Star Wars. Star Wars: Bounty Hunter Wars - download for free all books in the series Time of the Bounty Hunters


*Long lingering sound* -- Entry number 13/My biography

My childhood began, like everyone else’s, with fun, loving parents... However, this story is not one of the most joyful...

At the age of 5, my father taught me how to use a blaster; in the future, this helped me become a combat ace in various types of combat. When I was 10 years old, my father died as a result of a clash of clans, and 2 years later my mother went missing. After that, as a 12-year-old boy, I ran away, left alone in this world. I survived by stealing. Since then, my life goal has been revenge on the clan that killed my father.... 7 years later I mastered different types weapons and wielded them masterfully. After that, having gained their trust, I killed their leader, firing 5 shots directly into his head. But the matter did not end there. After receiving money from the head of my clan and renouncing my past, I became a mercenary...

10 years later, having received the task of rescuing Leia Organa from an assassination attempt, I flew out on a hijacked ship to the coordinates; seeing Leia, my heart flickered, I fell in love at first sight, but I didn’t show much, only occasionally making awkward jokes. It would seem, well, you fell in love, so what? I’ll hand in the assignment anyway and won’t see you again.. But fate decreed otherwise.

Soon I met her again and she learned about my indifference to her. Some time passed (and about a hundred episodes of Santa Barbara) and we got married. After that, I was seriously injured by the explosion, having recovered, my adventure continued.. I built a now abandoned house. And he seemed to live like an ordinary person, but after the calm a storm began, the war continued.. Hey! What the!?

*the sound of an explosion is heard, depressurization has begun* (System) -- Attention! External damage to the housing has been detected! Urgent data transfer to the nearest storage device!


He likes to joke, just give him the opportunity. Faithful, will never betray. He himself is quite gloomy and does not like to be in crowded places, you ask why? No one knows.

It is rare to see a sincere smile on his face unless you are his close friend.


The mercenary's hair is straight, medium long, and brown in color. Naturally, there is no time to follow them, so he does not wear fashionable hairstyles. His face is smooth oval in shape, his eyes are brown, although sometimes he noticed a green tint in them. There is a small dimple on the right cheek. He has an athletic build. His height is 189 cm and his weight is 73 kilograms.


Mandalorian armor is painted blue, red and gold (Blue - reliability, red - honoring the father, gold - revenge), which has a built-in blaster, shield, bayonet, jetpack, and grappling hook. And also a helmet, called “bush” in Mando, which has quite a few functions: the ability to fully control all armor using voice commands, radar, the ability to see in the infrared spectrum and much more. The jetpack contains a rocket.

From weapons, he carries with him the SE-14C - a blaster pistol that fires bursts of 5 discharges, the E-11 - a powerful and accurate blaster rifle for any conditions, and the A280C - a reliable and powerful rifle, characterized by a high rate of fire and excellent power.


1.Endurance - 7/20

2. Dexterity - 7/20




Hello reader! In this article I would like to touch on the topic of mercenaries of the universe Star Wars. In this universe, mercenaries serve not only as assassins, but also as scouts, bodyguards and escorts, and they work for the highest bidder. Today we will look at the five most famous and professional of them. Go!

Shay Vizla

Shay Vizla was a famous Mandalorian bounty hunter of her time, and later managed to unite several Mandalorian clans together, becoming their leader. She harbored hatred for the Republic and the Jedi due to the fact that the latter killed her brother. Therefore, she collaborated a lot with the Sith and simply against the Republic. Among the special equipment, it is worth noting an unusual jetpack and a flamethrower built into the glove.

Jango Fett

The Mandalorian and the best mercenary of his era, Jango Fett, was a genome donor to create an army of clones of the Republic. For the entire criminal world of the galaxy, he was the embodiment of strength, dexterity and prudence. He had at his disposal the standard set of a Mandalorian gentleman (a jetpack, a T-shaped helmet, Mandalorian armor and a couple of gadgets in his sleeve) and a rocket launcher built into the backpack.

Cad Bane

From the passing of Jango Fett until the rise of Boba Fett, Bane was the best mercenary in the galaxy. He skillfully used his allies and enemies to achieve goals, was not too principled and worked for those who would pay the most. Cad Bane was smart and could get out of almost any jam. More than anything, he loved his blasters, made to his personal order.

