Automation of speech material. Automation of the sound sh in straight syllables and words. And here are a few pure sayings and poems

Dear colleagues, I present to your attention a lesson summary on sound automation [Ш] in syllables, words and phrasal speech. Many people know that sometimes automating the sound in a child’s speech takes much more time than producing it. Therefore, only daily hard work gives positive results. And in order for a child to be interested in studying, it is very important to conduct the lesson in an interesting playful way, or even better, to take him on an exciting journey with fairy-tale characters.

I hope that you will appreciate the summary of the subgroup lesson I have developed and add it to your pedagogical treasury.

Topic: “Automation of the sound [Ш] in syllables, words, phrasal speech”

Lesson form: subgroup (senior speech therapy group)

Goal: automate the sound [Ш] in syllables, words, phrasal speech;

1. Correctional educational: consolidate correct pronunciation sound [Ш] in syllables, words, phrasal speech;

2. Correctional and developmental: continue to develop phonemic hearing and perception, build skills sound analysis and synthesis, expand and clarify vocabulary, develop logical thinking;

3. Correctional and educational: Cultivate politeness, a sense of kindness and mutual assistance. Equipment: pencils, worksheets, fairy tale hero mouse Mouse.

Progress of speech therapy session

1. Organizational moment.

Every day, always, everywhere:
In class, in play
That's right, we say clearly,
We're not in a hurry.

- Guys, now I’ll tell you interesting story. Once upon a time there lived an ill-mannered Mouse named Mouse. He didn’t say “Good morning” or “Good night” to anyone. All his friends were angry with him - they didn’t want to be friends with him. And his mother advised him that he needed to be polite to everyone. The mouse decided to improve. I brushed my teeth, combed my hair and got ready to go. He decided that from now on he would be polite to everyone and would always be happy to help his friends. And so our little mouse got ready to set off. And you guys are invited by the mouse on a journey. Shall we go with our friend? For this, you and I need to prepare. Let's do the following articulation exercises.
(a fairy-tale hero appears - the toy mouse Mouse)

2. Articulation exercises:

“Pancake”, “Cup”, “Delicious jam”, “Mushroom”, “Horse”.

3. Subject message. Guys, what sounds are repeated in the words Mouse and Little Mouse? That's right, these are the sounds [w] and [m]. Today we will consolidate the pronunciation of the sound [w].

4. Articulation analysis. - What do our lips do when we pronounce the sound [w]? The lips move forward, they look like a donut.

What does our tongue do when we pronounce the sound [w]? The tongue rises to the palate, behind the upper teeth.

What kind of warm or cold air comes out of the mouth when we pronounce this sound? Place your palm to your mouth and check.

5. Fixing isolated sound [w]. Our mouse Mouse was walking across the lawn and heard someone hissing in the grass. The mouse looked carefully and saw a little snake. He did this: “Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh”, because he could not find his way home. Mouse Mouse helped his little friend get to his house. Let's try to hiss like that too. Run your finger along the path, saying clearly: “Sh-sh-sh...”

6. Characteristics of sound [w]. Guys, tell the mouse Mouse all about the sound [w]. What is he like?

1) Consonant or vowel? (consonant, because the thread breaks, the song is not sung, is indicated in blue and lives in a blue castle).

2) Hard or soft? (always firm, children bang with hammers).

3) Voiceless or voiced? (deaf, children cover their ears with their hands).

7. Development of phonemic hearing.

Mouse Mouse, getting ready to go, put all his things in a bag. Guys, if you hear the sound [sh] when naming things, then clap your hands. In the mouse's bag: slippers, pants, socks, tie, jacket, shirt, scarf, coat, hat.

8. Reproduction of forward and backward syllables. Game "Rhymes".

The mouse Mouse is walking along the path and composing poetry. Listen, guys, to what he does:

Sha-sha-sha- the mother washes the baby.
Shu-shu-shu - I'm writing a letter.
Shi-shi-shi - there are kids in the clearing.
Ash-ash-ash-give me a pencil.
Osh-osh-osh - I have a knife.
Ush-ush-ush - warm shower.
Ish-ish-ish - I have a baby.
Oshka-oshka - there’s a cat on the window.
Ishka-ishka is a little mouse.

Guys, can you sing these songs? (children clearly pronounce rhymes with the sound [w])

9. Sound-letter analysis.

Before the mouse Mouse had time to finish singing the last song, he unexpectedly met a hedgehog on his way. The mouse greeted the hedgehog, and he invited him to play a game. The game is called "Find the Word". The mouse readily agreed and began to think. Guys, each of you has sheets of assignments on your desks. Let's help the mouse determine the location of the sound [sh] and correctly draw “paths” from the word to the diagram.

10. Physical exercise.

Well, now we will relax a little and play. Children sit on chairs, take the “steering wheel” in their hands, slowly rotate it, chanting:

Started the car: Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh!
Inflated the tire: Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh!
Smile more cheerfully
And let's go quickly!
(repeat 2-3 times).

11. Lexico-grammatical games and exercises.

Education relative adjectives: And after Mouse has played, he likes to eat delicious food.

