I can t help doing something examples. Set expressions with modal verbs

Cannot / can t help doing smth . - I can’t help but do something

When I saw him I couldn't help laughing . “When I saw him, I couldn’t help but laugh.

Cannot/can’t but do smth . - I can’t help but...

I cannot but suggest. ..- I can’t help but suggest...

We cannot but hope he is right . - We can only hope that... (we cannot help but hope...)

One cannot but wonder - you can’t help but think

as can be - amplifier expression

They are as pleased as can be . — They are very (terribly) happy.

It's as ugly as can be. — This is extraordinarily ugly (it’s hard to imagine anything more disgusting).

I couldn't care less- I don't care at all

I can’t possibly….- I just can not

I can’t possibly come - I just can’t come

could do with something - (informal) to consider something useful

That man could do with a shave- This man could use a shave.

You look as if you could do with a good night’s sleep- Judging by your appearance, you should get a good night's sleep.

Do you know what I could do with?- Do you know what I wouldn’t give up now?

I could do with a drink right now- I wouldn't mind having something to drink right now.

I may/might as well + infinitive - a soft, non-emphatic expression of intention, decision. “We can do (something)”, “perhaps...”. We offer action without enthusiasm.

There's nothing else to do, I may as well go to bed- there’s nothing else to do, you can go to sleep

I may as well take you with me. We can take you with us too.

I might as well begin - I think I’ll start.

You may as well give him the letter. You better give him the letter

Might just as well denotes alternative actions that have the same result in a given situation. in essence, this expression has the same meaning as the previous one, but “just” makes the statement more emphatic.

— I’ll go on Monday by a slow train.

You might just as well wait till Tuesday and go by the fast one.(You might as well wait until Tuesday and take the fast train)

— I’ll do it at six.

- That's far too late. You might just as well not do it at all.

Come what may - come what may; through thick and thin

Be as it may- be that as it may; come what may

Be that as it may, I still think he should come

you may well say so- absolutely right, you are absolutely right

that's as maybe- so and so (it) so (but...)

“He’s a perfect fool” “You may well say so!” - “He’s a real fool” - “Exactly!”

The modal verb must can be used for emphasis, i.e. enhancing the effect of the statement. In this case, it is not translated in any way, it is only an amplifier word.

Just when we were ready to go away for the holidays, the baby must catch meats (the child suddenly fell ill with measles / take a child and get measles).

Of course after I gave her my advice she must go and do the opposite (... she suddenly go and do the opposite).

if you must know- so that you know

Well, if you must know, I never saw her before yesterday. - If you want to know, I never met her until yesterday.

needs must- Necessary, necessary, obligatory. This combination is a truncated form of the proverb needs must when the devil drives, which appeared in the 15th century. (cf. Russian, you can’t trample against a prick, you can’t break a butt with a whip; there’s nothing you can do, circumstances are stronger than us, “you have to go when the devil drives you,” that is, what you can’t do when need forces you;).

Because of the transport strike I shall have to walk to work. Needs must, I'm afraid. - Because of the transport strike, I am forced to walk to work. There's nothing you can do about it.

What am I to do? What should I do? What do i do?

What is to become of me? What will happen to me?

Where am I to go? Where should I go?

It was to be expected- this is to be expected

Who is to blame?- who is guilty?

Ought to + infinitive used when describing something beautiful, exciting, strange in statements with meaning I wish you could.

You ought to hear the way he plays the piano! - If only you could hear her play the piano!

How should I know?- How should I know?

(To think)that it should come to this! - Just think what it has come to!

Who/what should...but...?- And who/what do you think...?

What should I find but a big spider?- And what do you think I find? A huge spider!

Whatwill be will be What will happen cannot be avoided

Truth will out— The truth cannot be hidden/Everything secret becomes clear

Boys will be boys. - Boys are boys

Will do!- There is such a thing! Enough! It'll do! Will be done!

Would you, would you?- Ax, you are so!

Wouldrather/ sooner + do = would prefer to – I would prefer; it would be better/more willing/rather

I wouldrather play tennis than watch TV— I would rather play tennis than watch TV.

I would sooner give up sleep than miss my evening class

I would rather not!(I) don't want to! No thanks! Probably not worth it! (refusal of offer)

You dare! Don't you dare- Do not dare! Just dare!

How dare you?- How dare you?

I dare say- I suppose/dare I say...

I dare you to do smth- Weak? (to encourage someone to do something)

I dare you to jump the stream!- I bet you won't jump over this stream! Weakly jump over that stream?

