The soul after death - scientific facts, evidence and real stories. Afterlife: what awaits us after death What after the death of a person scientific

Incredible facts

Scientists have evidence of the existence of life after death.

They discovered that consciousness can continue after death.

Although there is a lot of skepticism surrounding this topic, there are testimonies from people who have had this experience that will make you think about it.

Although these conclusions are not definitive, you may begin to doubt that death is, in fact, the end of everything.

Is there life after death?


Dr. Sam Parnia - professor who studied experience clinical death and cardiopulmonary resuscitation, believes that a person's consciousness can survive brain death when there is no blood flow to the brain and there is no electrical activity.

Since 2008, he has collected extensive evidence of near-death experiences that occurred when a person's brain was no more active than a loaf of bread.

Judging by the visions conscious awareness lasted up to three minutes after the heart stopped, although the brain usually shuts down within 20-30 seconds after the heart stops.

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You may have heard people talk about the feeling of separation from your own body, and they seemed like a fantasy to you. American singer Pam Reynolds spoke about her out-of-body experience during brain surgery, which she experienced at the age of 35.

She was placed in an induced coma, her body was cooled to 15 degrees Celsius, and her brain was virtually deprived of blood supply. In addition, her eyes were closed and headphones were inserted into her ears, drowning out sounds.

Floating above your body she was able to observe her own operation. The description was very clear. She heard someone say: " Her arteries are too small"and the song was playing in the background" Hotel California"by The Eagles.

The doctors themselves were shocked by all the details that Pam told about her experience.

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One of the classic examples of near-death experiences is meeting deceased relatives on the other side.

Researcher Bruce Grayson(Bruce Grayson) believes that what we see when we are in a state of clinical death is not just vivid hallucinations. In 2013, he published a study in which he indicated that the number of patients who met deceased relatives far exceeded the number of those who met living people.

Moreover, there have been several cases where people have encountered a dead relative on the other side without knowing that the person had died.

Life after death: facts

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Internationally recognized Belgian neurologist Stephen Laureys(Steven Laureys) does not believe in life after death. He believes that all near-death experiences can be explained through physical phenomena.

Laureys and his team expected that near-death experiences would be similar to dreams or hallucinations and would fade from memory over time.

However, he discovered that Memories of clinical death remain fresh and vivid regardless of the passage of time and sometimes even overshadow memories of real events.

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In one study, researchers asked 344 patients who had experienced cardiac arrest to describe their experiences in the week following resuscitation.

Of all the people surveyed, 18% could hardly remember their experience, and 8-12 % gave a classic example of near-death experiences. This means that from 28 to 41 people, not related to each other, from different hospitals recalled almost the same experience.

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Dutch explorer Pim van Lommel(Pim van Lommel) studied the memories of people who experienced clinical death.

According to the results, many people have lost their fear of death, become happier, more positive and more sociable. Almost everyone spoke of near-death experiences as a positive experience that further impacted their lives over time.

Life after death: evidence

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American neurosurgeon Eben Alexander spent 7 days in a coma in 2008, which changed his mind about near-death experiences. He stated that he saw something that was difficult to believe.

He said that he saw light and a melody emanating from there, he saw something similar to a portal into a magnificent reality, filled with waterfalls of indescribable colors and millions of butterflies flying across this scene. However, his brain was switched off during these visions to such an extent that he should not have had any glimpses of consciousness.

Many have questioned Dr. Eben's words, but if he is telling the truth, perhaps his experiences and those of others should not be ignored.

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They interviewed 31 blind people who had experienced clinical death or out-of-body experiences. Moreover, 14 of them were blind from birth.

However, they all described visual image s during your experiences, be it a tunnel of light, deceased relatives, or observing your body from above.

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According to the professor Robert Lanza(Robert Lanza) all possibilities in the universe happen at the same time. But when the “observer” decides to look, all these possibilities come down to one, which happens in our world.

To paraphrase a famous expression from a wonderful Soviet film, we can say with confidence: “Is there life after death, is there life after death - this is unknown to science.” The essence of all scientific research in this area can so far be reduced only to the statement that there is no actual evidence of the presence or absence of posthumous existence. But this does not mean at all that such studies have not been carried out, are not being carried out, and that they are not planned.

