There was a powerful flare x on the sun. New powerful solar flare: What to expect and why it is dangerous. How to escape from magnetic storms

According to scientists, the explosion on the Sun belongs to the highest class X with a score of X8.2. For comparison, on Wednesday, September 6, the most powerful flare in 12 years occurred with a magnitude of X9.3.

According to the outbreak activity index, the outbreak that occurred on Sunday reaches 9.8 out of 10.

The first two powerful flares occurred on September 6, while the second of them turned out to be the most powerful in the last 12 years. The next outbreak, which was assigned the highest activity class - X9.3, occurred on September 7, between 17.00 Moscow time and 18.00 Moscow time. Another one - on Friday, September 8, at 11.00 Moscow time.

These events on the same day caused disruptions in radio communications and GPS signal reception on the dayside of the Earth, which lasted about an hour.
The head of the press service (Beeline brand) stated that the solar flare did not affect the communication system and everything was working as normal.

“The solar flare did not affect the operation of the Beeline network. Everything is working as normal,” the company representative assured.

The solar flare, which occurred on September 6, can cause failures in space technology and communication systems. This warning was made by the head of the Space Weather Center at the Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Solar flares - catastrophic events on the surface of the Sun, caused by reconnection (reconnection) of magnetic field lines “frozen” into the solar plasma. At some point, the extremely twisted magnetic field lines break and reconnect in a new configuration, releasing a colossal amount of energy.

Depending on the intensity of solar flares, they are classified, and in this case we are talking about the most powerful flares - the X-class. The energy released during such flares is equivalent to the explosions of billions of megaton hydrogen bombs.

The strongest solar flare recorded in modern era, occurred on November 4, 2003, and was classified as X28 (its consequences were not so catastrophic, since the ejection was not directed directly at Earth).

Extreme solar flares can be accompanied by powerful ejections of material from the solar corona, so-called coronal mass ejections. For the Earth, it can pose a greater or lesser danger, depending on whether the emission is directed directly at our planet. In any case, the consequences of these emissions are felt after 1-3 days. We are talking about billions of tons of matter flying at speeds of hundreds of kilometers per second.

This time, a huge mass of matter was just on its way to Earth. This was evidenced by data from solar coronagraphs observing the outer layers of the solar atmosphere.

As expected, the extreme activity of the Sun has already caused a strong magnetic storm on Earth, which was assigned the fourth level on a five-point scale.

“A cloud of plasma from the Sun arrived in the orbit of our planet at about 2 a.m. Moscow time, about 12 hours earlier than expected. This means that its speed was 1.5 times higher than expected, and the impact on the Earth was made with more power than expected.

The direction of the magnetic field of the ejection, based on the data from the ACE device, is unfavorable for our planet - the field is directed opposite to the earth’s and is currently “burning” the Earth’s field lines,” explained the chief Researcher FIAN.
However, current events are far from the so-called Carrington event - the most powerful geomagnetic storm in the entire history of observations, which broke out in 1859. From August 28 to September 2, numerous spots and flares were observed on the Sun.

British astronomer Richard Carrington observed the most powerful of them on September 1, which probably caused a large coronal mass ejection that reached the Earth in a record time of 18 hours. Unfortunately, there were no modern instruments at that time, but the consequences were clear to everyone even without it - from intense auroras in the equator region to sparkling telegraph wires.

What is surprising is that current events are taking place against the background of a decrease in solar activity, when the natural 11-year cycle is completed, when the number of sunspots decreases. However, many scientists remind us that it is precisely during the period of decreased activity that the most powerful outbreaks often occur, breaking out as if at the end.

From open sources

Scientists have announced a new powerful flare on the Sun. It was recorded the night before by specialists from the Solar X-ray Astronomy Laboratory (FIAN).

According to their estimates, the outbreak belongs to the highest activity class X, it was assigned a score of X8.2. As for the flare activity index, it reaches 9.8 points out of 10 possible.

Solar activity over the past 24 hours Laboratory of Solar X-ray Astronomy (FIAN)

“The X8.2 flare became the second strongest since 2005 and is second only to its direct predecessor, which occurred four days earlier,” the FIAN report emphasizes.

I didn't come first

We note for Lately This is the fourth most powerful explosion recorded on the Sun. A series of flares on the star began a week earlier.

Solar activity for the month Laboratory of Solar X-ray Astronomy (FIAN)

So, on Monday, September 4, scientists recorded five energy emissions of class M, and two more days later - level X9.3.

The next day, September 7, a second powerful flare occurred, which was assigned the highest activity class - X. However, its strength was comparatively less - X1.3.

