Selection committee. Altai State Medical University Agmu admissions office in Tuva

1. The University provides entrance examinations for applicants from among persons with disabilities health and (or) disabled people (hereinafter collectively referred to as those admitted with disabilities), taking into account the characteristics of their psychophysical development, their individual capabilities and state of health (hereinafter referred to as individual characteristics).

2. The University has created material and technical conditions that ensure unimpeded access for applicants with disabilities to classrooms, toilets and other premises, as well as their stay in these premises.

3. Entrance tests for applicants with disabilities are held in a separate classroom.

The number of applicants with disabilities in one classroom should not exceed:

when passing the entrance test in writing - 12 people;

when passing the entrance test orally – 6 people.

It is allowed to be present in the audience during the entrance test more applicants with disabilities, as well as conducting entrance tests for applicants with disabilities in the same classroom together with other applicants, if this does not create difficulties for applicants when passing the entrance test.

It is allowed that an assistant from among the University employees or involved persons be present in the classroom during the entrance test, providing applicants with disabilities with the necessary technical assistance, taking into account their individual characteristics(take workplace, move around, read and complete the assignment, communicate with the teachers conducting the entrance test).

4. The duration of the entrance test for applicants with disabilities increases by 1.5 hours.

5. Applicants with disabilities are provided with information in a form accessible to them about the procedure for conducting entrance examinations.

6. Applicants with disabilities may, during the entrance examination, use the technical means necessary for them in connection with their individual characteristics.

7. When conducting entrance examinations, the following additional requirements are ensured, depending on the individual characteristics of applicants with disabilities:

1) for the blind:

tasks to be completed at the entrance test are drawn up in embossed dotted Braille or in the form of an electronic document accessible using a computer with specialized software for the blind, or read out by an assistant;

written tasks are completed on paper in embossed dot Braille or on a computer with specialized software for the blind, or dictated to an assistant;

Those applicants to complete the task, if necessary, are provided with a set of writing instruments and paper for writing in embossed dotted Braille, a computer with specialized software for the blind;

2) for the visually impaired:

individual uniform lighting of at least 300 lux is provided;

If necessary, those arriving to complete the task are provided with a magnifying device; It is also possible to use your own magnifying devices;

assignments to be completed, as well as instructions on the procedure for conducting entrance examinations, are written in larger font;

3) for the deaf and hard of hearing:

availability of sound amplification equipment is ensured collective use, if necessary, applicants are provided with personal sound amplification equipment;

sign language interpreter services are provided;

4) for deaf-blind people, the services of a sign language interpreter are provided (in addition to the requirements fulfilled respectively for the blind and deaf);

5) for persons with severe speech impairments, deaf, hard of hearing entrance tests Conducted orally are carried out in writing;

6) for persons with musculoskeletal disorders, disorders motor functions upper limbs or absence of upper limbs:

written tasks are completed on a computer with specialized software or dictated to an assistant;

entrance examinations conducted in written form are conducted orally (additional entrance examinations of a creative and (or) professional orientation, entrance examinations for admission to a master's program - by decision of the organization).

8. Conditions are provided to applicants on the basis of an application for admission containing information about the need to create appropriate special conditions.

9. The university can conduct entrance tests for applicants with disabilities using remote technologies.

July 26th is the deadline for submitting documents (copies/originals) from applicants wishing to enroll on a budget at ASMU.

Graduates who for some reason decided to leave their native Altai region still have the opportunity to pick up original documents from other universities and enroll in Altai medical University on budget form training. To do this, you must come to the ASMU admissions office before August 1 and exchange copies of documents for originals.

“Most of our students choose the profession of a doctor by vocation, having dreamed since childhood of helping people maintain health and life. Studying at a medical school, like working as a doctor, requires high dedication and responsibility. That's why school and college graduates with high scores come to us. Applicants who do not have enough points to qualify for the budget program have the opportunity to enroll in a commercial form of education and, subject to successful completion of two sessions, transfer to free education,” emphasized ASMU Rector Igor Saldan.

Students who study on a paid basis and have achievements in research, social, cultural, creative and sports activities receive a monthly rector's stipend in the amount of 5 thousand rubles. Almost all commercial students are provided with a place in a dormitory.

The university is looking for opportunities to train everyone who chooses their home university and motherland: ASMU provides tuition fees in installments according to individual conditions, up to monthly payment.

It should be noted that Altai State Medical University is consistently ranked among the best medical universities in the country. High quality The education of Altai Medical University graduates is confirmed by data from authoritative studies. ASMU is in the TOP 100 best universities country according to Forbes (13th place among medical universities and 65th place among 600 universities in the country), is the leader in the rating of demand for universities in the Russian Federation (Social Navigator project, 4th place in the ranking out of 48 medical universities). The reliable quality of teaching, scientific activity and the demand for graduates by employers is confirmed by data international rating universities ARES-2017 (15th place among 23 medical universities in Russia that participated in the ranking). ASMU students successfully take high places in olympiads and medical competitions at the district, federal and international levels.

