The world of hobbies is a hobby for everyone. Hobbies for girls: types and options. Useful and simple dishwasher magnets

In our age of speed and high technology, when we are always rushing somewhere, having a snack on the go, communicating with children or parents only by phone, and always in a hurry and hurrying somewhere, every person needs some kind of outlet. A matter that does not require fuss, an occupation for the soul and heart. Therefore, almost every person has such a passion or hobby that allows you to forget about the daily hustle and bustle for a while, about pressing problems and plunge into the world of your interests. And if it seems to you that life is boring and monotonous, we recommend that you urgently find yourself a hobby. But what hobby you choose - it depends only on you. Hobbies can be completely different, the main thing is that they give pleasure. Hunting, fishing, knitting, collecting stamps or coins - all this can be attributed to the usual hobbies. And we present you the "TOP 10 most unusual hobbies and interesting hobbies."

So, the top ten unusual hobbies are opened by one of the kindest hobbies in the world - charity.

Charity has always been considered a noble occupation. So in the modern world, one not the richest person, once left without a job, decided to distribute money to those in need. Reed Sandridge, walking the streets, gives ten dollars a day to the most needy, in his opinion, person. Now this good deed has become a real hobby for Reed. But Sandridge records every good deed done in a special notebook, and at the same time maintains his own blog, where he talks about his hobby.

Ninth place among those who like to pretend to be a corpse or imitation of death

Someone might think that this is not quite a normal hobby. When a person travels the world, not to admire the beauties of nature and architectural monuments, but to take pictures in the form of ... a corpse. But Chuck Lamb was brought to such a hobby by the desire to act in films or at least get on television. But since his appearance is not "Hollywood", he decided to attract the attention of producers in another way. For many years he has been posting photos and videos of his own "corpse". To do this, he started his own website, which is visited by millions of curious visitors.

In eighth place is the King of Buttons.

American Dalton Stevens got carried away with this unusual hobby because of his insomnia. One night, when he could not sleep again, and the TV had already stopped broadcasting, Dalton took out his old overalls and sewed several dozen buttons on it. This was the beginning of an unusual passion for the American. Buttons covered everything that was surrounded by Stevens. A few years later, the resourceful old man opened a button museum, where everyone can see button masterpieces absolutely free of charge. And this is a whole bunch of clothes, a private car, a couple of coffins, a hearse and other exhibits.

Seventh place among collectors of miniature things

This is one of the most stylish hobbies. To distract from the hustle and bustle of the "big world" many enthusiastic people create a miniature world. These can be puppet and furniture compositions, miniature interiors and entire cities. And although this is a very painstaking task, it is very interesting and exciting. In addition to creating miniature compositions, there are collectors of the world's smallest objects. For example, Jozsef Tari from Hungary has been collecting a library for more than forty years, and the language of the books and the edition does not bother him at all, he is only interested in the size of the book. And most importantly, that it does not exceed 7 cm 6 mm, and the smallest book in his collection and in the world - 2.9x3.2 mm, it can be put in a nutshell. Here are some small items that can become a big hobby.

The sixth line is occupied by playing cards

You can play cards, you can play solitaire, show tricks, or you can build. Yes, yes, build houses, house of cards, which everyone has heard about, that they can easily collapse. And you can build world-famous buildings, or rather their copies, such as the Empire State Building, Burj Dubai, skyscrapers, casinos and other famous buildings. And which will not collapse, but will stand for a long time. A resident of Iowa, Brian Berg has been fond of creating structures from playing cards since childhood, his passion has long grown into a highly paid job, into art. And what could be better when your favorite hobby brings not only good money, but also worldwide fame?

In fifth place - unusual coloring and grooming of dogs

This hobby initially struck the Chinese, but is already successfully sweeping the planet. The inhabitants of the Celestial Empire enthusiastically cut and color their dogs in an original way. Moreover, you do not always immediately recognize the breed of dogs, and sometimes pets seem to be completely different animals. But this amuses the owners and pushes them to new fantasies.

