Making a reader's diary in 1. Why do you need a reader's diary? material (grade 1) on the topic. Making a reader's diary

Starting from the first grade, teachers give children a specific list of books that they should read by the beginning of school year. Diary entries will help the student remember the contents of the book. In addition, the reader's diary allows you to easily and quickly find the information you need when preparing for various surveys, tests and exams. Recorded impressions of a book will help you remember literary images even many years after you have read the last page of said book.

It's easy to create a reader's diary. A little patience - and you will succeed.

How to create a reader's diary

To start decide on the design of your future assistant. The most simple option You will use a regular squared notebook. On the title page write: “ Reader's diary", below indicate the first and last name of its compiler, as well as the class. Your child can then decorate the notebook however they like.

See how you can design your notebook.

Approximate sample design

You can leave the next and last pages of the notebook for notes. Or, on the first page after the title page, indicate a list of books you have read, indicating the number of pages.

Open the next spread and draw a table, consisting of 6 columns:

  1. In the first column, indicate the author's last name, first name and patronymic, title and year of writing. It is advisable to immediately teach the child to write the writer’s name and patronymic in full, so that it will be easier for him or her to prepare for the exam. Also ask your child to point out two or three significant facts from the author’s life.
  2. Place the second column under short description. Explain to the child that he must write down all the significant facts of the work, highlight the main characters, identify everything storylines in such a way that it would be easier for him to make a detailed retelling.
  3. In the third column, indicate the genre, stylistic features and structure of the book.
  4. The fourth column is dedicated entirely to characters. You can invite your daughter or son to draw a diagram of the relationship between the main character and the others actors appearing in the work. Don't forget to especially emphasize the character traits, appearance and other important features of the characters. Also, do not forget to describe the place and time of action, the main conflict and ways to resolve it as the plot unfolds.
  5. Ask your child to describe a memorable episode in the fifth column. Interesting quotes indicating who said it can be recorded here. These can later be used for group discussion in class.
  6. In the last column, write a few lines about your impressions after reading. Then, after a while, return to this column and write down your overall impression of the book. If the book is large in volume, then impressions can be written down as you read. Don't forget to ask your child to share his thoughts about the characters with you.

Electronic or paper

Sometimes it's much easier and more useful keep an electronic diary. Thanks to him, children will master the package faster office programs computer. You can prepare a reading diary template in electronic form and show how to fill it out. After which all you have to do is print the diary.

An electronic diary is also good because a child can gradually begin to master Internet searches and find photographs of authors they have read. You can come up with and do interactive tasks with your baby. For example, find several pictures on the Internet that reflect the plot different fairy tales, including the one you read with your child. And ask him or her to find the one that matches the meaning of what was read.

Or you can find coloring pages with characters from fairy tales. Let the child color the characters as he wishes, then carefully cut out the leaves and paste them into the diary.

Another example of design is in this video.

Teach your child to read before he enters first grade.. Buy him a colorful ABC book and blocks. Reading develops imagination, compassion, and helps you think outside the box. You can, under the strict guidance of your child, start publishing his drawings on social media pages. After all, children love to draw after some memorable fairy tale is read to them.

As a rule, children who have yet to enter first grade are already actively mastering computer games. Invite your child to independently design an electronic reading diary. Look for design templates that you can print later.

Keeping an electronic diary will be much easier and more interesting. Its main advantage over its paper counterpart is the impossibility of losing him. Its implementation depends entirely on children's ideas and creativity. It is also important to set specific goals for the child or ask questions related to the content of the work, for example:

  • Read such and such a book by such and such a date.
  • Why did the author name his main character this way and not another?
  • How would you finish the piece?

And then track the fulfillment of the goal as you fill out the diary and answer the questions asked.

Regardless of which option for keeping a reading diary you choose with your first grader, this is an activity in itself will bring tangible results in the near future.


From this video you will learn about reading diaries for different grades of elementary school.

Types of reader's diaries

Depending on the goal pursued by the teacher, several types of diaries can be distinguished:

  • a diary report on the number of pages read silently or aloud, notes from parents who read with the child. There may be the following columns: number, title of the work and full name of the author, number of pages read, type of reading (aloud and silent), parent signature. Used in primary school.
  • diary report on books read. Only book titles, author names, reading dates (June 2014, August 2014, etc.) are taken into account. There may also be “marginal notes,” that is, brief remarks about the book.
  • diary-cheat sheet with mini-analysis of works. Let's talk about it in more detail.

What should be in a reader's diary and how to fill it out?

