Printable letters of the English alphabet for printing. Let's get acquainted with the English alphabet - easy and interesting! How did the English alphabet appear?

Now very few parents ask this question; everyone understands perfectly well that knowledge of the English language is necessary to be able to communicate with almost the entire population of the globe.

Preschool children are very learnable, especially under 3 years of age. If the material is presented correctly, they can remember a huge amount of information. But children are, first of all, children, they don’t like boring textbooks, they like funny and bright pictures.

Therefore, here we offer you for children "Live" English alphabet to print and in the form of cards for activities and a poster on the wall in the children's room. The illustrations in this set are a variety of animals, the names of which are written on the card.

Each of the representatives of the animal world hid behind a letter and when studying the cards and posters, the child must find it, name it and remember it. Children will love this hide and seek game and will quickly learn the letters and names of all animals in English.

The educational material is presented in the form of 26 cards and a poster on the wall in A4 and A3 format.

Download and print the files on thick paper or glue the sheets onto cardboard, cover with tape on top and cut into cards. To make it easier to store cards, you can make a pocket out of paper or cardboard using a template.

The picture with the “Animal alphabet” poster can be printed in A4 format, inserted into a frame and hung on the wall, or you can print it in A3 format and make a poster on the wall.

You can see what is included in the set in the photo, and you can download the manual for learning English for free at the end of the publication.

We wish you good luck!

Cards with English letters, words and pictures of animals for children

Cards with English letters, words and pictures of animals for children

Cards with English letters, words and pictures of animals for children

Cards with English letters, words and pictures of animals for children

Cards with English letters, words and pictures of animals for children

Cards with English letters, words and pictures of animals for children

Cards with English letters, words and pictures of animals for children

Cards with English letters, words and pictures of animals for children

Wall poster with the English alphabet for children

Cards with English letters, English alphabet

Cards with English letters, English alphabet

Poster on the wall with the English alphabet for children in A4 format

Poster on the wall with the English alphabet for children in A3 format - part 1

Poster on the wall with the English alphabet for children in A3 format - part 2

Cards with English letters, words and pictures of animals for children

Cards with English letters, words and pictures of animals for children

Cards with English letters, words and pictures of animals for children

Printable English alphabet - cards with English letters

Printable English alphabet - cards with English letters

Printable English alphabet - cards with English letters

The educational cartoon “Learning the English Alphabet” for kids from the channel will help you learn the English alphabet faster. Razvivayka TV

See more on the topic of cards with letters of the English alphabet for children:

On our website we will regularly post educational materials on the topic of English for children. Everything related to the study of the English alphabet: letters of the English alphabet, English alphabet in pictures for children, cards with English words, pronunciation and transcription reminders, English alphabet. You can download and print all the material for free for English lessons with your children.

English language is an international language of communication. Nowadays knowing English is not just necessary, but necessary. Fluent in English, you will always feel confident in any country in the world.

Teachers recommend starting to learn English with children very early, starting from 2 to 3 years old.

It is at this age that the baby is most teachable. The brain of a little prodigy, like a sponge, absorbs everything he sees and hears. Even short lessons in learning English, literally half an hour a day, will very soon bring positive results. My son, at the age of 2, memorized all the English letters and their pronunciation almost immediately, and already in the third lesson he named all the cards with letters correctly. It took me a week to do this.

By the way, our development books will also be useful for adults just starting to learn English.

In this article we post cards with letters of the English alphabet. There are 26 of them in English: six letters are vowels, these are A, E, I, O, U, Y and twenty consonants: B, C, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P , Q, R, S, T, V, W, X, Z.

Very often I heard that there is no need to learn the alphabet, but that you need to memorize more words to increase your vocabulary. Even having once signed up for an English language course, I was extremely surprised that we started studying it right away with the topic of dating. At school I studied German and did not know the English alphabet at all; I felt extremely uncomfortable in the first lessons. I had to catch up and teach myself English letters and sounds.

Educational cards letters of the English alphabet with pronunciation

Educational cards letters of the English alphabet with pronunciation

Educational cards letters of the English alphabet with pronunciation

Educational cards letters of the English alphabet with pronunciation

It is necessary to learn the letters of the English alphabet.

At least in order to easily navigate the dictionary and be able to pronounce and spell English words.

In this article we invite you to download and print english alphabet in the form of cards with letters. Using them, your baby will quickly master letters. And then you can move on to studying English words from pictures.

All material is adapted to A4 paper format; each letter card contains a transcription of the letter.

We offer you help table - a reminder with the sounds of the English alphabet.

Educational cards letters of the English alphabet with pronunciation

Educational cards letters of the English alphabet with pronunciation

Educational cards letters of the English alphabet with pronunciation

Reminder with sounds of the English alphabet


Hello my dear!

Today we have an interesting lesson ahead of us "English alphabet for children" , which will also benefit adults just starting to learn the language.

The article is devoted to how remember faster and more efficiently English alphabet with unfamiliar letters and sounds. And for this I collected in it exhaustive amount of materials:

  • for visual reference ( pictures, letters s and pronunciation),
  • for listening ( songs, audio),
  • to view ( video),
  • for downloading and printing ( cards, poster (word, pdf)),
  • and of course, to consolidate new things with the help of interesting games and tasks.

