a climax) support, he also does not feel Jupiterian (as a decadent) excessiveness of trouble is already gradually leaving, often replaced by exorbitant pride in one’s work, workload and abilities in the areas governed by the square. Here, completely unnatural arrogance and pride are possible, which, as a rule, are incomprehensible to others due to the person’s more than modest visible successes in the relevant areas.

At the third level of elaboration of the square, the emphasis of the corresponding problem moves largely to inner life person. He sees that external failures and obstacles in areas ruled by planets in a square are largely caused by himself, that is, by his inability to resolve internal problems and contradictions, which leads to incorrect and completely disharmonious behavior in external environment and is the cause of many failures and disappointments. By taking care of himself and his inner imperfection, a person discovers that, firstly, there is a direct connection between the harmony of his inner and outer world and the removal of internal tension leads to a softening of the corresponding external tension, and sometimes completely removes the problem that seemed eternal and unshakable; secondly, his own shortcomings, “vices” and “inabilities” can be gradually corrected, albeit with periodic failures and slips into the familiar area of ​​low vibrations (rough, unbalanced energy flows); and thirdly, he feels significant support for his serious and long-term program in the spheres of the square, both energetic (Mars) and in terms of emerging opportunities (Jupiter). The peculiarity of the square is that this support ends immediately as soon as a person moves away from his karmic program, which, on the one hand, serves as a good guide, but at the same time is quite difficult morally, in particular because at this level it is difficult to distinguish an increase in severity that arose as a result of deviation from personal karma, from simply a slightly more intense part of it. However, here Saturn requires more discipline from a person than wisdom, and occasional deviations from the most straight path sometimes, with the right attitude towards them, they ultimately give even more creative elaboration of their karma.

At this level, a person already identifies the principles of the planets standing in a square and learns to coordinate the subconscious programs controlled by them. With their direct interaction, sharp effects arise, the cause of which can be very deep and inaccessible to a person, but he tries to smooth them out or, at least, study the zones of contact of the planets and mark them with a flag “ dangerous area"and approach only at very low energy. Here it is possible to partially harmonize the principles of the planets, which will be a great success for a person. At this level, the square is perceived as a big problem, constituting (in its spheres of influence) both the main interest and content of life, although the latter at times and it seems too difficult to a person.

At the fourth level of elaboration of the square, a person perceives it as the most constructive aspect, providing the opportunity for deep and interesting internal development and corresponding external activity. At this level, a person sees in the square an opportunity to find and untie a heavy karmic knot, hints and indications of which he receives through disharmonious external circumstances. These circumstances and events activate deeply hidden lower programs in him, which, revealing themselves, become for a person an object of study, clarification and subsequent transformation into more acceptable ones. This process is never routine or painless, and, moreover, as it progresses, a person is often drawn into the complex karmic interweavings of external life; comparing it with the inner one, he understands a lot about both one and the other. At this level, a person sees many karmic programs and often penetrates quite deeply into the subconscious of the people around him, which gives him the opportunity to help them work through their squares and other aspects of the horoscope. The square makes it possible to build a tangible structure on the border between Chaos and Cosmos, a heavy and stable bridge, by crossing which a person can break out of egocentric circles and see the continuation of his path.

In classical astrology, tense aspects are often presented as a fatality that one must come to terms with, learn to live with, or endure. Oppositions and squares of planets are often used to frighten people in books and during consultations. But in the astrological model of the world there is no place for suffering or unconditional resignation in the face of difficulties. On the contrary, intense aspects can give unprecedented talents, career success, powerful personal growth.The charts of politicians, businessmen, and prominent people are replete with an abundance of planetary quadratures and oppositions. From this article you will learn how to work through tense aspects in natal chart. How to turn a minus into a stable plus.

You can’t just take and work out the Quadrature of the planets

Why do tense aspects get angry?
Tense aspects indicate internal conflict, split, problem.

War of two planetary qualities. Squares, oppositions of planets - that same kick to a certain place that magically makes us get out of bed and do something.

