Intelligence tests online. Tricky intelligence tests. General development test

Have you ever seen Chinese strawberries? Pimply balls, similar to candies, grow on trees and do not resemble strawberries in any way. What about walnut rice that turns dark purple as it cooks? Against this background, peanuts seem as familiar as potatoes.

Children's intuition is better developed than that of adults; they are very observant and are able to draw correct conclusions with minimal information. The children's brain builds unique logical structures that Sherlock Holmes could envy.

Physics as the science of the world and its laws has always been the engine of progress. Of course, a humanist has no need for a deep immersion in a subject, but an adult without basic knowledge makes a strange impression when he does not understand the criteria for choosing a car and other basic things.

Erudition is self-education and regular assimilation of information. Higher education does not provide the knowledge of an erudite. People who independently engage in their education have extraordinary intelligence, almost always understand the exact sciences and speak foreign languages.

Each phraseological unit has its own history; familiar phrases were once used in their literal meaning, which was later lost. We say: “I’ll be late for work, sure enough” or “My friend is not from this world - he has it written on his forehead - and we have no doubt that we will be understood correctly.

Each of us is connected with society and these connections, depending on the individual qualities of the individual, can be very strong or almost dotted. To understand your involvement in the majority or isolation from society, you need to understand what ideas feed society.

An educated person must know the rules of spelling, at least in order to be understood correctly. Some lucky people have innate literacy, they remember the correct spelling once and for all, but most have to memorize the rules and exceptions to them.

IQ level is not the only indicator of a person's intelligence. A person’s mental abilities must be judged by a combination of parameters. One of the most important components is verbal intelligence, which denotes the ability to speak, semantic, and pragmatic components.

Intelligence is the ability of the psyche that allows you to adapt to new circumstances, learn, remember, analyze and classify new information, think in abstract concepts and apply knowledge in practice. Only the combination of these abilities can indicate intelligence. In a generalized sense, intelligence is realized as a combination of thinking, imagination, memory and perception. The intellectual level corresponds to a person's cognitive abilities.

One of the most important properties of developed intelligence is the ability to plan resources and build strategies to achieve goals. It was thanks to the development of intelligence that the development of society and civilization became possible. The development of intellectual abilities depends on the type of human activity. However, intellectual growth is impossible without receptivity to new things, highlighting current problems, understanding the possible development of the situation and awareness of the consequences of one’s own actions.

A property of developed intelligence is an intuitive solution to complex problems. The full development of intellectual abilities depends on the genotype and life experience. Ability to Cognize outside world, understanding the essence of things and the ability to practically apply knowledge and skills usually apply equally to the solution of all problems that a person faces.

Instructions. Before you start taking mental tests, we would like you to become familiar with the rules of self-testing:

1. The following pages contain a test that consists of 50 tasks. It measures your learning abilities and cognitive activity.

2. To complete all test tasks you are given a strictly defined time - 15 minutes. Therefore, when starting to complete the test tasks, turn on the stopwatch or note the time to the nearest second, or even better, ask someone to keep track of the time.

3. The test to measure intellectual ability can only be used once. Therefore, if out of curiosity you become familiar with the content test tasks or correct answers, then with their help you will no longer be able to obtain an accurate assessment of your capabilities. For the same reason, when you start taking tests, don't get ahead of yourself to the correct answers. You can evaluate the correctness of your answers only by completing the entire test.

4. Start self-testing only when you are well rested and alert. Before you start taking tests, choose a comfortable place where you will not be distracted during the entire testing period. Ask your loved ones not to disturb you, turn off the phone, turn off the TV and radio. You should not discuss tasks with anyone while working and do not allow anyone to help you.

5. Work as quickly as possible. If you do not immediately find the answer to any test item, do not linger on it for too long, move on to the next one. Remember that no one person will be able to solve all the questions on this test correctly in the allotted time.

6. Your answer in each case will consist of a single number or a pair of numbers. You can choose from several suggested options or come up with the correct answer yourself.

Sample test tasks

Before you start completing test tasks, please get acquainted with the training samples.

1. Fast is the opposite in meaning of the word:

1 - heavy;

2 - elastic;

3 - fast;

4 - light;

5 - slow.

