Average exam score for the year. How USE scores differ by region: results of schoolchildren and regional inequality. Application Rules

The possibility of entering the chosen university, the opportunity to study at the expense of the budget, access to other preferences depends on the score. Therefore, many people are interested in what are the average USE scores in Russia as a whole?

Average USE scores 2017 from open sources

The average score for all Russians who took the Unified State Examination in 2017 in compulsory subjects was:
- in mathematics - 47.1;
- in Russian - 69.06.
Average scores for additional subjects:
- By foreign language - 70,1;
- in biology - 52.57;
- in geography - 55.15;
- Informatics - 59.18;
- in history - 56.9;
- in literature - 59.68;
- in social studies - 55.44;
- in physics - 53.16;
- in chemistry - 60.
This is the statistics from the resources of the Ministry of Education and Science, Rosstat, regional websites of educational institutions.

How USE results differ by region

According to statistics, the average score in Russia in any subject is not lower than 47, however, if we take a narrower cut - by region - the numbers here vary greatly. Traditionally, the Central Federal District leads in terms of academic performance, especially in the compulsory Russian and mathematics. Taking into account the fact that Moscow and St. Petersburg have the most developed funding for educational institutions and healthy competition in the field of education, students in the capital and St. Petersburg have much better preparation for the Unified State Examination, and the level of education itself is higher than in other cities of Russia. That is why, in the Central Federal District, the indicator in the Russian language is 74 points, in mathematics - 53 points.

The worst results in the USE were shown by schoolchildren with Far East, the average result in Russian there is 42 points, in mathematics - 32 points.

How many points are needed for admission to the budget

Students enrolled in budget departments of universities throughout Russia in 2017 scored 68.2 points and above, in 2016 the score was slightly lower - 66.6.
According to the Ministry of Education, for enrollment in, it was necessary to dial 76.2 and 75.8, respectively.

The Russian government has repeatedly announced upcoming changes in the field of education, about the upcoming optimization educational process, on increased budgeting in this area. According to the expectations of officials, in the regions the level of education will catch up to the capital, which means that the chances for schoolchildren to get a high score in the Unified State Examination will be equal, regardless of the region of residence.

The average USE score in basic mathematics was 4.24 in 2017, the press service of Rosobrnadzor reports.

"The average score on the exam in basic mathematics in 2017 slightly differs from the result of the previous year: it amounted to 4.24 points (in 2016 - 4.15 points)", the message says. In total, 543,000 people took part in the basic level math exam this year.

It is also reported that the average score of USE participants in geography has not changed significantly, the increase was 1 point - up to 55.1 points, which is comparable to 2016. These data are preliminary.

"The number of participants who failed to pass the minimum of 37 points in this subject decreased to 9.3% from 13% in 2016. In total, this USE year in geography, about 14 thousand people passed in the main period "- explained in the press service.

As for the Unified State Examination in Informatics and ICT, here the average score increased by almost 3 points - to 59.2 in 2017 from 56.6 in 2016. The number of participants who did not overcome the minimum threshold of 40 points decreased by 2.5% - up to 9.3% (in 2016 - 12.4%). Total number about 53 thousand people took part in the Unified State Examination in Informatics.

Earlier, the head of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science, Sergei Kravtsov, told reporters that the number of those who did not overcome the minimum USE threshold in basic mathematics decreased by 25% in 2017.

/ Friday, June 9, 2017 /

The Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science has completed the processing of the results of the first USE in 2017: in computer science, geography and mathematics at the basic level.

"Thanks to the large-scale introduction of the technology for scanning the answer forms of USE participants at the examination points, for the first time during the unified state exam, we were able to significantly reduce the time for checking examination papers"- said the head of Rosobrnadzor Sergey Kravtsov.

Today, all the results of the first three exams will be transferred to the regions, and from June 10, which is four days ahead of schedule, graduates will be able to find them out through their personal accounts on the USE portal - ege.edu.ru. The results of the USE in basic mathematics showed a decrease in the number of participants who failed to overcome the minimum threshold for obtaining a certificate (get at least 3 points out of 5). In 2017, their number decreased to 3.4% from 4.6% a year earlier.