Scientific point of view

From the point of view of fundamental science, life after death is not considered as a subject of research, since the very possibility of the existence of the soul as an immortal immaterial entity and its presence in some metaphysical dimension goes beyond the scope of scientific knowledge. However, many scientists have made the subject of study those testimonies of people that can be interpreted as evidence of being in this spiritual world. Typically, such experiences accompany a state of clinical death, when a person’s life hangs by a thread, and his soul, according to a certain opinion, temporarily leaves the body and only after some kind of spiritual contact returns.

Academic science interprets all the signs of this “vision of the other world” for very practical reasons: disruption of the vestibular apparatus, ischemia (that is, disruption of the blood supply) of the frontal cortex of the brain and hallucinations caused by these circumstances.

At the same time, a number of scientists who are less skeptical about evidence of special spiritual experiences during clinical death have compiled a list of common experiences that characterize these states. First of all, it is noted that it is difficult to describe the general state in which people lived who, according to them, visited the other world . What is common to almost all such cases is the inexpressibility of the experience, since something can only be described based on personal experience similar experiences, which is absent in such a situation.

In addition, the ability of a person in such a state to hear everything that happens next to the body, what others say, and even in some situations to see his body and the environment and people from the outside, from the outside, is emphasized. Attention is also drawn to the presence of some background noise, which can, however, be very diverse - from annoying and intrusive to similar to beautiful melodic music. Finally, almost all people who describe this state talk about the visual image of a tunnel at the end of which there is a bright light, as well as a general state of peace and tranquility.

What else will scientists come up with?

The difficulty of considering the very possibility of scientifically studying the question of whether there is life after death , lies on the surface - science operates with facts and material evidence, while the other world is initially presented as a spiritual dimension, which, if not completely devoid physical characteristics, then is in no way limited by them. In such a situation, it is not possible to establish whether there is life after death either with the help of any sensors or with the help of recording devices.

The only option is to study precisely those cases when people are declared to have contact with the other world, and some scientists will interpret the data already obtained during the study of these episodes in favor of proving the existence of a posthumous reality, while others will look for new logical explanations from the point of view of dry facts .

A clear example of this dual perception is provided by research led by British scientist Sam Parnia from Southampton. Parnia over a period of time studied more than sixty patients who experienced clinical death. and remained in a coma for a long time. Only seven of them were able to remember any of their own sensations, and only four spoke of clear pictures in their minds.

In 2008, Parnia published these data, emphasizing that this may indicate the independent functioning of consciousness without outside help. physical body, because in people who were in a coma, the devices did not record the brain activity that should have been in the case of hallucinations. However, skeptics were not satisfied with these findings, and a long-term, more than three years, study was organized in almost thirty English and American hospitals. On the ceilings of intensive care and postoperative wards, certain pictures were placed that were supposed to be remembered by those people who, in a state of clinical death, could separate their soul from their body and still retain consciousness. But at the end of the experiment, out of more than one and a half thousand people who were in clinical death in these wards, no one remembered any pictures upon returning to life. Skeptics immediately stated that this is proof that there are no separations of the soul from the body, and the visual images seen are nothing more than hallucinations.

Alexander Babitsky

All over the world there are a huge number of religions, sects and preachers who are trying to tell what happens to a person after death. Even scientists are interested in getting an answer to the question. However, no one to date has advanced far enough to obtain the only correct answer to this question. So we can only consider different theories.

How does a person feel before death?

One question can be answered more or less truthfully, taking into account the success of resuscitation measures:

  • Each patient has his own story to tell, because before death the perception of reality is often disrupted.
  • All stories largely agree in patients with the same injuries or damage to the same organs.
  • Depending on the situation, a person may not even have time to understand anything. This usually happens during accidents or episodes of violence.
  • The situation is much worse when death occurs as a result of chronic diseases. In this case, prolonged agony and full awareness of what is happening is possible.
  • Death in a dream really is one of the the most painless, the person never has time to understand what happened to him.

Schematically, the process of dying from a medical point of view occurs as follows:

  • Failure of one of the organ systems, possible painful sensations.
  • Impaired blood circulation and heart function. Pain and heaviness in the chest.
  • Respiratory failure. Feeling as if the chest was being pressed by something heavy.
  • Stopping breathing and heartbeat, after which the person can remain conscious for up to ten seconds.
  • Just agony. Failure of all control systems, pain, panic, muscle spasm.
  • Dying. Shutdown of all organs and systems, complete cessation of vital activity.

