Rhymes in English for kids. Rhymes: nursery rhymes in English. Physical education lessons in English lessons in primary school

Games in the classroom in English

Chernenko E.Yu., English teacher, Municipal Budget Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 35”, Osinniki, Kemerovo Region
In the presented material you can get acquainted with a variety of lexical and grammatical games and rhymes, which makes any educational activities interesting, lively, motivated and relaxed. The material is intended for primary and secondary school students.
Target: demonstrating what can be brought to the table educational process to motivate students and develop their cognitive interest in a foreign language.
Tasks:- introduce gaming techniques, rhymes, short poems on various lexical and grammatical topics.

Working with the English alphabet:

1.Make words from the letters provided.
2. Make up the names of girls and boys.
3.Name the letters in alphabetical order.
4.B/e F/r D/t E/e A/l G/s C/t – if you arrange the capital letters in alphabetical order, the small letters will form a word. Read it.
5. Riddle about the letter:
Little Katie is only three,
She must learn the ABC.
Now then, Katie, say to me,
What is the letter before “B” (“A”).

6.Remember the words with the middle letter “a” and fill in the gaps in the words:
Answers(bag, map, man, can, has, cat, rat, sad, hat).
7.Name the vowels of the English alphabet (consonants).
8. Let's sing the alphabet song.
9. Make a sentence from the highlighted letters - Doayoutuumlinkeahpmpleos? (Answer - Do you like apples?)
10. Complete the task according to the rhyme:
I now all letters well,
I can read them and spell.

Rhymes that contain numerals in the text allow you to quickly learn to count, understand and use them in speech.
1.One little apple on the tree,
Two apples for you and me,
Three apples by the door,
And four apples on the floor,
The apples are good and sweet,
Can you count them all, Pete?
2.One apple, two apples,
Three apples, four,
Five apples, six apples,
Seven apples more.
Now tell me, little Paul,
Can you count them all?

3.How much is one plus one?
… apples growing in the sun.
How much is two plus two?
… apples for little Sue.
How much is three plus three?
… apples on the apple tree.
How much is four plus four?
… red apples, and no more.

4.Six little apples are on the tree,
Andy goes up the tree,
down come three.

5.How much is eight and eleven?
Asks little Evan.
How much is eleven and eight?
Asks little Kate.
How much is eight from eleven?
Wants to know little Evan.

How much is eleven minus eight?
Wants to know little Kate.

6.How many flowers do you see?
How many flowers do you see?
Eight in Bobby's hands
Eight in Nelly's hands
How many flowers do you see?
7.Nine and one –
Fun in the bright sun.
Nine and two –
Fun for Nick and you.
Nine and three –
Fun by the green tree.

8.I see nine apples on the tree,
Six of them fall
And now they are three.

9.There are nine cakes,
On a little plate,
I eat one of them,
And now there are eight.

10.Five little dogs
Playing by the door,
One runs away
And now there are four.

11.Our class has two Bellas,
Two Jims and two Stellas,
Three Anns and three Dicks,
Five Kates and three Nicks,
Eight Sams and four Bills,
Five Nells and two Jills,
But we have only one Paul,
Can you count them all?

Rhymes for introducing and consolidating grammatical rules:
1.Past Simple
What did you do last night?
Did you eat a piece of cake?
Did you drink a lemonade?
Did you go to school at nine?
Did you drink a glass of wine?
Did you kiss a pretty maid?
Did you see a bank raid?
Did you watch a TV show?
Did you hear the winds blow?
Did you help your mother?
Did you hit your brother?
Did you stay in bed, boy?
Oh, I think you are mad, boy.
That's what you did last night.

2.Present Continuous
When I heard that knock, knock, knock.
I was looking at the clock.
Mum was watering the flower.
Daddy was just taking a shower.
When I heard that Ding, Ding, Dong,
I was singing a favorite song,
Sister Pam was feeding a cat,
Brother Tommy was hunting the rat.

