Find exam results. Where can I get results

Since 2009, the Unified State Examination (USE) has been the main form of state final certification of graduates of XI (XII) classes of schools Russian Federation, as well as the form entrance examinations to universities in the Russian Federation.

Students who are taking the exam in 2017 are already wondering how and where it will be possible to find out the results of the exams, focusing on the search for passport data.

For the USE in the territory of the Russian Federation and beyond, a unified schedule of exams is provided.

You can get acquainted with them on the GIA website, after logging in to your personal page by entering passport data.

Checking the results of the USE in other subjects (physics, chemistry, biology, geography, literature, history, social science, computer science and ICT, English language, German, French And Spanish) must be completed no later than 4 calendar days after the relevant exam.

Full information about the dates and places where you can learn about the exam

To receive a certificate, it is enough to score 24 points. The results of this exam must be presented upon admission to any university and for any specialty. The minimum passing score cannot be lower than 36 points. Universities do not have the right to lower this threshold.

At conducting the exam control measuring materials (CMM) are used, which are sets of tasks of a standardized form, as well as special forms for filling out answers to tasks.

Each region of the country decides how exactly the participants will be informed about the results of the exam independently. This data is provided completely free of charge.

The unified state exam in the Russian language was held on June 9. Everything went smoothly, without major incidents or failures. The exam was written by approximately 628,000 participants.

USE 2017: exam schedule

  • May 29 (Monday) - geography, computer science and ICT
  • May 31 (Wednesday) - Mathematics B
  • June 2 (Friday) - mathematics (profile)
  • June 5 (Monday) - social studies
  • June 7 (Wednesday) - physics, literature
  • June 9 (Friday) - Russian
  • June 13 (Tuesday) - foreign languages, biology
  • June 15 (Thursday) - foreign languages ​​(oral)
  • June 16 (Friday) - foreign languages ​​(oral)
  • June 19 (Monday) - chemistry, history

USE results 2017 according to passport data, official website 2017

You can find out the results of the exam on the official website of the exam - To do this, in a special form it will be necessary to enter the passport data of the graduate who was tested.

Now the results of the exam will be available even earlier. Information will appear on the Single Portal public services. The launch of a special service is reported in the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia, writes p. You can use the services of this service for free in real time, you only need to have a registered account in unified system.

The service is available to all users who have a verified account in a single identification system. To receive the results of the exams, the user must enter the Unified Portal of Public Services and submit an application electronically. You can get it as general information for all exams, and detailed for each of them.

About 55 thousand Moscow schoolchildren passed the Unified State Examination in the Russian language

In Moscow, about 55,000 schoolchildren, including 53,954 graduates of 2017, have passed the Unified State Exam in Russian. This was reported in the Regional Information Processing Center of the city of Moscow.

Students completed test tasks at 282 examination points located in educational institutions of the city. In addition, three sites were located in healthcare facilities and 30 at home (for participants with handicapped health).

The progress of the tests was followed by 1229 public observers, accredited by the Department of Education of the city of Moscow.

“More than 18 thousand workers were involved in the Russian language exam on June 9 educational organizations the capitals, which have undergone appropriate training at the Moscow Center for the Quality of Education,” said Andrey Postulgin, head of the Regional Information Processing Center.

The work on the Russian language consisted of two parts (25 tasks). The duration of the exam is 3 hours 30 minutes. Its results will be known no later than June 27.

To obtain a certificate, schoolchildren must successfully pass the USE in compulsory subjects - the Russian language and mathematics.

Graduates of 2017 who received an unsatisfactory result in one of the compulsory subjects have the right to retake it in additional terms: June 28 (mathematics), June 29 (Russian) and July 1 (all subjects).

If the graduate has passed the exam in two compulsory academic disciplines for an unsatisfactory grade or received it again on a reserve day, the student will be able to come for a retake in the fall - from September 5 to September 16.

The Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science has summed up the preliminary results of the USE 2017 in social science, literature and physics.

About 318,000 participants passed the USE in social science during the main period, more than 155,000 participants took the USE in physics, and more than 41,000 participants took the USE in literature. The average scores in all three subjects in 2017 are comparable to the results of the previous year.

The number of USE participants who failed to overcome the established minimum threshold in subjects decreased: in social science to 13.8% from 17.5% last year, in physics - to 3.8% from 6.1%, in literature - to 2 .9% from 4.4% a year earlier.

“The average scores are comparable to the results of the previous year, which indicates the stability of the exam and the objectivity of the assessment. It is important that the number of those who have not overcome the minimum thresholds is decreasing. This is largely due to competent work with the results of the USE, when they are analyzed and used in the work of institutes for advanced training of teachers. In a number of regions, the project “I will pass the Unified State Examination” gave very serious results,” said Sergey Kravtsov, head of Rosobrnadzor.

Thanks to the use of scanning technology for participants' works at the examination points, the results of the USE in social science, literature and physics were processed ahead of schedule established by the schedule for issuing results. Graduates will be able to find out their result a day earlier.

The unified state exam is a mandatory test for obtaining general secondary education and continuing education in secondary and higher educational organizations. There are compulsory subjects and optional subjects. Among the second, social science has taken the lead for several years now. This year it will be written about 400 thousand schoolchildren.

The procedure for conducting, scoring and announcing the results of the exam are regulated in the Federal Law No. 273 "On Education in the Russian Federation".

We'll see when it's known USE results in social studies 2017 and what are the ways to find them.

When will the exam results be out?

USE Schedule in Social Studies 2017 determined the date of delivery of discipline on June 5, Monday. June 21 has been allocated as a reserve date, as well as July 1 - the day when you can turn in any item.

According to rules for conducting a single exam, the deadlines for checking completed tasks and announcing the results have a certain time frame:

  • Forms of KIMs (control and measuring materials) are scanned at the exam venues and electronically sent to regional information processing centers. This stage takes up to 4 days;
  • From regional centers, scans of works are transferred to the federal center, where they are re-processed. This is the longest period, which can last up to a week;
  • Results issued at the federal level are transferred back to the regions (1 day);
  • On the ground, state examination boards at meetings confirm the results of the federal audit (1 day);
  • 1 day is also given for the publication of the results.

In total, it takes no more than 14 days to check the results of the exam. Considering that a holiday on June 12 falls within this period, the official day of publication of the results of the exam in social studies appointed to 22nd of June.

Note that June 22 is as late as possible announcement of results. Statistics show that, on average, the number of points scored becomes known 2-3 days ahead of schedule.

Where to find out the results of the exam in social studies

Publication of USE results takes place on a number of information portals:

  • The official portal of the Unified State Exam;
  • Sites of regional committees, departments of education.

In addition, you can find out the results of the passed exam at:

  • Information stands in schools or other places where the exam is taken;
  • Through hot telephone lines opened in a number of regions by education departments.

To check the result you need:

  • Name of the examinee;
  • Passport ID;
  • Identification number issued to the participant of the exam.

Information is provided to persons who have taken the exam, as well as to their parents, free of charge.

Where can you see your work?

You can get acquainted with your work after passing the exam and publishing the results. All scanned works go to Personal Area USE participant on the official website of the Unified State Examination. From the scans, you can understand how the work is evaluated, and what mistakes were made.

Often, published works and results raise questions and disagree with the final scores. In this case, it is necessary within 2 days after the announcement of the results of the exam file an appeal with the examining committee.

The commission will reconsider the work and issue a verdict:

  • About the change in the assessment;
  • Refusal to change it.

The Commission is also authorized to accept applications for violations during the exam. Such appeals are filed on the day of the examination. The reason may be:

  • Violations of the rules of the event by the organizers;
  • Failure to provide the agreed time of 4 hours (if this did not happen through the fault of the exam participant).

