How to quickly prepare for the exam in mathematics from scratch. How can high school students prepare for the Unified State Exam in Biology on their own from scratch? How to start properly preparing for the exam

It would be a good idea to start preparing for the exam a year in advance. You can, of course, earlier, in two or three years, but only if you do it systematically, that is, constantly repeat what you have learned. When you learn something new and immediately forget it, time is simply wasted. In this case, it is better to leave preparation for the senior year. The only exception is English language- It is advised to start preparing for it two years before the exam.

2. Time allocation

In addition to school and homework, self-training you need to allocate 1-2 hours a day. Make a schedule for the week: one day - one subject. There is no need to burden yourself with all the items at once, it will tire you. You may have to allocate a little more time to the discipline whose material is most difficult to comprehend. And be sure to take a day to rest - it is necessary, especially in adolescence.

3. Tutors

You can pass the Unified State Exam without a tutor by preparing yourself. But at the same time you need to know the structure of tasks and theoretical material. If every score is important to you, and there is a lot of competition for admission to a university, a tutor is necessary. It’s better if it’s a practicing teacher who graduates from the 11th grade and knows what they look like Unified State Exam assignments, what traps are expected, what needs to be repeated from theory and worked out in practice. The tutor will also help with self-control if you need to be constantly urged to do something.

It’s better to start looking for a tutor as early as possible, because good tutors high demand. You can find one by talking with graduates who have successfully passed the Unified State Exam with the help of a tutor. Ask them for contact information and run to sign up.

4. Benefits for passing the Unified State Exam

Unified State Examination tasks change every year. Therefore, I strongly do not recommend using textbooks for the Unified State Exam that were left over from your sister or brother. Even if the benefit is from last year, it is no longer relevant. Buy manuals only after trial versions of the Unified State Exam for this year are posted on the official FIPI website. Not all manuals that say “pass the Unified State Exam with 100 points” correspond to their name.

To choose the best, you need to turn to the Internet - for example, the popular website provides the top best textbooks for preparing for the Unified State Exam in various subjects.

5. Trial versions of the Unified State Exam

As you know, in the Unified State Exam almost half of the tasks are tests. They are the easiest to prepare for. In fact, test part of the Unified State Exam- this is grace, you can learn to solve it automatically, and besides, it does not need to be checked by a specialist.

To complete the test part as quickly as possible, you just need to solve them in large quantities, every day 2-3 tests. By the end of the year, the test part will take you 10-15 minutes. Tasks can be found in the FIPI open task bank, on sites like Reshu Unified State Exam, Ucheba ru, as well as in Unified State Exam textbooks.

Let's not forget about the practical part of the Unified State Exam. It is the most difficult and requires more time and effort to complete.

This is where ready-made essays or essays written as examples come to the rescue (this applies to humanities subjects). Topics for essays and essays are given in trial versions of the Unified State Examination. You can see that every year the topics of essays and essays are approximately the same, so choose two for each topic. good work, which are designed according to all criteria, and use them when writing your own. The main thing is don’t write it off! Written-off work is cancelled.

For those subjects where you need to show the solution and find the answer, everything works simpler: here you don’t have to be afraid of plagiarism, the solutions to the tasks can be the same. All this can be found on the Internet, on the same sites. Either your school teacher or a tutor can help you with checking the second part of the Unified State Exam.

6. The more difficult the better

Unified State Exam tasks are divided into three levels of difficulty: simple, medium and complex. If you intend to score more than 70 points, you need to focus on the most difficult ones, which give the most points.

Also, the Unified State Exam may include problems that are not from the school course, so the more difficult the problems you solve before the exam, the easier it will be for you in the exam itself. Most often, Olympiad problems are solved for this purpose. And, of course, it doesn’t hurt to go to the Olympiads in the subjects you are taking.

7. Mindfulness training

Inattention is the worst enemy of schoolchildren. Check the wrong box, write the answer on the wrong line, fail to put a comma in the right box, and so on. How often do these mistakes prevent you from scoring the coveted points on the Unified State Exam!

Mindfulness can be trained. In addition, this quality will be seriously useful later in life. There are many methods for training attention; just type into a search engine: “Attention training”, and you can find the method that suits you best.

