Artillery Day (Rocket Forces and Artillery Day). Strategic Missile Forces Day History of the Day of Missile Forces and Artillery

Day missile forces and artillery became one of the most memorable days in the history of the Armed Forces and is celebrated on November 19. The calendar day date was chosen because it coincides with a significant historical event the victorious liberation of Stalingrad from the German invaders, which began with a counteroffensive Russian troops. On this day, artillery soldiers are congratulated with special honor.

The turning point and such a significant battle for the outcome of the war was successful thanks to one of the key roles played by the artillerymen. In 1964, the holiday received a new name - Day of Missile Forces and Artillery. The Russian people sacredly honor and preserve the examples of unbending steadfastness, heroism, and courage of all the soldiers participating in this war, the heroes of thousands of battles who repelled enemy forces.

The entire experience of using artillery and missile forces in armed conflicts proves the enormous role of their maneuverability, efficiency and firepower. Heroic traditions are worthily continued by modern generations of military missile and artillery troops of the Russian Armed Forces. They fulfill their military duty with honor and nobility, master the latest weapons and equipment, improve their combat skills, high level which guarantees the completion of the necessary tasks in a wide variety of combat conditions. To celebrate this holiday, demonstration shooting, exercises, and parades are held.

Happy Rocket Forces Day!
I only wish the best.
Not knowing attacks and defeats,
More personal achievements.

Awards, medals, orders,
Have calm peaceful days and dreams.
May your sky be clear
And the look is cheerful and radiant.

And in your personal life, let everything be -
Wife, family, relatives,
Car, cottage and apartment.
I wish you happiness and peace!

I'm rocket troops
I recognize from afar -
By intelligence and dexterity,
Excellent preparation.

Well done, artillerymen!
Everyone is fit, broad-shouldered,
Wait to argue with them,
Don't put your finger in your mouth.

So that everyone knows the deer,
What troops day is it today?
For the soul and in honor

On Missile Forces Day, I sincerely wish you good health, peaceful skies and unearthly happiness! May your life be filled with colorful events, sincere love and reliable friendship! I wish you every success, fulfillment of all goals and good spirits!

Happy Missile Forces and Artillery Day
I want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
Wish you great luck,
Send a big bouquet of kind words.

Let only joys happen in life,
Every day brings pleasure
All intended targets are hit,
And the reward is coming to you!

You hold the rank of artilleryman,
And here, undoubtedly, there is a reason for pride.
I wish you to be nimble and fast in life,
And have no excuses for sadness.

I wish you happiness, joy, success,
Health, strong friendship and good luck.
So that you can only see bursts of laughter,
I'm proud of you, you're a real macho!

Happy Rocket Forces and Artillery Day to you!
Please accept my congratulations.
Let peace and warmth warm your soul.
Let there be no doubts in life.

Let all battles end
Only by your victory.
Let health flow over the edge,
May summer always shine in your heart.

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts
Those who were artillerymen
Who served in the missile forces,
Thank you for the clear sky!

And we want to tell you:
“There is no one more courageous in the world,
May we not see war
And our children grow up in peace.”

There is no stronger force yet,
Than rocket troops
The artillery is coming
He doesn't lag behind either.

Well, happy holiday to you all,
Success awaits you ahead.
You are brave for the country,
For Russia, they are so needed!

Be happy, cheerful,
Very happy on holiday
And let there be health,
And sadness will go away!

On the day of artillery and rocket troops,
I wish not to meet with evil,
I wish you strength and noticeable joys,
So that everything around is surrounded by goodness.
Success comes from many achievements,
And also happiness and great respect.

Congratulations to you, rocket scientists.
On a special day I want
About all your successes
Today I will not remain silent.

Thank you all for your service,
Happiness and health to you,
Rainbow and bright life,
Without frustration, troubles and dramas.

Congratulations with a rocket
We send for you:
Let's launch... With this date -
Rocket Forces Day - now
We are glad to congratulate you again.
Artillery troops
We will forever honor and glorify!
Oh, it's not an easy task...
No matter how difficult
... service days for cool guys,
The borders of your country
We wish you to be protected.

Congratulations: 135 in verse, 20 in prose.

Picture on Missile Forces Day

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Date in 2019: November 19th, Tuesday.

Rocket Forces and Artillery Day falls on November 19. Celebrated in the USSR, today it is celebrated at the official level in Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. The celebration was established in honor of the counter-offensive Soviet troops near Stalingrad (1942), which became the beginning of the defeat of Nazi Germany. It is celebrated with traditional events, ranging from formations of units to laying flowers and demonstration exercises.