It is important for students to follow the order Unified Exam:

  1. Come to the drop-off points in advance to fill out the documents;
  2. Do not take prohibited items with you (mobile devices, books, cheat sheets);
  3. Follow the rules of conduct during the exam, excluding the possibility of "writing off" or consulting with a friend.

The Unified State Exam is a serious state-level event, during which participants must strictly follow all the regulations.

The assessment of the Unified Exam is conducted in two point systems:

  • primary;
  • Test.

Initially submitted works are evaluated at primary scores. Further on a special scale, which changes every year and depends on general level schoolchildren training, primary scores transferred to test. It is the number of test scores that is the final result of the exam.

It is important to note that the results are published in primary scores!

In 2017, to pass social studies, you need to score minimum 19 primary or 42 test scores.

Early exam in social science

Annually in the spring, an early stage of passing the state exam is held. It involves schoolchildren who will not be able to take part in the main stage. Reasons accepted are:

  • Treatment, rest in sanatoriums;
  • Participation in olympiads, competitions.

Early exam in social science 2017 passed April 7 and on the spare day 12th of April. It was written by 17.5 thousand schoolchildren. The results were released on time, April 18.

Date of retaking the exam in social studies in 2017

Social science is in USE system discipline of choice. According to the rules, its retake is possible only next year.

Choosing this subject as an examination, experts recommend soberly assessing your strengths and carefully preparing for delivery. About 20% of schoolchildren, having chosen social science as an additional subject, do not pass the exam.

Failure in an exam in this subject does not threaten the absence of a certificate, but is often required for admission to universities.

The official schedule for the publication of the GIA-2017 results at the regional level has been published. As it became known to RAI "KAMCHATKA-INFORM", the data on the results of the mandatory USE in the Russian language will be known only on June 27 - three days before the deadline for accepting documents in a number of leading universities in the country.

Unified schedules for conducting a unified state exam(USE) for each subject in 2017 were approved by orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. According to the schedules compulsory USE in Russian, which is required for obtaining a certificate of secondary education, will be held on June 9. However, its results will be known only on June 27.

According to the parents of graduates contacted by RAI KAMCHATKA-INFORM, the schedule for publishing the USE results for 2017 discredits the very idea of ​​the unified state exam, which involves equal conditions for admission to universities for graduates from all regions.

“After the results are announced, schools will still need time to complete and issue certificates. In the university where our son enters, the acceptance of documents ends on July 1. We have already bought tickets to Moscow for June 26th. And we are not alone. It is now impossible to change them for June 29-30, because you will find out what problems there are with air tickets in Kamchatka in the summer. Dozens, if not hundreds of Kamchatka graduates are deprived of the opportunity to enter good universities, while their peers in Moscow can bring a certificate to the chosen university the next day, ”one of the parents told RAI KAMCHATKA-INFORM.

As RAI "KAMCHATKA-INFORM" was informed by the assistant of the department of regional policy and educational programs Ekaterina Shkirina, Ministry of Education and Science of the Kamchatka Territory, the deadlines at the federal level have not been violated. “In accordance with the order of 1400, all deadlines have been met. It’s just that the Russian language this year, according to the schedule, is later than in previous years. He always went at the end of May. Accordingly, the time for verification has increased. The results (USE in the Russian language) will be approved and posted on the website on June 26. And there already, how schools will work on issuing certificates. The results will be simultaneously for all the country. Only we, as a remote region, will suffer in this case,” Shkirina said.

If it is impossible to postpone the departure from Kamchatka to a later time, graduates or their legal representatives will need to find a person who will receive a certificate and send it to the city of receipt, issue a notarized power of attorney for him. Delivery times urgent postal items from Kamchatka to Moscow and St. Petersburg start from 5 days. Separate difficulties await graduates who score more than 90 points - their work will be checked additionally, which will require additional time.