What kind of millet porridge?
What kind of cherry juice?
What kind of pear compote?
What kind of chocolate candies?

Children clearly pronounce words with the sound [w]: millet, cherry, pear, chocolate.

12. Game "4-odd".

The mouse continued his journey. And I met more and more new friends. This time he met a naughty bear and helped him complete the task. Guys, let’s play the game “4 extra”. Clearly pronounce the extra word with the sound [w] (cherry, hat, awl, cat). Pictures with objects are displayed on the board:

13. Exercise “Complete the sentence using the pictures.”

Well, this time it was necessary to help the little frog, who could not formulate sentences correctly. Listen and complete the sentences using the correct picture (the picture is displayed on the board). Repeat the entire sentences, clearly pronouncing the sound [w].

Misha has a new...
Dad is going to...
Dasha found...
Masha helps...

14. Riddles.

And now, guys, the mouse Mouse has prepared riddles for you. Do you like to solve riddles? Let's guess them, and the pictures will help us with this (the pictures are on the board). Speak the answer clearly with the sound [w].

Although velvet paws,
But they call me “scratchy.”
I catch mice deftly,
I drink milk from a saucer.

In a green hut
Girlfriends live
Like beads, round,
Emerald and small.

I'm sitting on horseback
I don’t know on whom.
I'll meet an acquaintance -
I'll jump off and pick you up.

Green raft
Floats along the river.
There's a beauty on the raft
The sun smiles.

Who am I - guess for yourself.
I pull a sleigh in winter,
That they glide easily through the snow.
In the summer I pull a cart.

Two bellies, four ears.

It will snow in the morning -
We take the sled out into the yard,
Don't forget to put on your jacket
And warm.....

This bird will never
Doesn't build nests for chicks.
Who is this?

15. Result of the speech therapy session.

Guys, who did we travel with today? What sound did we learn to pronounce? Let's say goodbye to our guest and promise him that we, too, will always be polite to everyone.

Speech material to automate the sound "SH" in children

Target: automation of the sound “Ш” in a child’s speech.
1. Practice the correct pronunciation of the sound “Ш” in speech using pure sayings and poems.
2. Improve the rhythmic and intonation side of speech.
3. Increase speech activity.
4. Optimize the emotional background, improve your mood.

Description: Dear colleagues, I continue to publish a collection of proverbs and poems for automating sounds in a child’s speech, which I use in speech therapy work with kids. This time, let me present to your attention speech material aimed at automating the sound “Ш”. this work It will be useful for speech therapists, educators, and parents.

I also use pure sayings for the sound “Ш” at 2 stages of work on sound pronunciation.
The first time I use them is at the stage of automating the sound “Ш” in syllables. The work is carried out as follows: the adult reads the text itself, and the child pronounces only the syllables (game “Echo”).
For example: an adult - “It’s good to live in the world”, a child - “Sho-sho-sho”
In this way, you can pronounce syllables of various configurations in a fun way for quite a long time and the child will not get tired of it. Also, in the process of repeatedly pronouncing a pure phrase, the child remembers it and can then recite it at a reading competition.
The second time I use these same phrasings is when a given sound in speech is being automated. At first I use pure phrases, because they are already familiar to the child. Only now the child speaks all the truth. The second option is a "Readers" competition - 2-3 children who pronounce well this sound compete in reading pure proverbs. Even at this stage we play the game “Who is faster?” - 2-3 children are also taken, I name a syllable, for example, “SHA”, and the child must remember and say a simple phrase to this syllable. Whoever speaks first gets a token. At the end of the game, the winner is determined by the number of tokens. In both the first and second games, it is important not only to tell a clear phrase, but most importantly to pronounce the sound correctly.

Here are some of them.
Sha-sha-sha - I have noodles.
Sho-sho-sho - good in summer.
Shu-shu-shu - I wave the flag.
Shu-shu-shu - I’m writing to Misha.
Shi-shi-shi - Misha and Masha are babies.
Shi-shi-shi - our children are good.
Sha-sha-sha - they put the baby to bed.
Shu-shu-shu - I’m wearing a new hat.
Shi-shi-shi - write your congratulations.
She-she-she - how wonderful it is for the soul.
Ash-ash-ash - I'll get a pencil.
Osh-osh-osh - there is a sharp knife in the kitchen.
Ush-ush-ush - the plumber fixed the shower.
Osh-osh-osh - I have a brooch on my blouse.
Ish-ish-ish - it’s so quiet outside the window.
Ysh-ysh-ysh - the reeds rustle on the river.
Ash-ash-ash - we built a hut.
Shin-shin-shin - the rustling of tires outside the window.
Shol-shol-shol - the rain fell and passed.
Shock-shock-shock - we dropped the pot.
Asha-asha-asha is our Masha.
Ashka-ashka-ashka - there's a bug on the closet.
Oshka-oshka-oshka - there is a cat on the window.
Ear-ear-ear - Car pillow.
Yshka-yshka-yshka - a naughty mouse.

