Virtual world and communication on the Internet. Virtual or real life, which is better?

First, we need to figure out why we live at all, why does a person live? And when we answer this question, then we will return to what life in the virtual world is and what its dangers are.

What is a sense of life?

In self-realization. And in spiritual self-realization, first of all. In spiritual growth. This body lives one life, the soul lives forever and grows with each life. A person who lives in accordance with the laws of the soul and nature is a perfect creation of nature. He is capable of anything. He is able to influence this world, make it better. Both for yourself and for everyone else.

And first of all, we must find yourself, your path and follow it without fear and with your head raised.

As the famous song says: “So that you are not lost on earth, Try not to lose yourself.”

Each of us has our own path and our own goal. If we find this path, we can achieve a lot and do a lot of good things, and maybe even something great, who knows.

To do this, we must begin this search, realize our spiritual nature and find harmony and happiness inside yourself. Then an understanding of the path will come, self-confidence will come, then you will be able to discover your true self, capable of anything. Because you will be on your path, which is the best for you in this life. There is no one better than you for this mission.

These will help with this spiritual practices, like: yoga, pranayama, prayer, reflection alone.

Only a few manage to go their own way. Why?

Firstly, because we are lazy. It’s hard for our soul to fight this body, which only wants to eat, drink and do nothing. But this must be done, otherwise life will be in vain.

Secondly, in modern world there is very a large number of distracting, hindering our development and movement, factors. Not only is it simply difficult for us to cope with ourselves, but today it is tens of times harder to do so than tens of years ago.

Games. Computer games. Life in the virtual world. A world where you don’t have to do anything, and you are already a hero, you are who you would dream of becoming. There, in virtuality, you have already become one. Without doing anything. It's easy there.

The computer games market today is so diverse that it can satisfy any needs. He is always ready to stand guard over your laziness. He is her ally and patron.

Once you sit down at the computer and turn on the game, it’s almost impossible to get up. You're tired of one, turn on another, a third. As much as you like. This is the danger of computer games. Billions of dollars are made from human laziness. So don't worry, you you will always find a way to do nothing, and even pay for it.

Games can serve as just a little relaxation after a hard week. After all, everyone rests in their own way. But look at your life? You are happy? Is this what you dreamed of ten years ago? Have you achieved your goals?

If not, are you doing it now? Perhaps you are going to them with all your might, you are really tired and want to rest a little. Then nothing gnaws at you from the inside, you know where you are going and put all your strength into it.

But if games take up all your free time, when you spend days, weeks and years on them, and you simply give up on making your dreams come true. You're in trouble.

Life in the virtual world. What it is?

This is a tool to distract a person from real world.

One way or another, most likely you work somewhere, in one of the organizations in the country. The state arranges everything: there is a person, he works, he pays taxes, he produces something. Why should you think about something else, want something, what if you think of something bad? You come home from work, sit at home at your computer and live in that virtual world. Just don’t forget to come to work again in the morning, even with a sad and unhappy face, the main thing is that you come.

The virtual world is a tool for turning off the brain.

Life in the virtual world is a thoughtless life. A thinking person is also superfluous. Work and don't interfere. And after work, games and the Internet.

This is a tool not only for distracting from oneself and one’s true nature.

From God. Man is a spiritual being, and if he can realize this and engage in his spiritual development, then, without ever exaggerating, I will say that such a person will be capable of anything. But this requires a lot of effort and time. By wasting it on virtual games, there will be nothing left for you. You are taking your own life.

As a result. If virtual games are not your thing professional activity, eliminate them from your life. Then you have a chance to find yourself and realize yourself. Otherwise, don’t curse fate and don’t ask yourself “?”


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Virtual or real life, what's better?

After the massive spread of the Internet, many people lost touch with real life and plunged headlong into the Internet.

There are many examples of addiction to the World Wide Web, which has become a serious problem for humanity. But there are also positive aspects, because some people have achieved serious success in the virtual world.

Virtual or real life, which is better? A person can live without access to the Internet, even if he is addicted.

You can't live without real life. At the very least, you won’t get enough food from pictures on the Internet. Although there is another opinion - you can order your food via the Internet, which partly makes virtual life acceptable.

Why is real life better?

Whatever the arguments, real life is much better and there are many reasons for this. At a minimum, sitting in front of a monitor will prevent you from continuing your family line, and this is one of the needs of a normal person.