3.Present Perfect
Come on now everyone,
Do what you've never done,
Sing if you've never sung,
Swing if you've never swung,
Drive if you've never driven,
Give if you've never given,
Ride if you've never ridden,
Hide if you've never hidden,
Catch if you've never caught,
Buy if you've never bought,
Cry if you've never cried,
Try if you've never tried.
4.Present Simple
Every day I get up early in the morning,
Every day I wash my face early in the morning,
Every day I brush my teeth, comb my hair put on my jeans,
Every day I say goodbye early in the morning,
Every day I meet the boys and forget about my toys,
Every day I go to school early in the morning,
Every day I meet my friends early in the morning,
Every day I talk to them early in the morning,
Every day we sing as well, listen to the teacher and wait for the bell,
Every day I meet my friends early in the morning.

As good as gold,
As sweet as wine,
As big as the ocean,
As deep as a mine,
As free as the wind,
As dark as the night,
That's I feel
when you hold me tight.
As hot as sunshine,
As wet as rain,
As soft as velvet,
As fast as train,
As cold as ice,
As bright as light,
Take all my feelings
When I hold you tight.

6.Degrees of Adjectives
A rope is thicker than a thread,
A hat is bigger than a head,
A plane is faster than a fly,
And you can do it if you try.
A bus is slower than a train,
A road is wider than a lane,
But what flies higher than a kite?
If it has wings, you could be right.
So now you know, we all know.
A bike is cheaper than a car,
But what shines brighter than a star?
Does anything travel faster than light?
Maybe you are wrong, maybe you are right,
So now you know, we all know.

Valentina Kiryaeva
Rhymes and guesses with vocabulary in English on the topics “Colors”, “Parts of the Body” and “Meals and Food”.

Rhymes and guesses "Colors"

I have no doubts

The color red is, of course, red.

Here is an unripe tangerine.

It's still green.

I'll draw a ship

The sea is painted blue.

And then I’ll paint it boldly

The sun is painted yellow.

The cat is not to blame for anything.

He was always white.

But he climbed into the pipe on the roof,

Black - black came out of there.

Rhymes and guesses "Body parts"

In football they run after the ball

In English, foot is foot.

In any weather

Tempering the body - body.

A lot of pain, a lot of troubles

And my head suffers.

From problems and school troubles

My head hurt.

Who doesn't wash his neck?

That lost man.

For a man to turn his head

There is a neck on the body for this.

I love fast running

In English, leg is leg.

I'm a strong man! 5 kilograms

I raise each arm.

They will ask: “How old are you?”

I'll show you my hand.

I broke my finger in the ring

Finger in English finger.

Rhymes and guesses "Meals and food"

Oh, how pleasant it tastes!

Juice in English would be juice.

It tastes sour and sweet.

Drink vitamin juice.

Should I bring you a cup of tea?

Tea in English is tea.

Guests must come to us!

We need to prepare tea.

All guys need oil.

Butter in English is butter.

French lady Sophie

In the morning he drinks strong coffee.

Before you go to your college,

Eat a bowl of porridge porridge.

This is not a whim at all

We call cheese cheese.

We all need it for lunch

Lush, tasty, fresh bread.

Cookies - I love them

I'll take some with me.

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Niheima N.O.,

teacher GAU DOD TO

"Regional Center for Continuing Education

children and youth"


Methodical manual “English in rhymes”

1. Explanatory note.

One of the means of cultivating a child’s communication skills is learning a foreign language. These activities help to develop in children complete picture a world in which foreign language performs a specific function: serves as a means of cognition and communication, promotes the diversified development of children.

As is known from psychology, each age period is characterized by its own type of activity. At the initial stage, when the foundations of language acquisition are laid, which largely determine the success of children in learning this subject at subsequent stages, the leading activity is play. According to this idea, the author has compiled a selection of fairy tales, stories, poems, rhymes and songs with previously studied words in English “interspersed” in them. Their use in the classroom diversifies the work and makes the lesson more lively and interesting. Children willingly get involved in work, thinking that they are playing and not doing “boring work.”

Poems - rhymes And riddles about animals in verse help children remember the maximum number of lexical units.

Riddles for listening in English allow students to acquire initial listening skills in a foreign language.

Riddles about animals in Russian expand knowledge about the animal world around us.

Physical exercises in English, children are taught to simultaneously perceive commands in English, understand and carry them out. During such physical exercises, children themselves become “coaches” and repeat commands in English, which creates a relaxed language environment and encourages communication in a foreign language.

