Profession “Machine operator” Profession “Machine operator. Youth Recruitment Center History of the profession of a general machine operator

A generalist machine operator works in metalworking production, in repair shops, repair shops of various industries. This specialty arose in connection with the need for the rapid production of small batches of parts of varying complexity for the repair of machine tools and mechanisms. He processes parts made of metal and other materials on lathes, milling, drilling and grinding machines. Guided by the drawing of the part, he determines the sequence of its manufacture. Selects the necessary tools for this. Uses reference books and makes the necessary calculations. Selects the cutting mode, sets up the machine, installs the tool and workpiece, and processes the part. Verifies the dimensions of the part and the quality of its processing using optical instruments. In the process of work, the machine operator uses hand tools, mechanical equipment (lathes, drilling, milling, grinding machines) and measuring instruments. Works indoors. The main working position is the “standing” position.

Harmful factors are high noise levels and dusty air. Microtraumas to the hands are possible.

Must know: fundamentals of materials science, theory of strength of materials, electrical engineering, technical mechanics, technical measurements; device, rules for setting up machines and checking them for accuracy, design and rules for using measuring instruments, technology of heat treatment, sharpening, finishing of tools; principles of calibration of part profiles, classes of accuracy and cleanliness of processing.

Should be able to:"read" drawings; calculate processing modes for parts made of various materials using reference materials; carry out adjustment and sub-adjustment of machines; perform processing of parts made of different materials on various machines; check the dimensions of parts using measuring tools.

The profession has 2-6 categories. To successfully master the profession of a machine operator required: physical strength, sufficient visual and hearing acuity, accurate color discrimination, subtle tactile and kinesthetic sensitivity, accurate linear and three-dimensional eye measurement, accurate visual-motor coordination (at the level of movements of both hands), spatial imagination and visual-figurative thinking.

Job Not recommended people suffering from diseases: respiratory organs with frequent exacerbations, unfavorable cardiovascular system; nervous system, manifested by attacks of dizziness and loss of consciousness; skin with predominant damage to the hands, as well as persons with reduced vision and hearing.

Related professions: sharpener, driller, tool maker, pattern maker, planer, universal turner, milling maker, grinder.


At woodworking and other enterprises, a carpenter performs work on the manufacture of parts, assemblies, products, furniture of varying complexity according to drawings and sketches. The uniqueness of carpentry is that one person must own all the tools in his workshop and various types of woodworking machines in order to make a thing from scratch to its complete completion, which is especially important when making furniture. The scope of operations that a carpenter must master is quite large. He manually plans block parts, and in various devices for assembling products he glues panels, white-wood and veneer frames, and bars heated with high-frequency currents. Prepares the surfaces of products for veneering, cleans and polishes veneered parts and assemblies, adjusts and attaches parts to assemblies and products with glue and screws. In addition, the carpenter selects, adjusts and hangs doors, performs work on inserting locks, installing and fastening front fittings, mirrors, glass doors and shelves. Glues upholstery materials to products. Repairs parts and assemblies intended for finishing. Performs repairs and restoration of cabinet, lattice and bent furniture with the replacement of individual components and parts.

Perhaps the most difficult, but also the most interesting of all types of carpentry work is the manufacture and restoration of furniture.

Indeed, lately more and more antique furniture and artistic furniture of modern forms have appeared, and although the labor intensity of such products is higher, their good quality and high consumer value more than compensate for the high labor costs. To perform this work, the carpenter must know the entire technological process of manufacturing furniture and its parts, the main species, properties and defects of wood, as well as other materials, varnishes, and adhesives used.

The profession of a carpenter contributes development of aesthetic taste, imagination and thinking. Working with wood, a material that always conceals unexpected finds, develops special forms of perception: observation, the ability to highlight interesting decorative features of the material. Performed primarily at a natural pace and requiring calm, the work presupposes stability in the emotional sphere and promotes the development of patience and self-control. In the process of mastering a profession, a variety of motor skills are formed, accuracy and coordination of movements, and the eye are improved.

When choosing this profession need to know that it is very important for a carpenter to have good vision, chronic lung diseases with a tendency to frequent exacerbations (for example, bronchial asthma) and diseases accompanied by attacks of dizziness and loss of consciousness are undesirable.


Turning is one of the most widespread metalworking specialties, as lathes are the largest group of machines in machine shops. Turner is a profession necessary in all sectors of the national economy, therefore there remains a constantly high level of demand for specialists in this profession.

Turning is the processing of metals and non-metallic materials by cutting. Cutting is the sequential removal of layers of metal (chips) from a workpiece using a cutting tool. In this way, the shape, size and quality of the parts specified in the drawing are achieved.

