Day without turnstiles dates. Quest "space odyssey" in "technocity"

Muscovites and guests of the capital will be able to visit the workshops of industrial enterprises for free. This time the action will last three days, more than 35 enterprises and technology parks have joined it. “Day Without Turnstiles” will take place from July 19 to 21. Registration is open until July 18 on the official promotion page on the portal A shoe factory located in Metrogorodok, Ralf Ringer (Otkrytoye Shosse, 18, p. 7) is participating in the July promotion.

Participants in excursions to enterprises get acquainted with their history and learn about the past and present achievements of Moscow industry. In some plants and factories, guests will be able to try themselves in different professions and even take part in the production process, for example, assembling a microcircuit or pieces of furniture, baking cakes or having a hand in making candies and ice cream. A cultural program is organized for city residents right at the enterprises, including lectures on the future of industry and new technologies. For young visitors, children's technology parks will hold master classes in 3D modeling and robotics.

Enterprises from the Moscow region will take part in the July event for the first time.

Among the regular participants " A day without turnstiles» - enterprises producing:

Food and drinks (Coca-Cola LLC, Wimm-Bill-Dann LLC, Moscow beer and soft drink plant Ochakovo);

Machinery and equipment (Moscow Specialized Vehicles Plant, Moscow Brake Plant "Transmash");

Airplanes and elements aircraft(PJSC Tupolev, PJSC Il);

Textiles and footwear (Moscow shoe factory "Paris Commune", Ralf Ringer factory);

Watches (Nika watch factory);

Furniture (Felix LLC).

Tamara Mozgovaya


From August 30 to September 1, Muscovites and guests of the capital will again be able to visit the workshops of industrial enterprises and technology parks for free.All excursions are combined common theme: “Moscow is the center of gravity for new technologies.” Registration is open on the website: . This time, more than 50 enterprises and technology parks joined the “Day without Turnstiles,” said Natalya Sergunina, Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Economic Policy and Property and Land Relations.

For the first time, Russian IT companies will take part in the event. At the SkyEng office, visitors will learn their level of English, and at the largest IT recruiting company Superjob, they will learn how to write the perfect resume. Engineering development centers at universities also prepared their programs.

“The “Day Without Turnstiles” campaign is becoming a good tradition, and an educational tradition at that. By visiting high-tech enterprises and technology parks, Muscovites get to know their city better. They get acquainted with modern high-tech solutions and promising developments, thanks to which Moscow is already becoming a metropolis of the future,” noted Natalya Sergunina.

Exciting excursions will be held at industrial sites in Moscow and the Moscow region for everyone. For example, at the Clean Line ice cream factory the program includes a virtual projection show, an educational quest and much more.

The Mikron plant will demonstrate the process of producing RFID tags and chips that are used daily by millions of Muscovites. The company's developments are used in Troika cards, Aeroexpress tickets, the Mir payment card and in the biometric international passport.

Young participants of the action will receive master classes on robotics and other modern technologies in five children's technology parks: ITELMA, Mosgormash, the children's technology park of equal opportunities at the Russian State University of Social Sciences, and the Engineering University of Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman" and a children's technology park on the territory of Technopolis "Moscow".

Traditionally, a number of cultural and educational events are planned as part of the “Day Without Turnstiles” campaign.

In Troitsk spends Days open doors August 30 and 31, 2018 conducts BYTIK (program attached -“DAY WITHOUT TURNSTILES” August 30 and 31, 2018, Sirenevy Boulevard, 11)


Excursion 1


12.00 – 12.15

12.15 – 12.30


12.30 - 13.00

13.00 – 13.30

Master class “Scratch” 7+

Excursion 2


14.00 – 14.15

Presentation of the technology park in Antikafe

14.15 – 14.30


14.30 - 15.00

Master class “3D scanning” 7+

Master class “3D modeling” 12+

15.00 – 15.30

Master class “Scratch” 7+

Master class “3D design and printing of parts for a robot” 12+

Excursion 3


16.00 – 16.15

Presentation of the technology park in Antikafe

16.15 – 16.30


16.30 - 17.00

Master class “3D scanning” 7+

Master class “3D modeling” 12+

17.00 – 17.30

Master class “Scratch” 7+

Master class “3D design and printing of parts for a robot” 12+

With a list of companies and full program can be found on the website

Excursion program: Visit to the blacksmith's workshop.