  • Full name of the author of the work
  • Title of the work
  • Number of pages
  • Genre of the work (poem, novel, short story, etc.)
  • In what year was the work written? What is this year known for in history? What was the situation in the country where the author lived?
  • Main characters. You can simply indicate their names, but you can also give brief description: age, connections with other characters (elder brother, father, friend, etc.), appearance, favorite activities, habits, you can give page numbers on which the author characterizes the hero. Do you want to be like a hero? Why?
  • The plot, that is, what the book is about.
  • Review of the book.
  • List of key episodes in the book with page numbers.
  • The era in which the work takes place, or specific years. Who was in power then? In what country or city does the action take place?

High school students can also provide additional information:

  • List of critical literature by work or author.
  • Extracts of your favorite phrases and expressions.
  • short biography writer.

In addition to the usual information, you need to give your child the opportunity to draw in a reader’s diary, do crosswords, scanword puzzles, puzzles, also write a letter to the author of the book or characters, etc.

Is it possible to help a child keep a diary?

Yes, especially in primary school it may be too difficult for him. Moreover, you can even read together and, as you read, discuss the book, characters, events and fill out a diary.

Many adults do not pay enough attention to the format and appearance reading diary, and children do not feel the desire to fill them out. But let's think: what are the child's motives for reading? Why does he read (especially children under 6th grade)? Why is he filling out the diary? It is unlikely that at this age he does this consciously; most likely, he was simply “forced”. But we must remember that children may simply be interested in working in a large and beautiful notebook, filling out tablets, etc. Therefore, we propose to devote Special attention design of a reader's diary and offer several templates.

Dear first grader!

Having chosen a book, try itread aloud.

Come back to reading it repeatedly in a day.

End the day reading before bed.


We wish you success!

Reading expressiveness

Reading speed (tempo)

1 class

Read aloud pace ( software requirements)

My reader's diary

, student

My reader's diary

, students

1st “B” class at the Sovetsky gymnasium

Classroom teacher: Sharygina Elsa Albertovna

Dear parents!


Reading meaning

Correct reading

3. B. Zakhoder “Bird School” 4. A. Barto “Katya” 8. Brothers Grimm "Three Brothers" 14. V. Oseeva Stories

Dear first grader!

Do you want to learn to read very well as soon as possible? Yes?

You can help yourself with this, and the proposed diary is designed to become your assistant in mastering reading.

In it you will find some reading tips, as well as a list of books that will help you practice reading.

Having chosen a book, try itread aloud.

Come back to reading it repeatedly in a day.

End the day reading before bed.

By the end of the school year you should have read at least30-40 words per minute. At the same time, make sure that you can tell what you read about.

We wish you success!

Book request: learn to read me


Reading expressiveness

manifests itself in the skill reasonably, based on the content readable text, use pauses (logical-grammatical, psychological and rhythmic - when reading poems). Place logical and psychological emphasis, find the right intonation, partly suggested by punctuation marks, read loudly and clearly enough.
And finally, the most important characteristic of reading, according to children and parents:

Reading speed (tempo)

characterized by the number of words spoken per minute.
Estimated reading speed indicators in primary grades

1 class
1st half: 25 - 30 words per minute
2nd half of the year: 30-40 words per minute, in classes and schools higher level A higher reading pace is possible - from 60 words per minute.

Read aloud pace ( software requirements)

Half year

Words per minute

1 class

2nd grade

3rd grade

4th grade



1st half of the year

2nd half

15 – 20

25 – 30

35 – 45

50 – 60

60 – 70

70 – 75

75 – 80

80 – 90



1st half of the year

2nd half

15 – 20

30 – 40

40 – 50

55 – 60

60 – 70

75 – 80

80 – 90

90 – 100



1st half of the year

2nd half

15 – 20

30 – 40

40 – 50

50 – 55

55 – 60

60 – 70

70 – 80

80 – 90



1st half of the year

2nd half

20 – 30

40 – 50

50 – 60

60 – 70

70 – 80

80 – 90

90 – 100

100 - 120

My reader's diary

, student

1st “B” class at the Sovetsky gymnasium

Class teacher: Sharygina Elza Albertovna

My reader's diary

, students

1st “B” class at the Sovetsky gymnasium

Class teacher: Sharygina Elza Albertovna

Dear parents!

It is very difficult for a child who cannot read to do homework. He is not interested in lessons, he is restless, he does not visit the library, because reading books with poor reading technique is not so much pleasure as it is torment.