And here are a few pure sayings and poems

Vshin-vshin-vshin - I’ll call it a jug.
Oshka-oshka-oshka - I call it a cat.
Ear-ear-ear - I'll call it a pillow.
Yshka-yshka-yshka - I call it a mouse.
Ashka-ashka-ashka - I'll call it a shirt.
Ishnya-ishnya-ishnya - I call it cherry.
Usha-usha-usha - I call it a pear.
Tire-tire-tire - I'll call it a car.

Sha-sha-sha - our fur coat is good.
Sho-sho-sho - it feels good in our fur coat.
Shu-shu-shu - I wear our fur coat.
Shi-shi-shi - dance in our fur coat.
Shi-shi-shi - sew fur coats from the heart.

Sha-sha-sha - our Masha is good.
Sho-sho-sho - Masha dances well.
Shu-shu-shu - I’ll dance for Masha.
Shi-shi-shi - come on, Masha, dance.
She-she-she - we dance with joy in our souls.

Shi-shi-shi - the reeds rustled.
She-she-she is a duck in the reeds.
Sha-sha-sha - swim out of the reeds.
Shah-shah-shah - there is no duck in the reeds.
Shi-shi-shi - what are the reeds whispering to us?

Sha-sha-sha - the mother washes the baby.
Sho-sho-sho - washes very well.
Ysh-ysh-ysh - our baby will be clean.

Shi-shi-shi - I have pencils.
Ash-ash-ash - I’ll draw a hut.
Ysh-ysh-ysh - I’ll draw a mouse next to it.
Ush-ush-ush - she has a basket of pears.
Shi-shi-shi - pears are very good.

At the stage of sound automation, after pure phrases, I use poems in which the sound “Ш” is often found. A “Readers” competition is then held using this material. Here are some of them.

Grandma's good
Donuts and pancakes.

Mice rustled in the hut,
The mice peeled the cones.

There are two frogs in the summer shower
Frogs' ears are washed.

Bear sewed fur coats for the mice,
So that the mice don't get too cold.

There are two insects at the edge of the forest
We decided to play checkers.
Tiny checkers
They are dragging two insects.

Hey little mice, don't make noise
And don't rustle under the closet.
Pasha decides our example
And the rustling is disturbing.

The naughty cat sits on the curtain,
Because Masha is at school.
Masha will be there after school
Darn silk curtains.

At my car
Brand new tires.
I'm rolling over the stones
I'll give you a ride whoever you want.

Mice, don't bother the cat
Catching midges on the window.
The cat grabs the midge with its paw!
It's better not to disturb the cat.

Pasha quietly whispers to Misha.
Misha doesn't hear the whisper.
Pasha, whisper louder:
- Misha, treat your ears.

Shoes and clogs
They love long laces.
The shoes are easy to put on
And you lace, and you lace.

"Cherry jam". Use the wide edges of your tongue to lick your lower lip (to one side and then to the other).

"Horse". Ask your child to “click” his tongue like a horse is riding.

"Cup". The mouth is slightly open. Lower your wide tongue onto your lower lip, and then lift its tip and side edges up. A depression is formed in the middle part of the tongue.

"Swing". Raise and lower your wide tongue behind your teeth, touching it with the tip of the upper gum, then the lower gum.

Development of phonemic awareness

Very often, children not only experience difficulties in pronouncing certain sounds, but also cannot identify (recognize) them in speech.

Game "Catch a Butterfly". This exercise can be used during the verification phase phonemic awareness and for its development too.

An adult offers to catch a butterfly with his palms, which is called “Sh”. The adult makes sounds, and the baby claps his hands when he hears the desired sound.

If the child has other sounds impaired, it is not recommended to give them in this exercise. If the baby has difficulty distinguishing between hissing sounds (for example, he confuses “Sh” and “Zh”), you can offer to play in such a way that he claps for the sound “Sh” and raises his hands up for “F”.

Exercise to determine the position of a sound in a word

It is suitable for older children preschool age. You need to pronounce the words and ask them to determine where the sound “Ш” is located (at the beginning, middle or end of the word).

Words can be: hat, cat, gun, baby, tough, screw, shorts, sword.

Exercises for making the sound Ш

To achieve the pronunciation of an isolated sound, you can use a spatula or a simple spoon to put your tongue in the correct position.

If the child pronounces “S” well, ask him to pronounce this sound for a long time (s-s-s-s-s) or the syllable “SA”, and at this time lift the tip of the tongue using a spoon by the upper teeth, onto the alveoli (“C " will turn into "Ш").

At this moment, try to switch all the child’s attention to how he pronounces the sound. He must understand and remember the correct position of the organs of articulation.

Many speech therapists try to place the sound “SH” from “R”. When the child pronounces a long “R”, you need to stop the vibration of the tip of the tongue with a spoon or spatula. The sound “R” is best pronounced in a whisper.

The production of sounds is carried out in stages. As a rule, sounds are first practiced in syllables, and then in words, phrases and sentences. This process is called audio automation.

For that, to practice sounds in syllables, the child is asked to repeat: SHA - SHA - SHA, SHO - SHO - SHO, SHE - SHE - SHE, SHU - SHU - SHU; ASHA – OSHO – USHU, etc.