Poems and songs in English very loved by the guys. They willingly learn and recite them, easily assimilating a whole range of lexical units and model phrases in poems and songs. During their performance, the child has an excellent opportunity to demonstrate his emotions, artistry and acquired knowledge. In addition, learned poems and songs are included for recitation at open classes with their parents and graduation party. Children willingly and successfully delight their loved ones and teachers with their artistry and knowledge of English poems and songs, which leaves an indelible impression on those present and the students themselves.

Usage fairy tales with words “interspersed” in them in English contribute to the consolidation of previously learned words.

2. Poems - rhymes

to the topics: “School of Animals”, “Circus”.

For children and animals

We will put the numbers in a row.

One two three four five -

You can start counting.

One, one - one, one.

We have guests today

And they sat down on the sofa.

Two, two - two, two.

The elephant brings sweets to the guests,

The bear hid two in his mouth.

Three, three - three, three.

Three ladders - scullion

They carry crackers for tea.

Four, four - four, four.

They brought drying frogs

Like four O's.

Five, five - five, five.

Five little mice are in a hurry to bake

Five rosy loaves.

Six, six - six, six.

Six kittens want to sing

“Do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si.”

Seven, seven - seven, seven.

Hey tits! Hey singers!

Are you all gathered for the holiday?

Eight, eight - eight, eight.

The hippos took the notes,

Eight flutes began to play.

Nine, nine - nine, nine.

While the squirrels hit the plates

Come on, remember the numbers!

Ten, ten - ten, ten.

Above the roof and antennas

The bear flew into the sky.

I wanted to write numbers there,

Let's write with him.

One, two, three, four, five

Here's a pen for you - a pen

Six, seven, eight, nine, ten

The guests ate toffee

And they counted in English.

And when they ate the candy

This song was sung.

Don't stand aside, friends!

Better sing with us!

This song is not easy

Who will sing with us?

Together with us he will find out

Count to eleven:

Sing: One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven – 2 times

Topics: “School of Animals”, “Circus”.

Thought and remembered

animal – ananimal.

1) Teddy bear barely walks

Bear, bear cub in English - bear.

2) They shot at the wolf: poof and poof!
Wolf in English - wolf.

3) The wolf is not at all evil - awolf.

Eats sweets and halva.

4) Red, red miracle phlox!

Red fox – fox.

5) Shows trick to everyone

Sly Fox - a fox.

6) Grandfather robs the grass with a rake,

Our rabbit wants to eat - rabbit.

7) He gets on the tram and goes

Little rabbit - a rabbit.

8) Our bulldog loves hot dogs,

Dog there, dog here – that’s the dog’s name.

9) Jumped into a puddle without boots,

Got wet and chilled

Little dog - a dog.

10) Jumped from the garden right onto the threshold

Green beauty, frog - afrog.

11) Who's rustling in the grass in the garden?

Who swims in the pond?

Well, guess it, girlfriend!

Mouse- mouse, frog- frog.

12) Raises a white sail

Brave mouse - a mouse.

13) A wolf and a fox live in the forest,

Where pine and fir trees grow.

Wolf- that's what they call a wolf,

Fox- that's what they will say about the fox.

14) A bear sleeps in a den in winter.

The shaggy one sleeps sweetly - bear.

The bunny rhymes with him,

In English, hare - hare.

15) Wrap it around baby:

Birdie - bird, and the fish - fish,

Well, the butterfly, you know,

They call it – butterfly.

16) Even though you haven’t been to Africa;

Still good to know

What's a camel's word camel

You need to call in English.

17) Who climbed into the attic?

This is a duck - a duck.

18) The duck waddles like this

as if carrying a heavy load.

In English duck - duck,

Well, and the goose at all - goose.

19) The dog ran after the cat,

But he couldn't catch her.

In English cat - cat,

And the dog will be - dog.

20) Red boots, yellow jacket,

The cat loves to dress up - acat.

21) My cat ate an omelette yesterday

He's this thief - cat.

22) Someone was jumping in the trees

It turned out that the squirrel squirrel.

23) Among the animals there is an intellectual,

Elephant, baby elephant - elephant.

24) The donkey's legs are very thin - donkey.

25) Here it stands on thin legs

Disobedient and stubborn.

Donkey, in English - donkey,

You need to remember this.