The university has all the conditions for studying and studying scientific activity. High professionals: professors, best practicing doctors pass on their knowledge to students. Classes are held at the best clinical sites of medical institutions in the city and region, students hone their practical skills on high-tech equipment in ASMU’s own Simulation Center. The university trains medical personnel for the entire Altai Territory, as well as for other regions of Russia. Our graduates are known far beyond the borders of not only the Altai Territory, but also the country.

“I invite all applicants who have chosen the profession of a doctor and decided to connect their fate with medicine and contribute to the socio-economic development of the Altai Territory to enter ASMU,” says ASMU Rector Igor Saldan.

On July 29, a solemn ceremony of signing orders for the enrollment of target students, persons with special rights, and winners of Olympiads took place at the Altai State Medical University. Now 351 applicants are full-fledged first-year students at Altai Medical University.

The ceremony of signing the orders was attended by representatives of the authorities, the regional branch of the All-Russian Popular Front, the heads of the Public and Medical Chambers, the leadership of the Rospotrebnadzor Directorate and the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology, the Main Directorate of Health and Pharmaceutical Activities, the Main Directorate of Education and Science, the Main Directorate of Labor and social protection population, chief doctors of the largest medical organizations of the Altai Territory, representatives of the Ministries of Health of the Republics of Altai and Tyva, the academic community of Barnaul, applicants and their parents. Everyone was able to ask a question about admission personally to the rector of ASMU, Professor I. P. Saldan and the executive secretary of the university’s admissions committee, P. G. Vorontsov.

According to the head of the Altai Medical University, Professor I.P. Saldan, in order for parents and applicants to understand how admission to the university occurs, the selection of candidates for places allocated from the federal budget, and the ceremony for signing enrollment orders were made open to everyone. It is worth noting that this year, thanks to the close work of the medical university, the Main Directorate of Health and Pharmaceutical Activities of the Altai Territory, the chief doctors of hospitals and clinics in the region, a record number of graduates of the region’s medical colleges entered the university.

"Graduate medical college- this is the applicant who does not doubt his choice and is already sure of what kind of doctor he wants to become. This year, about a hundred graduates of the region’s medical colleges entered ASMU to study target places, budget and paid forms of education. In total, about 300 applications were submitted from this category of applicants. We consider this an important achievement of the 2016 admissions campaign. It is especially pleasant that not only schoolchildren from the Altai Territory, but also representatives of the Republic of Buryatia, the Kemerovo region, etc., strive to enter the medical university,” said the rector of ASMU, Professor I.P. Saldan, in his speech.

The interim results of the 2016 admissions campaign were summed up by the executive secretary of the admissions committee of Altai Medical University P. G. Vorontsov. According to preliminary data, about 1,100 first-year students will begin their studies at the university in September, two hundred of them are representatives of non-CIS countries. These are students from Iraq, Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan, and India. It should be noted that for the first time ASMU opens a faculty foreign students, where foreign representatives will be trained in Russian with elements of an intermediary language. Especially for this, the university will allocate an entire floor of one of its buildings, which will be equipped with everything necessary for studying in two languages.

“Today, a colossal responsibility lies on the shoulders of the faculty of ASMU - to train a new generation of students,” said in his speech the head of the department of faculty surgery with the course of surgery of the FPC and teaching staff named after Professor I. I. Neimark, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Ya. N. Shoikhet. — The Medical University and the Main Directorate for Healthcare and Pharmaceutical Activities of the region must move in the same direction so that the practical training of a medical university student takes place at the patient’s bedside. After all, without a patient there will be no doctor! The 2016 target enrollment is an example of the fact that the region’s best applicants are entering the university.”

The next stage of admission to ASMU for budget places will take place on August 3. We remind you that the deadline for accepting the original education document from persons included in the list of those recommended for enrollment is August 1, 2016. Documents are accepted until 18.00.

The “Passing Score” column indicates the average passing score for one exam (the minimum total passing score divided by the number of exams).

What is it and why is it important?

Admission to a university is based on the results of the Unified State Exam (for each exam you can score a maximum of 100 points). When enrolling, individual achievements are also taken into account, such as the final school essay (gives a maximum of 10 points), an excellent student certificate (6 points) and the GTO badge (4 points). In addition, some universities are allowed to take an additional exam in a core subject for the chosen specialty. Some specialties also require passing a professional or creative exam. You can also score a maximum of 100 points for each additional exam.

Passing score for any specialty at a particular university - this is the minimum total score with which the applicant was admitted during the last admissions campaign.

In fact, we know what scores you could get in last year. But, unfortunately, no one knows with what score you will be able to enter this or next year. This will depend on how many applicants and with what scores will apply for this specialty, as well as on how much will be allocated budget places. Nevertheless, knowing the passing scores allows you to assess your chances of admission with a high degree of probability, so you should focus on them, this is important.