Properties of gravitational forces. Buy a higher education diploma inexpensively. What does acceleration depend on in the described case?

Gravity is a seemingly simple concept, known to every person since school. We all remember the story of how an apple fell on Newton's head and he discovered the law universal gravity. However, everything is not as simple as it seems. In that article we will try to give a clear and comprehensive answer to the question: what is gravity? We will also consider the main myths and misconceptions about this interesting phenomenon.

Speaking in simple words, gravity is the attraction between any two objects in the universe. Gravity can be determined by knowing the mass of bodies and the distance from one to another. The stronger the gravitational field, the greater the weight of the body and the higher its acceleration. For example, on the Moon the weight of an astronaut will be six times less than on Earth. The strength of the gravitational field depends on the size of the object it surrounds. Thus, the lunar gravity is six times lower than the earth’s. This was first scientifically substantiated and proven using mathematical calculations back in the 17th century by Isaac Newton.

What fell on Newton's head?

Despite the fact that the great English scientist himself partially confirmed the well-known legend about the apple and the head injury, nevertheless, now we can say with confidence that during the discovery of the law of universal gravitation there were no injuries or insights. The foundation that laid new era in the natural sciences, became the work “Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy.” In it, Newton describes the law of gravity and important laws of mechanics that he discovered over many years of hard work. The famous physicist was a leisurely and judicious person, as befits a brilliant scientist. And therefore, from the beginning of thinking about the nature of gravity to the publication scientific work More than 20 years have passed about her. However, the legend about the fallen fruit could have some real basis, but the physicist’s head definitely remained intact.

The laws of attraction were studied before Isaac Newton by a variety of scientists. But only he was the first to mathematically prove the direct relationship between gravity and the movement of planets. That is, an apple falling from a branch and the rotation of the moon around the earth are controlled by the same force - gravity. And it acts on any two bodies in the universe. These discoveries laid the foundation for the so-called celestial mechanics, as well as the science of dynamics. The Newtonian model dominated science for more than two centuries until the advent of the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics.

What do modern scientists think about gravity?

Gravity is the weakest of the four currently known fundamental interactions to which all particles and bodies composed of them are subject. In addition to gravitational interaction, this also includes electromagnetic, strong and weak. They are studied on the basis different theories, for example, in the approximate speeds of small gravity, Newton’s theory of gravity is used. In the general case, Einstein's general theory of relativity is used. In addition, the description of gravity in the quantum limit will have to be carried out using a quantum theory that has not yet appeared.

Of course, today physics is complex and goes far beyond the ordinary person’s understanding of the world around him. But it is necessary to be interested in it at least at the level of basic concepts, because it is quite possible that in the near future we may witness amazing discoveries in this area that will radically change the life of mankind. It will be awkward if you don't understand what's going on at all.

Myths about gravity

Not only ignorance, but also constant new discoveries in this scientific field give rise to various absurdities and myths about gravity. So, a few common misconceptions about this unique phenomenon:

  • Artificial satellites will never leave the Earth's orbit and will forever revolve around it. It is not true. The fact is that in addition to earthly gravity in space there are other various factors, affecting the orbit of bodies. This includes the braking of the atmosphere for low orbits and the gravitational fields of the Moon and other planets. Most likely, if a satellite is allowed to spin uncontrolled for a long time, its orbit will change, and eventually it will either fly off into outer space, or will fall onto the surface of the nearest body.
  • There is no gravity in space. Even at stations where astronauts are in weightlessness there is quite strong gravity, slightly less than on Earth. Why then don't they fall? We can say that the station employees seem to be in a state of constant falling, but they will not fall.
  • An object approaching black hole, will be torn apart. Quite a well-known myth. The gravitational force of a black hole will indeed increase as you approach it, but it is not at all necessary that the tidal forces will be so powerful. Most likely they have a finite value at the event horizon, since the distance is calculated from the center of the hole.

Don DeYoung

Gravity (or gravitation) keeps us firmly on the earth and allows the earth to revolve around the sun. Thanks to this invisible force, rain falls on the earth, and the water level in the ocean rises and falls every day. Gravity keeps the earth in a spherical shape and also prevents our atmosphere from escaping into outer space. It would seem that this force of attraction observed every day should be well studied by scientists. But no! In many ways, gravity remains the deepest mystery of science. This mysterious power is a remarkable example of how limited modern scientific knowledge is.

What is gravity?