26) So funny and clever

Monkeys – monkey.

27) At the cheerful monkey

Steering wheels are hanging on the tail,

Everyone calls her - amonkey.

28) You were asked a difficult question:

“What was the name of the horse?” - horse.

29) Your question will be answered

The horse is smart - a horse.

30) I remember easily

Cow means cow.

31) And the cow a cow

Treats everyone to cocoa.

32) Jump rope: Jump! jump!

Little pig – a pig.

33) The pig wants to eat every moment.

We call a pig - pig.

34) Chicken is known to everyone

In English she - hen.

35) A chicken and a rooster were running along the street.

The cockerel was named - cock.

Hen- they named the chicken.

36) I once had a chance

Ride an elephant.

The elephant's back is strong

Elephant the elephant's name is

37) Make me laugh at the zoo

Monkeys can do everything.

Try not to forget:

Monkey means monkey.

38) It's nice to live in a tree

And collect nuts.

Squirrel- squirrel. Is everyone clear?

You need to know this too.

39) This cockerel is a cock.

In the morning he drinks tomato juice.

40) All day long it's all crack and crack

What was the name of the duck? – Duck.

41) Even Dickens, even Dickens

Called the chicks chickens.

42) Come on kids!

Have fun from the heart.

And the sheep sings - asheep.

Hey! Lamb! Dance!

43) I'm still afraid of geese.

Goose in English - simple goose.

44) Rat in the house. Horror! Harm!

Rat in English - rat.

45) Remember these lines:

Turkey in English - turkey.

46) Break dancing on the tail

The snake is fast - a snake.

47) This hedgehog - a hedgehog

Loves apple pie.

48) “Oh, which dress should I choose?” -

Zebra thinks - a zebra.

49) Loves any sweets

A little bear - a bear.

50) Who is this? Is the dog angry?

No - cheerful lion - alion.

51) And the big eagle - an eagle

Knows many different games.

52) Who's playing? Guess?

Crocodile - a crocodile.

53) This is an elephant - an elephant

He has a huge bow.

54) For a fun game

Invites the kids

Kangaroo – a kangaroo.

55) What is written? Read it!

“Here the tiger cub sleeps” - atiger.

56) They bought me an aquarium

into it fish launched.

Early in the morning I get up

Fish I feed you breakfast.

To the topic: “Alice’s birthday.”

(names of colors)

I started learning colors

Color in English - color.

I have no doubts

Red color - of course red.

After licking her lips, the cat ate

The yolk is yellow. Yellow - yellow.

I am drowninig! I'm going down!

Blue color - of course blue.

Very black black man Jack.

Black in English – black.

Brown dress

I bought this Frau.

We know very precisely:

Brown – brown.

Oh, not ripe tangerine

It's just green green.

Little gray mouse, run away quickly!

Gray in English - gray.

Mouse – mouse, cat - cat.

White - white, and black – black.

Pink roses fall into the ring.

The color is beautiful pink,

In English - pink.

I'm sure you'll remember:

Orange color - orange.

On topic: "New turnip"

(family members)

Don't be lazy, just repeat

Family differently - family.

Father, mother,

Sister, brother,

Uncle, aunt,

Daughter, son

I listed all my relatives,

I'm all family called.

She dreams of being an artist

My sister, my sister.

My brother broke a vase today.

My brother is a baby

My brother - brother.

Uncle Scrooge went to the bank

I call uncle - uncle.

Auntie, and now your forfeit!

Aunt in English - aunt.

What will you name your daughter?

Daughter in English - daughter

My son ruined the faucet.

Son, little son - that means son.

To the topic: “My home.”

will show us TV – set.

So that your neck doesn't hurt,

I sit straight in my chair.

Chair in English - chair

I managed to remember the word chair.

The English chair is simple - arm- chair.

The boss asked me to hang the shelf.

And the shelf in English - shelf.

So as not to be late for class,

There is a watch with the name - clock.

Grandfather has difficulty getting out of bed.

And in English bed - bed.

A stack of books: Jack London, Chase...

I'll put everything away bookcase.

I put my clothes in the wardrobe.

Wardrobe - wardrobe

You lie down and read on the sofa,

You drink aromatic coffee.

Sofa in English - sofa.

Mrs Able said:

“Table in English - table.”

