That we call the sun in the sky home. Lesson summary "What we call Motherland" lesson plan on the surrounding world (preparatory group) on the topic. Citizen of his country

Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 8 of the city of Norilsk

“What do we call Motherland?

The house we live in"

(Class hour for students primary school)

Primary school teacher Demenskaya Lidia Alekseevna


“What do we call Motherland? The house we live in!

Dear Guys! You were born in a country called Russia! You are Russians! Russia is a huge country! It spreads freely from the snow and ice of the Far North to the southern seas. We have high mountains, deep rivers, deep lakes, dense forests and endless steppes. There are also small rivers, light birch groves, sunny meadows, ravines, swamps and fields. Russia is located in both Europe and Asia.


    What country were you born in?

    What country are you a citizen of?

    Do you know the capital of Russia?

    What city do you live in?

We are proud of our great Motherland, its nature, its hardworking and talented people. But each of us has our own Small Motherland - that corner of the earth where you were born, where you spent your childhood, where your parents and friends live, where your home is located. For some, their small homeland is a small town or village, for others it is a city street and a cozy green courtyard with a swing, a sandbox and a wooden slide. This could be grandma's house in the village. There is nothing more beautiful than this corner of Russia. In a word, everyone has their own small homeland!

And nothing on earth can be closer, sweeter than a small homeland. Each person has his own small homeland.

My little homeland

MY - because here is my family, my friends, my home, my street, my school...

SMALL – because this is a small part of my vast country.

HOMELAND – because people dear to my heart live here.

Small Motherland.

Small Motherland -

An island of land.

There are currants under the window,

The cherries have blossomed.

curly apple tree,

And under it there is a bench -

Affectionate little one

My motherland!

Small Motherland

And in our native land the birches are different,
And fragrant lilacs, greener than poplars.
There are many places on earth, only in our Russia,
Everyone can find a corner after their heart.

Maybe somewhere, in the forest, in an open field, maybe
Maybe by the ocean, on a wild rock,
A person will lay the foundation of his life...
And he will build his own house, the best house on earth.

And he will bring his wife into the house, without a mistress it is empty,
And the child will be born, as expected, on time...
In our great homeland, with the name Rus,
He will call that corner his small homeland.

And wherever he was thrown by fate,
And no matter what roads are passed after,
The person will know behind his back,
There is always a strong rear - his small homeland.

( Nikolay Turchenkov)

I think I won’t be wrong if I say that many of you have your own favorite green meadow near your house or near the lake. Here, under the supervision of your mother or grandmother, you play with friends, admire the first spring flowers, watch the leisurely flight of an important bumblebee or a motley-winged butterfly. When you become an adult, your memory will definitely take you back to the halcyon days, to the sunny meadow of your childhood.

Glade of childhood.

Glade of childhood! How far are you...

Only in my memory you are preserved:

With a winding overgrown river,

With the weeping willow that bent over her.

With a tall silky spikelet

With the innocent look of a white daisy,

With a cozy snail house.

We all have a clearing of childhood.

Little ones frolic carefree on it,

Joy hovers over her, laughter flows.

In it are the bright origins of our life!


    Tell us about your “childhood clearing”.

    What flowers grow on it?

    What trees and bushes surround it?

    What games do you play with your friends in this clearing?

Why do you think childhood is called the “morning of life”?

Right! Because Morning is the beginning of the day, and childhood is the beginning of life. The child has his whole life ahead of him! With its discoveries and joys, difficulties and worries. Childhood is the most carefree and happiest time of life. Maybe that’s why they call it “golden”?!

"Golden Childhood"

Why do we call

Our childhood is golden?

Because we are playing

We're having fun and being naughty.

Because it surrounds

We care about family,

Because they adore

We are family and friends!


    Why is childhood called the “golden time of life”?

    Tell us about the most interesting and memorable events of your childhood.

    What poems, songs, stories about childhood do you know?

    Do you think there is anything in common between the words “parents” and “Motherland”?

    What do you especially like about our city?

Fizminutka:(children show all movements with their hands)

“There’s a lump on the stump

What is this little animal?