Space, through quadratures and oppositions of planets, tries to knock a person out of his comfort zone and open new horizons.
But if a person is not conscious, clings at all costs to the illusion of holy stability, lives by the principle: “if only it weren’t worse,” is afraid of any changes, is nostalgic for the past: “that used to be the case,” then the tense aspects for him are real evil in the flesh . Such a person manages to miss even the most incredible opportunities. The new is perceived as a threat to everything familiar.
There is an opinion that the more harmonious trines and sextiles in the chart, the better. And vice versa, if there are many squares, oppositions of planets, this is not good.
In reality, the situation is exactly the opposite. The shortage of intense aspects and the abundance of harmonious ones create a motivational vacuum, a swamp from the comfort zone, TV and rose-colored hopes from the series: when my prince finds me, and the million he has suffered through years of waiting will fly through the window.
Trines and sextiles create comfort. Imagine that you come into the world with already pumped up muscles. You don't need to develop anything. Just take it and do it! You may be surprised to find an abundance of harmonious aspects in the cards of alcoholics, drug addicts, and people with very low fulfillment in life. The world through trines and sextiles warms and creates a comfort zone. But there is no motivation to move on, to develop.
Tense aspects not only do not provide skills or talents at the start of life. And they also hammer from all sides, forcing the byaku to turn into candy. Tense aspects provide an incredible amount of motivation and energy. This is a huge plus. Simply put, you don’t like squares, oppositions of planets - that means you don’t know how to prepare them. And here's the recipe.

Big benefits of tense aspects

For example, you are on the verge of getting fired, but are trying your best to hold on to your job. Yes, they pay three kopecks there. Yes, you have already forgotten the last time you slept well. Yes, there are no prospects there. But you say: there is stability here. Where I go now, they won’t take me anywhere because I’m 150 years old, I don’t have the necessary experience, there’s a crisis in the yard.
But it is quite possible that through dismissal the world is trying to say that it’s enough to sit still and waste your life. Go into business, creativity, build your own projects, etc. But instead of starting to change something in your reality, you lazily wave your hand and hold on to your cardboard house of beliefs, habits and fears.
Suppose you have a strong square of planets in your chart between the first and tenth Houses. If I work where there is no promotion, career, power, the square will come back at a low level of I and X:

  • conflicts with the boss
  • problems with the law, the state (the tax office is nagging, fines keep coming, it’s not clear why)
  • a huge number of obligations, tasks that limit you

If I am aware and understand that the squaring of the planets is not a stamp of misfortune in the astrological passport, but a huge opportunity where you need to make an effort according to the principle: two steps forward, one step back, then I get a completely different level of squaring the planets of the 1st and 10th Houses:

  • me as a boss
  • I have status, power, formal authority
  • the world gives me the opportunity to influence, control
  • I'm going into business, building a career

There is no bad weather. If it’s raining outside, then you just need to take an umbrella, and not blame the heavens for the injustice of existence.

Tense aspects in action. Should we be afraid?

In any aspect, two key planetary functions are always involved. One of them is the base, base, main characteristic. The other is a transformer, a quality that affects the base.
Personal Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars can be both the basis and the transformer.
Social Jupiter, Saturn and higher Uranus, Neptune, Pluto always act as a transformer.

For example, Moon square Pluto. The Moon, as a personal planet, has the main function:

  • my habits, comfort zone
  • basic needs
  • mother image
  • how I perceive the world

Pluto, like a transformer, influences the Moon. But not the other way around. This tense aspect reads:

  • before I relax - I feel stressed, anxious
  • the world for me is a place where I need to survive, protect myself (either they me, or I them)
  • emotional vampirism, destructive emotions, self-flagellation, a lot of anger and rage accumulates inside
  • need to control, manage, suppress (I'm a mother, I know better)

On the plus side:

  • transforming birth programs
  • the ability to clearly understand and feel the needs of other people
  • relaxing from heavy workloads
  • I am engaged in psychology, studying motivation, motives of behavior, NLP
  • The more I test myself for strength, the more comfortable and healthy I feel

Note! Pluto colors the Moon with its characteristics. The Moon does not affect Pluto in any way.
Aspects between higher and social planets do not make psychological sense. They indicate only the event level.

Square planets from Neptune in the Xth to Jupiter in the VIIth:

  1. As soon as I have a status, competition begins, enemies arise, courts, etc. But if I withstand this competition and win, my status grows exponentially.
  2. As soon as I have a partner, problems arise at work, in my career, or with the law (for example, traffic cops start fining me at every turn). If I overcome this, super profitable partners and clients come to my project.

Here we are dealing only with event rules. No psychology.

How does squaring planets work?

A sharp, hot, intense aspect with which Most of the troubles in the series are connected: fractures, sudden illnesses that ruin plans, layoffs, losses.
How planetary squaring works: two qualities are in a hot war. To put it simply: The Transformer is trying its best to harm the Base. If the Basis takes into account the qualities of the Transformer, you get the result. If you don't take it into account, you get a problem.

