How to get a silver medal, conditions for receiving a silver medal. Gold medal at school - conditions Gold medal at school conditions

The attitude towards a silver medal in school nowadays is very ambiguous.

What does a silver medal give?

Previously, Russian schoolchildren who received a silver medal at the end of school had the right to enter a university, including passing a profiling exam with an excellent grade.

With the introduction of the Unified State Exam, this privilege ceased to exist. Currently arriving Russian schoolchildren in universities is related only to the number of points obtained on the unified state exam. The real help from a silver medal upon admission consists only in the advantage of a student over another student without a medal with the same number of Unified State Examination points.

Given the current state of affairs in Russian schools, receiving a medal does not give a student anything other than the status of a medalist. But for the prestige of the school and teachers, the number of medalists produced still matters. The school administration always strives to increase the number of silver and gold medalists.

In connection with this situation, it was even planned to cancel the awarding of gold and silver medals to schoolchildren, but after discussion it was decided that there would still be medalists in schools.

Things are a little different in Ukrainian schools. The silver medalist is awarded 200 additional points, which are so necessary for admission, which contributed to increasing the prestige of excellent studies on the one hand, and the emergence of “fake” medalists, on the other.

The silver school graduate medal, like the gold medal, has been awarded for more than 50 years. Initially, the medals actually consisted of real silver and real gold, but already in 1954, alloys began to be used in the manufacture of medals, and after 1960, the name of the medals became purely symbolic. They are made mainly from an alloy of copper and nickel, and coated with a colorless varnish that prevents the metal from darkening. The medal is awarded for “Special achievements in learning.”

If you have set a goal for yourself - receiving a silver medal at school, then it would be nice to find out under what conditions it is issued.

Conditions for receiving a silver medal

How should schoolchildren competing for a silver medal study, how many B's can they have in their certificate?

According to the new rules, any student can receive a silver medal Russian school, which:

  • in grades 10 and 11 will have no more than two B grades in each half-year and at the end of each year;
  • and will pass the Unified State Exam no lower than the minimum threshold.

The conditions for receiving a silver medal and the status of a medalist are somewhat different for Ukrainian schoolchildren.

To receive a silver medal, the school requirements are:

  • a student during the period of study in grades 10 and 11 can have 8 points in no more than two subjects based on the results for the semester, for the year and according to the results of the state final certification;
  • all other grades should be 10-12 points.

The decision on whether a particular graduate will receive a medal or not is made at a joint meeting of the school council and the teachers' council. Once approved by the local education authority, the decision is approved by the school principal.

Receiving a silver medal at school, what needs to be done for this?

If you decide to seek a silver or gold medal, then:

Even if receiving a silver medal at school does not give the student any advantages upon admission, it will give him the status of a student with extraordinary abilities (which can be useful when). The student's name will always adorn the list of medalists in the school chronicle.



Video: Gold Medal School URSR history of the Soviet Union medal

Video: Presentation of gold medals to school graduates in the Vyborg region.


In the 10th grade in the first half of the year there are two 4s, in the second half of the year there are four 4s, in the year there are two 4s. In the 11th grade both in the first half of the year and in the second half of the year there are all 5s, in the year there are all 5s. Can I get a silver medal?



By order of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation dated September 18, 2013 No. 1074, the previously issued order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated February 25, 2010 No. 140 “On approval of the Regulations on medals “For special achievements in learning” was declared invalid.

Currently, according to the provisions of Part 10 of Art. 34 Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, persons who have completed mastering educational programs secondary general education, having successfully passed the state final certification and having final grades of academic performance “excellent” in all academic subjects , studied in accordance with curriculum, the educational organization, simultaneously with the issuance of the corresponding document on education, awards the medal “For special achievements in learning.”

As far as I understand, the procedure for awarding silver medals is not provided for by federal legislation.

However, in accordance with clause 26, part 1, art. 34 Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” the academic right of students to encouragement for success in academic, physical education, sports, social, scientific, scientific and technical, creative, experimental and innovation activity is implemented through the establishment of such incentives at the level of educational organizations by relevant local regulations. This type of encouragement could include awarding a medal. educational organization for success in learning.

In addition, various measures to encourage students can be provided at the level of constituent entities of the Russian Federation or municipalities, including within the framework of the implementation of the provisions provided for in Part 4 of Art. 77 Federal Law No. 273-FZ rights of bodies state power subjects of the Russian Federation and local governments to establish special monetary incentives for persons who have demonstrated outstanding abilities, and other incentive measures for these persons.

Read the order of the Ministry of Education and Science on the approval of the procedure for issuing medals “for special achievements in teaching” http://minobnauki.rf/%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D0 %B8/4301/%D1%84%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BB/3242/%D0%9F%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B0%D0%B7%20 %E2%84%96%20685%20%D0%BE%D1%82%2023.06.2014.pdf


Good afternoon

From 2014, school graduates will no longer be awarded medals. In accordance with Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated September 18, 2013 No. 1074, instead, the Ministry of Education will issue graduates with a certificate with honors. It will be available to 11th grade students who have successfully passed their final exams and received final A grades in all subjects.

