Educational and game guide “Draw the paths. Educational game guide “Draw the paths Game “What Misha drew”

Marina Kuznetsova

This year I am working with 4 year old children. Speech processes and fine motor skills of the hands and fingers are very poorly developed. This problem prompted me to combine the development of speech and fine motor skills in the game “Draw the Paths,” made using the punch card method.

The board game-punch card “Draw the Paths” is intended for individual work. Made of cardboard with a laminated inner field. Transparent corners are attached to the upper and lower corners of the cardboard, where sheets with assignments are inserted. The tasks are completed using a felt-tip pen, the lines of which can be easily removed with a sponge.

Using the manual allows you to solve the following problems:

Development of graphic skills

Clarification and differentiation of the dictionary according to lexical topics

Development of sensory representations

Development grammatical structure and coherent speech

The manual can be used in different age groups

With the help of “Tracks” it is possible to quickly automate a skill, since a situation of repeated exercise is created, the teacher can quickly assess whether the child has mastered the skill.

Development of graphic skills

Younger age.

The manual allows you to repeatedly draw lines in different directions, practicing the skill.

Games “Draw strings for the balls”, “Draw a path”

Goal: developing the ability to draw vertical and horizontal lines

Game “Recognize the figure in the picture”

Goal: development of ideas about form

Instructions: “Look at the pictures. Guess what shapes they look like, connect them with paths.” At the consolidation stage, as well as during the correctional hour, the child draws paths on the screen, connecting the shape with the desired picture.

Development and enrichment of the dictionary

Younger age

Goal: to strengthen the understanding of wild and domestic animals

On the punch card, the child is asked to connect wild and domestic animals with colored paths. Or ask your child to connect the animals by guessing the teacher’s riddle.

Work is carried out similarly on other lexical topics: Fruits and vegetables, Dishes, Clothing, Shoes, hats

Grammatical structure

Younger age

Game “What Misha Drew”

Goal: To consolidate the ability to correctly use nouns in the accusative case.

Draw a path and tell us who or what Misha drew.

Game "Find the right tool"

Goal: To consolidate the ability to correctly use nouns in the instrumental case.

Instructions: “Help the animals find tools for work. What will the wolf use to hammer the nail? What will the bear use to cut wood?”

Game "Who suits what"

Goal: To consolidate the ability to correctly use nouns in the dative case

Look at the pictures. Draw paths to see what suits whom. (Honey for a bear, carrot for a hare, nut for a squirrel, boots for a cat, shoes for Cinderella, etc.)

Game "Whose Things"

Goal: to consolidate the correct use of possessive pronouns

The teacher calls: Whose ball? The child must lead a path to the boy or girl, calling the word “MY” or “MY”

The doll (Whose) is mine, the scooter (whose) is mine

Older age

Game "Whose House"

Goal: Using possessive adjectives

Instructions: “Draw a path to see who lives where. Tell me whose house it is? (The bear sleeps in a den. This is a bear's den)

Game "Say the other way around"

Goal: to consolidate the use of antonyms in speech

The teacher points to a picture, for example a ball.

The ball is small, but you say the opposite. The child answers “big” and leads the path to a suitable object. Similarly: long - short, high - low, etc.

Game “Find a suitable picture”

Goal: to consolidate the use of prepositions in speech: on, in, for, under

Instructions: “Look at the picture. Come up with a sentence with a small word and connect this picture with the desired symbol.”

Development of coherent speech

Younger age

Game "Tell a story"

Goal: to consolidate the ability to tell fairy tales based on object pictures

Look at the pictures. Let's tell the fairy tale "Kolobok". The teacher points to the first picture. Asks the child to tell the contents of the picture. What happened to the kolobok next? Thus, we connect the pictures of one fairy tale in sequence.

Older age

Game "Tell a story"

Goal: development of coherent speech, development of thinking

The child is asked to look at the pictures. On the punched card are pictures from three stories. Choose pictures for the story “About a Jay” and connect them.

Formation of correct sound pronunciation

Game “Match the pictures with the sound Ш”

Goal: consolidate correct pronunciation sound Ш

“Connect the pictures with the sound Ш. Say them, clearly highlighting the sound Ш.”

Game “Match the pictures with the sound Ts, Ss”

Goal: differentiate sounds S-C

Instructions: “Name the pictures. Connect pictures with sound C with green tracks, and pictures with sound C with yellow tracks. Option 2: pictures are covered with squares. Lines of two colors are drawn on the field. For example, red and blue. Instructions:

“We will listen to the sounds S and C. Walk along the blue lines. Open the picture. Name and tell me what sound is in the word.”

“Remember and name the pictures in the top row, bottom row, right row and left row.”

->->->->-> Link Answers to problems Rymkevich ++++++

Answers to Rymkevich problems

Only a fine with confiscation with official Art. How many total digits would it take to write the numbers on their T-shirts if the T-shirts are numbered in order from 1 to 11? Compose and solve circular examples. Guess how the numbers in squares and circles are related to each other. Tane - swimming section. From the parts numbered on the right, assemble a well and draw it in an empty cell of the table. How to please parents and not spoil the overall picture of grades? A school graduate is forced to cope with a considerable workload in all subjects for the sake of a high average certificate score.

