Proper organization of the day. You need to know your productivity peaks. Owl or lark: does it matter?

Working hours- distribution of work time during a specific calendar period - day, week, year.

The working hours must provide (Article 100 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation):

    1. length of the working week(five-day with two days off, six-day with one day off, working week with days off on a rotating schedule, part-time work week);
    2. work with irregular working hours for certain categories of workers;
    3. duration daily work (shifts), start and end times of work, time of breaks in work, number of shifts per day, alternation of working and non-working days, which are established by a collective agreement or internal labor regulations of the organization in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and others federal laws, collective agreement, agreements.

Features of the working hours and rest time for transport, communications and other workers with a special nature of work are determined in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Important! Please keep in mind that:

  • Each case is unique and individual.
  • A thorough study of the issue does not always guarantee a positive outcome. It depends on many factors.

To get the most detailed advice on your issue, you just need to choose any of the options offered:

Thus, working hours its distribution per day, week, beginning and end of work is called. The regime also includes the structure of the week, shift schedules, as well as intra-shift and inter-shift breaks in work, the beginning and end of the working day, shift, week. The regime also includes a shift work method, flexible, rotating schedules.

A working day, a working shift and a working week are measures of working time that also reflect its mode.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation distinguishes the following working hours:

    • normal operating mode (single shift) - st. 100 Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
    • irregular working hours (special) - Art. 101 Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
    • flexible working time regime - art. 102 Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
    • shift work mode - Art. 103 Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
    • mode of working time divided into parts (fragmented working day) - Art. 105 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

During the working day called statutory work time during the day. The duration of daily work, its beginning and end, breaks during the working day are provided for by the internal labor regulations, and in the case of shift work - also by shift schedules, including those on a rotational basis.

Shift work is work in two, three or four shifts. Article 103 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for the procedure for its introduction. Working two shifts in a row is prohibited.

Work shift- this is the duration of working hours established by the shift schedule for a group of workers and its alternation with other shifts during the week or month. Shift schedules are drawn up by the employer taking into account the opinion of the trade union committee and are attached to the collective agreement; as a rule, they are brought to the attention of employees no later than a month before they come into effect.

Shift schedules can be: two shifts, three shifts, and in continuously operating production - four shifts, when three shifts are working and the fourth is resting. The duration of the shifts according to the schedule is set so that each employee, during a calendar week or month, works the standard working hours (normal or shortened) established for him. The duration of the night shift is set by a schedule shorter than the day and evening shifts by 1 hour. When working in shifts, shifts with night working hours (from 10 pm to 6 am) do not include workers who are not allowed to work at night: pregnant women and workers under 18 years of age. Women with children under 3 years of age may be involved with their written consent (Article 259 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Disabled people may be involved in night work only if this work is not prohibited for them by medical recommendations and with their written consent.

Work week- duration and distribution of working time during a calendar week. The length of a working week can be

    • normal,
    • abbreviated
    • part-time (for example, 2-3 days a week).

The structure of a working week can be:

    1. five days with two days off in a row;
    2. six days with one day off, which is determined by the organizations themselves.

When working in flexible working hours the beginning, end or total duration of the working day (shift) is determined by agreement of the parties. The employer ensures that the employee works the total number of working hours during the relevant accounting periods (working day, week, month and others).

Sliding or flexible work schedules are established in the interests of the employee by agreement of the parties to the employment contract. Such schedules can be established by a collective agreement or internal regulations for certain categories of employees (pregnant women, women with preschool and younger children school age, disabled people). In the middle of the day, an employee with such a schedule is required to be at work (this is the so-called fixed time, as opposed to variable time). The beginning and end of work are determined by agreement of the parties.

Split working hours possible for some workers, for example, for livestock breeders (hours of cleaning, feeding animals, milking cows - the rest of the time is free from work) or for drivers of buses, trolleybuses, trams (the day can be divided by peak hours on public transport). But even under this regime, the employee must work the required number of working hours per week or month.

