Report on research practice at the university. Report on research practice on the topic “Economics and management of the national economy.” Basic concepts about research work

To the program industrial practice a section of the student’s research work is provided, developed jointly with the supervisor of the practice from the department of land management. Scientific research a student may include work in certain areas:

1. Organizational and research:

Learning about activities research fellow(the work of theorists and experimenters of scientific research in the field of land management and cadastres, the development of methods and methods for performing land management and cadastral work, applications modern technologies, instruments and equipment for solving problems of land management, cadastres and monitoring);

The need for an integrated approach to solving a number of problems, to understand the interdependence of members of the scientific team, as well as the importance and influence of the scientific environment on the fruitful activity of a scientist.

2. Research:

Studying methods for improving land management, cadastral and monitoring activities.

3. Experimental:

Carrying out work on the application of developments and proposals in the field of land management, cadastral and monitoring activities.

Study of conditions for obtaining reliable results.

The purpose of the bachelor's research work is to develop professional competencies in the field of research activities:

· ability to independently replenish, critically analyze and apply theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of land management for their own scientific research;

· possession of the skills of independent analysis of the main patterns of functioning of a land management object with a presentation of reasoned conclusions;

· possession of skills in qualified analysis, commenting, summarizing and summarizing the results of scientific research conducted by other specialists, using modern techniques and methodologies, advanced domestic and foreign experience;

· possession of skills to participate in the work of scientific teams conducting research on broad land management issues.

During pre-graduation practical training, the student must collect the necessary material to conduct research work. The purpose of student participation in scientific research of the department is to acquire deeper knowledge in special disciplines, master modern methods design, justification of design decisions and scientific research, acquisition of independent research skills.

An individual task for collecting materials for scientific research, the topic of the student’s scientific research during practical training is established by:

- teachers of the department who supervise scientific research in the student scientific society (SSS);

‑ managers and implementers of departmental scientific research topics that attract students to participate in these studies;

- teachers of the department are heads of practice.

The student’s educational and research work during practical training will allow him to make presentations at meetings of the Student Scientific Society (SSS) circle and student conferences, and to take part in the preparation competition works, prepare an abstract and articles for publication in scientific works university, conduct a more thorough review of sources on the research topic, write the first chapter, and also develop and justify design solutions in the WRC.

After completing the practical training, the student writes a report. A practice report is a small independent study and analytical (practical) work, which is presented as a combination of the results of independent research, theoretical and practical skills during the period of production pre-graduate practice at the enterprise.

A correctly constructed report plan serves as an organizing beginning in the student’s work on writing it, helps to systematize the material, and ensures the consistency of its presentation. Therefore, it is necessary to be able to correctly present the material and correctly present the acquired and acquired knowledge.

The experience of the management of industrial practice shows that students, as a rule, pay insufficient attention to the issue of high-quality preparation of materials submitted for defense, which interferes with the successful defense of industrial practice.

The report should be 25-35 pages in length, including tables and figures, using journal entries.

The structure of the report should be as follows:

1. Introduction – 1-2 pages;

2. Chapter 1 Characteristics of the organization - place of practice - 3-4 pages;

3. Chapter 2 Work completed during the internship – 10-15 pages;

4. Chapter 3 Scientific research work in practice – 5-7 pages;

5. Chapter 4 Composition and content of collected materials – 3-5 pages;

6. Conclusion – 1-2 pages;

7. List of sources used – 1 page;

8. Applications (if necessary, the volume is not limited).


The introduction outlines the relevance, goals and objectives of the production practice, and provides the content and scope of the report on the production practice.

Relevance– a mandatory requirement for any scientific work. Coverage of relevance should be laconic. It is enough to show the main points of the relevance of the topic within one or two paragraphs of computer typing.

Goal and tasks– the goal always corresponds to the name of the work itself and its content. For industrial practice, the goal is to apply theoretical knowledge acquired at the university in production and conduct experimental work in accordance with the theme of the research and development work.

Taking into account the goals of practice (to develop professional competencies, to study activities in the profession, to conduct research), tasks should be determined that allow these goals to be achieved. Such tasks may include studying the enterprise and regulatory documents regulating the functioning of a given enterprise (this part is in any reports and is often indicated in the introduction) and the study of certain professional activities (functions, features, responsibilities). In addition, tasks may include performing certain professional activity(you can describe point by point exactly what tasks the student performs in professional practice) or writing a research paper.

Scope and content– the final part of the introduction, which indicates the entire list of sections. The volume of the report, the number of tables and figures, and the sources used are given.

Chapter 1. Characteristics of the organization - place of practice

This chapter provides a brief description of the organization - a kind of report on the enterprise on the basis of which the student did his internship. The description, if possible, should include photographs of the enterprise itself, its staff and the student’s workplace and have the following content:

· general information about the organization: name, address, place of registration;

· structure of the organization;

· management of the organization;

· form of organization of the enterprise;

· view economic activity organizations;

· Short story organizations;

· specialization of the organization;

· the most important contractors and competing companies;

· number of employees, incl. management personnel;

· organization of land management work in the organization (production unit).

