Who does the poet compare the steppe with? Lesson summary on literary reading topic: N. Nosov "Patch". Working on expressive reading

Subject:“I.S. Nikitin “Enough, my steppe.” Personification as a technique for creating a picture of nature"

Target: introduce students to the creative style of the poet I.S. Nikitin using the example of the poem “Enough, my steppe...”


- improve the skills of fluent, correct, conscious, expressive reading; continue to develop the ability to translate information perceived aurally into visual images and back into verbal form;

- enrich vocabulary, develop verbal drawing skills, develop imaginative thinking, creativity, imagination, observation and comparison skills.

- to cultivate love for the Motherland, the ability to see beauty in poetry.

Technology, methods, techniques: methods of creative and explanatory reading.

Lesson type: a lesson in discovering new knowledge.

Equipment for students: Handout.

Teacher equipment: presentation.

UUD: Personal: a positive attitude towards the learning process, towards the acquisition of knowledge and skills, the ability to overcome emerging difficulties;

Development of reflection.

Subject: expansion of vocabulary;

Cognitive: observe the sound of words in a poetic text, explain interesting expressions;

Communication: developing the ability to express one’s opinion;

Regulatory: developing the ability to apply a learning task and understand the proposed action plan;

Formation of the ability to evaluate oneself and comrades.

During the classes.

Teacher activities

I. Organizing students' attention. Motivation educational activities.

Hello guys!

Good afternoon and good hour.

A lot of new things awaits us.

And everything is fine on the desk,

There are books and notebooks.

Guys, today in the lesson we will continue to open interesting and favorite pages of the book, but in order to find something interesting in the work, what should the reader be like?

I wish you all to be attentive and thoughtful readers.

II.Speech warm-up. Working with pure language.

At the beginning of the lesson, we will work on pure speech.

Listen to me read it: Sanya was taking his sleigh up the hill. Sanya was driving down the hill, and Sanya was riding a sleigh.

Why are the words “Sanya” and “sleigh” written differently?

Which sound is repeated more often?

Let's say it all together

Let's read the phrase slowly.

Let's read it quickly.

Even faster.

Well done! You are well prepared for reading.

III. Updating previously learned and checking homework.

Guys, what section of the textbook are we studying?

What works have you read from this section?

Which piece did you like the most? How?

What homework were you given?

Why did you choose this particular intonation?

What helps a poem to be so beautiful? What are the means of expressive speech?

Choose the one you need: (on the slide) e piety, comparison, personification.

Why do you think that? Explain.

What is an epithet, comparison, personification?

IV. Preparatory work.

Let's start the lesson with poetic lines that you have probably heard.

Admire: spring is coming,

The cranes are flying in a caravan,

The day is drowning in bright gold,

And the streams rustle through the ravines...

Did you like the poem? Do you know who wrote it? It was written by Ivan Savvich Nikitin. (1824-1861) - Russian poet of the 19th century.

Open the textbook on p.66

Read the topic of our lesson. Let's read together what the poet's name is.

Formulate the purpose of the lesson based on its topic.

2.Acquaintance with the biography of the poet.

Listen to my story about the poet, then I’ll ask what you learned about I.S. Nikitin.

Nikitin Ivan Savvich - famous poet.

Look at his portrait.

He was born in Voronezh, his father was a merchant owner of a candle factory. He studied at the school, but did not finish it, because he helped his father in trade affairs. Little Ivan Savvich took upon himself all the hardships of adult life. He had to work very hard to earn his bread. He began to write poetry very early, but for a long time he did not dare to publish them or show them to others. And Nikitin’s first published poem “Rus” brought him fame; he soon published a whole collection of his poems using the proceeds. subsequently he opened book Shop and a library.

Children enjoy reading such poems by I.S. Nikitin as: “Children”, “Grandfather”, “When alone, in moments of reflection...” and many others.

So, what have you learned about I.S. Nikitin?

Let's rest and then continue work.

Physical education minute

3. Preparation for the perception of the work.

Close your eyes and quietly say the word “spring.” Think about what spring brings us joy or sadness?