3. Riddles about animals in verse.

1. She loves to gnaw nuts

Stock up on mushrooms

Jumping through trees deftly...

Squirrel! We found out everything.

2. Vain attempts

Find threads in the ball.

The glomerulus is very prickly:

It's made of nothing but needles. ( Hedgehog).

3. "Wait for it!" - the wolf told him,

He just has to catch up hare could not.

4. She jumps, doesn't walk,

Can swim, lives in a swamp,

They call her a wah

Because it frog- frog.

5. In winter he sleeps under the snow,

Putting my paw in my mouth,

Will wake up in the spring,

In summer he really likes honey. ( bear).

6. The alarm clock is walking around the yard,

He doesn't take his eyes off the chickens.

He's at the same time

Gets you up in the morning ( cock).

7) They live in the water

They eat in the water

Sleeping in the water

Silent in the water ( fish).

8) The beast is big and kind,

With a healthy trunk.

He goes to the zoo

Gray, old, important elephant ( elephant).

9) He sits in a cage at the zoo,

At the circus he flies into a fiery hoop.

Brave striped beast,

Guess it now ( tiger).

10 ) The white pebble broke;

A hero was born,

A hero on chicken legs,

In red leather boots ( chicken).

11 ) A house is driving along the path,

And the hostess rides in it.

No, or rather on the hostess

A house is driving along the path ( tortoise).

12 ) Who got into my boot

And snorts there - ahedgehog.

13 ) Who ate a bunch of nuts

And put a fungus on the rod? ( squirrel)

14 ) I don't need running and boxing

I'm cunning. After all, I am afox.

4. Riddles about animals in English for listening.

Assignment: Listen carefully and guess the animal.

1. I am green. I can swim.

I cannot jump ( crocodile).

2. I am green. I cannot run.

I can jump and swim ( frog).

3. I can run. I can climb.

I can catch a mouse ( cat).

4. I am grey. I can run.

I cannot catch a cat ( mouse).

5. I'm orange. I can run.

I can catch a hare ( fox).

6. I am grey. I can run.

I can catch a hare ( wolf).

7. I'm brown. I can climb.

I cannot jump ( bear).

8. I can swim. I am white.

I can catch a fish ( polar bear).

5. Riddles about animals in Russian.

Task: Guess and name it in English.

1. An animal that can go without water for a long time ( camel).

2. House watchman ( dog).

3. King of Beasts ( lion).

4. An animal from Australia that carries its babies in a pouch ( kangaroo).

5. He's big and clumsy ( bear).

6. You can ride it at the zoo ( elephant).

6 . Physical exercises.

1. Stand up! Hands up!

Hands down! Sit down!

2. One, one, one. All girls run!

Two, two, two. Boys run too!

Three, three, three. Girls, come to me!

Four, four, four. Boys, touch the floor!

3 . One, two, three.

One, two, three.

7. Poetry.

1. Good morning! Good morning!

Good morning to you!

Good morning! Good morning!

I'm glad to see you!

2. This is a bear,

And this is a frog.

3. A frog is green,

A parrot is bright,

A fox is orange,

A hare is white.

4. Red and yellow,

All beautiful flowers

Are only for you.

8 . Songs.

1. What is your name?

/What is your name?/ - 2 r.

Now, tell me please:

What is your name?

My name is Helen,

My name is Helen,

My name is Helen,

That's my name.

2. Clap your hands together!

I. Clap, clap, clap your hands!

Clap your hands together!

II. Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet!

Stamp your feet together!

III. Spin, spin, spin around!

Spin around together!

IV. Sing, sing, sing a song!

Sing a song together!

3. How I love them all.

He is my father,

She is my mother

He is my brother Paul.

He is my father,

She is my mother.

How I love them all.

4. Happy birthday to you!

I. Happy birthday to you!

Happy birthday to you!

Happy birthday, happy birthday!

Happy birthday to you!

II. May your birthday be bright!

From morning till night!

III. Happy birthday to you!

Happy birthday to you!

Happy birthday, dear Alice!

Happy birthday to you!

5. Do it everyday.

I. Wash, wash your hands,

Wash them every day!

Chorus: Father and mother,

Sister and brother,

Do it every day!