A universal turner is a highly skilled machine operator. His work is varied. He performs external turning of the workpiece, giving it a cylindrical, conical or shaped shape;

internal boring of the product, cutting internal and external grooves and threads of different profiles; drilling various holes, finishing the product. In this case, the turner, according to the technology according to the drawings, making the necessary calculations, manufactures the part completely or does partial turning, then transferring the part to other machines (milling, grinding, slotting and others). The dimensions of the parts vary: from tenths of a millimeter to tens of meters. Therefore, small desktop machines are used for processing the smallest parts, and giant machines that process parts with a diameter of up to 3 m, a length of up to 30 m and a weight of up to 1700 tons. Both small and large machines require high precision and cleanliness of processing.

The work of a turner requires not only special knowledge, but also development of certain qualities: technical thinking, spatial concepts, memory for numbers and shapes, developed attention, ability to think logically. When setting up a machine, an important role is played by the eye, which helps to accurately install devices, coordination of movements of both hands when operating the machine (a feature of a turner’s work is that the hands simultaneously make different movements, and this requires significant training) and a certain physical strength. It is important that the worker develop, in addition to the qualities already listed, the subtlety of auditory perception when monitoring the rhythm of the machine. A significant part of a general-purpose turner’s working time is devoted to control and measuring operations. High precision requirements necessitate careful measurements. Therefore, it is very important to have acute vision, which makes it possible to notice small differences in shape. Color perception plays an important role, since by the color of the chips the turner determines whether the cutting mode is correctly determined (the color of the chips changes at different turning speeds).

Must know: rules for setting up and checking the accuracy of lathes of various types; methods for installing fasteners and aligning parts; methods for determining the technological sequence of processing and selecting optimal cutting conditions; rules for heat treatment, sharpening, finishing and installation of cutting tools; principles of profile calibration; diagram of the plasma heating installation and measures to ensure its safe operation; rules for setting up a plasma torch; properties of cooling and lubricating fluids; system of tolerances and landings, qualifications (accuracy classes) and roughness classes (processing cleanliness).

When choosing this profession need to know that there are production factors that negatively affect the health of the turner: increased noise levels, metal dust, emulsion and oil vapors in the air. Therefore, persons suffering from hypertension, chronic lung diseases with a tendency to frequent exacerbations (for example, bronchial asthma) and those who have had tuberculosis, ear diseases with persistent hearing loss and diseases accompanied by attacks of dizziness and loss of consciousness are not allowed to study in this specialty.

Machine tools (milling operator, woodworking machine operator, etc.) and metalworking professions.


The sower of the reasonable, the good, the eternal - they say about the TEACHER. Pedagogical activity requires a special calling, which is based on love for children. It is not for nothing that all the great teachers, dreaming of a school of joy and creating it, loved children immensely. The teacher carries out training and education of students, taking into account the specifics of the subject being taught, and contributes to the formation of a general culture of the individual. Uses a variety of forms, methods, techniques and teaching aids, including individual plans, accelerated courses within the framework of state standards. Ensures the implementation of the curriculum, achievement and confirmation of educational levels by students. Maintains academic discipline and class attendance schedule. Participates in the development of educational programs, is responsible for their implementation in full, in accordance with the curriculum and schedule of the educational process, and the quality of education of its graduates. Participates in the activities of methodological associations and other forms of methodological work. Systematically improves his professional qualifications. Communicates with parents or persons replacing them. Responsible for the life and health of students during the educational process.

Pedagogical activity requires from a person of certain qualities: endurance, patience, consistency, perseverance, self-control. He is obliged to control his behavior and manage it. The teacher’s speech should be expressive, emotional, and persuasive.

Must know:"Law on Education", the fundamentals of general theoretical disciplines to the extent necessary to solve pedagogical problems, theory of methodology, psychology, age-related physiology, school hygiene, methodology of the taught subject, educational work, requirements for equipment and equipment of classrooms, teaching aids and their didactic capabilities , modern directions of development of education. Pedagogical schools, pedagogical institutes, and universities prepare teachers for secondary schools. Most specialists who have received a pedagogical education work in secondary schools as primary school teachers and teachers of individual disciplines. Teacher labor is also used in boarding schools, colleges, technical schools, preschool institutions, and additional education institutions.

Job Not recommended people with mental disorders, severe diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, persistent visual and hearing impairments, chronic infectious and skin-venereal diseases that are bacterial and virus carriers, as well as those with bad habits (smoking, drug addiction, alcoholism).

Must know: your subject and its pedagogical specifics, be able to combine academic work with educational work, know the class, group, level of its knowledge; must know each student, the conditions in which he lives, his weaknesses and strengths, must be able to individualize the approach to him depending on this; must enjoy authority among the children, enjoy their trust and respect, master teaching methods; be able to prepare a lesson and think through it methodically; be able to convey your knowledge to others, help the student assimilate the material being communicated, and apply the acquired knowledge in practice; know the age-related characteristics of a child’s perception and thinking, the conditions of his development at each age.