Analogy: As soon as I go to bed, the neighbor behind the wall begins to fanatically drill into the wall. The sound makes me jump on the bed. I have two ways:

  1. First (do nothing): endure all night. Do not sleep, get a headache immediately complete with aspirin tablets. In the morning, say: it’s all my planetary squaring that’s to blame. And also the state, fate, the world.
  2. Second: (working out the squaring of the planets): get out of bed, go to a neighbor. Break his drill and throw it out the window. Or tell your neighbor to drill at another time. In general, start interacting with your neighbor. Yes, you will have to get out of bed, get out of your hard-earned comfort zone. But at the same time you get a restful and sound sleep.

The squaring of planets works according to the principle: I cannot use the qualities of the Base until there is interaction with the Transformer.
Mars square Moon. If the base is Mars:

  • I can't do anything until the right mood comes.
  • When I need to rest, I turn into an electric broom; when I need to act, I hibernate.
  • When I start doing something, I want to complete all the tasks quickly and relax
  • My activity and activities are interfered with by emotions, feelings, experiences. And when you need to worry, feed, protect, emotion, throw a hysteria - I sincerely don’t understand what all the fuss is about. And my loved ones call me insensitive.

Elaboration: when I need to do something, I eat something tasty. I create a cozy homely atmosphere at my workplace. I take a special rest before an important task. And then I go to work. Home exercise equipment. Martial arts aimed at defense: aikido, self-defense techniques.
If the base is Moon:

  • I can’t relax until I do something, show physical activity or aggression (if I argue with someone, I feel relaxed)
  • A lot of tension, aggression, and anger accumulate inside, which prevents me from interacting with the world.
  • Overly quick reactions: quick touchiness and the same quick-wittedness
  • When I start caring, I do it too actively, intrusively or aggressively

Elaboration: relaxing through tension. I do sports not in the morning, but before bed. When I feel anger, rage, I start cooking or doing household chores. Martian pet species, for example: Siamese cat.
There are never enough examples. So let's look at another one. Venus square Uranus. Venus is divided into two main poles: money and relationships.

  • sudden, unexpected expenses cause discomfort, stress, loss
  • I can’t buy something right away. I put off important purchases for an endless “later”
  • I make utopian financial plans, but do absolutely nothing to turn my dreams into reality
  • I'm waiting for the magical moment when I should suddenly become rich. After. In the future, not now.
  • I quickly and rapidly begin to build relationships with people (personal, business, friendly). Just as quickly and suddenly, my relationships are shattered into smithereens because of some little thing.
  • In relationships I live in the future of the series: he will change later, then I will build a family, but now we need to take a closer look, gain experience, or we are not yet ready for a relationship. Everything would be fine, but this could go on for years
  • It is difficult to bear any obligations in a partnership
  • Distance in relationships

To work out the square of the planets Venus and Uranus, Venus needs to take into account and accept Uranian qualities. It’s simpler: before spending money, turn on Uranus. Before getting acquainted, building relationships, I turn on Uranus. What might this look like in practice?

  • I plan all expenses and income, purchases. Before I go to the store, I imagine in advance the possible amount of future money spent. If I don't do this, I get stressed at the checkout.
  • Unrealistically strong talent as a financial forecaster and analyst
  • I set far-reaching financial goals
  • I’m learning to invest, multiply finances, make long-term investments for years, and always save part of my finances for the future.
  • Before building a relationship, keep the distance, distance
  • Guest, civil marriage, long-distance relationships with minimal obligations (but you need to look at whether this does not contradict the 7th House)
  • Partner Uranist - general plans, chosen astrologer, inventor, creative artist, public figure, scientist, psychologist
  • The more freedom in the union, the better

Working through the squaring of planets is always associated with leaving your comfort zone and psychological pain. But if you get past the first resistance, the square reveals itself in talents, strong abilities, successes.

Remember Golden Rule: The basis must take into account the qualities of the Transformer. Otherwise it will be a hot war.

How to bury the hatchet of opposition planets?

Cold war between the two functions. The opposition of the planets is a kind of cyclic square. You consider one thing, another comes out, then a third. The opposition of the planets gives the individual wisdom and experience, as it constantly forces him to maneuver, to seek a balance between the two spheres.
Principle of operation: no one quality can win. I'm looking for a balance between the two. As soon as I pay attention to one planet, the other begins to go into deep minus. And so on in a circle. Two qualities cannot live without each other, but they cannot exist together either.
The opposition of planets works more on the internal plane, creating deep psychological splits, internal traumas and conflicts. The square of the planets acts relatively simpler, creating discomfort that needs to be overcome and get results.

