Teaching the Tajik language. The most effective way to learn Tajik

The favorite time of the year for schoolchildren is summer - this is the longest vacation period, when you can take a break from classes and not think about lessons. The rest of the time, children also have the opportunity to take a short break from school: in the fall, winter and spring there are rest periods after the end of each quarter.

School holidays throughout 2018-2019 school year will also be no exception, and children will be able to take breaks from their studies, although not all schools will take them at the same time.

General provisions

Periods free from school must be provided to all students at the same time. Their duration is regulated by the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” and the school Charter. The calendar schedule for the academic year must be developed and approved by the educational institution.

The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation does not set exact dates for children's holidays in all educational institutions, but is only limited to recommendations on the timing of rest periods for Russian students, taking into account their training in quarters or trimesters. There are also schools and gymnasiums that provide children with additional vacation periods, and for first-graders, in addition to general ones, a 7-day vacation in February is mandatory.

During the school year total number rest days are at least 30 (for first-graders - 35), and in the summer - at least 56 calendar days. The mandatory start date is September 1.

Vacation schedule for schools and gymnasiums for 2018-2019

When studying at school in quarters, the recommended rest periods in schools, gymnasiums and lyceums are 7 calendar days in the fall, 2 weeks in the winter and 1 week in the spring. Two additional days at the discretion of the administration educational institution can be added to autumn or winter holidays taking into account public holidays (November 4 and New Year).

This means that the holiday schedule for 2018-2019. may include the following vacation dates:

  • autumn - from October 27 to November 5, 2018;
  • winter - from December 26, 2018 to January 8, 2019;
  • spring - from March 23 to March 31, 2019
  1. Summer holidays begin for junior school students on May 23-25, and for high school students (except for 9th and 11th grades) - from June 1st. Graduates will graduate educational process in accordance with the exam schedule, taking place from the end of May to the end of June.
  2. National Unity Day 2018 falls on a Sunday, so autumn vacation The 2018-2019 academic year will most likely begin on October 29 and end on November 5, amounting to 8 days, and taking into account the weekends (October 27 and 28) - 9-10 days. During this time, schoolchildren will be able to have a good rest, visit museums and theaters, go to the cinema and spend time with parents and friends.
  3. The 2019 New Year holidays begin for schoolchildren after December 25, 2018 and continue until January 9, 2019. All-Russian holidays fall during this time new year holidays, so the guys will be able to spend them with their families. Family holidays can be spent at ski resorts, on trips around interesting places Russia. Throughout the country at this time there are many fun activities for children that the whole family can attend.
  4. The spring holidays of the 2018-2019 academic year will begin on March 23, and schoolchildren will begin their studies on April 1, 2019. The third quarter is the longest, and after it rest is especially needed. The end of the school year is coming up, and you should be well rested to complete it without problems. If the weather permits, this time should be devoted to walks and games in the fresh air. Vacations will also allow you to improve your knowledge in those subjects that require additional preparation.

Many Russian schools with the consent of the parent committees, we switched to training in trimesters, which involves dividing the school period into 3 parts. This entails a change in the rest time of schoolchildren compared to students in quarters.

Vacations under the modular system are calculated according to the following scheme: training - 5-6 weeks, then rest - 7 days. Children take the following breaks from their studies:

  • in the fall of 2018, these days fall on October 7-13 and November 18-24;
  • in winter - from December 29, 2018 to January 8, 2019 and February 18-24;
  • in the spring of 2019 - April 8-14.

Additional holidays for first-graders

Additional holidays for first-graders in 2018-2019 will be held from February 25 to March 3. They were introduced in order to help young schoolchildren better adapt to school and spend the longest quarter of the school period. The same additional vacation period is recommended for students in correctional educational institutions. In some schools, holidays in February are arranged for all students primary classes from 1 to 4.

Where to find information about holidays

The vacation schedule in schools in various Russian regions may undergo minor changes during the school period due to the postponement of holidays and decisions of the local school administration. Only in Moscow does the Department of Education establish a unified educational schedule for students using the traditional and modular system.