I dare not protest. - I don't dare object.

Who dares wins. - He who does not take risks does not win.

somebody can't help but do something- sb can (not) help (doing) sth | sb can not help but do sth idiom used to say that it is impossible to prevent or avoid sth I can t help thinking he knows more than he has told us. He can't help being ugly. … Useful english dictionary

help- I UK / US verb Word forms help: present tense I/you/we/they help he/she/it helps present participle helping past tense helped past partial helped *** Get it right: help: The verb help is not used with the ing form of another verb. It... ...English dictionary

help- help1 W1S1 v [: Old English; Origin: helpan] 1.) to make it possible or easier for someone to do something by doing part of their work or by giving them something they need ▪ If there s anything I can do to help, just give me a… … Dictionary of contemporary English

help- [[t]he̱lp] ♦ helps, helping, helped 1) VERB If you help someone, you make it easier for them to do something, for example by doing part of the work for them or by giving them advice or money.

help He has helped to raise a lot of... ... English dictionary

help- [c]/hɛlp / (say help) verb (helped or, Archaic, holp, helped or, Archaic, holpen, helping) –verb (t) 1. to cooperate effectively with a person; aid; assist: to help a man in … Australian English dictionary

- helpable, adj. /help/, v.t. 1. to give or provide what is necessary to accomplish a task or satisfy a need; contribute strength or means to; render assistance to; cooperate effectively with; aid; assist: He planned to help me with my work. Let me…Universalium help*/*/*/ - verb I 1) to give someone support or information so that they can do something more easily Can you help me find my glasses? Her brother offered to help her with her homework. Her work involves helping people to find... ... Dictionary for

help writing and speaking English

help- 1 /help/ verb 1 MAKE POSSIBLE OR EASIER (I, T) to make it possible or easier for someone to do something by doing part of their work or by giving them something they need: If there s anything I can do to help , just give me a call. | She devoted... ... Longman dictionary of contemporary English

help- help1 [ help ] verb *** 1.) intransitive or transitive to give someone support or information so that they can do something more easily: If you are finding that difficult I could help you. Mary was anxious to help. help someone (to) do something… Usage of the words and phrases in modern English


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Sorry, I can't help you, he said simply.

Sorry, I can’t help you,” he said.

I can't help myself - I have to smoke.

I can’t help it - I really want to smoke.

If I can't help her, how can you expect to?

If I can't help her, how can you count on it?

"Stop biting your nails." "I can't help it."

"Stop biting your nails!" - “I can’t help it”

I can't help thinking that he"s made a mistake.

I can't help but think that he made a mistake.

I can't help feeling penned in by this long winter.

Winter is too long, I feel like I’m in prison.

I can't help feeling that there has been a mistake.

I can't help but feel like there's some kind of mistake there.

My heart is full, and I can't help writing my mind.

My heart is overflowing with feelings, and I cannot resist writing everything as it is.

You can't help the country by overtaxing its people.

You are not helping a country if you overtax its people.

I"ve been onto the director, but he says he can't help.

I talked to the director, but he says he can't help.

You can't help but be humbled when you enter this cathedral.

Entering this cathedral, you involuntarily experience a feeling of humility.

You can't help thinking badly of any man who would degrade himself like that.

It is impossible to treat well a person who humiliates himself like that.

Although I can't help admiring the man's courage, I do not approve of his methods.

While I cannot help but admire this man's courage, I do not approve of his methods.

He can't help it! *

He can't help himself. *

He can't help himself.

He can't help the way he is. *

I can't help being so clever. *

Well, what can I do if I'm so smart.

I'm afraid I can't help you right now. *

Sorry, but I can't help you at the moment.

You're dead. You can't help us anymore. *

You are no longer the same. Now you are no help.

I can't help it if he always comes late. *

It's not my fault if he's always late.

He can't help it, he"s just made that way. *

There's nothing you can do about it, that's the kind of person he is.

Sorry, I can't help you. I"m flat on my ass. *

Sorry, I can't help you. I'm empty as a drum.

I can't help it. That's the name of the game. *

I can not do anything. Here's the rub.

Clever as they make them but can't help boasting of it. *

Smart as hell, but not averse to boasting about it.

Sorry, I can't help you. I"m a little pushed this week. *

Sorry, I can't help you. I"m a little pinched this week. *

Sorry, but I can't help you. I'm tight on money this week.

Sorry, I can't help you. I"m a little pressed this week. *

Sorry, but I can't help you. I'm tight on money this week.

23 more examples collapse

Examples marked * may contain slang and colloquialisms.