Such a division of the working day into parts is allowed by the employer on the basis of a local regulatory act adopted by him taking into account the opinion of the trade union committee of the organization (Article 105 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Shift method of work- this is work on a rotational shift (shift) in an area significantly remote from the permanent place of residence (20-40 km). The shift (shift) goes out for 2-3 weeks, and sometimes more, lives in a rotation camp (for example, at the oil fields), and the work shift can last 12 hours straight every day. The shift time, including both working time and rest time, can be up to 1 month. A shift cannot leave until another shift arrives. Then she rests at her place of residence for up to 1 month. Travel time to and from the shift is also included in the shift. In exceptional cases, taking into account the opinion of the trade union committee, the duration of the shift can be increased to three months (Article 299 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Minor workers, pregnant women and women with children under three years of age are not involved in this work (Article 298 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Special working hours

Irregular working hours , according to Art. 101 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, is a special mode of work, according to which individual employees may, by order of the employer, if necessary, be occasionally involved in the performance of their labor functions outside normal working hours. The list of positions of employees with irregular working hours is established by a collective agreement, agreement or internal labor regulations of the organization (the employee agrees to the establishment of an irregular working day for him upon entering work).

Difference from overtime work:

    • overtime - paid at an increased rate depending on the number of hours worked in excess of the norm;
    • work on irregular working hours is compensated to the employee by additional leave (provided regardless of the number of hours worked in excess of the normal working hours. It arises even if the employee was not involved in work outside the established working hours).

The use of irregular working hours is allowed only from time to time when there is a production need for it. If such work is systematic or permanent, this will indicate a violation of Art. 101 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Employees may be required to work with irregular working hours only to perform their labor functions, which they must carry out according to employment contract . An employee cannot be required to perform any other types of work, including outside the normal working hours.

Irregular working hours may apply:

    1. for management, technical and business personnel;
    2. workers whose work cannot be accurately recorded in time;
    3. workers who allocate time at their own discretion;
    4. persons whose working time, due to the nature of the work, is divided into parts of indefinite duration.

Most people usually do not work at maximum productivity, but in a rather relaxed manner. But if you really care about results, and not just trying to be “busy,” you need to be 100% involved in the work and completely switched off after.

The same principle applies here as with training. To achieve maximum results, it is better to exercise less, but more intensely. Effect of exercise training intensity on abdominal visceral fat and body composition., and then be sure to set aside time for rest and recovery. It's the same with work.

The best results usually come from short, intense bursts of 2-3 hours. Only at this time you need to fully concentrate and not be distracted by anything.

It’s curious, but unusual solutions often come to mind not when we are sitting at work, but when we are “recovering.” For example, in one study, only 16% of respondents said that creative ideas come to them in the workplace. Characterizing reflective practice in design.. Usually new ideas arise during vacation or on the road.

While we are driving a car or walking down the street, external stimuli evoke various thoughts and memories in our subconscious. We jump from one thought to another, being between the past, present and future. In this state, the brain makes connections and looks for things that we were doing before.

So when you are “working”, be at work. And when you are “not working”, don’t think about her. By giving yourself time to recover, you will accomplish even more than if you worked continuously.

2. Don't waste the first three hours

The first three hours after you start your day are the most valuable time for productivity.

Firstly, our brain (namely its prefrontal cortex) is especially active and ready for creative activity immediately after waking up Morning-evening variation in human brain metabolism and memory circuits.. While we slept, our subconscious mind worked, making temporal and contextual connections.

Secondly, after a night's rest we have more energy and willpower. The Physiology of Willpower: Linking Blood Glucose to Self-Control.. And during the day, willpower is depleted and we experience fatigue from making decisions.

We often hear advice to start the morning with a workout, but this doesn't suit everyone. Intense physical activity in the morning may not energize someone, but, on the contrary, leave them exhausted.

The best way to get a productive start to your day is to spend a few minutes meditating and journaling right after breakfast.

Write down your goals and plans for the day, as well as everything that comes to your mind. This will help organize your thoughts.

Then get to work. Don't go in social media and in email, get straight to the point. After three hours of continuous work, the brain will need a break. Now is the perfect time to exercise. After training, return to work for a few more hours.

Of course, not everyone has the opportunity to live in such a routine. The main thing is to try to follow these rules.

  • To get more done in the morning, get up a few hours earlier than usual and take a nap after lunch.
  • Use the “90 - 1” rule, that is, spend the first 90 minutes of each working day doing your own thing.
  • Schedule all meetings and meetings for the afternoon.
  • During the first three hours of work, do not check social networks and email. The morning should be spent not on consumption, but on creating something.

3. Lead a balanced lifestyle

A balanced life is the key to productivity.

What you do outside of work is just as important to productivity as what you do on the job.

Many studies confirm that productivity increases among those who exercise regularly. After all, the brain is an organ like others. And if the whole body is healthy, then the brain works better.