After the sound in the syllables is well developed, you can begin to automate the words. First, words are selected where Ш is at the beginning of the word:

  • SHA: washer, scarf, shaft, step;
  • SHO: chocolate, rustle, seam;
  • SHU: nimble, Shurik, Shura, noise;
  • SHE: rustle, whisper, six, wool;
  • SHI: cipher, tire, rosehip, hello, thorns.

After this, words are selected where the sound occupies a position in the middle and end of the words.

At the next stage pronunciation in sentences is practiced. You can teach your child simple sayings or short quatrains, ask them to repeat phrases or make up a story from a set of words: How scary it is for a mouse to live in a hole or The cuckoo sewed the cuckoo's hood. It's funny like a cuckoo.

To compose a story, you need to give the child a number of supporting words: matryoshka, ball, wool, wardrobe, hat, Natasha, Pasha. Give a title to your story (how the bear visited the kindergarten, how Mishka and Natasha celebrated their birthday).

The child must compose a story based on the proposed words.

There are many interesting speech therapy aids on sale.. They contain various interesting games, sets of syllables, words, sentences, poems that can be used for home activities with your child.

Try to fantasize more and present tasks in an interesting way.

In what cases should you contact a speech therapist?

Fine, By the age of 4-5 years, a child should develop correct speech.

If you notice that your child speaks incorrectly, you need to try to correct it yourself. If there is no positive result, you should consult a specialist.

Many parents turn to a speech therapist asking for recommendations. A speech therapist can conduct a comprehensive speech examination, identify the type of violations and give recommendations to parents on how to correct these violations.

A speech therapist can show you how to work with your child correctly, choose good exercises for home practice.

When speech disorder acts as a secondary violation, the help of a specialist is required.

If you begin to notice that the child is lagging behind his peers in development, there is no phrasal speech after three years, the child’s behavior is different from others, Be sure to contact a specialist for an examination.

In order for a child to develop correctly and in a timely manner, adults must pay him a lot of attention and work with him.

If you notice that your baby's sound pronunciation is impaired, you need to try to correct it.

Incorrect speech will interfere with communication with peers, successful learning, and may lead to associated defects.

One of them is the use of small volumetric (for example, from Kinder surprises) or flat toys, the names of which contain an automated sound*. This technique also helps to activate the child’s attention and maximally supports his interest in the material being studied throughout the lesson, bringing the joy of self-expression and, of course, causing positive emotions. Game situation creates a relaxed atmosphere during the lesson, frees the child from constraint, encourages him to communicate, and promotes quick contact with the speech therapist. Work with the toy is carried out during the following games:

    Labyrinth. The child, clearly pronouncing the sound being studied, names the pictures presented on each page of the album in a given order, moving the selected toy along them.

    Movement begins from the cell marked with an asterisk. If a child names a word incorrectly, then the next move cannot be made until the word is named correctly. Labyrinth with pronunciation.

    When moving through a maze, a child must not only name the pictures, but also indicate the direction of the next move. For example, the cap is to the right, the shaft is to the right, the puck is down...” Maze with skipping a turn.

    The game is played in two stages. First, the child names all the pictures in order, and then, starting with the picture marked with an asterisk, one after another. The labyrinth is the opposite.

First, the child pronounces all the words - the names of the labyrinth pictures. Then he places the toy on the last picture of the maze and moves in the opposite direction, calling out the words. It is recommended to play these games with each labyrinth (p. 5-10). If, when passing through a maze, a toy lands on a square with question mark

, the child must come up with a word with an automated sound in a certain position.

Subsequently, the pronunciation of the sound is consolidated in phrases, sentences, stories and poetic texts.

Be patient and kind. Then the results of working with your child will definitely please you.

We present to your attention a set of manuals for automating sounds delivered by a speech therapist. It consists of ten albums: (1) Audio automation WITH

in game exercises 3 WITH

()^ (2) Audio automation Sound Automation WITH

(4) (2) Audio automation C WITH

Sh (5) Audio automation WITH

AND (b) Automation of sounds Ch, Shch

in game exercises (7) Audio automation L

in game exercises ( 9^ Sound Automation WITH

l (9) Audio automation WITH

R (10) Audio automation WITH

This album presents a system of exercises for automating the sound of Sh. The material proposed by the author turns the monotonous and monotonous work of consolidating the pronunciation of the sound into interesting game. Simultaneously with the automation of sound, the child’s reading skills improve, fine motor skills and creative imagination develop.

Work on this manual contributes to faster automation of sound in spontaneous speech, development of phonemic hearing, improvement of the syllabic structure of a word, correction of the lexico-grammatical structure of speech, consolidation of knowledge about the automated sound and the corresponding letter, and formation of the skill of sound-letter analysis of syllables and words. At the same time, fine motor skills of the fingers develop; activation of memory, attention, thinking. All this, in turn, is a timely prevention of dysgraphia and dyslexia.

Depending on the complexity of the child’s speech defect and the stage of correctional work, games and tasks can be used in combination by the speech therapist.