Fourth place - fluff from the navel

Third place - an unusual hobby - creating a ball of paint

This unusual hobby began out of boredom. One dyer, bored at work, decided to paint a baseball. And for almost forty years, every day, Mike Carmichael, and that is the name of a person with such an original hobby, applies layer after layer to this ball. Mike's friends and guests are allowed to take part in painting the ball, but you must always come up with a new color. And now it is the largest ball of paint in the world. And the most surprising thing is that such a hobby has a lot of fans.

Silver gets a very beautiful and difficult cassette tape painting craze

It would seem that audio and video cassettes are the last century. Indeed, in the modern digital world, many no longer remember such an invention of mankind as a magnetic tape. And only really creative people have found non-standard application for it. It turns out that unique paintings can be made from cassette tape. After all, it is elastic and looks like bulk ink.

In the first place is a very unusual hobby

While it does not have its own unique name, but it is a hobby of many people. What is the point? A ball is rolled from ordinary dirt by hand, moisture is removed from it and polished by hand. And now the ball of dirt turns into a glossy sphere. The smoothness is perfect. Such balls are considered a real work of art; many connoisseurs purchase mud balls as interior items. Here it would seem from ordinary dirt, but immediately into ... an expensive and stylish interior.
So, we have presented you a rating of the most unusual hobbies. You can always bet who will be in first place, and what hobby will be the most unusual. But whatever your hobby is, it's very good that you have it. This means that you are a creative, enthusiastic person. And you don't spend all your free time just lying on the couch. We are all different, and how to spend your leisure time is up to you. And if you have the most unusual hobby - tell us about it!

"What is your hobby?" - one of my favorite questions that I ask when I meet someone new. After all, you can learn a lot about a person from a hobby. We are all so different and it's wonderful! A hobby helps us not to lose interest in life, makes it brighter and gives it meaning. And when a person says that he does not have a favorite hobby, it becomes incomprehensible to me. And, indeed, most can not find something to their liking. I like everything, but I do nothing. Therefore, they always think what to do in their free time! I have never had problems with this, so let's talk about how to choose a hobby for yourself.


To begin with, of course, it is worth talking about the concept itself.

Hobby (from the English. Hobby - a favorite thing, hobby) is a type of activity, any activity that a person enthusiastically engages in in his spare time and at the same time gets real pleasure.

The appearance of this term is associated with the humorous novel by the English writer Lawrence Sterne "The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman", which was written in the 18th century. In it, the author for the first time used the word "hobby", which had previously been called only a small-sized peasant workhorse, in the meaning of "skate" or "hobby". Hobbies became more widespread as an occupation in the 19th century, when people, wanting to stand out, began to engage in various activities. So, gradually, hobbies became fashionable and became an integral part of life.

Now in the world there are a huge number of hobbies. How many people and so many varieties of hobbies! Basically, people choose their hobby based on their psychological portrait.
Extroverts focus most of their energy on communication. Therefore, they like to travel and photograph interesting places.

Introverts love to do art, yoga, martial arts, psychology. So they get to know themselves through their passion.

Assiduous people choose hobbies that require patience. For example, fligmatics can spend hours assembling a mock-up of an aircraft with many details in the cockpit. They enjoy the process itself.

People seeking peace love embroidery, knitting, sewing. This helps them calm their nerves after a hard day at work.

And active and restless individuals prefer sports and mobile hobbies. They arrange surf swims, skydiving, snowboarding.

Wrestlers by nature choose activities where there is rivalry: football, basketball, hockey, tennis. For them, the main thing is the competition itself. The pleasure comes from the feeling of a well-deserved victory.

But creative people are always trying to design and invent something. Men experiment with old cars, tuning them, and women, in a burst of creativity, come up with a new cut of a dress or functional interior items. The main goal of creatives is to invent something new.

In addition to a psychological portrait, these 5 criteria will help you choose a hobby:
- you are interested in this more than anything else;
- there is always a desire to do it in your free time;
- from the next "portion" of such an activity, your mood rises;
- it takes a lot of time, effort and money;
- You do everything diligently and with special care.