Isaac Newton was interested in this issue as early as 1686 and came to the conclusion that gravity is the force of attraction that exists between all objects. He realized that the same force that makes the apple fall to the ground is in its orbit. In fact, the force of gravity of the Earth is the reason why the Moon deviates from its position every second as it rotates around the Earth. straight path approximately one millimeter (Figure 1). Newton's Universal Law of Gravity is one of the greatest scientific discoveries of all times.

Gravity is the “rope” that holds objects in orbit

Picture 1. Illustration of the moon's orbit, not drawn to scale. Every second the moon travels approximately 1 km. Over this distance, it deviates from the straight path by about 1 mm - this occurs due to the gravitational pull of the Earth (dashed line). The moon constantly seems to fall behind (or around) the earth, just as the planets fall around the sun.

Gravity is one of the four fundamental forces of nature (Table 1). Note that of the four forces, this force is the weakest, and yet it is dominant relative to large space objects. As Newton showed, the attractive gravitational force between any two masses becomes smaller and smaller as the distance between them becomes larger and larger, but it never completely reaches zero (see "The Design of Gravity").

Therefore, every particle in the entire universe actually attracts every other particle. Unlike the forces of weak and strong nuclear interactions, the force of attraction is long-range (Table 1). The magnetic force and the electrical force are also long-range forces, but gravity is unique in that it is both long-range and always attractive, which means it can never run out (unlike electromagnetism, in which forces can either attract or repel).

Beginning with the great creation scientist Michael Faraday in 1849, physicists have continually searched for the hidden connection between the force of gravity and the force of electromagnetic interaction. Currently, scientists are trying to combine all four fundamental forces into one equation or the so-called “Theory of Everything”, but to no avail! Gravity remains the most mysterious and least studied force.

Gravity cannot be protected in any way. Whatever the composition of the blocking partition, it has no effect on the attraction between two separated objects. This means that it is impossible to create an anti-gravity chamber in laboratory conditions. Gravity does not depend on chemical composition objects, but depends on their mass, known to us as weight (the force of gravity on an object is equal to the weight of that object - the greater the mass, the greater the force or weight.) Blocks consisting of glass, lead, ice or even styrofoam, and having the same mass , will experience (and exert) the same gravitational force. These data were obtained during experiments, and scientists still do not know how they can be theoretically explained.

Design in gravity

The force F between two masses m 1 and m 2 located at a distance r can be written as the formula F = (G m 1 m 2)/r 2

Where G is the gravitational constant first measured by Henry Cavendish in 1798.1

This equation shows that gravity decreases as the distance, r, between two objects becomes greater, but never completely reaches zero.

The inverse square law nature of this equation is simply fascinating. After all, there is no necessary reason why gravity should act as it does. In a disorderly, random, and evolving universe, arbitrary powers such as r 1.97 or r 2.3 would seem more likely. However, precise measurements showed an exact power, to at least five decimal places, of 2.00000. As one researcher said, this result seems "too precise".2 We can conclude that the force of gravity indicates a precise, created design. In fact, if the degree deviated even a little from 2, the orbits of the planets and the entire universe would become unstable.

Links and notes

  1. Technically speaking, G = 6.672 x 10 –11 Nm 2 kg –2
  2. Thompsen, D., "Very Accurate About Gravity", Science News 118(1):13, 1980.

So what exactly is gravity? How is this force able to act in such a huge, empty outer space? And why does it even exist? Science has never been able to answer these basic questions about the laws of nature. The force of attraction cannot appear slowly through mutations or natural selection. It has been in effect since the very beginning of the universe. Like everyone else physical law, gravity is certainly a remarkable evidence of planned creation.

Some scientists have tried to explain gravity using invisible particles, gravitons, that move between objects. Others talked about cosmic strings and gravitational waves. Recently, scientists using a specially created LIGO laboratory (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory) were only able to see the effect of gravitational waves. But the nature of these waves, how physically objects interact with each other over vast distances, changing their head start, still remains a big question for everyone. We simply do not know the origin of the gravitational force and how it maintains the stability of the entire universe.

Gravity and Scripture

Two passages from the Bible can help us understand the nature of gravity and physical science generally. The first passage, Colossians 1:17, explains that Christ “there is first of all, and everything depends on Him”. The Greek verb stands (συνισταω sunistao) means: to adhere, to hold, or to be held together. The Greek use of this word outside the Bible means a vessel containing water. The word used in the book of Colossians is in the perfect tense, which generally indicates a present ongoing state that has arisen from a completed past action. One of the physical mechanisms in question is clearly the force of gravity, established by the Creator and unfailingly maintained today. Just imagine: if the force of gravity were to cease for a moment, chaos would undoubtedly ensue. All celestial bodies, including the earth, moon and stars, would no longer be held together. Everything would immediately be divided into separate, small parts.