Analogy. You went to bed and fell fast asleep. In the midst of sleep, in the most intimate place, you wake up

They predicted that you would destroy the opposition in the Opposition, and not join it!

from the wild sound of a neighbor's drill. In a rage, you rush to your neighbor and throw his drill out the window. But now you can't sleep in silence. And when you finally reach the borders of Morpheus’s kingdom, children start screaming outside the window and you wake up again.

Easier: I can't sleep if there is noise. But I also can’t sleep in silence. Elaboration: I’m looking for a balance between the ringing silence and the neighbor’s drill. For example, I turn on the TV and music at a low volume and calmly fall asleep.
Opposition of the planets Sun and Moon- as soon as I start to relax, rest, take care - The sun disappears. It seems to me that my life is decaying, I’m losing myself, my sense of confidence is disappearing. It seems to me that I am not fulfilling myself and all the best and good things pass me by.
As soon as I start to rejoice, take initiative, do something myself, present myself - The moon falls into minus. I lose my sense of comfort and security, and I experience severe stress.

Processing method: I alternate functions, first the first, then the second, then the first again.
In the case of the Moon and the Sun - after performances, after joy, I eat something tasty, set aside time for myself to relax so that no one bothers me. After rest, I go to actively engage in solar affairs: join, lead, take initiative, etc. Another option: at work I’m a super boss, at home I’m super caring. Again I alternate two qualities.
Opposition of the planets Mercury and Jupiter. And again there are two distortions: then I’m a know-it-all, I’m being clever, I’m becoming big Soviet encyclopedia, I give advice where it is not required. I have chaos in my thoughts, I exaggerate, I embellish words. I get bogged down in details and don’t see the big picture.

Elaboration: I'm learning foreign words. I periodically write blog posts on my page. I live by the principle: I study and teach at the same time. For example, I completed a training and immediately try to pass on this information further or improve or expand it. Otherwise there is a lot of words, but no sense.

Why include tense aspects?

You can put a semicolon on this for now. The theme of intense aspects is as endless as the starry sky. The main rule for today is - don’t be afraid, don’t avoid tense aspects! These are your most powerful engines of progress, tools of success.
Remember the most pleasant and comfortable comfort zone eventually turns into a swamp. And if this is exactly what happened to your comfort zone, then turn on the tense aspects immediately!

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Interesting thoughts by K. Rushman on Tau-Squares:

Tau squares as drivers

Tau squares are without a doubt the drivers. One day I spent

following and discovered that a significant proportion of successful people have Tau-

squares. Here's how they work in different modalities.

Cardinal Tau Square creates a feeling that rises from the depths of the soul

and prompts: “I must act. I have to go first. I must become human

com. I need to do something." This is intrinsic motivation and I believe that clients with

With this aspect, they are born zodiac entrepreneurs. They -

trendsetters, they are active pioneers, and this guides them. I always re-

I recommend that they open their own business. Often they already have their own business and are thinking about

to open it, have been doing it or want to do it. There is an entrepreneur in their souls

body vein. Many of them tell me: “Oh, I started my own business, which

When I was ten years old, it was my first lemonade stand, and I always loved it.

was interested in business." This is how cardinal T-square people operate. If they

If they don’t have their own businesses, they will become leaders in some other area of ​​their lives.

Often they remain employed in a corporate structure only if they are

are promoted to management positions and receive promotions. Being on your own

nature by people who do not require outside support when they begin their

Case in point, cardinal people do well in sales. And again, even if they work

melt for someone else, they feel as if they are the first persons

because it is they who “call the tune” and enjoy the right to accept the most important

People with fixed Tau square- minions of the Zodiac. These are the people who are all

where they bring their undertakings to completion. For example, if they go to college, then they don't

will leave it until they receive a higher academic degree. They are focused on

achieving their goals, and if these goals are good, then they will succeed. Whenever I

Whenever I consult a person with a fixed T-square, I always say:

"You can do anything and become anything if you focus

on this task. Set a goal for yourself because you have every reason and strength

reach it. And you will work your way through any difficulties, because

From early childhood you know that there are obstacles, obstacles and obstacles. However, you

you also know how to overcome them.” I observed this with my paska, who has pain

shoy fixed Tau square. Pluto was involved in it, and this inspired me

serious concern. I thought: “What will happen to him?” He's already graduated from college and

worked in the banking industry, but decided to continue his education. He got his diploma

M.D. and then went to law school. He worked very hard and took

place among the top 2% of students in your group.

