English language course for beginners. English for beginners. Who teaches English lessons for beginners


“My name is Sophia, I’m 15 years old. I have been studying at the YES center for more than six months and I feel noticeable progress in English! The teaching methodology is aimed primarily at speaking practice. It has become easy to perceive English speech by ear, conduct basic conversations. No cramming and huge homework, like in a regular school. However, progress is obvious. Thanks to the YES school"


“I hereby express my deep gratitude to the “YES”-Khovrino center for the quality education of my daughter Ekaterina. The progress after your classes is obvious. I would also like to highly commend the competent selection of teaching staff. These are true professionals in their field - Masters! I would like to wish the “YES” center - Khovrino success in maintaining a high level of educational quality. We are with you! Sincerely, Antipov A.Yu., daughter has been studying for 1 year


"We study at the Center foreign languages First year. We like. We go to 2 foreign languages ​​and see noticeable progress in learning English and Chinese. The teachers were chosen very well in my opinion. My son enjoys going to school. There is a warm and friendly atmosphere here. In general, both parents and child are satisfied. Thank you!"


"Choosing courses in English, I chose the YES foreign language school for many reasons. Firstly, the groups here are small, so attention is paid to each student. Secondly, new good textbooks well-known foreign publishing houses. At almost every lesson we watch videos of native speakers speaking; the topics of the lessons are interesting - there is something to discuss, unlike topics in school classes. By the way, it was thanks to the courses that I began to be able to express my thoughts in English, and I understand speech quite well by ear. The YES school often hosts various events and organizes trips. I recently visited public lesson Japanese language and I’m going to enroll in this course as well.”



The summer intensive course took place in Solntsevo. Liked. Special thanks to teacher Daria, she helped me overcome my uncertainty in English pronunciation. Let's hope for continued training.

Subway Kuzminki

I’ve been studying in YES center for 2 years and during these 2 years I’ve learned English from B1 level to B2 + level. Almost C1 level. I really like the lessons. I’ve met a lot of teachers here and all of them were really kind. And I really understand the explanations, that’s why I understand practically everything during our lesson. By the way our lessons are interesting, we not only study. We also play different games to practice vocabulary, grammar and just to practice our speaking. By the way, we also speak a lot during the lesson. That’s why we not only drill vocabulary and grammar and also make our listening and other skills.

Subway Kuzminki

Well, I’ve been studying in YES for 2 years and I think my life changed when I have met so good people who I communicate with. I regard our teacher Kate who is one of the most caring and understanding teachers I have ever met. She really explains the material in a good way what’s why I like her way of teaching. Also I am happy that I’ve met so many friends here. We communicate and spend a lot of time together. YES center helped me to improve my skills, my knowledge and my abilities in general. That's why I'm really thankful.

Subway Kuzminki

I have been studying at YES since the school opened. I can say that these are very effective classes, additional courses. I learned a lot in a very short period of time. I also achieved great success in school. I can say about the teacher that we have a very beautiful and responsive teacher, kind, she always meets halfway. She is not too strict, but not too soft either. My classmates are cool and cheerful, I can communicate well with everyone.


I would like to note that I chose training courses taking into account proximity to home, and I live in the Khovrino area. Before the start of classes, the administrators offered me to take free written and oral tests to determine my level of English language proficiency. As a result, I was very lucky to study English in a friendly group with a talented, responsive and charming teacher, Ekaterina! Classes in Ekaterina’s group are optimally balanced for the student: listening to the teacher, communication with the teacher and with students in the group, and the student’s speaking itself are as precise as possible. This allows us to gain comprehensive language skills. In teaching, we use a communicative methodology, the main goal of which is to teach how to use language in real life from the first lesson. In group classes, Ekaterina unites us into small subgroups or pairs, giving us collective tasks.


I started learning English when I realized that I couldn’t live without it. For work I have to travel a lot to different countries and of course it’s very convenient to have an interpreter next to you. What happens when he's not there? This is how serious motivation arose in mastering the language. At first I started teaching him on my own, and then I realized that in this matter I needed a system and a good teacher. I think I'm lucky. Somehow I got to an open lesson at the yes center... Having completed the first level of elementary, I feel confident in communicating with foreigners. And from my own experience I realized that a foreign language opens up new opportunities! The main thing is not to be lazy and not miss classes.