Accurate calendar school holidays for the 2018-2019 academic year you can find out in the most appropriate way:

  1. Go to the official informational portal educational institution, where there is a calendar schedule for the academic year.
  2. The child’s electronic diary should also contain information about rest periods in the information section for parents or in the news and announcements section.
  3. The class teacher is obliged to provide such information to parents, because syllabus is drawn up in the summer and the vacation schedule is approved in advance.
  4. Information about rest periods during the academic year can be obtained from the secretary by calling the reception office of the educational institution.

Owning everything necessary information, parents can plan their upcoming holiday together with their child in advance.

First, some general information.
Modern Tajik is part of the southwestern subgroup of Iranian languages, which also includes modern Persian and Dari (aka Farsi-Kabuli). These three languages ​​are closely related, as they go back to the language classical literature, which is usually called Persian-Tajik. This language was common to people living in the territory of modern Iran, Afghanistan and Central Asia. For brevity, it is often simply called Farsi. It should be noted that classical Persian and modern Persian are different stages in the development of the Persian language. There are differences between them, although not so strong as to prevent modern Iranians from understanding literature classical period. The formation of the three mentioned modern languages took a period from the end of the 16th to the beginning of the 20th century.
Writing and Phonetics
There are 39 letters in the Tajik alphabet. In addition to ordinary Russians, there are also ғ, ӣ, қ, ӯ, ҳ, ҷ.
(I’m not sure that all the letters will be displayed correctly in the browser, and in this case, you’ll probably have to switch to the Latin alphabet.)
Ғ denotes a voiced fricative sound, similar to the Ukrainian sound g.
ӣ is a purely spelling sign indicating that the final “and” is stressed.
Қ denotes a dull stop sound, which is heard in the Russian word “kysh”. In Latin transcription it is denoted by the letter q.
ӯ denotes a sound that does not exist in Russian, but if the goal is only the ability to read Tajik, we can conditionally say that it is pronounced like Russian u.
ҳ denotes a dull slit, which is heard when breathing on frozen glass. The main thing is that the language remains neutral.
ҷ denotes a sound that is a voiced analogue of the Russian ch.
Vowel sounds are divided not into long and short, but into stable and unstable.
Sustainable: uh, oh, ӯ. They are pronounced clearly in all positions.
Unstable: i, y, a. They are shortened until they fall out in an open pre-stressed syllable: k(i)tob “book”, s(u)tun “pillar”, s(a)fed “white”. On the contrary, stable ones in this position are pronounced very drawn out.
The vowel and in the vicinity of the consonants ғ, қ, х are pronounced openly, almost like the Russian ы:
Khirs “bear”, qishlok “kishlak”, Gisht “brick”. In the vicinity of voiced vowels, Tajik is close to Russian and: id “holiday”, dina “yesterday”.
The stress usually falls on the last syllable: odam "man", talaba "student". The accent does not fall on the following particles and words written together with the preceding word (sometimes called enclitics): 1) izafet (this will be discussed in more detail in other lessons): g΄uli surkh “red flower” (I did not find Russian characters with an accent mark , that's why I have an accent mark before stressed syllable); 2) the suffix -e, expressing uncertainty: odame “a certain person”; 3) postposition -ro: man in kitobro hondam “I read this book”; 4) pronominal suffixes -am, -at, ash, -aton, -ashon: kit΄tobam “my book”. An exception to the last point: in combination with the pronoun khud “myself,” the emphasis falls on these suffixes: khud΄dam “I myself.” 5) forms of the copula: -am, ӣ (this is an exception to the rule mentioned in the “Phonetics” section), -ast, -em, -ed, -and: man tala΄baam “I am a student”, tu tala΄bai “you student".
You can also cite the following frequently used words, where the stress falls on the first syllable (in the last example, on the penultimate syllable):
Bale "yes"
Vale "but"
Beams "however"
Ore "yes"
Hele "very"
Ammo "however"
I'm not "that is"
Oh "isn't it"
Zero "since"
Holo "now"
Hatto "even"
Al΄batta “of course.”