However, don't despair!!!

Federal government bodies in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or local governments have the right to establish special bonuses and other types of incentives for distinguished graduates. This norm is prescribed in the Law “On Education”. And many regions have already announced that they intend to preserve the tradition of awarding gold and silver medals to school graduates, abolished at the federal level.

Regional gold and silver medals for school graduates will be established in the Ulyanovsk region - you can read more about this on the official website of the Governor and Government of the ULYANOVSK REGION

All the best!

Do you have any questions? Ask, the answer will follow immediately!

Please tell me what grades should be in the school certificate so that when leaving school the graduate receives a gold or silver medal. How many years will a student’s progress be taken into account? And what benefits do medalists have upon admission? T. M., Drogichinsky district.

As the Department of General Secondary Education of the Ministry of Education explained to us, the Regulations on gold and silver medals “For excellent achievements in educational activities" and a certificate of merit "For special success in the study of certain subjects" was approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of November 9, No. 1502.

According to this document, a gold medal applicant must have a certificate of general basic education Honours; during the period of study at the third stage of general secondary education, annual grades of “10” and (or) “9” points in all academic subjects and exemplary behavior; examination marks “10” and (or) “9” points in all examination disciplines. Gold medalists are allowed to have annual marks of “8”, “7”, “6” points in the subjects “Pre-conscription and medical training” and “Physical education and health”.

An applicant for a silver medal must have: a certificate of general basic education with honors; annual grades for the period of study at the third stage of general secondary education “10” and (or) “9” points in all academic subjects and exemplary behavior; examination marks of “10” and (or) “9” points, except for one or two academic subjects for which they received examination marks of “8”, “7”, “6” points at the final exams. A silver medal is also awarded to a graduate who has a certificate of general basic education with honors, annual grades for the period of study at the third stage of general secondary school “10” and “9” points, except for the subjects “Pre-conscription and medical training”, “Physical education and health” " and one or two other academic subjects for which he received annual general secondary school grades of "10" and "9" points, except for the subjects "Pre-conscription and medical training", "Physical education and health" and other one or two academic subjects, according to with which he was given annual grades of “8”,”7”,”6” points and exemplary behavior; examination marks of “10” and (or) “9” points in the subjects in which final exams are held, and “8”, “7”, “6” points in the same one or two academic subjects for which he was given annual marks "8","7","6" points.

There are no special privileges for medalists when entering universities and colleges. Holders of gold or silver medals are given priority for admission if they have the same number of points. But many other categories of applicants also have a preferential right (disabled people, children from large families, citizens subject to the Chernobyl law, etc.). Moreover, medalists are far from being ranked on this list.

If a student has studied at “5” and “4” since the first grade, then it will not be difficult for him to get a silver medal at school. After all, the child even develops a peculiar habit of work. The desire to acquire new knowledge in science appears in these children involuntarily. To get a silver medal, such students simply need to add more perseverance and keep the “B’s” to a minimum. After all, the number of “fours” for a silver medal is limited.

Many people ask: “In order to be awarded a silver medal, how many “B’s” can you get in your last years of study?” Over the last two (and in some schools three) years of study, a student who wants to receive a silver medal must have no more than two “B’s” in half a year and per year. It happens that some regional ministries of education say that in order to receive a silver medal, a student must have a maximum of two “B” grades. Last year education, and for the 10th grade - only “A”. It is not true. A child has the right to a silver medal, even if he has 1-2 “B’s” but no more) for 10th grade.

It is interesting that previously in Russia the criteria for awarding a silver medal were not so strict. In the first half of 10th grade, you could have a lot of “B’s”. And only starting from the second half of the year until graduation, it was necessary to reduce their number in half-years to one or two.

If the student was not even good during his studies in primary and high school, then in high school he will have to try and be persistent if he is determined to get a silver medal. Of course, without good mental abilities and with low academic performance in everything previous years training, the student will not be able to deservedly receive a silver medal.

If the child’s mental abilities are quite high, and poor grades for previous years of study are only the results of laziness, inattention and a frivolous attitude towards studies, then it is quite possible that the student will be able to complete his studies on average educational institution With special successes. The question arises: how to get a silver medal at school, what do such students need for this? In this case, you need to completely change your view of studying and devote most of your time to it, regularly completing homework in all subjects without exception. After all, a silver medal is almost as difficult as a gold one.

Few people know that in the USSR medals were awarded not only for excellent studies. The student’s behavior over the years of study at the institution was also taken into account. At that time, when awarding medals, grades in subjects that were not related to the mental abilities of schoolchildren were not taken into account. This is, for example, music Physical Culture, drawing.

Nowadays, receiving a silver medal and a special certificate directly depends not only on the student’s annual and semi-annual grades for the last two years of study. Great importance has the result of the One state exam. A candidate for a medal must have satisfactory results in two main subjects, that is, the graduate must pass the minimum threshold.

Studying has never bothered anyone, and therefore it is worth striving to achieve new heights in school disciplines. Receiving a silver medal is always prestigious. This is an indicator of the student’s knowledge and his reward for his work. Good luck in your studies!