How long does it take for a person to die?

Not everything has to happen according to a strictly described scheme. As already mentioned, everything depends on the nature of the damage to the body.

  • It is extremely painful for people to leave renal dysfunction, this spectacle is not for the faint of heart.
  • Victims heart attacks experience more panic and horror than actual pain. By the way, in such a situation it is important to pull yourself together, because emotional stress only adds stress to the heart muscle.
  • About brain death numbers vary, some claim that irreversible changes occur within 3-4 minutes. But at the same time, there are examples of successful resuscitation and almost complete recovery 10, 15, and even 20 minutes after cardiac arrest. It's a matter of luck and the functionality of the body. But in any case, minutes count and without oxygen all the neurons of the brain will die, the connections between them will be disrupted and everything that formed our personality will disappear forever.

What awaits a person after death?

But this was a materialistic view of life. You can sweeten the pill a little, and at the same time make a comparison:

From a religious point of view

From a scientific point of view

The soul is immortal.

There is nothing but the physical shell.

After death, a person expects heaven or hell, depending on his lifetime actions.

Death is finite; it is impossible to avert or significantly prolong life.

Immortality is guaranteed to everyone, the only question is whether it will be eternal pleasures or endless torment.

The only kind of immortality you can get is in your children. Genetic continuation.

Earthly life is only a brief prelude to an endless existence.

Life is all you have and is what you should value most.

In the long term, the statements of religious figures are much more palatable. It is difficult to give up the idea of ​​eternal life, gardens of Eden, houris and other joys of life.

But if we consider present day, one specific moment, here scientists and atheists are already gaining the upper hand.

After all, it’s much more interesting to try to achieve something in this life than to hope for eternal existence, which may not exist.

Does a person feel his death?

But this is no longer the simplest question. In terms of premonitions, there are examples in history when people predicted their death within the next few days. But this does not mean that every person is capable of this. And we shouldn’t forget about the great power of coincidences.

It may be interesting to know whether a person is able to understand that he is dying:

  1. We all feel the deterioration of our own condition.
  2. Although not all internal organs have pain receptors, there are more than enough of them in our body.
  3. We even feel the arrival of a banal ARVI. What can we say about death?
  4. Regardless of our desires, the body does not want to die in panic and activates all its resources to fight the serious condition.
  5. This process may be accompanied by convulsions, pain, and severe shortness of breath.
  6. But not every sharp deterioration in health indicates... Most often, the alarm will be false, so there is no need to panic in advance.
  7. You should not try to cope with conditions close to critical on your own. Call everyone you can for help.

Psychological aspect of death

Sometimes the harbinger of death can be much worse than the process itself. The oppressive expectations of an inevitable end can drive anyone crazy. Most often, these thoughts haunt seriously ill and elderly people; against this background, it can develop severe depression.

It's like panic during a heart attack - This will only create additional stress, which will contribute to the deterioration of the condition.. Therefore in all life situations it is necessary to be, if not an optimist, then at least a realist.

None of us can know what is in store for a person after death. Perhaps death is truly the last stop, after which nothing will ever happen again. Or maybe just a new beginning of something truly amazing.

There is no need to waste your allotted time reflecting on this topic. However, There’s no need to get discouraged either. It is not for nothing that in most religions despondency is considered a mortal sin.

What awaits us “at the end of the road”?

From the point of view of various teachings after death:

  • The soul of a person will go to judgment.
  • After which she will be assigned either to a better place or to hell.
  • In Asia, the idea of ​​transmigration of souls and births in other bodies is popular.
  • The quality of life in all subsequent incarnations depends on actions in previous lives.
  • After the death of the body life path man ends, there is no hidden veil and posthumous existence.
  • The existence of ghosts and other restless souls has not been confirmed, but also not refuted.
  • The idea of ​​quantum immortality comes down to the fact that in at least one of the infinite number of Universes we still remain alive.

All this is incredibly interesting, but it’s never worth checking it out from your own experience.

