Eisenhower's secret treaty with aliens - fact or fiction? Alien born on earth Revelations of a space alien fact or fiction

The charming little mermaid from Anderson's fairy tale is known all over the world. Beautiful, sad and bronze, she sits modestly on the pier in Copenhagen, as the sculptor Edward Eriksen saw her. In Disney cartoons, the little mermaid appears as a young, big-eyed beauty with outstanding forms.

A certain resident of the American St. Petersburg (Florida) probably also imagined mermaids as indescribable beauties, until he came across a strange, ugly body on the Atlantic coast. The mysterious creature was probably washed up on the sand by the tide. Most of all, it resembled a giant, humanoid roach.

The enterprising “St. Petersburg resident” immediately took several photographs of the mermaid and put her up for auction on eBay. A buyer was quickly found and the remains of the “mermaid monster” found a new owner for $1,550.

Many skeptics are quite suspicious of this whole story, since the starting price for the body of an unprecedented monster was only $2. Meanwhile, the seller has put other items up for sale, including the body of a sea monster.

The secret of the mermaid revealed author of the blog at blogga.ru. He claims that the sold creature is the work of artist Juan Cabana, who lives in the United States and works in an unusual genre. His sculptures are created from real flesh of once living fish and creatures, from real scales, from bones and skeletons. On his website he claims that they are all real, that he actually found them near the sea. But Juan, like all people, is not completely consistent. From time to time, on some forums, he admits that he made these sculptures with his own hands.

This is not the first and not the loudest story about controversial discoveries of mysterious creatures known to our contemporaries. In 1995, London businessman Ray Santilli released the contents of his television documentary Alien Autopsy - Fact or Fiction? on the front pages of magazines in more than twenty countries.

The film includes a documentary report from 1947 about the autopsy of an alien, made in the field by US intelligence agencies. Pathologists were dissecting the corpse of an alien, who, both outside and inside, was not like a person: he had six fingers and toes, and brains without convolutions, and the contents of a rather swollen abdomen without intestines, but with some completely unfamiliar organs.

The tape caused many opposing opinions. Santilli always claimed that the film underwent an examination, as a result of which it was established that it was actually filmed in 1947. Actually this is not true.

Only fragments of the film footage were examined, but none of them contained scenes from the film shown on television or from the film recorded on videotape. Consequently, the question of when the film was shot is still open.

Most UFO researchers consider the film to be a fake and accuse Santilli of fabricating it, but to date there is no real evidence that Santilli is a forger. Moreover, some arguments can be made in favor of the authenticity of the film.

On April 1, 1950, the Wiesbadener Tageblatt, a newspaper in the West German city of Wiesbaden, published a sensational photograph showing the pilot of a “flying saucer” that allegedly crashed near the city the day before.

The note accompanying the photograph explained that the captured alien had one leg with a disc at the end and moved in short hops.

The hands have four fingers with peculiar claws. In the picture, the alien was shown accompanied by two officers of the American occupation army, one of whom was holding an oxygen apparatus, which facilitated the alien's breathing.

Our humanity inclined to believe that it is not alone in the Universe. Facts about aliens are increasingly found in our daily lives.

But is a person ready? give up confidence in your exclusivity and chosenness, as an intelligent creation of God, even if aliens suddenly knock on the door, landing on his porch?

Do aliens exist?

Military openly admitted the facts of discovery flying saucer, but local residents were forbidden, on pain of death, to talk about what they witnessed.

The sheriff's daughter and Brazeal's son, recalling this crash, said that their parents, in addition to the UFO debris, saw an almost intact flying saucer, as well as four aliens with huge heads - one of them was supposedly still alive.

The military later retracted its press release about the UFO find and told reporters misinformation about weather balloon.

The 1970s saw a new wave of interest in the Roswell UFO crash. Eyewitnesses of those events - the military - spoke up.