Boba Fett

In fact, Boba was a clone of Jango Fett, but their relationship was built like that of father and son. During the creation of the clone army, Jango asked for a clone to be created for him without any modifications and from then on began to care for him like a son. Boba trained very hard to achieve the same success as his “father”. Eventually, the training took its toll and Boba became the best mercenary of his time.

Eileen Vel

Would you believe me if I told you that this lady is also from the Fett family? But you will have to. Eileen Vel is Boba Fett's daughter (real this time). When she was still a child, her father left her and her mother alone. When Eileen was 16, her mother died, and the girl was left to fend for herself. Having become one of the best bounty hunters, she devoted her entire life to searching for her father.

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Roles: Range DD, Range Tank, Healer
Armor: Heavy

- Which The best way find another Bounty Hunter?
- Think like him?
- No. Hire him.

(Boba Fett and Mirta Gev)

Order to kill

Bounty Hunters are mercenaries who will hunt down, capture or kill anyone with a bounty on their head. They also do any other "wet" work if they pay well for it, including defending their clients. The best Hunters wore excellent armor and effective weapons, which made them even more dangerous.

Hunter, bloodhound, killer for hire

Countless enemies stand in the way of the Sith Empire's rise to dominance. The Empire spares no expense in eliminating them, hiring the most dangerous hunters in the galaxy. If the Sith have placed a bounty on your head, then prepare yourself for endless paranoia and sleepless nights. Will the Bounty Hunter find you? It's only a matter of time...

Nameless and infamous, Headhunters are not just mercenaries - they follow the professional code of an ancient brotherhood with a distinguished history. In order to track down a target, even the most elusive, among many star systems, true skill is required, especially if this target is famous, powerful and ready to fight for life to the end. Thrill seekers from all over the galaxy join the ranks of the Bounty Hunters, but only the most desperate and dexterous can survive in this business in which your life is at stake.

The Hunter's Path is running along the razor blade. The stakes are always high, and there are only two outcomes - live in disrepute... or die a quick and ignominious death.

Relations with the Empire

While the Empire does not approve of the fierce independence of Headhunters, there are always exceptions to the rule for those who produce results. Very few can boast the courage and recklessness to carry out the difficult orders that Hunters deal with constantly. But in the Empire no one is irreplaceable; even the most skilled must prove their worth again and again. In this business, name is everything, and with every target eliminated, the Bounty Hunter's reputation grows, as does his price.

Associations and Loyalty

Bounty hunters do not belong to one species, they come from many races and social strata, and each hunts their prey in their own unique style. Some Hunters adhere to the brutal Mandalorian code of honor, while others follow only their own sense of honor and morality. Some work only in the interests of the organization with which they made a deal, while others have no concept of loyalty.

Despite the kinship in their business, Headhunters cannot always trust each other - the battle for clients between the most famous representatives of this profession turns recent colleagues into the most ruthless enemies. Even those who hire Hunters often hide the real goals they are pursuing; roles change quickly when complications arise...and they always do. Shifting loyalties, insurmountable challenges and deadly duels are commonplace in the life of a Bounty Hunter.


Main characteristics:

Strength - Increases lightsaber damage and critical strike chance (Not used by Bounty Hunter).

Aim – Increases firearm damage and critical strike chance.

Endurance– Increases the amount of health and the speed of its regeneration.

Knowledge (Cunning) – Increases damage from Technological weapons. Increases the strength of shields and improves invisibility detection.

Presence– Improves the ability to heal yourself and companions.

Secondary characteristics:

Willpower – Increases damage from Force abilities (Not used by Bounty Hunter).

General provisions

Starting planet – Hatta
The developers have confirmed that after release the game will not have a system of rewards for the “heads” of players. They recalled that the game will have many rewards for the “heads” of various NPCs.
Headhunters “follow professional traditions.”
The Hunter always has a lot of firepower at his disposal, but he also has all sorts of tricks and gadgets in stock.
If necessary, the Hunter can fight in confined spaces.
He is armed with the latest technology from the black market.
Technology is the main weapon of the Bounty Hunter, who uses the latest black market gadgets to catch his prey.
Amazing experience with a jetpack and a handheld computer.
The Bounty Hunter's voice is provided by actor Steven Blum.
The bounty hunter has three roleplaying options - calculating, ruthless and compassionate, and like in Mass Effect, the most sentimental options will be conveyed with the class's signature cynicism.