At the YES center I learn three languages: English, Spanish and Chinese. Why three at once? Because foreign languages ​​are good for me! I especially like Spanish because he is very handsome. The most difficult language is Chinese, and especially writing hieroglyphs. I haven't decided yet what I will become in the future. Possibly a diplomat.


Most of all I like our teacher, Ekaterina Nemtsova. She explains well, is kind and sympathetic. I like people who sit at the reception; if anything happens, they’ll give me advice. I like the design of the school. Before class I like to drink hot chocolate. I have friends here. I need English to travel to international dance competitions and to succeed at school. In general, I like learning English.



I, Dmitry, am a design engineer at a small Moscow company. One of my tasks was to organize a design department in China. There I needed spoken English and I ended up at YES. Having chosen from quite a few schools in my area, only here I was offered a summer group for beginners. And already the third level I remain a faithful student of this school. What is important to me, and here it is fully present, is a clear, proven, consistent training system. Slowly, step by step, topic by topic, material is being worked through and added. Based on the characteristics of the group and its wishes, the teacher and methodologist focus on the tasks that cause us the most difficulty. Thank you to our teachers for their sincere desire to teach, for their diligence and patience.


My first acquaintance with the YES Foreign Language Center began after I got a job. There is an urgent need to learn English. My level of English was zero, so I was very worried about how I would keep up with the group, how the learning process would go, and so on. But as it turned out, I was worried in vain. All staff and teachers turned out to be very responsive, always ready to help. Especially, thanks a lot I want to tell the teacher – Evgenia Popova. Studying for Elementary level I can already explain myself and conduct a dialogue with foreigners (native speakers), I read books, I understand what is sung in the songs of foreign performers. The result of the training met all my expectations. Thank you to YES school for existing.

Subway Kuzminki

I would like to thank Evgenia, an English language teacher for little ones, for her professionalism and individual approach to each child. Ilyusha attends classes with great pleasure and interest, which are held in an easy, playful manner. Which makes it easy to remember new material. I would also like to say a special thank you to the administrator Yulia, who will always greet you kindly, listen and answer all your questions.

English courses for adults are created for those who once learned English, but feel that at this stage their existing knowledge is no longer enough. This section of English is taught to both complete beginners and those who know English well, but would like to improve it for one reason or another.

English for adults from scratch

Learning English from scratch involves, first of all, mastering basic grammatical structures and memorizing the most important words: frequent verbs, pronouns, and some nouns. But in the courses you will find not only theoretical knowledge. Many schools use a communicative method that involves speaking English from the first lesson - after all, you can begin to convey some ideas even if you know just a few words.

In Moscow you can easily find courses where you will quickly learn to speak English competently and confidently.

Spoken English

For adults who have already encountered the English language, it is often important to master spoken English: to overcome the language barrier or simply improve communication skills. For this purpose, English language schools in Moscow have also created dozens of training programs.

Typically, learning English takes place under the guidance of a native speaker or a Russian-speaking teacher with extensive experience who can organize and support communication during the lesson exclusively in English. The teacher talks to students during lessons, periodically correcting mistakes in speech and explaining in simple language complex grammar topics. Such activities contribute well to the development of speech skills, teach not to get lost during conversations and help an adult to relax when communicating in English.

Teaching English to adults

Training can take place in several formats:

  • personal meetings with a tutor;
  • intensive training in groups for quick results;
  • full-time group English language courses by level;
  • online English courses with a personal teacher.

There are other options, but these are the main ways to learn English from scratch or with knowledge of the basics of English. Each format has its own advantages and disadvantages. When choosing a course, you need to proceed from your desires, goals, personal comfort and cost of training.

People start learning foreign languages ​​for various reasons. Some people want to talk with foreign partners without a translator, others want to read foreign classics in the original. A lady who is fluent in English can successfully marry a foreign citizen.

