Upcoming lunar eclipses. Research on the influence of solar eclipses on the human body

The fact of the existence of such a phenomenon as a solar or lunar eclipse has excited the minds of many sages for more than three and a half thousand years; they began to observe this phenomenon in 1136 BC, when this phenomenon was first recorded. At first, it was noticed that there were more lunar eclipses than solar eclipses. Lunar events occur only when the Moon enters the full moon phase, and solar events only occur during moments of complete absence of the Moon (new moon). A couple of thousand years after the first lunar eclipse recorded in the chronicles, astrologers learned to compose schedule, and calculate the date of each of them, we decided on the nature of their phenomenon.

Solar and lunar eclipse calendar for 2017

As is known, the planets move in an orbit, which for the Earth has a pronounced elliptical shape, slightly inclined. Due to this angle of inclination of the plane of rotation of our planet relative to the plane of motion of the Moon, eclipses do not occur every month, but only from time to time. To do this, it is necessary that the Sun, Moon and Earth are on the same straight line.

Solar eclipses in 2017

During the year, we will be lucky enough to witness two solar eclipses: total and annular. What's happened full eclipse It is not difficult to guess the Sun - this is a phenomenon in which the Moon completely covers the solar disk, and people watching from Earth will not be able to see the Sun at all.

The phenomenon of an annular solar eclipse is not much more complicated. During such an event, a certain rim will be visible from the Earth, which will remain from the Sun when it hides behind the lunar surface. Ring solar eclipse will happen February 26, 2017, we will be able to see a total solar eclipse August 21, 2017(see calendar).

Lunar eclipses in 2017

Lunar eclipses occur only during full moons; in 2017 there will be two of them: penumbral and partial. To understand what it is, you should learn about what shadow and penumbra are. These definitions are especially familiar to artists, because they have to work with similar techniques in painting to create the illusion of volume of an object on paper. In life, shadow and partial shade are found everywhere. But this phenomenon takes on the largest scale in space. The Moon casts its shadow on the Earth, around which there is a large circle of penumbra - a shadow into which they penetrate Sun rays, making it transparent and weak.

A penumbral lunar eclipse implies that during this phenomenon the Earth will not fall under the direct lunar shadow, but only in its penumbra, which is why changes in the brightness of the Moon’s illumination will not be recorded naked eye. Penumbral lunar eclipse will occur February 11, 2017. In the case when the Moon falls under the earth's shadow only partially, astrologers speak of a partial lunar eclipse. It will be possible to watch it August 7, 2017(see calendar above).

The influence of eclipses on humans

In addition to the psychological impact, lunar and solar eclipses also affect a person’s well-being. During such events, cases of hypertensive abnormalities are common, which causes headaches, rapid heartbeat and even attacks of irritability.

  • February 11, 2017 at 03:45 - penumbral Lunar eclipse in the sign of Leo;
  • February 26, 2017 at 14:59 - annular Solar Eclipse in the sign of Pisces;
  • August 7, 2017 at 18:21 - partial Lunar eclipse in the sign of Aquarius;
  • August 21, 2017 at 18:26 - total solar eclipse in the sign of Leo.

Each of these phenomena has its own specifics and sometimes has a completely different impact on a person and his destiny. Therefore, below we will tell you more about each of the eclipses.

Lunar eclipse February 11, 2017

The penumbral Lunar Eclipse can be observed on February 11, 2017 at 00:34 GMT, and it will occur at 3:45 Moscow time. The eclipse can be admired in the following territories: in Russia - throughout the country (except Far East , Sakhalin and Kuril Islands

According to astrology and Feng Shui, during eclipses the flow of energy from one or another star is partially or completely blocked. In our case, this is the Moon, but it will not be completely eclipsed, that is, the eclipse will be penumbral. Since the night luminary is responsible for the soul, subconscious, humanity and intuition, then, accordingly, these characteristics will partially suffer. The moon is the personification of a woman - a symbol of calm, kindness, caring and endurance. That is why during this period it is difficult for many to keep emotions to themselves, to remain calm and self-possessed. conflict situations and make correct and reasonable decisions. In all your actions, it is emotions, and not cold reason, that will have a huge influence. Therefore, as you understand, it is undesirable to change your life during this period, decide something and carry out major agreements and transactions.