At the end of the section, the student must provide a reason for choosing this particular organization for practical training.

Chapter 2. Work completed during the internship

One of the main and largest sections of the report should contain a photo report on the internship and include the following information:

1. Position held, terms and duration of practice. Rewards and penalties received during internship.

2. Types and volume of work performed (in kind and monetary terms), timing and quality of completion, development of standards by week and for the entire period of practice. This item should, in addition to a text description, contain a summary table from which one can clearly understand the amount of work performed by the department in which the student completed his internship and his personal contribution to this work.

3. Brief description of the work objects (location, total area, composition of land by category, owners, land users and lands, natural and economic conditions).

4. Characteristics of the object’s territory, the state of planning, cartographic, survey and land management material (year of survey, scale of planning material, reference points).

5. Management of work from the university and production.

6. The degree of land development of the territory where the work was carried out.

7. Methods and procedure for performing work (justification of the methods used for performing work, procedure, methods and results of performing work):

a) preparatory work (receiving a task, selecting, studying, preparing documents, drawing up the order of work);

b) field work (content, order of execution, methods used and instruments used);

c) desk work (content, order of execution, methods and software used).

8. Organization of work at the site (arrangement of housing and workplace, provision of transport, work schedule, work schedule).

9. Comments during the internship. Proposals to improve conditions and quality of work. Negative and positive aspects of organizing practice.

Chapter III. Scientific research work in practice

The research report must be formatted as an abstract and completed in accordance with GOST 7.32-2001.

The abstract must contain:

Information about the volume of the report, the number of illustrations, tables, appendices, the number of parts of the report, the number of sources used;

List of keywords;

Abstract text.

The list of keywords should include from 5 to 15 words or phrases from the text of the report that best characterize its content and provide the possibility of information retrieval. Key words are given in nominative case and are printed in lowercase letters in a line separated by commas.

The text of the abstract should reflect:

Object of research or development;

Goal of the work;

Method or methodology for carrying out the work;

Results of the work;

Basic design, technological and technical-operational characteristics;

Application area;

Cost-effectiveness or significance of the work;

Forecast assumptions about the development of the research object.

If the report does not contain information on any of the listed structural parts of the abstract, then it is omitted from the text of the abstract, while the sequence of presentation is preserved.

Chapter IV. Composition and content of collected materials

This section outlines the characteristics of the object chosen for the diploma design, the content of the project for this object:

- name of the object, its location;

- a brief description of municipality, land development facility, existing organization of territory and production;

- main indicators of the development of the farm (facility) for the future;

- brief but comprehensive content and justification of the project: purpose and reasons for land management; main production indicators for the project; specialization and size of production; changes made to land use; content and justification of the project for all components and elements; measures to protect land and the natural environment;

- justification of the legal viability of the land management carried out, i.e. checking the compliance of adopted design decisions with current legislation, regional regulatory legal acts, determining the forms of ownership of land plots of the land management object.

At the end of the section, there is a complete and detailed list of all materials collected during the internship for the preparation of the research and development work and the report on the internship (a detailed list of the collected materials is given). Characteristics of their quality and completeness for the development of WRC are given.


The conclusion should be the logical conclusion of the report. The student must analyze whether the goal has been achieved and whether the objectives set in the introduction have been completed. Provide the main figures achieved during the internship. Draw a conclusion about the general course of practice. Formulate the main positive and negative aspects of practice. Give comments and recommendations for possible improvement of the internship.

The introduction and conclusion must be creative, namely the author's work. In many ways, the overall grade that will be given to the student depends on clearly formulated tasks and conclusions drawn.

List of sources used

The list of sources used is compiled in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5-2008. The list should include all regulations, literary sources, books, articles, as well as electronic sources used in writing the report and conducting research work. The list includes only those sources that were referenced in the text.

Making a report

A report on industrial practice is prepared at the place of internship on sheets of A-4 format. The form of the title page is given in Appendix 7.

The text of the explanatory note is done using computer typing. Font – Times New Roman. Point size – 14. Spacing – one and a half. Paragraph indent – ​​1.25. Margins: left – 3 cm, right – 1.0 cm, bottom and top – 2 cm.

The text should use accepted land management (and other) terminology. All words, as a rule, must be written in full. Only generally accepted abbreviations may be allowed. Page numbering should be common for the entire text, starting with the title page and including all tables (on separate pages) and ending with a list of sources used. The page number is written in Arabic numerals in the center at the bottom of the page (except for the title page).

Each chapter of the explanatory note begins on a new sheet; its number and title are indicated at the beginning of the chapter. Chapters and paragraphs are numbered in Arabic numerals. Numbering of paragraphs within each chapter.