Yes, spring does not have a simple character. Everything gives us both joy and sadness.

V. Working on the poem “Enough, my steppe, sleep soundly...”

1.Primary reading of the work.

Listen carefully to the poem and think about who the poet Nikitin is addressing?

2.Emotional-evaluative conversation.

What impression did this work make on you?

Who is the poet Nikitin addressing?

3. Lexical work. Working in pairs. (slide).

Task: Connect the words with their meanings.

Examination. I ask a couple.

Did you do the job correctly?

4.Secondary reading.

Guys, read this poem yourself and think about what pictures of nature replace each other in Nikitin’s poem?

5. Analytical conversation.

Why does the poet turn to the steppe?

Describe what spring is like in this poem? Read it.

What picture is depicted following spring?

What time of summer is Nikitin talking about? Read it.

Look at the illustration. What is shown? Choose lines for the poem.

Is there a picture of autumn in the poem? Read it.

6.Creative work. Word drawing

How do you imagine the steppe? Describe the picture you presented.

What colors would you choose for your painting? Why?

What would you depict in the center? Why? What else would be in your picture? Why would you want to put this in particular?

What lines from the poem would you use to caption your painting? Read them out.

Look at the illustration. Is this how you imagined the steppe? Label this illustration with lines from the poem.

7. General conversation.

– What appeared to your eyes when you listened to these lines?

– What means of expressive speech does the poet use? Prove it.

What is personification?

What helps to imagine personification?

– How does the poet address the steppe?

– Which lines did you especially like? Read them.

– What mood is the poem permeated with?

How would you title the poem? Discuss with a friend how to title the poem.


8.Work on expressive reading.

– By the nature of the versification, what does this work resemble?
-Why does this poem sound so melodious and solemn? (include recording of song excerpt)

9.Preparation for expressive reading.

When preparing, use the reminder, look at the slide

1. Put the accents correctly.

2. Take breaks.

4. Determine the pace (fast, slow)

5. Read emotionally.

6. Show your attitude to the work with intonation

(Work in pairs on expressive reading)

10. Expressive reading of a poem

Whose reading did you particularly enjoy? Why?

VI. Lesson summary.

Which poet's work did you get acquainted with in class?

What is the name of his poem?

- What means of expressive speech did we work with today?
– Share your impressions of reading this poem.
– What is the main idea of ​​the poem?

Do the last lines of the poem help us understand the poet’s attitude towards nature? (slide)

In the poem we see not only the poet’s depiction of a picture of nature, but also the poet himself. Such poems could be written by a person who loved his native land, its vast expanses. We admire this beauty together with him. A poet can only be understood by good, real poems, when you read them, as if you hear the voice of the poet himself. (slide)

1. Compiling a syncwine.

Now let’s make a “syncwine” for this poem.

Remember what “syncwine” is?


a) 1st line – subjects (topic)

b) Line 2 - 2 adjectives (reveals the topic)

c) line 3 - 3 verbs (actions, attitude to the topic)

d) Line 4 – phrase (sentence, your attitude)

e) line 5 - output (word – association with the first word)

Checking the task.

Reflection "Leaves".

VI. Homework

VII. Analysis of student activity.

Today in class we worked...

(A mark of “5” is given if the reading was good, without errors, and the student answered the questions.

A grade of “4” is given if the student read well, but made several mistakes, but answered questions about the text well.

A grade of “3” is given if the student read, made many mistakes, and answered questions poorly).

Well done boys. I really enjoyed working with you. This concludes the lesson, thank you all for your attention.


Thinking, attentive.

They listen carefully.

One word means a name, and the other means an object that is ridden.

Sound [s] Count slowly. Read quickly. Even faster.

Poetry notebook 1 list

They answer.

They answer.

Open the textbook on page 66 and read.

They retell it.

They pronounce it.

Listen to the recording.

These are different seasons.

The first picture is about how the steppe should awaken and wash itself with dew. How she will cover herself with grass, dress up in flowers, like a bride. That is, the first picture is about how the steppe will bloom. The second picture is about the onset of spring. Cranes are flying, streams are noisy in the ravines. The third picture is a picture of the sky with clouds floating across it.