It is during this period that many will awaken to the desire to achieve justice, which will be devoid of all mercy and soul. If you do not restrain such impulses, then you will not achieve anything good. Remember that you need to look for an individual approach to each situation and do not forget to sometimes give free rein to your emotional impulses.

Solar eclipse February 26, 2017

The Annular Solar will occur on February 26, 2017 at 14:59 GMT, and at 17:54 Moscow time. The eclipse can be observed in the following areas: in the south of Argentina and Chile, southwest Angola, and also partially in the south South America, Antarctica, western and southern Africa.

But the Sun is a symbol of masculine qualities - the fight for justice, perseverance, intelligence, willpower and assertiveness. Therefore, as you understand, many of us will be subject to a certain melancholy and loss of strength. Our inner strengths will fade away, and instead of them anxiety will come and some fears may even come to mind. Well, during this period, each of us will have to make a lot of efforts so as not to get unsettled and not lose our ability to work. Astrologers also do not recommend implementing bold decisions; this can lead to irreversible consequences that will only bring losses and troubles. Therefore, try to avoid sudden changes in life.

But try to implement those good intentions that you may have, but do not overdo it. During Solar Eclipses, there is often a desire to change the world in better side, but remember that such changes must begin with yourself. Do a good deed, help someone in need - this will give you a charge of good energy and can drive away melancholy.

Lunar eclipse August 7, 2017

The lunar eclipse on August 7, 2017 will occur at 18:12 GMT, and Moscow time it will occur at 21:20. Residents of all continents except North and South America will be able to admire the lunar eclipse on August 7, 2017.

This time you will have to put in a lot of effort to save what you have been working on for a while. For example, if you decide to start playing sports, then these days your enthusiasm will wane a little. Well, don’t stop halfway, remember that the path to success can be thorny and you need to work hard to achieve what you want. The period of the Lunar Eclipse is a time when it is difficult to restrain your negative emotions. If you succumb to such bad tricks of the night luminary, then when this period passes, you will have to work hard to restore your reputation.

Lunar eclipses are the period when all the secrets come to light. Keeping anything secret at this time is extremely difficult. Moreover, relatives and friends will react sharply to the fact that something is being hidden from them. Therefore, it is better to open all the cards before the eclipse, when each of you will be calm and cool-headed.

Total Solar Eclipse August 21, 2017

A total solar eclipse will occur on August 21, 2017 at 18:26 GMT, and at 21:26 Moscow time. The eclipse will be visible in the following areas: total eclipse only in North America on the territory of the USA, and privately in Russia - in Chukotka; in other countries - in the USA and Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Ireland and the UK, Portugal, Mexico, Central American countries, Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, Guinea and Brazil.

At this time, you will not be distinguished by realism and practicality, which means you should not make large purchases and serious decisions. If you don't restrain yourself, you can suffer large losses. This Solar Eclipse is a time of rethinking the value system, searching for something new. Dedicate this time for yourself, learn something, think about what you can change in your life, but it’s better to implement your plans after the influence of this phenomenon has passed.

Pay attention to your health, it will be at risk during this period. Possible exacerbation of chronic diseases, decreased immunity and general condition. To avoid this, do not put too much stress on your weak organ systems. Try to take care of yourself.

How to prepare for a lunar and solar eclipse

During any eclipse, a certain confrontation between the Moon and the Sun occurs, which cannot but affect a person. First of all, our health suffers, both physical and spiritual. Therefore, it is worth thinking about how to properly prepare for this event:

  1. Do not overload your gastrointestinal tract, try to eat properly for about three days before the eclipse and three days after. Eliminate fried, fatty and spicy foods, introduce more dairy, vegetables and fruits into your diet.
  2. Do not forget about the correct regime, follow one simple rule - the night is created for sleeping, and the day is for being awake. Don't sit too long at the computer, and reading at night will do more harm than good.
  3. Take care of your state of mind, try all this time to do things that calm you down and charge you with positive emotions.
  4. It is better to postpone all important decisions, or make them earlier (at least three days before the day of the eclipse) or later (respectively, three days after the eclipse).

What you can and cannot do during eclipses

In 2017, we will experience two solar and two lunar eclipses. Solar will occur on February 26 (at 8 degrees Pisces) and August 21 (at 29 degrees Leo). On these days, as well as for three days before and after them, representatives of the signs of Pisces and Leo should be especially careful in their words and actions. Lunar eclipses will occur on February 11 (at 22 degrees Leo) and August 7 (at 15 degrees Aquarius). As you can see, Leo will become the “abode” for the eclipses of both luminaries, but we focus the attention of Aquarius only on the August one.