8. Charts and tables

After you have completed a topic, try to write it down briefly in tabular or diagrammatic form. This will help you quickly remember the material you have covered and systematize your knowledge. In addition, it is remembered much faster and more reliably.

9. Memory Palace

There is a way by which you can remember several times more than usual. Surely you remember the way to school (entrance, porch, stop, bus, etc.).

If you attach things that you need to remember to these images in your mind, the chance and probability of getting them out of your memory in right moment increases significantly. This method of memorization is quite ancient; it was described by Cicero and other Roman authors.

10. Speed ​​training

We are, of course, not talking about physical training, although that won’t hurt either. Each exam is given a certain amount of time, and sometimes it is sorely lacking.

In order to succeed in the exam, you will have to practice meeting the given time, so that the quality does not suffer. Divide your time into two parts.

As a rule, the practical part requires more time. If you are given, say, 210 minutes (that is, 3 hours 30 minutes), leave 35-45 minutes for the test part, 10-15 minutes for a break, and spend the rest of the time on the second part. When you sit down to write your next sample, mark the time and try to fit it in. During the exam itself, these 10-15 minutes will be needed to transfer the answers to the form, calm down and mentally prepare for the exam.

I would like to wish good luck to those taking the Unified State Exam. If you have purposefully prepared for a year, you will succeed.

Is it possible to prepare for the Unified State Exam in Russian from scratch, and even on your own? I affirm with full responsibility: it is possible.

Just let’s immediately define what “from scratch” means, that is, what kind of “zero” is meant. To do this, I will ask you to answer three questions.

1. Do you understand Russian speech?

3. Do you know how to connect words into sentences, and build texts from sentences, at least small ones?

So, did you answer yes to all three questions? So it's not so bad! At least there is already a small foundation for it - and I’m not joking, believe me. By the way, theoretically, to complete some Unified State Exam tasks, only a good command of Russian speech is required: it is assumed that you can cope with them even without knowing a single rule.

But don’t flatter yourself: the main part of the tasks still requires systematic repetition (and if “from scratch,” then study) of most topics of the Russian language school course.

If you are interested in how to prepare for the Unified State Exam from scratch, then, having adequately assessed your knowledge of the Russian language, you have decided that it is “zero”. It doesn’t matter why: I was often sick, I was lazy a lot, I took long walks... The 2000s are so 00s. The main thing is that you still think about how to pass the Unified State Exam - and that’s great! I'll try to help you.

Where to begin?

First, figure out what kind of beast this is - the Unified State Examination in the Russian language. Go to the FIPI website ( and download the latest demo version of the exam there.

The vocabulary and dictionary of paronyms will be useful to you later; you can read the codifier and specification later at your leisure. Now what you need is a demo version - more precisely, a demo Unified State Exam option In Russian. Take the test, check the answers - evaluate how “zero” your knowledge is. Approximately the same tasks will be on the real exam. Now you know what to work on.

Try to find school textbooks of the Russian language from grades 5 to 11, as well as manuals for preparing for the Unified State Exam. Now there are a lot of such manuals - both in printed and electronic form. Choose those that have sample exam tests - and the more, the better. I usually recommend N.A. manuals to graduates. Senina or I.P. Tsybulko (it is possible that these authors are familiar to you from the times).

Is the preliminary work done? Now be patient: preparing for the Unified State Exam is not an easy task.

We are planning independent preparation for the Unified State Exam

Of course, ideally, your preparation for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language should take place under the guidance of a teacher or tutor. But you decided to prepare for the Unified State Exam on your own - which means we’ll try to plan the work together. You can’t do without planning – the system is important here.

First of all, figure out your daily routine: set aside time for yourself to study. Think about how many times a week you can exercise. Your lesson should consist of two parts - theoretical and practical. First you study the theory on a certain topic, then you carry out test tasks V Unified State Exam format. Look for theoretical material in textbooks, tests in manuals for preparing for the Unified State Exam.

If you trust me, I can offer materials from our site. I promise to publish theory and practice in all areas of preparation for the Unified State Exam over time. But we already have something.

There are not so many sections that you have to repeat (or study from scratch). You can copy their list directly from our website, print it, and check the box if the topic has been studied. It would be a good idea to periodically return to the material you have covered so as not to forget. These are the topics (note: clickable links mean that material on the topic is on our website; these topics are highlighted italics).