Positive dynamics of results was shown by three regions, where in previous years there was a significant percentage of graduates who failed to achieve the minimum score. In the Republic of Tyva, the number of graduates who did not overcome the minimum threshold decreased by 2 times, in the Chechen Republic - by a third, in the Republic of Dagestan - by a quarter. The improvement of the results was facilitated by their participation in the project "I will pass the Unified State Examination", which is being implemented for the third year in regions where a significant number of graduates experienced difficulties with passing the compulsory subjects of the Unified State Examination.

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The results of the Unified State Examination in informatics and ICT are also comparable with the results of the previous year. . . . . .

Specialists of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science processed the answer forms of participants in the Unified State Exams in basic mathematics, geography, computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT).

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Information on the results of the first three exams will be given to the regions today. Graduates will be able to find out their result in personal account on information portal The USE www.ege.edu.ru is already June 10 - four days ahead of schedule.

The number of those who did not score the three out of five points required to obtain a certificate in basic mathematics decreased to 3.4 percent in 2017. A year earlier, there were 4.6 percent.

Positive dynamics was demonstrated by three regions, in which many graduates of previous years did not reach the required indicators. So, in the Republic of Tyva, there are two times less of them, in the Chechen Republic - by a third, in the Republic of Dagestan - by a quarter. The results improved due to participation in the project "I will pass the exam". It is the third year that it has been implemented in regions where graduates had difficulty passing compulsory subjects.

. . . . . The average score slightly differs from the result of the previous year - 4.24 points (in 2016 - 4.15).

There was no significant change in the average USE result in geography - today it is 55.1 points, which is one point higher than last year. There are fewer students who did not receive the minimum 37 points - 9.3 percent compared to last year . . . . .

The average result of the Unified State Examination in Informatics and ICT increased by almost three points. Now it is 59.2 points instead of the previous 56.6. The minimum threshold of 40 points was not overcome by 9.3 percent of graduates, while in 2016 this figure was 12.4 percent. About 53,000 people passed the USE in informatics.

The number of USE participants who did not overcome the minimum threshold in basic mathematics decreased by 25% in 2017. Sergey Kravtsov, head of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science (Rosobrnadzor), told reporters.

"In basic mathematics, we have a serious decrease in the number of those who did not overcome the minimum threshold - by 25%, which is more than 5.5 thousand students"- said S. Kravtsov.

At the end of May during the main period passed the exam in basic mathematics. About 561 thousand people became its participants

Russian schoolchildren this year passed the Unified State exam in mathematics, geography and computer science better than in 2016. This is evidenced by the data of Rosobrnadzor. As the head of the federal service, Sergei Kravtsov, noted, the large-scale introduction of the technology for scanning response forms has significantly reduced the time for checking work.

As a result of the audits, the number of graduates who did not pass the basic level mathematics exam with a passing score decreased from 4.6 percent last year to 3.4 percent. Experts noted significant improvements in three regions where previously many schoolchildren did not reach the required minimum - in Tyva, Chechnya and Dagestan. The number of graduates who did not pass the threshold in the other two exams also decreased.

The average score in mathematics increased from 4.15 to 4.24 points. Informatics and ICT also passed better - on average, graduates pass the exam with 59.2 points, and last year this figure was 56.6 points. There are no significant changes in geography - USE participants on average passed the exam by 55.1 points, which exceeds last year's result by 1 point.

Graduates will be able to find out their result on June 10, 4 days ahead of schedule, as specified on the Rosobrnadzor website.

Long gone are the days when the exam received marks "excellent", "good", "satisfactory". For more than a decade, the unified state exam has been a mandatory form of testing graduates, which does not require assessment on a five-point scale. Now it consists of the calculation of points, the amount of which is determined by pre-specified criteria. In addition, they are recalculated in the secondary system: the maximum here is 100. The result of such a single test for each student depends on the quality of knowledge and general preparation, which includes perseverance, attentiveness, the ability to compare facts and reason about them systematically, logical thinking, etc. .

Rating calculation

Results statistics are usually carried out within the framework of the entire country, a particular region, a particular city or school. It is maintained by the Ministry of Education and Rosobrnadzor to determine the degree of ownership of a particular subject and the dynamics of changes over time.

Mathematics is still the most difficult to pass. Since 2015, 2 levels have been introduced: basic and profile levels, the last of which still causes significant difficulties. However, this year the average score has increased by 2.5 points (it has become about 50), and the number of children who have not coped with the tasks has decreased.