Eclipses enhance the slightest negative and positive vibrations of the day - the events that happen to you on the day of the eclipse will haunt you until the return of the same eclipse, that is, for a full cycle of 18.5 years. Therefore, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the key rules of behavior on the days of eclipses and adhere to them.

On eclipse days you cannot:

  • start new things; get angry, irritated, start conflicts;
  • carry out any medical interventions.

On eclipse days you can:

  • part with the past (throw away old things, go on a diet aimed at losing weight, get rid of bad habits);
  • cleanse the body (fast, arrange fasting days, cleanse yourself of toxins) and home (carry out general cleaning, fumigate the house with incense, walk around with candles or holy water);
  • dream and visualize what you want (it is very important to present the most detailed pictures of what you want, as if it had already happened - the eclipse will give the desire a strong impetus to action).

Note that eclipses in February 2017 may be accompanied by pleasant unexpected events. Amazing opportunities will open up for many these days - you should trust what is happening: very soon this will be followed by changes for the better!

But with the August pair of eclipses, not everything is so positive. They risk revealing our fatigue and increasing health problems. If possible, plan your vacation for August.

: 2 lunar and 2 solar

  • February 11, 2017 - penumbral lunar eclipse
  • February 26, 2017 - book
  • August 7, 2017 — partial lunar eclipse
  • August 21, 2017 - total solar eclipse

Eclipses in Moscow, Russia(Moscow)

February 10 / February 11, 2017 — Penumbral lunar eclipse

Penumbral lunar eclipsewill be visible from Europe, most from Asia, Africa and most of North America. The duration of the lunar eclipse will last 4 hours 19 minutes. In Moscow

Where can you see the Eclipse?

Eclipse observation regions: Europe, most of Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Arctic, Antarctic.

Lunar eclipses look roughly the same around the world and occur at the same time.

Time is approximate with an accuracy of about 2-3 seconds.

* The Moon is above the horizon during this eclipse, and with good weather conditions in Moscow, the eclipse is visible.

The magnitude of the eclipse is -0.035.

The magnitude of the penumbra of the eclipse is 0.988

The total duration of the eclipse is 4 hours, 19 minutes.

February 26, 2017 - K annular solar eclipse tion

TO annular solar eclipse It will be visible along a narrow path stretching from southern South America to southern and western Africa, weather permitting. In surrounding areas, people will see a partial solar eclipse. In Moscow To annular solar eclipse tion will come February 26, 2017 at 17:59 (Moscow time) in the 09° sign of Pisces.

Where can you see the Eclipse?

Regions and some parts of the eclipse: Southern/Western Africa, most of South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Antarctica..

Note that since this is a penumbral eclipse, it will be difficult to observe as the Moon will only be slightly dim.

The actual time (in UTC) that the eclipse occurs.

* Local times shown do not refer to when the eclipse can be observed in Moscow

August 7, 2017 — Partial eclipse of the Moon

Partial lunar eclipse on August 7, 2017 — the eclipse will be visible from Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia, with a maximum magnitude of 0.252 (25.2%).

In Moscow, the eclipse will be visible from the very beginning of the partial eclipse on the evening of August 7, the maximum eclipse will occur at 21.10 (Moscow time) in 16° sign of Aquarius.

August 21, 2017 — Total solar eclipse

Actual visibility of the eclipse depends on weather conditions and the Moon's line of sight.

Regions seeing partial eclipse: West Europe, North/East Asia, North/ West Africa, North America, most of South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Arctic.

In Moscow A total solar eclipse will occur on August 21 at 21:30 (Moscow time) in the 29° sign of Leo.

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IN I wrote about eclipses and gave recommendations for this period. Now I want to dwell on what was not included in . So, in August 2017 we will see two eclipses:

The eclipses of August 2017 will be on the axis at . Over the next year and a half, eclipses will occur on this axis, bringing the themes of Leo and Aquarius to the fore.