(Correct answer is 5)

2. Gasoline costs 44 kopecks per liter. How much (in kopecks) does 2.5 liters cost?

(Correct answer is 110)

3. The meaning of the words miner and minor is:

1 - similar;

2 - opposite;

3 - neither similar nor opposite. (Correct answer is 3)

4. Which two of the proverbs below have the same meaning?

1. The first damn thing is lumpy.

2. Bad luck is the beginning.

3. The hut is not red in its corners, it is red in its pies.

4. Not everything is Maslenitsa for the cat.

5. An old friend is better than two new ones. (Correct answer is 1.2)

You have 15 minutes to complete 50 test tasks. When you are ready to begin completing the test tasks, time yourself and turn the page.


1. The eleventh month of the year is:

2. Severe is the opposite in meaning of the word:

1 - sharp;

2 - strict;

3 - soft;

4 - hard;

5 - stubborn.

3. Which of the following words is different from the others?

1 - definite;

2 - doubtful;

3 - confident;

4 - trust;

5 - true.

4. Is it true that the abbreviation “n. e." means "AD" ("new era")?

5. Which one the following words different from others?

1 - call;

2 - chat;

3 - listen;

4 - speak;

5 - no different words.

6. The word impeccable is the opposite in its meaning to the word:

1 - unsullied;

2 - obscene;

3 - incorruptible;

4 - innocent;

5 - classic.

7. Which of the following words is to the word chew as the sense of smell is to the nose?

1 - sweet;

3 - smell;

5 - clean.

8. How many of the following pairs of words are completely identical?

Sharp, M.S. Sharp, M.S.

Fielder, E.N. Fielder, E.N.

Connor, M.S. Conner, M. G.

Woesner, O.W. Woerner, O.W.

Soderquist, P.E. Soderquist, B.E.

9. Clear is the opposite in meaning of the word:

1 - obvious;

2 - obvious;

3 - unambiguous;

4 - distinct;

5 - dim.

10. An entrepreneur bought several used cars for $3,500 and sold them for $5,500, earning $50 per car. How many cars did he resell?

11. The words knock and drain have:

1 - similar value;

2 - opposite;

12. Three lemons cost 45 kopecks. How much (in kopecks) do 1.5 dozen cost?

13. How many of these 6 pairs of numbers are exactly the same?

61197172 61197172

83238324 83238234

14. Close is the opposite in meaning of the word:

1 - friendly;

2 - friendly;

3 - stranger;

4 - native;

15.Which number is the smallest? 1)6;

16. Arrange the words below in such order to form the correct sentence. Enter the number of the last word as your answer:

eat the salt love of life

17. Which of the following pictures is most different from the others?

18. Two fishermen caught 36 fish. The first one caught 8 times more than the second one. How much did the second one catch?

19. The words ascend and revive are:

1 - similar value;

2 - opposite;

3 - neither similar nor opposite.

20. Arrange the words below in order to make a statement. If it is correct, then the answer will be 1, if incorrect - 2:

The stone is gaining momentum overgrown with moss.

21. Which two of the following phrases have the same meaning:

1) Keep your nose to the wind.

2) An empty bag is not worth it.

3) Three doctors are no better than one.

5) Seven nannies have a child without an eye.

22.What number should replace the “?” sign?

73 66 59 52 45 38 ?

23. The length of day and night in September is almost the same as in:

24. Let's assume that the first two statements are true. Then the final one will be: 1 - true; 2 - incorrect; 3—uncertain.

1) All progressive people are party members.

2) All advanced people occupy large positions.

3) Some party members occupy major positions.

25. A train travels 75 cm in 1/4 s. If he moves at the same speed, what distance (in centimeters) will he travel in 5 s?

26. If we assume that the first two statements are true, then the last: 1 - true; 2 - incorrect; 3—uncertain.

1) Borya is the same age as Masha.

2) Masha is younger than Zhenya.

3) Borya is younger than Zhenya.

27. Five half-kilogram packs of minced meat cost 2 rubles. How many kilograms of minced meat can you buy for 80 kopecks?

28. The words spread and stretch have:

1 - similar value;

2 - opposite;

3 - neither similar nor opposite.