Train your brain with pleasure

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You are probably wondering, what are the most popular hobbies?


10th place. Reading

Books for many centuries have been the keepers of the wisdom and experience of many generations. It is to them that we turn in a variety of situations - from the desire to read some detective story or novel to pass the time, to finding an answer to a question that interests us. Unfortunately, in the 21st century, the importance of reading has declined. Because of the Internet, people have ceased to understand the value of books, but despite this, many have remained faithful to one of the oldest hobbies of mankind. Read! Read scientific, artistic, historical, any literature. Each book is a unique story that can give a lot and even radically change your life.

9th place. Tourism

This hobby is in the top 10 most popular because traveling gives us many amazing and unforgettable experiences. For many people, the desire to see the world, experience new sensations, communicate with other nations is much stronger than the need to buy a house or an expensive car. I know many examples when people save up for a whole year to go to new interesting places. Of course, in order to engage in tourism, you need to earn decent money, but it's worth it. And it doesn't matter what type of travel you like, because the main thing is to get rid of everyday worries and get a lot of positive emotions.

8th place. Photo

It is one of the most popular and fashionable hobbies in the world. And I think there are several reasons. Now everyone can afford an inexpensive camera. Even with the camera of good phones, such as the Apple iPhone or Sony, you can get decent pictures. Another plus of photography is the ability to practice all year round at any time. It also gives a lot of impressions and new acquaintances. And professional photography is already a whole creativity with various landscapes, portraits and wedding shots.

7th place. cooking

Food is a very big part of our lives, which is why cooking has become a very popular hobby all over the world. For many, cooking is a very routine thing. But there are people who approach this process more creatively. Cooking delicious food is a real art. This hobby is practiced by both women and men. Now there are a very large number of sites with interesting recipes, many video courses, various culinary schools are opening. There would only be a wish!

6th place. Choreography

I should have kept dancing! I constantly catch myself on this thought. I have been dancing for over 3 years as a child. I love looking at photos from ballroom competitions! It's never too late to start, but now there are other hobbies and hobbies. But for many, dancing is like a drug, of course, in the good sense of the word. Dancing is movement. Dancing is meditation. Dancing is a communication of female and male energy. You can talk a lot about them, but it's better to dissolve in the dance itself!

5th place. Growing indoor plants

This occupation appeared more than 5,000 years ago. Even the ancient Chinese, both poor and rich, decorated their homes with houseplants. In Europe, this hobby appeared only in the 18th century, and Peter the Great brought this fashion to Russia. It is now a very popular hobby for many people. Being engaged in home floriculture, you can get great relaxation, which we lack so much today in urban conditions. In addition, plants bring practical benefits. They fight against such negative factors as polluted air and high electromagnetic radiation. Therefore, it is worth thinking about doing this hobby!

4th place. Magic

Yes, I didn't believe it at first either. I never thought it could be such a popular hobby. These are various rituals, signs, divination, love spells and other strange and not very things. And every year the "magic" industry is gaining more and more popularity on the Internet. Personally, I'm more interested not in magic, but in esoteric knowledge that helps me expand my consciousness and grow spiritually. Magic? Why not, if you enjoy it!

3rd place. Hunting and fishing

So, we have already come to the top three most popular hobbies in the world. And in the 3rd place we see the oldest male occupations that helped to survive, feed and clothe members of their families. Of course, when people moved away from nature, then such a need disappeared, but the instinct was preserved. These hobbies allow you to escape from the bustle of the city and enjoy nature. Personally, I love it very much - to sit in the morning with a fishing rod on the Don! And my dad is an avid fisherman. As free time appeared, so fishing. Despite the fact that these two hobbies are energy-intensive, you still come back refreshed and with renewed vigor.

2nd place. Collecting

Probably every person in his life has collected something. Previously, stamps, postcards, models, chewing gum liners were popular. Personally, in my childhood there were popular chips that we played all day long. I just had a huge collection. For some, the desire to collect goes away with age, while for some it really captures for life. Everything can be collected. Something can be bought for a penny, and some copies require large financial costs. You can collect everything! From beer bottles to meteorites. There's enough imagination here!