Based on the available tables, conclusions should be drawn and references given to them. The larger table is placed on a separate page behind the page on which it is first mentioned.

The tables are formatted as follows. In the upper left corner they write: “Table 1” (the numbering is the same throughout the text). Next, on the same line, write the name of the table corresponding to its content. If the table is moved to the next page, then above the table instead of its name they write “Continuation of the table” or “End of the table”. If the table and its title are placed along the sheet, then its title should be located where the sheet is filed (at the spine).

All illustrations of the project (drawings, maps, diagrams, graphs, diagrams, photographs, etc.) are considered drawings. The numbering is continuous; a text reference is required before the figure. The drawings are signed in the center of the page after the drawing itself as follows: “Figure 1. Title.”

Research practice master's students (hereinafter referred to as practice) is an integral part of the main educational program higher vocational education and the preparatory stage for the development and writing of a master's thesis. In this regard, the content of the report on the completion of research practice and the level of its protection should be taken into account as one of the main criteria when assessing the quality of implementation of vocational educational programs.

The goals of research practice are to develop creative professional thinking skills by mastering scientific methods knowledge and research, ensuring the unity of educational (teaching and educational), scientific and practical processes, as well as the creation and development of conditions (legal, economic, organizational, resource, etc.) that provide the opportunity for each student to realize their right to creative development individuals, participation in scientific research and scientific and technical creativity - full, equal and accessible to everyone in accordance with their needs, goals and abilities. As a result of practice, the student must master technology scientific research, develop the ability to think outside the box, prepare and set up an experiment, formalize and evaluate the results of scientific research, define a problem, formulate a research plan, modify existing and develop new methods based on the objectives of a particular study, and also present the results of the work done in the form of reports, abstracts, articles designed in accordance with existing requirements, using modern editing and printing tools.

On preparatory stage the goals, place and order of the internship are determined, individual assignments are formed, a list and sequence of work are established for the implementation of the individual assignment (formation of a research plan). An individual assignment for research practice includes the formulation of the direction of research, the goals and objectives of the research, a general overview of ways and methods of solving similar problems that exist in the theory and practice of personnel management, recommendations on sources of information in accordance with a given aspect of research work.

The main (research) stage involves conducting bibliographic work using modern information technologies, summarizing information in order to identify a problem and clearly formulate it, choosing and justifying a research method, planning actions, collecting theoretical and factual materials for research, processing the results obtained, and analyzing them. , systematization and comprehension, taking into account the data available in the literature, preparation for publication of a scientific and practical article (series of publications), designed in accordance with existing requirements, using modern editing and printing tools, as well as formulating conclusions and recommendations.

On final stage the student prepares a report on research practice and defends it.

During the internship, the master's student, together with the supervisor, adjusts the topic of the master's thesis and draws up an assignment (a detailed work plan with deadlines). For this purpose, the master's student:

Conducts information searches on the topic of dissertation research;

Systematizes and analyzes collected information;

Identifies the area and object of consideration, plans possible problems and builds models for their solution;

Masters the elements of professional activity necessary to complete a master's thesis;

Considers scientific research methods in relation to the topic of the dissertation;

Uses modern computer technology and information Technology when processing information for a master's thesis;

Carries out the construction of methodological schemes for dissertation research.

The following basic requirements are imposed on the report on completion of research internship:

Independence and consistency in carrying out research on a specific problem;

Reflection of knowledge of legislative acts, regulations, instructions, standards, etc.;

Application of various methods, including economic and mathematical methods, to write a report on the completion of research internship;

Competent and logical presentation of research results.

At the same time, uniform requirements for work do not exclude, but presuppose initiative and a creative approach to the development of each topic. The originality of posing and solving specific questions in accordance with the characteristics of the study is one of the main criteria for evaluating a report on research practice.

Research practice of master's students is carried out in the second year in accordance with the schedule of the educational process. Its implementation is different for two groups of master's students: in core and non-core areas of the master's degree.

Master's students of the first category undergo internships at their workplaces, master's students of the second category - at internship sites with which the university has contracts. Master's students working outside of their field of study undergo internship during the period of four-month leave granted to them in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Educational and methodological management of research practice is carried out by the graduating department.

In November, undergraduates are required to submit applications to the graduating department regarding the selection of research objects. The graduating department, before December 10, prepares draft orders on the practice of undergraduates at the relevant research objects.

The draft orders indicate: Full name. master's student, research objects, of which there must be at least two (the choice of one research object is allowed only if it is a financial and industrial group, holding, corporation, etc., i.e. those companies in which participation of several organizations is expected); scientific supervisors of practice from the university and organization.

The duration of a master's student's working time during internship in organizations is no more than 40 hours per week (Article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

From the moment undergraduates are enrolled in the period of practice as interns at their workplaces, they are subject to labor protection rules and internal regulations in force in the organization.