He opens the thorns

Yawns very widely

Washing his face

And he ruffles his bangs!”


What is HOMELAND for a person? What he considers his homeland: the country in which he lives; the house where you were born; a tree on one's doorstep; the place where his ancestors lived? Probably, all this is the homeland, that is, the native place.

Homeland begins with the fact that you suddenly understand: Russia will not live without you, and you will not live without it. You need her, and she needs you - that’s the whole secret. And no other country can replace it, because Russia is native to you, and all the rest are a foreign land, even the most beautiful one. Homeland is where you are always welcome, understood and loved.

The word "Motherland" comes from ancient word“Kin”, which denotes a group of people united by blood.

PARENTS - father and mother who give birth to children.

RELATIVE - relative, member of a clan.

RELATIVES - relatives.

PEDIGREE – a list of generations of one kind. People are proud of their ancestry and study it

MOTHERLAND is both the Fatherland, the country, and the place of birth of a person.

PEOPLE – nation, inhabitants of the country.

Almost every word is dear and close to our hearts and signifies the beginning of all life on earth: family, fatherland, stream, sea. My family, my home, this is where my small homeland begins.

A person is born to live, and the main place in his life is occupied by family, work, and service to the Fatherland. Your own mother, the house where you were born and raised, childhood friends, favorite books and games, nature - so simple, warm, human values become the basis true love to the Motherland. They belong to each of us, it is impossible to take them away under any circumstances, because they are stored in the very heart.

The proverbs say how carefully the Russian people have always treated their Motherland: The Motherland is a mother, know how to stand up for it. To live is to serve the Motherland. A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song. Where someone is born, that’s where they come in handy.

Life scatters people to many corners of the Earth.

But, no matter where we are, your native land will always be that bright light for us, which will call us to our native land with its bright light.

Any self-respecting person, any citizen of Russia should know the history of his country and his family.

Feel proud of the people who glorify your country.

Be proud that you are a citizen of the great multinational Russia!

Exercise: “We will preserve everything beautiful on the planet”

Children tell us what they would preserve on our planet Earth.

    Fresh air

    Transparent rivers

    Blooming glades

    Earing meadows

    Age-old forests

    Birds and animals

    Springs and lakes

What is dear to you in our hometown that you would like to preserve? (park, monuments, museum, trees, river, forest, lakes...)

Lesson Objectives:

  • introduce children to literary works that instill love for the Motherland;
  • to form the initial concept of patriotism (as love for the Motherland based on examples of literary works).
  • formation of moral consciousness;
  • development of moral experiences and feelings;
  • formation of moral behavior.

Lesson objectives:

  • teach children to identify, analyze and evaluate behavior from the point of view of standards and samples presented in the literature;
  • develop the ability to feel and understand others;
  • cultivate love for the Motherland from the point of view of love for universal human values;
  • develop a love for books as a source of knowledge.

Lesson topic:

Oh, Holy Motherland,
What heart does not tremble,
Blessing you?

V. Zhukovsky.

The “Song of Russia” plays, against the backdrop of which the children enter the classroom and stand at their seats.

My Russia has long braids,
My Russia has light eyelashes.
My Russia has blue eyes,
Russia, you look a lot like me.

The sun is shining, the winds are blowing,
Showers are pouring over Russia.
There's a colorful rainbow in the sky
There is no more beautiful land!

The teacher announces the topic of the lesson. The children take their seats.

A poem performed by a student sounds:

Z. Aleksandrova “Motherland”.

If they say the word “Motherland”,
Immediately comes to mind
Old house, currants in the garden,
Thick poplar at the gate.

By the river there is a shy birch tree,
And a chamomile hillock...
And others will probably remember
Your native Moscow courtyard.

The first boats are in the puddles,
Where was the skating rink recently?
And a large neighboring factory
Loud joyful horn.

Or the steppe is red with poppies,
Virgin gold...
Homeland is different
But everyone has one.

The teacher asks the children a question: name the name of our Motherland.

Indeed, this is our great power, whose name is “Russia”.