For exploits in the Great Patriotic War, a Hero star Soviet Union More than 1,800 artillerymen received, over 1.5 million were awarded orders and medals. For his invaluable contribution to the fight against fascism, a professional holiday was approved in 1944, renamed in 1964 as the Day of Rocket Forces and Artillery.

history of the holiday

Artillery Day was first established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on October 21, 1944. November 19 was chosen as the solemn day. In 1942, on this day began strategic operation"Uranus", whose goal was the liberation of Stalingrad.

The powerful artillery preparation carried out became one of the turning points in the fight against Nazi Germany.

"IN modern warfare artillery is God... Anyone who wants to rebuild in a new modern way must understand that artillery decides the fate of the war,” J.V. Stalin.

In 1964, the artillery was renamed the Rocket Forces and Artillery. At the same time, the name and holiday changed.

During the period of perestroika, the date lost its force; Artillery Day began to be celebrated on the third Sunday in November. The historical tradition was restored only in 2006.

A Brief History of Russian Artillery

The first mention of Russian (firearms) artillery occurs at the end of the 14th century. In 1382, during the siege of Moscow by the troops of Khan Tokhtamysh, the townspeople used forged cannons for defense purposes.

Video: “With all guns blazing.” A fascinating history of Russian artillery in eight episodes

During the reign of Peter I, artillery became an independent branch of the military. In the first half of the 18th century, troops were divided into 3 categories: field, fortress and siege. By the end of the century, an equestrian movement had formed.

There were victories and defeats in the 20th century. So during the Russian-Japanese War (1904-1905), domestic artillerymen said their victorious word. However, during the First World War (1914-1918), the protracted period of rearmament did not allow the use of Russian guns 100% due to the “shell” famine.

Video: Song of artillerymen during the Second World War

By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the importance of the troops had increased; they became indispensable on all fronts. New types of weapons are appearing. For example, combat vehicles of the BM series on which jet mortars were located, nicknamed “Katyusha”, which became one of the symbols of the era.

Who's celebrating?

The Missile Forces and Artillery (RFA) include not only the combat crews of guns and howitzers, but also the crews of multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS) and a number of other highly specialized military service specialists.

Photo: Smerch multiple launch rocket system

In addition, the missile and artillery troops are armed with self-propelled guns, combat crews of towed artillery, mortars, anti-tank missile systems and much more.

Thus, any person whose service is associated with one of the listed types of weapons has the right to call himself an artilleryman and celebrate a professional holiday.

Important! Do not confuse MFA Day with the Rocket Forces Day strategic purpose!

How to celebrate

Many years of experience in celebrating Military and Military Aviation Day have given rise to unique traditions. It all starts with an honorable formation of units, accompanied by patriotic music. Laying wreaths at the grave Unknown Soldier in Moscow or other memorable places throughout the country. Congratulations and warm words of gratitude are addressed to veterans, active military personnel and students of specialized schools.

Video: Demonstration performances in St. Petersburg 2018

IN last years Demonstration performances are becoming popular, demonstrating the power of Russian army, in particular artillery and rocket men. All this happens in the open; anyone can attend the event. In almost every part, in the afternoon, by force creative teams city, a festive concert is held for the personnel. It celebrates the results of the outgoing year, distinguishes excellent students in combat and political training, and presents state awards and new ranks.

Artilleryman's Day is solemn and interesting. However, it is not a day off, because who else but the god of war should always remain guarding the borders of our homeland.

Congratulations to the artillerymen

What does "Artillery Day" mean? This is the holiday of the bravest, the bravest, the most daring and fearless. This is a holiday of those who defend our Fatherland. The job of an artilleryman is not easy. Every day they risk their lives for us people. So let's wish them strength, not only spiritual, but also physical, courage and prosperity on their professional holiday. May they always have clear sky over your head. Happy holiday!

Defending your homeland is not an easy task. Therefore, only real men stand guard - strong, courageous, proud. So let's wish them to remain men with a capital M, let not a single storm break their proud character. May your family and friends be healthy and faithful. I wish you to appreciate the peaceful sky, fresh air without any admixture of gunpowder and quiet calm all around. Happy most courageous holiday to you, real men!

They stand guard over the world

They always protect the lives of the people.

Let's applaud them

They are fearless for years.

Thank you, artillerymen,

For your hard, strong work.

May your path not be shady,

Your glorious life path!

In all ages, in all years

Artillerymen glorify Russia.

We wish you easy service,

And return home

Where they love you and are waiting for you,

And they appreciate your hard work!

Happy great holiday, Happy Artillery Day!

May you always be lucky in life!

Let your loved ones believe in you,

And the best awaits!


Congratulations on your professional holiday! We wish you to hit the target in any life circumstances. May you be lucky, because luck is also a great gift and art!