The poet turns to the steppe... Ant.answer

They answer about haymaking


Give examples from the poem

Comparison, personification, epithet, appeal.

Yes, the poet depicts the steppe as alive. He addresses her:

My steppe, I can sleep soundly,

Wake up and wash yourself with dew,

Show yourself in unseen beauty.

Cover up, dress up, admire... It sounds like a drawn-out song

They evaluate and express their opinions.

Children's answers

I.S. NikitinaAbout the beauty of nature.About nature.Personification, mowers, steppe.Impressions of students

Five line poem

Personal: a positive attitude towards the learning process, towards the acquisition of knowledge and skills, the ability to overcome emerging difficulties;

Developing the ability to justify your answer.

Expanding your literary horizons.

Forming the ability to apply a learning task and understand the proposed action plan;

Formation of environmental consciousness;

Communication: developing the ability to express one’s opinion

Subject: expansion of vocabulary;

Cognitive: observe the sound of words in a poetic text, explain interesting expressions;

Formation of the ability to analyze a poem;

Developing the ability to find answers to questions.

Formation of the ability to evaluate oneself and comrades;

Formation of a recreating imagination;

Tyumen region. Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug.

Nizhnevartovsk district.



Summary of a literary reading lesson

on this topic:

Ivan Savvich Nikitin

“Enough, my steppe, sleep soundly...”

Prepared by: Lyubov Alexandrovna Komalova

2016 - 2017 academic year

Educational complex: “School of Russia”

Lesson topic: I.S. Nikitin “Enough, my steppe, sleep soundly”

Lesson type: lesson "discovery" of new knowledge

Planned results:


Students should be able to:

Predict the content of the work;

Learn artistic techniques;

Use words to create a picture of nature;

Explain individual expressions in the lyric text.


- y be able to conduct self-assessment based on the criterion of success in educational activities;

Encourage the use of acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life.


Regulatory UUD:

determine and formulate the purpose of the activity in the lesson with the help of the teacher;

pronounce the sequence of actions in the lesson;

express your assumption (version) based on working with the textbook material;

be able to work collectively according to a developed algorithm of action;

Assess the correctness of the action at the level of an adequate retrospective assessment;

Plan your action in accordance with the task;

Make necessary adjustments to the activity after its completion based on its assessment and taking into account the nature of the errors made.

Communicative UUD.

Be able to express your thoughts orally;

Listen and understand the speech of others;

Agree on the rules of behavior and communication and follow them;

learn to work in pairs, groups; perform the roles of controller and executor.

Cognitive UUD.

Be able to navigate your knowledge system: distinguish new from already known with the help of a teacher;

Gain new knowledge: find answers to questions using the textbook and information received in class;

draw conclusions about the results of joint work.

Basic concepts: metaphor, personification, comparison, epithet.

Interdisciplinary connections: the world



    computer, multimedia projector, screen, presentation, audio recording of I. Nikitin’s poem “Enough, my steppe, sleep soundly...”

    task cards.

Lesson content:

    Organizing time.

    Checking homework:

Reading a poem by heart - A.A. Fet “Rye is ripening over a hot field...”

    Updating of basic knowledge + Appendix 1

Slide 2

What do artists use to paint pictures? What about the musicians?

What do you think poets and writers depict in their paintings?

Remember what artistic techniques they use?

Slide 3

* work in pairs, using cards

Let's remember these techniques - we work in pairs.

Slide 4

Remember what section we are studying? (poetry notebook)

Let's go to our gallery of portraits of Russian poets. Which poets' works have you already become familiar with?

What are their poems about?

There is another portrait in the gallery with question mark. Whose portrait do you think this is? (make assumptions)

After finishing studying the “Poetry Notebook” section, you will also try to write your own children’s poems about nature and your homeland. And your portraits will take their rightful place in the gallery of portraits of Russian poets.

4. Setting the topic and goals of the lesson.

Slide 5

Who has already guessed what the topic of the lesson is? State the objectives of the lesson.

