Presentation on the topic of clattering flies. Fly-Tsokotukha presentation for a lesson on fiction (preparatory group) on the topic. What did the buzzing fly find when it walked across the field?

Maria Zimova

Leisure based on the fairy tale K. I. Chukovsky

« Fly Tsokotukha»

(mixed age group)

Prepared by educators:

Zimova M. F.

Polyakova L.V.

June 2017

Target: to introduce children to theatrical art and theatrical activities.


Explore in depth fairy tale by K. I. Chukovsky« Fly Tsokotukha»

Develop monologue speech children;

Develop observation, creative fantasy and imagination, attention and memory, associative thinking, sense of rhythm;

Form partnerships in the group, teach communication with each other, mutual respect, mutual understanding;

Develop the emotional sphere of a preschooler’s personality.

Develop the ability to convey your feelings to the listener and viewer.

Preliminary work: conversation with children “What do we know about the theater?”;

reading fairy tales K. I. Chukovsky « Fly Tsokotukha» ;

discussion of the main idea of ​​the work, the actions of the heroes, their characters;

consideration of illustrations for the work;

watching a cartoon « Fly Tsokotukha» ;

making a poster for the performance;

making hats for flowers;

games to express various emotions.

Leisure activities:

(children go for a walk, go in pairs to the site with the leader, a song sounds “This is what it is, our summer” music by E. Krylaty, with lyrics by Y. Entin)

(fly hid in the area in advance)

Presenter: Hello, Fly Tsokotukha

Gilded belly.

Fly: I walked through the meadow,

And here I found the money.

Summer was invited to visit

So that it is warm and bright.

I invited everyone to visit

It's time for us to fly and sing!

Presenter: Guys, name everyone insects who do you know?

Children call insects.

Presenter: Insects do they benefit or harm?

1. What benefits do ants bring to the forest and people? (They destroy harmful insects)

2. Who does the ladybug hunt? (On harmful insects - aphids, spider mites, scale insects)

3. What harm do flies and cockroaches cause to people? (Spread infections)

4. What does the grasshopper sing with? (Wings)

Presenter: Everyone is ready to sing about summer,

Mosquitoes, dragonflies, owls.

Let's sing a fun song

Let's invite summer to our holiday.

Song: "What color is summer"

Presenter: Grandma bee came to visit and brought honey to the fly.

(to the music a bee enters with a barrel of honey and gives it to the fly)

Bee: Help yourself, dear guests. (gives the fly honey)

Presenter: Our bee is very hardworking, she works all summer, collecting nectar from flowers. Let's work together with the bee.

Gymnastics: "Hardworking Bee"

The bee works all day

(Children draw a circle in front of them.)

And she is not too lazy to work.

(Wiggle your index finger from side to side.)

Flies from flower to flower,

(They rhythmically flap their winged arms.)

Glues pollen to the abdomen,

(Make circular movements with your palm over your stomach.)

The proboscis sucks nectar,

(One arm is extended forward, then bent down.)

He will gain a lot in a day.

(Open the fingers of the right hand.)

It will carry the nectar to the hive

(Draw a circle in the air.)

And it will come back like a bullet.

(They sharply throw their hand forward with their index finger extended.)

The honey is compacted in the honeycombs,

(They stomp on the spot.)

Winter will come soon.

(They cower.)

There will be something for the bees to eat,

(Imitate the movement of a spoon.)

In the summer they need to try.

Presenter: And the grasshopper, and the grasshopper,

Well, just like a little man.

Grasshopper: Dance I want to dance (stomps his foot)

Invite everyone into a large circle.

Dance "Grasshopper" (sit down)

1 Presenter:

I'll tell you riddles

Do you all know the answers!

Well guys, help me

Answer in unison!

Riddles about insects

Yellow mistress of houses

Flies over the lawn

Will fuss over the flower -

He will share the honey.


Eight legs are like eight arms

Embroider a circle with silk.

The master knows a lot about silk,

Buy flies, silk.


The walker is walking

Through the ceiling

Everyone gets bored

Flies over food.


The spring jumps

Green back–

From grass to blade of grass,

From the branch to the path.


Not a beast, not a bird—

Nose like a knitting needle.

It flies and squeaks,

He sits down and is silent.

Who will kill him?

He will shed his blood.


It flutters and dances over the flower,

He waves a patterned fan.


Presenter: All the riddles were solved,

We sipped tea and cookies.

Butterflies came to us

And then they started dancing

It became fun for us.

Fly: (treats) Beautiful butterflies.

Eat the jam!

Or you don't like it

Our treat?

Dance "Butterflies and Flowers"

This is such a beautiful dance. And you love to play.

A game « Insects and spider»

A game "Spider"(To cheerful music, children - insects run around the hall, to replace the music « insects» run and hide, runs out "spider baby" catches them.) Parents are offered the role of a spider.

Presenter: Suddenly some old spider

He dragged our fly into a corner.

Fly: "Dear guests, help!

Kill the villain spider!

And I fed you

And I gave you something to drink

Don't leave me

In my last hour!"