1 place. Sport

Today it is fashionable to be active, cheerful, healthy, with positive energy and a cheerful mood. And all this can give the most popular hobby in the world - playing sports. As a child, we drove football, then there was bodybuilding, and now I have yoga and a bicycle. Perhaps time will pass and things will change again. But, as they say, we are with sports for life. Since I write a lot, I definitely need to compensate for a sedentary lifestyle with physical activity. Which I do at least 3 times a week. Go in for sports and be healthy!
That's how we looked at the most popular hobbies in the world.


And now I will tell you what hobbies I have. The most basic are only 5.

Reading of books

I love to read very much. I'm like a vacuum cleaner, only instead of dirt I suck in new knowledge. I have already read over 1,000 books. I try to read a book a month, I buy the most interesting ones. I already have my own small library, which will only grow every year. I read most of all books on self-development, psychology, spiritual and personal growth. It helps me develop as a person. Also, reading is very relaxing. I took the book in my hands and plunged into a world where only you are alone and no one else.


With the advent of the Internet, blogging has become a very fashionable hobby, but of course I did not choose this criterion. I just love web programming and share my experience with people. Therefore, more than 3 years ago, I started a personal blog about self-development. You are on it now. I have already written more than 200 articles, thanks to which more than 200,000 people visit it a year! I think that I will never give up this hobby, because a blog for me is a way of self-expression and realization of my creative potential. I can honestly say that this is my favorite hobby.


I started doing yoga for two reasons. To improve your health and know yourself more. Of course, at first glance it may seem that this is not a male hobby at all. But for me personally, it doesn't matter. The important thing is that yoga has become a part of my life. One might even say philosophy. This is a very clear system of self-improvement. Being engaged in this interesting hobby changes the outlook very much. Yoga allows me to fill up with energy to act not at 100%, but at 1000%.


I'm wondering what our life would be like without music. This is the most beautiful thing that a person can do in their free time. Around the age of 17, I learned to play the guitar. And I won't part with her again. I'm not a musician, and not a singer, still more of a poet. There are songs! Playing the guitar is a great way to express your emotions. Sometimes you want to have fun and start singing driving songs, and sometimes you feel sad under love ballads.

Cycling tourism

This is my youngest hobby. I started to get involved in them when I moved to Voronezh. I took a bicycle for an active lifestyle, because I write a lot and sit in a static position. Over time, I fell in love with "pokatushki" on a two-wheeler. The bike gives me a feeling of freedom, which is very important for me. And, of course, I get a lot of impressions, because every summer I go to a new place to relax.

These are my interesting hobbies!

I think you will find something to do in your free time and what hobby to choose. In life, there must be passion for something. Otherwise, everything is really gray and does not make sense. And when more hobbies or hobbies will bring you income, then you will become the happiest person on earth! I have exactly that!

If you haven't found your passion yet, here are some new hobbies you might find interesting.

You will certainly want to do something new this spring!


These are not memorized and rehearsed movements, but a kind of psychotherapy for the body, which allows you to throw out the accumulated feelings and emotions. You just dance the way you want, no matter how coordinated you are or if you have a sense of rhythm. Classes are held in groups where no one pays attention to each other, so you don't have to worry about how you look from the outside. But if you don’t feel like going anywhere, you can dance at home, turning on the music and completely releasing control over the body and allowing it to move as it wants. Intuitive dance is a way to release the body from clamps and blocks and again feel the surge of strength and joy of life.
Kanzashi are traditional Japanese ribbon hair ornaments worn by women with kimonos. From this name came a whole direction of Kanzashi - the manufacture of various kinds of jewelry from satin ribbons and beads. They make not only hairpins, but also bracelets, brooches, necklaces or decor items.
The main tools for work are soft satin ribbons of different colors, scissors, glue, threads and needles. The ribbons are folded in a certain way, cut to the desired length, and the edges are singeed with a lighter or a candle. The petals are glued together and fixed to a hairpin or elastic band.