Reading is a complex psychophysiological process in which two sides can be distinguished:

1) semantic – understanding, awareness of the content and meaning of the text being read

2) technical (subordinate to the semantic, serving it) - speed (tempo), correctness and expressiveness of reading.
Reading meaning

assumes the reader's understanding:

The meanings of most of the words used in the text, both literally and figuratively;

The content of each of the sentences included in the text, clarification of the semantic connection between sentences;

The content of individual parts of the text (paragraphs, episodes, chapters) and the meaning of these parts (i.e. not only what is said, but also what is said);

The main meaning of the entire content of the text, i.e. awareness of this content and your attitude to what you read.
Correct reading

is expressed in the fact that the reader avoids mistakes, or, on the contrary, makes: substitutions, omissions, rearrangements, additions, distortions, repetitions of letters (sounds), syllables and words; correctly or incorrectly emphasizes words in the text being read.

extracurricular reading for 1st grade.

1. S. Marshak “Children in a cage”, “Why was the cat called a cat?”, “Mail”, “He’s so absent-minded” 2. L. Tolstoy “Two Comrades”, “Bulka” 3. B. Zakhoder “Bird School” 4. A. Barto “Katya” 5. N. Nosov “Zateiniki”, “Mishkina porridge” 6. L. Voronkova “What would mom say?” 7. Russians folk tales“The Fox and the Goat”, “Porridge from an Axe” 8. Brothers Grimm "Three Brothers" 9. N. Sladkov “Why is the year round” 10. M. Prishvin “Birch bark tube”, “Hedgehog” 11. K. D. Ushinsky “Four Wishes” 12. A. S. Pushkin “There is a green oak near the Lukomorye” 13. K. I. Chukovsky “Telephone”, “Tsokotukha Fly”, “Moidodyr”, “Cockroach”, “Stolen Sun” 14. V. Oseeva Stories 15. B. S. Zhitkov “Help is coming” 16. S. V. Mikhalkov “Uncle Styopa”, “What do you have?”

17. V. V. Mayakovsky “Horse-Fire”, “Who to be?”, “What is good and what is bad” 18. V. V. Bianchi “Who sings what?”, “Whose nose is better?” 19. C. Perrault “Little Red Riding Hood”, “Puss in Boots”









    “Gorbushka” B. Almazov

    “Little One” by M. Moskvin

    “Living Hat” N. Nosov

    Big Wash ", "The letter "you" L. Panteleev

    “Cat Thief” K. Paustovsky

    “Krupenichka” N. Teleshov

    “Silver Hoof” by P. Bazho

    “The Owl” by V. Bianchi

    “Gray Star” B. Zakhoder

    “Seven-flowered flower” V. Kataev

Books for children 6-7 years old

    « On the Horizon Islands» J. Brzechwa

    « » A.Milne

    « Noisy Babakh» J. Reeves

    « » Y. Tuvi

    « About a flying cow» V. Smith

    « About the one who has three eyes» D. Ciardi

    « Baby elephant» R. Kipling

    » A. Lindgren

    chapters from the fairy taleMister Au» X. Mäkelä

    chapters from the fairy taleLittle Baba Yaga» O. Preusler

    excerpt from "Fairy tales with three endings» « Magic drum » J. Rodari

    « Wizard hat"translated by V. Smirnov



    Make sure thateyes were movingline by line.

    Try harddon't come back

    When readingPay attention to everyone word.

    Try to understandabout what you are reading.


· aloud

· "About myself"

From the stories and chapters from the stories, we can offer the following list:

    chapters from “Baby and the Bug” by V. Dmitriev

    “The Lion and the Dog”, “Jump”, “Bone” by L. Tolstoy

    “Cat on a Bicycle” S. Cherny

    “Gorbushka” B. Almazov

    “Do not offend Jaconya” by M. Borisov

    chapters from the story “Chuk and Gek” by A. Gaidar

    “I saved Santa Claus” S. Georgiev

    “Childhood Friend”, “Top Down, Diagonally” V. Dragunsky

    “How I caught little men”, “White House” by B. Zhitkov

    “Greedy Chick and Vaska the Cat” by Y. Kazakov

    “Little One” by M. Moskvin

    “Living Hat” N. Nosov

    chapter from “Stories about Squirrel and Tamara” “Big Wash ", "The letter "you" L. Panteleev

    “Cat Thief” K. Paustovsky

    “To the Sea”, “Penguin Beach”, “Brave Little Penguin” G. Snegirev

Featured literary tales:

    “The Tale of Tsar Saltan, of his glorious and mighty hero Prince Gvidon Saltanovich and of the beautiful Swan Princess” A. Pushkin

