Dr. Ian Malcolm: the news about the death of the Jurassic Park star in InoSMI turned out to be false. Quotes by Ian Malcolm The news about the death of the Jurassic Park star in InoSMI turned out to be false

In our society, oversaturated with information, almost no one thinks for themselves. We should be brushing aside unnecessary papers, but we are brushing aside thoughts.

We exist on the planet for one brief moment, and if tomorrow we all disappear, the planet will not even notice it.

Michael Crichton. Jurassic Park

I really value my life and my time and don’t want to waste it thinking about clothes. I don't want to think every day about what I should wear the next morning. And in general, in my opinion, there is nothing more boring in the world than fashion. Except professional sports. Just think - grown people play ball with each other, and the rest of the world pays big money to applaud them. But in general, fashion is even more boring than sports. And more tiring.

Michael Crichton. Jurassic Park

Do you know what's vicious? modern science? It looks like a huge wealth that was inherited by some stupid idiot.

Michael Crichton. Jurassic Park

Scientists have diligently piled up a huge pile of all sorts of bullshit just to explain how and why they strive to comprehend the “laws of nature.” All this is plausible on the surface, but in reality they are driven by something completely different. No one will try for such a meaningless abstraction as “the search for truth.” In fact, scientists always strive for some kind of achievement. They only think about whether they will be able to accomplish something. And for some reason they never think about whether it’s worth doing this “something” at all?

Michael Crichton. Jurassic Park

Life is an endless sequence of accidents, each of which can affect the next ones completely unexpectedly, unpredictably, and sometimes even destructively.

Michael Crichton. Jurassic Park

Mathematics requires more and more courage to accept the results of its application.

Michael Crichton. Jurassic Park

Scientists cannot do otherwise. They need to leave their marks on everything they touch. They cannot simply understand phenomena and appreciate them. They cannot simply accept the laws of nature and follow them. They definitely need to create something unnatural! This is the lot of scientists, and now we have entire human communities trying to be scientists...

Michael Crichton. Jurassic Park

The entire history of evolution is a description of how different life forms overcame all kinds of limitations. Life is constantly rushing to freedom. Life is expanding into new territories. This does not happen painlessly, sometimes even at the risk of life itself - but still, life somehow finds a way to achieve its goal.

Ian Malcolm

Still from the movie "Jurassic Park"

Those who read the book about the failed attempt to operate an amusement park with cloned prehistoric lizards know that Dr. Ian Malcolm did not survive the finale. In the story, a mathematician, thrown into the air by a Tyrannosaurus rex, breaks his leg and later dies due to blood poisoning - but when Jeff Goldblum was hired for this role in the film, director Steven Spielberg was so captivated by the actor's charisma that he invited Crichton, who helped write the script, to save Malcolm. Crichton agreed. This decision influenced his creative plans: in “ Lost World", the next novel about dinosaurs, Michael resurrected the mathematician, making him the central character and giving him a limp. In the book, Malcolm walks with a cane and tells everyone that rumors of his death were “grossly exaggerated”: although he really almost died, skillful Puerto Rican surgeons managed to save him, and now everything is fine. It is interesting that David Morrell did a similar trick after the release of First Blood: in the first book, Rambo dies, but in the second, written after the disastrous success of the film of the same name, he is alive again. Some people, of course, may not like the fact that cinema is capable of influencing the sequels of famous books like this, retroactively. On the other hand, it is obvious that if it were not for the movie, there would be no sequels.

Let the pain scream! From the whisper of longing
A sick heart beats to pieces!

When you open your mouth, it immediately becomes clear how important it is for a person to get an education.

Doctor Who (2005)

Malcolm: Look, this is all very strange. I measured the vibration speed and it was 15 Malcolms per second!
Doctor: 15 what?
Malcolm: 15 Malcolms. This is my little term. The wavelength is 10 kilohertz. In four dimensions equal to one Malcolm.
Doctor (after a pause): You named a unit of measurement after yourself?
Malcolm: Watt doesn't care. Plus, 100 Malcolms equals 1 Bernard.
Doctor: Who is this? Your father?
Melcolm: Don't be ridiculous! This is a unit of mass measurement!
Doctor: Yes, great... But before I die of old age, (which in my case would be even the greatest achievement, congratulations), is there anyone else who can talk to me?

Malcolm in the Middle

Do you want to know what is the best thing about childhood? At some point it ends.

Big Mommas: Like Father, Like Son

I will help you, and you will help me.
- More precisely...
- You will sign the contract.
- I need to think.
- Just think, I’ll read Cosmopolitan.

More than love (A lot Like Love)

If I have to be a girl, I will choose my own clothes.
- Pull down your skirt, otherwise you can see everything that shouldn’t be seen.
- Do not teach me.