The lion is a symbol of imperative will and personal power; it is a leader, monarch, president. Aquarius is the demos (Greek for “people”), free citizens with civil rights. From this root comes the word and concept - democracy - the power of the people. This is parliament public organizations, civil movements. During the period when eclipses occur in the signs of Leo and Aquarius (until February 2019), new trends in society are determined, new trends in international relations, in the relationship between the authorities and the people, the “social contract”, the type of interaction, changes, is changing global political situation,subsequently becoming a stable trend for a long period. These are also the themes of persons in power, their destinies and their influence on world processes.

The eclipse begins at 15:46 GMT

Maximum phase at 18:21 GMT

The eclipse ends at 21:04 GMT

For Kyiv and Moscow +3.

Full blackout phase 2 minutes, 41 seconds.

August 21, 2017 will be on the North Node. The astrological community is calling it the “Great American Eclipse,” and for good reason. The shadow of an eclipse, passing through certain areas, indicates the countries that will be most affected by this eclipse. The path of the August 21, 2017 eclipse covers the entire United States. The United States will be the area of ​​greatest visibility for this eclipse.This will be the first time since 1918 that the eclipse's shadow will cross the entire continent, and it will be the first eclipse since 1776 to have its total shadow pass exclusively across the United States.

Another reason this eclipse is considered significant for the United States is that it occurs at 28°53" Leo - conjunct the natal ascendant and Mars of President Donald Trump, who was born on the lunar eclipse. In traditional astrology, the fate of the country is associated with the card of its ruler, and significant transits to the card of the country’s leader can indicate not only important events in his destiny, but also important events in the country as a whole.Given the growing tension around the Donald Trump administration, the coming period could be a time of serious testing for him.or important initiatives, and will become decisive.

August 21 will be in exact trine with Uranus. This eclipse is more constructive than the previous one. If August 7 poses problems, then August 21 makes it possible to solve them. This period gives events an impetus that can be felt in our personal affairs for several years. “Absorption of light” makes this period unpredictable, causing a feeling of uncertainty that will be revealed later.

Leo's theme is creativity, love relationship, children, business related to art, the show industry and entertainment, the stock exchange and speculation, these are topics of receiving money from parents and real estate.This eclipse will also activate Topics risky adventures, gambling, stock speculation.If this eclipse falls on a significant point natal chart, it can bring changes in our careers and leadership. At this time our creativity creative projects can get a result that will determine our future plans and tasks. Previous creative efforts may develop into more meaningful activities; we may decide to turn our hobby into a profession or source of income. Situations of this period may encourage you to take responsibility and manage what is happening.This period provides the opportunity to solve old problems in new ways, the opportunity to find a way out of difficulties using non-standard approaches. But for this we need to move away from previous stereotypes.

So, how to get through this period without creating additional problems for yourself?

The first thing to remember - Eclipses add significance to everything that happens at this time. I quote from my article: “At this time, especially near eclipses, you should carefully monitor all current situations, meetings and new ideas. We must remember that every event that occurs during an eclipse is more important than we might initially assume. Ideas, proposals, projects and people who enter our lives during the “season” of eclipses become part of our lives for a long period.”

But mistakes, delusions, miscalculations and misdeeds also become more significant than at other times, and their consequences will be long-lasting. Therefore, we do not follow the lead of emotions and illusions, rely on reason and prudence, and do not succumb to provocations and temptations. Important decisions should not be taken during eclipses, and especially on the day of an eclipse. Rely on proven connections and prepare new steps. But new beginnings and projects need to be postponed to the period after September 6

Second thing to remember - eclipses of this are associated with our awareness of our originality, our “I” that is different from others, our personal and creative tasks in a collective context. This is the topic: “I” and the team, the ability not to dissolve in the interests of others, but to be able to build relationships so that cooperation or personal relationships do not interfere with our need to be ourselves. Do not follow the lead of others, do not engage in dubious benefits and relationships of dependence, do not compromise principles and be true to yourself, even if this means parting with someone or something, or losing something. in Leo calls for finding a balance between our individual tasks and what other people expect or want from us, between personal and social life, between the demands that others place on us and our need to be ourselves. An important psychological side of this period will be the ability not to forget about one’s interests and goals for the sake of someone or in the name of something, and not to be led by the opinions of the crowd. This position will be the key to solving problems that will arise in relationships during this period. If we make ourselves dependent on the approval of a reference group or collective, we may lose personal initiative, and with it new opportunities and the respect of the group on which we are accustomed to depend. This is a psychological emphasis on a long period that needs to be given attention. I wrote more about this in the material