The second Scripture, Hebrews 1:3, declares that Christ “upholds all things by the word of his power.” Word holds (φερω pherō) again describes the support or preservation of everything, including gravity. Word holds, as used in this verse, means much more than just holding weight. It involves control over all the movements and changes that occur within the universe. This endless task is carried out through the omnipotent Word of the Lord, through which the universe itself began to exist. Gravity, a “mysterious force” that remains poorly understood after four hundred years of research, is one manifestation of this amazing divine care for the universe.

Distortions of time and space and black holes

Einstein's general theory of relativity views gravity not as a force, but as the curvature of space itself near a massive object. Light, which traditionally follows straight lines, is predicted to become bent as it passes through curved space. This was first demonstrated when astronomer Sir Arthur Eddington discovered a change in the apparent position of a star during total eclipse in 1919, believing that light rays are bent by the sun's gravity.

General relativity also predicts that if a body is dense enough, its gravity will distort space so much that light cannot pass through it at all. Such a body absorbs light and everything else that is captured by its strong gravity, and is called a Black Hole. Such a body can only be detected by its gravitational effects on other objects, by the strong bending of light around it, and by the strong radiation emitted by the matter that falls on it.

All matter inside a black hole is compressed at the center, which has infinite density. The “size” of the hole is determined by the event horizon, i.e. a boundary that surrounds the center of a black hole, and nothing (not even light) can escape beyond it. The radius of the hole is called the Schwarzschild radius, after the German astronomer Karl Schwarzschild (1873–1916), and is calculated by the formula RS = 2GM/c 2, where c is the speed of light in vacuum. If the sun were to fall into a black hole, its Schwarzschild radius would be only 3 km.

There is good evidence that after a massive star runs out of nuclear fuel, it can no longer resist collapsing under its own enormous weight and falls into a black hole. Black holes with the mass of billions of suns are believed to exist at the centers of galaxies, including our galaxy. Milky Way. Many scientists believe that super-bright and very distant objects called quasars harness the energy released when matter falls into a black hole.

According to the predictions of general relativity, gravity also distorts time. This has also been confirmed by very accurate atomic clocks, which run a few microseconds slower at sea level than in areas above sea level, where Earth's gravity is slightly weaker. Near the event horizon this phenomenon is more noticeable. If we watch an astronaut's watch as he approaches the event horizon, we will see that the clock is running slower. Once inside the event horizon, the clock will stop, but we will never be able to see it. Conversely, an astronaut will not notice that his clock is running slower, but he will see that our clock is running faster and faster.

The main danger for an astronaut near a black hole would be tidal forces caused by the fact that gravity is stronger on parts of the body that are closer to the black hole than on parts further away from it. The power of tidal forces near a black hole with the mass of a star is stronger than any hurricane and easily tears into small pieces everything that comes their way. However, while gravitational attraction decreases with the square of distance (1/r 2), tidal influence decreases with the cube of distance (1/r 3). Therefore, contrary to conventional wisdom, the gravitational force (including tidal force) at the event horizons of large black holes is weaker than at small black holes. So tidal forces at the event horizon of a black hole in observable space would be less noticeable than the mildest breeze.

The stretching of time by gravity near the event horizon is the basis of creation physicist Dr. Russell Humphreys' new cosmological model, which he describes in his book Starlight and Time. This model may help solve the problem of how we can see the light of distant stars in the young universe. In addition, today it is a scientific alternative to the non-biblical one, which is based on philosophical assumptions that go beyond the scope of science.


Gravity, a “mysterious force” that, even after four hundred years of research, remains poorly understood...

Isaac Newton (1642–1727)


Isaac Newton (1642–1727)

Isaac Newton published his discoveries about gravity and motion celestial bodies in 1687, in his famous work " Mathematical principles" Some readers quickly concluded that Newton's universe left no room for God, since everything could now be explained using equations. But Newton did not think so at all, as he said in the second edition of this famous work:

“Our most beautiful solar system, planets and comets can only be the result of the plan and dominion of an intelligent and powerful being.”

Isaac Newton was not only a scientist. In addition to science, he devoted almost his entire life to the study of the Bible. His loved ones biblical books were: the book of Daniel and the book of Revelation, which describe God's plans for the future. In fact, Newton wrote more theological works than scientific ones.