Requirements for professional training. The teacher works with the whole class and needs to keep many students in sight and notice any changes in their behavior. Thus, observation, distribution of attention, and switchability are professionally important qualities of a teacher. Pedagogical activity requires certain strong-willed qualities from a person: endurance, patience, consistency, perseverance, self-control. He is obliged to control his behavior and manage it. Correct speech, which should be expressive, emotional, and persuasive, is very important in the teaching profession. The teacher must be able to express his thoughts competently, clearly, simply, and understandably for the children.

Related specialties: teacher in a preschool institution, teacher of an extended day group, tutor, tutor, head of a private school.


In city and regional medical institutions, a paramedic is a doctor’s assistant and works directly under his supervision. In rural areas, he independently provides inpatient, outpatient, and home care, often performing the functions of a doctor.

The profession has specialties:

1) “Ambulance” paramedic - works primarily in institutions of the “Ambulance” service, goes on call to provide first aid to a patient. Based on the examination data, a preliminary diagnosis is made. If necessary, call a doctor or a team of specialists. Transports patients during hospitalization. Performs medical procedures: intravenous infusions, injections, dressings, etc.;

2) medical assistant laboratory assistant - collects materials (blood, gastric juice, etc.), prepares preparations for microscopy;

3) military paramedic - conducts reception and medical examination, as well as treatment in military units, on ships in the absence of a doctor or under his supervision;

4) paramedic of psychoneurological institutions - in places where there is no psychiatrist, sends identified or seeking help to mental patients in the hospital and monitors them after discharge;

5) paramedic-obstetrician - delivers babies, carries out patronage of pregnant women and infants, measures to prevent female and child mortality;

6) sanitary paramedic - carries out sanitary inspection of food enterprises, baths, showers, all types of disinfection at his site, draws up sanitary inspection reports, etc.

The paramedic works in constant contact with people (except for the paramedic-laboratory assistant), in one or two shifts, round-the-clock duty, work on holidays and weekends are possible. He is often on the move. Work is associated with significant physical activity, nervous stress (the need to provide emergency assistance, correct diagnosis, working with people in different mental states), and the risk of contracting infectious diseases.

For effective work as a paramedic required: physical endurance, resistance to stress factors, good long-term and operational memory, the ability to quickly assess and make operational decisions, observation, responsibility, accuracy, discipline.

Good knowledge required in the field of chemistry, anatomy and human physiology. It is necessary to have knowledge of the main symptoms of diseases in adults and children, instructions for the use of medications, compliance with the rules of their recording and storage, knowledge of the methods and techniques of patient care, skills of resuscitation of the victim, as well as knowledge of and compliance with the principles of medical ethics and deontology.

Paramedic work is not recommended people with severe disorders of the cardiovascular system, mental illness, allergies to medications, visual impairment (mainly for medical assistants), who are bacteria and virus carriers. Persons with disabilities due to damage to the musculoskeletal system, hearing impairment, and diabetes mellitus can successfully work as a medical laboratory assistant.

Nurse, teacher at a medical school, pharmacist.


The farmer ensures the production of marketable agricultural products on rented or privately owned land and agricultural machinery.

Organizes and performs a wide range of labor operations. Performs various household works: metalworking, welding, construction, operates machine and tractor units. Engaged in selection, collection, processing, storage and sale of manufactured products. Takes care of increasing productivity, preserving livestock, procuring feed, fighting pests of agricultural crops, and providing veterinary care.

Farms can specialize in individual branches of agriculture (crop growing, livestock farming, beekeeping, fishing, etc.) or be complex (multi-sectoral). Work on crop farms is seasonal, performed during the daytime, and allows for greater use of machinery. A livestock farmer is busy all year round with an approximately equal workload and full time with short breaks, and sometimes at night for regular provision of feed, cleaning premises, and caring for young animals.

The work of a farmer is fraught with risk due to the vagaries of the weather, competition, and fluctuations in prices for equipment and products. The farmer must monitor the state of the market, show flexibility and efficiency in repurposing production. To the extent necessary, he uses the services of financial, trade, supply, repair, legal and other support and intermediary structures.

The work of a farmer is physical and mental at the same time, intense, irregular, with a high share of manual labor. To him necessary interest in nature, hard work, self-discipline, enterprise, practical ingenuity and dexterity.

Must know: basics of crop production, livestock farming, economics, legal legislation and regulations, land use, monetary relations, tax and customs policy; device, operation, control of machine and tractor units.

Farmer's work requires sufficient physical strength, endurance, good health, good vision and hearing. When choosing this profession, the following are contraindicated: diseases of the joints and spine (severe polyarthritis, osteochondrosis), vascular diseases (severe endarteritis, varicose veins of the lower extremities, thrombophlebitis), bronchial asthma and other severe chronic lung diseases. However, with some deviations in the functions of the respiratory and nervous system, moderate physical labor in the air helps improve health.

Related professions (specialties): livestock breeder, vegetable grower, tractor driver.