There are many other reasons to spend most of your time in real life:

  1. Everything is not real - the people you communicate with, information, relationships, and so on. Perhaps some moments brighten up our lives and even remote communication brings emotions, but they are far from real.
  2. Waste of time - happens every time you go on social media for a minute. networks, start watching entertaining videos or playing online. Even an ordinary meeting with real friends would be more useful.
  3. No censorship - which pleases some and is considered unacceptable by others. This is not only about pornography, but also about false information. It’s easy to find some fabricated incriminating evidence online or stumble upon scammers.
  4. Health – sitting for hours in front of a monitor, few people think about health problems. You come across such thoughts when there is no turning back and you have to consult a doctor.

Overall, It's better to live in reality, it's much more interesting. If you don’t think so, then you probably haven’t discovered all the delights yet.

When you ski down a mountain slope of 1500 meters, you are tied to a bun and launched into the water or lifted to a bird's eye view with a parachute, your opinion will definitely change.

What's good about virtual life?

There are also advantages in virtual life, because the Internet has really opened up a bunch of additional opportunities for all of us.

Personally, I like the virtual environment because there is a lot of money circulating there, and I know how to get it out of there. I am not a scammer and do not use dubious schemes, I work honestly and earn an income.

What I earn from and how much, I constantly tell in. Dozens of different systems provide good profitability. I forgot about real work long ago, since remote earnings have a number of advantages:

  • no financial ceiling;
  • as much as you did, so much you received;
  • your own boss;
  • you can join several directions at once;
  • there is no need to go anywhere;
  • the work is not dusty, better than swinging a shovel;
  • you can develop and create;
  • The risks of going bankrupt are minimal.

It is the opportunity to earn money that virtual life is better than real life. Of course, you can start a regular business or look for a part-time job, but doing this over the Internet is much more comfortable. Again, I advise all skeptics to first try to do something, and only then draw conclusions.

Today, a lot has been written and said about the Internet. The pros and cons of the World Wide Web are flying from all sides. Opponents and supporters prove that they are right in all kinds of talk shows and on the pages of paper publications.

Meanwhile, the Internet lives its own separate life. The huge world, created by human hands, loves, hates, fights, laughs, creates families and destroys relationships, brings people closer together and alienates them from each other.

This world has no boundaries, it is beautiful on the one hand, but it also has a reverse, negative side. The Internet is a reflection of ourselves; evil generated by man; a miracle created by man. Like a mirror, it reflects our life, our fears and complexes, desires and dreams.

Now modern man cannot imagine his life without the Internet. Work stops if the connection suddenly disappears. Everyone around is nervous, urgent matters are postponed, documents have to be sent by fax, and work-related issues have to be resolved over the phone.

The Internet has become an integral part not only of work, but also of our personal lives. About ten years ago, most of the population had little idea what the strange word “Internet” meant. When I didn’t yet have a computer, but my cousin did, and he even sometimes went online, I tried to find out what it was and what could be done with it. After the answer: “You can do everything on the Internet,” the matter did not become clearer, and my thoughts about the Internet reached a dead end. Until I sat down at the computer and opened the browser.

After some time, I also had a computer at home, and I could surf the Internet as much as I needed. And to my mother’s question: “Well, what is the Internet, can you explain to me?” What can you do there for so long?”, I answered: “That’s it!” Time passed, my mother gradually mastered the computer and, while I am not at home, opens the browser, reads the news, and looks for some materials on work.

Yes, who would have thought that once in my mother’s distant childhood they watched TV through a magnifying glass, that on that TV, which, by the way, was not yet in every family, only two channels were broadcast. And those lucky people who had a TV set, on warm summer evenings, put it on the window with the screen facing the street, neighbors who did not yet have one gathered, and everyone watched some movie.

We used to write letters on paper, a checkered piece of paper from the middle of a notebook. As a child, girls’ letters always smelled like their mother’s perfume and had “kisses” on them at the end of the letter - imprints of lipstick, and on the back of the envelope they always wrote “Write!” with a felt-tip pen. or “Fly with greetings, come back with an answer!” and drew hearts. We received the long-awaited envelope from friends and relatives with trepidation. And they were always worried that a letter dropped into a mailbox would definitely reach the addressee.

And sometimes, in the hustle and bustle of our days, we forgot to answer letters. If they answered, it was not enough. “Everything is fine, no changes.” And often those who were once close were lost from sight.