Newton was respectful of other scientists such as Galileo Galilei. By the way, Newton was born in the same year that Galileo died, in 1642. Newton wrote in his letter: “If I saw further than others, it was because I stood on shoulders giants." Shortly before his death, probably reflecting on the mystery of gravity, Newton modestly wrote: “I don’t know how the world perceives me, but to myself I seem only like a boy playing on the seashore, who amuses himself by occasionally finding a pebble more colorful than the others, or a beautiful shell, while a huge an ocean of unexplored truth."

Newton is buried in Westminster Abbey. The Latin inscription on his grave ends with the words: “Let mortals rejoice that such an adornment of the human race lived among them.”.

Between any material points there is a force of mutual attraction, directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them, acting along the line connecting these points

Isaac Newton suggested that there are forces of mutual attraction between any bodies in nature. These forces are called by gravitational forces or forces of universal gravity. The force of unnatural gravity manifests itself in space, solar system and on Earth.

Law of Gravity

Newton generalized the laws of motion of celestial bodies and found out that the force \(F\) is equal to:

\[ F = G \dfrac(m_1 m_2)(R^2) \]

where \(m_1\) and \(m_2\) are the masses of interacting bodies, \(R\) is the distance between them, \(G\) is the proportionality coefficient, which is called gravitational constant. The numerical value of the gravitational constant was experimentally determined by Cavendish by measuring the force of interaction between lead balls.

The physical meaning of the gravitational constant follows from the law of universal gravitation. If \(m_1 = m_2 = 1 \text(kg)\), \(R = 1 \text(m) \) , then \(G = F \) , i.e. the gravitational constant is equal to the force with which two bodies of 1 kg each are attracted at a distance of 1 m.

Numerical value:

\(G = 6.67 \cdot() 10^(-11) N \cdot() m^2/ kg^2 \) .

The forces of universal gravity act between any bodies in nature, but they become noticeable at large masses (or if at least the mass of one of the bodies is large). The law of universal gravitation is fulfilled only for material points and balls (in this case, the distance between the centers of the balls is taken as the distance).


A particular type of universal gravitational force is the force of attraction of bodies towards the Earth (or to another planet). This force is called gravity. Under the influence of this force, all bodies acquire free fall acceleration.

In accordance with Newton's second law \(g = F_T /m\) , therefore, \(F_T = mg \) .

If M is the mass of the Earth, R is its radius, m is the mass of a given body, then the force of gravity is equal to

\(F = G \dfrac(M)(R^2)m = mg \) .

The force of gravity is always directed towards the center of the Earth. Depending on the height \(h\) above the Earth's surface and geographical latitude position of the body, the acceleration of free fall takes on different values. On the Earth's surface and in mid-latitudes, the acceleration of gravity is 9.831 m/s 2 .

Body weight

The concept of body weight is widely used in technology and everyday life.

Body weight denoted by \(P\) . The unit of weight is newton (N). Since the weight equal to force, with which the body acts on the support, then, in accordance with Newton’s third law, the weight of the body is equal in magnitude to the reaction force of the support. Therefore, in order to find the weight of the body, it is necessary to determine what the support reaction force is equal to.

In this case, it is assumed that the body is motionless relative to the support or suspension.

The weight of a body and the force of gravity differ in nature: the weight of a body is a manifestation of the action of intermolecular forces, and the force of gravity is of a gravitational nature.

The state of a body in which its weight is zero is called weightlessness. The state of weightlessness is observed in an airplane or spacecraft when moving with free fall acceleration, regardless of the direction and value of the speed of their movement. Outside earth's atmosphere when turning off jet engines spaceship Only the force of universal gravity acts. Under the influence of this force, the spaceship and all the bodies in it move with the same acceleration, therefore a state of weightlessness is observed in the ship.

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Obi-Wan Kenobi said that strength holds the galaxy together. The same can be said about gravity. Fact: Gravity allows us to walk on the Earth, the Earth to revolve around the Sun, and the Sun to move around the supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy. How to understand gravity? This is discussed in our article.

Let us say right away that you will not find here a uniquely correct answer to the question “What is gravity.” Because it simply doesn't exist! Gravity is one of the most mysterious phenomena, over which scientists are puzzling and still cannot fully explain its nature.

There are many hypotheses and opinions. There are more than a dozen theories of gravity, alternative and classical. We will look at the most interesting, relevant and modern ones.