    “Krupenichka” N. Teleshov

    Chapters from the fairy tale “Little Brownie Kuzka” by T. Alexandrov

    “Silver Hoof” by P. Bazho

    “The Owl” by V. Bianchi

    Chapters from the fairy tale “The Wizard of the Emerald City” by A. Volkov

    “Gray Star” B. Zakhoder

    “Seven-flowered flower” V. Kataev

    “The Tale of Three Pirates” A. Mityaev

    “The Cat Who Could Sing” L. Petrushevskaya

    “How they sold a frog”, “Tall tales in faces”, “Laughers” G. Sapgir

Books for children 6-7 years old poets and writers of foreign countries

    « On the Horizon Islands» J. Brzechwatranslated from Polish by B. Zakhoder

    « The Ballad of the Royal Sandwich» A.Milne, translated from English by S. Marshak

    « Noisy Babakh» J. Reevestranslated from English by M. Boroditskaya

    « A letter to all children on one very important matter» Y. Tuvitranslated from Polish by S. Mikhalkov

    « About a flying cow» V. Smithtranslated from English by B. Zakhoder

    « About the one who has three eyes» D. Ciarditranslated from English by R. Sefa

    « Baby elephant» R. Kiplingtranslated from English by K. Chukovsky, poetry translated from English by S. Marshak

    chapters abbreviated from the fairy tale "Carlson, who lives on the roof» A. Lindgrentranslated from Swedish by L. Lungina

    chapters from the fairy taleMister Au» X. Mäkelätranslated from Finnish by E. Uspensky

    chapters from the fairy taleLittle Baba Yaga» O. Preuslertranslated from German by Yu. Korinets

    excerpt from "Fairy tales with three endings» « Magic drum » J. Rodaritranslated from Italian by I. Konstantinova

    « About the world's last dragon"T. Jansson translated from Swedish by L. Braude and a chapter from the fairy tale"Wizard hat"translated by V. Smirnov



1. Make sure thateyes were movingline by line.

2. Try harddon't come back to reading the word read, if you understand it.

3. When readingPay attention to everyone word.

4. Try to understandabout what you are reading.

5. Readdaily:

· aloud

· "About myself"

Many parents, when faced with their child’s homework for the first time, ask themselves: “How to properly design a reading diary?” They were not at the lesson, and they themselves did not go through this. And children themselves often cannot understand and explain what needs to be done. Fortunately, the Many-Wise Litrecon helps readers understand the latest trends in education.

A child needs a reading diary not only to get a good grade at school. It is called from the depths of the imagination in order to develop children's thinking and memory, as well as the ability to correctly express their thoughts. The student, knowing that he will need to write everything down in a diary, reads the texts more carefully. He tries to remember key points plot, reads some lines several times. By reproducing a very brief summary of the work on paper, the student better understands the book itself. Literary development It will be very useful for him in the OGE, Unified State Exam and other exams. Even if he is a born engineer or mathematician, he will still have to go through these tests and demonstrate knowledge of novels, stories and stories.

In addition, if you need to study for a test, it is easier to remember the material by going over your notes. Therefore, it is better to start writing reading diaries in childhood, because this skill will definitely come in handy in high school.

How to lead?

Of course, it is better to allocate a separate notebook or notebook for the reading diary. Each teacher has his own approaches and criteria for completing this task. But you can create a list of main points:

  1. Full name of the author of the work
  2. Title of the work
  3. Year of publication
  4. Genre of the work
  5. Brief plot (main events from the book)
  6. Review (your opinion about what you read, the main idea works, moral and conclusion)

The older the child gets, the more information his reading diary contains. To these points you can add the history of creation, some Interesting Facts, era and its corresponding direction. But you shouldn’t rewrite the entire literature textbook, otherwise the student will quickly lose the incentive to do this routine work. And its main task is not to train writing skills, but to reflect on what you read and form your position, setting out theses on paper.

Of course, I always want to know how they keep a reader’s diary in the advanced educational institutions? The answer is unexpected: with pleasure. The teacher turns this process into a creative exercise that allows the child to speak out and express his individuality. Children are rarely asked their opinion about an object or phenomenon; they have no independence in thinking. This format can and should correct this, force the student to think with his own head and not be afraid to express these thoughts.

Here are some tips from experienced teachers who answered our question about how to fill out a reading diary correctly and effectively:

  1. Unleash your child's imagination. Let him draw his illustrations, circle words in colored frames, and write a review with a purple pen. This way he will love his job and begin to take a creative approach to completing the task.
  2. Use new technologies. For example, ask the child to find the most best quote and post it in social network. His illustrations and photos of the diary itself can be posted on Instagram. You also need to organize public lesson with presentations about schoolchildren’s favorite books.
  3. Introduce a competitive element into training. In class, you could even hold a competition for the best sayings from the book and reward the student for the phrase that reveals the main idea of ​​the author. This will help find a common language with the younger generation and involve them in intellectual game. Both a student and a parent can come up with a similar initiative, because teachers often meet their students and the parent committee halfway.
  4. Show practical and social significance labor. The best reading diaries can form the basis of a school wall newspaper, and beautiful illustrations can decorate a classroom.