Bounty hunters work for the bad guys, but they don't necessarily have to be the bad guys themselves.
The initial storyline is called "The Great Hunt".
This class is for those who want to find a compromise between the spectacular use of long-range weapons and numerous gadgets when necessary.


At level 10, the Bounty Hunter can choose the path he will take - Technician or Mercenary.

Bounty Hunter Technician (Powertech)

He is the best in defensive tactics and handling shields and powerful flamethrowers, which makes the technique an insurmountable obstacle. He takes a personal approach, dealing with enemies of all sizes.

Weapon: Blaster pistol
Armor: Heavy
Role: Range DD, Range Tank

Branch Protective Technologies (Shield Tech) improves defensive technologies, allowing the Technician to absorb damage from attacks.
Branch Advanced Technologies (Advanced Prototype) makes the Technique a universal fighter for battles with any enemy.

Bounty Hunter Mercenary (Mercenary)

A pair of blasters, deadly heat-seeking missiles and heavy armor make the Mercenary a mobile weapons platform. There's no problem that firepower can't solve, and no one in their right mind would stand between a Mercenary and his target.

Weapons: Two blaster pistols
Armor: Heavy
Role: Range DD, Healer

Arsenal branch allows you to use improved rocket launchers to quickly eliminate a target.
Bodyguard branch Gives the Bounty Hunter the skills and technology to heal and restore allies.

Also, regardless of Specialization, a Hunter can improve in General Thread "Firebug", which allows you to specialize in destroying your enemies with missiles and other technologies.

Class mechanics

As always, all mechanics, styling and animation revolve around the class resource. For Hunter it is “Overheating”. Although this is not a resource in the usual sense of the word. To make everything clear, let's move away from the mechanics themselves and look at the class as a whole. A Bounty Hunter, as we wrote above, is a mercenary who carries out orders to kill or capture certain individuals. Such work requires not only reliable armor, but also the necessary equipment. Of course, this is not the James Bond equipment of the Agent of the Empire, but be that as it may, the Hunter uses a variety of gadgets. These gadgets draw energy from the jetpack (the jetpack on the Hunter's back). In some cases, the backpack works as a weapon (the ability to fly up and shoot at enemies, or make a sharp dash towards an enemy, knocking him down), and in others - as a power source. No matter how you use the backpack, it will always heat up. Initially you have 0 overheat units.

And now we come to the mechanics themselves. Your main task is to prevent the backpack from overheating. There are two ways to do this: first, you have abilities that reduce the overheat value. Secondly, you can simply stop using abilities (yes, your effectiveness is lost, but this is the way). Also, overheating decreases over time (even if you actively use your abilities, some overheating will dissipate on its own). But don’t think that overheating is absolute evil for the Hunter. When your Overheat reaches a certain level, certain abilities are unlocked for you to use. Therefore, the player will have to monitor 2 things at once - that the overheating is not lower than the required level, and that it does not reach the maximum. Once you find the sweet spot, you become a dangerous opponent. At the moment, the Hunter mechanics seem to be the most complex and atypical for MMORPGs. It’s all the more interesting to try this class.

"Now I see why you are called the best bounty hunter in the galaxy."
(Darth Vader to Boba Fett)


Rigid Shots
Level required: 1-3
Distance: 30 meters

A rapid stream of shots that deal moderate damage.

Missile Blast
Level required: 1-3
Overheat: 60
Distance: 30 meters

Launches a missile at a target, causing high damage and knocking the target down, as well as causing minor damage to targets standing within a 5 meter radius. The ability can damage up to three targets at once.

Flame Thrower
Level required: 1-3
Overheat: 50
Application time: 4 seconds
Recovery: 10 Seconds
Distance: 10 meters

Setting fire to everything in front 10 meters ahead with a flamethrower, causing small damage every second for 4 seconds. Weak enemies will be stunned while taking fire damage.

Vent Heat Reduction
Required Level: 1-3
Recovery time: 45 seconds.

Quickly reduce overheating from your abilities.

Recharge and Reload
Required Level: 1-3
Application time: 15 seconds
Recovery time: 1 minute

Restores health and reduces overheating while using the ability. Not used in battle.

Electric Dart rank 1
Level required: 4
Price: 100 credits
Recovery time: 45 seconds
Distance: 25 meters

Shoots an electric dart at a target, releasing bolts of electricity and stunning them for 5 seconds.