A milling operator works in mechanical engineering and metalworking enterprises. On milling machines (horizontal, vertical, copying, multi-spindle, universal and specialized) he processes parts of varying complexity and purpose, and carries out their plasma-mechanical processing. Based on the drawings of the part and the technological map, determines the sequence of processing of the part. Performs the necessary calculations, determines the processing sequence and cutting modes, and adjusts the equipment being serviced. Using measuring instruments, checks the compliance of the processing with the specified parameters. Installs parts and aligns them in various planes.

To successfully master the profession you need: visual-motor coordination at the level of hand movements, accurate linear and three-dimensional eye measurement, ability to concentrate, good visual memory, developed visual-figurative thinking, spatial imagination.

Works individually indoors. Working position - standing, fixed. A harmful factor is the high noise level.

Must know: rules for setting up and checking the accuracy of serviced machines; features of the operation of the plasma heating installation, measures to ensure its safe operation; methods for setting up a plasma torch; mechanical properties of processed materials; methods of installation, fastening, alignment of workpieces; rules for determining optimal cutting conditions; rules for heat treatment, sharpening and finishing of cutters; system of tolerances and landings, qualifications (accuracy classes) and roughness classes (processing cleanliness).

The profession has 2-6 categories.

When choosing this profession need to know that there are production factors that negatively affect health: increased noise levels, metal dust, emulsion vapors and oils in the air. Therefore this specialty Not recommended persons suffering from hypertension, chronic lung diseases with a tendency to frequent exacerbations (for example, bronchial asthma) and those who have had tuberculosis, having ear diseases with persistent hearing loss and diseases accompanied by attacks of dizziness and loss of consciousness.

Related professions: sharpener, tool maker, general machine operator, general-purpose turner.


Works in watch repair shops and repair shops of watch factories. A highly qualified watchmaker in the workshop independently performs all types of repair operations: disassembling the mechanism, identifying defects, washing components and parts, replacing defective parts, manufacturing simple parts, assembling and adjusting watches.

At the receiving point, the watchmaker-receiver, based on the results of the inspection of the watch mechanism, determines the malfunctions and places an order. Upon return of the repaired watch from the workshop, he winds it and adjusts its accuracy before handing it over to the customer. If there is no need for repairs, the watchmaker-receiver, in the presence of the customer, corrects minor problems and adjusts the mechanism.

In the repair shop, a watchmaker performs the following operations: disassembles the watch and identifies defects; washes parts and components of the mechanism; selects parts and assemblies that require replacement and manufactures the missing ones; assembles clock mechanisms and checks their operation. During work, he uses hand tools (screwdrivers, tweezers, magnifying glass), washing machines, electronic precision meter and others.

A watchmaker works indoors. A forced working posture is typical - a “sitting” position. The eyesight is subject to increased stress: working with small details, uneven load on both eyes (due to the use of a magnifying glass).

The profession has 2-6 categories.

To successfully master the profession required: good tactile and kinesthetic sensitivity, visual-motor coordination at the level of hand movements, the ability to sustainably concentrate attention for a long time, spatial imagination, visual-figurative thinking.

Must know: clock mechanism device; manufacturing technology of various types of watches; sequence of watch assembly and disassembly operations; main types of faults, methods for identifying and eliminating them; rules for processing manufactured parts; formulation of cleaning compounds.

Should be able to: carry out watch repair operations in accordance with your qualifications; use hand tools and instruments, debug them and keep them in working order.

Related professions: repairman of radio-electronic equipment and devices, microcircuit assembler.


The seamstress profession is one of the most common in light industry. At sewing enterprises, sewing products for household and technical purposes is carried out using sewing machines of various designs using the in-line method; parts are moved using a conveyor from one machine to another in a certain sequence. The seamstress, in accordance with the sewing technology and the division of labor accepted at the enterprise, performs work of various complexity and types: from preparing soft containers and sewing on factory marks to sewing sleeves into the armhole, collar, collar and other operations. Each seamstress performs several operations or even one, but must be able to perform any one.

The main thing in the work of a seamstress is speed and accuracy. She visually controls the quality of the seam, the length of the stitch, the frequency of the stitching, the parallelism of the seams; she must have a developed eye and correct color perception, since she has to distinguish not only the main colors, but also shades of the same color. Of great importance is the ability to work stably for a certain time in conditions of industrial noise. The best results are achieved by seamstresses who have perseverance, accuracy, focused attention, and a high degree of coordination of hand movements.

Should know: device of serviced machines, methods of regulating thread tension and stitch frequency; sewing properties of fabrics, knitwear, fur; assortment of sewing products, methods of their processing; technical conditions for the operations performed; sequence of processing of product parts using the flow method.

The profession has categories: in sewing production 1-5th; in fur - 1-4th; in knitwear, textile haberdashery and other textile industries - 1-3rd.

The seamstress profession is not suitable people with poor vision, impaired color vision, chronic eye diseases of an unfavorable course (for example, glaucoma), as well as people suffering from hypertension.