V. Stepanov “What do we call Motherland?”

What do we call Motherland?
The house where you and I live,
And the birch trees along which
We walk next to mom.

What do we call Motherland?
A field with a thin spikelet,
Our holidays and songs,
Warm evening outside the window.

What do we call Motherland?
Everything we cherish in our hearts.
And under the blue-blue sky
Russian flag over the Kremlin!
"Flag of Russia".
White color– birch,
Blue - sky color,
Red stripe -
Sunny dawn.

Teacher. Indeed, the selection of colors is not accidental. It reflects centuries-old ideas of people about the world around them. They remind us who we are, where we came from and how long ago we came into this world, how many people and generations lived on our land before us.

The colors of the Russian flag tell the story of our long and glorious history.

(The teacher shows the encyclopedia “History of the Russian State”).

A student reads a poem:

V. Semernin “It’s called Motherland...”

There is such a miracle:
The land, forever beloved,
Above the river under the maple tree
Father's home, dear...
Seeing this miracle
The heart beats hotly
In life this is a miracle -
There is such a word
There is nothing more expensive:
There are fields and mountains in it,
It contains gardens and groves.
Remembering this word,
The heart beats sweetly
In life this word

The teacher asks the question: what does our father’s house, our small Motherland mean to us?

That's right, children, the city of Snezhinsk.

This city is located in the Urals.

The poem by V.V. Stepanov sounds:

Ural Mountains
On stone slabs
They lead us
To the land of malachite.

Working with books.

The teacher introduces the books:

– Stanislav Romanovsky “Motherland”.

– Rifkat Gadelshin “I was born on your Ural Land.” (the author is reading this work).

The teacher informs the children that poets live and work in the city of Snezhinsk who glorify the beauty of their hometown.

The lesson continues with reading other works about the Motherland.

M. Matusovsky “Where does the Motherland begin?”

Where does the Motherland begin?
From the picture in your ABC book,
From good and faithful comrades,
Living in the neighboring yard.

Or maybe it's starting
From the song that our mother sang to us,
Since in any test
No one can take it away from us.

Where does the Motherland begin?
From the treasured bench at the gate,
From that very birch tree in the field,
Bowing in the wind, it grows.

Or maybe it's starting
From the spring song of a starling.
And from this country road,
Which has no end in sight.

Where does the Motherland begin?
From the windows burning in the distance.
From my father's old budenovka,
What we found somewhere in the closet.

Or maybe it's starting
With the sound of carriage wheels.
And the oath that in my youth
You brought it to her in your heart.

M. Plyatskovsky “Motherland”

Can you hear the song of the stream?
This is your homeland.
Do you hear the nightingale's voice?
This is your homeland.

Your mother's hands
The sound of rain and the noise of branches,
And in the forest there are currants -
This is also the Motherland!

Working with proverbs.

  1. To live is to serve the Motherland.
  2. For your Motherland, do not spare either strength or life.
  3. Beloved homeland - dear mother.
  4. The Motherland is your mother, know how to stand up for her.

Game: Thinking about the Motherland.

The teacher asks, and the children answer, in what situations does a person love his homeland, and in what situations does he not:

  • a man returned from the forest with a bouquet of lilies of the valley;
  • a man plants trees near his house;
  • a man writes bad words on the walls;
  • a man drove close to the lake in his car;
  • a person throws garbage into a ditch, near the house, through a window;
  • a person, after relaxing at the lake, in the forest, buried garbage or took it home in a bag to throw it away in the right place;
  • a person expresses himself obscenely;
  • a man gives up his seat to an elderly woman on public transport;
  • a person loves his mother and always obeys her;

Here the teacher asks a question - Why do we say that if a person loves his mother, that means he loves his Motherland? (suggested answer - love for the Motherland begins with love for your mother).

Reading the fairy tale “Seven Daughters.”

Questions and tasks for the fairy tale.

  • How was the seventh daughter different from her sisters?
  • What do you think: what is more difficult - to speak beautifully or to act beautifully?

Teacher. To act beautifully means to find the meaning of life.

“The best pleasure, the highest joy of life is to feel needed and close to people” - M. Gorky.