List of topics included in the Unified State Examination in the Russian language

Phonetics. Orthoepy


Lexical meaning of the word. Dividing the vocabulary of the Russian language into groups depending on the semantic connections between words. Lexical norms(use of the word in accordance with the exact lexical meaning and the requirement of lexical compatibility).

Word formation

Tasks for this section are no longer included in the Unified State Examination, so we recommend this material as additional material.


. Morphological norms (formation of word forms).



Spelling suffixes various parts speech.

Integrated, hyphenated, separate spelling of words.


Phrase. Types of subordinating connections in a phrase: agreement, control, adjacency*. Approval standards. Management standards.

Offer. The grammatical (predicative) basis of a sentence. Subject and predicate as the main parts of a sentence.

Types of proposals based on the presence of main members: two-part and one-part.

Simple complicated sentence. Constructing sentences with homogeneous members. Constructing a sentence with a gerund.

Types of offers by quantity grammar basics. Types of complex sentences by means of connecting parts. Complex sentences with different types communications. Construction of complex sentences.


Punctuation in complex sentences and simple sentences with homogeneous members.

Punctuation marks in sentences with isolated members (definitions, circumstances, applications).

Punctuation marks in sentences with words and constructions that are grammatically unrelated to the members of the sentence.

Punctuation marks in a simple complicated sentence (with homogeneous members).

Punctuation marks in a non-union complex sentence.

Punctuation marks in complex sentences.

Punctuation marks in a complex sentence with a conjunction and a non-conjunction. Difficult sentence with different types of communication.


Text as a speech work. Semantic and compositional integrity of the text. The sequence of sentences in the text. Means of connecting sentences in the text. Information processing of texts of various styles and genres.

Speech science

Speech. The use of linguistic means depending on the speech situation. Functional and semantic types of speech.

* — Assignments on topics marked with an asterisk are no longer included in the Unified State Examination. This material can be used as additional material.

If it gets difficult...

Of course, I cannot guarantee you 100 points on the Unified State Exam (although everything is possible). But I promise that if you practice this method regularly, the result will be decent.

However, some material may be too difficult for you. Don’t be upset, this often happens: you teach, learn a topic, but it doesn’t work out – and that’s it!

The best assistant is a school teacher: if you formulate the question correctly, I think he will not refuse to help.

By the way, I won’t refuse to help you either. If you have any questions or difficulties, write to me by email [email protected] (marked "Unified State Exam from scratch") or contact me directly from the site via the form feedback(it's at the very bottom of this page). I will help as much as I can! I have been preparing graduates for the Unified State Exam since 2004, including from scratch. Perhaps I will be useful to you too.

So, let's get started! The main thing, believe me: if you want and are persistent, you can prepare for the Unified State Exam – even from scratch! Good luck to you, I believe in you.

Svetlana Basenko, site administrator


Many high school students are interested in the question of how to prepare for the Unified State Exam in Biology from scratch on their own? It is especially of concern to those who want to connect their lives in the future with medicine, animal husbandry, veterinary medicine, agrotechnical specialties, psychology, physical education, or seriously engage in the same science. According to statistics, for last years Biology is passed by approximately 17-18% of graduates and takes 5th place among elective exams.

Is it possible to learn the entire volume of biological knowledge on your own, and even in a short period of time (six months, a year, or even a couple of months)? Of course, yes, if you know what the Unified State Exam is and understand how to properly prepare for it?

Before moving on to the structure of the exam itself, I would like to remind you what is included in the school biology course. These are topics such as:

  1. Kingdoms of bacteria, Fungi, Lichens, Plants.
  2. Animal Kingdom.
  3. Anatomy and physiology.
  4. General biology is the largest and most complex section. Includes cytology, molecular biology, genetics, evolutionary theory and ecology, and also complements and structures the knowledge from previous sections.

The exam itself includes 28 tasks different levels Difficulty: basic, advanced and high. The tasks are no longer divided into A, B, C, and the first 21 of them correspond to the former parts A and B, the answer to them will be the number of the correct (or several correct) option or a sequence of numbers, and tasks from 22 to 28 correspond to the questions of part C and require a full detailed explanation. 210 minutes are given to complete all tasks.