Before completing the internship, the undergraduate, together with the supervisor, clarifies the research topic and approves the research plan with the supervisor. Depending on the intended topic of the dissertation research, the program of scientific research practice includes individual questions from the following list: construction of methodological schemes in the dissertation research; use of private and common methods scientific research; study and use of objective economic laws and patterns; application of mathematical modeling methods and models in economic research; studying the structure of the enterprise, the main functions of production, economic and management divisions; study and analysis of planning and management processes at the enterprise; study of the logistics and personnel support of the enterprise; assessment of the nomenclature, range and quality of products; studying the mechanism for creating the efficiency and costs of pricing, as well as issues related to the sale of products; determination of the financial results of the enterprise; analysis of information support for enterprise management; developing options, assessing and making management decisions to improve enterprise and personnel management; analysis of the organization of implementation of management decisions and control over their implementation; management analysis from the standpoint of enterprise performance; assessment of social efficiency of production and management activities.

At the final stage of the research internship, the undergraduate must summarize the material collected during the internship, determine its representativeness and reliability in order to complete the development of the dissertation research topic, and draw up a report on the internship.

Scientific supervisor of practice from the university:

Ensures all organizational activities are carried out before undergraduates go to practice (instructs on the procedure for completing internship, etc.);

Establishes contact with practice managers from organizations;

Develops topics for individual assignments;

Responsible, together with the head of practice from the organization, for compliance by undergraduates with safety regulations;

Monitors master's students' compliance with the organization's internal labor regulations;

Monitors compliance with the terms of practice and its content;

Renders methodological assistance master's students when completing their internship program;

Helps undergraduates in choosing methods and approaches of scientific research;

Evaluates the results of the master's students' implementation of the internship program, gives feedback on their work and submits to the head of the department a written report on the organization of the internship along with recommendations for improving the practical training of undergraduates.

During the internship period, the master's student must collect necessary information, identify problematic issues of the organization on the topic of scientific research, select methods and methodological approaches research.

As the master's program progresses, the student collects material and compiles a report on the internship. Within ten days after completing the internship, the undergraduate must submit a report to the department to his supervisor for verification. Along with the report, it is also necessary to submit a certificate confirming the place and time of the research internship, certified by the seal of the enterprise (organization).

After completion of the internship, its supervisor from the university submits a report in the prescribed form to the program director. The results of the practice are discussed at a meeting of the department and the university faculty council.

Based on the results of the internship, the master's student prepares a report no later than two weeks before his defense. In writing a report on research practice, the level of theoretical training of the master's student, his ability to analyze and summarize information, and the acquired skills in solving current problems are revealed. practical problems in a specific area of ​​economics, planning and management of enterprises (organizations), mastery of methods and approaches of scientific knowledge and scientific research as part of writing a master's thesis, the skill of constructing methodological schemes in dissertation research. In the report on the completion of scientific research practice, it is required to show knowledge of general and special methods of scientific research, expert assessments in conducting research, techniques for conducting sociological research, as well as knowledge of current legislation, regulations, methodological and instructional materials, and basic literary sources.

The report is typewritten on A4 sheets, Times New Roman font, font size 14, one and a half line spacing, left margin - 3 cm, right margin - 1 cm, top and bottom margins - 2 cm each. The report must have a standard title page.

Various text inserts and additions placed on separate pages or on the reverse side of the sheet are not allowed.

All footnotes and footnotes are printed on the same page to which they relate, but in a smaller point size - 12.

All pages are numbered starting from the title page (the page number is not placed on the title page). The number indicating the serial number of the page is placed in the upper right corner without a dot.

WITH new page the following structural parts of the work begin: introduction, general characteristics object of study, conclusion, list of references, applications. The distance between the chapter title and the following text should be equal to one missing line. The same distance is maintained between chapter and paragraph headings. The intervals between the bases of the title lines are taken to be the same as in the text. There is no period at the end of the heading located in the middle of the line. Underlining headings and hyphenating words in headings is not allowed. The first letter of the title is uppercase, the rest are lowercase. Only headings should be in bold.

For example:

Chapters, paragraphs, paragraphs and subparagraphs (except for the introduction, conclusion, list of references used and applications) are numbered in Arabic numerals (chapter - 1, paragraph - 2.1, paragraph - 2.1.1, subparagraph -, after which thematic headings are given . Words Chapter, Paragraph, Clause, Subclause are not written. Headings should reflect the content of the sections.

For example:

1. Theoretical aspects system research
personnel management

1.1. The essence of personnel management
V modern organization

1.2. Trends in the organization of personnel management

1.2.1. Problem-oriented approach to system development
personnel management in service organizations

1.2.2. Features of the application of the competency-based approach
to modernize the personnel management system in the service sector

All text, with the exception of headings, must be the same. Bold, italic, or underlining is not permitted. Phrases starting with a new (red) line are printed with a paragraph indent equal to 1.25 cm.