Even what we eat affects our ability to concentrate at work. And good sleep is generally an integral component of productivity (by the way, you will sleep much better if you get up early and work hard).

In addition, many psychologists believe that “play” is also necessary for productivity and creativity. Psychiatrist Stuart Brown, for example, wrote a whole book about this. He is convinced that play has a positive effect on our thinking, improving memory and concentration, developing mathematical abilities, creative problem solving and even social skills. The cognitive benefits of play: Effects on the learning brain..

4. Listen to music on repeat

Psychologist Elizabeth Helmut Margulis believes that listening to music on repeat helps us concentrate. When we listen to the same song, we usually “dissolve” in it, and this prevents us from being distracted and in the clouds (this is useful to do after work).

This trick is used, for example, by WordPress founder Matt Mullenweg and writers Ryan Holiday and Tim Ferriss. Try it too.

For example, using the Listen On Repeat website, you can listen to tracks from YouTube on repeat. And on the Brain Music website there are special selections of sounds for concentration, meditation and relaxation.

Day after day, you chronically fail to accomplish anything. You try to do all the things you set out to do, but every time you fail. One thing will happen, then another, something is constantly preventing you from solving all the problems in a timely manner. As a result, your affairs accumulate like a snowball, and you admit your defeat in complete powerlessness.

It’s as if you hear a voice inside yourself: “I’ll do it tomorrow,” “later,” “just not now,” “I don’t want to do this,” “not today, I’m so tired,” and so on. Thus, your subconscious does not want you to leave your comfort zone and begin to improve and strain yourself once again. Therefore, it resists with all its might attempts to develop self-discipline and willpower.

Success largely depends on strong-willed qualities and strong character. However, knowledge of the basics of self-management plays an important role in achieving results.

Self-management or time management is a technique for using time correctly

Self-management helps you get your work done at a lower cost, organize your work better (and therefore get better results), reduce your workload and, as a result, reduce haste and stress.

Self-management is the consistent and purposeful use of effective methods work in everyday practice, with the optimal use of their resources to achieve their own goals.

It’s interesting that 95 percent of the effective organization of your daily routine depends on you and only 5 percent on objective circumstances.

In a calm environment, analyze your daily activities, then make a list of necessary things to do for tomorrow.

Your to-do list should reflect your actual tasks for tomorrow. Now arrange the things on the list according to the time they are completed.

To properly organize your daily routine, if possible, rearrange your schedule so that it more harmoniously matches the time and one thing does not overlap with another.

Set priorities based on criteria such as urgency and importance of the matter. Divide all matters into 4 groups:

1) urgent (important matters) - they need to be completed tomorrow;

2) urgent but less important matters;

3) less urgent, but no less important tasks;

44) those things that can be done last.

Once you have identified the tasks and set priorities, you need to think through a competent route.

Imagine your tomorrow in detail

To properly organize your workday, correlate each process with the time spent on its implementation. Go over the entire daily routine in your head several times.

Progress gradually according to your plan. Try not to change your planned tasks during the day. There is no need to exclude items or add new ones. You need to adhere to the optimal algorithm of your daily routine, and unnecessary changes for which you did not prepare for you will do nothing.

Basic rules of time planning

Ratio (60:40)
Experience shows that it is best to plan only for a certain part of the working time (about 60%)

Leave a certain percentage of time as reserve for unexpected cases or as a result of underestimating the duration of other tasks.

Plan only the amount of tasks that you can realistically handle.

It is better to fill in the lost time as soon as possible, for example, it is better to work longer in the evening than to make up for what was lost the day before over the next whole working day.

To avoid procrastination and postponing, you need to set precise deadlines for all activities.

How to organize your working day correctly?

The organization of your working day should correspond to the basic principle: “Work should obey me, and not vice versa.” Try to start your working day with a positive attitude - this will contribute to the successful resolution of all planned matters.

Start work at the same time whenever possible

Act without delay and swing. Just give yourself time to prepare for certain actions. Moreover, it is better if you first devote time to complex and important matters. Throughout your workday, try to avoid unplanned impulsive actions.

And keep a steady pace.

Complete small, homogeneous tasks in a series. Thanks to this continuity and concentration on the process, time savings are achieved.

Organizing your workday in this way will allow you to use unplanned time intervals for preparatory or routine work, as well as find quiet time to recuperate.

Finish the task so you don’t waste time doing it tomorrow. At the end of the working day, it will be effective to complete small tasks started.

