Daily routine for the world around you. Presentation for a lesson on the world around us on the topic “schoolchildren’s daily routine.” Goodbye school house

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The world Teacher primary classes Municipal educational institution gymnasium No. 14 of Yeisk Paramonova Lyudmila Viktorovna Daily routine

Health is the correct, normal functioning of the whole organism.

This daily routine was written for me. I won’t be late for anything, because I follow the daily routine.

What is a daily routine? What should a schoolchild's daily routine be like? Why do you need to follow a daily routine?

The schoolchild’s daily routine is a routine of wakefulness and sleep, alternation various types activities and rest during the day.

7.00 - Get up

7.15 – Morning exercises

7.30 – Wash and brush teeth

7.40 – Breakfast

8.00-8.30 – Road to school

8.30 – 13.05 – Lessons at school

13.05-14.20 – Way home, lunch and rest.

14.20 – 16.00 – homework completion

16.00 – Afternoon snack

16.20 -18.00 – Help around the house

18.00 -21.00 – Dinner and games

21.00 – Go to bed

VI X VII IX XII 10 9 6 7 12

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Create your own daily routine.

Daily regime - This




to the main




Get up 7.30

In the morning the alarm clock rang

I don't need an alarm clock

Because without a call

I can get up so early!

  • Every day, as soon as you wake up, think - I have a priceless human life, and I am not going to waste it. I will use all my energy to develop myself, open my heart to other people. I will think only good things about others, I will not allow myself to get angry or think bad things about anyone, I am going to be useful people as much as I can."

Charging 7.40

I'm doing exercises In the mornings, in the evenings. My health is fine What do I advise you? And then I’ll go squat, I'll dance on the carpet. This is how I do my exercises Early in the morning at dawn. I boldly turn my head, I will bow to you to the ground. Healthy spirit, stronger body, Good morning, fellow countrymen!

Washing 7.50

Magic water On a pink face A stream from a fairy tale On the nose and eyes, Splashes from the tub On the cheeks and ears, Rain from a watering can On the forehead and neck. Rain from a warm cloud For little hands. What a neat guy! Kiss me, mommy!

The toothbrush is scurrying around, Like a boat on the sea, Like a steamboat on a river She goes by the teeth Up and down, back and forth. We will remove plaque and stains. So that your teeth don't hurt, So that they turn white like winter snow

Breakfast 8.00

We ate breakfast, said goodbye,

We quickly got ready for school.

Hello school! Hello class!

The teacher is waiting for us.

Road to school 8.15-8.45

In the morning, on the way to school,

I breathe fresh air,

I'm waiting for my girlfriend at home,

I'm going with her now.

We'll chat a little

Let's laugh then

Our road to school is long

Never gets bored.

Lessons 9.00-13.05

To become more literate... I need to read books And solve all the problems, To get an A!

After the bell the bell rings,

The lesson is going on right on time,

You need to know a lot

To become useful in life.

Goodbye, school house!

We will come again tomorrow!

To have time to do homework assignments, help with housework, read, go for a walk, and study independently exercise or your favorite sport - in the section, you need to be able to properly allocate time.



We ate afternoon tea, took a walk,

We worked again:

From the briefcase we took

Your textbook and notebook.


We'll go to the store ourselves.

Let's sweep the floor in the apartment.

To make it easier for mom,

We will help her with everything.



We'll eat a delicious dinner

Let's watch TV

Or let's play games

Or let's read a book.


The toothpowder is waiting and the water is babbling: “Don’t forget, my friend, to wash your face before going to bed!”

May sound sleep come. Everyone in the world needs him.


Drink tea and go to bed, I have to get up early tomorrow!

And the pens said: “We are also very tired, we clothed, fed and washed and also painted. Do you know how tired we are? And each finger said: "I am also tired! I worked too, I helped! And hold the spoon and wash your eyes! Let us sleep now!” And my ears suddenly whispered: “And we are tired too! We've been around all day everyone listened attentively. We have learned so much... We would be happy, If only we had slept!” And the eyes said: “Oh, we are so tired! So tired that we were pinching! We've seen so much today and now we want to sleep, let's close us down!"

Our legs told us today: “We are so tired today, we jumped so much today, that we don’t want any more, so that we will be bullied again. We want to lie down, relax, to hit the road again tomorrow.”