It is necessary to correctly format generally accepted conditional abbreviations. After the transfer they write etc.(and so on), and so on.(etc), and etc. (and others), etc.(and others); with references: see (look), cf. (compare); at digital designation centuries and years: c. (century), centuries (century), year (year), years (years).

Illustrations are placed immediately after reference to them in the text. It is advisable to place illustrations so that they can be viewed without rotating the work. If a turn is inevitable, then the illustrations are placed in a clockwise direction. All illustrations must have titles and numbering. For example: Fig. 1.; Rice. 2. etc. References to previously mentioned illustrations are given in abbreviated form Look, for example: (see Fig. 2).


The practical training program contains formulations of the goals and objectives of the practice, arising from the goals of the Higher Professional Education Program for the master's program, aimed at consolidating and deepening the theoretical training of students, their acquisition of practical skills and competencies, as well as experience of independent professional activity. Thus, the purpose of industrial practice is for students to acquire such professional competencies as skills in solving organizational, economic and managerial problems in the formation, development and use of the organization’s personnel; deepening theoretical knowledge and consolidating practical skills in developing documents for normative and methodological support of the organization’s personnel management system, etc.

To achieve the goals industrial practice Goals, the location of the internship is important. According to the practice program, practice bases can be industrial enterprises, research and design institutes, banks, insurance, trading and other companies, employment services and social protection population, personnel recruiting agencies, state and municipal authorities and management, higher educational establishments and other organizations (regardless of their legal form and form of ownership), which include personnel management services or divisions performing personnel management functions.

The industrial practice program includes: collecting information about the object of industrial practice - the organization, including its brief description, indicators of production, economic, financial and commercial activities and their analysis, analysis of the personnel management system and its functions; personnel, methodological, information and other support for the personnel management system; study and analysis of the main regulatory documents of the personnel management system: Regulations on personnel, Internal labor regulations, Regulations on the personnel management service and its other divisions, job descriptions, regulations on hiring personnel, on certification, personnel incentives, etc. An important part of the practice is a more in-depth study and analysis of the implementation of the function or process of personnel management that is related to the topic of the final qualifying work chosen by the student. The practice ends with the preparation and defense of a report on the practice.

3.5. Teaching practice

Pedagogical practice is the most important component and integral part of the educational process of master's students. This type of practice performs the functions of general professional preparation of students for teaching activities in higher education. Pedagogical practice is based on the study of courses “Organization of scientific research and pedagogical activity in the field of personnel management”, “Psychology”, “Speech culture and business communication”.

Pedagogical practice reveals the level of scientific training of a master's student in all the most important areas of professional specialization and acts as a link between theoretical preparation for professional activity and the formation of practical experience in its implementation.

The program takes into account the requirements of the Federal educational standard Higher professional education in the direction of master's degree.

The goal of teaching practice is the formation and development of the competencies of a teacher (teacher) of higher education and advanced professional education who is proficient in modern educational technologies.

Pedagogical practice solves the following tasks:

Developing the ability to improve one’s general cultural and professional level and independently master new working methods;

Development of skills in the field of development of educational programs and educational materials to ensure the learning process;

Participation in the organization of the educational process in the implementation of the content of educational programs of higher professional education and further professional education, forming the professional competencies of personnel management specialists;

Practical development of methods, techniques, means of pedagogical activity in higher education, corporate universities, business schools, etc.

General methodological management of the practice is carried out by the Department of Personnel Management. Direct supervision is entrusted to professors, associate professors and teachers of the department. The main normative and methodological documents regulating the work of a master's student in practice include the internship program and the master's student's practice diary.

Performance pedagogical work involves attending classes of department teachers in various academic disciplines, conducting observation and analysis of classes in agreement with the teacher of the academic discipline, independently conducting fragments of classes in agreement with the supervisor and (or) the teacher of the academic discipline, independently conducting classes according to the plan of the academic discipline using multimedia and projection technology, development of lecture notes and presentations on individual academic disciplines, formation of a methodological package for a chosen academic discipline, preparation of publications on the topic of an academic discipline, participation in the work of the department, generation of a report on teaching practice.

Thus, the teaching practice program contributes to the process of socialization of the student’s personality, switching him to a completely new type of activity - teaching, mastering social norms and values ​​of the teaching profession, as well as the formation of the personal business culture of the future master.

Organization of practice

When implementing a master's program at the University in the direction 030900.68 “Jurisprudence” (profile “Human Rights Activities”), educational and practical training of the following specific types is provided:

1. research practice;

2. teaching practice,

3. legal advice.

Goals and objectives, place and time, competence of trainees, list of tasks, types and scope of work, technologies used, as well as forms of control and reporting - form the content of programs for the above types of practices. Internship programs are included as an integral part of the Master's program, implemented in the direction of "Jurisprudence", the profile "Human Rights Activities".