Simple drawing techniques that do not require special skills and training. They help to relax or concentrate, get rid of negative emotions and thoughts and enjoy the process of drawing.

Dudling is an unconscious drawing that helps relieve tension. You just need to pick up a pencil and start drawing patterns, dashes, strokes, relaxing and not thinking about the drawing itself. From many simple elements, whole pictures are obtained.

Zentangle is similar to doodling, but requires more concentration. The square is divided into segments and each segment is filled with different elements. It is believed that zentangle helps to concentrate and calm down.
By the way, bookstores sell a lot of anti-stress coloring in the style of doodling and zentangle.
Information: the largest zenart community for those who like to draw dashes and squiggles.
Another art of drawing, on fabric, paper, wood and any surface that can be placed in a container of water. The drawing is transferred from the surface of the water to paper, fabric or other material and it turns out to be absolutely unique.

There are two main techniques: Turkish ebru and Japanese suminagashi. In the first, the artist creates abstract patterns, over which another pattern is sometimes applied, and in the second, circular patterns. Cardboard circles are lowered into a bath of water, onto which paint insoluble in water is added. Suminagashi is one of the oldest types of Japanese painting, which in recent years has become very popular all over the world. There are a huge number of master classes and video tutorials on marbling on the Internet, which is not surprising, because both the process itself and the result are absolutely mesmerizing.

The suminagashi technique was originally used to create marble effect paper. In Japan, business cards are often made this way.

A project where people exchange postcards from all over the world. Everything is very simple: the system gives you a random address, you send a postcard to it, and in return you receive another one. We are talking about real postcards that are sent by mail, not about electronic ones. As a result, you make new friends from all over the world, you no longer feel lonely, and when you pass by the mailbox, you always expect a pleasant surprise. 435,346 postcards have already been sent to the site for Russian-speaking fans of postcrossing.


Another hobby from Japan is knitting small funny figurines, animals or men that can be carried in a purse or fastened to a backpack or mobile phone. It takes practice, attention and perseverance, so it's better to start with the simplest schemes. But if you like to crochet or knitting, you should definitely give it a try.

If you like to decorate the table and serve dishes beautifully, then food carving is for you. An increasing number of people are fond of artistic carving of fruits and vegetables from Southeast Asia. Almost any fruit and vegetable is suitable for food carving. Only special tools are needed. Sets of carving knives can be found on the Internet, as well as huge photo albums with examples of work.

If you've ever had to patch a hole or turn jeans into shorts, you've already done some customizing. This is a hobby for those who do not like to wear things like everyone else, but want to always be special and unique. You can alter, reshape, remake and decorate in your own way not only clothing items, but also furniture and decor items.

The art of survival in extreme, harsh conditions captivates those who intend to prepare for any twist of fate. Survivalists learn to provide first aid, know the basics of self-defense and are able to navigate in unfamiliar terrain, without food and water. Perhaps such training games will someday save someone's life, and even if not, they will definitely help you make quick decisions and act in difficult situations.

When filling out a resume, many candidates think about whether it is worth writing something about their hobbies. Recruiters claim that information about the interests of a job candidate allows you to build a psychological portrait. You can refer to a ready-made example of a hobby in a resume if you are not sure what exactly to write in this section.

The right choice of hobbies

Of course, the applicant is first of all evaluated by his experience, acquired skills. But personal hobbies allow you to understand how you fit the open vacancy and the culture of the company.

Win-win for all positions will be the following options:

  • swimming, gym classes, fitness, running, football, volleyball, tennis, cycling;
  • playing musical instruments, passion for classical music;
  • gardening;
  • pet care (cats, fish, hamsters, dogs);
  • dancing;
  • fishing;
  • improvement of cars;
  • needlework: embroidery, origami, knitting things and toys, patchwork;
  • clothing modeling, creation of designer dolls;
  • creation of metal or wooden models of ships, cars, aircraft and other equipment;
  • working with wood, designing toys, furniture, household items;
  • game of chess;
  • reading historical novels, philosophical books, classical literature, including modern;
  • study of professional literature (do not forget to indicate any authors);
  • interest in computer, software and technical innovations.