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Gravity is a physical fundamental interaction

Total in physics 4 fundamental interactions. Thanks to them, the world is exactly what it is. Gravity is one of these interactions.

Fundamental interactions:

  • gravity;
  • electromagnetism;
  • strong interaction;
  • weak interaction.
Gravity is the weakest of the four fundamental forces.

Currently, the current theory describing gravity is general relativity ( general theory relativity). It was proposed by Albert Einstein in 1915-1916.

However, we know that it is too early to talk about the ultimate truth. After all, several centuries before the appearance of general relativity in physics, Newton’s theory dominated to describe gravity, which was significantly expanded.

Within the framework of general relativity, it is currently impossible to explain and describe all issues related to gravity.

Before Newton, it was widely believed that gravity on earth and gravity in heaven were different things. It was believed that the planets move according to their own ideal laws, different from those on Earth.

Newton discovered the law of universal gravitation in 1667. Of course, this law existed even during the time of dinosaurs and much earlier.

Ancient philosophers thought about the existence of gravity. Galileo experimentally calculated the acceleration of gravity on Earth, discovering that it is the same for bodies of any mass. Kepler studied the laws of motion of celestial bodies.

Newton managed to formulate and generalize the results of his observations. Here's what he got:

Two bodies attract each other with a force called gravitational force or the force of gravity.

Formula for the force of attraction between bodies:

G is the gravitational constant, m is the mass of bodies, r is the distance between the centers of mass of bodies.

What is the physical meaning of the gravitational constant? It is equal to the force with which bodies with masses of 1 kilogram each act on each other, being at a distance of 1 meter from each other.

According to Newton's theory, every object creates a gravitational field. The accuracy of Newton's law has been tested at distances less than one centimeter. Of course, for small masses these forces are insignificant and can be neglected.

Newton's formula is applicable both for calculating the force of attraction of planets to the sun and for small objects. We simply do not notice the force with which, say, the balls on a billiard table are attracted. Nevertheless, this force exists and can be calculated.

The force of attraction acts between any bodies in the Universe. Its effect extends to any distance.

Newton's law of universal gravitation does not explain the nature of the force of gravity, but establishes quantitative laws. Newton's theory does not contradict GTR. It is quite enough to solve practical problems on an Earth scale and to calculate the movement of celestial bodies.

Gravity in general relativity

Despite the fact that Newton's theory is quite applicable in practice, it has a number of disadvantages. The law of universal gravitation is a mathematical description, but does not give an idea of ​​the fundamental physical nature of things.

According to Newton, the force of gravity acts at any distance. And it works instantly. Considering that the fastest speed in the world is the speed of light, there is a discrepancy. How can gravity act instantly at any distance, when it takes light not an instant, but several seconds or even years to overcome them?

Within the framework of general relativity, gravity is considered not as a force that acts on bodies, but as a curvature of space and time under the influence of mass. Thus, gravity is not a force interaction.

What is the effect of gravity? Let's try to describe it using an analogy.

Let's imagine space in the form of an elastic sheet. If you place a light tennis ball on it, the surface will remain level. But if you place a heavy weight next to the ball, it will press a hole on the surface, and the ball will begin to roll towards the large, heavy weight. This is “gravity”.

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Discovery of gravitational waves

Gravitational waves were predicted by Albert Einstein back in 1916, but they were discovered only a hundred years later, in 2015.

What are gravitational waves? Let's draw an analogy again. If you throw a stone into calm water, circles will appear on the surface of the water from where it falls. Gravitational waves are the same ripples, disturbances. Just not on the water, but in world space-time.

Instead of water there is space-time, and instead of a stone, say, a black hole. Any accelerated movement of mass generates a gravitational wave. If the bodies are in a state of free fall, when a gravitational wave passes, the distance between them will change.

Since gravity is a very weak force, detecting gravitational waves has been associated with great technical difficulties. Modern technologies made it possible to detect a burst of gravitational waves only from supermassive sources.

A suitable event for detecting a gravitational wave is the merger of black holes. Unfortunately or fortunately, this happens quite rarely. Nevertheless, scientists managed to register a wave that literally rolled across the space of the Universe.

To record gravitational waves, a detector with a diameter of 4 kilometers was built. During the passage of the wave, vibrations of mirrors on suspensions in a vacuum and the interference of light reflected from them were recorded.

Gravitational waves confirmed the validity of general relativity.

Gravity and elementary particles

In the standard model, each interaction is responsible for certain elementary particles. We can say that particles are carriers of interactions.

