Options for tests on the history of the Unified State Examination. Exam in history. General Unified State Examination figures

The work consists of two parts and 25 tasks .

First part contains 19 tasks with a short answer:

  • selection tasks and recording the correct answers from the proposed list of answers
  • tasks to determine the sequence of arrangement of these elements
  • tasks to establish the correspondence of elements given in several information series
  • tasks to determine according to the specified characteristics and write in the form of a word (phrase) a term, name, name, century, year, etc.

Actually, the standard answer is either a number, or a sequence, or a phrase.

Distribution of tasks into parts exam paper

Parts of the work Number of tasks Maximum primary score Type of tasks
1 part19 31 Short answer
part 26 24 Detailed response
Total25 55

Second part contains 6 tasks with a detailed answer.

In tasks numbered 20, 21 and 22 We are awaiting a set of tasks related to analysis historical source(attribution of the source; extraction of information; attraction of historical knowledge to analyze the problems of the source, the position of the author). In other words, it is necessary to analyze the presented text, which is taken from a historical source.

Tasks from 23 to 25 associated with the use of techniques of cause-and-effect, structural-functional, temporal and spatial analysis to study historical processes and phenomena.

Task 23 associated with the analysis of any historical problem or situation.

Task 24 -With analysis of historical versions and assessments, argumentation of various points of view using knowledge of the history course.

Task 25 involves writing a historical essay (you can find some examples below). The graduate has the opportunity to choose one of three periods of Russian history and demonstrate his knowledge and skills using the most familiar historical material.


To complete the examination work in history, alloted 3 hours 55 minutes(235 minutes).

The approximate completion time for individual tasks is:

  • for each task of the first part: 3–7 minutes
  • for each task of the second part (except for task 25): 5–20 minutes
  • for task 25: 40–80 minutes

It is only taken by those who have made this choice on their own. Successful passing the Unified State Exam in history is required for admission to such popular specialties as law, linguistics, design, architecture and many others.

Check out general information about the exam before you start preparing. The 2019 version of the KIM Unified State Exam has not changed compared to last year’s versions. For correct completion of tasks 3 and 8 they now give 2 points instead of 1. For assignment 25, the wording and assessment criteria have changed.

Unified State Examination

A decree from Rosobrnadzor has already appeared, which officially established the correspondence of primary and test scores in all subjects for 2019.

According to the order, in order to pass the Unified State Exam in history with at least a C, you need to score 9 primary points. To score them, it is enough to complete the first 6 tasks correctly or write good essay(No. 25), which, if all criteria are met, will give 11 points. To get an A you need to score 39-55 primary points.

Structure of the Unified State Exam

In 2019 Unified State Exam test in history consists of two parts, including 25 tasks.

  • Part 1: 19 tasks (1–19) for choosing the correct answer, establishing correspondences, determining sequences or writing the correct answer (word, phrase, title, name, century, year, etc.);
  • Part 2: 6 tasks (20–25) with a detailed answer, in which you need to analyze a given fragment of a historical source, a historical problem, historical assessments and points of view; the last task is historical essay, which can be written based on one of three periods of Russian history.

Preparation for the Unified State Exam

  • Pass Unified State Exam tests online for free without registration and SMS. The tests presented are identical in complexity and structure to the actual exams conducted in the corresponding years.
  • Download demo versions of the Unified State Exam in history, which will allow you to better prepare for the exam and pass it easier. All proposed tests are developed and approved to prepare for Unified State Examination Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI). In the same FIPI all official Unified State Exam options.

The tasks you will see most likely will not appear on the exam, but there will be tasks similar to the demo ones on the same topics.

General Unified State Examination figures

Year Minimum Unified State Examination score Average score Number of participants Failed, % Qty
100 points
Exam length, min.
2009 30
2010 31 49,47 180 900 9 222 210
2011 30 51,2 129 354 9,4 208 210
2012 32 51,1 164 267 12,9 195 210
2013 32 54,8 164 219 11 500 210
2014 32 55,4 210
2015 32 45,3 210
2016 32 210
2017 32 210

The Unified State Examination in history is another rather controversial subject. Most of the students on the Unified State Exam can test their knowledge of certain facts. But what do facts mean without surrounding factors? A fact taken out of context is not knowledge of history, and this is what the Unified State Exam evaluates. By this reason for the Unified State Exam According to history, it faces many attacks. But while the knowledge of graduates is assessed by the Unified State Exam, it is necessary to prepare for it.