Try to keep the measure in listing your interests so that their volume does not overwhelm the key focus when reading your resume.

When choosing examples of interests and hobbies for your resume, keep in mind that your passion for sports allows you to show that you can work in a team. But hobbies that require concentration speak of the ability to analyze.

Prohibited Options

Not in all cases, a hobby helps with employment. For example, you may face a denial if you:

  • love to engage in wrestling, martial arts, boxing, participate in races;
  • are fond of computer games;
  • play cards for money;
  • travel around the world;
  • Do you prefer extreme sports?
  • you are a representative of subcultures (goth, punk, rocker, fan of metal music);
  • make tattoos, decorate the body with metal;
  • are fond of non-traditional religions, wear appropriate clothing and like to promote.

The above interests often influence the appearance of the applicant and his demeanor. Extreme sports fans are at risk of losing their jobs due to the fact that their passion is associated with injuries. Employers are afraid of travelers because they spend more time on their trips than on their duties.

Relationship between passion and specialties

Applying for the position of a person who should spend most of his time sitting at a computer or working with papers, you can pay attention to such an example of a hobby for girls, indicating composure and perseverance:

  • cross-stitch, ribbons, satin stitch;
  • patchwork;
  • modeling and sewing clothes;
  • knitting toys;
  • origami, decoupage;
  • design frames for photos, notebooks, folders.

Regardless of gender, the presence of a creative streak will be evidenced by interests:

  • passion for photography;
  • creation of decorative ornaments;
  • restoration of old things;
  • playing musical instruments;
  • writing poems and stories;
  • interest in painting, drawing pictures;
  • leather embossing.

Such hobbies will be appreciated in positions that require a flight of fancy. They are suitable for applicants for the position of journalist, photographer, graphic designer.

Preferences testify to the ability to work in a team, to be a leader, to work with people:

  • interest in team sports: football, basketball, handball, hockey;
  • passion for psychology, including reading special literature (with an indication of any books);
  • participation in charitable or public organizations.

As a rule, these people find a common language easier than others, both with colleagues and with clients.

When thinking about which hobbies to indicate, you need to understand that your hobbies can confirm your determination:

  • dance classes, fitness, swimming;
  • active recreation, passion for travel (you can separately indicate that this is done without prejudice to work).

Even if you are a versatile enthusiastic person, pay the attention of the employer to no more than 2 types of hobbies. Otherwise, he will think that you will not be able to devote enough time to work because of them.

Non-standard options

Not everyone knows, but your hobbies and hobbies on your resume can attract attention. For example, this can be done by specifying that you:

  • study oriental culture, languages;
  • are fond of origami;
  • you are engaged in literary translation of books;
  • restore old churches and buildings;
  • spend weekends at the excavations of historical settlements;
  • spend time collecting garbage on beaches, in forests, forest plantations;
  • improve your city;
  • draw animated films;
  • create educational books for children.

The main thing to keep in mind is that your interests should not conflict with work.

Want to find a fun and inexpensive hobby? It helps to fill life with meaning and have fun in your free time. Sometimes a hobby can be quite expensive, but there are many cheap options that are just as informative and helpful. Here is a list of fifty hobbies.

DIY alterations

You can find something that is in need of repair right at home, sew clothes or learn how to make gifts with your own hands. Learn new skills while upgrading your home! In addition, there are many ideas for alterations on the Internet.

Thematic list

Make a list of things you would like to see in your hometown and go for a walk. Or maybe you have a list of films that you have long wanted to see? Making and completing items on a list can be a lot of fun.


You can find many interesting and free documentaries on the Internet or watch them on TV. Just choose a topic that interests you.

Learning something new

Education is not boring at all! What interests you the most? It doesn't matter what it is, from science to horror movies, just develop your knowledge in a field that appeals to you.