Internships are carried out in third-party organizations with which the University has entered into agreements (in accordance with Article 11, paragraph 9 Federal Law RF dated August 22, 1996 No. 125-FZ “On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education”), in a student legal consultation (legal clinic) or at University departments that have the necessary personnel and scientific potential.

Taken together, all practice programs for this direction and the profile of training ensure the formation in students of a number of general cultural and professional competencies provided for by this OEP for masters.

Practice programs are specified for each student and specified depending on the specifics and nature of the work performed - in the form individual plan undergoing internship.

Practice (in all its types) ends for the student with the preparation and defense of an appropriate report on practice.

All types of practice are included in section M.3 of the master’s program of the educational program in the direction of preparation 030900.68 “Jurisprudence” (profile “Human rights activities”). The total amount of labor spent on practices, determined by the curriculum, is 15 credit units.

Research practice is a type academic work, the main content of which is the implementation of practical, educational, educational-research, creative tasks using elements of scientific research. Research practice must correspond to the nature of the future professional activities of students and be carried out under the guidance of leading teachers and scientists of the university and the city.

Taking into account the training profile “Human Rights Activities,” a master’s student’s research practice may include analysis and generalization of ideological-theoretical, legal-statistical, historical-legal, comparative-legal and other facts from the field of human rights activities, criticism and development of new norms of human rights orientation, scientific assessment of the effectiveness of known forms and means of legal protection of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens, legal entities and other entities from unlawful attacks.

The main goal of research practice is to prepare the student for research activities, to gain practical experience in studying current problems and questions legal science, formation in the graduate of a scientific worldview and methodological skills that may be in demand at the University or in other scientific institutions, as well as in legal practice when analyzing difficult situations, requiring a professional scientific approach.

Objectives of research practice:

Familiarization of the undergraduate with theoretical, methodological, regulatory and other knowledge necessary for work in the field of legal science;

Mastering organizational skills and abilities scientific conferences and other events in the field of jurisprudence;

Mastery methodological techniques preparation and conduct of scientific research;

Familiarization with technical means used in research activities in the field of jurisprudence;

Familiarization with the use of modern computer and IT technologies in legal science;

Preparing for state certification(exams, VKR);

Gaining experience of working together in a scientific team;

Consolidation of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by undergraduates in the process of studying general scientific and general professional disciplines of the direction and special disciplines of master's training;

Development of decision-making abilities, interpersonal communication skills, creative and other qualities necessary for a lawyer in professional work.

Research practice provides the undergraduate with opportunities to organize and test the results of his own scientific research and other related developments, diagnostics personal qualities and inclinations as a scientist, the possibility of practical assessment and self-assessment of one’s own communication and creative abilities.

During the research internship, the master's student conducts preparatory work for delivery state exam, and also collects material for writing and defending a final qualifying work (master's thesis).

Research practice is the final stage of professional practical training of a graduate - it is carried out at the beginning of the second year of study - after the master's student has mastered the basic programs of theoretical and practical training.

The amount of labor required for research practice, determined by the PLO curriculum for this area of ​​training and profile, is 108 hours, which is 3 credit units. Research practice develops the following competencies among undergraduates: OK-1, OK-3, OK-4, OK-5, PC-1, PC-8, PC-11 and PKV-3.

Student practice at the National research university « graduate School Economics" is an integral part of the main educational program of higher professional education and is conducted in accordance with the approved work curricula and the schedule of the educational process in order for students to acquire professional work skills, deepen and consolidate the knowledge and competencies acquired in the process theoretical training.

Research practice(hereinafter referred to as the Practice) of master's degrees is carried out for the purpose of collecting, analyzing and summarizing scientific material, developing original scientific proposals and scientific ideas for preparing a master's thesis, gaining skills in independent research work, and practical participation in the research work of teams of researchers.

Places of internship

The practice is carried out in state, municipal, public, commercial and non-profit enterprises, institutions and organizations, structural divisions University according to the profile of student training.

Internship period

According to the Worker curriculum 2nd year students undergo research practice from January 9 to March 8, 2020.

Practice registration procedure

Approve the practice until December 20, 2019 inclusive:

  • Preliminarily agree on the place of practice with the scientific supervisor of the Graduate Research Institute. Individual supervision of a master's student's research practice is carried out by his supervisor.
  • Agree on the individual assignment (content and planned results of the internship) with the supervisor of the master's thesis and the supervisor from the place of practice.

    Submit an application via LMS in the “Internship Applications” module:

    If the application is not approved through the LMS within the prescribed period, the student will incur academic debt.

Submit documents to the educational office, office. 3416, until December 27, 2019 inclusive:


It is mandatory to draw up a bilateral Agreement between HSE and the Organization in which the student intends to undertake an internship. A work schedule (plan) of practice must be drawn up as an Annex to the Agreement.