People with mutable Tau squares also have energy that allows them

achieve their intended goals, but often this happens thanks to their conscientiousness

strength and perseverance. These people are very meticulous and neat. They have high

creativity and flexibility. I noticed that they often turn out to be children of al-

coholics or that someone in their environment was somehow associated with medicinal

drugs, drugs or the fight against excess weight (usually we are talking about someone from

parents, brothers or sisters). A child with a mutable T-square is often heroic

becomes a person from a dysfunctional family. Such people often grow up in single-parent families,

where they have to take on many responsibilities from early childhood.

Parents with a mutable child should show increased attention

attitude towards those with whom he is friends, and make sure that no negative influence is exerted on him

influence. Mutable children often become the same as their environment. They are - hame-

leons that absorb energy and reflect it into environment. Positive

The side of mutable Tau squares is the frequent desire for self-improvement.

nyu, significant creative inclinations, they are amazingly versatile. Important to remember,

that all Tau-squares are pronounced drivers of either good or evil.

A shoemaker without boots - Russian proverb

The doctor heal himself - either Avicenna or Hippocrates

Recently, ChloFlo had a huge discussion on the topic of whether there can be a “shoemaker without boots,” or a specialist who is doing poorly in the main subject of his specialization. A shabby stylist, a pimply cosmetologist, a fat fitness trainer, a psychotic psychologist, and so on.

So, from an astrological point of view, there may be the coolest specialists in precisely the area where they themselves “hug and cry.” Because for them this is the only way to work out some square in the astromap.

A little educational information: in the astromap there are green or so-called harmonious aspects and tension aspects - red. Red between planets at 180 degrees is opposition, at 90 degrees it is a square.

The action of the square can be described as follows: in some place, in some kingdom-state, there is a very desirable thing for a person, a quality, a sidhi, a prize, a goal. Let's say a barrel of honey for Winnie the Pooh. But next to the barrel there is an impenetrable swarm of aggressive bees. Or angry wasps. Or crooked and heavy rakes.

And it’s useless to tell Vinnie “don’t step on the same rake.” He will go and attack again. Because that’s where the honey is, which Pooh can’t live without.

The square aspect is honey and a rake in the same place, acting simultaneously. A person simply cannot help but go there; there is something longed for and desired for him. But there are also “favorite rake”.

So, one way to work out a square: a rake lets a person get to the honey. But he must give the honey to others. He can hold it in his hands, enjoy its taste, color and smell. But give it away. Otherwise - a rake.

The square is a direct channel to the energy above, access to the egregor. But a person at a certain level is only an intermediary in him, trying to keep at least a little higher energy, “squeezing” is punished severely.

You can keep it for yourself only after working to the fullest, completing your 12 labors of Hercules for the prosperity of some king, without any attempts to take advantage of the results.

Examples: I know several wonderful, natural matchmakers with Moon-Uranus, Venus-Uranus squares. But their personal lives are in complete disarray.

I assume that Vera from “The Singles Are Provided with a Hostel” is precisely the owner of such a square. Let us remember her mystery: a wonderful matchmaker with no chance of marriage, and when her personal life began to improve, Sodom and Gomorrah collapsed. And only when Vera passed the test of loyalty to the square (one way or another, she would still engage in matchmaking or pimping), only then the rake of the square let her go a little, allowed her to “keep it for herself” a little.

Another example. When I was young, I did aerobics in the same gym where artistic gymnasts trained. And they were trained by a very famous coach in the city, from under whose wing came the champions of the then Union, and then Russia.

And the trainer itself was such a size that... I can’t even find a suitable comparison. At the same time, she moved a lot and gracefully. Her close friends said that it was simply impossible to sit at the same table with her, she swept away everything on the table. And she herself developed excellent nutrition and training systems for her pets, they were vigorous and did not gain weight. But I just couldn’t apply all this to myself. Moon-Saturn square, Cancer-Libra in action.

In general, all of the above can be multiplied by two specifically for the squares of Saturn, which act like “I got caught in a stupid class, explained it five times, already understood everything, but they are still stupid.”

Saturn squares often act this way: if you want to get honey and avoid the rake, go teach others how to get honey and avoid the rake.