29. Divide this geometric figure into two parts with a straight line so that, adding them together, you can get a square. Write down the line number corresponding to the correct answer.

30. Let's assume that the first two statements are true. Then the last one: 1 - true; 2 - incorrect; 3—uncertain.

1) Sasha greeted Masha.

2) Masha greeted Dasha.

3) Sasha didn’t say hello to Dasha.

31. A Zhiguli car worth 2,400 rubles was discounted during a seasonal sale by 33 1/3%. How much did the car cost during the sale?

32. Which of these figures is most different from the others?

33. A dress requires 2 1/3 m of fabric. How many dresses can you make from 42 m?

34. The meanings of the following two sentences: 1 - similar; 2 - opposite;

1) Three doctors are no better than one.

2) The more doctors, the more diseases.

35. The words increase and expand have:

1 - similar value;

2 - opposite;

3 - neither similar nor opposite.

36. The meaning of two English proverbs: 1 - similar; 2 - opposite; 3 - neither similar nor opposite.

1) It is better to moor with two anchors.

2) Don't put all your eggs in one basket.

37. The grocer bought a box of oranges for 36 rubles. There were 12 dozen of them in the box. He knows that 2 dozen will go bad before he sells all the oranges. At what price per dozen (in kopecks) does he need to sell oranges to make a profit of 1/3 of the purchase price?

38. The words pretension and pretentious have:

1 - similar value;

2 - opposite;

3 - neither similar nor opposite.

39. If half a kilo of potatoes cost 0.0125 rubles, then how many kilograms could you buy for 50 kopecks?

40. One of the members of the row does not fit with the others. What number would you replace it with?

¼, 1/3, 1/8, ¼, 1/8, 1/8, ¼, 1/8, 1/6.

41. The words reflected and imaginary have:

1 - similar value;

2 - opposite;

3 - neither similar nor opposite.

42. How many acres is a plot of 70 x 20 m?

43.The following two phrases by meaning:

1 - similar;

2 - opposite;

3 - neither similar nor opposite:

1) Good things are cheap, bad roads.

2) Good quality comes from simplicity, bad quality from complexity.

44. A soldier, shooting at a target, hit it 12.5% ​​of the time. How many times must a soldier fire to hit her a hundred times?

45. One of the members of the row does not fit with the others. What number would you put in its place?

¼, 1/6, 1/8, 1/9, 1/12, 1/14

46. ​​Three partners in the joint stock company “Intensivnik” decided to divide the profits equally. T. invested 4500 rubles in the business, K. - 3500 rubles, P. - 2000 rubles. If the profit is 2400 rubles, then how much less profit will T. receive compared to if the profit were divided in proportion to the contributions?

47.Which two of the proverbs below have similar meanings?

1) Strike while the iron is hot.

2) Alone in the field is not a warrior.

3) The forest is being cut down, the chips are flying.

4) All that glitters is not gold.

5) Look not by appearance, but judge by deeds.

48. Meanings of the following phrases:

1 - similar;

2 - opposite;

3 - neither similar nor opposite:

1) The forest is being cut down, the chips are flying.

2) A big deal doesn’t happen without losses.

49. Given the development of five geometric shapes(cubes). Two of them belong to the same cubes. Which?

50. A printed article has 24,000 words. The editor decided to use two font sizes. When using a larger font, 900 words fit on a page, and a smaller font - 1200. The article should take 21 full pages in the magazine. How many pages of small print should be printed?

Correct answers to the IQ test

Once you have completed this test, you can calculate your results. The table following the test contains the correct answers to all tasks. For each match between your answer and the correct one, award yourself one point. Now calculate the sum of your correct answers. The higher your score on this test, the higher your current level of intellectual development, the better your abilities for further learning and cognitive activity.

If the test score you received is 24 points or more, then the level of your intellectual abilities allows you to begin mastering a wide range of professions right now. In addition, your level of intellectual development is sufficient for you to be able to count on fairly high success in performing activities in any creative class profession.

And if your score exceeds 30 points, then you can be proud of your results. Few people reach such a high level of development of intellectual abilities.

Test scores of less than 16 points are considered low.