Thus, Philip Korsa, a former US military man, published the book “The Day After Roswell,” which described the contents of the boxes brought to the base in Kansas from the crash site. The boxes looked like small coffins. When opening one of them it was discovered alien corpse.

Are aliens abducting people?

The second place among the evidence of UFO visits to our planet is occupied by alien abductions.

Many people claim to have been abducted by aliens. Such statements were made especially en masse in the 80s of the last century.

Some abduction victims reported that they were subjected to research during their abductions; Some of them claimed that experiments were performed on them, that they were raped, that implants were inserted into them.

Other victims nothing after returning they don’t remember, their memory simply lacks long periods.

By the way, a video has been posted on YouTube showing instructions on how to behave if abducted by aliens. The guide to action is outlined by the author of the book, Galina Zheleznyak, in the “Anomalous Zone” series.

Are aliens really abducting people?

Alien implants

In some bodies of people who have been victims of alien abductions, from time to time find foreign elements implants that are made from materials unknown on Earth.

Implants are considered the third most important fact of the presence of aliens on earth. So, starting in 1994, the following were extracted from the bodies of abducted people by aliens:

  • very strong threads
  • thin needles with balls at the end and threads of fiber sticking out in different directions. Such implants are usually removed from the ears, nostrils and recesses under the eyes.
  • implants that can be changed at random physical state or turning into a jelly-like state from a solid
  • implants create an electromagnetic field while located only in the human body. The field disappeared after extraction
  • implants with a shell of keratin and protein and a metal core inside
  • other items in which were found chemical elements, unknown on Earth.

Unfortunately, most often foreign bodies are found in people who have been kidnapped in the brain area and, accordingly, modern medicine on our planet cannot study them, much less remove them.

Ufologists believe that such implants correct human behavior and, perhaps, even control it.

Implants that aliens give to people

UFO appearance

Evidence of unidentified flying objects is in 4th place in the top 10 evidence of aliens visiting Earth.

The first evidence of a UFO was recorded on June 24, 1947, when pilot Kenneth Arnold discovered nine unknown flying objects around 3 p.m. moving at incredible speed in Washington State, in the Cascade Mountains region.

Soon other eyewitnesses began to report UFOs. Arnold later clarified that the UFOs were similar in shape to crescents, and their movement was looks like diving saucers in the water. Since then, the term “flying saucer” has become entrenched in the everyday life of earthlings.

UFOs have been seen on Earth many times

Alien corpse

The fifth piece of evidence in the top 10 for aliens visiting Earth is the film Autopsy.

In 1995 a black-and-white film of poor quality was presented to the public, in which there was autopsy shown an alien found on a crashed craft in Roswell.

The film immediately became a sensation because it demonstrated secret information about the Roswell case and confirmed the hypothesis about the appearance of aliens on Earth, as well as the fact that the US government does not want to share information about aliens and UFOs with the public.

Later, a statement appeared that this film was a falsification.

Let's hope and believe that they come to us with good intentions and, in the end, will teach us to overcome outer space to explore new planets.

UFO- unknown flying object; in the media, any celestial phenomenon, the nature of which the observer himself cannot determine. In this case, it is usually assumed that a compact moving object similar to aircraft, the appearance of which is associated with a visit to Earth by aliens from outer space. The term UFO is a direct translation of the English UFO - unidentified flying object, which came into use in 1950–1955. In Russian, especially in works attempting to provide a scientific basis for the study of UFOs, other related terms are sometimes used: anomalous atmospheric phenomenon(AEA), anomalous aerospace object (AAO), unidentified aerospace phenomenon (UNP).

The observation of incomprehensible atmospheric and celestial phenomena is not an “invention” of the 20th century. In the history of mankind, there are many cases of “heavenly signs”. There were especially many reports of UFO sightings from eyewitnesses (and jokers) in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, during the period of the creation of the first airships and airplanes. The outbreak of mass interest in UFOs began during the era of the heyday of aviation and the creation of rocket technology.