So, where you have a square, you have a talent, an ability, but a unique one. Sometimes from the outside it looks like complete mediocrity and insignificance. But you are drawn there by an irresistible force, something constantly happens there from the series “you wanted to make a thunderstorm, but got a goat,” you go for honey and get a rake.

And one of the ways to get honey in the direction of the square is to carry this honey to others. Or teach others to carry honey. And until you start doing this, the rake will not go anywhere.

In the next Astro Mondays, I will talk about other ways to work out a square, and about specific squares. I’ll start with the Mars-Venus square - this is one of my “favorites”. And of course I have it.

Let me remind you that I haven’t been giving astro consultations for a very long time, and I’m definitely not going to do it in the next six months.
You can create your own horoscope using this link.

In classical astrology, tense aspects are often presented as a fatality that one must come to terms with, learn to live with, or endure. Oppositions and squares of planets are often used to frighten people in books and during consultations.

But in the astrological model of the world there is no place for suffering or unconditional resignation in the face of difficulties. On the contrary, intense aspects can give unprecedented talents, career success, and powerful personal growth. The charts of politicians, businessmen, and prominent people are replete with an abundance of planetary quadratures and oppositions.

From this article you will learn how to work through tense aspects in your natal chart. How to turn a minus into a stable plus.

Why do tense aspects get angry?

Tense aspects indicate internal conflict, split, problem. War of two planetary qualities. Squares, oppositions of planets are the same kick in a certain place that magically makes us get out of bed and do something.

You can’t just take and work out the Quadrature of the planets

Space, through quadratures and oppositions of planets, tries to knock a person out of his comfort zone and open new horizons.

But if a person is not conscious, clings at all costs to the illusion of holy stability, lives by the principle: “if only it weren’t worse,” is afraid of any changes, is nostalgic for the past: “that used to be the case,” then the tense aspects for him are real evil in the flesh . Such a person manages to miss even the most incredible opportunities. The new is perceived as a threat to everything familiar.

There is an opinion that the more harmonious trines and sextiles in the chart, the better. And vice versa, if there are many squares, oppositions of planets, this is not good.

In reality, the situation is exactly the opposite. The shortage of intense aspects and the abundance of harmonious ones create a motivational vacuum, a swamp from the comfort zone, TV and rose-colored hopes from the series: when my prince finds me, and the million he has suffered through years of waiting will fly through the window.

Trines and sextiles create comfort. Imagine that you come into the world with already pumped up muscles. You don't need to develop anything. Just take it and do it! You may be surprised to find an abundance of harmonious aspects in the cards of alcoholics, drug addicts, and people with very low fulfillment in life. The world through trines and sextiles warms and creates a comfort zone. But there is no motivation to move on, to develop.

Tense aspects not only do not provide skills or talents at the start of life. And they also hammer from all sides, forcing the byaku to turn into candy. Tense aspects provide an incredible amount of motivation and energy. This is a huge plus. Simply put, you don’t like squares, oppositions of planets, which means you don’t know how to prepare them. And here's the recipe.

Big benefits of tense aspects

For example, you are on the verge of getting fired, but are trying your best to hold on to your job. Yes, they pay three kopecks there. Yes, you have already forgotten the last time you slept well. Yes, there are no prospects there. But you say: there is stability here. Where I go now, they won’t take me anywhere because I’m 150 years old, I don’t have the necessary experience, there’s a crisis in the yard.

But it is quite possible that through dismissal the world is trying to say that it’s enough to sit still and waste your life. Go into business, creativity, build your own projects, etc. But instead of starting to change something in your reality, you lazily wave your hand and hold on to your cardboard house of beliefs, habits and fears.

Suppose you have a strong card square planets between the first and tenth houses. If I work where there is no promotion, career, power, the square will come back at a low level I And X:

  • conflicts with the boss
  • problems with the law, the state (the tax office is nagging, fines keep coming, it’s not clear why)
  • a huge number of obligations, tasks that limit you

If I am aware and understand that the squaring of the planets is not a stamp of misfortune in the astrological passport, but a huge opportunity where you need to make an effort according to the principle: two steps forward, one step back, then I get a completely different level squares of planets I and X Houses:

  • me as a boss
  • I have status, power, formal authority
  • the world gives me the opportunity to influence, control
  • I'm going into business, building a career

There is no bad weather. If it’s raining outside, then you just need to take an umbrella, and not blame the heavens for the injustice of existence.

Tense aspects in action. Should we be afraid?