From 2011 to 2018 the average score changed as follows:

Russian language - an increase from 61 to 70.9.

Such an increase is typical only for this discipline. Over time, there are fewer and fewer students who failed to overcome the required threshold. Such dynamics can only please, since the possession of native speech and knowledge of its foundations and rules has not harmed anyone yet, this is an important component both in studies, and in the profession, and in personal development.

For the rest of the values ​​vary every year, there is an alternation of growth and fall:

Social studies - from 56 to 62.5;
Physics - from 45 to 53;
History - from 46 to 56.9;
Biology - from 52 to 58.6;
Chemistry - from 54 to 67.8;
English - from 61 to 70.1;
Informatics - from 54 to 63.1;
Literature - from 51 to 59.7;
Geography - from 53 to 57.3.

Why know the average

All high school students know that it is not enough to pass the exam just like that. To become a student in the future, you need to score a certain amount of points. This becomes even more relevant if it is planned to enter the budget department, where the competition for a place is significantly higher.

Already at the stage of preparation for final tests, find out by the Unified State Examination for admission to the budget of the selected university. So you will be guided by this peculiar point. Perhaps you will start to prepare more strenuously. This will help to correctly aim for the future, avoid false hopes and disappointments.

There is a concept of a passing mark in the highest educational institution. This is the minimum amount for which an applicant can be enrolled. This is always official information that is publicly available and published on the website. educational institution. It would be advisable to first familiarize yourself with it and draw conclusions. By the same principle, the coefficient for the USE is calculated: the overall result is divided by the number of exams passed.

Keep in mind that if you plan to enter the capital, which has a special prestige, the coefficient will be high. If it is more than 80, you can apply for admission to almost any university in the country, the most “status” ones take applicants with a score above 90, from 60 to 80 - to regional ones, which are no worse than the rest and also provide a quality education.

Specialties that can be counted on depending on personal "achievements":

75-80 - jurisprudence, economics, political science, journalism;
75 - international relations, foreign linguistics;
70-75 - philosophy, philology, medicine, design;
65-70 - pedagogy, psychology, chemical and biological specialties;
up to 60 - transport, Agriculture, food technology;
up to 55 - maritime, forestry, metallurgy.

In 2018, an approximate scale was proposed for the dependence of the results of graduation tests and the requirements for admission:

111,748 people took part in the Biology USE in 2017, which is slightly less than the number of exam participants in 2016 (126,006) and 2015 (122,936). The biology exam is traditionally in demand and is one of the top five elective final exams.

The exam is chosen by USE participants motivated for biology, entering medical universities, veterinary and agricultural academies, psychological and biological faculties of pedagogical universities and universities, institutes physical education and sports.

Average USE test score in biology 2017-2015

Source of information document from the official website of FIPI - METHODOLOGICAL RECOMMENDATIONS for teachers, prepared on the basis of an analysis of typical mistakes of participants in the USE 2017 in BIOLOGY

In 2017 average test score amounted to 52.57 and turned out to be 0.6 higher than in 2016 (51.97), but 1.07 lower than in 2015 (53.64). A slight increase in the average test score may be associated primarily with a change in the contingent of participants in the main USE period, which did not include graduates of previous years, whose results, as a rule, turned out to be significantly lower than the results of graduates of the current year.

The data obtained indicate that the change in the CIM model did not lead to a change general level the complexity of the work.

Minimum test score in 2017, as in previous years, it was 36 points, and the primary one was 16 points. In 2017, the share of USE participants in biology who did not score minimum score, amounted to 17.97% (in 2016 - 18.35%).

Reduction by 2 maximum primary score with the preservation of the minimum limit indicates an increase in the requirements for the quality of biological preparation of USE participants. Completed all tasks in 2017 examination work and scored 100 points 75 participants, which is 14 people more than in 2016.

The share of 100-point students remains approximately at the same level for several years, which indicates the comparable complexity of the KIM USE in different years.

In 2017, the total share of participants in the Russian Federation who received more than 80 test scores was 6.54%, which is comparable to the results of 2016 (7.16%). A slight decrease (by 0.7%) in the share of high scorers (in the range of 81–100) may be due primarily to a change in the model and a general improvement in the measuring properties of the KIM USE in biology, as well as an expansion of the range of control of knowledge and skills of participants in the USE. The data obtained indicates both a sufficient level of complexity of the new CIM model in biology, the availability of its implementation, and a fairly serious preparation for the exam of highly motivated graduates.