That's all the phonetics in less than two pages.

Additions to the “Phonetics” section

Ғ: This letter represents a sound that fully corresponds to the Arabic sound, which is indicated by the letter gajn (ﻍ). In phonetic transcription it is usually denoted by the sign [γ]. This is a voiced fricative, formed by bringing the very back of the tongue closer to the soft palate. It is a voiced parallel to the Tajik sound (and letter) x. This sound (x) is somewhat different from the Russian sound x, as it is formed deeper. The letter қ means a voiceless stop, formed by closing the very back of the tongue with the soft palate. If you are planning to move on to the study of modern Persian, then you should keep in mind that ғ and қ in Tajik are two different sounds, denoted by two different letters. This fully corresponds to the position in the classical language. In modern Persian, these two sounds have merged into one reed voiced consonant, which is denoted in writing by two different letters - ﻍ and ﻕ. This creates difficulties in spelling, since you have to mechanically learn when to write which letter. This is reminiscent of the torment of Russian schoolchildren before 1918, when they had to remember where the letter e is written and where the letter yat is written, although both letters denoted the same sound. However, most of the words with the mentioned Arabic letters are borrowed from Arabic, so knowledge of Arabic helps to cope with Persian spelling.
The letters ё, yu, ya are written at the beginning of a word, after vowels, as well as after ь and й, denoting combinations of sounds: ё=yo, yu= yu, ya=ya, for example: er “friend”, оё “isn’t”, daryo "river", afyun "opium", yagona "single", takya "support", rioya "observance", tayer "ready",
E is written at the beginning of a word, for example: ezoh “clarification”; in the middle of a word after a vowel: be'tiroz "uncomplaining."
At the beginning of the word before ҳ and ъ it is written e, not e, for example: eҳtiot “caution”, etimod “trust”.
The letter and denotes both the sound and and a combination of sounds yi (after vowels, after ь and ъ), for example: pir “old”, doim (pronounced doyim), honai mo (pronounced honayi mo), ta'in (ta'yin), tagir ( tagyir).

Letter ъ
Has Russian meaning separator only in borrowings from Russian: congress.
In words of Arabic origin it is written in the middle and at the end of the word: malum “famous”, sham “candle”. When carefully pronounced, the sound denoted by this letter is articulated as a plosive sound formed in the upper part of the larynx. In normal fluent pronunciation, ъ after a vowel before a consonant lengthens the preceding vowel: ba'd is pronounced baad. After a consonant, in the middle of a word, before a vowel, it causes a short pause in pronunciation, separating the consonant from the subsequent vowel: san'at "art".

Letter O
Denotes the sound o, which is more open than in Russian. The main difference from Russian is that Tajik o does not change in any phonetic position and is not replaced by the sound a in an unstressed syllable. You need to shower them like the Volga residents! That’s why it’s pronounced HONA “house”, not khAna!

Addition to the section on stress.
Verbs of the simple past tense have parallel forms with either stem or ending stress: ΄raftam or raftam (“I went.”

Parts of speech
Parts of speech are divided into independent and auxiliary.
Independents include nouns, verb, adverb and interjection.
Names (what luck!) have no grammatical gender, cases or corresponding endings.
Names have the following grammatical indicators:
A) plural (suffixes -on, -ҳо)
B) singularity and uncertainty (suffix -e). This is, in fact, an indefinite article.
To connect nominal parts of speech in a sentence, izafet, prepositions and postpositions are used.
However, adjectives, numerals and most pronouns do not take a plural marker.
Devori baland "high wall". Devorhoi baland "high walls".
Most pronouns do not take izafet.
The suffix -ҳо is added to all names, both animate and inanimate.
Odamho "people". Darakhto "trees".
The suffix -on is attached mainly to animate names.
Odamon "people". Zanon "women".
However plural Some inanimate names can also be formed using the suffix -on. These names include the names of paired body parts.
Lab "lip" - labon "lips". Chashm "eye" - chashmon. Give "hand" - daston.
In addition, words such as tree (darakht - darachton) and star (sitora - sitoragon).
Variants of the suffix -on: -gon, -yon, -won. They are used for names that end in a vowel.
In colloquial speech there is a tendency to replace the suffix -on with the suffix -ҳо. Moreover, the sound ҳ is almost inaudible, so it is actually pronounced: adamo “people”, zano “women”.