Rail Shot rank 1
Level required: 6
Price: 160 credits
Recovery time: 15 seconds
Distance: 30 meters

A shot at a target that inflicts a large number of damage Applies only against vulnerable (stunned, sleeping, burning) targets.

Death From Above rank 1
Level required: 8
Price: 220 credits
Application time: 6 seconds
Recovery time: 1 minute
Distance: 5 -30 meters

The Bounty Hunter flies to a safe distance and begins firing missiles at a selected area on the ground. All targets in the selected area take damage. The first missile knocks down all targets.

Power Shot rank 1
Level required: 14
Price: 380 credits
Recovery time: 8 seconds
Distance: 30 meters

A special attack from a blaster that deals medium damage.

Energy Shield rank 1
Level required: 18
Price: 500 credits
Recovery time: 1 minute 30 seconds

An Energy Shield surrounds the Bounty Hunter, absorbing a certain amount of blaster damage (energy damage). Lasts 30 seconds.

Determination rank 1
Level required: 18
Price: 500 credits
Recovery time: 1 minute 30 seconds

Removes all movement slowing effects.

Chaff Flare rank 1
Level required: 20
Price: 560 credits
Recovery time: 30 seconds
Distance: 30 meters

Launches several illumination charges into a selected area, which help to detect all enemies who are in stealth mode. The duration of illumination of the area is 10 seconds.

Oil Slick rank 1
Level required: 24
Price: 660 credits
Recovery time: 30 seconds
Distance: 10 meters

The Bounty Hunter begins to shoot fuel from his left bracelet forward in front of him. Targets hit by the oil are unable to move and receive reduced resistance to natural damage.

Electric Shield rank 1
Level required: 28
Price: 780 credits
Recovery time: 1 minute 30 seconds

The Bounty Hunter is surrounded by an Electric Shield that returns a small amount of damage to all attackers. The effect can be applied no more than every 2 seconds. Lasts 30 seconds.

Rocket Punch rank 1
Level required: 32
Price: 880 credits
Recovery time: 20 seconds
Distance: 5 meters

A melee attack that knocks the target down, dealing a small amount of damage. Very useful when opponents are close and the Bounty Hunter needs to increase the distance between him and the enemy.

Interceptor Shield rank 1
Level required: 40
Price: 1130 credits
Recovery time: 1 minute
Distance: 5 meters

The Bounty Hunter activates his shield generator to reduce the threat posed by him to any enemy that touches the shield.

Thermal Detonation rank 1
Level required: 46
Price: 1280 credits
Recovery time: 20 seconds
Distance: 5 - 25 meters

Throws a thermal detonator at the target, which attaches to it and then explodes, dealing a large amount of damage when the target dies. For the explosion to occur, the target must die before 15 seconds have passed.

Abilities translated Serious

Famous personalities

Of course, everyone understands, considering which heroes Bioware created the Bounty Hunter class - these are the legendary Django and Boba Fett.

Jango Fett

"I'm just a man looking for my place in the universe"
(Django Fett)

Jango Fett is the famous Mandalorian bounty hunter, assassin, mercenary and "father" of Boba Fett. Born on Concord Down in 66 BBY. In 58 BBY, he was adopted by Mandalorian warriors after the death of his parents. He began searching for his parents' killer and his missing sister Arla. Years later, he became the leader of the Mandalorians in the Mandalorian Civil War. He then destroyed Death Glare, a group of Mandalorians who killed Fett's mentor, Jaster Meryl.

After this conflict, he becomes a bounty hunter, quickly earning a reputation as one of the best in the galaxy. He later agrees to become the genetic template for the clones of the Grand Republican Army. Django receives guardianship from the Kaminoans and, knowing that they won’t be able to find him on such a distant planet, quietly entertains himself with private orders. By the way, as soon as the first clones were ready, Django demanded a private order from the Kaminoans - a pure clone, without changes at the genetic level. This is how his heir appeared - Boba Fett. In the run-up to the Clone Wars, Master Obi-Wan Kenobi finds Jango and Boba on Kamino, and the Fetts fly off to join Count Dooku on Geonosis. After his death in the Geonosis circus ring at the hands of Mace Windu, Fett's legacy lives on in the form of Boba, who has yet to write his name into the history of the galaxy.