Age limit: 6+

Company address: Bolshaya Novodmitrovskaya 36, ​​building 26. Contact phone number: 84951201216. The registration link is at the bottom of this page.


Visitors will be treated to an exciting Space Odyssey quest on the territory of the Technograd leisure and educational complex, where they will be able to master in-demand professions in various advanced fields of science and technology.

Excursion program: at the beginning of the game, the participant will receive a special questionnaire with a list of 20 different professions and space for notes. During the game, the participants of each team will select 3 professions necessary for the exploration of another planet. Participants will receive information about professions by completing special tasks in eight specially designated areas. At the same time, each team will earn points, which will become important in determining the most popular professions of the future at the end of the quest. At the end, the game host will present gifts to the winning team - the players who scored the most points during the game.

You must have a passport with you (14+). Arrive 15 minutes before the start time at Tekhnograd.Tsifra on the second floor.

Enterprise address: Mira Avenue, 119, building 63


The “Day Without Turnstiles” campaign is popular; since its first launch in 2012, when 600 people came, the number of people has already increased many times over.

Moscow is incredibly rich in possible places to visit. The entire list of enterprises, technology parks and excursions is presented on the official website of the Moscow Mayor.

“Day without turnstiles”, from August 30 to September 1, 2018: about the promotion

Moscow will again hold a public event called “Day Without Turnstiles” from August 30 to September 1.

The only condition is mandatory registration.

In total, there are more than fifty facilities open to Russians this year. The last such event took place in July 2018.

Thanks to this promotion, it will be possible to visit various industrial complexes and technology parks, where everyone will be able to take master classes and attend various excursions.

Registration for visiting the “Day Without Turnstiles” event in the period from August 30 to September 1 began on August 23, 2018. You can leave your application on the website of the Moscow Mayor. To go through the registration stage, you need to go to this website and choose the most suitable one from a large list of places and events.
Next, you will need to select the date and time of day in which it will be most convenient for everyone to visit this or that place. You should be careful and register now, since registration is for the most interesting places has already been closed due to the big rush.
Next, a specific form will appear on the screen to fill out, where information about the selected event and its duration is duplicated. Also important point is age, visiting is only available to persons over 14 years of age. Upon arriving at the venue, you will need to present an identification document.

The organizers are counting on a large number of audience, according to preliminary estimates, they hope for about ten thousand people who agreed to come to such an event by appointment. It is known that the action will be held on the basis of many industrial enterprises in Moscow, opening the curtain to many people who wish. However, this does not end the whole spectrum. Similar facilities are also open in the Moscow region, in addition, various technology parks, including children’s, are ready to demonstrate master classes to everyone. Also in 2018, giants from the Russian IT sector joined this campaign, showing behind the scenes in such a relevant area for modern youth. Among the many enterprises taking part in the campaign, several leaders can be identified: Coca-Cola, located in the village of Davydovskoye, near Moscow , offers to get acquainted with the history of the popular drink and observe the manufacturing process, although without declassifying special technologies and ingredients. By the way, children over 7 years old are allowed on this excursion, but only if accompanied by their parents. Zelenograd offers a visit to the local Mikron, a plant for the production of domestic microequipment. They promise to demonstrate how boards and microcircuits are created, which are used in many everyday things. For example, in a foreign passport or Troika transport card, which is used daily to travel on public transport.

The organizers are counting on a large audience; according to preliminary estimates, they hope for about ten thousand people who agreed to come to such an event by appointment.
Participants in the “Day Without Turnstiles” campaign will be able to visit a Russian robotics laboratory. RTU MIREA offers a look at the domestic miracle of robotics, which can play the guitar. In addition, the work of an entire 3D scanner will be demonstrated; the spectacle promises to be exciting.
“Clean Line”, an ice cream manufacturing enterprise, is ready to present viewers with a master class on ice cream making. This event will be especially interesting for children. It is planned to conduct an exciting quest and a virtual show, details have not been announced. In addition, you will be able to enjoy bird's eye views of the capital, because this factory is the tallest in the world.