The graviton, a hypothetical massless particle with energy, is responsible for gravity. By the way, in our separate material, read more about the Higgs boson, which has caused a lot of noise, and other elementary particles.

Finally, here are some interesting facts about gravity.

10 facts about gravity

  1. To overcome the force of Earth's gravity, a body must have a speed of 7.91 km/s. This is the first escape velocity. It is enough for a body (for example, a space probe) to move in orbit around the planet.
  2. To escape the Earth's gravitational field, the spacecraft must have a speed of at least 11.2 km/s. This is the second escape velocity.
  3. The objects with the strongest gravity are black holes. Their gravity is so strong that they even attract light (photons).
  4. You will not find the force of gravity in any equation of quantum mechanics. The fact is that when you try to include gravity in the equations, they lose their relevance. This is one of the most important issues modern physics.
  5. The word gravity comes from the Latin “gravis”, which means “heavy”.
  6. The more massive the object, the stronger the gravity. If a person who weighs 60 kilograms on Earth weighs himself on Jupiter, the scales will show 142 kilograms.
  7. NASA scientists are trying to develop a gravity beam that will allow objects to be moved without contact, overcoming the force of gravity.
  8. Astronauts in orbit also experience gravity. More precisely, microgravity. They seem to fall endlessly along with the ship they are in.
  9. Gravity always attracts and never repels.
  10. The black hole, the size of a tennis ball, attracts objects with the same force as our planet.

Now you know the definition of gravity and can tell what formula is used to calculate the force of attraction. If the granite of science is pressing you to the ground stronger than gravity, contact our student service. We will help you study easily under the heaviest loads!

June 14th, 2015 , 12:24 pm

We all studied the law of universal gravitation in school. But what do we really know about gravity, other than the information put in our heads? school teachers? Let's update our knowledge...

Fact one: Newton did not discover the law of universal gravitation

Everyone knows the famous parable about the apple that fell on Newton's head. But the fact is that Newton did not discover the law of universal gravitation, since this law is simply not present in his book “Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy.” There is no formula or formulation in this work, as anyone can see for themselves. Moreover, the first mention of the gravitational constant appears only in the 19th century and, accordingly, the formula could not have appeared earlier. By the way, the coefficient G, which reduces the result of calculations by 600 billion times, has no physical meaning, and was introduced to hide contradictions.

Fact two: falsifying the gravitational attraction experiment

It is believed that Cavendish was the first to demonstrate gravitational attraction in laboratory ingots, using a torsion balance - a horizontal beam with weights at the ends suspended on a thin string. The rocker could turn on a thin wire. According to official version, Cavendish brought a pair of 158 kg blanks from opposite sides to the rocker weights and the rocker rotated at a small angle. However, the experimental methodology was incorrect and the results were falsified, which was convincingly proven by physicist Andrei Albertovich Grishaev. Cavendish spent a long time reworking and adjusting the installation so that the results would fit Newton's average density of earth. The methodology of the experiment itself involved the movement of the blanks several times, and the reason for the rotation of the rocker arm was microvibrations from the movement of the blanks, which were transmitted to the suspension.

This is confirmed by the fact that such a simple installation of the 18th century in educational purposes should be installed, if not in every school, then at least in the physics departments of universities, in order to show students in practice the result of the law of universal gravitation. However, the Cavendish installation is not used in educational programs, both schoolchildren and students take our word for it that two blanks attract each other.

Fact three: The law of gravity does not work during a solar eclipse

If we substitute reference data on the earth, moon and sun into the formula of the law of universal gravitation, then at the moment when the Moon flies between the Earth and the Sun, for example, at the moment solar eclipse, the force of attraction between the Sun and the Moon is more than 2 times higher than between the Earth and the Moon!

According to the formula, the Moon would have to leave the earth's orbit and begin to revolve around the sun.

Gravity constant - 6.6725×10−11 m³/(kg s²).
The mass of the Moon is 7.3477×1022 kg.
The mass of the Sun is 1.9891×1030 kg.
The mass of the Earth is 5.9737×1024 kg.
Distance between the Earth and the Moon = 380,000,000 m.
Distance between the Moon and the Sun = 149,000,000,000 m.

Earth and Moon:
6.6725×10-11 x 7.3477×1022 x 5.9737×1024 / 3800000002 = 2.028×1020 H
Moon and sun:
6.6725 × 10-11 x 7.3477 1022 x 1.9891 1030 / 1490000000002 = 4.39 × 1020 H

2.028×1020 H<< 4,39×1020 H
The force of attraction between the Earth and the Moon<< Сила притяжения между Луной и Солнцем

These calculations can be criticized by the fact that the moon is an artificial hollow body and the reference density of this celestial body is most likely determined incorrectly.