The uncertainty or singularity of an object is expressed using the suffix -e.
Odame "some kind of person." Ruse "once upon a time".
If a noun has a modifier, then a suffix is ​​added to it.
Khabari nave “some new news.”

The connection between the defined and the definition is expressed using the unstressed indicator -i, called izafet (translated as adding).
Kitobi man "my book". Kitobhoi man “my books.”
The suffix -e is placed at the end of the isafet combination.
Kitobi nave "some new book."
A number of definitions form an isafet chain.
Binoi navi maktabi mo “new building of our school.”

DUSHANBE, April 6 - Sputnik, Nilufar Nekkadam. Few people know that the Tajik language is taught and studied at Moscow universities.

One of these universities is the Moscow State Linguistic University (MSLU), which trains translators of all languages ​​of the CIS countries.

Sputnik visited Tajikistan public lesson Tajik language third-year students of the Faculty of Translation.

Center for Tajik language and culture in the heart of Moscow

The Center for Tajik Language and Culture at MSLU was founded in 2012. It employs three teachers: Eraj Sobirov teaches military translation and stylistics of the Tajik language, Khursheda Hamrakulova - Tajik literature and Safarmo Tolibi - features of Tajik business communication.

The center itself is small, but spacious. Here hangs a huge flag of Tajikistan, and above it on the wall is the text of the national anthem of the republic.

© Sputnik / Stas Eotvos

The walls to the left and right are decorated with portraits of great poets and writers of Tajik-Persian literature: Omar Khayyam, Saadi Shirazi, Abdurahman Jami, Kamol Khujandi, Sadriddin Aini, Loik Sherali, Mirzo Tursunzade and others.

There are books in the Tajik language on the shelves. Around are ceramic figurines of Tajiks with flat cakes, a tea set in national patterns, and dolls in national clothes made of satin and silk fabrics.

Also in this room you can see a variety of skullcaps and musical instruments─ nai (flute), setor (three-stringed lute), tabl (drum), dutar (two-stringed instrument) and others.

How students learn Tajik language

Usually in Moscow universities classes begin at 9:00, but the Tajik language course starts at eight in the morning, as in Tajikistan.

Nine third-year students joyfully greeted us from the doorway, saying in unison: “Hush omaded!” (Welcome!). Tajik teacher Eraj Sobirov began an open lesson on the topic “Go Navruz” (New Year Holiday).

The girls began to take turns reading Tajik poetry. I, a native Tajik speaker, was amazed by how clearly they pronounce such complex sounds as “ҳ”, “ғ”, “қ” and “ҷ”, which are absent in Russian. Usually, foreigners face certain difficulties when pronouncing them.

Students learn to develop beautiful pronunciation while listening to Tajik songs.

“We mostly listen to Shabnam Surayyo and Zulaiho Mamadshoeva, and yesterday we watched the first episode of the Tajik film “Modern Bride”, everything is clear without subtitles,” the students said.

I was also pleasantly surprised that Muscovites know a lot about the culture of Tajikistan. They vying with each other to tell us what Navruz is, how it is celebrated, and so on.

“Navruz is one of the oldest holidays in the East. It was celebrated for more than five thousand years, and now it is celebrated annually almost all over the world and is currently considered an international holiday,” says Yulia Nenakhova.

“The main Tajik folk games-competitions during the celebration of Navruz are buzkashi (goat wrestling) and gushtingiri (wrestling). At this celebration, a festive dastarkhan is served, seven different dishes are placed on it, whose names begin with the letter of the Persian alphabet “sin” (s)” , continues Nastya Rodionova.

Fate connected with Tajikistan

The student translators got the Tajik language by accident: it fell out like in roulette. None of them plan to learn Tajik.