Opening the curtain and presenting the technical component for everyone to see was not always easy. One way or another, the production process is forced to stop. Today, more than 50 technical enterprises have already made such sacrifices. By showing all the intricacies of the work and an interesting working environment, it is possible to reach a large audience of young professionals who in the future could potentially work in these industries. The involvement of IT companies in the event in 2018 also showed the comprehensive focus of the “Day Without Turnstiles”. The prestige of technical and blue-collar professions has increased enormously as a result. The number of guests at the event in August-September this year is estimated at more than 10 thousand people.

Several times a year, the most advanced, most famous Moscow companies open their doors to everyone. Promotion “Day without turnstiles” is already becoming a good tradition. Moreover, it is not tied to any specific day of the year, week, month. Everything comes from the interest of the townspeople. Thanks to “Days Without Turnstiles,” Muscovites and tourists have the opportunity to go behind the scenes of large productions and see the most Hi-tech, learn how products known throughout the country are created.

Thanks to the enormous interest of Muscovites, the event is being held for the third time this year,” says Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Economic Policy and Property and Land Relations Natalya Sergunina. - Every “Day Without Turnstiles” opens new doors for Muscovites - this time IT companies and engineering centers at universities joined the event for the first time. 52 companies took part in the current campaign, 23 of which joined the “Day without Turnstiles” for the first time.

Residents of Moscow and guests of the capital had the opportunity to sign up for excursions and master classes of interest through the website.

The current “Day without turnstiles” lasted for three whole days - from August 30 to September 1. Moreover, the project program is becoming more diverse each time. If once the project began with the usual format of industrial excursions, now it is already an extensive system of multi-genre events. Excursions, of course, are still one of the most popular formats. Moreover, not only for specific industries, but also historical ones. This time, guests of the “Day Without Turnstiles” had the opportunity to walk with a guide the walking route “Around Industrial Kalanchevka”, attend bus excursions “Industrial Yauza” and “Red Brick Clusters: Danilovskaya Manufactory” or start along the Moscow River by boat from the pier on Klenovy Boulevard , becoming a participant in the excursion “Industrial Moscow: a view from the river” - two or three centuries ago, all the largest manufactories were built on rivers, so the facades of production with the most amazing stories can be seen from the water.

As for factory tours, greatest interest Muscovites enjoyed the factories where they produce cosmetics, soft drinks and (mmmmmm!) delicious ice cream. At the same time, schoolchildren most often signed up for master classes in children's technology parks - this is a new network of sites where high school students can gain basic knowledge on a large list of professions of the future, from programming robots to launching drones.

By the way, at the current event, the format of an industrial quest was tested for the first time - getting to know the past and present of a particular enterprise through an exciting interactive activity. Here, many adult men seemed to have turned into enthusiastic young men again. Participants in the Time Travelers quest were taught to harden parts before painting, cut metal using gas, operate a crane, and even print on a 3D printer!

Also, two lectures were organized as part of the project. At the Museum of Moscow, Muscovites who would like to launch own business. Successful entrepreneurs told how to find their niche and create the right company development strategy. And in the Space pavilion at VDNKh there was a meeting “Looking into the Future”, where they discussed the use of modern technologies for the development of Moscow infrastructure.

Well, on the final day, on the territory of the special economic zone Technopolis Moscow, the participants of the Day Without Turnstiles had the opportunity to attend a music festival, headlined by the band Brainstorm.

In total, 15 thousand people attended the project events. This is currently a record. And it seems there will be more!

We plan to hold several more “Days without turnstiles” before the end of 2018, - said Deputy Mayor of Moscow Natalya Sergunina.

As they say, stay tuned for announcements.


The first “Day without a turnstile” was organized by the Moscow Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship back in 2012. Then 8 enterprises took part in the project, which was visited by about 600 people. Subsequently, the number of participants grew exponentially. For comparison. The penultimate (currently) event took place in July of this year - 38 enterprises, 10 thousand visitors. And the current one already has 52 companies and 15 thousand participants!