Working in the garden is not just a pleasure, but also a benefit - such an activity has a therapeutic effect. You can just buy a pot of soil and a package of seeds.

Camping with a tent

Try going hiking with your friends. All you need is a tent, food and drink. If there is no forest nearby, you can set up a tent right in the yard - it's fun!

Board games

Set aside an evening of board games with friends or family. This is an affordable hobby that allows you to have a great time.

New music

Look for new songs, discover unfamiliar genres, maybe you will come across a band that you will love.

Saving memories

Compilation of thematic albums helps to remember all the most pleasant moments of your life and bring your creative ideas to life.


A cheap and interesting hobby will help you have a great time - you can knit gifts for everyone you know! You will never be bored on the road again, because you will knit.


The ability to cook is a useful skill that allows you to spend time usefully. You can cook delicious meals with even the simplest ingredients.


Try to express yourself with a pencil or paints.

Go to a free event

There are probably some festivals or concerts with free admission near you, you just need to find out information about them.


By investing money, you make a profit, so if you understand finance, you can consider investing as a hobby.



If you have free time, becoming a volunteer will be a great solution for you.

Yoga classes

If you practice at home, this will be a completely free hobby. Yoga is good for the mind and body.


You can start an electronic diary or even start writing your own book.

Card games

Get a deck of cards and invite your friends over. There are hundreds of games.


This is a cheap hobby that will have a positive effect on your figure.


This is a great way to develop your intellect. Choose a book of your favorite genre and take your mind off worries.

Foreign language

There are many ways to learn a foreign language, so start educating yourself.

Hometown exploration

Walk the streets, walk across all the bridges. You probably don't know everything you could about your city.

Latest events

Follow what is happening in the world. Try to find out about the state of affairs in neighboring countries from the news.


Learn a few magic tricks and impress your friends and family with a magic show.

Internet games

There are many sites on the net where you can have fun with a variety of games.

origami art

This is a beautiful art that is available to everyone. In addition, you can transform your interior with it.


Chances are you already use the internet, but there is always something new to discover online. View articles, videos, time on the forum by interests - choose what you like.

Song writing

If you are a creative person, try writing a song.

World record

If you have interesting or unusual skills, try setting a world record.


Maybe somewhere in the area there are museums that have days with free admission.


These puzzles are free to play and are very interesting and entertaining.


If you have a pair of sneakers, you just need to get out of the house. Jogging is good for both the body and the mind.


If you have enough patience, try meditation for inner harmony.


Start an electronic diary to express yourself and find like-minded people.


These are audio stories that can be devoted to a variety of topics.


If you enjoy taking pictures, try turning photography into a hobby.


A bicycle will help you keep fit, you can enjoy nature views or chat with friends while walking.

wood carving

This is an unusual hobby that requires only a tree and a knife. You can create amazing items with your own hands.

Playing on a sports team

If you love sports, you can join an amateur team of players.


If you are an expert in any field, you can have a great time sharing your knowledge with others.

Admiring the starry sky

All you need is a simple telescope and a place where the electric lighting of the city remains far enough away.


If the weather permits, you can make a kite and go for a walk.


You can learn how to create computer programs on the Internet. This is not only an interesting, but also a very useful skill, it may even turn into your professional career.

Pet training

If you have a pet, you can have a great time teaching it some simple tricks. If simple commands are already learned, do something more unusual and complex.

Interest club

If you and your friends have some kind of hobby in common, you can open an interest club together, where other people will come for discussions. It's not as difficult as it seems, and very exciting.


You will need paper and a special pen. Everything, you are ready to start this amazing hobby! Calligraphy lessons can be found on the Internet.


Collecting is a lot of fun and inexpensive if you choose something that is available to collect. Anything will do - coins, clothes, comics.

People watching

If you enjoy watching crowds outside, make it your hobby. Just sit on a bench and watch strangers pass by.


If you search for places by their exact coordinates, you can have an interesting time. All you need is a GPS-enabled device and some power for active walks.