The fact is that at MSLU there is such a procedure: students admitted to the university, before starting classes, remain in the dark about what language they will have to study as their main one.

Of course, the news that they were in the Tajik group came as a complete surprise to them. One could speculate about English or German, perhaps French and Chinese, but none of them thought about Tajik.

“When all the groups were distributed and sent to the classrooms, there were nine of us left. The teachers said: “Now it’s your turn, you will have a special group.” Everyone was excited and did not understand what was happening, they thought maybe we didn’t get in, or dropped out some kind rare language. Then the teachers announced that we had acquired the Tajik language, and shock set in,” says Nastya Belonogova.

According to them, before entering MSLU, none of them knew practically anything about Tajikistan.

“We only knew that such a country existed, and nothing more,” they admit.

Today, 2 years later, students speak the language of this country almost fluently and dream of going there on vacation.

Is it difficult to learn Tajik language

Learning a foreign language begins for everyone with letters, syllables, phrases and sentences.

“On the covers of our first notebooks - they were donated by the Embassy of Tajikistan - the phrase “Ҷӯanda-yobanda” (He who seeks will find) was written. At first we did not know its meaning, but then, when we learned the translation, it became the main motto of our group in their studies ", explains Yulia Tenesheva.

Each of the classmates already had favorites Tajik words: “lablabu” (beets), “muwafakqiyat” (success), “bulbul” (nightingale) and others.

You have to learn the Tajik language and culture bit by bit - read local news, watch films, learn poetry. Future specialists admit that textbooks on studying Tajik are mostly outdated, and finding out the translation of this or that modern word nowhere - Google translate is powerless, and there are no online programs for learning Tajik.

"Often we come across expressions whose translations are not available in online translators. We read textbooks Soviet period, but teachers say that the books are outdated and the translations of certain phrases in them are incorrect. Of course, if there were online programs for Tajik language students, it would be much easier,” they complain.

According to teacher Eraj Sobirov, students usually lack practice.

“In Moscow, there is generally little communication. It is possible to speak Tajik only on holidays. Thus, recently the girls took part in the celebration of Nowruz at VDNKh. They returned from there satisfied and joyful,” the teacher told Sputnik Tajikistan

To help third-year students, the Tajik Cultural Center and the Embassy of Tajikistan invite them to various events to give them the opportunity to listen to Tajik speech and communicate themselves.

In Moscow, the Tajik language helps...

According to the students, the Tajik language is very beautiful and sonorous, and its speakers love their language.

“The Tajik people are very hospitable. If we say a phrase in Tajik in a store or market, then, of course, a good discount is already guaranteed simply for the fact that we respected the seller’s culture,” they smile.

Girls are not shy about talking to Tajiks in Moscow - they like to practice the language and surprise the natives of Tajikistan.

“When we recently approached the Tajiks and greeted them, saying: “Assalomu alaikum,” they were very surprised and immediately bombarded everyone with questions: “Are you Tajik or Iranian? Maybe your husbands are Tajik or Iranian?” We replied that we were studying Tajik at the university, which amazed them even more,” they laugh.

“Once I was sent to the market to buy dried fruits. I went up to the seller and said in Tajik: “Assalomu aleikum, in chand pul ast?” (Hello! How much does it cost?), pointing with his finger at the product I needed. The seller was so I was surprised that I gave a discount of 500 rubles. I returned home with dried fruits and change. In response to the silent question in the eyes of my relatives, I simply shrugged my shoulders: “It’s a secret!” says Yulia.

We are going to Tajikistan

Of course, it is difficult to study the culture and way of life of a country you have never visited. Therefore, in the fall of 2018, nine Moscow students will go to Tajikistan to get to know the country better, apply the acquired knowledge in practice, and buy books and sweets.

“Our teacher Safarmo Tolibi has agreed on a trip with the Ambassador to Russia Imomuddin Sattorov. We want to get acquainted with the inhabitants of the republic, their customs and traditions, and, of course, see the capital of Tajikistan - the city,” the MSLU students say joyfully.