Indeed, experimental evidence suggests that the Moon is not a solid body, but a thin-walled shell. The authoritative journal Science describes the results of the work of seismic sensors after the third stage of the rocket that accelerated the Apollo 13 spacecraft hit the lunar surface: “the seismic ringing was detected for more than four hours. On Earth, if a missile struck at an equivalent distance, the signal would last only a few minutes.”

Seismic vibrations that decay so slowly are typical of a hollow resonator, not a solid body.
But the Moon, among other things, does not exhibit its attractive properties in relation to the Earth - the Earth-Moon pair does not move around a common center of mass, as it would be according to the law of universal gravitation, and the ellipsoidal orbit of the Earth, contrary to this law, does not become zigzag.

Moreover, the parameters of the orbit of the Moon itself do not remain constant; the orbit, in scientific terminology, “evolves”, and does this contrary to the law of universal gravitation.

Fact four: the absurdity of the theory of ebb and flow

How can this be, some will object, because even schoolchildren know about ocean tides on Earth, which occur due to the attraction of water to the Sun and Moon.

According to the theory, the Moon's gravity forms a tidal ellipsoid in the ocean, with two tidal humps that move across the Earth's surface due to daily rotation.

However, practice shows the absurdity of these theories. After all, according to them, a tidal hump 1 meter high should move through the Drake Passage from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic in 6 hours. Since water is incompressible, the mass of water would raise the level to a height of about 10 meters, which does not happen in practice. In practice, tidal phenomena occur autonomously in areas of 1000-2000 km.

Laplace was also amazed by the paradox: why in the seaports of France full water comes sequentially, although according to the concept of a tidal ellipsoid it should come there simultaneously.

Fact five: the theory of mass gravity does not work

The principle of gravity measurements is simple - gravimeters measure the vertical components, and the deflection of the plumb line shows the horizontal components.

The first attempt to test the theory of mass gravity was made by the British in the mid-18th century on the shores of the Indian Ocean, where, on one side, there is the world's highest rock ridge of the Himalayas, and on the other, an ocean bowl filled with much less massive water. But, alas, the plumb line does not deviate towards the Himalayas! Moreover, ultra-sensitive instruments - gravimeters - do not detect a difference in the gravity of a test body at the same height, both above massive mountains and over less dense seas of kilometer depth.

To save the theory that has taken root, scientists came up with a support for it: they say the reason for this is “isostasy” - denser rocks are located under the seas, and loose rocks are located under the mountains, and their density is exactly the same as to adjust everything to the desired value.

It was also experimentally established that gravimeters in deep mines show that gravity does not decrease with depth. It continues to grow, depending only on the square of the distance to the center of the earth.

Fact six: gravity is not generated by matter or mass

According to the formula of the law of universal gravitation, two masses, m1 and m2, the sizes of which can be neglected in comparison with the distances between them, are supposedly attracted to each other by a force directly proportional to the product of these masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. However, in fact, not a single proof is known that matter has a gravitational attractive effect. Practice shows that gravity is not generated by matter or masses; it is independent of them and massive bodies only obey gravity.

The independence of gravity from matter is confirmed by the fact that, with rare exceptions, small bodies of the solar system have no gravitational attractive ability completely. With the exception of the Moon, more than six dozen planetary satellites show no signs of their own gravity. This has been proven by both indirect and direct measurements; for example, since 2004, the Cassini probe in the vicinity of Saturn has been flying close to its satellites from time to time, but no changes in the speed of the probe have been recorded. With the help of the same Casseni, a geyser was discovered on Enceladus, the sixth largest moon of Saturn.

What physical processes must occur on a cosmic piece of ice for jets of steam to fly into space?
For the same reason, Titan, Saturn's largest moon, has a gas tail as a result of atmospheric outflow.

No satellites predicted by theory have been found on asteroids, despite their huge number. And in all the reports about double or paired asteroids that supposedly revolve around a common center of mass, there was no evidence of the rotation of these pairs. The companions happened to be nearby, moving in quasi-synchronous orbits around the sun.

Attempts to place artificial satellites into asteroid orbit ended in failure. Examples include the NEAR probe, which was sent to the Eros asteroid by the Americans, or the HAYABUSA probe, which the Japanese sent to the Itokawa asteroid.