You can encourage children for diligence in studying a subject at home, helping and guiding young talent. For example, you can leave Santa Claus not cookies with milk, but a reader’s diary for checking, so that he can draw a conclusion about the success and creative potential of the recipient of the gifts.

Main part

The basis of any reader’s diary is a brief summary of the book and a review of it. Let's look at these parts in more detail in order to succeed in completing this task independently.


The student must reproduce from memory or, while reading, outline the plot of the work. These are the main events from the book, arranged in chronological order. The volume of retelling for each class is individual: from 100-150 to 600-700 words. Only the teacher can say more accurately, because teachers’ ideas on this matter vary.

Composition summary free, because there is no fixed and approved structure, but it is important to be able to drive the flight of fancy into a certain logically determined pattern. So, it is important to dilute the listing of events with quotes, but not get carried away with them. You also need to ensure that all actions and necessary details are mentioned in the work, otherwise such a reading diary will not help, but will only confuse the student.


This is a very important part that needs to be approached creatively. After reading literary texts together, the parent needs to ask the first grader several questions, and then form a single review. Starting from grades 2-3, the student must, with the help of relatives, write down his own judgments according to the plan he has already studied. Such exercises will help the student in the future to easily write essays and summaries, retell what they have read, and also express their opinions about any subject competently and confidently.

Main components of the review:

  1. Main thought;
  2. My opinion\impression;
  3. Favorite character (episode, moment);
  4. Morality (what the book teaches).

Here is a short list of questions on which you can write a review:

  1. What is the main idea of ​​the work?
  2. Which character do you remember? Describe his character traits.
  3. What did you like about the work and what did you not?
  4. What was your most memorable moment?
  5. What actions of the characters made you think about something? About what?
  6. What did you understand for yourself after reading the work?
  7. Would you recommend it to others?
  8. Would you read it again? Why?

Design example

Below are examples for students from the junior and high school(1st - 6th grade). But, based on the above recommendations, you can write reader’s diaries to your taste, since there are no strict writing guidelines.

1 class

  1. Title: “Seven-flowered flower”
  2. Year of publication: 1940
  3. Genre: fairy tale

Main characters:

  1. Girl Zhenya
  2. old lady
  3. Lame boy Vitya

Plot. The girl Zhenya went to get the bagels. On the way home, the dog ate her bagels. She was upset. The old woman saw that the girl was crying and gave her a seven-flowered flower. He was magical and granted wishes. Zhenya made a wish that she wanted to return home with the bagels, and her wish was immediately fulfilled. The heroine spent the second petal when she broke her mother’s favorite vase. On the street the boys were playing with the North Pole. She wanted to play too, but she was not accepted into the game. Then, having made a wish, she found herself at the real North Pole. Zhenya was very cold and spent the fourth petal to return to the yard. The boys didn't believe her that she had been to the North Pole, so she moved on. She saw different toys the girls had and wanted all the toys to belong only to her. As they fell from all sides, Zhenya got scared and tore off a petal to stop it. The heroine told herself that she would be smarter in the future. I thought for a long time about what to wish for the last petal. I met a lame boy, Vitya. She felt sorry for him, and she plucked the last petal. And at that very moment Vitya jumped off the bench, and they played tag. And they had a lot of fun.

Review. This fairy tale taught me that you should always think before you do something. So, Zhenya wished for all the toys, and nothing good came of it. The heroine also taught me that you can’t be selfish. I remember the moment when Zhenya helped Vita. Only goodness gives us real pleasure!

I really liked this fairy tale. She is very funny and interesting, but most importantly very educational! I would recommend this book to other children. She teaches kindness, compassion and responsiveness.