Monitor the results and make a plan for the next day. Working with a to-do list on the first day increases productivity by 25%. In the evening, prepare a list of tasks that need to be done tomorrow. When you come to work, you will always know where to start your day.

Thanks to such self-organization, you will not only be able to solve your daily tasks with ease, but also find what you need earlier time for relaxation and entertainment. If possible, get good rest and recharge yourself with positive emotions.

It will be much easier to progress according to the plan if you praise yourself for each completed item. This will be a good motivation on the path to self-discipline, as well as the culmination of a properly organized working day.

Make it a habit to regularly make a plan for the next day, week, month, and so on. The more you plan, the better prepared you will be for life's future events.

Organizing your workday correctly means that you will not only complete the intended tasks, but also try to systematize them, organize a competent route between them, eliminating unnecessary actions. Perhaps, as a result of proper organization, you will even be able to combine some actions or find a more rational option for their implementation; everything will be clearly planned and executed.

Effective organization of your workday is 60% of the success, with the help of which you can develop self-discipline and character.

  • Why Busy People Are Actually Not All That Successful
  • What to do if you need to be at two meetings at the same time
  • Why it's better to leave a quarter of your time free
  • What is the essence of the “three nails” rule, which is appropriate when time pressure arises?

In this article, two of your colleagues will tell you how to organize your working time in order to get everything done and deal with time pressure.

How to manage your working time so as not to find yourself in time trouble and what to do if it does catch up with you? Peter Bregman, a consultant on company management and creating leadership teams, gives, for example, the following advice (see Peter Bregman’s book “18 minutes. How to increase concentration, stop distractions and get things done that really matter.” - M.: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2014).

You can often hear from managers that they are so busy that they simply have no time to plan their time and analyze how it was spent. A vicious circle is formed: there is no time to manage time. To solve this problem, we offer a short one-week algorithm for mastering basic time management tools, which even the busiest General Director can do.

In the article you will find detailed step by step plan, which can be implemented today.

  1. Stop periodically to take a breather. This will help you recover, focus on priorities and move more effectively towards your goal.
  2. Define criteria for assessing task completion. This will make it easier to understand that you have achieved results and can move on to the next task.
  3. If you don't work on a problem for three days in a row, change its priority or move it to a later date. This will help you concentrate on the main thing.
  4. Set your phone, computer, or watch to beep every hour. This will allow you to systematically monitor and evaluate current activities and intermediate results.
  5. Don't let yourself be distracted. Scientists have found that 40% of people do not return to a task they were previously performing after being distracted.
  6. Be consistent. Never do several things at the same time. This will force you to constantly switch between tasks, which will reduce your productivity.

To organize your working time, analyze your day

Alla Ivanova, General Director and owner of the Alla Print and Cosmetics Gallery companies, Moscow

Managing your time is difficult to learn, but every successful leader must master this skill. I went through a lot of special training, read relevant literature, adopted the experience of other managers - and realized that not a single time management model fully suits me. So I started creating my own. As a result, I developed a number of rules that allow me to plan my time in such a way as to achieve my goals and at the same time remain full of energy.

Rule 1. The more time you spend planning, the less time trouble you will have. I have come up with a pattern: every ten minutes of planning today saves an hour of your time tomorrow. That's why I distribute my time like this. On Thursdays (sometimes on Fridays) I make a plan for the week ahead. I don’t fill it completely; As a rule, I only write down the main tasks and meetings. This makes it possible each evening to more carefully build a schedule for the next day. This way you use your time more practically, you always have time to implement your main plans and adjust smaller tasks to them. But I don’t recommend planning your time down to the minute: you will start blaming yourself for not getting a lot done.

Rule 2. When planning your time, leave about a quarter free. No matter how long I plan things for (week, month, year), I always leave about a quarter of the total time in reserve. Experience shows that during the day there is always an urgent issue that requires my attention. For example, today an old friend of mine came into the office. He didn’t warn me that he was coming, but thanks to this method I had a little time so that we could calmly drink coffee and talk. Having such a time buffer, you can more calmly prepare for all upcoming or unscheduled matters. For example, I know that one negotiation will require an hour to travel there and back, plus about an hour for the meeting itself. In this case, I set aside not two hours for this task, but three, so that I can feel more confident, even if for some reason the meeting drags on. If you manage to finish things on time or ahead of schedule, the remaining time can be spent as you wish.