These young students are confident that in the future they will become good linguists.

“At the university they say how important it is to learn. In 2020, we all graduate with knowledge of Tajik as specialists, and not as bachelors. It seems to me that we have pretty good career prospects,” says Nastya Maryutina.

Judging by their efforts and serious determination, these girls will definitely succeed.

Tajikistan, the most ancient state, which every year is gaining more and more attention among tourists from all over the world. And it's not strange. Here everyone can find for themselves what they love most about tourism. There are ancient sights here: monuments of Sogdiana and ancient cities on Silk Road. In addition, in Tajikistan you can climb the incredible Pamir mountains, take healing thermal baths, and taste Tajik cuisine. There is everything for an active or relaxing holiday. It would seem that nothing can stop you from having a good vacation. But there is one point that can still have an unpleasant effect on your journey - the language barrier.

To prevent this problem from bringing you any discomfort, we would like to present to your attention an excellent Russian-Tajik phrasebook. It is freely available on our website. You can download it or print it directly from the site, and it's all completely free. For greater convenience, the phrasebook is divided into topics that you will need during your trip.

Polite addresses

Good morningSubh ba khair! / Assalomu alaikum
Good afternoonAssalomu alaikum
Good eveningAssalomu alaikum
HelloSalom! / Assalom!
Good nightShabi khush!
Goodbye/See you soon.That's a bozdid
Good luck!Barori kor!
My name is…Nomi man. . .
I came from Russia.Man az Rusiya omadaam.
This is Mr...In kas chanobi...
This is Mrs...In kas honumi...
How are you doing?Korhoyaton whose hell?
Everything is fine. And you?Hub. Az noise pursem?
Bon appetit!Ishtikhoi sof / volume!
Be healthy!Salomat boshed!

At the hotel

Registration (administrator).Sabt / Mamuriyat
Do you have rooms available?khuchrai holy dored?
Single room?khuchra baroi yak kas/nafar
Room for two?khuchra baroi do kas/nafar
I would like to reserve a room.Man khuchra giriftaniam.
With bath / With shower.Bo hammomkhona
Not very expensive.Na onkadar kimat
For one night.Baroi yak shab
For one week.Baroi yak hafta
How much does a room cost per night per person?Narhi yak sabbath baroi yak kas chand pul / somon ast?
I'll pay in cash.Man bullets nakd mediham.
I need an iron.Ba man darzmol lozim ast.
The light doesn't work.Charog kor mekunad.
Something happened to the shower.hammom / Dush kor hintunad.
Something happened to the phone.Telephone cos nest
Please wake me up at 8 o'clock.Iltimos/Lutfan, maro soati hasht bedor kuned.
Please order a taxi for ten o'clock.Iltimos/Lutfan, ba man taksiro ba soati dah farmoed.

At the station

Walking around the city

Questions and requests

Currency operations

At customs

Here is my passport and customs declaration.In shinosnoma va elomiyai gumrukii man
This is my baggage.In bori man
This is a private trip.In safari shakhsy ast.
This is a business trip.In safari kory ast.
This is a tourist trip.In safari tourist ast.
I'm traveling as part of a tour group.Man dar guruhi touriston safar mekunam
Excuse me, but I do not understand.Bubakhshed, man namefakhmam.
I need a translator.Ba man tarchumon lozim ast.
Call the group leader.Sardori gurukhro cheg zaned.
They greet me.Maro peshvoz megirand.
I have nothing to declare.Man chise baroi elomiya nadar.
These are items for personal use.In chizkhoi shakhsiyi man.
This is a gift.In tuhfa ast.
They are gifts.Inho tuhfaand.


In the shop

I lookMan fakat dida istodam.
Show me this pleaseBa man inro nishon dikhed, iltimos
I would like …Man mehostam, ki...
Give it to me pleaseInro ba man dikhed, iltimos
How much does it cost?In chand pul ast?
I take thisMan inro megiram
Please write the priceIltimos, narkhashro hung
It's too expensiveIn beads kimat ast
Can I try this on?Man metavonam inro pushida binam?
Where is the fitting room (room)?Inro dar kucho metavonam pushida binam?
This is not enough for meIn baroi man hurd
It's too big for meIn baroi man kalon
It suits meIn baroi man meshawad
Do you have anything more?Kalontarash hast?