Automation of the sound Ш is carried out according to the traditional scheme in speech therapy. First, a set of articulatory gymnastics exercises is performed. Then exercises are offered to automate the sound Ш in isolation, based on the material of syllables, words, sentences, poetic and prose texts.

In order to make the process of automating sounds in words more fun and effective, a number of auxiliary techniques are proposed. One

* On the back of the cover are the following flat toys: mouse, bear, cockerel.

Automation of the sound Ш in wordsPronounce words with the sound “sh” at the beginning

Wardrobe, cord, sleepers, curtains, school, schoolboy, seamstress, spurs, skin, mop, thing, sword,

Ball, noise, shock, hat, sew, fur coat, tire, mine, chess, wide, neck, scarf, shorts, awl, Shura

Step, ball, scarf, puck, hat, shaft, chess, rustle, walked, silk, whisper, width, awl, tire, sew, sewed, screen, noise, jester, fur coat, joke, screw, joke, neck.

Overcoat, hiss, wide, briar, seams, seamstress, wardrobe, box, school, schoolboy, skin, walked, slag, hose, helmet, walked, boat, hat, schnitzel, lace, headquarters, bumblebee, sleepers, twine, spy, spire, stamp, darn.

Curtain, corkscrew, thing, steering wheel, bayonet, little mice, big, earflaps, interfere, decide, breathe, horse, noodles, bag, fluff, top, pot, cockerel, strap, comb, big, mouse, left, found, came, has entered. Pronounce words with a “sh” sound in the middle

Ma-sha, Da-sha, Mi-sha, Pa-sha, Le-sha, ka-sha, ma-shi-na, up-she, hush-she, pi-shu, but-shu, ko-shu, breathe-shu, breathe-shu
We-shka, pu-shka, pillow-shka, frog-shka, katu-shka, vy-shka, cat-shka, monkey-shka, flatbread, potato-shka, parsley-shka
Mishutka, I breathe, I wear, carcass, I ask, target, collar, decision, breathe, ruffs, write, reeds, kids, bruise, mistake, car, jug, decided.
Yours, ours, porridge, roof, Dasha, Masha, Lyosha, Pasha, Misha, Alyosha, Natasha, Andryusha, scales, ears, mice, galoshes, lilies of the valley, good, pea, younger, silence.
Shower, shoo, mouse, yours, ours, floor, bag, luggage, reeds, swift, carriage, knife, hedgehog
Yours, ours, tower, arable land, cup, porridge, shirt, daisy, bug, pencil, cat, midge, crumb, window, peas, basket, palm, okroshka, potato, shower, ears, front sight, gun, stuffy, edge, frog, pillow, reel, cuckoo, wah, cheesecake, welcoming, shell.
Tower, mouse, donut, lid, baby, monkey, tire, reed, baby, Yashka, plaque, goulash, give, pour, drink, sing, rub, take, Alyoshka, flatbread, fish, matryoshka, ladle, pawn, nuts, spring, external, sing, Bishka, cherry, bear, extra, boy, scream, remain silent.
Shoe, bashlyk, muffler, chestnut, gone, cockerels, grandmother, grandfather, lily of the valley, cub, Alyonushka, Burenushka, fur, jerboa, bottom, feather, speck, log, belly, pole, crumb, finish, give, fall, divide, sawing.

Count to five.

One reed, two reeds………….five reeds.
One hut, two huts…………..five huts.
One fur coat, two fur coats……….………five fur coats.
One school, two schools………….…five schools.
One awl, two awls…………….…five awls.

Pyshka - tower tub - pillow
school - schoolboy pebbles - gossips
cabinet - eye cannon - front sight
luggage/w/ - garage/w/ cats - mouse

Remember and repeat a series of words.

Noise - noisy - make noise buffoon - playful - joke
step - step - walk miner - seamstress - assault
baby - grandma - grandpa pants - shirt - fur coat

Automation of the sound Ш in sentences

Pronounce sentences with the sound “sh”

There is a fur coat and a fluffy hat on the hanger. Masha put on a scarf. Pasha went to school. The cat catches the mouse. The mouse ran away from the cat. The car is carrying wheat. There are cones in the bag. Grandfather cuts potatoes. Grandma is knitting a scarf. Misha tied his shoelaces. Masha is carrying a hedgehog in a basket.

Pies with peas are good for the road trip. Masha is good, but it’s a pity that she’s not ours. A hat and a fur coat, that’s all Mishutka is. Masha has gaiters, Mishka has pants. Six little mice rustle in a hole. Hush, hush, don't make noise, don't wake up our Masha. Hush, mice, the cat is on the roof, and the kittens are even higher.

Natasha writes. Here is Masha. Masha has a hat. Lyosha has lilies of the valley. Lilies of the valley are good. Misha and Pasha are riding a horse. There are reeds by the river. The river is wide. The kids are walking to school. The school is big. A mind is good, but two are better. Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.

Dima has a hat with earflaps. Masha put on a new fur coat. Alyosha lost his scarf. Yasha rides a horse. Dasha was not naughty. Dasha and Antosha walk in step. Alyosha gave Masha colored pencils. Misha found a pebble. A car is making noise on the road. Rose hips have thorns. The thorns are prickly. Grisha and Misha are chasing the puck. Lyosha ate millet porridge. Further into the forest there is more firewood.