Rule 3. During periods of intense work, take forced breaks. When the work is very intensive (for example, starting new project), I forcefully schedule half-hour walks around the square. At first, I had to force myself quite harshly: for example, at exactly one o’clock in the afternoon every day for a week I went outside and turned off the phone. After such a break, you work much more productively.

Rule 4. If two tasks of equal importance arise, determine their priority in advance. Recently, two important clients for us expressed a desire to meet with me on the same day. Both partners provided the same revenue to our company, so it was not possible to make a clear choice with whom to meet. In such situations, I am guided by two factors: territorial (how far is the place where you need to arrive to solve the problem, how many resources are needed) and personal (what are the relationships with contractors). There are managers who do not agree to communicate with anyone other than the director. I try to meet with such people personally, and send an assistant or confidant to the rest. The key is to let clients know that they are all important. It’s worth calling and talking about it personally, and then offering options for solving the problem. This way you can gain time, and you will have the opportunity to solve problems one by one.

Rule 5: Divide and conquer. I realized a long time ago that I wouldn’t be able to do anything alone. Therefore, I distribute responsibilities among competent employees, thereby not only simplifying my life, but also improving the quality of personnel management. Some managers are afraid of a state of affairs in which their employees are better versed in some areas. On the contrary, I respect competent specialists. Even if they are smarter than me, it is only in one area. For example, I, of course, but only within certain limits - that’s enough for me. Therefore, you should not try to understand everything.

Rule 6. Work on your own mistakes. I analyze every day (usually on the way home) what events and circumstances took up my time, what mistakes I made, what I managed to do and what I didn’t. Gradually, with experience, you will learn to anticipate events that may affect your routine. So, I noticed that one of the reasons for time pressure was my reluctance to do unpleasant things, in particular to call certain people. I regularly put off such conversations until the last minute, which later led to problems. Another effective way to identify ineffective use of time is to write down everything you did during the day, down to the smallest detail. This list clearly demonstrates where you are wasting your time. It is worth conducting such a thorough analysis when it is necessary, that is, when you realize that the day is stretching out and you are no longer able to keep up with everything.

Rule 7. Don't rush to earn all the money. I noticed: people who are always busy are not so successful. Note: when we are in a hurry, we cannot even fasten a button the first time, let alone accept it. important decisions. Over the years of leadership, I have learned to periodically stop, take a deep breath, and only then continue on my way - calmly and measuredly (see also: Make stops while working to sharpen your axe.) And for this, it is important to learn one rule: you cannot try to earn all the money, torn between many things.

  • Time Management Techniques: Time Management in a New Way

Stop while working to sharpen your ax

The annual world championship of lumberjacks was held in Canada. The finalists were a Canadian and a Norwegian. Each of them was assigned a plot of forest. Whoever can fell the most trees between eight in the morning and four in the afternoon will be the winner. The finalists began the competition, and soon the Canadian heard that the Norwegian had stopped. Realizing that this was his chance, he redoubled his efforts. After some time, the Norwegian got down to business. They worked almost synchronously, then the Norwegian stopped again. He took ten-minute breaks every hour, and the Canadian continued working. When the bell rang to end the competition, the Canadian was sure that the prize was in his pocket. However, he was defeated. - How did it happen? – he asked the Norwegian. – Every hour I heard that you stop working for ten minutes. How did you manage to cut down more wood than me? This is impossible! “In fact, everything is very simple,” the Norwegian answered directly. Every hour I stopped for ten minutes and, while you continued to cut down the forest, I sharpened my ax.

When pressed for time, require short letters from employees and do not forget about the main goal

Ilya Rubtsov, Director of Corus Consulting CIS, St. Petersburg

There are times when the number of tasks that require simultaneous work for me simply goes off scale. It seems that it is not only problematic to keep them in your head, but also impossible to deal with them all in principle. When such a period comes, I use several effective techniques.

Twitter-style. There are employees who like to write long and rather confusing letters. If I receive this, then I ask the subordinate to briefly, in one or two sentences, reformulate the idea, isolate the essence and write in understandable language. It often happens that, trying to rethink the problem, an employee finds a way out on his own - or the problem becomes so simple that you can make a decision or give advice quite quickly.

The "three nails" rule. It is better not to abuse this rule, but sometimes it allows you to focus on really important things. The method comes from an old story: three nails are nailed to the wall, and if a task appears, you hang it on the first nail and forget about it. If the same task arises again, it is moved from the first to the second nail, and you also forget about it. The same thing happens a third time. If the task reminds itself for the fourth time, then it is completed, since there is nowhere to outweigh it. But it comes to this in rare cases; more often than not, the problem is either solved without your participation, or becomes irrelevant.