The birth of a sensation. The first report of a UFO, which aroused enormous public interest and an avalanche of publications, was made by the American pilot Kenneth Arnold. Flying near Mount Rainier in Washington state on the afternoon of June 24, 1947, he noticed nine strange objects. One of them resembled a crescent moon with a small dome in the middle, and eight others looked like flat disks that glittered in the rays of the Sun. Arnold estimated that the objects that struck him were moving at a speed of about 2,700 km/h. Talking about them appearance, Arnold compared them to “tailless airplanes.” He noted that the movement of the strange objects was “like that of a speedboat racing across the waves,” or “like a saucer thrown across the surface of the water.” This is how the now popular term “flying saucer” or “flying saucer” arose.

The first publication of the Arnold case was met with skepticism, but a few weeks later the press was filled with testimonies from other eyewitnesses. Magazines and books began to be published on this topic.

Official UFO Investigations. Since the armed forces of some countries were testing new weapons at that time, it was suspected that reports of strange phenomena in the atmosphere could be related to these tests. The US Air Force began collecting and cataloging UFO reports in 1948 to determine their military significance. Civilian scientists and engineers were involved in this work. The collected facts were analyzed several times for the CIA and the leadership of the US Army. This work, known as Project Blue Book, continued from to varying degrees activity until 1969.

In July 1952, several reports of visual and radar sightings of UFOs near Washington National Airport caused great stir. Given the public and government attention to these messages, the CIA sent fact-gathering instructions to the army and intelligence, and also created a group of experts consisting of engineers, meteorologists, physicists and astronomers under the leadership of physicist H.P. Robertson (Calif. Institute of Technology in Pasadena). Having studied the facts, experts came to the conclusion that 90% of UFO reports have an astronomical or meteorological explanation: the vast majority of them are associated with the observation of the Moon and bright planets (especially Venus), clouds and auroras, birds, airplanes, balloons, rockets, meteors , spotlights and other phenomena that were understandable to professionals, but occurred under unusual conditions or were observed by insufficiently qualified eyewitnesses. One of the commission members, the famous American astronomer Donald Menzel (D.H. Menzel), published the book Flying Saucers in 1953, in which he explained the nature of some UFO sightings.

Interest in UFOs increased in the early years space age. From the USA it spread to Western Europe, USSR, Australia and other countries. The second commission to study UFO reports worked in the United States in February 1966 and came to the same conclusions as the first. However, some scientists and engineers remained dissatisfied with the work of these commissions; Particularly vocal opponents of the “natural” UFO hypothesis were meteorologist James McDonald (University of Arizona at Tucson) and astronomer Allen Hynek (Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois). These scientists believed that some UFO reports clearly indicated the existence of aliens.

In 1968, at the request of the US Air Force, the University of Colorado organized a group of 37 experts under the leadership of prominent physicist and atomic energy specialist Edward Condon (E.U. Condon). Group report Scientific research UFO was reviewed by a special committee of the US National Academy of Sciences and published in early 1969. It analyzed in detail 59 UFO reports. In the "Conclusion", Condon categorically rejects the "extraterrestrial hypothesis" and recommends that further study of the problem be stopped.

By this time, the Project Blue Book archive had collected 12,618 UFO reports. All of them were either “identified” with one of the known phenomena (astronomical, atmospheric or artificial), or “unidentified”, often due to the low information content of the message. Based on the Condon Report, Project Blue Book was closed in December 1969. The only official and fairly complete archive of UFO reports remained the Canadian one, which contained about 750 messages and was transferred in 1968 from the Ministry of Defense to the Science Council of Canada. Relatively small archives were also available in official institutions in Great Britain, Sweden, Denmark, Australia and Greece.

In general, other commissions that studied reports of UFOs came to the same conclusions as the Condon Commission. In France, it was the Group for the Study of Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena (GEPAN = Groupe d "Etude des Phenomenes Aerospatiaux Non-Identifies), which worked since 1977. In the USSR, this conclusion was made by a group of experts working on the topic "Grid" of the Ministry of Defense and the Academy of Sciences ( 1978–1990). However, it was noted that some well-documented UFO sightings still could not be given a comprehensive scientific explanation.