Reading a story by children by V. Oseeva “Just an old lady.”

Questions and tasks for the text:

  • did the boy do the right thing?
  • what would you do in a similar situation?
  • Is it possible to say that if you acted correctly in childhood, you will do the same in adulthood?

The teacher confirms the idea of ​​the text that right actions speak of the high morality of a person who loves his homeland.

Working with books dedicated to the Motherland (working with an exhibition).

The teacher ends the open lesson with words from the poetic work of V. Zhukovsky:

Sweet light of the native sky,
Familiar streams
Golden games of the first years
And the first years of lessons,
What will replace your beauty?
Oh, holy homeland,
What heart does not tremble,
Blessing you?

Summary of direct educational activities

in the pre-school group.

Subject: " What do we call Motherland?

Target: Fostering a sense of love for the Motherland.



  • Systematize ideas about Russia, activate the vocabulary on the topic “Motherland - Russia”;
  • Clarify ideas about native land and the concept of “small homeland”;
  • Improve children’s grammatically correct speech, the ability to clearly express their thoughts, and answer the teacher’s questions with a complete answer;
  • Practice composing sentences with given words;
  • Improve artistic and speech performance skills when reading poems and proverbs.


  • Develop cognitive interests, visual perception, attention, thinking, memory;
  • Develop coordination of speech with movement, long speech exhalation;


  • To cultivate patriotic feelings, love for the big and small homeland;
  • Foster activity, independence, a sense of camaraderie, and the ability to work in pairs.

Necessary equipment:

  • Envelopes, cards for exercises: “Decipher the word”, “Make a sentence”;
  • Projector, slides on the topic “Motherland - Russia”;
  • Tape recorder, CD with audio accompaniment “Music for Relaxation”, song “A Man in Love with Sakhalin” music. etc. I. Nikolaeva,“Where the Motherland Begins” lyrics by M. Matusovsky, music. V. Basner.

Preliminary work:

  • City Tour;
  • Didactic games: “Fold the picture”, “Pick up the tracks of the Sakhalin animals”, “Whose shadow”;
  • Conversations about the hometown of Alexandrovsk - Sakhalin, about the main city of Moscow;
  • Introduction to proverbs and poems about Russia;
  • Listening to songs: “Where the Motherland Begins” lyrics by M. Matusovsky, music. V. Basner, “My Russia” lyrics. G. Struve, music. N. Solovyova, “Hello, Motherland, my dear” lyrics. S. Sologuba, music. S. Tolkunova, “My Motherland” lyrics by R. Rozhdestvensky, music. D. Tukhmanova, “Three Brothers”, author. I. Slutsky, “Well, what can I tell you about Sakhalin?” sl. M. Tanich, music. Y. Frenkel, “A Man in Love with Sakhalin”, author. I. Nikolaev;
  • Homework for children, together with their parents, is to learn proverbs, sayings, find stories, poems about the flag, coat of arms, about their hometown;
  • Review of cards for activities in kindergarten and at home “Tell the children about the Moscow Kremlin”;
  • Review of albums:
  • "My Russia"
  • "My favorite city",
  • "Moscow is the capital of our Motherland"
  • "Sakhalin island";
  • Reading works:
  • V. Stepanov “My Motherland Russia”,
  • N. Kapustyuk “In our park”, “Forest lake - lake - dragonflies”, “By the ocean on the palm”,
  • Yu. Shuiskaya “Our Motherland”, “My Capital”
  • A. Orlov “On the snowy island.”

Progress of direct educational activities:

I Introductory part:

Game "Sunny Bunny"

(Children all stand in a circle)

Educator : A sunbeam looked into your eyes. Close them. He ran further over his face, gently stroking it with his palms: on the forehead, on the nose, on the cheek, on the chin. Stroke it carefully so as not to scare it away. He climbed up behind the collar - pet him there too. He is a mischievous person - he loves and caresses you, and you pet him and make friends with him.

(music sounds "Where the Motherland Begins"sl.M. Matusovsky, music. V. Basner)

Slide 1

There is such a miracle:

The land, forever beloved,

Above the river under the maple tree

Father's home, dear...