There is no clear answer to the most important question, what happens to a person after death - it is still the same mystery as many thousands of years ago. Neither science, nor religion, nor medicine helped us get closer to the solution. However, not everyone wants to think that death is really the end.

Video: what will happen to us after death?

Dr. Alan Ross Huguenot has spent decades exploring the mysteries of physics and human consciousness.

Huguenot holds a doctorate mechanical physics, he has had a successful career in marine engineering and has served on committees that are responsible for developing standards for ships. He studied physics and mechanical engineering at Oregon Institute of Technology.

“I created ships using Newtonian physics,” he says. “But there is another world that cannot be known with our five senses.” He gave a presentation at the IANDS 2014 conference on life after death from a scientific point of view.

Studying scientific theories, connected with another world, Huguenot wonders whether the consciousness of a living person or the “soul” of the dead can be located in dark matter or dark energy. He gave examples showing that our consciousness is capable of influencing physical reality.

Huguenot spoke about a near-death experience in the 70s. During this experience he came into contact with another world. He came to the conclusion that it was more real than ours. Interest in this topic is not simple curiosity, it changed his perception.

Huguenot summarized several theories from physics, giving his interpretation of how they could be related to the existence of consciousness independent of the brain and the existence of life after death in another form. He noted that further research is needed to test these postulates. He also mentioned the difficulties in proving these ideas within the framework of modern scientific views.

Your consciousness can exist in a "cloud"

Huguenot stated that human consciousness can function like information we store in the cloud. This data can be obtained using various devices - smartphone, tablet, computer.

During a near-death experience, the consciousness tries to avoid an emergency situation, this is the theory put forward by Huguenot. We can "flip a switch and move to another computer," he says.

“The nexus of my consciousness is in my head, but its locus is where is it actually located? Outside my body. Being inside and being outside is an illusion.”

Space doesn't exist, or doesn't exist in the form we think it does, he says, citing Dr. John Bell, creator of the nonlocality theorem. “It's hard to accept; we love our space,” he jokes.

Nonlocality is the ability of two objects to instantly know each other’s state, even if they are separated by large distances. It is associated with the phenomenon of quantum entanglement: particle A and particle B interact with each other and maintain a connection. When particle A changes, B changes in the same way. A and B lose their individuality and behave as one.

Bell's theorem was tested by many scientists and became part of quantum physics. Huguenot's idea that consciousness exists simultaneously inside and outside the human body is based on this theory, but has not yet been accepted by mainstream science.

Life after death - inside dark matter, or in other dimensions?

What scientists observe is only 4% of our Universe. Dark energy and dark matter make up the remaining 96%. Scientists do not fully know what dark energy and dark matter are, but their existence is known due to the effect they have on visible matter.

Huguenot says, “This unrevealed 96% of the Universe provides many possibilities for the existence of life after death and consciousness.”

Perhaps consciousness exists in another dimension, Huguenot suggested. String theory, widely discussed by physicists, suggests the existence of other dimensions beyond the four-dimensional concept of the Universe. According to string theory, the universe is made of very thin vibrating strings. Strings are a projection from a lower dimensional space, which is simpler, flatter and has no gravity.

Why Ghosts Can Walk Through Walls, and You Can Too

Huguenot believes that the ability to penetrate into another dimension is a matter of faith. Perhaps our bodies could penetrate walls if we truly believed in this possibility.

“My whole being believes in a three-dimensional world, so I can’t walk through a wall,” he says. He mentioned some experiments that showed that human consciousness influences physical reality.

Light can be a wave or a particle - it's all up to you

Consciousness is capable of physically influencing matter. The famous double-slit experiment shocked scientists when it was discovered that photons (particles of light) behave differently when they are being observed than when no one is watching.

An observer is able to force photons to take the form of a particle or a wave simply by measuring them. They do not have a fixed shape, as previously assumed.

Particles exist as a potential, Huguenot believes, and the observer determines what form they will take; he noted that the researcher’s thought has a strong influence: “If a skeptic wants to repeat the experiment conducted by a “supporter,” then he will not succeed. Because the result will come out the way he wants it to be, not the way that other guy saw it.”

Huguenot was asked if potential takes shape only through the act of observation, then who or what was the observer big bang. He gave a short, laconic answer: “Consciousness.”