Related professions (specialties); embroiderer, cutter, tailor, teacher at school, school on cutting and sewing courses.


Plasterer-painter works in construction organizations. His role in construction is very great, because he carries out finishing work and the beauty of the building, its appearance, the coziness and comfort of the interior depends on their quality. The volume of work operations performed by a plasterer-painter is very large. He plasters the surfaces of structures and parts of buildings and structures - walls, ceilings, pilasters, columns, beams, facades, domes, arches of various shapes. Prepares the surface for plaster (levels, cuts the surface with a power tool, nails shingles). Prepares solutions for various types of plaster, marks the surface for plastering, applies plaster using a mechanized tool or manually, and finishes the surface after plastering. Paints parts, as well as surfaces made of metal and other materials (after cleaning, repairing cracks) using mechanized spatulas, painting units and other tools and devices. Finishes surfaces with varnishing, polishing, artistic painting, as well as wood, marble and stone. Restores artistic inscriptions, paintings and drawings.

The work of a plasterer-painter involves performing a large number of frequently repeated movements and requires quite significant static and dynamic strain on the hands; this load is especially high when plastering walls and ceilings. In order to be able to select shades that harmonize with each other and correspond to the purpose of the surfaces being painted, the master must have correct color perception, artistic taste and a good memory for color shades. Accuracy is especially important for the painter, since his work completes the work of the entire team of builders.

Must know: types and properties of materials and solutions used for plastering work; physical and chemical properties of coloring materials; techniques for marking and laying out the external and internal surfaces of buildings; technology and methods of decorative, artistic plastering and making special-purpose plasters; methods for performing paint and varnish coatings on parts and surfaces made of various materials, drying modes; rules for setting up serviced equipment; recipes for making paints, varnishes, putties; requirements for the quality of work performed.

The profession has 1-6 categories.

Profession plasterer-painter requires Good health and endurance when choosing this profession are contraindicated: diseases of the joints and spine (severe polyarthritis, osteochondrosis), vascular diseases (severe endarteritis, varicose veins of the lower extremities, thrombophlebitis), bronchial asthma and other chronic lung diseases, some types of skin diseases.

Related professions (specialties); mason, metal painter, industrial training master, graphic designer.

An ecologist organizes the protection of the life and health of people, flora and fauna from the consequences of the irrational and uncontrolled use of scientific and technological achievements. It ensures the maintenance of a balance between environmental protection measures and the needs of the scientific, technical and economic development of the country, and for these purposes focuses attention on compliance with and improvement of technological regimes, production culture, rules for transporting hazardous substances, and methods of self-defense of citizens.

Through observations, surveys, instruments and other methods, an ecologist analyzes the state of water, land, air, plants, animals, as well as the influence of the natural environment and food on the health and well-being of people, their genetic apparatus. Identifies and classifies current and potential sources of environmental hazard, determines its origin, nature, degree, scale, real and predicted consequences. Taking into account current and future environmental standards and regulations, it develops a set of environmental protection measures, achieves their implementation, and monitors the results in accordance with legislative acts.

Consults employers on the prevention of environmental risks and reducing the costs of penalties. Coordinates its actions with sanitary and hygienic supervision authorities, the Committee on Chemical and Biological Weapons, and federal supervisory authorities for nuclear and radiation safety. Through the media, explains and promotes the goals and importance of environmental activities.

The work of an ecologist is complex and intense; work with documents is combined with traveling and organizing practical events. To him necessary stable social and moral motivation, observation, emotional and volitional stability, integrity, high physical endurance.

This activity contraindicated people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, mental illnesses.

Professional training requirements: good training in archaeology, biology, medicine, sociology, history, literature, general orientation in issues of engineering and technology, labor economics, market relations, and law are required. Practical experience in one or more of these areas is desirable. Related professions (specialties): work in sanitary and hygienic, meteorological institutions, scientific and educational institutions.

Russian Federation.

  • A general machine operator is responsible for causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • The general machine operator is responsible for compliance with current instructions, orders and regulations for maintaining trade secrets and confidential information.
  • A generalist machine operator is responsible for compliance with internal regulations, safety and fire safety rules.

This job description has been developed in accordance with (name, number and date of the document) Head of the structural unit: 00.00.00 (signature) surname, initials AGREED BY: Head of the legal department: 00.00.00 (signature) surname, initials I have read the instructions: 00.00 .00g.

Job description of a general machine operator of the 5th category

Qualification Requirements:

  • Must know:
  • design features and rules for checking the accuracy of serviced machines of various designs, universal and special devices
  • methods of installation and alignment of parts
  • geometry, rules of sharpening, finishing of all types of cutting tools
  • design features and rules for using various universal and special devices
  • principle of operation and rules of operation of control and measuring instruments and devices
  • fundamentals of the theory of metal cutting within the scope of the work performed
  • basic principles for calibrating complex profiles
  • rules for determining the optimal grinding mode depending on the material, product shape and brand of grinding machines.