Common phrases

In a taxi

Where can I get a taxi?Man az kucho metavonam taxi giram?
Call a taxi pleaseTaksiro cheg zaned, iltimos
How much does it cost to get to...?That...chand pul meshawad?
At this address please!Ba in cho bared, iltimos
Take me...Maro ba...bared.
Take me to the airport.Maro ba airport bared
Take me to the train station.Maro ba stations rohi ohan bared
Take me to the hotel...Maro ba mekhmonkhonai ... bared
Take me to a good hotel.Maro ba yagon mehmonhonai khub bared.
Take me to an inexpensive hotel.Maro ba yagon mehmonhonai arzon bared.
Take me to the city center.Maro ba Markazi Shahr Bared.
LeftBa chap
RightBa height
I need to go back.Man boyad bozgardam.
Stop here, please.hamin cho isted.
How much do I owe you?Ba shumo chand pul / sum / somon dikham?
Could you wait for me?Metavoned maro intizor shaved, iltimos?


Search for mutual understanding - this topic includes phrases that will help you find a common language with the local population, for example, you can ask a person if he speaks English, ask him to write the address of a particular place, etc.

Greetings and politeness formulas - with the help of these phrases you can show your communication culture: say hello, wish you a good day and good night, introduce yourself and say where you are from, and much more.

Hotel - a list of phrases and words that will help you check in or check out of the hotel, as well as feel comfortable there during your stay.

At the station - a list of phrases that are necessary and often used at bus and railway stations.

Orientation in the city - all the words that will be useful to you while walking through one of the cities of Tajikistan.

Money exchange - phrases with which you can make a currency exchange, find out where the nearest bank is, what the cost of currency exchange is, and so on.

Passport control and customs - words that will help you explain what your purpose of travel to Tajikistan is, where exactly you are going, and many other words that will help you get through customs and passport control.

Shopping - by opening this topic in the Russian-Tajik phrasebook, you can easily make any purchases without feeling a language barrier between you and the seller.

Standard requests - if you need to ask for something in Tajik, this topic will help you with that.

Taxi - phrases that will help you take a taxi, explain where you need to go and find out how much this or that route you need will cost.

Emergencies are an important topic that will help you find the right words in emergency situations. Call ambulance, police, etc.

Numbers, counting – a section in which you will find translations of numbers from Russian into Tajik.

At the beginning of March, the Oxford publishing house into its Oxford Global Languages ​​(OGL) project, and it became the first Central Asian language in this project.

First Anglo-Tajikonline dictionary,which was compiled by Professor Abdusalom Mamadnazarov, contains 100 thousand words and phrases.Now foreigners who want to master this melodic language can do this using a convenient service.

Is there such an opportunity for Russian speakers, especially those living in Tajikistan? Is it easy to learn Tajik in its homeland, spending every day among native speakers?

“Open Asia Online” studied this issue and came to the conclusion: paradoxically, mastering Tajik in Tajikistan is difficult, expensive and ineffective.

The first English-Tajik online dictionary

Tajik, state and non-native

Tajik has the status state language, and Russian is the language of interethnic communication.

The laws of the republic require every citizen to speak Tajik, all official correspondence must be conducted exclusively in the state language, and also - Scientific research and cultural events.

At the same time, there are practically no opportunities for mastering Tajik.

The issue is particularly acute for ethnic minorities. As is known, in Soviet time They had no need to speak Tajik. Now the law requires it, but it's not that simple.
Dushanbe resident Irina Aleksandrova said in an interview with Open Asia Online that she had repeatedly heard accusations of ignorance of the state language. Therefore, she and her friend, who also lives in Dushanbe, decided to learn it. But desire alone was not enough.