    Learning new material.

Slide 6 + appendix 2

A) Acquaintance with the biography of the poet - I.S. Nikitin

* work on individual cards- Appendix 2

Slide 7

Test yourself (Yes or No test)

B) Preparation for the perception of the poem

Read the title of the poem. What do you think it's about?

Who is the author addressing?

What is the steppe?

I propose to go on a short trip across the steppe.

Slide 8

C) Acquaintance with the poem “Enough, my steppe, sleep soundly...”

Slide 9

    Listening to an audio recording

    Primary perception

Did you like the poem?

Was our assumption about the theme of the poem confirmed?

    Vocabulary work

Slide 10 – 12 + Appendix 3

Guys, in this poem there will be words that you might have heard before, but you don’t know their meaning. Let's look at the meanings of some words together.

What it is? Let's connect the word with the definition with arrows.

Enough is enough

Feather grass - steppe grass

To please the mowers - do something nice (give more grass)

A haystack is a small round stack of hay.

    Physical exercise for the eyes

    Independent reading of a poem

Re-read slowly. Think about how many pictures you would paint?

Slide 13

    Selective reading, word drawing.

The first picture is about how the steppe should awaken and wash itself with dew. How she will cover herself with grass, dress up in flowers, like a bride. That is, the first picture is about how the steppe will bloom.

The second picture is about the onset of spring. Cranes are flying, streams are noisy in the ravines.

The third picture is a picture of the sky with clouds floating across it.)

How would you title the poem? (Children's proposal.)

    Artistic techniques used in the poem

What artistic techniques does the author use in the poem?

( Personification - the poet depicts the steppe as living. He addresses her:

My steppe, I can sleep soundly,

Wake up and wash yourself with dew,

Show yourself in unseen beauty.

Cover up, dress up,


Comparison – “snow-white clouds in crowds”, “good riddance on a deserted path”;

Epithets – “deserted paths”, “beloved beauty”

Metaphor - “winter - mother”)

    Expressive reading of A. Blok’s poem “In the Meadow.”

6. Physical exercise

The bear crawled out of the den.
Looked around on the threshold. (turns left and right)
He stretched out of sleep:
Spring has come to us again. (Stretching, hands up)
To quickly gain strength,
The bear turned its head (rotating its head)
Leaned back and forth (leans forward and back)
Here he is walking through the forest.
Mishka is looking for roots,
And rotten stumps.
They contain edible larvae -
Vitamins for the bear. (tilts: touch your left foot with your right hand and vice versa)
Finally the bear had his fill
And he sat down on a log. (children sit down)

7. Continue studying a new topic.

    Preparing for expressive reading.

Think about the pace at which you will read the poems: quickly, clearly, pronouncing the words loudly, or melodiously, slowly. (We will read slowly, melodiously.) - Prepare for an expressive reading of the poem.

Read expressively.

8. Lesson summary

What does a poet need to create a picture? (Use means of artistic expression) what? (metaphor, personification, epithet, comparison)

Slide 14

9. Homework

P.114-115 – expressive reading: those who wish can draw their own illustration for the poem

Slide 15

10 Reflection.

Select and continue any sentence:

In class I learned

I would praise myself for

I wanted

Today I managed

Annex 1

Appendix 2

Biography of the poet Ivan Savvich Nikitin

Ivan Savvich Nikitin was born in Voronezh, his father was a merchant owner of a candle factory. He studied at the school, but did not finish it, because his father was threatened with ruin and it was necessary to help him in trading matters. Little Ivan Savvich took upon himself all the hardships of adult life. He had to work very hard to earn his bread.

He began to write poetry very early, but for a long time he did not dare to publish them or show them to others. And Nikitin’s first published poem “Rus” brought him fame, he soon published a whole collection of his poems, and with the proceeds he later opened a bookstore and library.

Biography of the poet Ivan Savvich Nikitin

Ivan Savvich Nikitin was born in Voronezh, his father was a merchant owner of a candle factory. He studied at the school, but did not finish it, because his father was threatened with ruin and it was necessary to help him in trading matters. Little Ivan Savvich took upon himself all the hardships of adult life. He had to work very hard to earn his bread.