Ways to prepare for the Unified State Exam in history

There are many ways to prepare a high school student for a history test. Classes at school will certainly have a positive impact on the final result, so do not neglect them. In addition, teachers are interested in the positive results of students, and do everything possible to coach children to successfully graduate from school. But not all teachers can fully prepare their students for such a difficult test as the unified state exam.

In such cases, it is worth resorting to the additional services of qualified teachers. One of the best decisions would be to send your child to a school that will help the student prepare for a difficult exam and quickly teach him how to cope with Unified State Examination tasks.

There are also tutors who will work with the child at home and prepare him for the exam. But it’s difficult to check a tutor’s qualifications, and those whose level is beyond doubt cost a lot of money

Self-preparation using online Unified State Exam tests

If you don’t have a lot of money to prepare your child for the Unified State Exam, then you should think about preparing yourself. The child can independently study history textbooks and encyclopedias. But such a large amount of information will only cause panic in the child. He won't know which of these he needs. Help with this online courses Unified State Examination in History. The child will know what types of questions he will face on the Unified State Exam, and will sort the knowledge in his head. After training online Unified State Examination for a student It’s easier to prepare for the Unified State Exam at school. The more prepared you are for the exam, the less stress you will experience. Experts recommend undergoing as often as possible Unified State Exam test on the Internet to minimize the child’s anxiety. Moreover, on educational portal Uchistut.ru can be accessed trial Unified State Exam an unlimited number of times without registration or sending any SMS. It does online tests The Unified State Exam on our website is one of the most convenient tools for self-preparation for the Unified State Exam. A joint self-study with training in specialized courses will help you achieve maximum results in the shortest possible time.

The history exam lasts 235 minutes. Maximum amount points scored - 55. Almost the same percentage is allocated to each stage of the exam.

The key to successfully passing a history exam is knowledge of all the fundamental definitions and dates that distinguish main periods And important events in the history of Russia and the world. The main part of this exam consists of tests, but there may also be practical tasks that require discussion and the development of one's own views. In such tasks you need to provide evidence.

Distribution of tasks by parts of the exam Unified State Examination work 2019 in History with the primary scores shown below in the infographic.

Maximum points - 55 (100%)

Total exam time - 235 minutes


Part 1

19 tasks 1-16
(With a short answer)


Part 2

6 tasks 1-4
(Detailed response)

It's time to evaluate your own knowledge by completing Unified State Exam tests in history online.

Changes in the Unified State Exam KIM 2019 compared to 2018

No changes!

The total number of points scored will be calculated based on the completeness of the answers and their accuracy. Unified State Exam 2019 in history is calculated in a similar way, which will allow you to objectively assess your chances of a high result.

There are no restrictions on execution time in demo mode. However, in order to feel the atmosphere Unified State Examination in History, track the execution time of the tests.

We study in the process of passing the Unified State Examination in history online.

Success on Unified State Examination in History 2018 depends on how hard you train. Fortunately, the portal site has created all the necessary conditions for this.

You will not only be able to pass many test options Unified State Examination in History, but also to view long-forgotten school books. In addition, the database of educational materials contains all the data necessary for preparation, as well as solution books that contain typical tasks.

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Unified State Exam 2018

Story |

Take the test “Unified State Exam 2018 History Training option No. 2” online The solution to the 2018 Unified State Exam online test in history introduces schoolchildren to the tasks of this Unified State Exam and helps them master the necessary skills in solving KIM tasks. Teachers can use online testing for free in the classroom to train and monitor students. Training option

The Unified State Exam in history corresponds to the 2018 demo version.