Presenter: But worm beetles

We got scared

In the corners, in the cracks

They fled:

Where is summer, where is summer

Summer got lost somewhere.

We need to invite summer

The fly needs to be rescued.

Summer is coming: Hello my friends. Oh, where are you?

Presenter: A spider came running to us

He dragged away our fly

We need to save the fly

Get the clatter away from the villain.

Summer: You are bugs and boogers

Crawl out from under the bench. (children are approaching Summer)

I know how to defeat the villain

I know how to free a fly.

We'll sing a song about a spider now

We'll call the spider a good one.

Song "Old Man Spider"

A spider comes out and fly


The fireflies came running,

Lights were lit -

It became fun

That's good!

Summer: Is everyone here?

Presenter: We'll check now.

Insects in summer(gymnastics)

The bumblebee is buzzing

(Children press their hands to their bodies and quickly wave their palms.)

A mosquito squeaks

(Extend index finger, clench the rest into a fist.)

Butterflies are flying.

(They wave their hands smoothly.)

All day

fragrant honey,

(Hands to the side.)

Bees store.

(Show a barrel of honey)

Warm water in the river,

(Make wave-like movements with their hands.)

Berries in a basket.

(From semicircular fingers they make "basket".)

It's been squinting all day

(Close their eyes.)

Summer on the window.

Summer: And now we have a game.

Quiz Game "Who lives where?"

Summer calls insects. Participants find pictures with insects and put them next to pictures of the habitat and name it.

Where do Wasps live? - Wasp nest

Where do Ants live? - anthill

Where do butterflies live? - clearing

Where do Beetles live? - hole

Where do Mosquitoes live? -near the water

Where do Bees live? - beehive

Where do flies live? - in the yard

And etc. insects, which the children studied.


Hey centipedes,

Run along the path

We will be with you

Still play the game.

A game "Catch a mosquito"

The musicians came running

The drums started beating.

Bom, bom, dancing fly with mosquito.

Final dance: "The sun is shining for everyone"

Fairy tale quiz

K. Chukovsky

"Fly Tsokotukha"


Students 2a gr.

Tuganova A., Kosykh K., Koryakina E., Dzasokhova E.

Who was called that?

Gilded Belly”

Well, just like a little man.”



The villain"

Remember the ending!

“Fleas came to the Fly and brought her ……………….”

“The cockroaches came running, All………………………………”

“ The fly screams, strains itself, But the villain is silent….………………….

“The fireflies came running and lit……………….”

glasses drank


Who did this thing belong to?

jar of honey





Fly Tsokotukha

Granny Bee

Guess what words are “hidden” here





Which lines fit these characters:

I found some money

jump under a bush

takes out the saber

brought her boots

silent, grinning


What did the buzzing fly find when it walked across the field?

a) candy b) coin c) berry

What did she buy at the market?

a) cups b) gingerbread c) samovar

Who brought Mukha the boots?

a) cockroaches b) flea beetles c) grasshopper

What did Grandma Bee bring as a gift?

a) jam

b) honey c) compote

What was the name of the villain who wanted to destroy Mukha?

a) Worm b) Spider c) Cricket

What did the guests do when the evil Spider grabbed the Fly?

a) started crying loudly b) rushed to save her c) got scared and ran away

Who saved Mukha from the villain?

a) Ant b) Mosquito c) Firefly

When Komarik freed Mukha, he said that...

a) it’s time for him to fly home b) that he wants to marry Mukha c) that he is very tired

Well done!

Thank you for your attention!

“Quiz on Chukovsky” - (Bibigon “The Adventure of Bibigon”). Municipal educational institution "Secondary" comprehensive school No. 18" Kotlas. (Vanya Vasilchikov). V. Berestov. Eat, eat, Fedora Egorovna.” (Fedora Egorovna). (Doodle). I'm not afraid of a hurricane! - “It’s a shame for an old man to roar - You are not a hare, but a Bear. (Dr. Aibolit). "Fly Tsokotukha". (mosquito “Tsokotukha fly”).

“Books by Chukovsky” - Or “Bears were riding on a bicycle. Chukovsky's first children's book, “Crocodile,” appeared in 1916. Who? Korney Chukovsky. Kalosh i. To about t. For whom? 8.Suddenly from the gateway a terrible giant. red-haired and mustachioed __________. 9. Who? Exhibition of books. Dishes. S a m o v a r. Crossword 8. Sparrow.

“Tales of K.I. Chukovsky” - At a meeting with “little friends.” "Fly Tsokotukha". “Suddenly a bowlegged and lame man runs out of my mother’s bedroom and shakes his head.” What a nose, what a mouth! "Confusion". Elephant - chocolate, Gazelles - carousels, Monkeys - books, Crocodile - galoshes. "Stolen Sun" Room. "Crocodile". The pigs meowed - meow - meow, the cats... (grunted, oink, oink).

