Approximate characteristics for a primary school student to be submitted to the cadet corps. Some socio-psychological characteristics of the Suvorov School

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Among the problems with parameters included in the profile Unified State Exam in mathematics, one can distinguish a special class of tasks that are almost impossible to solve using standard school techniques. Often the functions on the left and right sides of the equation have fundamentally different natures, which does not allow the use of an analytical approach. And the complex form of these expressions makes constructing graphs problematic. The solution in this situation may be the minimax method for solving problems with parameters, which is based on the use of monotonicity and boundedness of functions.

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Psychological characteristics of a 4th grade student

……………. Dmitry,

residing at …………………………..

Dmitry studies at MBOU ……………………. from 2nd grade.

Physical development corresponds to the age norm. Tired after prolonged exercise. An adequate change in mood is noted: the manifestation of mood is stable, the processes of excitation and inhibition are balanced.

In grades 2-4 he does well. Additional studies in English. Attends a karate class.

Dima's interests are focused on educational activities and achievements in the field of sports. Has a high level of educational motivation. In the classroom, he carries out the public assignment of the teacher, and treats its implementation conscientiously and responsibly. Actively participates in social affairs of the class and school. Participates in the extracurricular life of the school. He is hardworking, willingly takes on any work, tries to complete it well and on time. Polite, tactful with elders and classmates, often helps classmates in resolving conflicts that arise.

He is modest, does not flaunt his merits, but shares his achievements with classmates and friends. Confident in himself and his abilities, he can ask for help if necessary. Has a low level of anxiety. Treats criticism addressed to him adequately and reacts to it correctly.

Can make responsible decisions. Knows how to cope with his emotions. Self-confident, calm, stable, knows how to control himself, interests are permanent. Risk averse. High self-control, good understanding of social norms. Sociable, friendly. Enjoys authority in the class team and takes the place of leader. Most of his classmates respect his opinion, trust him, and sympathize with him.

Has a high level of attention development; when performing a task for a long time, fatigue appears and the level of attention decreases. Listens to the teacher attentively enough in class and is rarely distracted. Dima has a better developed visual memory, and his auditory memory is quite developed. When memorizing, it relies not only on mechanical memory, but also on logical memory. High degree of development of intellectual functions. Verbal-logical thinking predominates. He understands the educational material quickly enough and solves problems faster than many others. He is lively and moderately active in all areas of school life. Usually calm, emotional outbursts are rare, emotionally balanced. Shows a lively emotional adequate reaction to events.

According to pro-orientation diagnostics, Dima has versatile inclinations, but his greatest interest is in activities related to mathematics and technology, physical education and natural science.

Psychological characteristics of a 4th grade student

……………. Dmitry,

residing at …………………………..

Dmitry studies at MBOU ……………………. from 2nd grade.

Physical development corresponds to the age norm. Tired after prolonged exercise. An adequate change in mood is noted: the manifestation of mood is stable, the processes of excitation and inhibition are balanced.

In grades 2-4 he does well. Additional studies in English. Attends a karate class.

Dima's interests are focused on educational activities and achievements in the field of sports. Has a high level of educational motivation. In the classroom, he carries out the public assignment of the teacher, and treats its implementation conscientiously and responsibly. Actively participates in social affairs of the class and school. Participates in the extracurricular life of the school. He is hardworking, willingly takes on any work, tries to complete it well and on time. Polite, tactful with elders and classmates, often helps classmates in resolving conflicts that arise.

He is modest, does not flaunt his merits, but shares his achievements with classmates and friends. Confident in himself and his abilities, he can ask for help if necessary. Has a low level of anxiety. Treats criticism addressed to him adequately and reacts to it correctly.

Can make responsible decisions. Knows how to cope with his emotions. Self-confident, calm, stable, knows how to control himself, interests are permanent. Risk averse. High self-control, good understanding of social norms. Sociable, friendly. Enjoys authority in the class team and takes the place of leader. Most of his classmates respect his opinion, trust him, and sympathize with him.

Has a high level of attention development; when performing a task for a long time, fatigue appears and the level of attention decreases. Listens to the teacher attentively enough in class and is rarely distracted. Dima has a better developed visual memory, and his auditory memory is quite developed. When memorizing, it relies not only on mechanical memory, but also on logical memory. High degree of development of intellectual functions. Verbal-logical thinking predominates. He understands the educational material quickly enough and solves problems faster than many others. He is lively and moderately active in all areas of school life. Usually calm, emotional outbursts are rare, emotionally balanced. Shows a lively emotional adequate reaction to events.

According to pro-orientation diagnostics, Dima has versatile inclinations, but his greatest interest is in activities related to mathematics and technology, physical education and natural science.