Engine connecting rods - milling oil slots. 22. Gears - drilling and reaming holes. 23. Stamps - drilling holes for guide columns.

§ 100. Wide-profile machine operator of the 4th category. Characteristics of work. Processing of parts on lathes and milling machines at 7 - 10 grades, on drilling machines at 6 - 9 grades and on grinding machines using coolant at 7 - 8 grades, using various cutting tools and universal devices.

Cutting threads with a diameter of over 42 mm on drilling machines; cutting double-start external and internal threads, triangular, rectangular, semicircular profile threads, thrust and trapezoidal threads on lathes. Milling of open and semi-open surfaces of various configurations and interfaces, threads, spirals, teeth, gears and racks.

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  • Manufacturing of devices for mechanical processing of ceramic parts.
  • Setting up various machines, including computer-controlled ones, for processing ceramic products with the installation of complex fixtures and special cutting tools.
  • Drilling, reaming, boring holes in parts made of alloy steels, special and hard alloys.
  • Cutting all kinds of threads and spirals on universal and optical dividing heads with performing all the necessary calculations.
  • Milling of complex large-sized parts and assemblies using unique equipment.
  • Grinding and finishing of external and internal shaped surfaces and cylindrical surfaces adjacent to curved ones in places that are difficult to reach for processing and measuring.
  • Grinding of electrocorundum.
  • III.

Generalist machine operator job responsibilities

VHF antennasAntenna amplifiersAudio and video surveillanceAudio equipmentPower suppliesConsumer electronicsHousehold electrical appliancesVideo equipmentHF power amplifiersHalogen lampsGenerators, local oscillators GarlandsCivil radio communicationsField strength detectorsDosimetersHome, gardening, hobbiesCar ignitionGrounding and groundingChargers, accumulators, batteriesElectrical apparatus protection toursCalls and audio simulatorsMeasurements, tuning, antenna matchingMeasuring equipmentIndicators, sensors, detectorsElectrician's toolsInfrared equipmentQuartz filtersComputer interfacesComputer devicesComputer moddingComputersPersonal safetyFluorescent lampsMedicineMetal detectorsMicrocontrollersMicrophones, radio microphonesMobile communicationsModernization of radio stationsModulatorsLightning protectionMusicianBeginner radio amateurSignal limiters, compressorsLightingLighting.

  • request and receive the necessary materials and documents related to issues of his activities and the activities of his subordinate employees;
  • interact with other services of the enterprise on production and other issues included in its functional responsibilities;
  • get acquainted with draft decisions of the enterprise management concerning the activities of the Division;
  • propose to the manager for consideration proposals for improving work related to the responsibilities provided for in this Job Description;
  • submit for consideration by the manager proposals on encouraging distinguished employees and imposing penalties on violators of production and labor discipline;
  • report to the manager about all identified violations and shortcomings in connection with the work performed.
  • IV.

General machine operator


Eccentrics with complex pattern curves - milling along the contour according to the markings. 24. Standards for the tail of steam turbine blades - grinding of the tail and slopes.

§ 102.

Wide-profile machine operator of the 6th category. Characteristics of work. Processing of parts on lathes and milling machines of complex, experimental and expensive parts and tools at 6 - 7 qualifications and on grinding machines using coolant at 1 - 5 qualifications.

Cutting multi-start threads of complex profiles of any module and pitch. Milling of complex large-sized parts, assemblies, thin-walled long parts subject to warping and deformation, using unique milling machines.

Grinding and finishing of external and internal mating surfaces of complex configuration with places difficult to reach for processing and measurements, requiring several rearrangements and precise alignment using optical instruments.

Job Descriptions

Cutting external and internal triangular threads with a tap or die on lathes. Milling flat surfaces, grooves, tenon slots, cylindrical surfaces with cutters.


Installation and alignment of parts on the machine table and in fixtures. Must know: the operating principle of similar drilling, turning, milling and grinding machines; purpose and conditions of use of the most common devices, control and measuring instruments, special cutting tools; marking and basic mechanical properties of processed materials; rules for sharpening and installing cutters and drills; types of cutters, cutters and their main angles; types of grinding wheels and segments; methods of dressing grinding wheels and conditions for their use; purpose and properties of coolants and oils; system of admissions and landings; qualities and roughness parameters.

Examples of work 1.