II. Wash, wash, wash your face,

Wash it every day!

Chorus: Father and mother,

Sister and brother,

Do it every day!

III. Clean, clean, clean your teeth

Clean them every day!

Chorus: Father and mother,

Sister and brother,

Do it every day!

6. Ding – doll – dell.

Ding – doll – dell

Ding – doll – dell

Soup, meat and potatoes.

9. Fairy talesBytopics.

1) “Acquaintance”:

“Winnie the Pooh and all his friends” (I-IV parts), “Little Rabbit and His Friend”, “Black Day”, “Hippopotamus”.

2) “Sports Festival”:

“How the hare saved the animals from the wolf” (I, II parts).

3) “Circus, “School of Animals”:

“Who outwitted whom”, “Hollow with honey”, “Hunting for a rabbit”, “Jim”, “Resourceful boy”, “How to cook compote”, “Why do cats wash themselves after eating”, “Cunning rabbit”, “Chicken and crocodile” ", "Like a cat looking for a friend."

4) “Alice’s Birthday”:

“The white rabbit has a new shadow” (I, II parts), “The Owl is an Artist.”

5) “New turnip”:

“Monkey”, “Rafty-tefty” (I-IV parts).

6) “Magic Shop”:

“Who Eats Which Way”, “The Crocodile and the Monkey” (I, II parts), “The Magic Tree of Wishes”.


1. Gudkova L.M., Granik G.G. My very first book on the English language. – M.: Bustard, 1995.- 318 p.

2. Karpichenkova V.P. English words in pictures and exercises. The world around us. – M.: GSMS “Avangard”, 1995.- 38 p.

3. Karpichenkova V.P. English words in pictures and exercises. My city. The world around us. – M.: GSMS “Avangard”, 1995.- 40 p.

4. Loseva S.V. English in rhymes. – M.: Education, 1993.- 87 p.

5. Negnevitskaya E.I., Nikitenko Z.I. Teaching English to children 6 years old. – M.: Education, 1990.-142 p.

6. Negnevitskaya E.I., Nikitenko Z.I. Specifics of organizing an English lesson in 1st grade. – M.: Education, 1995.- 50 p.

7. Rogova G.V., Vereshchagina I.N. Methods of teaching English at the initial stage. – M.: Education, 1998.- 232 p.

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Rhyme- this is the repetition of the same or similar sound combinations at the end of two or more words. Rhyme is used in poems and songs, which gives them a special charm to attract the attention of the listener. Rhymes make speech pleasant to the ear. Most often the last words in lines rhyme.

There are rhymes:

  • full – coincidence of all sounds after the stressed vowel: tight – light;
  • incomplete – repetition of consonant or vowel sounds: worth – forth, sale – rain;
  • compound – phrases that rhyme: bottom – shot him;
  • visual – words whose spellings partially coincide, but the words themselves sound different: wood – blood.