Larisa, October 19, 2016.

This memorable day allows us to honor soldiers, sergeants and officers of the “god of war” - artillery. Realities have made adjustments, and we are celebrating the day of the missile forces and artillery. But the “god of war” remains such.

The holiday was born during the difficult period of the Great Patriotic War. Powerful artillery bombardment broke the German resistance at Stalingrad and allowed our troops to completely destroy the enemy. This happened November 19 1942, and already in 1944 Artillery Day was officially celebrated on this day.

Artillerymen serve in one of the oldest branches of the military. Artillery was first used by Russian troops in the defense of Moscow from the Tatars in 1382. For a long time in our country, guns were used mainly to protect cities.

Ivan the Terrible began to use artillery as an offensive weapon in all campaigns. Under him, artillery made a breakthrough in its development. Peter I, the great reformer of not only the country, but also the army, creates the first bombardment company. It was not an independent unit, but was part of the Preobrazhensky Regiment. During this period, the artillery banner was established.

The use of artillery in right moment changed the course of battles and battles more than once. During the Great Patriotic War artillery was called the “god of war.” Just before the start of the war, serial production of the famous Katyushas began. In the summer of 1941, our “girls” showed the Germans the character of the Russian “god of war.” The effectiveness of the Katyushas was amazing; at that time there was not only no protection against rocket launchers, but the enemy could not respond with anything like that.

IN post-war period Missile technology is being developed and, as a result, units armed with missile weapons are being formed. During this period, a change appeared in the name of the holiday - Day of Missile Forces and Artillery. Until recently, the holiday was celebrated on the third Sunday of November. Now the old historical date is again - November 19.

As a branch of the ground forces, missile forces and artillery not only have separate units and formations, but also units that are part of other branches of the military. The units' armament consists of tactical and operational-tactical missiles and large-caliber artillery.

The artillery itself includes many units that differ in the weapons they use: anti-tank, howitzer, mortar, artillery reconnaissance and others.

It’s not for nothing that artillery is called the “god of war.” Not a single major operation takes place without the use of missile troops and artillery. The destruction of nuclear arsenals, concentrations of troops, air defense, control posts, this is not a complete list of the tasks facing this branch of the military.

Units that are part of other branches of the military also solve smaller tasks: covering the crossing, clearing a bridgehead, supporting landing forces and many others.

The gods of war stand guard every day, protecting our peace from any encroachments and threats.

Every year our country celebrates the memorable day of the Russian Armed Forces - Rocket Forces and Artillery Day, according to Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 549 of 2006 “On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.”

Rocket Forces and Artillery Day is celebrated to commemorate the services of artillery in the defeat of the Nazi invaders at Stalingrad, the first stage of which began with the counter-offensive of Soviet troops on November 19, 1942. Artillery played a key role in this counteroffensive.

By a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in 1944, the merits of artillerymen were noted by the establishment of a holiday - Artillery Day. In 1964, the holiday was renamed the Day of Missile Forces and Artillery.

Artillery is considered one of the oldest branches of the military. The first information about Russian artillery dates back to 1382, when, when defending Moscow from the troops of Khan Tokhtamysh, Muscovites used “mattresses” and “great cannons” - the first artillery pieces - against the besiegers. In the 16th century, artillery became an independent branch of the military, whose tasks included supporting the actions of infantry and cavalry in battle, and at the beginning of the 18th century it was divided into field (including regimental), siege and fortress. A century later, artillery regiments and brigades began to form.

Russian artillery has confirmed its strength and high fighting qualities at all times - in the battles of Russian princes, in the Battle of Poltava, during the capture of Izmail, in the Battle of Borodino, in the Russian-Japanese and on the fronts of the First and Second World Wars, always making a decisive contribution to the achievement of a common victory.

And today, missile forces and artillery are one of the branches of the Ground Forces of the RF Armed Forces, which are the main means of fire and nuclear destruction of the enemy during combined arms operations (combat operations). Organizationally, they consist of missile, rocket, artillery brigades, including mixed, high-power artillery divisions, rocket artillery regiments, separate reconnaissance divisions, as well as artillery of combined arms brigades and military bases. Units and divisions of the missile forces and artillery are organizationally included in other types and branches of the Russian Armed Forces and other “power” structures.

The main tasks of the missile forces and artillery are: gaining and maintaining fire superiority over the enemy; defeat of its nuclear attack means, manpower, weapons, military and special equipment; disorganization of systems for command and control of troops and weapons, reconnaissance and electronic warfare; destruction of long-term defensive structures and other enemy infrastructure; covering open flanks and joints; participation in the destruction of enemy air and sea landings and others.