He began to write poetry very early, but for a long time he did not dare to publish them or show them to others. And Nikitin’s first published poem “Rus” brought him fame, he soon published a whole collection of his poems, and with the proceeds he later opened a bookstore and library.

Biography of the poet Ivan Savvich Nikitin

Ivan Savvich Nikitin was born in Voronezh, his father was a merchant owner of a candle factory. He studied at the school, but did not finish it, because his father was threatened with ruin and it was necessary to help him in trading matters. Little Ivan Savvich took upon himself all the hardships of adult life. He had to work very hard to earn his bread.

He began to write poetry very early, but for a long time he did not dare to publish them or show them to others. And Nikitin’s first published poem “Rus” brought him fame, he soon published a whole collection of his poems, and with the proceeds he later opened a bookstore and library.

Biography of the poet Ivan Savvich Nikitin

Ivan Savvich Nikitin was born in Voronezh, his father was a merchant owner of a candle factory. He studied at the school, but did not finish it, because his father was threatened with ruin and it was necessary to help him in trading matters. Little Ivan Savvich took upon himself all the hardships of adult life. He had to work very hard to earn his bread.

He began to write poetry very early, but for a long time he did not dare to publish them or show them to others. And Nikitin’s first published poem “Rus” brought him fame, he soon published a whole collection of his poems, and with the proceeds he later opened a bookstore and library.

Appendix 3

N. Nosov “Patch”. teach to work on correct and expressive reading, through the development of understanding of the content and understanding of the emotional mood; learn to divide the text into parts and draw up a story plan; cultivate hard work and the ability to overcome difficulties; instill an interest in reading.
During the classes
Children's story about N.N. Nosov and an exhibition of books they read. Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov - children's writer. Born in the city of Kyiv in the family of an actor. Before becoming a writer, he was a newspaper salesman, a digger, a log hauler, and a laborer. After graduating from the Institute of Cinematography, he worked as a director for almost 20 years, producing many scientific and animated films. He wrote stories about children your age. They create a cheerful mood and make you think about your behavior.
Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov did not intend to become a writer. He worked in cinema. But one day he composed little funny stories for his preschooler son and his friends. The children liked these stories, and from that time on he began to serve literature.
The books of Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov are called an encyclopedia of children's life.
Look at the book exhibition. In these books live magicians and dreamers, inventors and simpletons. The stories “The Living Hat”, “Cucumbers”, “The Blob”, “Bobik Visiting Barbos” and others are imbued with gentle humor.
One of the writer’s books is called “Patch”. We will get acquainted with this wonderful work today in class.
What is a patch? (A piece of fabric sewn onto the torn area.)
Have you ever sewn a patch? Do you think it's easy to do?
IV. Familiarization with the text
1 Reading the story by the teacher.2 Conversation based on the text.
Did you like the story? What did you learn from listening to it?
How many complete parts would you divide the text into? Justify your answer.
3 Reading a story by children.4 Working on the text
5 Vocabulary work
Patch - the word is based on Old Russian word plat, which means a piece of material, from this word the words swimming trunks, dress, patch were formed.
The protective color is grayish-green (military uniform).
Inky pencil-pencil, which when wetted writes like ink.
Annoyance is a feeling of irritation, dissatisfaction due to failure, resentment.
6 Making a plan
Now you and I will read in parts and title each part.
1 part:
Why did the boy like green pants so much? (No one had such pants.)
How can you title it? (“Wonderful pants.”)
What mood was Bobka in when he tore his pants?
How did his mother greet him? Why?
What did Bobka decide to do? What should we call it? ("Hole".)
How did Bobka behave with the guys?
Who did he blame for everything?
Why did Bobka feel ashamed?
What should we title this part? (“Bobka felt ashamed.”)
How did Bobka sew on a patch for the first time?
What is the author comparing it to?
Why did Bobka start redoing it?
How might this characterize Bobka?
What did the patch look like the second time?
Name this part. (“It’s not an easy task to patch.”)
Why did the guys praise the boy?
Did Bobka like doing everything himself?
What should we call this part? ("Good job".)
Story plan
Wonderful pants.
Bobka felt ashamed.
It's not an easy task to patch.
Good job.
What conclusion can be drawn? (They value those people who know how to do everything on their own, well and beautifully, and not haphazardly.)
7 Physical education minute
Group work
group: make pictograms for the text outline.
group: choose a proverb that matches the meaning of the story.
group: choose words that characterize Bobka at the beginning of the story and at the end.
What do Nosov’s stories teach? (Students' answers.)
(Students summarize the lesson by completing the sentences.)
I like it...
What would I praise myself for...