For each correct decision you can get from 1 to 3 so-called primary points, which are subsequently converted into test scores, where the maximum possible number of primary points corresponds to 100 test scores. However, the chance of getting all 100 points, especially when preparing from scratch, is very low: in all recent years, not even 1% of examinees get them. But passing the Unified State Exam with a high score, and even more so with a passing grade, is quite possible.

What to do?

Where to start preparing for the exam? In our opinion, from self-discipline. The most important thing is that when you start preparing for the exam, you should do it regularly. It is desirable that there be a constant frequency and classes are not missed. After all, by doing even 15 minutes 5 days a week, you will achieve much more than if you torture yourself all day, but absolutely irregularly. It is also undesirable to be distracted; it is necessary to completely immerse yourself in studying the subject.

Preparation should include both the solution trial options the test and its individual parts, as well as familiarization with the theory. Learning biology is not so difficult if you first take a couple of tests and determine which topics you know well enough and which ones “sag” and require additional attention. It is the latter that need to be studied more carefully.

You can use both the Internet and books for preparation, or better yet, both. There are many places on the Internet where you can try to solve tasks from the exam as completely as possible. structure of the Unified State Exam, and for individual sections. The same can be found in the literature on the Unified State Exam. Information for studying individual topics can also be found in your school textbooks, both in books and on the Internet

It is recommended to first take the practice test, then work on individual sections, with a limited time, starting with the weakest ones, and then move on to passing the tests again. This is the structure that most tutors adhere to, which means that those who prepare themselves should adopt it.

When solving tests, as well as during the exam itself, it is necessary to follow one more very important rule- read the question carefully! Many examinees make stupid mistakes not from ignorance, but from inattention. The latter, in turn, can appear due to anxiety, so the next important rule is to try not to worry. It can be difficult, so it's worth remembering as you prepare that there's nothing scary about the exam, and even failing the test isn't the end of your life! The ability to relax and calm down can become a good helper when passing the exam.

What should you not do?

Now that we've looked at what to do, I'd like to briefly touch on the topic of what not to do. Unfortunately, there are many students who take exams too lightly or, on the contrary, stress themselves beyond measure.

What not to do:

  1. Hoping for chance. The Unified State Exam becomes more complicated every year so that the percentage of those who “guess correctly” is less and less. Therefore, to think that preparation for the exam is not necessary at all is, to say the least, stupid.
  2. Write "spurs". The surveillance of each exam participant is quite serious. You can be removed during testing, and the right to rewrite it will only be a year later. Therefore, of course, you can write spurs. But you shouldn’t bring them to the exam.
  3. Drive yourself to a nervous breakdown. Sometimes a person starting to prepare for a biology exam believes that the more time spent studying the subject, the better. On the contrary, by ignoring the body's needs for rest, you risk either leading yourself to a nervous breakdown, or at least forgetting everything you need at the time of the exam due to overload. Everything is good in moderation!
  4. Study the material on the last night. Firstly, you simply won’t be able to pack all the knowledge in biology into your head overnight. Secondly, if you come to the exam sleep-deprived and tired, you will have little chance of doing well on the test. Therefore, regardless of what you have done, you need to go to bed early and get enough sleep before the exam!

It is possible to prepare for a biology exam even from scratch if you understand what you want, know how to discipline yourself, but at the same time give yourself the opportunity to rest and are ready to learn. We wish you success in passing the Unified State Examination in Biology!

Good day, dear reader! This article is devoted to preparing for the Unified State Exam in one year. From it you will learn how best to plan your preparation for the Unified State Exam, how much time a day you need to study in order to successfully prepare yourself for passing the Unified State Exam.

You have exactly one year left until you take the Unified State Exam. Or a little more, or a little less. About a year. You are going to enter a university on a budget, so you want the exams to be passed maximum points. But how can you achieve a positive result for yourself? How to organize your preparation in such a way that within a year you become a real expert in your subjects?

Do you think it's difficult to be an expert in even one subject?

You are wrong! Very easy! You may well become a real guru of the subjects you have chosen for the Unified State Exam if you prepare for the exam correctly. That's why, less words, more to the point, here is a time-tested and many-people-tested instruction on how to independently prepare for the Unified State Exam in a year.

How to prepare for the Unified State Exam in a year?