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The solution to the 2018 Unified State Exam online test in history introduces schoolchildren to the tasks of this Unified State Exam and helps them master the necessary skills in solving KIM tasks. Teachers can use online testing for free in the classroom to train and monitor students. The training version of the Unified State Exam in history corresponds to the demo version of 2018.

Take the test “Unified State Exam 2018 History Training option No. 4” online

Story |

The solution to the 2018 Unified State Exam online test in history introduces schoolchildren to the tasks of this Unified State Exam and helps them master the necessary skills in solving KIM tasks. Teachers can use online testing for free in the classroom to train and monitor students. The training version of the Unified State Exam in history corresponds to the demo version of 2018.

Take the test “Unified State Exam 2018 History Training option No. 5” online

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The solution to the 2018 Unified State Exam online test in history introduces schoolchildren to the tasks of this Unified State Exam and helps them master the necessary skills in solving KIM tasks. Teachers can use online testing for free in the classroom to train and monitor students. The training version of the Unified State Exam in history corresponds to the demo version of 2018.

Take the test “Unified State Exam 2018 History Training option No. 6” online

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The solution to the 2018 Unified State Exam online test in history introduces schoolchildren to the tasks of this Unified State Exam and helps them master the necessary skills in solving KIM tasks. Teachers can use online testing for free in the classroom to train and monitor students. The training version of the Unified State Exam in history corresponds to the demo version of 2018.

Take the test “Unified State Exam 2018 History Training option No. 7” online

Story |

The solution to the 2018 Unified State Exam online test in history introduces schoolchildren to the tasks of this Unified State Exam and helps them master the necessary skills in solving KIM tasks. Teachers can use online testing for free in the classroom to train and monitor students. The training version of the Unified State Exam in history corresponds to the demo version of 2018.

Take the test “Unified State Exam 2018 History Training option No. 8” online

Story |

The solution to the 2018 Unified State Exam online test in history introduces schoolchildren to the tasks of this Unified State Exam and helps them master the necessary skills in solving KIM tasks. Teachers can use online testing for free in the classroom to train and monitor students. The training version of the Unified State Exam in history corresponds to the demo version of 2018.

Take the test “Unified State Exam 2018 History Training option No. 9” online

Story |

The solution to the 2018 Unified State Exam online test in history introduces schoolchildren to the tasks of this Unified State Exam and helps them master the necessary skills in solving KIM tasks. Teachers can use online testing for free in the classroom to train and monitor students. The training version of the Unified State Exam in history corresponds to the demo version of 2018.

Take the test “Unified State Exam 2018 History Training option No. 10” online

Story |

The solution to the 2018 Unified State Exam online test in history introduces schoolchildren to the tasks of this Unified State Exam and helps them master the necessary skills in solving KIM tasks. Teachers can use online testing for free in the classroom to train and monitor students. The training version of the Unified State Exam in history corresponds to the demo version of 2018.

Take the test “Demonstration version of control measurement materials of the 2018 Unified State Exam in SOCIAL STUDIES” online

Social Studies |

Unified State Exam 2018

The solution to the online Unified State Exam test in social studies introduces schoolchildren to the tasks of the demo version of the Unified State Exam 2018 FIPI and helps them master the necessary skills in solving KIM tasks. Teachers can use online testing for free in the classroom to train and monitor students.

Social Studies |

Take the test “Unified State Exam 2018 Social Studies Training option No. 1” online

Social Studies |

Take the test “Unified State Exam 2018 Social Studies Training option No. 2” online

The solution to the 2018 Unified State Exam online test in social studies introduces schoolchildren to the tasks of this Unified State Exam and helps them master the necessary skills in solving KIM tasks. Teachers can use online testing for free in the classroom to train and monitor students. The training version of the Unified State Exam in social studies corresponds to the demo version of 2018.

Social Studies |

Take the test “Unified State Exam 2018 Social Studies Training option No. 2” online

Take the test “Unified State Exam 2018 Social Studies Training option No. 3” online

Social Studies |

Take the test “Unified State Exam 2018 Social Studies Training option No. 2” online