The Agreement and the Appendix are drawn up in two copies.

Signing procedure: Organization → National Research University Higher School of Economics. The transfer of documents is carried out by the student.

Only fields highlighted in yellow must be filled out.

Additional practice locations

Agreements with companies: Otkritie Bank, Changelenge have already been concluded and there is no need to formalize them additionally. It will be enough to obtain a certificate of internship with the seal of the organization. The contract with BioFoodLife is in the process of being completed; no effort is required on your part. For all vacancies you will need to send your resume.


It is acceptable, instead of an Agreement, to issue a letter of offer from the National Research University Higher School of Economics to the Organization with a request to accept the student for internship and a letter of acceptance confirming the Organization’s consent to accept the student for internship (except for cases where the internship is carried out in structural divisions of the University).

The student is obliged, before starting the internship, to provide the educational office with a letter of acceptance from the Organization confirming the provision of a place for the student to complete the internship.

Practice reporting

Throughout the entire period of practice, the student must, in accordance with the individual assignment, collect and process the necessary primary research material, and then provide it in the form of a final report on the internship and a practice diary.
At the end of the internship, the student is provided with a review from the internship supervisor from the Organization (with the signature of the internship supervisor and the seal of the Organization), containing a description of the work done by the student and an assessment of its quality. If a student undergoes internship at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, a review is not required.

Feedback and a report on the practice are drawn up in accordance with the approved Practice Program:

NIP DRR 2020 (DOCX, 94 Kb)

  1. According to the NIP program, it is necessary to study the online course “Writing in English at University” (formerly called “Academic Writing”) on the Coursera platform. The result of completing the online discipline is completing the task - writing a Graduate project proposal. In this case, it is not the fact of completing the course that is important, but the result - the prepared text of the Project Proposal. The grade will be given not for the tests and credits received, but for the text. The reference to the on-line Academic Writing course means that classes are not offered at HSE. You are encouraged to take this course on your own. Please note the requirements for link formatting contained in the practice program (file attached). If substantive questions arise regarding the passage online course, you can contact Nikolai Borisovich Filinov. The verification and evaluation of the completed task is carried out by the head of the research and development team.
  2. Until March 13, 2020 inclusive it is necessary to provide the following documents (to the head of the academic and technical work - in electronic form, to the educational office room 3416 - in paper form):
  • practice report,
  • Project Proposal,
  • individual task,
  • review from the supervisor from the place of practice.
  1. Until March 24, 2020 The heads of the Higher Research and Development Committee evaluate the documents from clause 2, send the commission for the protection of practice a recommended assessment for practice and an assessment for the project proposal.
  2. The final form of control for practice is an exam during the session of the 3rd module (from March 25 to March 31). The defense of practice is carried out before the commission on a set date, taking into account the assessments of the head of the research and development committee.

Exam dates and composition of practice defense commissions will be formed in early March.

Grading system

The defense of NIP reports is carried out by a commission within the time frame established by the dean’s office of the Faculty of Business and Management, and the day of defense is appointed by the head of the department. Based on the results of defending the scientific research project report, the master's student receives a credit with a grade on a ten-point scale. The results of defending the NIP report are entered in the examination sheet.

Defense of research practice is carried out publicly in the presence of a commission from among the teaching staff of the department and scientific supervisors of master's theses.

Defense of a report on research practice involves a short report by a master’s student and answers to questions from the commission on the content of the report.

Students who do not complete the internship program for a good reason are sent to practice a second time, in their free time from studying.

Students who fail to complete internship programs without a valid reason or receive a negative grade are considered to have academic debt.(DOCX, 26 KB)

The completion of the project is graded in session week 2 of the module.

Failure to complete a project is considered academic failure.

Research practice is included in the educational cycle “Practice and Research Work” and represents a logical continuation of theoretical training, aimed at mastering the methods and skills of scientific research in accordance with the profile of the master’s thesis. It is based on the development of theoretical academic disciplines basic and variable parts of the general scientific and professional cycles, as well as disciplines of the variable (profile) part, directly aimed at deepening knowledge, skills and developing competencies for successful work in the chosen type of professional activity. Research practice is also based on the results of industrial practice and is substantively and methodologically interconnected with research work and scientific and pedagogical practice.

Main The goals of research practice are to develop in students a research culture, skills in mastering the methodology and methods of research work, organizing and conducting independent research activities, and working as part of a scientific team.

Tasks research practices are:

familiarizing students with the various stages of research work (posing a research problem, conducting bibliographic work using modern electronic technologies, accumulating and analyzing experimental (theoretical) material, preparing and filing a report on the work done, etc.);

mastery of various methods of scientific research, selection of optimal research methods that correspond to the objectives of the study;

developing the ability to proactively select (modify existing, develop new) research methods that correspond to its purpose, and formulate research methodology;

acquisition of collective skills scientific work, productive interaction with other scientific groups (divisions) and researchers;

developing the ability to analyze and present the results obtained during the research in the form of completed research developments (research report, science articles, abstracts of scientific conferences, master's thesis).