Boba Fett

“Perhaps I would have grown up to be a good guy if the Jedi hadn’t cut off my father’s head in front of me!”
(Boba Fett)

Boba Fett was a Mandalorian warrior and bounty hunter. He was a clone of the famous Jango Fett, created in 32 BBY as the first copy of many to become part of the Grand Army of the Republic. Django raised him as his own son. He taught him many of the craft of golovamite hunters and initiated him into the traditions of the Mandalorians. In 22 BBY, Jango was killed at the Battle of Geonosis, which marked the beginning of the Clone Wars. Boba was forced to grow up quickly and begin to wander the galaxy, with the help of his father's former colleagues. While still a child, Boba uses his father's reputation to gain fame and respect among various representatives of the criminal world of the Galaxy.

With the formation of the Empire, Boba begins to play for big money and becomes increasingly better at killing for money and fame. Over time, he marries Sintas Vel and they have a daughter, Eileen Vel. Boba Fett often works for the Empire, carrying out personal tasks for Darth Vader that even the Emperor himself did not know about. Thus, Boba investigated the causes of the death of Padmé Amidala and personally pursued the famous imperial brawler Galen Marek, Starkiller, throughout the Galaxy.
One of his most significant missions was the capture of the rebel Han Solo in 3 ABY. But a year later, Fett's luck changed - during a skirmish between Jabba the Hutt's thugs and Luke Skywalker's men, Boba's jetpack was damaged and the hunter fell into the mouth of the Sarlaac. Fett stayed in the monster's stomach for several weeks before he managed to escape with the help of another mercenary.
After promising Shays to the dying Fenn, Fett became the new Mandalore, and eventually led the Mandalorians into war against the Yuuzhan Vong. In the wake of rising patriotism, all the inhabitants of the Galaxy stood in one rank for the war against the Vong, Boba even fought side by side with Han Solo and Luke Skywalker against the invaders. With the onset of the Second Galactic Civil War Boba sided with the Republic and personally trained Han and Leia Solo's daughter, Jaina, so that she could defeat her brother, who had turned to the dark side and seized power in the Alliance. As the years passed, Boba began to feel that he was gradually dying and that his costs as a clone were to blame for everything.


"I'm Mira. The best bounty hunter in this system. And I'm not bragging. It's a fact!"

Mira was a bounty hunter from the moon of Nar Shadaa. One of the Exile's followers. When her home was sacked during the Mandalorian Wars, she became a slave. But later the Mandalorians took her into their platoon, taught her to fight, hunt and survive as a Mandalorian. But she lost her new "family" during the Battle of Malachor V when the Gravity Shadow Generator was activated.
After the defeat of the Mandalorians on Malachor V, Galactic Republic refugees flooded, among whom was Mira. To survive in a hostile environment, she became a bounty hunter. Working for credits, she saw that the Mandalorian wars had scattered people across the galaxy, many had disappeared. Her heart was filled with the desire to find and return them, and perhaps find a new family. Mirra's provocative appearance was a means to distract male enemies.
Unlike other bounty hunters who enjoyed killing, Mira believed that a true hunter did not have to kill his target. Despite the strange looks, success soon awaited her.
Over time, Mira had an enemy - the Wookiee Hanharr. He wanted to kill Mira, but experience helped her defeat the Wookiee. Hanharr asked Mira to kill him, but she did not agree. According to the Wookiee code, a member of this race owes his life to anyone who saves him. However, Hanharr hated people. This discrepancy between personal beliefs and racial tradition drove him to madness, so that the murder of Mira became his obsession.
One day, a criminal named Goto offered a reward for the capture of an exiled Jedi. Mira, who was hired by Jedi Master Zez-Kai Ell, and “The Exchange,” who had a mercenary girl in her throat, intervened in the fight for her.

However, Mira thwarted the Exchange's plans and helped the Exile get to Goto. In the apartments of Jekk "Jack Tarra, Mira again dueled with Hanharr, won and left him to die, as it seemed to her at the time. After this, the mercenary joined the crew of the Ebon Hawk. Throughout the journey, Mira showed sensitivity to the Force and eventually became a Jedi.

On the planet Malachor V, Mira again met Hanharr, whom Kreia saved from death. As a result, Mira again defeated the Wookiees. But this time, the fear that Hanharr's debt would haunt her for the rest of her life forced Mira to kill her enemy.