Our little bear loves jokes. Natasha is preparing millet porridge. Our car has studs on its tires. A mouse with a bag is walking. Masha and Dasha are sewing a fur coat for Natasha. Katyusha has a cuckoo embroidered on her pillow. I found the reel under Masha’s pillow. Midges and bugs bother Gosha and Pasha.

Mom sews on a sewing machine. Grandma has a silk shawl. Dasha washed her hair with shampoo. There are many bobbins and spools in the Machine Box. Masha put on a fur coat, hat, scarf, felt boots and went for a walk with Natasha. Alyosha found a lot of mushrooms and champignons. It went in one ear and came out the other.

I walked over the pebbles and found a silk fur coat. Masha has poppies and daisies in her pocket. A hat and a fur coat - here he is, our Mishutka. Puffy Mishka puffs like a plump one. He aimed at the basket and hit the window. Hush, mice, there's a cat on our roof. Make some noise - he will hear. Mishka knocked off a bump with his hat. Masha gave Romasha the whey from the yogurt.

Andryushka is entrusted with gluing children's toys. I could barely walk with my big bag. For a long, long time the crocodile extinguished the blue sea. The squirrel dropped a cone, the cone hit the bunny. No, your voice is not good, you sing too quietly. Ivanushka was swimming near a white pebble. Two are plowing, and five are waving their arms.

A lazy cat can't catch mice. The peas are small, but he cooks porridge. One bird and one nest. Murder will out. What goes around comes around. Think more - talk less. The cat is not at home - the mice are at liberty. He is not good who has a handsome face, but he is good who is good at business.

What you write with a pen cannot be cut out with an axe. Our Vanyushka always has pebbles under his feet. Give the shepherdess some curd cheese for her work. Actions are worth an inch, and words are a bag. The quieter you go, the further you'll get. My soul sank into my heels. Some are tops, some are roots. A jackal was walking with a purse and found a silk sash.
Masha is sewing pants for a Teddy Bear. The kids are playing around in the hut. Masha is eating millet porridge. Grisha and Misha are chasing a puck. Dasha is wearing a wide scarf. The lilies of the valley are good. The kids are walking to school. Misha and Pasha are riding a horse. Misha found pebbles. A car is walking along the highway. Natasha writes a letter to Shura. Pasha and Natasha, please don’t make noise. Lyosha has lilies of the valley and daisies. Masha has a hat and a scarf. There are reeds and water lilies by the river. Rose hips have sharp thorns. Ruff soup is good.

use the self-recording

at the online registry

Automation of the sound Ш in pure tongues

Sha-sha-sha-sha-sha-sha - our Masha is good.
Sha-sha-sha - sha-sha-sha - Masha washes the baby.
Sho-sho-sho- Sho-sho-sho- Pasha writes well.
Sho-sho-sho- Sho-sho-sho - we draw well.
Shu-shu-shu- Shu-shu-shu - I write letters on the board.
Shu-shu-shu- Shu-shu-shu - I write them well.
Shi-shi-shi- Shi-shi-shi - the kids are playing.
Shi-shi-shi- Shi-shi-shi - they have pencils.
Ash-ash-ash- Ash-ash-ash is Misha’s pencil.
Ash-ash-ash- Ash-ash-ash is a Mashin pencil.
Osh-osh-osh- Osh-osh-osh - I look like my grandfather.
Osh-osh-osh- Osh-osh-osh - I look like my grandmother.
Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, daddy fixed our shower.
Sha-sha-sha - no pencil.
Sho-sho-sho - it’s good for us to walk.
Shu-shu-shu - I sit and don’t rustle.
Shi-shi-shi - the kids became quiet.
She-she-she - the soul is happy.

About Tanya

Our Tanya is good.
And he sings well.
Sings a song to the baby.
Kids love songs.

Song for the baby

Sing with us slowly.
Let's sing a song to the baby.
The reeds sang with us.
It turned out well.

Automation of the sound Ш in proverbs

Wealth is like water: it came and went.
For a big ship, a long voyage.
If you don’t go to the forest, you’ll freeze on the stove.
Friendship is like glass: if you break it, you won’t be able to put it back together.
In winter, a fur coat is no joke.
If you don’t give your word, hold on, but if you give, be strong.
There is no better friend than mother.
If you hurry, you will make people laugh.
Whoever you hang out with, that's how you'll gain.
The quieter you go, the further you'll get.
What goes around comes around.
Murder will out.

Automation of the sound Ш in verses

Our Christmas tree is big!
Our tree is tall!
Taller than dad, taller than mom -
Reaches to the ceiling.

A lazy cat doesn't catch mice.
A lazy boy doesn't wash his ears.
A lazy mouse will not dig a hole.
The lazy boy doesn't like cleaning.
A lazy fly doesn't want to fly.
Lazy boy doesn't want to read!
Tell the kind old lady what to do,
When they got started in the old woman's hut:
Lazy cat, lazy mouse,
Lazy fly, lazy boy.