On September 8, experts recorded the third most powerful class X flare. It was almost equivalent in strength to the last one - X8.1.

The shock wave from the first flare reached the Earth at midnight on September 8 and provoked a strong (fourth level on a five-point scale) geomagnetic storm.

The main energy of the explosion will pass the Earth

According to scientists, this time, most likely, the Earth will be missed Negative consequences solar activity. “At the moment, our planet is being bombarded by heavy particles coming from the Sun... Judging by the shape of the emission profile of the flare, it was accompanied by a large ejection of matter that went into interplanetary space. The speed and direction of the ejection have not yet been determined. Despite the power of the events taking place, most likely they will remain the only manifestations of the flare, and the mass ejection containing the main energy of the explosion will not come to the Earth,” the FIAN report notes.

As scientists explained, the solar flare that occurred, although it was visible from Earth, formally occurred on the far side of the solar disk, its central vector of the explosion was directed not towards our planet, but away from it. "Given the current position of the planets solar system, the main and very powerful impact this time will fall on Venus, which is now located almost exactly on the central line of the ejection,” the FIAN report suggests

At the same time, experts note that, despite the unexpectedness and incredible force of what is happening in last days events on the Sun, they are considered as a one-time burst of activity - “probably the last one before the long hibernation of the Sun, into which it was supposed to fall (and seemed to have already fallen) for the next few years.” “If this is not the case, and the ongoing surge in activity continues or, moreover, drags on until the end of the year, we will have to admit that a rather serious deviation from the 11-year cycle has occurred on the Sun, the possible consequences of which will still have to be sorted out,” the message summarizes .

Why are solar flares dangerous?

The atmosphere of the Sun is a seething ocean of hot plasma. Powerful forces constantly arise within him. magnetic fields, the lines of force of which are arranged into arches, loops or other structures. They are unstable: from time to time the magnetic laces are destroyed, merged or rearranged. In this case, the energy stored in them can be released and heat the gas at the site of the breakthrough so that it becomes noticeably hotter than even the surrounding bubbling inferno. This is a solar flare - a super-powerful process of releasing light, heat and kinetic energy luminaries in all layers of the atmosphere. It lasts several minutes, releasing billions of megatons of energy in TNT equivalent, and affects the planets. In the case of the Earth - on the weather, as well as the behavior and health of living organisms.

Already 8 and a half minutes after the explosion on the Sun, photons from the flare reach the Earth. A little later, during the first hour, the atmosphere of our planet begins to be attacked by powerful streams of charged particles. The final stage of the offensive is the clouds of plasma from the solar flare, which reach the Earth after two to three days.

First of all, solar flares are dangerous for astronauts, because they are located outside the protective shell of the Earth. The powerful flows of protons generated during the explosion increase the level of radiation and threaten astronauts with serious exposure.

From open sources

Note that traditionally the power of solar flares is measured using X-rays. In total they are divided into five classes: A, B, C, M and X. Class X unites the largest events. To calculate the X-ray flux in the Earth's region, you need to multiply the number after the letter X by 0.1 milliwatts by square meter. For example, an X1.1 class flash has a flux of 0.11 mW/m2. The recent “record holder” was assigned class X9.3, which means its X-ray flux was equal to 0.93 mW/m2.

Notably, there is a certain risk of exposure even for airline passengers who fly during certain periods during peak outbreak activity.

Also, waves of powerful explosive energy can disable satellites, aircraft, and communications equipment. This also applies to GPS navigation, which can also fail.

The second blow falls on the weather and the health of the planet's inhabitants. It occurs when a cloud of plasma from a solar flare reaches the Earth and provokes magnetic storms.

In particular, numerous studies prove that during periods of solar activity, hurricanes, typhoons and earthquakes most often occur on our planet. This is confirmed by the fact that it swept through Texas in late August, causing severe flooding in Houston, and which has already killed 14 people and continues to rage in the Caribbean Sea. The earthquake in southern Mexico also caused enormous damage.

As for human well-being and health, on days of solar flares, brain activity is significantly reduced, and concentration is greatly dulled, which is why the number of road accidents and other injuries increases.

In addition, for a number of people, magnetic storms are the causative agents of real torment and frustration.

From open sources

There are many such groups: people with weakened immune systems; population suffering from cardiovascular diseases, migraines, horse races (changes) blood pressure; people with chronic diseases that worsen during each solar energy outbreak and subsequent magnetic storm; population subject to periodic manifestations of insomnia, loss of appetite, restless sleep; mentally unbalanced individuals.

There are also individual opinions, repeatedly confirmed in practice, that many during magnetic storms Old wounds, scars, damaged bones or sore joints begin to bother you.