Page 7, task 7. Personal boundaries in civil rights as a type of punishment have ancient origins - as an expression of society’s mistrust of. Read the riddle, arranging the examples so that the answer to the previous example is the first number in the next example.

If it had been sold for dollars, it would have been possible to attract it. We look for an element that is not in the line and draw it. Well designed teaching aid, which is what this workbook is, will help even a humanist to understand the algorithm for completing tasks and constructing diagrams and graphs. Among the figures in the drawing, find and color with a yellow pencil those from which you can fold a cube. Draw a path from the duck to the lake so that to the left of it there are houses in which the number on the roof is less than the number in the window by 9, and on the right - by 8. In modern legal literature, answers to Rymkevich’s problems in the administrative process are dominated by the understanding of this process as a set . In the letter, please include the following information about blocking: BLOCKED 46. This is relevant, firstly, for students whose level of knowledge does not meet the requirements. Among the letters A and B there is the initial letter of only one boy's name.

Answers to Rymkevich problems

In essence, this type of task takes place in 4th grade, but the authors workbook, as usual, in their own style, they couldn’t resist, they set the problem at the beginning of 2nd grade, when division problems had not yet been completed. Centner 19 Problems involving movement in opposite directions 20 Pyramid 21 Problems involving movement in opposite directions 22 Multiplying a multi-digit number by single digit number Part 2 1 Multiplying a multi-digit number by a two-digit number 2 Multiplying a multi-digit number by a three-digit number 3 Cone 4 Problems involving movement in one direction 5 True and false statements. Page 47, task 7. Answer: shapes 1 and 4. Color the square next to her name with the appropriate color. In modern legal literature on the administrative process, the prevailing understanding of this process as a totality.

Decipher the name of a famous cartoon character, arranging the answers in descending order. Foma and Erema divided 7 rubles between themselves, and Foma received 3 rubles more than Erema.

Our students have now entered second grade. We continue to study the mathematics course according to the Perspective program, textbooks and workbooks by authors Dorofeev, Mirakov, Buk for the current academic year, and those who suddenly switched to this program for some reason will become familiar with them. The tasks are quite simple, except for several inadequate “developmental” tasks, which not only many students, but also their very smart parents, as well as grandparents, are unable to solve. Fortunately, a normal teacher does not ask for detailed solutions and the ability to solve such ingenious problems; an answer copied from the Internet will suffice, of course, if you are not going to make a great mathematician out of your child.

But, for those who are interested, we, the mathematics gurus, have solved not only simple problems and give you answers to them in the GDZ, but also those very problems with a tricky one are given in our solution book with a detailed solution. Answers to assignments in the "7guru" workbook have been checked and approved by a primary school teacher.

GDZ for tasks 1 part of workbook on mathematics Dorofeev

Select notebook page: list of pages ↓↓↓ 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95

Answers and solutions to particularly difficult workbook tasks

Page 4. Task 2. Draw a path from the duck to the lake so that to the left of it there are houses whose number on the roof is less than the number in the window by 9, and to the right - by 8.

Draw the answer in pencil. First you need to find a solution to the equations and write them down. Then we mentally “stand up” instead of the duck, imagine walking between the houses, leaving some to our right and others to our left.

Page 5, task 5. Compose and solve circular examples.

Recall that circular examples are those in which the answer is the first number of the next example.

Page 7, task 7. SO and NOT SO made up words from the bank of letters. SO he composed four words correctly, and NO SO he rearranged the letters in them. Try to read these words. Find and cross out the unnecessary word.


Page 13, task 8. Numbers from 4 to 9 are written in a row. Try putting a + or - sign between them so that the result is 7.

Answer: 4 + 5 +6 - 7 + 8 - 9 = 7

Page 15, task 5. Three classmates - Sonya, Tanya and Vera - are involved in various sports sections: one is in the gymnastics section, the other is in the skiing section, the third is in the swimming section. What kind of sport does each of them do, if it is known that Sonya is not interested in swimming, and Vera is a winner in skiing competitions?

Solution. It is immediately known that Vera is involved in the skiing section, since she is a winner in skiing competitions. If Sonya doesn't go in for swimming, she goes to the gymnastics section. Tane - swimming section.

Page 17, answer to task 6. Which of the figures numbered on the right is missing from the table? Circle her number. Draw this figure in an empty cell of the table.

Solution. Let's think like this. In each line, the adjacent parts of the figure are the same. To the left of the empty cell is a square, and to the right is a triangle. So we draw figure number 3 - with a square and a triangle.

Page 19, task 6. Decipher the words. Cross out the extra word.


Page 24, task 4. Guess how the numbers in squares and circles are related to each other. Fill in the blanks.

Solution. If you add up the numbers in adjacent squares, you get the number in the circle above them. And to find out the number in the square, you need to subtract the number in the second square from the number in the circle.

Page 27, task 8. Foma and Erema divided 7 rubles between themselves, and Foma received 3 rubles more than Erema. How much money did each person get?

If any answers are not clear, write in the comments, we will explain the GDZ to you in more detail.