Now letters are sent and received in seconds, and there is no need to send telegrams. It is enough to install one of the messengers, and the person who is on the other side of the world becomes close. Headphones, microphone, webcam – and thousands of kilometers don’t count. Only the monitor separates you. Well, or a bad connection!

Through many sites we find our classmates, childhood friends with whom we once lost contact. We find new friends, like-minded people and even our love. We learn languages, complete courses and receive certificates. We shop without leaving home, sell, earn money, watch movies, listen to music, learn to cook and take photographs. Some “advanced” even register a virtual marriage!

But is everything so harmless in this space “on the other side”?

Of course, everything or almost everything depends on ourselves. After all, sometimes this same virtual life sucks a person into its networks unnoticed. Of course, there are reasons for everything. In some way, “virtual” is an escape from reality. When a person considers the World Wide Web not just as a means of communication, communication, receiving news or any useful information. This is where danger awaits. Who hasn't been captivated by virtual life? Someone, having “overcome” their hyper-attachment to the Internet, “cools” towards it and uses it as a source of information and communication. And someone is starting to be used by the Network itself.

A person is immersed more and more in the virtual, forgetting about his problems, because THERE is a different world. In it you can be whoever you want and as far as your imagination is enough. Your life passes only according to the laws that you create yourself. In that world you have everything that you don’t have in this real one. There are friends who understand you, there is love. You can defeat any enemy, you can tell anyone everything that you would never dare to say in real life. You can be brave, you can be arrogant and uninhibited. You can be a fashion model or a poet. You are waiting for the support and approval of those invisible interlocutors. This is especially important if that same support is not enough in real life. You build yourself THERE, put it together piece by piece the way you would like to see yourself in reality. You gain authority.

You have your own world, and you have not yet realized the harm of its artificiality. The gifts there are not real, and the flowers don’t smell, although they look almost like they’re alive. You post the best, skillfully edited photo, and expect high ratings from those who are your friends THERE. When you go to bed in the morning, you once again remember that you didn’t call your friend. But you haven’t seen each other for a month, maybe more. But we should meet, but there’s still no time...

You have Internet at work, at home and on your mobile phone. You come to visit and the first thing you do is look for your computer or download one of the instant messengers from your mobile phone. Listening out of the corner of your ear to the conversations of your friends, you answer questions at random and somehow maintain the conversation. You're in another world. But not to keep in touch. No! To constantly feed your own self-esteem. For your own confidence. Therefore, you think with horror that someday the door to that world may be closed. Life there is more interesting and brighter. And you can no longer live without her.

The worst thing is that a person stops noticing own problems in real life. Instead of solving them, it is often easier to immerse yourself in another world and feel artificial happiness. Receiving ratings from virtual friends is much more pleasant than sitting with a friend in the kitchen over a cup of tea. And in love there you are not at all the same as in real life.

How many mistakes we make, afraid to live! How much pain we cause to our loved ones with indifference caused by some unreasonable fear! But you just need to try to be free. One time, one day. Gather your will and become decisive here, in reality. Find a way out difficult situation life offline is much more pleasant and tangible than there. Say “I love” to a person, looking into their eyes, overcoming your shyness. Hold a bouquet of roses in your hands and inhale their aroma. Seeing the face of a loved one in front of you, his smile, hearing his voice, feeling his breath and the warmth of his palms. Breathe in the frosty winter air. Go out at night with friends to play snowballs or build a snowman. After all, this is life! Here she is, the real one!

And finally, understand: it doesn’t matter to me how many “friends” I have in “My World”, on “Odnoklassniki”, “VKontakte” and “Facebook”. The important thing is that after a hard day at work I can come to my Friend’s house to watch a good movie on DVD, or gather my friends and go for a walk, to the cinema, ride on the carousel, wherever! It doesn’t matter to me how many virtual gifts they gave me. The important thing is that after work, going into the store, I will see some little thing on the window, maybe an insignificant trinket, and I will want to buy it and give it to my loved one.

What is important to me is that I always have time to meet with friends. You have the strength to solve problems. There is this life, this world. And then there is the Internet - an invisible thread connecting me with my loved ones in other cities and countries.

It’s wonderful that I have all this!

Hi all. I usually don't repost articles on my sites. This is an unusual case, because there is no need to change or add anything. I was amazed by the author's observation. What is written in this article cannot but be alarming. Since I am a supporter of conscious living. And here we touched on the side, our future is children. What kind of mind they will be is our responsibility for this, because children under 16 years of age are deprived of reason, or rather it is only just being formed in them. I am a father myself and would like my children to be aware. While all this is happening (everything written below), we adults do such things and bear full responsibility for it. Read this short article. Yes, if possible, let all your acquaintances, relatives and friends read it.