In any aspect, two key planetary functions are always involved. One of them is the basis, the base, the main characteristic. The other is a transformer, a quality that affects the base.

Personal Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars can be both the basis and the transformer.

Social Jupiter, Saturn and higher Uranus, Neptune, Pluto always act as a transformer.

For example, Moon square Pluto. The Moon, as a personal planet, has the main function:

  • my habits, comfort zone
  • basic needs
  • mother image
  • how I perceive the world

Pluto, like a transformer, influences the Moon. But not the other way around. This tense aspect reads:

  • before I relax - I feel stressed, anxious
  • the world for me is a place where I need to survive, protect myself (either they me, or I them)
  • emotional vampirism, destructive emotions, self-flagellation, a lot of anger and rage accumulates inside
  • need to control, manage, suppress (I'm a mother, I know better)

On the plus side:

  • transforming birth programs
  • the ability to clearly understand and feel the needs of other people
  • relaxing from heavy workloads
  • I am engaged in psychology, studying motivation, motives of behavior, NLP
  • The more I test myself for strength, the more comfortable and healthy I feel

Note! Pluto colors the Moon with its characteristics. The Moon does not affect Pluto in any way.

Aspects between higher and social planets do not make psychological sense. They indicate only the event level.

Square planets from Neptune in the Xth to Jupiter in the VIIth:

  1. As soon as I have a status, competition begins, enemies arise, courts, etc. But if I withstand this competition and win, my status grows exponentially.
  2. As soon as I have a partner, problems arise at work, in my career, or with the law (for example, traffic cops start fining me at every turn). If I overcome this, super profitable partners and clients come to my project.

Here we are dealing only with event rules. No psychology.

How does squaring planets work?

A sharp, hot, intense aspect with which Most of the troubles in the series are connected: fractures, sudden illnesses that ruin plans, layoffs, losses.

The principle of operation of planetary squaring: two qualities are in a hot war. To put it simply: The Transformer is trying its best to harm the Base. If the Basis takes into account the qualities of the Transformer, you get the result. If you don't take it into account, you get a problem.

Analogy: as soon as I go to bed, the neighbor behind the wall begins to fanatically drill into the wall. The sound makes me jump on the bed. I have two ways:

  1. First (do nothing): endure all night. Do not sleep, get a headache immediately complete with aspirin tablets. In the morning, say: it’s all my planetary squaring that’s to blame. And also the state, fate, the world.
  2. Second: (working out the squaring of the planets): get out of bed, go to a neighbor. Break his drill and throw it out the window. Or tell your neighbor to drill at another time. In general, start interacting with your neighbor. Yes, you will have to get out of bed, get out of your hard-earned comfort zone. But at the same time you get a restful and sound sleep.

The squaring of planets works according to the principle: I cannot use the qualities of the Base until there is interaction with the Transformer.

Mars square Moon. If the base is Mars:

  • I can't do anything until the right mood comes.
  • When I need to rest, I turn into an electric broom; when I need to act, I hibernate.
  • When I start doing something, I want to complete all the tasks quickly and relax
  • My activity and activities are interfered with by emotions, feelings, experiences. And when you need to worry, feed, protect, emotion, throw a hysteria - I sincerely don’t understand what all the fuss is about. And my loved ones call me insensitive.

Elaboration: when I need to do something, I eat something tasty. I create a cozy homely atmosphere at my workplace. I take a special rest before an important task. And then I go to work. Home exercise equipment. Martial arts aimed at defense: aikido, self-defense techniques.

If the base is Moon:

  • I can’t relax until I do something, show physical activity or aggression (if I argue with someone, I feel relaxed)
  • A lot of tension, aggression, and anger accumulate inside, which prevents me from interacting with the world.
  • Overly quick reactions: quick touchiness and the same quick-wittedness
  • When I start caring, I do it too actively, intrusively or aggressively

Elaboration: relaxing through tension. I do sports not in the morning, but before bed. When I feel anger, rage, I start cooking or doing household chores. Martian pet species, for example: Siamese cat.

There are never enough examples. So let's look at another one. Venus square Uranus. Venus is divided into two main poles: money and relationships.