Eisenhower's secret treaty with aliens - fact or fiction?

Birth of Majestic 12

From January 1947 to December 1952, 16 alien spacecraft crashed or crash-landed in the United States. The result - 65 dead corpses and 1 living alien fell into the hands of the Americans. Another ship exploded in the air. One can imagine the confusion and concern of the government led by then President Harry Truman.

All documents about what happened were classified as “secret”. In 1947, a group of leading American scientists studying UFOs and aliens was created, and a year later it merged with the Grange Project.

In 1952, President Truman secretly created the top-secret National Security Agency (NSA). His main task was to decipher alien communications and try to establish a dialogue with them. This project was codenamed "Sigma". The second task of the NSA is to intercept radio communications around the world, both between people and between aliens, and at the same time keep secret the presence of the latter on Earth.

Truman informed his allies, including the USSR, about his actions. Plans were developed to defend the Earth in the event of an alien invasion. An independent group was created - the secret society "Bilderbergs" with headquarters in Geneva.

In 1953, General Dwight Eisenhower was elected President of the United States, and that same year, nine more alien disks crashed in the United States. They found 26 dead and four living aliens. Of these 10 disks, four were found in Arizona, two in Texas, one in New Mexico, one in Louisiana, and one in Montana. The tenth device was transferred to the United States by the government of the Republic of South Africa.

Eisenhower knew that he would have to solve the alien problem, and he could not do this without revealing the secret to Congress. In early 1953, the president turned to his friend and colleague Nelson Rockefeller for help. Together they planned the creation of a secret alien surveillance structure. Thus was born the super-secret organization "M-12" ("Majestic-12"). In fact, no one knew anything about her.

Secret agreement with aliens

These conditions were met with great suspicion by the head of the United States, especially in the part that talked about nuclear disarmament. According to unconfirmed reports, in 1954, aliens landed at one of the Air Force bases. The aliens claimed to have come from a planet orbiting a red star in the constellation Orion, which we call Betelgeuse. They said that their planet was dying and would become uninhabitable in the future. The negotiations resulted in a meeting between aliens and Eisenhower at Edwards Air Force Base.

The President met with the aliens, and a formal treaty between the Betelgeuse civilization and the United States was signed, and the first ambassador, Krill, appeared on Earth. The meeting was recorded on film, which is still kept in some secret archives.

The treaty stated: aliens would not interfere in our affairs, and the United States would not interfere in theirs. Alien activities on Earth must be kept secret. They will share the secrets of their technology with the Americans and help them master it. Aliens will not enter into treaties with other countries. For this, they receive the right to temporarily “borrow” a limited number of people for the purpose of medical examination and development control. These people will not be harmed; they will be returned to the place from which they were abducted. In addition, all information about what happened will be erased from their memory. The treaty also provided for the construction of underground bases for aliens and two more for joint use, where technology would be exchanged. Facilities for aliens will be built under Indian reservations in the states of Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona and one in Nevada, in an area known to all ufologists these days as Area 51. Substantial allocations were allocated for all this. The Redlight project was developed, and in accordance with it, experimental flights on alien ships began.

It is believed that the highest echelons of power created a separate intelligence service, whose tasks included ensuring the security and secrecy of all alien objects. It is also believed that such well-known programs as “Blue Book” and “Snowbird” were “launched” as a cover for real actions and for the purpose of mass misinformation of the population of the United States and the whole world. Everything incomprehensible was blamed on secret Air Force experiments.