Currently, there are a large number of people who cannot imagine life without the Internet or “surfing” on social networks and monitoring comments on their blog posts. Modern applications on mobile phones only actively contribute to the development of such addiction...

Moscow narcologists note that the contingent of their patients has now transformed from alcohol/drug addicts to Internet addicts and ranges from 50 to 70% of total number patients, and the register for patient appointments is scheduled a year in advance.

Child psychologists are also sounding the alarm. According to the results of the experiment, which involved children from 12 to 18 years old, only three out of seventy children “withstood” to the end.

They were asked to refrain from using all kinds of gadgets, computers, TV, radio, music for 8 hours. During this time, they could occupy themselves with anything: from drawing and putting together puzzles to walking or sleeping.

However, the children's enthusiasm disappeared immediately at the beginning of the second or third hour. Many experienced aggression, fuss of movements, thoughts, speech; fear of loneliness and anxiety. On the physical plane, this was expressed in the form of nausea, dizziness, increased breathing, fever, causeless pain or a feeling of apparent pain throughout the body. Psychologists compared this to the withdrawal effect.

Many children, without waiting for the end of the experiment, turned on their phones and called their parents, friends, and classmates. The rest immersed themselves in the virtual world or turned on loud music.

The two boys who successfully completed the task spent all this time gluing various models of sailboats. The third girl occupied herself with needlework with a break for lunch and a walk in the park.

Of course, each person is able to answer the question for himself: whether he is addicted to various types of Internet entertainment or not. This article contains only some suggestions on how to get out of addiction if a person sees that he or his child has it.

For adults:

Do not limit yourself to gatherings and conversations on social networks or hobbies of computer games. Restriction further activates desire and generates aggression towards oneself: “Why am I such a weak person? I can't do anything."

The only effective means of getting rid of Internet addiction is conscious observation of oneself, for example, during moments of virtual communication and analysis of the value of the information exchanged. Assessing the importance of this information and the amount of time spent on it is a direct path to getting rid of addiction. A person will simply gradually begin to understand whether he needs such communication, in what quantity he needs it - this will help him freely get out of addiction, without stress for the body and psyche. This does not mean that a person will not use the same social networks. He will simply be free from the illusion of the importance of what is happening in the virtual world.

Regarding children:

Here it is somewhat more complicated, since what is said in a commanding form: “Stop surfing the Internet, it’s time to do your homework!” most often it does not have any power to influence what is happening, but only aggravates the situation.

Based on the results of the experiment, a ban does not produce any results if children are not clearly explained why this or that is prohibited. At the same time, the essence of the experiment was not formulated entirely correctly - it was aimed at the abilities and capabilities of the child. He was taken “weakly”, without offering any other game in return: “Can you be without computer games or communicating on social networks for 8 hours?” If every child were offered a collective gaming alternative to the same computer game, he would not even remember his deprivations.

It’s also worth thinking about: what attracts a child so much to the virtual world? Of course, many will answer: free communication - on the Internet you can create any image of yourself you want. The reasons for difficulties in live communication may be different, but their basis is often the same: the child feels the individuality of his inner world, but does not see how it can be applied in interaction with others. Perhaps he once tried to do this, but his manifestations were rejected or not understood by other children. Therefore, it is easier to go into the world of illusions - there you can create any image of yourself or be yourself, and the choice of interlocutors is much greater, as well as the likelihood of finding like-minded people.

Advice to parents in this situation: watch your child. Maybe, inner world the child just needs to be directed in the right direction. After all, the virtual world is a game. Create another game for your child that would be interesting and useful for him, and perhaps the addiction will disappear by itself. Start with him, for example, to study English language- Be your child’s friend and life partner.

Psychologists also remind us of the healing power of dialogue: the more often parents communicate with their children and not just actively nod their heads, but conduct a sincere dialogue with an absolutely mature person on equal terms, the fewer understatements and difficulties arise in relationships.

In order for the child to listen to your opinion, psychologists also advise removing the scheme: owner - property. This happens because almost all parents consider their children THEIR OWN - they obviously have an image of a person who is not adapted to anything, in need of constant training and care. Modern parents actively shape the child’s dependence on them, then suffering from the fact that the person cannot make a decision on his own in the future. However, in reality modern children significantly different from the previous generation high level awareness and having your own point of view regarding what is happening.