Goals: begin to introduce students to the poetry of I. S. Nikitin, show the beauty and imagery of I. S. Nikitin’s poems; cultivate love for Russian nature; work on developing beautiful, correct speech.

During the classes

    Organizing time.

I'm glad to meet you again

I'm interested in you, friends!

Your answers are interesting

I listen with pleasure.

Today we will watch

Draw conclusions and reason.

And so that the lesson benefits everyone,

Get actively involved in the work, my friend!

II. Checking homework.

Students’ drawings made for A. Fet’s poem “Mom!” are hung on the board. Look from the window...”, “The rye is ripening over the hot cornfield...”.

Look at this endless golden sea.

What do you want to say?

What thoughts does this work evoke? What makes you think?(About the people who grew bread, their hard work.)

Yes, the work of a plowman is not easy, but how joyful it is in your heart when you see a picture similar to the one depicted by A. Fet in his poem.

Let's re-read the poem again.

Students expressively read or recite by heart the poem “Rye is ripening over a hot field...”.

Let's start the lesson with poetic lines that you have probably heard.

Admire: spring is coming,

The cranes are flying in a caravan,

The day is drowning in bright gold,

And the streams rustle through the ravines...

or other:

Hello, guest winter!

We ask for mercy

Sing songs of the north

Through forests and steppes...

They were written by Ivan Savvich Nikitin.

III. Work on works.

Listen to the poem “Enough, my steppe, sleep soundly...”.

The teacher reads the poem expressively.

What mood is the poem permeated with?

What appeared to your eyes when you listened to these lines?

What comparisons does the poet use?

How does the poet address the steppe?

Which lines did you particularly like? Read them.

An exercise in reading a poem.

Physical education minute

IV. Lesson summary.

How do you feel when you leave class?

What did you particularly like or interest?

Homework: prepare an expressive reading of the poem by I. S. Nikitin “Enough, my steppe, sleep soundly...” (pp. 66–67, part 1), memorize the 2nd and 5th stanzas of the poem “Enough, my steppe , sleep soundly...", make a drawing for the poem.

Pedagogical tasks: create conditions for mastering the skills of working on a lyrical work; improve the skills of correct, conscious, expressive reading; promote the development of the ability to translate information perceived aurally into visual images and back into verbal form; imaginative thinking, creativity, imagination; enrichment of vocabulary; developing the skill of verbal drawing; to promote love for the small Motherland, the ability to see beauty in poetry

View document contents

3rd grade. Literary reading.

subject. Russian poets of the 19th–20th centuries. The renewal of nature, reflected in the poems of I. S. Nikitin “Enough, my steppe, sleep soundly...” (textbook, pp. 66–67)

Lesson type: solving particular problems

Pedagogical tasks: create conditions for mastering the skills of working on a lyrical work; improve the skills of correct, conscious, expressive reading; promote the development of the ability to translate information perceived aurally into visual images and back into verbal form; imaginative thinking, creativity, imagination; enrichment of vocabulary; developing verbal drawing skills; to promote love for the small Motherland, the ability to see beauty in poetry

Planned results


will learn use basic techniques of text analysis based on teacher questions; find means of artistic expression in a work (comparison, personification); read aloud fluently, consciously, without distortion, expressively, conveying your attitude to what you read