As you already understood above, the most important thing in preparing for the Unified State Exam is to correctly draw up a plan for your studies. You have already set a goal for yourself - successfully passing the Unified State Exam. All that remains is to lay the shortest and simplest “path” to it.

To begin with, you must, long before taking the Unified State Exam, decide which subjects you will take.

This is very important point, be respectful of your choice future profession very seriously. Don't follow the lead of your friends and parents! You choose your own path, you know yourself and your abilities better than anyone else.

So, for example, if you don't like working on a computer, then you shouldn't take computer science.

Even if everyone around you says that now everything is computers and computers, that the profession of an IT specialist is very prestigious and highly paid - don’t listen to anyone! Choose only what you really like.

After all, in the end, it is you who will need to study, not your parents. Balance your abilities and desires, and make an informed choice of subjects that you will take for the Unified State Exam.

I hope you understand this, let's move on. The subjects have been chosen, now you need to somehow begin to diligently prepare for them. We would like to immediately warn you against the following: in the list of selected items, do not make any item your “favorite” or “not your favorite.”

It’s just that if you do this, then naturally you will pay more attention to your favorite subjects, and spend noticeably less preparation time on your disliked ones.

In the end, this will lead to the fact that you will have a noticeable “overweight” in knowledge in one subject, and a noticeable “underweight” in another.

Just don’t forget that admission to a university is based on the sum of points scored, so even if you score a lot of points, say, in the Russian language, and much less in history, the average result will not be so great. Not on a budget, so to speak.

Since you are planning to do preparation for the Unified State Exam in a year, then you should start preparing from the summer holidays.

Yes, yes, it’s sunny and hot outside, and you already need to think about the upcoming exams in a year. We understand that it is very difficult to force yourself to prepare in the summer, so we suggest that you just make a preparation plan over the summer.

Just don’t think that it’s very easy to make a good plan. It’s very difficult, let’s say even very difficult! The plan must take into account all the nuances. For example, if you, in addition to educational school, go to some additional sections (football, dancing, etc.), then you should take this into account when you create your plan.

However, let's get back to the plan. How to compose it correctly? What should be written in it? How do you even stick to a plan?

A properly drawn up plan is a necessarily written or printed document on a piece of paper in which you display the main points of your future preparation.

Example. So, you need a plan for the year. You have chosen to take 4 exams (Russian language, mathematics, social studies and history) - you want to become a lawyer. You must distribute these 4 items by day of the week.

In addition to gaining new knowledge, it would also be a good idea to consolidate the material you have already covered in your memory. So your plan preparation for the Unified State Exam in a year will look like this.

For example, on Monday you study Russian, on Tuesday you study history, on Wednesday you review Russian, on Thursday you review history. The first four days of the week you spend on only 2 items.

Then you do math on Friday and social studies on Saturday. Also, do not forget about rest, because rest is very important for quality preparation for the Unified State Exam! Therefore, make Sunday a day off.

Although we said that repeating the studied material is an important stage in your preparation, still try to immediately remember new information.

You will have more time to replenish your mental reserve with deeper knowledge, which you will really need, especially in that part of the Unified State Exam where a detailed answer is required. In short, the more you read, the more examples you will remember.

Therefore, try to divide your items in pairs. One pair requires mandatory repetition of the material (in our case, Russian and history - you are worse at them), the second (mathematics, social studies) does not, because you grasp new information on these subjects literally on the fly.

This was just an example. You must determine for yourself which subjects to repeat and which not. Too much repetition can also be detrimental rather than beneficial.

In the end, this is what we got:

Preparation plan for the Unified State Exam

Week A:

If you still want to repeat the material in all subjects without exception, then you can alternate repetitions in this way:

Week A:

1. Monday - new knowledge of the Russian language.

2. Tuesday - repetition of the information received on the Russian language.

3. Wednesday - new knowledge of history.

4. Thursday - repeat new information on history.

5. Friday - new knowledge in mathematics.

6. Saturday - new knowledge in social studies.

7. Sunday is a well-deserved rest!

A weekB:

1. Monday - new knowledge of the Russian language.

2. Tuesday - new knowledge on history.

3. Wednesday - new knowledge in mathematics.

4. Thursday - repetition of new information in mathematics.

5. Friday - new knowledge in social studies.

6. Saturday - repetition of new information on social studies.

7. Sunday is a well-deserved rest!

etc. in the same vein. Alternate weeks!