2nd grade

  1. Title: "Puss in Boots"
  2. Time of writing: XVII century
  3. Genre: fairy tale

Main characters:

  1. Puss in Boots
  2. Miller's youngest son (Marquis Karabas)
  3. King
  4. Princess
  5. Cannibal (could transform into anyone)

Plot. Once upon a time there lived a miller who had 3 sons. After his death they divided the inheritance among themselves. The eldest got a mill, the middle one got a donkey, and the youngest got a cat. The youngest was upset because he was awarded a pitiful inheritance. But the Cat pretended that he had not heard anything, asked for a bag and boots and told him not to grieve. The cat caught a rabbit in the forest and presented it to the king on behalf of the Marquis of Carabas (as he called his owner). The king liked the gift and accepted it. So, the Cat caught prey for 2 or 3 months and carried it to the king. Marquis Karabas began to please not only the ruler, but also the princess. Once, the Cat arranged a fake fall into the river for his owner so that he would have a decent outfit. The king, passing by, saw the drowning marquis and ordered the servants to help him and give him rich clothes. The princess and the miller's son fell in love at first sight. The king invited him to ride in a carriage together. The cat ran ahead and forced the peasants to say that this was the land of the Marquis of Karabas. So he ran to the Ogre's castle. The cat outwitted him (the ogre turned into a mouse). The carriage drove up to the beautiful castle. The king was surprised by the wealth of the Marquis of Carabas. Then the king agreed to the wedding of his daughter with the rich man. They got married, and the Cat became an important gentleman.

Review. It seems to me that the main idea of ​​the fairy tale is that a friend is much more important than any wealth. After all, the Cat was ready to do anything for the sake of the Marquis of Karabas. I remember the cat for how cleverly he came up with the idea of ​​catching a rabbit and partridges. He also wore boots! I also remember the Ogre and his funny transformations into a lion, and then into a mouse.

This fairy tale taught me a lot. For example, that you should never despair. Even from the most difficult situations you can find a way out. I also think that this piece helped me look differently at things that previously seemed useless. I want to read “Little Red Riding Hood” by Charles Perrault, because I think it can also teach me a lot. But before that, I advise you to read the fairy tale “Puss in Boots” not only to children, but also to their parents.

3rd grade

  1. Title: "The Ugly Duckling"
  2. Year written: 1843
  3. Genre: fairy tale

Main characters:

  1. ugly duck
  2. Mother Duck
  3. old duck
  4. Old lady, cat and chicken
  5. Peasant

Plot. One summer day, ducklings hatched in the burdock thickets. All but one of them dropped their shells. The mother duck had to continue hatching the egg. When the duckling hatched, she was very surprised, because he was not at all like the others. The entire poultry yard mocked him: both chickens and ducks. At first, his mother defended him from all attacks, but then she turned away from the duckling. The poor thing couldn't stand it and ran away behind the fence. I found myself in a swamp where wild ducks swam. Perhaps he would have made friends with them, but the hunters came and opened fire. The duckling got very scared and ran away. I came across a hut in which an old woman, a chicken and a cat lived. The chicken and the cat reproached him in every possible way. And the duckling left. Autumn came, and one day the duckling saw beautiful birds in the sky. These were swans. He loved them immediately, but didn't understand why. Soon winter came, and a peasant found the poor frozen duckling. He brought it into the house to warm it up. The children wanted to play with him, but the duckling got scared and made a mess. He quickly ran out, rushed into the bushes and lay in the snow for a long time.

Finally, spring has come. One day the duckling again saw a flock of swans. This time he was not afraid and approached them. To his surprise, they received him well. The duckling looked at his reflection in the water and realized that he was the same young and beautiful swan. Now he became part of the pack and became truly happy.

Review. The main idea of ​​the work is that you cannot judge someone by their appearance. This is extremely stupid. I felt sorry for the poor duckling, because he had been through so much. Even his mother turned away from him. And all this happened because he was not like others. The book teaches that you need to treat even those you don’t like with respect, because any neglect hurts your soul. The behavior of those around showed how not to behave, because they offended the duckling with their behavior.

It seems to me that the most memorable moment is the moment in which the duckling realizes that he is in fact not a duckling at all, but beautiful swan. Because of this ending, The Ugly Duckling is one of my favorite Hans Andersen books. I think that if this fairy tale was so instructive, then all the others are worth reading.

4th grade

  1. Name: " The Scarlet Flower»
  2. Year of publication: 1858
  3. Genre: fairy tale

Main characters:

  1. Furry Beast (aka Prince)
  2. Beauty - youngest daughter
  3. Her father (merchant)

Plot. Once a merchant went to trade in overseas countries. But before that, he asked his 3 daughters what they wanted as a gift. The eldest asked her father for a golden wreath, the middle one - for a mirror, the reflection in which never ages, and the youngest, the most beloved of the daughters, asked for the most beautiful scarlet flower in the world. The merchant set off. I bought gifts for my eldest and middle daughters and headed home. On the way, he was attacked by robbers, and he fled into the dense forest. Having gotten lost, he came across a beautiful palace. The merchant had dinner, spent the night in an unusual castle (the table was set with goodies, music was playing), and in the morning he decided to take a walk in the garden. He saw a flower of extraordinary beauty and picked it. At that very moment a terrible beast appeared and threatened him with death for what he had done. In a panic, the merchant began to talk about his daughters. Hearing this, the shaggy beast demanded that either the father or one of his daughters live with him forever. He gave him a ring (he could put it on and be anywhere) and ordered him to return home to say goodbye to his family or to bring one of the beauties to the palace.