At the same time, compared to 2016, the proportion of participants who scored less than 20 test scores (3.21%) increased by 0.85%, which is explained by the absence of tasks with the choice of one correct answer, where there was the possibility of randomly guessing the correct answer. In addition, the proportion of participants who achieved test scores in the ranges of 41-60 and 61-80 was 37.3% and 27.91%, respectively, which is slightly higher (by 0.9% and 1.8%) than in 2016 d. This can be explained by the improvement in the average level of biological preparation of USE participants.

The average USE score is calculated from the sum of the scores of all students divided by the number of USE participants. Thus, you can find out the average USE score in all subjects. Also, if possible, consider the number of graduates who failed to gain minimal amount points and the number of those who managed to score all 100 points.

Average USE score in physics 2018

In Physics, the average score for the USE in 2018 is not known. However, there were no significant changes compared to 2017. The total number of those who pass physics in 2018 is 171,500 people. Physics is taken for admission to technical universities and engineering majors.

Minimum threshold for passing the exam in physics 36 points, however, for admission to the budget you need to score at least 45 points, and for admission to prestigious universities from 75 points. In 2017, the average score in physics was 53.2 points. High-scorers (people who scored from 81 to 100 points) were 4.94%

278 people passed the exam in physics with 100 points, and 3.78% could not overcome the minimum threshold of 36 points and did not pass the exam.

Average USE score in Russian language 2018

The Russian language as one of the compulsory subjects in 2018 was taken by 645,500 people. Of these, about 26.7% scored between 81 and 100 points. Only 0.6% or 3722 people were able to score all 100 points.

In 2018, only 0.4% of all participants did not pass the USE in the Russian language. The average score in the Russian language in 2018 was 70.93 points, which is good news.

Average USE score in biology 2018

Biology was taken by 140,000 graduates in 2018. Of these, 17.01% failed to score the minimum 36 points and did not pass the exam. Only 45 people or 0.03% scored 100 points. The average score in biology in 2018 is not yet known, but compared to 2017 big changes not expected. So in 2017, the average score in biology was 52.6 points.

Average USE score mathematics profile 2018

In 2018, 421,000 people took profile mathematics. Of these, 7% or 21,470 graduates failed to pass the minimum threshold of 27 points. 100 points for specialized mathematics only 145 people were able to recruit. The average USE score in specialized mathematics in 2018 was 49.8 points.

Average USE score in social studies 2018

Social studies, as one of the required subjects for admission to liberal arts universities, is the most popular subject among the optional ones. 368,000 graduates chose social studies as an additional subject for the exam. Of these, 16.43% of graduates failed to score the minimum number of points. At the same time, the average score in 2018 in social studies was 55.44 points.

Average USE score in English 2018

English is the most popular subject of all languages. In 2018, 83,500 graduates chose to choose English language as an additional item. 15 people were able to score all 100 points. The average score in 2018 is unknown, but in 2017 it was 70.1 points.

Average USE score in Literature 2018

Literature as an additional subject in 2018 was chosen by 55,000 students. Of these, only 1% or 599 people scored 100 points. Average scores for 2018 have not yet been published, but they should not differ much from 2017. In 2017, 2.9% of students failed to score the minimum 32 points. The average score in 2017 was 59.68 points.

Average USE score in chemistry 2018

Chemistry in 2018 was chosen by 74,000 students. 15% of graduates failed to score the minimum 36 points and did not pass the exam. The average score in chemistry in 2018 was 60 points.

Average USE score in history 2018

History was taken by 110,000 students in 2018. Of these, 8.7% failed to score 32 and did not pass the minimum threshold to pass the exam. The average USE score in history in 2018 was 56.9 points.

Average USE score in Informatics 2018

53,000 students chose computer science as an additional subject. Of these, 9.3% failed the exam. Since they did not score the minimum 40 points. The average USE score in informatics in 2018 was 59.1 points.

Average USE score in geography 2018

Geography in 2018 was chosen by 14,000 students. Of these, 9.3% failed to achieve the minimum score of 37 to pass the exam. 8.6% received high scores from 81 to 100. The average USE score in geography in 2018 was 55.1 points.