Let's study

Today I have prepared pictures for you that you can not only read and listen to online on my website, but also print out for yourself and teach in any free minute. First, let's look at the entire alphabet (click on the picture to enlarge), listen to all its letters, and then listen to its classic and long-loved song:

If you also listen to these 2 songs, you will understand that there is an American version of the pronunciation of the alphabet, the difference of which is only in the pronunciation of the last letter. It may be a small thing, but you need to know about it!

  • An ideal assistant in learning letters for a child aged 3-5 years will be Sound poster with Russian and English alphabet !
  • Also be sure to try A fascinating soft mosaic with English letters.
  • If your child loves to communicate with gadgets, be sure to purchase an online course from LinguaLeo « English for little ones» . After completing this exciting game course, your child will be able to recognize and correctly pronounce all the letters of the English alphabet, and will also learn to talk about his family and how he feels. Once upon a time, my daughter was simply begging to let her study more. In general, I recommend it!

You can watch my short overview of the course in the video (min. 3:15) .

And here is the alphabet with uppercase and lowercase letters. Try the following activity with your child:

  1. look at the picture next to the letter and say the word in Russian,
  2. find the corresponding English word in the Russian-English dictionary,
  3. check if it starts with a letter specified in the alphabet,
  4. Write down the English letter and word in a notebook or notepad and draw a picture next to it.

An alphabet with English and Russian transcriptions of letters will help you pronounce them correctly.

And you can study these letters with words online - by watching and listening to their pronunciation.

And here is the promised word file for downloading and printing. For each letters have your own English word. On page A4 - 2 letters.

How to work with it:

  1. Print it out.
  2. Take colored pencils or markers and color the letters with your child (you can do this in the same way as the picture - add eyes or a mouth).
  3. Try to draw what is written next to each letter.
  4. During the process, be sure to tell your child about the drawn objects or animals or ask him questions about them.
  5. Work slowly with every letter: First say it several times with different intonations, pitch of voice, etc., then say the word written next to it. Then you can take 2 letters (previously cut into separate cards) and show them to the child - try to give him the opportunity to show the correct letter from the 2 you named.
  6. If your child is already 5 years old, you can master not only capital letters, but also lowercase ones. You need to explain to the baby that each letter has its own little brother, who is smaller in height and sometimes different from the older one (you can see them in the picture below). On the printed cards you can draw the younger ones next to the older brothers - all the kids should like this!

I have another word file for you, where, unlike the previous one, colorful uppercase and lowercase letters and also English and Russian transcription for correct pronunciation. On sheet A4 - 2 letters. Download and enjoy it together with your child:

And this is a pdf poster with the English alphabet - for printing. It can be printed on A4 or A3 sizes. Colorful English letters are complemented by transcription (Russian and English), which will help any child and adult quickly remember English letters and their correct sounds.

Alphabet in colorful videos

Yes, the most effective and fastest way for a child to learn new English letters is to also watch a video. Now they are not at all difficult to find. Here are some fun ones:

And here is a whole series of cartoons, each of which is dedicated to a separate English letter. Video in Russian.

The last two videos are very good material for learning not only English letters, but also the sounds they make in some words.


Videos are always fascinating, but what about rhymes for quickly memorizing English letters? Have you tried it? Then go ahead! Children really like them. Click on the icon in the upper right corner for increase...

Games and tasks

I can offer you at least 10 more entertaining games and tasks to remember the letters of the English alphabet that are new to your child and their sequence ( about learning through games for children, also read). These games can be played as one-on-one with the child, and organize them for a group of children.

  • Learning with a ball

There can be many different variations of ball games for children. For example, you can throw a ball to each other and take turns saying the next letter. Or, for example, throw a ball against a wall and call it with each hit.

  • Draw a letter
  • Guessing cards

Try this option: you show your baby a picture of an apple - and he calls you “a” - apple. Or you show a kitten, and he calls you “c” - cat. Of course, this is more of a memory game and is suitable for more conscious children. But for repeating what you have learned, it is ideal like no other.

  • Alphabet train

The goal of this easy task game is to build a train from a pile of cards with English letters, each carriage of which must stand in its place. Only then will he go!

  • Stop song

The task here is to listen carefully to the alphabet song, and when the recording stops (the adult pauses at any point in the song), the children must repeat the last letter they heard and show the card with it.

  • Neighbours

From a pile of cards with letters turned upside down, the child chooses any one. The task is to remember the neighboring letter of the one that is in the child’s hands. In this case, you can call the previous letter or the next one. Any answer will be correct.

  • Guess it quickly

The goal of the game is to guess as quickly as possible what letter the adult is writing (who slowly and slowly writes a large English letter on a board or piece of paper in parts).

  • Add a dance to the song

One of my students was wildly restless. And in order to learn everything, we had to come up with a real dance with her, where for each letter we made a new movement, reminiscent of its shape. It’s amazing and incredibly strange, I tell you, but we managed to master it.