In the silence of the forest
Whisper rushes to Rustle.
Whispers rush to Rustle,
Whispers rustle through the forest.
- Where are you going?
- I'm flying to you.
Let me whisper in your ear
Shu-shu-shu yes shi-shi-shi.
Hush, rustle, don't rustle,
Prick up your ears -
Listen to the silence!..

Shhhh. Hide quietly.
Shhhh. Don't move a bit.
They play hide and seek in silence -
Only then will you not be caught.

The nimble hornet has arrived,
The hornet sat on a flower.
The hornet will sit for a while
And he'll hit the road.

Masha loves to eat porridge
Masha says to Natasha:
“Everyone should eat porridge,
“Everyone needs porridge for children.”

Cockerel, cockerel, golden comb.
Oil head, silk beard,
Why do you get up early, sing loudly,
Don't you let your children sleep?

Our Masha is good,
Masha walks slowly,
Our Masha is little,
She is wearing a scarlet fur coat.

Mouse in a green circle
I cooked millet porridge.
There are a dozen kids
Waiting for dinner.

In the kitchen, the cat is preparing cakes.
Kitten Timoshka loves cakes.

Dasha is embroidering a bear,
Masha embroiders a mouse.

Two insects at the edge of the forest
They sew a pillow for the mice.

Misha and Pasha are chasing the puck,
Masha and Dasha do not interfere with them.

Mice walk along the edge of the forest,
The mice have books under their arms.

Schoolboy, schoolboy, you are a strong man:
You carry the globe like a ball.

Cockerel, cockerel!
Give me a comb!
Oh please! Ask!
I'll comb my curls.

The rustle of the tires fades away,
The hour of the mouse is coming.
At night let the mice feast:
Hush, hush, hush, hush.
(I. Tokmakova)

- Sparrow, what are you waiting for?
You can't eat bread crumbs.
- I noticed the crumbs a long time ago,
Yes, I'm afraid of an angry cat.
(A. Taraskin)

Our mice are quieter than yours,
They don't rustle through the cellars.
Our mice don't come to you.
Don't let yours come to us.
(V. Stepanov)

Bird under my window
A nest is built for the children,
Then he drags the straw in his legs,
That brings fluff in your mouth.

Misha writes
Here are the kids Masha, Misha.
Masha is smaller, Misha is taller.
Misha is writing something to Masha.
Guess what Misha writes.

Five guys live in a hut,
Five butterflies near the edge.
Butterflies have caps
The kids have slippers.

Mouse like mouse
A mouse is like a mouse, as big as an inch itself!
The mouse climbed onto the bag.
She called the mice to her place.
Let them rustle with grains!
Let's rustle!
Only the cats got in the way...
(G. Lagzdyn)

Our grandmother has enough worries:
She knits and sews for Tanya and Natasha.
Reads books to them, sings to them before bed,
He takes the kids for a walk before bed.
(Z. Alexandrova)

The little mice are dancing,
Some are on the cup, some are on the lid.
Hush, hush, hush, mice,
Don't disturb your brother's sleep.
(A. Starodubova)

Noisy at the edge of the forest
Bear Toptyzhka.
Lump on top of head
Poor bear's.

Schoolboy Pasha writes:
Hat, puck, porridge,
Mouse, midge, joke,
Chess, Mishutka.

Masha has a kitten Timoshka,
Misha has a mouse, Totoshka.
Totoshka and Timoshka can’t
Don't make any noise at least a little.

Fur coat, hat and galoshes
We just can't find it.
These are the jokes
Our Mishutka!

Little mouse and mouse
The mouse whispers to the little mouse:
- You keep rustling, you’re not sleeping!
The little mouse whispers to the mouse:
- I will rustle more quietly.
(A. Kapralova)

Little frogs
By the river, along the edge,
Past the plowed fields
Lazy frogs walked
To visit my grandmother.
(I. Demyanov)

Mishka has bumps
Mishka threw the stick on top.
- Fall into the hat from the tree, big shot!
A bump is a slap on the head.
There were two cones at once.
(E. Petrischeva)

- Stream, where are you hurrying?
- To the river, to the river, my baby!
- Brook, when do you sleep?
- I never sleep, baby.
(G. Vieru)

I mix sand with clay like flour.
I bake on a hot stone for dinner:
Pretzel for the nesting doll, flatbread for the clown,
Gingerbread cookies for the bear, gingerbread for the bunny.
(G. Ladonshchikov)

My new dress has pockets.
These pockets have daisies embroidered on them.
Daisies, daisies - like meadow ones.
Daisies, daisies - just like alive.
(M. Plyatskovsky)

A horse is carrying us
A horse is taking us, a horse, a horse -
Not shaky, not shaky, not shaky, not shaky.
If only I could whip a horse,
Yes - it's a pity.
(A. Shibaev)

Midges stuck around the lamp,
Thin legs are warm.
Be careful, midges!
You'll burn your feet!
(V. Lunin)

Porridge is ripe in the meadow.
The cow Mashka eats porridge.
Masha likes lunch:
There is nothing tastier!
(A. Shibaev)

When you play by yourself
When you play, dance and sing alone,
Then you don’t bother mom and stop whining.
Then you draw, write, sit in the corner like a mouse.
And you won’t hear any noise, although you make noise all day.