Fact seven: Saturn's asteroids do not obey the law of gravity

At one time, Lagrange, trying to solve the three-body problem, obtained a stable solution for a particular case. He showed that the third body can move in the orbit of the second, all the time being in one of two points, one of which is 60° ahead of the second body, and the second is the same amount behind.

However, two groups of companion asteroids found behind and ahead in the orbit of Saturn, which astronomers joyfully called the Trojans, moved out of the predicted areas, and the confirmation of the law of universal gravitation turned into a puncture.

Fact eight: contradiction with the general theory of relativity

According to modern concepts, the speed of light is finite, as a result we see distant objects not where they are located at the moment, but at the point from which the ray of light we saw started. But at what speed does gravity spread?

Having analyzed the data accumulated by that time, Laplace established that “gravity” propagates faster than light by at least seven orders of magnitude! Modern measurements of receiving pulsar pulses have pushed the speed of propagation of gravity even further - at least 10 orders of magnitude faster than the speed of light. Thus, experimental research contradicts the general theory of relativity, which official science still relies on, despite its complete failure.

Fact nine: gravity anomalies

There are natural anomalies of gravity, which also do not find any clear explanation from official science. Here are some examples:

Fact ten: research into the vibrational nature of antigravity

There is a large number of alternative studies with impressive results in the field of antigravity, which fundamentally refute the theoretical calculations of official science.

Some researchers are analyzing the vibrational nature of antigravity. This effect is clearly demonstrated in modern experiments, where droplets hang in the air due to acoustic levitation. Here we see how, with the help of a sound of a certain frequency, it is possible to confidently hold drops of liquid in the air...

But the effect at first glance is explained by the gyroscope principle, but even such a simple experiment for the most part contradicts gravity in its modern understanding.

Few people know that Viktor Stepanovich Grebennikov, a Siberian entomologist who studied the effect of cavity structures in insects, described the phenomena of antigravity in insects in the book “My World”. Scientists have long known that massive insects, such as the cockchafer, fly in spite of the laws of gravity rather than because of them.

Moreover, based on his research, Grebennikov created an anti-gravity platform.

Viktor Stepanovich died under rather strange circumstances and his work was partially lost, but some part of the anti-gravity platform prototype has been preserved and can be seen in the Grebennikov Museum in Novosibirsk.

Another practical application of antigravity can be observed in the city of Homestead in Florida, where there is a strange structure of coral monolithic blocks, which is popularly nicknamed Coral Castle. It was built by a native of Latvia, Edward Lidskalnin, in the first half of the 20th century. This man of thin build did not have any tools, he did not even have a car or any equipment at all.

He did not use electricity at all, also due to its absence, and yet somehow went down to the ocean, where he cut out multi-ton stone blocks and somehow delivered them to his site, laying them out with perfect precision.

After Ed's death, scientists began to carefully study his creation. For the sake of the experiment, a powerful bulldozer was brought in and an attempt was made to move one of the 30-ton blocks of the coral castle. The bulldozer roared and skidded, but did not move the huge stone.

A strange device was found inside the castle, which scientists called a direct current generator. It was a massive structure with many metal parts. 240 permanent strip magnets were built into the outside of the device. But how Edward Leedskalnin actually made multi-ton blocks move still remains a mystery.

The research of John Searle is known, in whose hands unusual generators came to life, rotated and generated energy; discs with a diameter of half a meter to 10 meters rose into the air and made controlled flights from London to Cornwall and back.

The professor’s experiments were repeated in Russia, the USA and Taiwan. In Russia, for example, in 1999, a patent application for “devices for generating mechanical energy” was registered under No. 99122275/09. Vladimir Vitalievich Roshchin and Sergei Mikhailovich Godin, in fact, reproduced SEG (Searl Effect Generator) and conducted a series of studies with it. The result was a statement: you can get 7 kW of electricity without costs; the rotating generator lost weight up to 40%.

The equipment from Searle's first laboratory was taken to an unknown location while he was in prison. The installation of Godin and Roshchin simply disappeared; all publications about it, with the exception of the application for an invention, disappeared.

The Hutchison Effect, named after the Canadian engineer-inventor, is also known. The effect manifests itself in the levitation of heavy objects, the alloy of dissimilar materials (for example, metal + wood), and the anomalous heating of metals in the absence of burning substances near them. Here is a video of these effects:

Whatever gravity actually is, it should be recognized that official science is completely unable to clearly explain the nature of this phenomenon.

Yaroslav Yargin