Seeing this miracle

The heart beats hotly

This is a miracle in life -

It's called homeland!..

There is such a word

There is nothing more expensive:

There are fields and mountains in it,

It contains gardens and groves...

Remembering this word,

The heart beats sweetly

In life this word is -

It's called homeland!

Vadim Semernin

Today I want to invite you on a trip to Russia. Do you agree? Russia is a very large and vast country, what do you think you can travel with?(children's answers: name the types of transport)

And today we will go by plane, where can we get a plane? Slide 2

That's right at the airport, now I'll call and make arrangements.

Hello, airport! We urgently need a plane, we want to go on a trip to Russia... Well, we are ready! Slide 3

Get ready guys!

Exercise "Airplanes"

Hands to the sides, fly

We're sending the plane.

Right wing forward

Left wing forward.

One two three four

Our plane took off.

(to the sound of an airplane

II Main part:

Slide 4

A lot of wonderful countries on Earth, people live everywhere, but Russia is the only, extraordinary country, because it is our Motherland.

Slide 5

Look, we are flying over our Motherland. Motherland means dear, like mother and father. Homeland is the place where we were born, the country in which we live. Main city Russia - Moscow. Moscow is the capital of our homeland.

What words would you like to describe the burden of the Motherland?

(children's answers: big, huge, beloved, dear, beautiful, invincible)

Russian people affectionately call Russia “Mother Russia”. The people came up with many proverbs about the Motherland.

Now we will play with you. I will say the beginning of the proverb, and you will finish it:

  • To live is to serve the Motherland.
  • On the other side of the Motherland twice as sweet.
  • Take care of your native land,like a beloved mother.
  • Everyone has their own side.
  • Beloved homeland - dear mother.
  • A man without a homeland -like a nightingale without a song.
  • A person has one mother -He has one homeland.
  • There is nothing more beautiful in the world than our Motherland.

Well done! You know a lot of proverbs about the Motherland.

Please tell me what state symbols do you know?(Children's answers: coat of arms, flag, anthem) Slide 6

I gave it to you homework, what would you and your mothers learn interesting things about state symbols in smart books? Now we will listen to you.(stories, poems told by children) Annex 1

Slide 7

Now I want to offer you a small task in which you will have to collect a word and read it, arranging the letters in height, starting with the highest.

We will work in pairs, so you need to split up. Working in pairs, you should be able to:

Agree in

Don't quarrel

Listen carefully to each other.

If you are able to come to an agreement and work together, then you will quickly and correctly collect and read the word.

Exercise “Decipher the word” Appendix 2

music sounds "Music for Relaxation"

Slide 8

(the song " A man in love with Sakhalin» music etc. I. Nikolaeva)

Motherland, tell me, where does it begin? (Children's answers: from the family, from the word “mother”, from our city; from the place where you were born).

We call these places “small Motherland”. This is the corner of the earth where we were born, where our home is located.

Small Motherland is an island of land.

There are currants under the window,

The apple trees have blossomed

curly birch,

And under it is a bench.

Affectionate darling

My motherland!

Every person on earth has his own small corner - a village, a city, a street, a house where he was born, we can call all this - a small homeland.

Now each of you will say what a small homeland means to him.

Exercise “What is a small homeland?”

  1. Homeland is the place where we were born and live.
  2. The homeland is the land on which our grandparents live and work.
  3. Our homeland is our city of Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalinsky.
  4. Homeland is the place where people close and dear to us live: dad, mom, brother, sister.
  5. Homeland is the place where our kindergarten.
  6. Homeland is a place that people miss when they are in a distant land, on a foreign side.

Well done, guys, you said a lot of good and kind words about your small homeland, about your beloved city.

Now let's stand in a circle and play.

Physical exercise “We are walking through the city”

We are walking around the city (marching),
We sing a song loudly (shaking our heads left and right, singing: la-la-la).
We are walking down the street (marching),
We raise our legs straight (pull the toes of each leg).
Take a step - one, two,
Wave your arms - three, four.
Head turned (in any direction),
Arms up and legs wider.
Let's jump high together and run easily

Many poets, writers, and artists have created wonderful works about the beauty of our island of Sakhalin and the city of Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalin. Let us remember these works.