Elegant dresses, yellow brooches,
There is not a stain on the beautiful clothes.
These daisies are so cheerful -
They're about to start playing tag like children.
(E. Serova)

On an old tub
Frogs sat
Green ears,
Stupid tops.
I approached them
They're splashing into the water!
And nothing more
Tell me about them.
(V. Stepanov)

Mouse in a green circle
I cooked millet porridge.
There are a dozen kids
Waiting for dinner.
Everyone got a spoonful
Not a speck left!
(S. Marshak)

Rustle, whispering, noise under the window,
Light spanking...Who is this - a gnome?
Shhh! There behind the curtains, near the window,
Silence rustles like a nimble mouse.
(V. Lunin)

The cockerels have fluttered,
But they didn’t dare to fight.
If you get too cocky,
You might lose your feathers.
If you lose your feathers,
There will be nothing to fuss about.

use the self-recording

at the online registry

speech therapist Ilyukhina Svetlana Vladimirovna

Automation of the sound Ш in texts

Retell the texts, clearly pronouncing the sound Sh.

Naughty Misha

Misha is a naughty guy. Playing naughty with the cat. The cat meowed. Grandma took the cat away.
Misha went into the forest. I saw the bump and threw my hat. I didn’t hit the cone, but the hat hung on the branch. No bump, no cap. So Misha went home.

Yasha and Alyonushka

Mom went to the pharmacy. Alyonushka and Yasha are at home. Yasha has a tower, a reel and a cannon. Alyonushka has a matryoshka doll and a Baby doll. Matryoshka on a pillow. Alyonushka took Baby. I started feeding her porridge. Then she put a shirt and shoes on Baby.
And Yasha is tired of toys. He gave the reel to the cat. The cat is rolling a reel. Yasha goes to the kitchen. He takes a cheesecake and gives it to the cat. I looked out the window. Yasha sees that his mother is coming.
Mom came. She is happy that Alyonushka and Yasha are playing.

Cat and mouse

Everyone left the house. And the cat was at home. The cat sat on the window. A mouse came out of its hole. The cat doesn't see the mouse. The mouse doesn't see the cat. The mouse went to the kitchen. I found crumpet crumbs. The mouse ate the crumbs. Then the mouse saw the mug. The mug is covered with a lid. The cat smelled the mouse and jumped from the window. The mouse ran. But the cat caught the mouse.

On the edge

Alyonushka went to the forest. I picked a basket of berries. She went out to the edge of the forest. Daisies grew there. There were insects sitting on the daisies. There is a river nearby. There are reeds near the river. There are frogs croaking there. A cuckoo sits on a tree. Alyonushka sat down on a log. I rested and went home.

Lilies of the valley love the shade under oak trees. You will come to a place where there are lilies of the valley. Lilies of the valley are visible and invisible. And in the unmown meadow there are daisies and peas. Nearby, by the river, there are reeds. The wind sways the reeds. They rustle, breaking the silence. Pick some lilies of the valley and go home. Nice lilies of the valley!

Automation of the sound Ш in tongue twisters

Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer.
The mouse shuffled along the pavement with long strides.
Little mice rustle in the reeds,
They splash noisily in the tubs.

Wide tires
Luxurious car
They rustle silently along the highway.

Shura sewed a gorgeous fur coat.

Cuckoo bought a hood.
Put on the cuckoo's hood.
How funny he is in the hood!

Riddles "Sound Sh"

Learn riddles.
The old woman is crawling, carrying the hut. (Snail)

Antoshka stands on one leg. (Mushroom)

White peas on a green stem. (Lilies of the valley)

The hanging pear cannot be eaten. (Bulb)

A ball grew on a green fragile stem near the path. (Dandelion)

The baby is dancing, but the baby has only one leg. (Yula)

Two bellies, four ears. (Pillow)

Under the mound there is a crumb, only a cap and a leg. (Mushroom)

The more you take from it, the larger it becomes. (Yama)

In the big hut there is a hut, and in the hut there is a chirp. (Bird in a cage)

Decided once the minx is a cat
Play with me a little.
She rolled me around the room,
She unwound all the threads on me.

Guess what kind of hat it is - a whole armful of fur.
The cap runs in the forest, gnawing the bark at the trunk. (Hare)

You go, you go, you won’t find the end. (Road)

There are legs under the roof, and soup and spoons on the roof. (Table)

The head is on a leg, there are polka dots in the head. (Poppy)

He sits on the roof of everyone above and breathes smoke. (Pipe)

Who stands on a strong leg
In the brown leaves by the path?
A hat made of grass stood up,
No head under the cap!

Ice flakes are falling from the sky,
They fall straight into your palms.
There are ice cubes smaller than crumbs.
There are ice cubes larger than a cone.

I didn’t look out the window - Antoshka was alone.
I looked out the window - there was a second Antoshka!
What is this window where Antoshka was looking?

use the self-recording

at the online registry

speech therapist Ilyukhina Svetlana Vladimirovna