Firstly, it is impossible to find group courses for studying the Tajik language, tutors are expensive, and there are problems with textbooks. We searched for a month, and then said goodbye to our idea. And with English: there are a lot of textbooks and courses, expensive and affordable, choose to your taste,” shares Irina Alexandrova.

In 2010, President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon, speaking on the occasion of State Language Day, noted:

To effectively study the state language and ensure that it covers all nations and nationalities inhabiting the country, the necessary conditions should be created, that is, training courses should be organized, prepared and published teaching aids, general and industry-specific dictionaries and phrase books, and so on.

But the president's statement did not solve the problem.

The language of poets

Being a polyglot, of course, is cool; knowing languages ​​other than your native one opens up great prospects - both for professional growth and for cultural enrichment.

Tajik is the language in which Omar Khayyam, Ferdowsi, and Hafiz Sherozi wrote. This is the door to the world of classical poetry.

Another interesting point. Most of the languages ​​of Central Asia - Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Uzbek, Turkmen - are Turkic. In principle, having mastered one of them, you can communicate with your neighbors.

And Tajik is Farsi, a subtype of Persian, spoken in Afghanistan, Iran and a little in Bahrain, Iraq, Oman, Yemen, and the UAE.

According to open sources, the total number of Persian speakers is 60 million people in the world, and for 53 million Tajik (or, conversely, Persian) is considered a second language.

School, university, courses: I taught, but forgot

In Russian, Uzbek, Kyrgyz and English schools The Ministry of Education insists on studying Tajik as the state language - two academic hours a week. And no one cares about the result: children are released with only basic knowledge.

Why is long-term education in schools and universities ineffective? There is no clear official answer.

Are there Tajik language courses? Certainly. This is offered, for example, by the Center foreign languages Faculty of Philology of Tajik state university. The course lasts 9 months and costs $1,300. At the same time, the average monthly salary in January 2018 in this republic is $125.

If the listener of these language courses- a resident of a foreign country, then the university undertakes to issue a study visa.

And here free courses, which would be carried out with state support, are practically absent. However, paid ones are not so easy to find.

As Mehrubon Burkhonov, director of the Kabir Group language center, told Open Asia Online, when they opened, they had an idea to teach Tajik, but due to the lack of takers, the project was curtailed.

Teacher and tutorial

The tension is somehow relieved by tutors who charge $7 per hour or $90 per month if they study three times a week for an hour and a half.

There are also few aids for learning the Tajik language in the republic, and they are expensive. They can be found on the Amazon website, which offers, for example, textbooks for beginners - from authors such as Azim Bayzoev, Firuz Jumaev and Nasrullo Khojayori. The price ranges from 10 to 100 dollars.

Screenshot from Amazon website

For Russian speakers there is “Tajik Language Self-Teacher” by M. Makhadov, which was published back in 1993.

There are textbooks for children with translations into both Russian and English.

Internet to help

As you can see, there is no consistency in all this. Those with an irresistible desire, willpower and patience will be able to master the Tajik language with the help of open sources.

There are a number of applications for smartphones based on Android and iOS, for example: Russian-Tajik, Tajik-Russian-English translators and phrasebooks. But again, this is not a government project; they were developed by local volunteers.

Online dictionaries are offered by sites such as w2mem.com, sahifa.tj, odob.tj, Google translator.

The most effective way to learn Tajik

Obviously the most effective method learn a language - live next to native speakers. It would seem that Tajikistan is one ideal linguistic environment. However, Dushanbe, like any other post-Soviet capital, cannot boast of the presence of a pure Tajik language and an abundance of people who speak it.

Even if a non-native speaker tries to practice Tajik on the streets of Dushanbe, in a cafe, in a pharmacy, they will answer him in Russian or broken English, but will not allow the guest to suffer while choosing words.

Therefore, the only workable option, perhaps, is to settle for a while in a Tajik village and immerse yourself in the real environment. There's not only fresh air and beautiful nature, but also a language barrier. Therefore, sooner or later, either the student will speak Tajik, or vice versa.