As a result of completing a research internship, the student must:


levels, forms, types of scientific knowledge, basic concepts and categories, patterns of development and functioning, principles of legal science;

levels, main components, methods, classifications, forms and types of organization of scientific research in the field of law;

object, subject, sources, principles, trends in the development of comparative law, its role and place in legal theory and practice;

be able to:

apply methods of scientific knowledge in research and professional activities;

formulate goals, objectives, determine the object and subject of research;

determine the most optimal and effective methods research that corresponds to its purpose, to formulate a research methodology;

independently carry out research activities, interact with other researchers, scientific groups and departments, participate in collective research;

implement results scientific activity V educational process, legal practice, work legal institutions;


methodology and methodology for organizing and conducting scientific research in the field of law;

skills in collecting, analyzing and summarizing empirical material necessary for conducting scientific research and completing a master's thesis.

Research practice is carried out in the third and fourth semesters in accordance with the calendar schedule of the educational process.

Research practice is carried out according to a specific system and includes four stages (preparatory, methodological, practical, final) and the corresponding types of activities.

At the first stage students receive primary practical information about internal labor regulations, safety precautions, labor protection standards and regulations, goals, objectives and organization of scientific activities of departments and other scientific departments.

At the second stage an in-depth study of scientific research methods corresponding to the profile of the chosen topic of the master's thesis, technologies for their application, methods of collection, processing and interpretation are organized scientific information and etc.

At the third stage direct participation of the trainee in the research work of the department, scientific units (research groups), educational and other institutions is organized.

At the fourth stage reporting documents are drawn up based on the results of research practice and the results are protected.

During the period of research internship the student is obliged comply with labor legislation, labor protection rules in force at the university and internal regulations; complete the tasks provided for in the internship program on time and in full; keep a diary of research practice, recording daily work performed in it; carry out all their activities under the guidance and in close cooperation with scientific supervisors, regularly reporting to them on the work done at each stage.

General management and supervision of internship is carried out by the director of the master's program. Direct supervision of the student’s practice and ensuring control over the implementation of the internship plan is carried out by his supervisor.

The scientific supervisor agrees on the program and calendar plan for the internship with the program director (in calendar plan the content of the work and the timing of its completion are reflected); formulates tasks for the organization independent work student, develops individual assignments, provides consulting assistance to the intern; exercises control over compliance with deadlines, the order of completion, and the student’s implementation of the internship program; provides methodological assistance to the student in completing individual assignments, collecting empirical material, and drawing up a report on the practice; evaluates the results of the student’s implementation of the internship program, checks the internship report and provides a written conclusion on its results; makes reviews and comments on the procedure for organizing and completing the internship, formulates proposals for its improvement.

Summing up the results of research practice includes the preparation of reporting documents and passing the test.

Accounting for the work performed during research practice is kept by each trainee in the practice diary. Diary practice is filled out for each section (stage) of research practice. Diary entries should contain short description completed work with analysis and conclusions, as well as statistical data characterizing its volume. Diaries are checked and signed by practice managers. Upon completion of each section (stage) of practice, the master's student submits appropriate types of reporting, the content and nature of which must correspond to the program of research practice.

Final report based on the results of research practice, it must contain information and analytical material collected and processed by the student, analysis of practice and conclusions.

The total volume of the report should not exceed 30 pages of typewritten text (not counting attachments). All attached materials must be formatted in accordance with the accepted standard. The practice report must have a title page, table of contents, introduction, main part, list of sources used and appendices.

Title page is drawn up according to the established template and is not numbered. The content includes the names of sections of the practice program and questions indicating the number of pages on which the beginning of the material of the section or question is located. In administered the student justifies the relevance of the choice of object and subject of research, goals and objectives, information base, practical significance and the achieved research results, structure and scope of work. Main part should reflect a logical description of the issues of the practice program, generalizations, results of the work done and conclusions. List of used literature includes only those sources analyzed or used in the text. Applications are drawn up as a continuation of the work on the pages following the main part. Each application must start on a new sheet, have a meaningful title and be numbered sequentially in Arabic numerals. The number of applications is determined by the undergraduate and the supervisor in accordance with the needs and nature of the work.

Interim certification based on the results of research practice, it is carried out in the form of defending a report with grades “passed” and “fail”. Appropriate entries about this are made in the test (examination) sheet, grade book and in the student’s production card.

Based on the results of defending the report, the volume and quality of implementation of the practice program (see Appendix No. 7), individual assignments, the level of acquired practical skills and abilities, the correctness and quality of execution of the submitted reporting documents are assessed.