Timer. Many cases are completed later than planned. Moreover, each delay affects the completion of subsequent tasks. This situation aggravates time pressure. Most people's phones have a timer function that allows them to sound an alarm after a certain amount of time. This helps to clearly limit the time for completing tasks and not disrupt plans. For example, I have all my affairs, meetings and events indicated in an electronic calendar, which is automatically synchronized on my computer, phone and tablet. All calendar entries include a reminder for the next task: when it comes time, a message appears with a sound on your computer and phone indicating that it is time to wrap up and move on to the next task.

Filter. Deputies and assistants who cook for you are very useful necessary information, help you complete tasks, relieve you of unnecessary problems, allowing you to free up time for the main, most important things. For example, when another problem arises that urgently needs to be solved, instruct your assistant to work through and prepare information on the basis of which you could quickly make a decision.

Global goal. It is important for the director to remember the global goals and the company’s strategy. All questions and answers to them must be related to solving strategic problems. To keep these guidelines in mind, I take time every Monday to identify key priorities and plan the most important tasks for the coming week as part of the implementation of the company's strategy.

And one more recommendation on how to organize your working time. With intense work and enormous responsibility, the mental stability of a leader is very important. And to maintain it, you need to be able to disconnect from work. It is advisable to set aside time every day for sports, hobbies and any other distracting activities. This allows you to maintain energy balance and restore strength for effective work.

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With the modern rhythm of life organization of working hours is becoming increasingly relevant. People constantly calculate how much time in their lives they spend sleeping, how much time they spend at work, and how much free time they have left. But no one considers how much time they waste, especially at work.

You can’t even imagine how much time you spend looking through email, drinking tea with colleagues, “working out” and especially on social networks. All these so-called tasks seem harmless, but in the end they literally steal work time. In addition, people like to create stressful situations for themselves. They tend to put off important things until later, and when the time comes to hand over the work, they begin to work in emergency mode. This tendency is called.

For ordinary people, this is simple laziness, but scientists say the opposite. A person putting things off until the last minute realizes the importance of the situation, but still puts it off until the last minute. This happens for various reasons: lack of motivation and interest in work or lack of understanding of what the end result should be, etc. Effective organization of working time would allow such situations to be avoided. There is such a thing as time management. This is the science of correct and effective distribution of your time: both working and free. If you don't plan time, it will slip through your fingers like water.

To organize your working time, it is recommended to divide all tasks into four groups: important and urgent, unimportant and non-urgent, important and non-urgent, unimportant and urgent. Psychological research showed that people spend more time on unimportant and non-urgent matters, and leave important and urgent ones for later, when there is no longer time for them. A few simple rules will help you organize your working time effectively.

To do this, you need, first of all, to put things in order on your computer desktop and workplace, so as not to waste time searching for the right document or file. The concept of “creative clutter” does not apply to work.

Also in the morning, in order not to waste time preparing for work, try to come to work early, about 15 minutes before the start of the working day. This is enough time to turn on the computer, look through email, drink a cup of coffee and chat with colleagues.

Try to note the time every time you go online not for work purposes, but to distract yourself, or when you read SMS messages on your phone. You will be surprised at how much time you will spend. Of course, in order to effectively organize your working time, you need short breaks, they prevent you from overworking, but you shouldn’t stay at your workplace, it’s better to get up and walk around.

If you feel that you are not meeting deadlines with your work, you can set aside a few hours and come to work on a day off. Often you can do it in a couple of hours on a weekend than on weekdays. And you will thereby avoid stress and emergency work.

Sometimes it happens that even efficient organization of working time does not help “clear the rubble” at work. This is due to the fact that there is more work than you are capable of doing. Therefore, if your work depends on orders, do not take everything in a row and realistically assess your strengths.

Prioritize what is important and learn to quickly switch from one task to another, this will help you get more done in a day. And don't forget to leave work on time. Manage your time so as not to be late, otherwise you will never be able to separate work from your personal life, and therefore you will not be able to get rid of stress.

In conclusion, I would like to say, perhaps, the most important criterion that must be taken into account when effective organization working day: you need to get enough sleep so as not to feel like a “broken trough” and not fall asleep on the go.

These simple rules will significantly simplify your life, help organize work time effectively, achieve high results at work and relieve stress and fatigue.