  • sudden, unexpected expenses cause discomfort, stress, loss
  • I can’t buy something right away. I put off important purchases for an endless “later”
  • I make utopian financial plans, but do absolutely nothing to turn my dreams into reality
  • I'm waiting for the magical moment when I should suddenly become rich. After. In the future, not now.
  • I quickly and rapidly begin to build relationships with people (personal, business, friendly). Just as quickly and suddenly, my relationships are shattered into smithereens because of some little thing.
  • In relationships I live in the future of the series: he will change later, then I will build a family, but now we need to take a closer look, gain experience, or we are not yet ready for a relationship. Everything would be fine, but this could go on for years
  • It is difficult to bear any obligations in a partnership
  • Distance in relationships

To work out the square of the planets Venus and Uranus, Venus needs to take into account and accept Uranian qualities. It’s simpler: before spending money, turn on Uranus. Before getting acquainted or building relationships, I turn on Uranus. What might this look like in practice?

  • I plan all expenses and income, purchases. Before I go to the store, I imagine in advance the possible amount of future money spent. If I don't do this, I get stressed at the checkout.
  • Unrealistically strong talent as a financial forecaster and analyst
  • I set far-reaching financial goals
  • I’m learning to invest, multiply finances, make long-term investments for years, and always save part of my finances for the future.
  • Before building a relationship, keep the distance, distance
  • Guest, civil marriage, long-distance relationships with minimal obligations (but you need to look at whether this does not contradict the 7th House)
  • Partner Uranist - general plans, chosen astrologer, inventor, creative person, public figure, scientist, psychologist
  • The more freedom in the union, the better

Working through the squaring of planets is always associated with leaving your comfort zone and psychological pain. But if you overcome the first resistance, the square opens up into talents, strong abilities, and successes.

Remember the golden rule: The basis must take into account the qualities of the Transformer. Otherwise it will be a hot war.

How to bury the hatchet of opposition planets?

Cold war between the two functions. The opposition of the planets is a kind of cyclic square. You consider one thing, another comes out, then a third. The opposition of the planets gives the individual wisdom and experience, as it constantly forces him to maneuver, to seek a balance between the two spheres.

How it works: No one quality can win. I'm looking for a balance between the two. As soon as I pay attention to one planet, the other begins to go into deep minus. And so on in a circle. Two qualities cannot live without each other, but they cannot exist together either.

The opposition of planets works more on the internal plane, creating deep psychological splits, internal traumas and conflicts. The square of the planets acts relatively simpler, creating discomfort that needs to be overcome and get results.

Analogy. You went to bed and fell fast asleep. In the midst of sleep, in the most intimate place, you wake up from the wild sound of your neighbor’s drill. In a rage, you rush to your neighbor and throw his drill out the window. But now you can't sleep in silence. And when you finally reach the borders of Morpheus’s kingdom, children start screaming outside the window and you wake up again.

They predicted that you would destroy the opposition in the Opposition, and not join it!

Simpler: I can’t sleep if there’s noise. But I also can’t sleep in silence. Elaboration: I’m looking for a balance between the ringing silence and the neighbor’s drill. For example, I turn on the TV and music at a low volume and calmly fall asleep.

Opposition of the planets Sun and Moon- as soon as I start to relax, rest, take care - the Sun disappears. It seems to me that my life is decaying, I’m losing myself, my sense of confidence is disappearing. It seems to me that I am not fulfilled and all the best and good things are passing me by.

As soon as I start to rejoice, take initiative, do something myself, present myself, the Moon falls into the negative. I lose my sense of comfort and security, and I experience severe stress.

Processing method: I alternate functions, first the first, then the second, then the first again.

In the case of the Moon and the Sun - after performances, after joy, I eat something tasty, set aside time for myself to relax so that no one bothers me. After rest, I go to actively engage in solar affairs: join, lead, take initiative, etc. Another option: at work I’m a super boss, at home I’m super caring. Again I alternate two qualities.

Opposition of the planets Mercury and Jupiter. And again there are two distortions: then I’m a know-it-all, I’m smart, I become a big Soviet encyclopedia, I give out advice where it’s not required. I have chaos in my thoughts, I exaggerate, I embellish words. I get bogged down in details and don’t see the big picture.

Elaboration: I'm learning foreign words. I periodically write blog posts on my page. I live by the principle: I study and teach at the same time. For example, I completed a training and immediately try to pass on this information further or improve or expand it. Otherwise there is a lot of words, but no sense.

Why include tense aspects?

You can put a semicolon on this for now. The theme of intense aspects is as endless as the starry sky. The main rule for today is don’t be afraid, don’t avoid stressful aspects! These are your most powerful engines of progress, tools of success.

Remember, the most pleasant and comfortable comfort zone eventually turns into a swamp. And if this is exactly what happened to your comfort zone, then immediately turn on the stressful aspects!