Responsibilities of a general machine operator

Job responsibilities 2.1. To perform the assigned functions, a general machine operator of the 4th category must: 2.1.1. Process parts on drilling, turning and milling machines and keying machines according to 7-14 qualifications, on grinding machines using coolant at 7-11 qualifications using various cutting tools and universal devices and observing the processing sequence and cutting modes in accordance with the technological map or according to the instructions of the master, on drilling machines for 6-9 qualifications.
2.1.2. Drill, ream, countersink through and smooth holes in parts located in the same plane using jigs, templates, stops and markings on drilling machines. 2.1.3.
Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers (ETKS), 2017 Part No. 2 of Issue No. 2 ETKS Issue approved by Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated November 15, 1999 N 45 (as amended by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated November 13, 2008 N 645) Section ETKS “Mechanical processing of metals and other materials" § 98. Wide-profile machine operator of the 2nd category. Characteristics of work. Processing of parts on drilling, turning and milling machines of 12 - 14 quality, on grinding machines using coolant of 11 quality, using cutting tools and universal devices and following the processing sequence and cutting modes in accordance with the technological map or instructions of the foreman. Drilling, reaming, countersinking of through and smooth holes in parts located in the same plane, using jigs, templates, stops and markings on drilling machines.

Job descriptions Home workshop Life of remarkable physicists Factory technologies at home - simple recipes Tools and mechanisms for agriculture Audio art Video art History of technology, technology, objects around us And then an inventor appeared Lecture notes, cheat sheets Personal transport: land, water, air For those who like to travel - tips for tourists Mobile phones Modeling Experiments in physics Experiments in chemistry Regulatory documentation for protection labor Fundamentals of safe life activities (BZHD) Fundamentals of first medical aid (OPMP) Occupational safety Parameters, analogues, marking of radio components Radio for beginners Repair secrets Tips for radio amateurs Builder, home handyman Reference information Standard labor protection instructions (TOI) Functional composition of imported TV Functional composition, remotes, chassis, equivalents of imported TVs Wonders of nature.


For friends!


A machine operator is a worker who produces parts for various mechanisms on special machines. The working material for the parts can be metal or wood. This profession became most widespread in our country in 1930-41, during the industrial revolution, when many machine-building enterprises were built. During the Great Patriotic War, most factories were repurposed to produce products for the front (cartridges, shells, guns, tanks, etc.), and mostly girls and women worked as machine operators.

Demand for the profession

Very in demand

Currently, profession Machine operator considered to be in high demand in the labor market. Many firms and many enterprises need qualified specialists in this field, because the industry is developing rapidly, and specialists are still receiving education.

All statistics

Description of activity

The profession of a machine operator combines the activities of a turner, milling machine, grinder, driller, gear cutter and many other specialists. Therefore, the machine operator can perform actions on the appropriate machines (lathe, milling, etc.) and use a variety of cutting tools in his work: drills, cutters, reamers, cutters and others.

Modern enterprises today increasingly use computer-controlled machines. This means that the machine operator must also be an operator. He must understand computer technology and, if necessary, be able to troubleshoot problems.

Thanks to the existence of the profession of a machine operator, it is possible to quickly produce parts of varying complexity for many types of industry.

Working on various machines requires strict adherence to safety rules. At the workplace, machine operators wear a uniform, special hats and safety glasses.


Moscow average:average for St. Petersburg:

Uniqueness of the profession

Very common

According to the results of the survey, profession Machine operator is currently very common, since for quite a long period there has been a high demand for specialists in this field among employers. This area needed and continues to need specialists.

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What education is needed

Secondary vocational education (college, technical school)

To work in a profession Machine operator, it is not necessary to have a higher professional education in the relevant specialty. For this profession, it is enough to have a diploma of secondary vocational education obtained from a college or technical school, or, for example, it is enough to complete special courses.

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Job responsibilities

Before starting to manufacture a part, the machine operator studies its drawing, makes the necessary calculations and builds a sequence of work. At the same time, he determines what types of machines and tools will be needed to manufacture the part. At the preparatory stage of work, the machine operator sometimes has to use reference books.

Based on the material used, the machine operator adjusts the machine. Having made a part, the worker still has to process it: grinding and finishing of external and internal surfaces. After which the machine operator checks the dimensions of the part and the quality of processing using optical instruments.

Type of labor

Mostly physical labor

As the survey results show, profession Machine operator involves primarily physical labor. Machine operator must have good physical fitness, high strength endurance and good health.

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Features of career growth

Not a single metalworking enterprise can operate without machine operators. In addition to factories, they can work in repair shops.

Career Opportunities

Minimum career opportunities

According to the results of the survey, Machine operators have minimal career opportunities. It doesn’t depend at all on the person himself, it’s just a profession Machine operator does not have a career path.

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The life of a modern person depends entirely on various mechanisms. Electric generators and thermal power plants supply electricity to homes, pumps and compressors lift clean water to the tenth floor, and mechanical clocks count down time. And this is not to mention the electronic gadgets and devices that surround us on all sides.

Therefore, there is now a special demand for specialists who can create any devices and equipment. And also for those who produce spare parts for mechanisms - machine operators.

Responsibilities of a machine operator and features of his work

A machine operator is a specialist worker who creates parts that are subsequently used for various mechanisms. For production, he uses special machines, which is where the name of his profession comes from. At the same time, the machine operator works not only with metal and alloys, but also with various plastics, glass, ceramics, and wood.