Princeton experiment shows that consciousness can influence electronic devices

Experiments conducted at the Princeton University Anomaly Research Laboratory (PEAR) have shown that human consciousness can physically influence electronic devices. Over the years, PEAR scientists have conducted millions of experiments with hundreds of people.

One of the experiments was as follows. The random number generator creates bits that represent 1 or 0. Participants in the experiment mentally tried to influence the generator. If the experience showed changes in accordance with the intention of man, this meant that the will of man actually influenced the machine.

Scientists have concluded that the human mind can slightly influence the machine. Although this influence was small, it manifested itself consistently. After many experiments were carried out, the statistical power increased. The likelihood that these results were the result of chance rather than human intention is less than 1 in a billion.

To paraphrase a famous expression from a wonderful Soviet film, we can say with confidence: “Is there life after death, is there life after death - this is unknown to science.” The essence of all scientific research in this area can so far be reduced only to the statement that there is no actual evidence of the presence or absence of posthumous existence. But this does not mean at all that such studies have not been carried out, are not being carried out, and that they are not planned.

Scientific point of view

From the point of view of fundamental science, life after death is not considered as a subject of research, since the very possibility of the existence of the soul as an immortal immaterial entity and its presence in some metaphysical dimension goes beyond the scope of scientific knowledge. However, many scientists have made the subject of study those testimonies of people that can be interpreted as evidence of being in this spiritual world. Typically, such experiences accompany a state of clinical death, when a person’s life hangs by a thread, and his soul, according to a certain opinion, temporarily leaves the body and only after some kind of spiritual contact returns. Academic science interprets all the signs of this “vision of the other world” for very practical reasons: disruption of the vestibular apparatus, ischemia (that is, disruption of the blood supply) of the frontal cortex of the brain and hallucinations caused by these circumstances.

At the same time, a number of scientists who are less skeptical about evidence of special spiritual experiences during clinical death have compiled a list of common experiences that characterize these states. First of all, it is noted that it is difficult to describe the general state in which people lived who, according to them, visited the other world. What is common to almost all such cases is the inexpressibility of the experience, since something can only be described based on personal experience of similar experiences, which is absent in such a situation. In addition, the ability of a person in such a state to hear everything that happens next to the body, what others say, and even in some situations to see his body and the environment and people from the outside, from the outside, is emphasized. Attention is also drawn to the presence of some background noise, which can, however, be very diverse - from annoying and intrusive to similar to beautiful melodic music. Finally, almost all people who describe this state talk about the visual image of a tunnel at the end of which there is a bright light, as well as a general state of peace and tranquility.

What else will scientists come up with?

The complexity of considering the very possibility of scientific study of the question of whether there is life after death lies on the surface - science operates with facts and material evidence, while the other world is initially presented as a spiritual dimension, which, if not completely devoid of physical characteristics, is in no way limited by them. In such a situation, it is not possible to establish whether there is life after death either with the help of any sensors or with the help of recording devices. The only option is to study precisely those cases when people are declared to have contact with the other world, and some scientists will interpret the data already obtained during the study of these episodes in favor of proving the existence of a posthumous reality, while others will look for new logical explanations from the point of view of dry facts .

A clear example of this dual perception is provided by research led by British scientist Sam Parnia from Southampton. Parnia over a period of time studied more than sixty patients who experienced a state of clinical death and remained in a coma for a long time. Only seven of them were able to remember any of their own sensations, and only four spoke of clear pictures in their minds. In 2008, Parnia published these data, emphasizing that this may indicate the independent functioning of consciousness without the help of the physical body, because in people who were in a coma, the devices did not record the brain activity that should have been in the case of hallucinations. However, skeptics were not satisfied with these findings, and a long-term, more than three years, study was organized in almost thirty English and American hospitals. On the ceilings of intensive care and postoperative wards, certain pictures were placed that were supposed to be remembered by those people who, in a state of clinical death, could separate their soul from their body and still retain consciousness. But at the end of the experiment, out of more than one and a half thousand people who were in clinical death in these wards, no one remembered any pictures upon returning to life. Skeptics immediately stated that this is proof that there are no separations of the soul from the body, and the visual images seen are nothing more than hallucinations.

Alexander Babitsky