The most popular rhymes in English

  • Again– men, ten, then, when.
  • All– ball, call, doll, curl, girl, fall, mall, roll, small, soul, tall, wall, world.
  • Alone– flown, home, own, phone, stone.
  • Back– attack, black, crack, hack, pack, track.
  • Believe– eve, live, leave.
  • Best– chest, crest, quest, rest, test, west.
  • Better– matter.
  • Body– beauty, dirty, party.
  • Book– brook, cook, hook, look, took.
  • Boy– destroy, employ, enjoy, joy, toy.
  • Care– bear, hair, pair, share, square, there, wear, where.
  • Chance– dance, ends, fans, France, friends, hands, romance, sense, tense.
  • Change– range, strange.
  • Child– mild, smiled, wild.
  • City– duty, kitty, pity, pretty.
  • Cold– gold, old, rolled, sold, told, wanted.
  • Cool– full, pool, rule, school, stool, tool, wool.
  • Crazy– amazing, baby, easy, lady, lazy, maybe.
  • Day– away, clay, deejay, delay display, grey, hey, lay, may, okay, pay, play, relay, replay, say, stay, they, today, way.
  • Down– brown, clown, crown, frown, town.
  • Dream– beam, been, between, cream, extreme, green, marine, scream, screen, steam, stream, supreme, swim, team, teen, theme.
  • Eyes– dies, guys, ice, lies, nice, price, slice, sunrise, surprise, twice.
  • Face– case, lace, place, race, space.
  • Fine– combine, dine, divine, design, line, mine, nine, shine, sign, time, vine, wine.
  • Fire– admire, denier, desire, entire, fighter, flower, flyer, higher, inspire, liar, power.
  • Flash– crash, hash, mash, smash, splash, trash.
  • Forever– ever, never, together.
  • Friend– band, defend, descend, depend, end, hand, land, send, spend, stand, trend, understand.
  • Future– nature, picture.
  • Game– became, came, claim, frame, name, same. Smile – aisle, I’ll, isle, mile, style, vile, while.
  • Go– ago, blow, bellow, flow, glow, grow, hello, know, no, oh, show, slow, snow, so, throw.
  • God– blood, flood, mud.
  • Good– could, foot, hood, mood, should, shoot, stood, wood, would.
  • Happen– happy, heaven, seven.
  • Hate– create, date, eight, fate, gate, great, late, locate, state, wait.
  • Head– bed, bread, dead, had, red, said.
  • Heart– apart, art, cart, chart, fart, part, smart, start.
  • Hell– well, shell, fell, bell, tell, sell, smell,
  • Here– clear, dear, fear, fever.
  • Hurt– alert, a lot, comfort, desert, dot, forgot, hot, jackpot, not, slot, shot.
  • I– buy, by, bye, cry, defy, deny, die, dry, eye, fly, goodbye, guy, high, inside, lie, my, pie, side, sigh, shy, sky, tie, try, why.
  • It– admit, bit, fit, grit, hit, knit, meet, shit, sit, split.
  • Let's– debt, forget, net, set, sunset, yet.
  • Level– devil.
  • Life– alive, dive, drive, five, knife, rife, strife, wife.
  • Lip– chip, deep, equip, hip, jeep, keep, ship, skip, sleep, sweep.
  • Love– above, dove, enough, glove, half, laugh, of, off, shove, staff, tough.
  • Man– can, fan, ran. In – been, begin, between, clean, green, keen, mean, queen, seen, skin.
  • Me– be, fee, free, key, tea, tree, sea, see, she, we.
  • Mind– behind, declined, defined, designed, divined, find, kind, remind, signed.
  • Money– bunny, funny, honey, mummy, sunny.
  • More– bore, door, for, four, floor, score, store.
  • Much– such, touch.
  • Need– beat, feed, kid, meet, seat, sheet, speed, street, sweet, weed.
  • News– blues, confuse, muse, shoes.
  • Night– bite, bright, light, delight, fight, flight, height, knight, might, right, sight, slight, tight, tonight, white.
  • Now– allow, how, low. Up – but, cup.
  • One– anyone, done, fun, gone, none, run, sun.
  • Out– about, around, cloud, doubt, ground, shout, sound, without.
  • Over– clover, cover.
  • Pain– brain, campaign, champagne, complain, explain, in vain, lane, main, plain, rain, train.
  • Real– deal, feel, hill, steel, still.
  • reason– frozen, season.
  • Rent– present, prevent, sent, tent.
  • Respect– connect, correct, direct, effect, expect, reflect, select, suspect.
  • Self– brave, gave, help, save, wave.
  • Star– are, bar, car, far, guitar.
  • Stop– top, cop, pop, drop, shop.
  • Take– brake, cake, fake, lake, make, shake, snake, wake.
  • That– bad, cat, dad, fat, flat, glad, mad, sad.
  • Thing– bring, king, nothing, ring, sing, spring, sting.
  • This– assist, bliss, consist, exist, insist, kiss, miss, peace, resist.
  • Time– I’m, climb, climate, crime, fine, lime, mine, rhyme.
  • Tomorrow– shadow, swallow, window, yellow, fellow.
  • Truth– smooth, sooth.
  • Walk– block, lock, rock, shock, talk.
  • Word– award, accord, bird, board, record, scored, stored, third.
  • Worry– hurry, sorry.
  • Wrong– along, belong, long, song, strong.
  • You– adieu, blue, blew, dew, do, few, knew, ooh, threw, through, to, too, two, true, rescue, shoe, view, who, zoo.

If you have difficulty choosing rhymes for words, you can use these services:

Reading rules in English
English alphabet with transcription