Teacher-psychologist N.D. Yunatskaya

Characteristics are a document reflecting the child’s personal qualities, characteristics of his character, style of behavior, attitude to school and society. When transferring a student to another school or entering a lyceum or gymnasium, this document is required for the student’s quick and painless adaptation to the new team. When accepting a new child into the class, the teacher has the opportunity to get to know him in absentia based on the pedagogical characteristics from the old school. Therefore, this document must be properly prepared, reflecting the main characteristics of the child’s personality, his habits, temperament, relationships in the family and children’s team, and more.

A profile for a student upon transfer to another school is prepared by the class teacher who has been observing him over the past years. The document is drawn up in one copy and transferred along with the personal file to another educational institution. The writing form is arbitrary. The characteristics are signed by the class teacher and the director and endorsed with a seal.

The scope of the characteristics is not defined, the main thing is the content: the information must be as accurate and truthful as possible. Basically, they try to fit the data on one A4 sheet.

An approximate template for a student’s characteristics when transferring to another school

  • Personal information of the child. Full name, date of birth, class, school.
  • Studies. Attitude (conscientious, interested in certain subjects, often distracted, overachievers, behind schedule).
  • Behavior (active, mobile, withdrawn, restless, nervous, impulsive).
  • Social activity (has assignments, distinguished himself in competitions, olympiads, has organizational skills, is passive).
  • Relationships with peers (friendly, enjoys authority, has no obvious friends).
  • Family. Her participation in school life (full-partial, parents actively participate in education, in the life of the class and school, have a trusting relationship, are indifferent, pay little attention).

Minsk Suvorov School

Surely, seeing a flock of boys in black uniforms with scarlet shoulder straps in the capital, many are asking questions: who are the Suvorovites? Should I send my son to this famous school? Indeed, SVU is known not only for its almost military discipline (which is quite logical), but also for its excellent level of education compared to many institutions providing secondary education, and for its sports training.

Think about it: do you remember the names of all your teachers and classmates? And the cadets will remember them all their lives. And not only because the memory is good. “Kadetka” is a completely different world into which Suvorov students are immersed for six years. And then, many years later, they remember the years they studied here with tenderness and love. The connection between graduates and teacher-officers remains for life, and not every one of us at the age of 17 can boast of good connections.

It is not for nothing that the continuity of generations is respected here: boys very often communicate with veterans of the Great Patriotic War, internationalist soldiers. In the end, there are no former Suvorov cadets - they all become members of the Suvorov-Nakhimov Union, which unites cadets from the countries of the former Soviet Union. Suvorov students don’t abandon their own people - that’s what the boys learn well after studying here.

Should I send my son to the Suvorov Military School? It is not only you who needs to decide, but also him. After all, cadets are cut off from their families and go home only on weekends and do not have the right to leave the school grounds without permission. Of course, not all Suvorov graduates put on officer's shoulder straps (although, by the way, 40 graduates of the Minsk SVU became generals), giving preference to a military career, but in any case, the “cadet” raises patriots and citizens. Therefore, you must be prepared for the fact that the child’s character away from you will change greatly. And you will no longer be able to re-educate him at your own discretion.

“Kadetka” is a world of boys, so fights are commonplace here. This gets the job done, of course, but fighting with fists is a matter of honor. And what kind of diplomacy can there be, for example, at the age of 12? When I asked one of the cadets why they were fighting, he, without blinking an eye, answered: “If there was a reason, they would kill me.” Of course, this is a joke and an exaggeration.

But brawls here are one of the few ways to “blow off steam” with constant discipline and supervision. At the end of the day, in any case, you will get a guy who can stand up for himself, a fighter. And this, you see, is not the worst quality.

Here the guys go in for sports: many of them are winners of medals at international championships in athletics, Greco-Roman wrestling, parachuting... the boys also master dancing - girls from the choreographic college come to them especially. Some become musicians in the local military orchestra and travel to perform throughout the country.

So, how to enter the Suvorov Military School?

So, you can apply only after the sixth grade. In addition to entrance exams, boys must undergo a medical examination, psychological selection, and pass physical training standards.

You also need to prepare a bunch of documents:

statement from parents (or legal representatives)

certificate of residence and family composition

boy's passport and photocopy

characteristics from the candidate’s place of study

photocopy of the student's personal card

four photographs measuring 3x4 cm

medical record of the child's development (form 112) with the conclusion of specialists: neurologist, surgeon, ophthalmologist, pediatrician, dentist, endocrinologist, dermatologist, otolaryngologist (if pathology is present, radiography of the paranasal sinuses)

preventive vaccination card (form 063)

electrocardiogram general blood test, urine test, stool test for worm eggs and scraping for enterobiasis

certificate of employment of parents (legal representatives)

documents confirming the right to enter VU without entrance exams or outside the competition (if any).