IN Last year Jedi Civil War, worked for crime boss Davik Kang. Nord and Kang intercepted Revan and Bastila as they attempted to steal Kang's flagship to escape Taris, which was occupied by the Sith. A firefight began, but Nord was covered in debris as soon as the bombardment of the planet began. The hunter managed to fly away from Taris and avoid death. Nord was subsequently hired by Darth Malak to track down former teacher Revana. He found them on Tatooine while they were looking for the Star Map. The battle began near the exit of the ancient ruins on the Eastern Sand Sea. The outcome of the battle was the death of Kalo Nord.
Durge has been active in the galaxy for almost two thousand years. Able to survive in the most dangerous situations thanks to his Gen'dai heritage and improved battle armor, he fought in several wars and managed to collect many awards and trophies. Over many centuries, Durge acquired a persistent hostility towards the Mandalorians and once even killed their leader. Due to the torture and personal tragedy he experienced, his mind became more and more unstable over time.

Durge was captivated by the idea of ​​killing Republic clone troopers - copies of the Mandalorian Jango Fett, so during the Clone Wars he fought on the side of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Holding the rank of commander, he carried out several important missions for Count Dooku himself, and also led droid troops into battle on some occasions. Shortly before the end of the war, Anakin Skywalker sent him into the bowels of a star near the planet Maramir.

When compiling the biographies, materials from were used
The material on the biographies was compiled ArsFarazon

Races to which the class is available


Mako - Nal Hatta
- Range Healer
- Medium armor
- Blasters
+5 Cybertech (efficiency), +15 Hacking (effectiveness)

Gault - Tatooine
- Range DPS
- Medium armor
- Rifle
+10 Black Market Trading (efficiency), +2 Biochemistry (critical effect chance)

Torian Cadera - Taris (The Mandalorian)
- Miles DPS
- Heavy armor
- "Ground Slam" ability
- Special AOE taunt ability
+10 Research (efficiency), +2 Bioanalysis (critical effect chance)

Blizz - Hot
- Range tank
- Heavy armor
- Suppressive fire (taunt)
+15 Armor Crafting (Efficiency), +1 Weapon Crafting (Critical Chance)

Skadge - Belsavis
- Mili tank
- Vibroblades
- Heavy armor
- Flamethrower
+10 Gathering (efficiency), +2 Treasure Hunting (critical effect chance)

Bounty Hunter's Ship

An extremely rare, best-in-class vessel, it is the alpha predator in the cold depths of space. Built using technologies that are largely banned, the Mantis has a compact body and is primarily designed for combat. Uses three independently powered retractable guns and can be equipped with guns designed for larger ship classes. The "Mantis" was created with small dimensions in order to fit comfortably into an aircraft carrier. These are not all the amazing features of the Mantis. To reduce the effect of cramped space in the ship, Mantis' engineers made smart use of the ship's vertical space and minimized bulkheads to provide more open spaces for the crew and easy access to parts of the ship for maintenance personnel. Due to the extremely high cost of production in complete independence from official structures and ensuring the vessel's maximum range, the Mantis was never mass-produced. The discovery of at least one "Mantis" is a rather rare sight and a sign of great wealth.

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  • | | (0)
    • Genre:
    • A long time ago in a distant Galaxy... The Battle of Yavin died down. While the Alliance is gaining strength, Prince Xizor suggests that the Emperor take advantage of the respite and solve one of the Empire's problems - weakening the Bounty Hunters' Guild. The idea was to set the hunters against each other. The job is assigned to the deadliest and most successful bounty hunter in the Galaxy, Boba Fett. Fett takes on the operation, but soon realizes that the game is double: he becomes a target. But the hunter is used to being the first to make the winning move. Moreover, in the current game, any move that does not lead to victory means death... Bounty hunters Corellian Dengar and Gand Zukuss, arachnoid collector Kud'ar Mub'at and the mysterious Nielah, who has lost her memory, members of the Trandoshan family clan Bossk, who manages the Hunter's Guild and Kradossk, Prince Xizor and Darth Vader, Engineer Kuat from Kuat and his felinx in unknown stories Episodes IV and VI of Star Wars!..
    • | | (0)
    • Genre:
    • A long time ago in a distant Galaxy... The once powerful Hunter's Guild is fragmented into warring factions. And when it was announced that an unheard of reward had been placed on the head of the stormtrooper deserter, excitement and greed took possession of the hearts of former fellow competitors. Prince Xizor, servant of the Emperor and head of the mysterious Black Sun organization, has set his traps for the best of bounty hunters. Will Boba Fett be able to save his life this time? He is feared, admired, respected and despised. Boba Fett is the luckiest hunter in the Galaxy. But now he himself has become prey and is playing the oldest of games: survival of the fittest. But every step only brings him closer to the trap. Fett would rather die than become a pawn in someone else's game. And, in order to gain freedom, he must outmaneuver a powerful opponent who seeks to turn rumors of the bounty hunter's death into reality. Boba Fett and Corellianini Dengar, Nielah and engineer Kuat from Kuat, Prince Xizor and Darth Vader himself, arachnoid collector Qud'ar Mub'at and accountant-freeloader Blancavizo in the star-military detective "Slave Ship"!