Fans of Western creativity will be able to independently translate the lyrics of musical hits and dialogues of American film characters. Highly qualified specialists who speak English fluently are readily hired by foreign corporations. English for adults will be the key to a successful career and high earnings for many.

English from scratch

Classes in our club will allow you:

  • Deal with English times and put correct pronunciation;
  • Expand your vocabulary;
  • Understand the rules for constructing syntactic structures;
  • Learn to think in a foreign language;
  • Act competently in typical situations that arise during travel;
  • Overcome the language barrier.

Business English

If your company is going to conquer foreign markets, then you cannot avoid interacting with foreign counterparties.

Students of the Business English course will learn:

  • Communicate competently with businessmen on the phone;
  • Conduct presentations of goods and services;
  • Organize negotiations and translate legal documentation (contracts, agreements, etc.);
  • Prepare commercial proposals, reports, resumes and official letters.

Conversational English business courses are designed for students economic universities, general directors, employees of financial organizations and business owners. Knowledge of business English will also be useful for those who are just starting out in business. All global corporations were once small firms. A businessman of any level must think globally and plan in advance to open foreign branches.

How are classes conducted?

Learning English from scratch is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. During the learning process, our teachers use a special communicative technique that allows the student to speak English already in the first lesson. Our listeners will enjoy exciting role-playing games, lively discussions and discussions of current topics of our time.

Our language club has an informal atmosphere that speeds up the development of new material. Russian speech is practically not used in the communication process. An environment of forced immersion in the language environment is created. This approach makes educational process

extremely effective. English language courses for beginner adults were organized by our club 15 years ago. During this time, Englishwomen's teachers trained about 17,000 people.

  • Advantages of the English language club
  • Low prices; Cozy classrooms
  • equipped with modern technology;
  • Training programs that meet international standards;
  • Experienced teachers who love their job;

Modern methodological base.

Learning process English language courses for adults begin with comprehensive testing, during which the level of knowledge of future students is determined. After this, groups of 3 to 7 people are formed. There is also the possibility of individual training according to a separate program. Group lessons are held twice a week (programs " Basic course

" and "English for Travel"). If you have a busy work schedule, you can sign up for a weekend group.

English with a native speaker

Conversations with foreigners that take place in our club reinforce the theory and help overcome psychological barriers in communication. Sign up for a free trial lesson and discover amazing world English culture.

For those who have never studied English before, and for those who have only a minimal amount of passive knowledge and uncertain reading and pronunciation skills, ABC English language courses offer to enroll in English for beginners from scratch.

  • You will learn the basics of pronunciation, reading, and writing.
  • Learn the first 600 or so words of English.
  • Learn basic tenses and phrases.
  • Prepare for further language study at the Elementary level.

The goal of the course is to acquire the ability to understand fluent foreign speech and adequately use English in familiar situations. All English language learners will master the basics of pronunciation from scratch, grammatical structure English, they will learn to read first adapted and then original texts, understand the speech of native speakers within the framework of the proposed topics and situations, and communicate in spoken English.

For students just starting to learn the language, we will create conditions for forming a solid base and using it in practice. Modern techniques will allow you to quickly master and learn to use over 700 words and expressions.

English for beginners from scratch

Our approach to teaching English is based on the two pillars of classical education in the UK - tradition and system. Language classes ABC English offer learning English from scratch only using proven and generally accepted methods, including those from Oxford and Cambridge universities. The system of classes in a program such as teaching English from scratch is built on the principle of from simple to complex: from short phrases and simple rules construction English sentences to more complex lexical and grammatical structures. The communication techniques used in the course, based on creating conversational situations on certain topics, will allow you to quickly acquire casual communication skills in real life.

Each lesson, structured in the format of conversational and situational training, includes practicing both speech and grammatical elements: phonetics, new grammatical constructions, blocks of new words and word forms. A comfortable and relaxed language atmosphere is created for course participants who will have to learn English from scratch. Students who choose our courses, doing exercises, actively communicating with each other and with teachers, listening to audio recordings, will improve their communication skills in spoken English from the very first lessons and from lesson to lesson. The English courses we offer will reveal your language potential and help you start speaking English from the very first lessons and successfully overcome any language barriers.