Reading poems by children. Appendix 3

It turns out there are so many beautiful poems about our city and island, well done guys! Slide 9

I want to invite you to play some more, there are envelopes with tasks on the tables, divide into pairs in which you have already worked, open the envelopes, they contain cards with words. Make a sentence from the given words and read them.

Exercise “Make a sentence” Appendix 4

(music sounds "Music for relaxation")

Very good! You were able to compose and read sentences.

Our exciting journey is coming to an end, it’s time for us to return. Slide 10

Exercise "Airplanes"

Hands to the sides, fly

We're sending the plane.

Right wing forward

Left wing forward.

One two three four

Our plane took off.

(to the sound of an airplane children gradually increase their breathing flow and set the plane in motion)

III Final part:

Here we are at home and I want to ask, did you enjoy our trip? What else would you like to know about Russia?

What should you do to find out about this?(children's answers)

We find out the correct answers to our questions in smart books “encyclopedias”.

Slide 11

And now I suggest you finish the sentence

I understand that…

I have learned that…

It was interesting to me…

Now you know that a Russian person cannot live without his homeland. Children! Take care and love your Motherland, your native land! Slide 12

(relaxation music plays)"Beautiful music")

Sunshine, you are shining and warm

You swim at any gate.

Where is the most beautiful place on earth?

And what kind of people did you like?

Everyone, the sun whispers, is good

I can't offend anyone.

Where were you born and growing up?

It's the most beautiful place there, my friend.

Mountains, sea or expanse of fields


She's just the cutest!

Nadezhda Katsar
Lesson summary “What do we call Motherland?”

Pervomaisky: city of my soul.

What we We call you homeland?

Target: Continue to formulate the concept « Motherland» , consolidate knowledge about your hometown, teach you to recognize familiar places in photographs, instill a love for small homeland; develop coherent speech and logical thinking.

Move classes: What do we call Homeland? (Place, where were born, we live, we go to kindergarten; where our mothers and fathers live, friends) That's right. Word « Motherland» sounds like these words How: "relatives", "relative""native" "native", « darling» .Who are we talking about like this?

Children: About mom, dad, sisters, brothers.

Educator: We say these words, and they emanate warmth, comfort and calm. Motherland- this is where we are were born, we live, where our house is, where our friends live, where we feel warm and comfortable.

ABOUT Homeland There are many poems, songs, proverbs and sayings.

Listen to a poem about Homeland:

What we We call you homeland?

The house where you and I grow

And birch trees by the road,

The way we're walking

What we we call you home?

Sun in the blue sky

And fragrant, golden

Bread at the festive table

What we We call you homeland?

The land where you and I live

And ruby ​​stars

Stars of the world over the Kremlin. (V. Stepanov)

The place where we are were born, and is ours Motherland. No wonder it says: “Everyone loves their own country”. “Everywhere is good, but at home it’s better”. “One’s own land is sweet even in grief”.

We We don’t choose our homeland, but if we had a choice, we would choose these distances, where you and I live now.

Children, our little one is with you Motherland is our village.

Remember its name.

Children: Pervomaisky.

Educator: Children, do you love our village, your Motherland? (answers)

You can only love what you know well. The more we know about our city, the more we will love it, (Watching a film about Pervomaisky).

What buildings are there in our village? What monuments do you remember?

What types of transport do we have? Where do the village residents work? Where do they play sports? (at the stadium)

And now I invite you to ride the carousel! A game "Carousel".

“One, two, three, take the ribbon” children run in a circle with a ribbon in their hands.

This year our village celebrates its 50th anniversary. Now don’t yawn, start singing a loaf!

Sp., r. n. P. "Loaf"

Who will answer why?

Everything around is so beautiful

And where we won't look

On the left is a friend and on the right is a friend!

Very fun today

Songs sound loud

Because it's a birthday

Celebrates kindergarten!

Let's sing a song "Kindergarten!"

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