    IN Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order mercenaries and bounty hunters are kind of mini-bosses that you will encounter in random locations. There are several varieties of these enemies, and defeating them all unlocks the “Scoundrels and Villains” achievement. In this guide, we'll tell you when these enemies appear, where you can find them, how to defeat them, and what rewards are given for defeating them.

    How to find mercenaries

    Bounty Hunter Spawn Time

    You won't be able to encounter them in the first hours of the game. First of all, you will need to advance through the plot, or more precisely, get to the final episode of the 3rd chapter. It is at this moment that Cal will meet the first such enemy (the mercenary turns out to be different with each new playthrough). This battle cannot be avoided - after it main character will end up in an underground prison, from which he will have to escape.

    Once out of your detention cell and into the arena, you will have to fight the bounty hunter again and finally defeat him. After this, other thugs will start hunting you.

    Where to find mercenaries

    These mini-bosses appear throughout the worlds in a variety of locations. Usually they can be found in places where you have already been before and fought with another dangerous enemy. Here are a few places where you have a high chance of running into a bounty hunter:

    • On the planet Bogano in the location where you defeated Oggdo-Bogdo.
    • On the planet Ilum in a location where you need to solve a puzzle with ice walls and a crystal.
    • On the planet Bogano in a round room where there is a workbench for repairing the BD-1 and changing the lightsaber.

    Note: Many players report that they cannot find mercenaries no matter where they go. This is a well-known bug. Some note that you need to start the game again, while others advise waiting for a patch. It is possible that this error has already been fixed.

    These opponents are very different from regular enemies in that they have a separate life bar above their head and a unique appearance, so you are unlikely to miss them if they are nearby.

    Mercenaries tend to attack in pairs, so be prepared to fight two bosses at once. Very rarely there is only one bounty hunter in a location. Sometimes they appear in adjacent locations. These enemies don't leave their positions, so you don't have to worry about them chasing you.

    If the mercenaries manage to kill you, then you will not be able to take revenge on them, since they will simply disappear from the location where you met them. Resting at a checkpoint does not spawn bounty hunters, but you can try flying to another planet and then returning to spawn them.

    How to defeat mercenaries

    Types of Headhunters

    In Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, mercenaries are divided into 3 main types. They appear with different frequencies. Pairs can have either the same or different bounty hunters.

    • The Jetpack Merc is a pathetic copy of Boba Fett that can levitate and attack you mid-flight. This enemy uses a flamethrower and a blaster against the hero. From time to time he will reload his guns. It is at these moments that you need to counterattack.
    • Mercenary with a shield - cannot fly, but is able to throw grenades, shoot from a blaster and defend with a shield. In the latter case, try to get around him from behind. If you see that he is about to attack you with a shield, then immediately jump in the other direction.
    • The droid is a heavily armed killing machine, capable of both melee and ranged attacks. However, his most dangerous blow is the forward throw. Try to dodge it, as it deals huge damage and knocks you down. However, the battle tactics with him are quite simple: deflect shots with a double sword and dodge close attacks.

    In general, when fighting a pair of mercenaries, you first need to focus on one enemy, avoiding the attacks of his comrade. Having dealt with one bounty hunter, take on the second, who will be much easier to kill.

    Reward for defeating mercenaries

    The main reward is experience points, which give a lot, a lot. You can't earn that much by killing monsters or regular stormtroopers. Therefore, to farm “exp”, you can easily start hunting for them.

    By killing these mini-bosses, you can also unlock two trophies at once: “Information Hunter” and “Scoundrels and Villains.” The main thing is not to forget to scan the bodies of these enemies after defeating them.