What exams are taken when entering the Suvorov Military School?

Of course, a psychologist first communicates with the boys and checks whether they are capable of living in a closed educational institution and whether their level of intellectual development meets the selection criteria. But before that, the guys undergo a medical examination.

Then the boys take physical training: a 60-meter run, pull-ups and a 1,500-meter run. So start preparing your son in advance if neither you nor he are completely confident in his abilities.

And, of course, most importantly, exams in Russian or Belarusian language (dictation) and mathematics (written). The assignments do not exceed the curriculum for six grades of a general secondary school. The school, by the way, accepts appeals. The main thing is to have time to do this on the day the grades are announced.

You can enter the Suvorov School without competition in the following cases:

If one of the parents of the applicant is a military serviceman, a member of the commanding and rank-and-file staff of internal affairs bodies, financial investigation bodies of the State Control Committee, bodies and units for emergency situations, died, died or went missing in the line of duty

With marks of three points or more, children of military personnel, commanding and rank-and-file personnel of internal affairs bodies, financial investigations of the State Control Committee, bodies and units for emergency situations, who became disabled while performing the duties of military service (service) or who died from disabling diseases received during the performance of duties of the service

Orphans and children left without parental care

Also, without competition, boys sent by the Ministry of Sports and Tourism together with the state institution “Sports Committee of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus” are accepted into the sports class.

Suvorov School, how to enroll

Anyone who has ever watched the television series “Cadets” has a little idea about the service, or rather studying at the Suvorov Military School, although rather a somewhat distorted idea. This school is located in several cities of Russia, and gives teenagers the opportunity to prepare for a military career, improve endurance, and improve discipline. If you want to enter such a school, prepare yourself for intensive preparation for admission.

Wearing a Suvorov uniform is a great honor that many guys dream of. To enroll, you need to have an idea of ​​the basics, namely, what documents will be needed. and who generally has the right to go there and where to apply.

Firstly, a future Suvorov veteran is a 15-year-old male, a citizen of the Russian Federation, who has completed the eighth grade, has good physical fitness and meets the requirements of psychological selection. You need to contact your local military registration and enlistment office. where you will be given detailed explanations about how to complete your application.

You will need a report (application) on behalf of the parents. with the following documents attached:

  • a copy of the birth certificate, notarized,
  • autobiography,
  • a copy of the personal file from the school,
  • extract from the report card,
  • physical fitness report,
  • characteristics from school,
  • an extract from the outpatient card certified by a doctor,
  • copy of the insurance policy,
  • results of the medical commission,
  • 4 color photographs 3x4,
  • certificate of family composition,
  • registration certificate,
  • copy of parents' passport,
  • certificate from the parents' place of work.
  • If you are an orphan or left without parental care, you will be admitted without exams, but an interview and medical examination are mandatory.

    Exams take place in August and include:

  • dictation in Russian language,
  • test in mathematics.
  • Applicants are delivered to the school accompanied by a person from the military registration and enlistment office, live and eat in the school barracks, and based on the results of all tests are enrolled in the Suvorov Military School.

    As a result, we can say that the most favorable conditions for admission are created for applicants, but the further future of the Suvorov student depends only on the person himself. And believe me, there are many incentive measures at the Suvorov Military School. This includes dismissal, holidays, vacation, and meeting with family and friends. Despite all the similarities, Suvorovskoe cannot by any means be called an army!

    Examples of how to write an autobiography for a military school.

    Write a few words about your parents. In a regular autobiography (more like.). This ode to oneself, as a rule, is written by those liable for military service themselves. Characteristics to the military registration and enlistment office. Hello! Can anyone tell me where I can see the list of those admitted to St. Quotation: admission only to grades 4 and 5 at 10 and 11 years old, respectively. That's all. Med com harsh conditions. Kiev Suvorov Military School (Kiev Military Lyceum named after Ivan Bogun). Before stepping on a soldier, the officer himself must do five times as much push-ups as he does. education named after Virsheba Sergunin was killed in Moscow near the Eastern courtyard restaurant. Consequence. On December 14, it took place in the marble hall of the Minsk State Palace of Children and Youth. Crimea, how the peninsula lives with Russia, my friend, a wonderful photographer, Denis Sinyakov. Before starting work, take a look at the new discussions - instruction manual. Go to section. How to write an autobiography correctly. Sample and form of autobiography. Download a free sample autobiography.