For example, if a mother says in an imperative form what the child needs to do, she automatically blocks the freedom of choice for both herself and her child, knowingly believing that her position is the only correct one. At this point the dialogue disappears as only one person speaks. At the same time, the mother deprives the child of the opportunity to become an individual in the future and be responsible for his own actions, hindering her development with her authority.

Therefore, in this situation, it is preferable to focus on your feelings and emotions, for example: “Masha, I see how you spend a lot of time on the Internet - it makes me anxious.” Don't say anything else - leave room for the child to respond. Perhaps you will hear a reasoned answer in favor of using the Internet in exactly this quantity - do not rush to conclusions. You may not hear an answer. But if you say this really sincerely, then the child will definitely think about his actions - in fact, any person loves his parents very much, even if there is a cool relationship and he does not want to upset his loved ones. At this moment, you develop in your child the skills of awareness of his actions and taking responsibility for his actions.

It is also worth considering that the child does not need to say the same thing over and over again - next time just a glance will be enough. It also happens that the results are not immediately visible, but, you see, every person needs time to understand themselves from a new perspective. There is no need to put pressure on a person - be patient, and the result will not take long to arrive.

Together with our world, there is another world in parallel - the Internet. It has its own wars and has its own virtual currency. People also live on the Internet with their own fictitious names - logins and. Everything here is like in real life, only virtually. And just like in every life on the Internet, there are relationships between people. The truth is also virtual.

Internet users find their friends here. They meet new people and communicate. Sometimes they also start virtual romances. At first glance, it may seem strange that any feelings arise between strangers. Is it really possible to love a person whom you have never seen, never heard of, whom you have never touched?

It turns out that everything is possible in life... For example, people meet each other on forums or on social networks. When discussing a newly released film, a person may find that someone else shares his views. With further communication, people soon realize that they have similar views on life.

After a while, communication between people is transferred to chats. Everything here is extremely simple. A chat conversation is similar to a live conversation, the only difference being that your interlocutor may be at a great distance from you.

If the user cannot find friends and acquaintances on forums and chats, he registers on dating sites. Here, among thousands of people like him, lonely and looking for communication, you can find a mistress, lover, boyfriend or girlfriend. Also, such services allow you to find a soul mate based on specified criteria: hair color, eye color, height, and so on...

People who have feelings for each other often use ICQ (Viber, etc.). It allows you to exchange emoticons and send photos. ICQ makes communication between people simple and convenient.

From the outside it may seem stupid to fall in love with a person you don’t know; it may seem that a person’s feelings are directed towards an image he imagines. And for real feelings, a real person is important, and not his virtual replacement. After all, our virtual prince in a white Mercedes, with a lock of black hair and blue eyes, in reality may turn out to be a fourteen-year-old bespectacled guy from next door.

The Internet also allows you to experience the pleasure of "virtual lovemaking." At first glance it looks wild, but this is the reality of our lives. Many people, due to the lack or complete absence of real “love making,” completely surrender to the temptation of virtual relationships.

In the Middle Ages, people sent anonymous letters and notes to each other. Were flirting with strangers. Now everything is the same, only the possibilities are different. In the end, after “making virtual love,” no one will force you to get married?

By the way, what is the difference between “making love” over the phone and virtual? Nothing!

A person's communication on dating sites can be very useful for a person. After all, if he is withdrawn and uncommunicative, then in real life he has a lack of communication. Virtual life compensates for this. After some time, a person will transfer his virtual behavior into real life. And instead of yesterday’s nerd, a macho man will appear before us, who only needs a couple of phrases to get a girl into bed.

What if a person spends all his time at work? , goes to bed late. How can he find a life partner? Only the Internet is the way out of this situation. It’s so simple, I came to work, exchanged a few words with friends, sent a smiley face to my beloved...

But online dating also comes with its own dangers. New drug addicts - people who have become Internet addicts - began to turn to psychotherapists. They can no longer spend a day without online communication.

It's normal to flirt while chatting with a man for a while. But if it turns into an obsession...

Sometimes people seem to live on the Internet; the events of the real world cease to interest them. A person’s real personality dies, he is completely immersed in the virtual world. It is always worth remembering that real life is much more interesting than virtual life. No communication can replace a living person. Progress has come very far, but people's feelings have never changed their form. A person loves a person, not his virtual image.