The eldest and middle daughters received gifts and did not want to go to certain death. And for the sake of her father, the youngest daughter packed her things and went to the beast. A merchant's daughter lived in the palace as a queen. The beast fed and watered her, dressed her in rich clothes, and entertained the beauty. She thanked him for his concern. At first only fiery messages appeared from him on the wall, then she heard the voice of the beast, and then the girl prayed that she wanted to see him.

The beauty quickly gets used to his ugly appearance, and soon they spend all their time together. One day she had a dream that her father was sick. She began to pray to the beast to let her go home. Finally, the monster punishes her that she must return in exactly 3 days, otherwise she will die of melancholy.

Everyone is happy about her arrival home. The father immediately felt better when he saw that his daughter was living well. Her sisters began to envy her and changed all the clocks so that she would be late. But in her heart she felt that she had to run back. Returning to the castle, she sees the beast lying, hugging a scarlet flower, screaming that she loves him, and loses consciousness. Waking up, she saw a handsome prince, who, as it turned out, was that same beast. He tells the beauty about witchcraft (the monster could return his true appearance as a prince only when a girl falls in love with him), and they get married.

Review. The most important thing in a person is his soul. This is the main idea of ​​the book. Appearance is not as important as kindness and love. I truly felt sorry for the beast when my youngest daughter was late to see him due to the machinations of her envious sisters. They did the wrong thing, because the monster could have died! So the fairy tale taught me that envy has terrible consequences.

I remember the moment in which the beast showed itself to the beauty, and she was not afraid and did not run home from him. All the heroes taught me something. For example, the youngest daughter - that you need to see the inner beauty, it is more important than the outer, the father - what for the sake of loved one You can do anything, older and middle sisters - this is definitely not the way to behave. Now I really want to watch the cartoon “The Scarlet Flower”. I think he's very interesting too.

5th grade

  1. Title: “The Little Humpbacked Horse”
  2. Year of publication: 1834
  3. Genre: fairy tale

Main characters:

  1. The Little Humpbacked Horse
  2. Ivan (youngest son, fool)
  3. Danilo (eldest of the sons, considered the smartest)
  4. Gavrilo (middle of the sons, “this way and that”)
  5. Tsar Maiden

Plot. In one village there lived a peasant with three sons. The eldest son is Danilo, the middle one is Gavrilo, and the youngest is Ivan. They lived off the wheat they sold in the capital. One day they discover that someone is trampling their crops. That's why they decided to be on duty at night. The eldest and middle did not want to stand in the cold. The younger one, on the contrary, at midnight noticed a mare with a golden mane and jumped on her. She asked to be released in exchange for three horses: Ivan could sell two, and the third would become a good friend for him. Ivan agreed, and the mare gave birth to the 3 promised horses. The brothers noticed the horses and stole them to sell. Ivan saw it and immediately caught up with them, riding on the Little Humpbacked Horse. They make excuses: they allegedly have no money, and the hero agrees to sell the horses.

Stopping for the night, Ivan notices a light in the distance. It turned out to be the feather of the Firebird. The Little Humpbacked Horse advises him not to take it, but the hero does not listen. During the day, the king himself became interested in horses. Having bought them (the brothers receive good money and continue to live peacefully), they get out and return to Ivan. Then the ruler appoints him as head of the royal stables.

One day, the royal sleeping boyar (Ivan took his place) notices how he cleans and feeds the horses with the feather of the Firebird and reports to the king. He orders Ivan to bring the Firebird. Ivan, in desperation, asks the Little Humpbacked Horse for help. The hunchback advised them to take wine and millet from the king, and they set off on a long journey. In the forest, Ivan manages to lure the Firebird. Upon arrival, the king rewards Ivan with the position of stepladder. But the sleeping bag again lies to the Tsar that the young man can get the Tsar Maiden too. By the cunning of the Hunchback, Ivan managed to steal the beauty. The king offers to marry tomorrow, but the princess refuses, because she needs her ring from the bottom of the ocean and the blessing of her mother, the Moon, and her brother, the Sun. Ivan went again.