However, as it turned out, both the United States and the aliens had their own hidden goals. Alien experiments on people turned out to be far from harmless and harmless. Some of them were aimed at achieving compatibility between the two races, and as a result, the aliens were successful - earthly women began to give birth to mutants. It was clear who would rule the planet inhabited by half-breeds. For their part, the aliens accused the Americans of seeking to use any technology they transferred for military purposes. Peaceful cooperation was under threat. However, since people were clearly weaker than their “brothers in mind,” the highest echelons of power decided to continue peaceful cooperation, turning a blind eye to the outrages committed by the aliens. Continue until the United States gets its hands on weapons, with which they will be able to talk on equal terms. As a result, the Joshua and Excalibur projects were developed. One can only guess what real level today's weapons of mass destruction have reached. Perhaps what we see in science fiction films is more true than discussions about nuclear arsenals and the strategy of atomic war, or bacteriological genocide.

"The truth is out there somewhere..."

What's next?.. Nobody knows for sure. It can be noted that the theory of government conspiracy with aliens has become very popular. It exists in several versions, among which the version of the American Milton Cooper, who was killed in 2001 (as they say, by aliens), has the most adherents. Among ufologists and in near-ufological circles, the most incredible rumors about joint activities aliens and the US government.

They say that joint flights are already being made to the Moon and Mars, where there are colonies of both earthlings and aliens. They say that there were also local armed conflicts at bases and laboratories. And President Nixon, when he was facing impeachment as a result of the Watergate affair, was ordered to resign by supranational structures (primarily Majestic 12) so that secrets related to aliens would not be revealed during the impeachment process. And so on...

In the end, you can quote Cooper himself, the master of alien intrigue: “Today M-12 exists and operates as always. The Council on Foreign Relations and its offshoot, the Trilateral Commission, govern and own the United States of America. Like foreign allies, they report to Bilderbergs. Even the most cursory examination shows that the members of the Council and the Commission exercise control over the most important funds and the most influential media: banks, all leading corporations, the highest echelons of government power.

The Bilderbergs, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission are a secret government that runs the country through M-12, as well as through a research group known as the Jason Society or the Jason Scientists. Eisenhower was the last president who knew and understood the alien problem very well. All subsequent presidents used only the information that M-12 and the CIA supplied them at will.”

“Where is the truth?” - you ask. This can be answered with words from the famous series “The X-Files”: “The truth is out there somewhere...”.

From January 1947 to December 1952, 16 alien spacecraft crashed or crash-landed in the United States. The result is that 65 dead corpses and 1 living alien fell into the hands of the Americans. Another ship exploded in the air. One can imagine the confusion and concern of the government led by then President Harry Truman.

All documents about what happened were classified as “secret”. In 1947, a group of leading American scientists studying UFOs and aliens was created, and a year later it merged with the Grange Project.

In 1952, President Truman secretly created the top-secret National Security Agency (NSA). His main task was to decipher alien communications and try to establish a dialogue with them. This project was codenamed "Sigma". The second task of the NSA is to intercept radio communications around the world, both between people and between aliens, and at the same time keep secret the presence of the latter on Earth.

Truman informed his allies, including the USSR, about his actions. Plans were developed to defend the Earth in the event of an alien invasion. An independent group was created - the secret society "Bilderbergs" with headquarters in Geneva.

In 1953, General Dwight Eisenhower was elected President of the United States, and that same year, nine more alien disks crashed in the United States. They found 26 dead and four living aliens. Of these 10 disks, four were found in Arizona, two in Texas, one in New Mexico, one in Louisiana, and one in Montana. The tenth device was transferred to the United States by the government of the Republic of South Africa.

Eisenhower knew that he would have to solve the alien problem, and he could not do this without revealing the secret to Congress. In early 1953, the president turned to his friend and colleague Nelson Rockefeller for help. Together they planned the creation of a secret alien surveillance structure. Thus was born the super-secret organization "M-12" ("Majestic-12"). In fact, no one knew anything about her.

Secret agreement with aliens

These conditions were met with great suspicion by the head of the United States, especially in the part that talked about nuclear disarmament. According to unconfirmed reports, in 1954, aliens landed at one of the Air Force bases. The aliens claimed to have come from a planet orbiting a red star in the constellation Orion, which we call Betelgeuse. They said that their planet was dying and would become uninhabitable in the future. The negotiations resulted in a meeting between aliens and Eisenhower at Edwards Air Force Base.