In peacetime, missile troops and artillery stand guard over the Fatherland and protect the borders home country. And on their professional holiday, these warriors have the opportunity to attract the attention of all of Russia. To celebrate their day, they organize demonstration exercises, shooting and parades.

Happy Rocket Forces Day!
I only wish the best.
Not knowing attacks and defeats,
More personal achievements.

Awards, medals, orders,
Have calm peaceful days and dreams.
May your sky be clear
And the look is cheerful and radiant.

And in your personal life, let everything be -
Wife, family, relatives,
Car, cottage and apartment.
I wish you happiness and peace!

On November 19, Russian artillery and missilemen celebrate their professional holiday. Officially, this date was included in the calendar of military holidays. Russian Federation in 2006, when presidential decree number 549 appeared. In the decree of May 31, 2006, the date November 19 was officially declared the Day of Rocket Forces and Artillery. But the history of the holiday is by no means limited to eight years.

Artillerymen got their own professional holiday during the Great Patriotic War, when on October 21, 1944, by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, artillery day was designated as a separate day for the branch of service. Another 20 years later, Artilleryman’s Day was transformed into the Day of Rocket Forces and Artillery - the merits of Soviet missilemen were also taken into account.

The date itself, November 19, was chosen as the date of celebration due to the fact that it was on this day in 1942, after powerful artillery preparation, that the Red Army’s counteroffensive began in the Battle of Stalingrad.

Artillery as a branch of the military has an even deeper history. The history of the term used to define artillery is also deep - “God of War”.

If we talk about Europe, cannons of various types and calibers have been used since about the 14th century. Of course, these were far from the guns that are imagined when such a term is used today, but this did not prevent them from being used to strike enemy personnel and even fortified positions.

In Rus', according to the chronicles, the first cannons appeared in the 80s of the 14th century, during the time of Dmitry Donskoy. The first cast guns - “armata” - according to the chronicle version, were brought to Rus' around 1389.

Asia has its own version about the time of the appearance of artillery. In China they claim that the first cannon appeared in this country at the beginning of the 12th century. There are a number of alternative versions, according to which original prototypes of guns were used in ancient times, but this version is not supported by documents.

The history of the emergence of rockets as jet units capable of developing impressive speeds and traveling through the air over considerable distances has no less mysteries. In this case, China is trying to retain the historical palm, but in Europe, Chinese priority is being disputed. Of course, we are not talking about those missiles that have become familiar to military affairs today, but about their prototypes that worked on the basis of powder mixtures.

Missile forces and artillery today (RFA) is one of the integral segments Armed Forces Russian Federation. Not a single serious military conflict is complete without the use of artillery installations and missile systems of various modifications. MFA is also a universal strike-deterrent force, which is used not only by the Ground Forces, but also by the coastal forces of the Russian Navy.
Coastal missile and artillery military equipment today is presented in service with the Russian Navy in the following form: DBK "Rubezh" with missiles "Termite", DBK "Bastion", DBK "Bal", BAK A-222 "Bereg", artillery systems of the "Gyacinth" class. , "Msta" and many others.

Batteries "Bastions"

It has its own artillery Airborne troops Russia, the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Border Troops of the FSB.

The first commander of artillery in the USSR was Nikolai Nikolaevich Voronov. This is exactly the person who interrogated Field Marshal Friedrich Paulus, who was captured in Stalingrad. Nikolai Voronov, for the outstanding successes of the artillery units achieved under his command, received the title of Marshal of Artillery on January 18, 1943, and the title of Chief Marshal of Artillery on February 21, 1944. Thanks to the initiative of Nikolai Nikolaevich Voronov, the Academy of Artillery Sciences appeared in the USSR in 1946. Nikolai Voronov held the post of commander of artillery troops until 1950. Streets in cities such as Penza, Volgograd, Nizhny Novgorod and Donetsk.

Voronov was replaced as artillery commander by Mitrofan Ivanovich Nedelin. In 1959, Mitrofan Ivanovich was appointed to the post of Commander-in-Chief of the Strategic Missile Forces. It is Nedelin who is considered the founder of this direction of the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union. Mitrofan Nedelin died at the Baikonur Cosmodrome on October 24, 1960 during a test of the R-16 rocket. In the small homeland of the Chief Marshal of Artillery - in the city of Borisoglebsk Voronezh region- a monument was erected, at which city schoolchildren keep a memorial vigil every year on May 9 and November 9 (Mitrofan Nedelin’s birthday).

The missile forces and artillery are glorious pages in the history of military victories achieved by the power of Russian weapons, the dedication of military personnel and the talent of commanders. The bass voices of guns and rocket launchers are the voices of Russian security that have a lot to say to any potential adversary.

Happy holiday!