Approaching the ocean, the heroes met an unfortunate whale, with an entire village standing on its back. The month was delighted with the news from his daughter, but said that she was worthy of a young husband. On the way back, Ivan and the Little Humpbacked Horse help the whale. The Tsar Maiden suggests that the Tsar become younger: go through 3 cauldrons. The ruler ordered the hero himself to experience this for himself. The horse helped him, and he overcame all 3 cauldrons. And the king was then boiled in the very first cauldron. And the Tsar Maiden and Ivan got married, and they lived happily ever after.

Review. It is better to have a good friend than to have a lot of wealth - this is the main idea of ​​​​the book. The Little Humpbacked Horse is an example of a true friend who will help you get out of any trouble. A friend like that is worth his weight in gold! I managed to fall in love with the Little Humpbacked Horse not only for his responsiveness, but also for his ingenuity. I was very surprised by his cunning. Such a fairy tale teaches the reader not only to feel, but also to think. Now I want to prove myself by helping my parents and friends.

After reading, I thought about my friends and whether they are as faithful and kind as the Little Humpbacked Horse or not? I, of course, will advise them to read this fairy tale, and I myself would not mind reading it again, so as not to forget this instructive story.

6th grade

  1. Title: “Bezhin Meadow”
  2. Year of publication: 1852
  3. Genre: one of the stories in the collection “Notes of a Hunter”

Main characters:

  1. Hunter (with his dog Dianka)
  2. Ilyusha (works at a paper factory, fearful, superstitious, 12 years old)
  3. Pavlusha (curious, brave, 12 years old)
  4. Kostya (coward, kind, 10 years old)
  5. Fedya (handsome, oldest, 14 years old)
  6. Vanya (the youngest of the boys, 7 years old)

Plot. One July day the narrator went out hunting for grouse. When it was time to return home, he got lost and accidentally came across an area familiar to him - Bezhin Meadow. He saw two fires, five children and horses grazing nearby. The hunter said that he had lost his way and asked to spend the night. He quietly lay down behind a bush and pretended to be asleep, while he listened to the stories the boys told.

The first storyteller was Ilyusha. He knew a lot of stories, so he told more than others. First he told about how he had a brownie in his paper factory, then about a talking lamb on the grave of a drowned man. He also told about the late master, who was looking for a gap in the grass and complained that the earth was pressing on him. The next story was about the dead passing along the church road in parent's Saturday. The guys were also surprised by the unusual Trishka, which comes during a solar eclipse.

Next, Pavlusha continued the story about Trishka. He made the guys laugh. But Kostya told a not at all funny story about the carpenter and the mermaid. Then a terrible one - about a boy who drowned because of a water boy. I remembered about the drowning woman and Fedya. Vanya was also with the boys, the youngest in the company, who dozed almost all the time. In the morning everyone fell asleep, the narrator walked away. Therefore, the hunter learned that Pavel died after these gatherings - he fell from his horse.

Review.“Bezhin Meadow” - this is how Turgenev called one of the stories after the name of the area. What does this story teach? It seems to me that from the very beginning of the story the author shows us how important the ability to help people is. When the guys allowed the hunter to spend the night by their fires, they showed a good attitude towards the master, although life was hard for the peasants, and the landowners were largely to blame. This is an example of caring children who do not harbor anger towards adults. Also, after reading this story, you notice the good even in ordinary things, trying not to pay attention to minor troubles.

The main idea of ​​the book is that you cannot escape fate. Peasant children believed that an encounter with magic was written in their destiny. But the author knew that they were destined for something else: to share the difficult fate of their parents. From an early age, children are doomed to cheap and unhealthy work; they have no choice. Their childhood is colored by closeness with nature, but future life will lose these rainbow colors too. It is symbolic that Pasha, an intelligent and independent boy, will die in the prime of his life, falling from a horse.

Of all the boys' stories, I remember most the story about the brownie at the paper factory. All the guys’ stories are truly unusual. I wonder, do all sorts of mermaids and mermen exist, or is it just fiction? I think these creatures live full lives in our fantasies.


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December 24, house of medical adviser Stahlbaum. Everyone is preparing for Christmas, and the children - Fritz and Marie - are guessing what the inventor and artist godfather, senior court adviser Drosselmeyer, who often repaired the clock in the Stahlbaums' house, will give them as a gift this time.

In the evening, the children were allowed to see the beautiful Christmas tree, near and on which there were gifts: new dolls, dresses, hussars, etc. The godfather made a wonderful castle, but the dolls dancing in it performed the same movements, and it was impossible to get inside the castle, so The children quickly became tired of the miracle of technology - only the mother became interested in the complex mechanism. The Mouse King got into the habit of extorting Marie for her sweets in exchange for the safety of the Nutcracker. The parents were alarmed that there were mice.