People who do not tolerate magnetic storms well are advised to stay in the sun as little as possible on such days and generally in the fresh air. In addition, it is advised to refrain from heavy physical and mental stress.

Unimaginable theories

Notably, the largest possible consequence of solar flares is a shift in the orbits of the planets, which can lead to a collision between Earth and Venus and the end of the world. Currently, the minimum distance between Earth and Venus is 38 million kilometers; the planets are at such a distance from each other once every 584 days. Due to the displacement of orbits celestial bodies, as astronomers have already calculated, this approach will now occur twice as often - approximately once every 300 days. Most likely, the minimum distance between the planets will also change. However, this is just a theory for now.

The most powerful flare of the highest class of activity was recorded around 19:00 (Moscow time) on the Sun, the website reports Physical Institute Academy of Sciences.

According to scientists, the outbreak belongs to class X, it was assigned a score of X8.2. As for the flare activity index, it reaches 9.8 points out of 10 possible. This is the fourth most powerful explosion recorded on the Sun recently.

Previous outbreaks

A series of flares on the star began on Monday - then scientists recorded five M-class energy emissions. Two days later, scientists announced the most powerful solar flare in the last 12 years. The flash is rated X9.3.

On September 7, a second powerful flare occurred, which was assigned the highest activity class - X. As scientists said, what happened was a natural result of changes in the solar corona.

On September 8, a third powerful outbreak occurred, which was also classified as class X.


As scientists stated, during the first powerful flare, seismic waves called “sunquake” propagated on the Sun.

However, experts noted that this phenomenon does not pose any harm.

“Almost no one will notice anything,” said Alexey Struminsky, a leading researcher at the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

"Placebo effect"

The Moscow Space Club said that the influence of solar flares, even powerful ones, on the health of earthlings has not yet been proven by science, but the so-called “placebo effect” from reading reports about increased solar activity can lead to a deterioration in the psycho-emotional state.

"Such facts scientific research not yet recorded. Theoretically, yes, it is possible, but in practice it has not been proven. We must understand that the “placebo effect” in the feelings of people reading news about flares, as well as sunspots, has a greater impact on their physical and psycho-emotional state. A person is worried, expects troubles, and so they happen,” said Ivan Moiseev.

The placebo effect, as scientists believe, leads to a deterioration or improvement in a person’s health due to the fact that he believes in the effectiveness of some external influence, which is actually neutral.

And again, a powerful flare of the highest class of activity was recorded on the Sun. As reported by RIA Novosti, citing data from scientists from the Physical Institute of the Academy of Sciences, the flare occurred at about 19:00 on September 10, Kyiv time, on the Sun.

According to scientists, the outbreak belongs to class X, it was assigned a score of X8.2. The flare activity index reached 9.8 points out of 10 possible.

A few days ago, on September 6, it became known about the most powerful flare in the last 12 years, which resulted from the merger of two largest groups of sunspots. The next day, September 7, a second powerful outbreak occurred, which was assigned the highest class of activity - X. And on September 8, scientists recorded, which was also classified as class X.



People will suffer from magnetic storms

Many inhabitants of the planet may experience health problems during a magnetic storm. There are even some opinions, repeatedly confirmed in practice, that during magnetic storms many people begin to be bothered by old wounds, scars, damaged bones or sore joints.

Magnetic storms also negatively affect weather-dependent people - headaches, depression, and mood swings are possible.

And solar flares are considered the most unfavorable for space explorers. After all, waves of powerful explosive energy may well damage communication satellites, and even spacecraft, completely disabling instruments and control systems. We should not forget that solar flares significantly increase the level of radiation, and people in outer space can easily be exposed to heavy radiation. Airline passengers are also at risk of exposure.

Who is at risk:

  • population suffering from cardiovascular diseases, migraines, and blood pressure surges;
  • people with chronic diseases that worsen during each solar energy outbreak and subsequent magnetic storm;
  • suffering from insomnia and loss of appetite;
  • mentally unbalanced individuals.

How to escape from magnetic storms?

In days, and for those who are especially sensitive, a day or two before, doctors recommend paying attention to your lifestyle. Eat right (exclude spicy, salty, fatty foods), avoid drinking alcohol, strong coffee and tea. Drink more pure water, herbal teas and infusions. That is, while the flow of energy is just moving towards the Earth, you can begin to prepare.

By the way, many therapists believe that the more weakened a person’s immunity is, the more physically and emotionally exhausted he is, the stronger the influence of a magnetic storm can be. And vice versa, if your lifestyle allows you to remain calm, cheerful and cheerful, then no geomagnetic disturbances and solar Activity you are not afraid.