    Let's give an example of an autobiography in the FSB, which will serve as a template. Since 2000, he studied at the Military-Political Academy named after. Go to the page on how to write an autobiography. From 1950 to 1954, a student at the Lisichansk Pedagogical School, upon graduation. The school of sergeants, and the divisional party school, received the military rank of sergeant, and V. First of all, let's find out what is an autobiography? Autobiography is. An example of an autobiography in Ukrainian autobiography. All about how to correctly write a characteristic (sample). An example of an autobiography in Ukrainian. The characteristics were issued for presentation to (district military committee, higher educational institution, vocational school, etc.). The autobiography is compiled independently, in any form. Pensioners or participants in military operations, write about it. Education (school, courses), note this in your autobiography. education in the oil and gas sector An autobiography can be useful to a person when applying for a job. Tip 1: how to write an autobiography for admission. At what age do people enter the Suvorov Military School? How to enter a military institution. Autobiography writing example, how to write an autobiography correctly, how to write an autobiography, how to write an autobiography sample, how. Writing an autobiography, autobiography writing sample, how to write an autobiography, how to write an autobiography. Autobiography. Rules for admission to the Nakhimov Naval School of the Russian Federation. Personal statement of the candidate addressed to the head of the school (sample 2. Citizen of the Russian Federation) autobiography (in his own hand). There is no Suvorovsky in Voronezh. Yes, and statements and strictly by hand - otherwise then those who are on.

    The application is accompanied by a copy of the birth certificate, a copy of the document proving identity and citizenship. All Suvorov schools (Suvorov. svu). Copies of the 2nd, 3rd, 5th pages of the passport) in your own hand. To Suvorov. Nakhimov-sea and cadet (naval cadet) corps. B - musical. musical cadet corps can enroll. Letter. I started by describing the day I was born, thinking it was. And he graduated from agronomy in Kraljevo. He didn’t teach at the Spira school. And isn’t it better to make your own this way? Let's take at least those four or five random questions. I would also like to thank all the teachers. who gave part of their soul to us and their students. The youth took everything from us in our clothes (and we dressed ourselves. In general, they survived, the guys, while I was in the army, in the orchestra, defending my homeland. I served.). dog handler education Rules for admission to the first year of military doctor training faculties. Suvorovsky. Nakhimov Naval School. Characteristics from the place of study, work or service. Novocherkassk Suvorov Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia prepares students for admission to educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. (institute) named after Army General V.F. Margelov (branch) of the federal state educational. About the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command. How to write an autobiography correctly. Sample and form of autobiography. Download a free sample autobiography.

    How to enter a cadet school?

    Men in military uniform always stand out from the general background and are especially respected. Not to mention the favor of the fair half of humanity! And the officers are the color, the pride and, in the literal sense, the face, the mind, the honor of the armed forces. Therefore, as a rule, the most disciplined, internally mature and determined young men become cadets, and subsequently officers. Often their mothers prompt or support their sons’ decision, especially if for some reason the boy is deprived of his father’s upbringing and control. But, one way or another, if it is believed that the army makes a man out of a boy, then the cadet school makes an officer out of a schoolboy. And the first step on this responsible, respectable path is admission to a cadet school.

    What is a cadet school? What is the difference between a cadet corps and a military school?

    A military school is a specialized educational institution for young people of both sexes of school age. Until recently, only boys were accepted into military schools in our country, but since 2009, gender restrictions have been lifted. As for age, you can enroll in a military school after completing the 9th grade of secondary school. This is where the differences between military and cadet schools begin. You can become a cadet a year earlier - after the 8th grade. Accordingly, the duration of training in military and cadet schools is different. But these are only external, visible at first glance, differences. In fact, the difference between military and cadet schools is much deeper. And it lies, first of all, in the training that students receive.

    Both cadets and cadets of military schools continue to study the school curriculum without fail. But in addition to it, military schools prepare for entry into higher command military schools, and cadet schools provide their students with the opportunity to receive early professional training focused on a specific profile of the branch of the Armed Forces. The training lasts three years, after which a graduate of the cadet corps can continue his studies at a military school (for example, Suvorov) or begin working in a mastered specialty. In addition, there are so-called cadet classes, which accept boys after the 4th grade. Training in them lasts longer and has its own characteristics. In particular, many parents of cadets, and they themselves, admit that such an early transition to specialized military training became quite a serious physical and psychological test for a teenager.

    Which cadet school should I send my son to?