  • train yourself to wake up and get up at the same time every day;
  • do morning exercises every day;
  • keep your body, hair, nails and mouth clean;
  • try to eat at the same time.


Daily regime

Learning task

Purpose of the topic

learn to plan your daily routine

Form a concept about the schoolchild’s daily routine

Show the importance of following it

Planned result

Learn to create a daily routine; understand the importance of maintaining a daily routine

Organization of space

Work is frontal, individual, in groups.


Activity student

Activity teachers

Training and development tasks for each stage

Formed UUD

I stage. Organizational moment. Target - activation of students.

Formulate rulesbehavior in class andargue them.

Set children up forwork.

I stage. Organizing time. -

They say: the clock is standing,

They say: the clock is rushing,

They say: the clock is ticking,

But they are a little behind.

Mishka and I watched together,

And the clock hangs in place.

Maintain motivation to study,(Personal UUD). Be able to negotiate with classmates together with the teacher about the rules of behavior and communication andfollow them.(Communicative UUD). Communicative UUD Personal UUD

II stage. Update knowledge. Target- synthesis of existing knowledge

Lesson topic message.

Participate in discussion, formulate your ownopinion and argue his.

Analyze drawings, learn to express their assumptions and give reasons for them

Organizefrontal workinto the discussion of problematicquestions.

Involve students in discussion of problematic issuesquestionsand determining the topic of the lesson

II stage. Updating knowledge.

What do you mean the clock is standing?

Is the clock fast?

Is the clock ticking?

But a little behind?

Why does a person need a watch?

(we already know that to be healthy, you need to move a lot, eat properly, and dress properly.

How to manage everything? A watch will help with this)

1) p. 52 textbooks (slide 1)

Consider the clock. What are you doing at the time they show?

- What do you think will be discussed in class today?

Lesson topic: Schoolchild’s daily routine

Why is the daily routine so important that we will devote an entire lesson to it?

Show interest in new educational material.(Personal UUD).

Be able to (Cognitive UUD).

Ill stage. Learning new things material.

Target - Introduce students to the schoolchild’s daily routine

Participate in work onanalyzing the drawing

Carry out mutualcontrol and providecooperation necessarymutual assistance.

Evaluate correctnesscompleting tasks.

Participate in the discussion of problematic issues,formulate your ownopinion and arguehis.

Organize work in study groups new topic.

Providecontrolfor the implementationtasks.

Game “Place in order” p. 53 (slide No. 2) Work in groups

Arrange the pictures in the correct sequence


Physical exercise.


IV stage. Consolidation studied.

Target – consolidate acquired knowledge

Work with informationpresented in the formdrawing.,

formulate your ownopinion and arguehis.

Organize work, providecontrolfor completing the task.Organizework according to the assignment in the workbook.Include studentsinto discussion of issues.

Organize front-line work.


1. slave notebook

S. 13, No. 20

interactive board

Why is it so important to follow a daily routine?

Can a person who is sick or tired or wants to sleep manage everything?

It is very important that your sleep is sound, they say healthy.

How should you properly prepare for bed in order to get enough sleep and have a good rest?P. 54


What conclusion can we draw?

(take a walk outside, ventilate the room, take a shower, read a book) P. 54 Conclusion - The ABC of health.

L: understand emotions of other people, sympathize, empathize;

R: use speech to regulate their actions, perform some in a loud speech form.

P: find answers to questions in the text, illustrations;draw conclusions as a result of joint work of the class and the teacher;

TO: participate in a collective discussion of various issues, express your thoughts and feelings, and make value judgments. Listen to the statements of classmates, allow for the possibility of other points of view. Follow the rules of communication culture.

Subject Skills: know, how to properly manage your time

V stage. Lesson summary. Reflection activities.

Target - summarize work done in class.

VII . Lesson summary. Reflection of activity.

- What did you learn in the lesson?

I remembered


It was interesting to me

I would like to

9. Lesson summary. Reflection:

What is a daily routine?

Why is it necessary to maintain a daily routine?

At home: create your own daily routine

Show interest in new educational material.(Personal UUD).

Be able tonavigate your knowledge system: distinguish new things from what is already known with the help of a teacher,make comparisons, establish cause-and-effect relationships, build reasoning about an object, generalize.(Cognitive UUD).