  • Connectors by points

This interesting and favorite activity for all children will help them quickly remember not only the letters of the English alphabet, but also their sequence. Here are 4 such pictures that you can download, print and use.

  • Letter - picture

Another exciting activity that will require children to know words (rather, it will be an association of a letter with a picture) beginning with certain letters of the alphabet. This requires preliminary preparation and work with pictures and words. I found these 6 printable pictures on the Preschool website ( We connect the letters with the necessary pictures, and then color them for fun.

Don't try to do everything by force. From my experience working with children, I know that if you don’t interest them, but force them to remember something, there will be absolutely no effect. The baby will only hate the language, and then it will be even more difficult for you and him ( Where to start teaching your child English).

Also, don't try to memorize without the help of a song, video or photo. The child will not even begin to turn on his “memory” processes. These words should burn red in your mind when it comes to learning: HE SHOULD BE INTERESTED!

And lastly, he must at least somehow understand why this is necessary. Yes, it’s difficult to explain to a little person of 3-5 years old why he needs to learn any other sounds if everyone speaks the ones he already knows. So come up with some kind of fairy tale ( you can use), or watch a cartoon with him where individual words are spoken in a foreign language. This may arouse in him a desire to learn them himself.

And finally...

Of course, all children are different, and not all methods of work are suitable for everyone. Therefore, I can immediately advise looking for the right path to your baby. He will love English if you show it to him in the right light.

And remember, my dears, that I regularly share tips on how to help you and your children learn a language effectively. Subscribe to my blog newsletter and follow the news. It will be even more interesting soon.

In contact with

To prevent the process of learning English from becoming uninteresting, dry, boring and tedious, it needs to be diversified. This is especially important for children. You can make the learning process interesting in different ways: use various games, alternate activities, watch videos, listen to audio, communicate with native speakers. And sometimes using a variety of handouts is enough.

Alphabet on cards

I recommend that you pay attention to cards with the English alphabet and transcription, which you can buy, download for free and print, or make yourself. Cards with letters and their transcriptions make learning English easier for both children and adults.

Cards with the English alphabet can be used both for teaching children at home and in schools and kindergartens. Adults who study the alphabet can repeat the letters while on the subway, on public transport, on vacation, or while traveling. Not only children will really like the pictures, but they will also engage adults in the process of mastering the language.

Why are flashcards useful for learning the alphabet?

  • Allows you to practice pronunciation - transcription
  • Develop memory by forming a strong connection between letters, sounds and visual images
  • Trains attention
  • Speech development
  • Develop fine motor skills of children's fingers

Where can I get such an alphabet? Alphabet cards can be purchased at most modern office supply or book stores. But you can get them completely free - just download them from the Internet and print them on a black-and-white or color printer. In some sets, the cards are two-colored - vowels and consonants.

Download cards with alphabet uppercase letters and lowercase letters

In what games can you use cards with English letters?

To make it more interesting for children, and for yourself, you can use alphabet cards for various games. For example:

  • Letters can be shuffled and then folded into alphabetical order at speed
  • You can give the kids capital letters, the so-called big letters, and ask them to find their pair - small letters
  • You can separate large and small letters, take 10-20 pairs, mix them, and without looking, lay them face down on any surface. You need to open the cards in pairs, trying to remember which is which. If you open a pair, put it aside
  • You can add words or play “Field of Miracles”. However, please note that in this case you will have to download and print several sets. Since for the usual word football, you will need 2 sets, and for a more complex one, such as hippopotamus, as many as 3 sets!

Study, work on the materials you have chosen and you will achieve success! We believe in you!

If your child starts learning English, the first thing he needs is to print the alphabet on A4 format. This page contains many templates with the English alphabet on one side of a regular size sheet, which can be downloaded and printed for free.

English alphabet with pictures in the form of cards

Each letter of the alphabet is continued into a word. The alphabet with pictures is placed in squares, which, if desired, can be cut into cards.

English alphabet with pictures and words

This alphabet also contains English words corresponding to the image.

English alphabet with pictures A4 format

This alphabet is made up of beautiful colored letters. Next to each letter there is a corresponding picture.

English alphabet in colored balloons

Children's English alphabet on sheet

The alphabet is made using a dancing orange font.

Horizontal English alphabet A4 format

The alphabet is made on a sheet of landscape (horizontal) orientation. The letters of the alphabet are made in the style of a New Year tree.

English alphabet in New Year's style

The letters are made in New Year's style. A red gradient and a small layer of snow were used.

English alphabet in the form of cards

The letters were placed in squares containing thematic pictures and corresponding words.

Download the beautiful English alphabet

A bright, beautiful alphabet can be printed from the image shown above. Under each letter there is an image of an object whose name begins with it.

Fun English alphabet with lowercase letters

All letters of this alphabet are written in lowercase (small).

English alphabet with letters from cubes

The above alphabet was made with colored squares.

Unusual English alphabet in horizontal orientation

The letters of this alphabet seem to be sewn from scraps of different fabric.

English alphabet with New Year's background in letters

Download this English alphabet if you need letters in the New Year style.

English alphabet in colored squares

The letters of this English alphabet were placed in colored squares with rounded corners.