This gradation will allow you to gradually, gradually increase your level of knowledge in all subjects. In addition, you will constantly repeat the material you have covered, so the acquired knowledge will remain in your head for a long time. At least, exactly until the time of passing the Unified State Exam.

It was only rough plan work, we have given it as a sample from which you can create your own.

Let's move on, and next we have a question that many schoolchildren ask: how much time do you need to prepare per day in order to ultimately be well prepared? Unfortunately, we cannot give you an exact answer to this question, because... it all depends on you, on your ability to learn, to assimilate and repeat new information.

If you are a genius who grasps everything on the fly, then an hour of preparation a day is enough for you.

If you are an ordinary mortal who has average learning abilities, then you will need to study for at least 1.5 - 2 hours a day. A lot of? If you want to go on a budget, then this is an almost necessary sacrifice.

[To prepare for the Unified State Exam in a year, you need to study daily for 1.5 - 2 hours.]

Everything is logical - someone who doesn’t want to bother too much with preparation, but wants to get higher education- studies for a fee. His parents give away financial resources. You, most likely, cannot pay for your studies, so you want to study on a budget basis. Therefore, you are also forced to give up your resource, which is called time.

The entire economy is built on this law, and what’s more, the economy is the whole of life. After all, a rich man wouldn’t waste his time mowing the lawn near his house? For what? He would rather pay the same schoolchildren and students, spending his time and his money, of which he has plenty, for a place. But time... Almost everyone has the same time. No amount of money can buy it...

Now we just have to figure out another question: what time is best to prepare for the Unified State Exam? It is clear that during the day you are at school and there they prepare you very hard. Therefore, most likely, after studying, you come home tired and hungry. What is the Unified State Exam, what preparation is there?

After you eat, go and rest. This is very important for future concentration on new material. You can go for a walk with your friends, unwind, and get some fresh rest. Around 6-7 o'clock, sit down to do your homework(the usual challenge that you are always asked).

After it, rest again (just don’t sit at the computer!) and then start working with CMMs (testing and measuring materials).

By the way, so that your preparation for the Unified State Exam was smooth and without “twitching”, buy yourself all the necessary books, manuals, tables and others in advance educational materials which you will prepare for.

Don't forget to buy several normal writing pens, because the pen is your main tool in learning. If she writes poorly, then you will be distracted by this matter, and your preparation for exams will suffer as a result.

All we have left to talk about is how to stick to the plan. You can write a bunch of plans, but success in any business depends not only on them, but on your actions. To what extent you adhere to your preparation program, this is the result you will get in the end. But how can you force yourself to prepare? After all, sometimes it’s so hard to do, it’s so lazy...

Imagine this picture. You did poorly on the exam and were unable to pass budgetary basis. Well, it happens. You say to yourself: it’s okay, I’ll retake it next year. And this year I’ll work better, why waste a year in vain. You start working. And when you work, you no longer have any strength to study and prepare for the exam after your work shift.

Thus, you gradually abandon the idea of ​​​​retaking the test, work and work... In the end, you will work in a low-paid job for the rest of your life!

Therefore, even if trouble happened and you couldn’t get into a university on a budget, then go to college. You need at least some education! After graduating from college, you can again try your hand at entering a university.

Just don’t go to work right after school! This is almost a 100% guarantee that you will work your whole life as an ordinary worker in a factory. Of course, not everyone desires high ranks, prestige and status.

However, if you went to study in the 11th grade, then you probably wanted something more from life than a hard-working career. That's all the motivation for preparing for the Unified State Exam...

Don't want to be a factory worker? Then turn off your computer, turn off the Internet and get ready, get ready, get ready...Don't look at anyone, read, memorize, repeat. Then see who has the last laugh

Good luck with your preparation for the Unified State Exam!

Very soon, school graduates will have to take the Unified State Exam. Right now you need to mobilize all your strength and tune in to a high score. Despite the fact that there is a lot of information on this subject on the Internet, teachers advise not to leave preparation for the last week, and especially before the exams themselves. If you adhere to only 8 rules, then the graduate will be able to easily overcome this difficult period in his life.

1. Set a goal

It is very important for a school graduate to decide on the choice of his future profession. This is the main goal, to achieve which you need to enter a university and get a diploma.