“Works of Chukovsky” - Let’s play. Continue. 9. Suddenly, from my mother’s bedroom, Bow-legged and lame, the washbasin runs out and shakes his head... 2. 3. But as soon as I lay down - The bell rings! Moidodyr. Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. Cockroach. What work is the excerpt from? 8. (1882 - 1969). 1. Aibolit. Telephone. 5. I would like to fall asleep, relax...

"The Work of Chukovsky" - Literary tales. What a miracle locomotive! Once upon a time there lived a Crocodile. My phone rang. -Who's talking? -Elephant. -Where? -From a camel. Introduction Goals and objectives Fairy tales Riddles Summing up. Puzzles. Goals and objectives: Contents. Introduction. Small children! He smoked cigarettes, spoke Turkish - Crocodile, Crocodile Crocodilovich.

“Visiting Grandfather Korney” - With elephants on the go We played ... squirrels “Fedorino Gore”. "Karmalei". Little frogs came running, watered from... CHILDREN. "Tsetse fly." thanks for good fairy tales. The grandmother who brought honey to the birthday girl Mukha. Then the soap jumped up, and grabbed the hair, and fussed, and lathered, and bit, like... Abba. The shark got scared and out of fear...

There are a total of 27 presentations in the topic


This presentation presents an illustrated fairy tale by children's writer Korney Chukovsky “The Tsokotukha Fly.” The material is intended for a reading lesson in primary school.

The purpose of the presentation is to educate schoolchildren expressive reading Using the text of the fairy tale “The Tsokotukha Fly,” identify the main characters and analyze what you read.

The presentation slides contain scanned pages of the children's book “The Tsokotukha Fly.” The book is decorated with bright, high-quality illustrations, the author of which is Viktor Vakhtin. These drawings attract the attention of schoolchildren, encourage them to read, and help them better understand and assimilate the text. Eight illustrations and full text the works take up only four slides of the presentation.

Students must read the work out loud, the teacher can distribute the reading into roles among the students, and repeat this several times so that no student is left out. This approach will help children learn to express their emotions, catch intonations, and understand the mood of the hero. After everyone has read the fairy tale, the students express their opinion about the characters, identify positive and negative characters, explain the meaning of the work from their point of view, what its idea is, what it teaches, whether they liked the fairy tale.




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  • Slides: 7 slides
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Slide captions:

Insects Borodenko E.V. fly Tsokotukha

GOAL: To form in children an idea of ​​insects. appearance, Draw children’s attention to their methods of movement and habitat.

Fly, Fly - Cluttering, Gilded belly! The fly walked across the field, the fly found the money. Mukha went to the market and bought a samovar: “Come, cockroaches, I’ll treat you to tea!”

The cockroaches came running, They drank all the glasses, And the bugs - Three cups each With milk And a pretzel: Today the Fly-Tskotuha Birthday girl!

Fleas came to Mukha, They brought her boots, And the boots are not ordinary ones - They have gold clasps.

Granny the bee came to the fly, and brought honey to the buzzing fly...

“Beautiful butterfly. Eat the jam! Or don’t you like Our treat?”

Suddenly, some old man, Spider, dragged our Fly into a corner - He wants to kill the poor thing, destroy the clicking fly!

"Dear guests, help! Kill the villain spider! And I fed you, And I gave you water, Do not leave me in my last hour!" But the worm-beetles got scared, ran away into the corners, through the cracks: Cockroaches under the sofas, and the boogers under the benches, and the bugs under the bed - They don’t want to fight! And no one will even budge: Get lost and perish, Birthday girl!

And the grasshopper, and the grasshopper, Well, just like a little man, Lop, hop, hop, hop! Behind the bush, Under the bridge And silence!

But the villain is not joking, he twists the Fly’s arms and legs with ropes, plunges his sharp teeth into the very heart and drinks her blood. The fly screams, strains, and the villain is silent, grinning.

Suddenly, a Little Mosquito flies from somewhere, and a Little Flashlight is burning in his hand. "Where is the killer, where is the villain? I'm not afraid of his claws!" He flies up to the Spider, takes out the Saber and cuts off his Head at full gallop! He takes the fly by the hand and leads him to the window: “I killed the villain, I freed you, and now, maiden soul, I want to marry you!”

Here bugs and boogers crawl out from under the bench: “Glory, glory to Mosquito - the Winner!” The fireflies came running, lit the lights - That's how fun it became, That's good!

Hey centipedes, Run along the path, Call the musicians, Let's dance! The musicians came running, the drums began to beat. Bom! boom! boom! boom! Fly and Mosquito dance.

And behind her is Bedbug, Bedbug Boots stomp, stomp! Boogers with worms, Bugs with moths.

And the horned beetles, rich men, waving their caps, dancing with butterflies. Tarara, tarara, The midge danced. The people are having fun - the Fly is getting married to the dashing, daring, Young Mosquito!

Ant, Ant! He does not spare bast shoes, - he jumps with Ant and winks at the insects: “You are little insects, you are cuties, Tara-tara-tara-tara-cockroaches!” Boots are creaking, heels are knocking, - There will be, there will be midges Having fun until the morning: Today the Birthday Fly is the Tsapping Fly!

Thank you for your attention

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