Firstly, a low result may not be reliable enough due to possible errors in compliance with test conditions and understanding of instructions. Therefore, the low test result for this test in no way can it be a sign of psychological professional unsuitability for any specialty. Only testing using other methods that are at the disposal of psychologists can provide accurate and reliable information about psychological contraindications to certain professions.

Secondly, if you do not score high enough on a given intelligence test, it can be assumed that you will experience some difficulties in the process. vocational training and further practical activities in the field of creative professions. These difficulties may be caused by one or more reasons:

1) Not enough high level developing the ability to focus attention on the tasks at hand.

2) Insufficient skills in material analysis, abstract thinking, logical reasoning, quantitative calculations, spatial imagination.

3) Insufficient amount of available knowledge, limited vocabulary, low literacy.

4) Insufficiently high tempo of mental activity and the ability for prolonged mental stress.

To successfully complete the test, a certain level of development of verbal, logical, numerical and spatial abilities is required. These qualities are very important in order to be able to learn, assimilate new information, analyze difficult situations and make smart decisions. If you do not possess these qualities to the proper extent, you may find it difficult to practice. complex species intellectual 1 activities, such as studying, problem solving, making non-standard and responsible decisions, organizing one’s own work and the work of other people, management, planning, control, research, construction and design.

It is within your power to develop your intellectual qualities. After all, the level of development of intellectual abilities is not a person’s height or blood type, which cannot be changed. Intellectual capabilities are not only a condition of learning, but also the result of previous learning. Intelligence tests are not intended to measure the inclinations of mental development, but only the level of development of skills and abilities of cognitive activity that you have developed today.

Each person is individual not only in the type of appearance, but also in the level of mental development. Typically, intelligence is developed in a child, and a number of factors influence how smart and erudite he will be - heredity, individual characteristics body, temperament, family relationships. To find out how intellectually developed you are, take a simple test online.

Brain Development Tests

Do you think you have enough mental development, do you read a lot and always like to learn something new? This means that you have the right to call yourself a comprehensively developed person, but is this really so? To determine this, it is not necessary to contact a specialist. You can check how well your brain works by taking a simple online test.

General development test

Some people who think they have sufficient intellectual development exaggerate their abilities. Special tests developed by professionals to assess the level of intelligence will help determine the ability of the brain to perceive and retain information well.

Want to determine your IQ? We bring to your attention interesting test, which will help anyone who wants to analyze their IQ level. You not only have to answer questions, but also think, compare and draw conclusions. It will be very interesting and useful!

Do you remember the spelling rules you were taught at school? Are you really sure that you write correctly and do not make basic mistakes? Test your level of Russian language knowledge with a short test that contains questions from the standard school curriculum.

Sometimes adults cannot correctly answer basic questions and riddles that any competent student can solve. Do you think that you have a sufficient level of knowledge to call yourself an erudite person? You can check this right now using a test. Good luck!

Intelligence tests - intelligence tests are designed to measure the level of intellectual development of a person. Intelligence is more often understood as a set of cognitive abilities. Intelligence tests consist of several subtests aimed at measuring intellectual functions ( logical thinking, semantic and associative memory, etc.) The level of intelligence is not constant value and changes under the influence environment, it reflects both prior and subsequent learning achievements. Intelligence is not a single and monotonous ability; it consists of several functions. This term usually refers to a set of abilities necessary for survival and achievement in a particular culture.

It is not without reason that a clear head and good memory are considered signs of youth, because they speak of clean blood vessels and well-coordinated work nervous system. You can calculate for yourself how effective our brain is at remembering this or that information. To do this, do several exercises that the German psychologist F. Leser suggested using.

Try to memorize text in which there is no logical connection between words. You are given 40 seconds to remember 20 words, each of which is written under its own serial number. After 40 seconds, you need to reproduce the words that you remember. Moreover, only words with the specified serial numbers will be considered correct.

A. A deaf and mute man came to the store to buy a toothbrush. With gestures he imitates brushing his teeth. The seller turned out to be smart and understood what exactly the buyer needed. The blind man came in next to get glasses.
Question. How can he tell the seller what he needs?

Verbal test

This test will help determine the level of your verbal intelligence, i.e. your literacy, intelligence and erudition.