But there is no way to do without the Unified State Exam. A teacher of Russian language and literature says that it is best to start preparing after 9th grade.

I completely agree with my colleague’s opinion - teacher highest category, Unified State Exam expert in social studies. In her opinion, one should start preparing for the exam in the 10th grade. Six months before the Unified State Exam, you need to take up individual tasks of increased complexity, and at the same time you should not affect the course content. This method of preparation is ideally suitable for gifted students.

2. Assess strength

Olga Zhovtonoga believes that when there is a goal and there is no doubt, then it is time to evaluate your strength. It is necessary to begin preparation with those subjects and topics for which the student has uncertainty. But there are situations when contacting is simply necessary. For example, the level of knowledge acquired in the lessons is insufficient, or the scores need to be increased to 90-100, which are required for admission.

Irina Koryagina advises contacting a tutor when choosing a specific subject.

Modern school program does not provide an opportunity to adequately prepare for passing the Unified State Exam in other subjects except mathematics and Russian language.

3. Discard unnecessary things, but not to the detriment of other items

Of course, you should concentrate all your attention on the subjects chosen for the exam. But experienced teachers remind us that we should not forget about the other lessons that are included in the school curriculum.You definitely need to study! Irina Koryagina warns that no one can know what knowledge will be needed in life. The most important thing is to do everything wisely.

If, for example, a student has chosen a humanities major, then he certainly does not need to spend too much time preparing for tomorrow’s biology lesson.

4. We create the workplace correctly

In the usual understanding, a schoolchild’s workplace should be a table littered with numerous textbooks and a mobile phone nearby in case someone calls. But it is very important that nothing distracts the student, then the preparatory process will significantly increase and be effective. Vasilina Yurchenkova, a teacher of the Russian language, advises removing everything extraneous and in particular mobile phones, eliminating TV, communication with family members and friends. This will help the student focus on learning the material.

Ideally, there should be a computer on the desk to help with studying. But sometimes a student’s communication on the Internet takes longer than necessary, so parents should check how their child is completing assignments.

5. Correct time management

Before you start preparing for the Unified State Exam, you need to clarify the exam date for each subject - this will help you allocate the preparation time correctly, advises Vasilina Yurchenkova. The ability to rationally manage time can be a pleasant bonus when preparing for exams. In addition, a timer will serve as an assistant, by which you can time the completion of a specific task. You can practice on exam questions from previous periods.

6. Prepare according to the plan

Preparation for the Unified State Exam will be successful only if a rational plan for its implementation has been drawn up. For example, it is advisable to solve three tests daily, which are posted on training sites. After which you will need to check the operation and troubleshoot errors (if any). warns:

"Under no circumstances should you perform tasks based on luck. Playing with intuition is not The best way pass the exam."
It is best to turn to the rules if you don’t know the answer, and this way you can gradually learn and fully understand problematic topics.

This principle always works, since the Unified State Examination contains tasks of the same type.

7. Rest time is a must

Vasilina Yurchekova is convinced that intensive training should be accompanied by rest for the brain. To do this, you need to set aside a day during which you will recover your strength so that you can start studying again the next morning.

“Everyone chooses their vacation at their own discretion, but you shouldn’t stay for long in in social networks, as this will reduce the desired effect. Walking in the fresh air and physical activity are best. Olga Zhovtonoga believes that good results can only be achieved if classes are regular and energy is distributed evenly - for study and relaxation.»

8. Don't be nervous

This is advice that applies more to parents, since they are the ones who are alarmists and often do not provide the necessary psychological support for their child. And a constant reminder of what important and difficult step awaits him is, in most cases, unnecessary. A purposeful 17-year-old graduate who is about to enter a university most likely understands everything himself. Therefore, you should not “add fuel to the fire,” but come to the aid of your graduate with understanding, kind words and parting words. Let him believe in his strength and that he will succeed if he starts preparing on time. Vasilina Yurchenkova reassures parents and students and says:

There is no need to be afraid of the Unified State Exam, since it is not the most difficult exam in life, although it is very important.
There is a lot of advice, the main thing is that the student himself knows what he wants and what needs to be done to achieve his goal. Then he will be able to look at preparing for the Unified State Exam from the positive side and develop the right strategy. Teachers and parents will also help him in this.