    Although the decision to enter the cadet corps of a military school must be made by the applicant himself - for that reason, he is a man and a future officer - but the opinion of his parents still plays an important role in his choice. Let their voice be deliberative, but confident and convincing enough for the young man to listen to the arguments and make the right choice for the coming years of study and for the rest of his life. Moreover, after admission he will begin a new life, away from his parents and their advice - after all, cadet schools maintain a full boarding regime for students. Today, secondary military education can be obtained in the following cadet schools:

  • Orenburg Presidential Cadet School
  • Stavropol Presidential Cadet School
  • Krasnodar Presidential Cadet School
  • Tyumen Presidential Cadet School
  • Kronstadt Naval Cadet Corps
  • St. Petersburg Cadet Corps
  • Aksaysky Danila Efremov Cossack cadet corps.
  • Very young (1-4 grades) schoolchildren can attend special clubs and sections at DOSAAF educational and sports organizations, clubs such as “Young Sailor”, “Young Paratrooper”, “Young Pilot”, etc. giving an opportunity to get acquainted with the military profession in advance.

    Conditions for admission to cadet school

    conditions for admission to a cadet school The first and main condition for admission to a cadet school must be met at home, where a decision is made on the education and, consequently, the future fate of the heir at the family council. You can become a good officer only by vocation, so you need to clearly understand who wants to join the cadet corps: a young man dreaming of a military career, or his parents who want to see their son in an officer’s uniform. And, if the goals and vision of the future of representatives of the older and younger generations coincide, then you can safely choose a specific educational institution and submit documents to it. Each cadet school may have its own requirements for applicants, but on average, in order to become a cadet, the following conditions must be met:

    1. Age. At the time of admission, the young person must be at least 15 years old.
  • Education. Cadet schools are accepted upon completion of primary school, but you can enroll not only in the fifth, but also in the sixth and seventh grades.
  • Health status The applicant is assessed by the admissions committee on the basis of the certificate of medical examination provided by him. Moreover, the medical examination must be completed no earlier than the year in which admission to the school takes place, and must include the following studies:
  • pediatrician

    What documents are needed for admission to the Suvorov Military School?

    Orbital group Genius (76962) 5 years ago

    20. Application from the parents (legal representatives) of the candidate addressed to the head of the school

    The following documents are attached (all documents must be collected and neatly filed

    to a standard folder):

    Personal statement of the candidate addressed to the head of the school

    A certified copy of the birth certificate with a standard stamp on citizenship (for persons over 14 years of age, in addition to the copy of the birth certificate - a certified copy of pages 2, 3, 5 of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation)


    A copy of the student’s personal file certified by the official seal of the educational institution, a pedagogical description of the candidate, signed by the class teacher

    and the director, and psychological, signed by the educational psychologist and the director, with justification for the expediency of the student’s admission to the school

    4 photo cards measuring 3 x 4 cm with space for a stamp in the lower right corner

    A copy of the medical insurance policy (except for citizens permanently residing outside the Russian Federation)

    A copy of the candidate’s medical (outpatient) card for admission to the school, certified by the seal of the medical institution

    A copy of the financial and personal account and an extract from the house register from the place of residence (registration)

    Certificate from the place of service (work) of parents (legal representatives), or other document characterizing their work activity

    Anthropometric data of the candidate (height, clothing size, chest girth, hip girth, shoe and hat size)

    Documents confirming the candidate’s right to benefits upon admission to the school:

    A). for orphans and children left without parental care,

    In addition, the following are provided:

    Certified copies of the death certificate of one or both parents

    A copy of the decision of the court or local government to establish guardianship (trusteeship)

    Certified copy of the guardian's (trustee's) certificate

    place of residence of the student and the guardianship and trusteeship authority of that subject of the Russian Federation

    Federations where the student came from

    In addition, the following are presented:

    A certificate or extract from the personal file of a military serviceman who died while performing military service duties or who died as a result of injury (wound, trauma, concussion) or diseases received while performing military service duties, regarding exclusion from the lists of the military unit.

    Copy of death certificate

    Certificate of military service (work in a military unit or organization of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation), certified by the official seal

    A certificate of length of service of a military serviceman in calendar terms (20 years or more), certified by the official seal or a certified copy of the “Military Service Veteran” certificate

    Extract from the order of dismissal from military service upon reaching the age limit for military service, health conditions or in connection with organizational and staffing measures, if the total duration of military service in calendar terms is 20 years or more, certified by the official seal

    A certified copy of the parents' birth certificate (only for grandchildren of Heroes of the Soviet Union)

    All documents must be collected and neatly filed in a standard binder.

    In addition to the listed documents, other documents evidencing the candidate’s achievements may be attached: copies of certificates, diplomas, certificates of merit, certificates, certificates of participation in various zonal, city, regional creative competitions, Olympiads, festivals, sports competitions and other documents characterizing social and sporting achievements candidate.

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