The President met with the aliens, and a formal treaty between the Betelgeuse civilization and the United States was signed, and the first ambassador, Krill, appeared on Earth. The meeting was recorded on film, which is still kept in some secret archives.

The treaty stated: aliens would not interfere in our affairs, and the United States would not interfere in theirs. Alien activities on Earth must be kept secret. They will share the secrets of their technology with the Americans and help them master it. Aliens will not enter into treaties with other countries. In return, they receive the right to temporarily “borrow” a limited number of people for the purpose of medical examination and development monitoring. These people will not be harmed; they will be returned to the place from which they were abducted. In addition, all information about what happened will be erased from their memory. The treaty also provided for the construction of underground bases for aliens and two more for joint use, where technology would be exchanged. Facilities for aliens will be built under Indian reservations in the states of Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona and one in Nevada, in an area known to all ufologists these days as Area 51. Substantial allocations were allocated for all this. The Redlight project was developed, and in accordance with it, experimental flights on alien ships began.

It is believed that the highest echelons of power created a separate intelligence service, whose tasks included ensuring the security and secrecy of all alien objects. It is also believed that such well-known programs as “Blue Book” and “Snowbird” were “launched” as a cover for real actions and for the purpose of mass misinformation of the population of the United States and the whole world. Everything incomprehensible was blamed on secret Air Force experiments.

However, as it turned out, both the United States and the aliens had their own hidden goals. Alien experiments on people turned out to be far from harmless and harmless. Some of them were aimed at achieving compatibility between the two races, and as a result, the aliens were successful - earthly women began to give birth to mutants. It was clear who would rule the planet inhabited by half-breeds. For their part, the aliens accused the Americans of seeking to use any technology they transferred for military purposes. Peaceful cooperation was under threat. However, since people were clearly weaker than their “brothers in mind,” the highest echelons of power decided to continue peaceful cooperation, turning a blind eye to the outrages committed by the aliens. Continue until the United States gets its hands on weapons, with which they will be able to talk on equal terms. As a result, the Joshua and Excalibur projects were developed. One can only guess what real level today's weapons of mass destruction have reached. Perhaps what we see in science fiction films is more true than discussions about nuclear arsenals and the strategy of atomic war, or bacteriological genocide.

"The truth is out there somewhere..."

What's next?.. Nobody knows for sure. It can be noted that the theory of government conspiracy with aliens has become very popular. It exists in several versions, among which the version of the American Milton Cooper, who was killed in 2001 (as they say, by aliens), has the most adherents. Among ufologists and in near-ufological circles, the most incredible rumors are circulating about the joint activities of aliens and the US government.

They say that joint flights are already being made to the Moon and Mars, where there are colonies of both earthlings and aliens. They say that there were also local armed conflicts at bases and laboratories. And President Nixon, when he was facing impeachment as a result of the Watergate affair, was ordered to resign by supranational structures (primarily Majestic 12) so that secrets related to aliens would not be revealed during the impeachment process. And so on…

In the end, you can quote Cooper himself, the master of alien intrigue: “Today M-12 exists and operates as always. The Council on Foreign Relations and its offshoot, the Trilateral Commission, govern and own the United States of America. Like foreign allies, they report to Bilderbergs. Even the most cursory examination shows that the members of the Council and the Commission exercise control over the most important funds and the most influential media: banks, all leading corporations, the highest echelons of government power.

The Bilderbergs, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission are a secret government that runs the country through M-12, as well as through a research group known as the Jason Society or the Jason Scientists. Eisenhower was the last president who knew and understood the alien problem very well. All subsequent presidents used only the information that M-12 and the CIA supplied them at will.”

“Where is the truth?” - you ask. This can be answered with words from the famous series “The X-Files”: “The truth is out there somewhere...”.