Metasubject: educational: analyze a literary text based on the teacher’s system of questions, identify the main idea of ​​the work, formulate it at the level of generalization in joint collective activity; regulatory: formulate the educational task of the lesson, accept it, maintain it throughout the lesson, periodically checking their actions with the given task; read in accordance with the purpose of reading (fluently, expressively, by role, expressively by heart, etc.); analyze the reasons for success/failure using rating scales and a sign system; communicative: find the necessary information through conversation with adults, educational books, dictionaries, reference books, encyclopedias


know by heart poems about the Motherland, the beauty of its nature, read them expressively, conveying the most positive feelings for the Motherland

Educational Resources: slides of spring nature (forest, steppe, garden), portrait of I. Nikitin

During the classes

Lesson stage

Student activity

I. Verification

1. Organizes an exhibition of children's works (before the start of the lesson).

2. Evaluates the expressive reading of A. Fet’s poem “Mom! Look out the window..."

They read the poem expressively and analyze the children’s works presented at the exhibition.

II. Updating basic knowledge. Setting a learning task

– Look at pictures of nature. What time of year are they depicted? Prove it. Read the topic of the lesson and try to formulate a learning task.

– Yes, today in class we will get acquainted with the work of the Russian poet I. S. Nikitin, we will determine what artistic means the poet conveys the mood of spring, learn expressive reading

They make assumptions and argue.

Formulate a learning task.

Listen carefully

III. Learning new material.

1. Biography
I. S. Nikitina.

– Ivan Savvich Nikitin was born in Voronezh, his father was a merchant - the owner of a candle factory. The boy studied at the school, but did not manage to finish it, because his father was threatened with ruin and it was necessary to help him in trading matters. Little Ivan had to experience all the problems of an adult: earning a living, giving up his youthful hobbies. He began writing poetry early, but did not publish them because he was not sure of success. But the very first published poem “Rus” brought him fame and opened the way to the world of literature.

Listen to the teacher's story.

2. Work on a poem by I. S. Nikitin

“Enough, my steppe, sleep…”:

– What feelings do you experience after listening to this poem?

– How can you describe your mood?

– What mood does nature have with the arrival of spring? Happy or sad?

– Find pictures of nature in the text, read the description.

They express their opinion.

1) Primary reading of the poem by the teacher.

– Look at the slides about spring.

– The poet writes about spring in the steppe. Look at the pictures of the steppe. What characteristic features did you notice?

- About the steppe.

Examine and describe the contents of the paintings.

2) Working with a dictionary.

– Find the definition of steppe in the dictionary.

Read the definition: steppe - a plain covered with grassy vegetation. Feature– lack of forest.

– Explain the meaning of the words: for the sake of the mowers - do something nice, please; full (sleep soundly) – that’s enough;

feather grass – steppe grass; shocks - a small round haystack.

3) Analysis of the work

– The poet chose the steppe as the scene of action. Such landscapes attract with their modest charm, expanse, severity and sedateness.

– Read the entire text using the “buzz reading” method.

Who is the poet addressing?

– Which lines of the poem prove that the steppe in the author’s depiction is alive?

- What is the name of this one? artistic technique?

– What pictures of nature replace each other?

– How would you title the poem? Why?

- To the steppe.

- Personification.

– 1st picture – the steppe should awaken and wash itself with dew, dress up in flowers; 2nd picture – the onset of spring, cranes fly in a caravan, streams rustle through the ravines; 3rd picture – sky with floating clouds

IV. Check of knowledge

1. Offers to collect proverbs and sayings from half text:

One spring day... ...everyone is red.

Mother spring... ...brought spring.

Water flowed from the mountains... ...the year feeds.

2. Gives the task to work in pairs and read out the signs spring

Make up proverbs and explain the hidden meaning of proverbs.

Discussing the task
in pairs, offer

joint version

V. Homework

Divide the entire text into parts, write it in workbook us. 33

Clarify tasks, take note of information

VI. Lesson summary. Reflection

– What did you like about the lesson? What new things have you discovered?

– How do you evaluate your participation in the lesson?

Evaluate their work, analyze the activity of participation