The list of specialist responsibilities can also include the following:

    creating drawings of future products, carrying out calculations;

    regulating the operation of the machine, setting the necessary characteristics;

    assessment of the quality of created parts.

It is also worth noting that the work of a machine operator has many similarities with other working specialties: lathe, milling operator, grinder, driller. Therefore, the worker has an idea of ​​the structure and operating principles of the relevant tools, which can be classified as: lathes, drills, cutters.

In addition, workers' equipment is constantly being modernized and developed. Today, many machines are already equipped with program control in order to be able to operate on an industrial scale and produce a large volume of products daily. So modern machine operators are already required to have knowledge of how computer technology works and the ability to work with CNC machines.

And in order to carry out all the tasks assigned to him, the machine operator must know:

    design, principles of operation and adjustment of various machines, as well as related tools;

    techniques for creating various elements of mechanisms;

    features of the materials used;

    methods of quality assessment, culling rules.

At the same time, depending on the material with which the machine operator works, several narrower specializations are distinguished:

    woodworking machine operator;

    machine operator of metalworking machines;

    wide profile machine operator.

It is worth noting that the latter specialty assumes that the worker knows how to work with both wood and metal and knows the features of a whole variety of equipment. In other words, he can be called a universal specialist.

Training of machine operators: conditions and options

As mentioned above, this specialty combines many other working professions: turner, milling machine, grinder, driller, gear cutter and many others.

Naturally, this profession can be entered by a person who already has education or work experience in one of the practical specialties. In this case, the company will offer him to work for some time under the guidance of an experienced machine operator in order to master and understand the nuances that are inherent in this particular profession.

Another option to obtain the necessary profession is to study at a specialized technical school. Most often, for this you need to undergo training in the areas of “Woodworking Technology” or “Metalworking Technology”. They accept both graduates of 11th grade and 9th grade. And the educational program includes practical training, thanks to which, even while receiving education, the future specialist can hone his practical skills and immerse himself in the work processes of enterprises.

Don’t forget about special courses for training workers. They offer to gain professional knowledge in a short time. But it is necessary to remember that only adults can take courses, and training centers do not provide budget places.

And due to the constant development of technology, a machine operator must constantly improve his level of knowledge, since career growth and income level will depend on his professional skills. To do this, you need to regularly attend advanced training courses.

Classes of the profession of machine operator according to ETKS

Regardless of the focus of a given profession, the level of qualification determines the complexity of the part and the skill of the performer. So, a 2nd category machine operator deals with the simplest elements. But a 6th category machine operator is most often involved in work when it is necessary to create very complex, even unique parts. In this case, the specialist is required not only to perform precise work, but also to have great knowledge in the field of mechanics, an analytical mind and spatial imagination.

Personal qualities of the profession of machine operator

Even though the profession of a machine operator belongs to the category of workers, in many ways it is intellectual work. A specialist needs not only to create parts on a machine using templates, but also to independently make drawings and sketches. For such work it is necessary to have good knowledge in various fields, as well as a keen eye, good fine motor skills, an analytical mind and spatial imagination.

But without endurance and a willingness to do long and painstaking work, most often in an uncomfortable position, it is most often impossible to achieve the desired result.

Therefore, the list of qualities required to work as a machine operator should include:





    focus on results;

    the ability to take a non-standard approach to solving problems.

Machine operator vacancies and their salary levels

The profession of a machine operator enjoys well-deserved popularity in mechanical engineering or woodworking enterprises. Judging by the vacancies, specialists who can operate CNC machines are especially valued. At the same time, machine operator vacancies almost always require at least 1 year of experience in a similar position.

The average wage for a machine operator in Russia is about 40,000 rubles. At the same time, there are enterprises that offer a salary of 60,000 rubles.

Pros and cons of the profession of machine operator

Among the positive aspects it should be noted:

    demand and relevance;

    decent level of monthly income;

    obtaining knowledge and skills that allow you to realize your potential in other areas.

The disadvantages of the profession include:

    difficult working conditions;

    the need to constantly improve your own skills;

    Experience required for employment.

“He has no equal in skill,” the Nadym repair and mechanical section of the Nadymgazremont vocational training institution of the Yugorsky branch of Gazprom Centerenergogaz JSC unanimously speaks about the level of qualifications of the general-purpose machine operator, site foreman Yuri Gustov. His professionalism is equally highly appreciated by both managers and colleagues: nothing is impossible for him in terms of repair and production of components and parts for gas pumping equipment.

Northern "cradle"

Yuri Gustov is a native of the North, a true son of his small Motherland. Like his own parents, he was born in the village of Bolshaya Galka, Bakcharsky district, Tomsk region, and spent his entire childhood there.

Later, the North gave Yuri his life’s work. He acquired the profession of a wide-ranging machine operator at the radio-mechanical vocational lyceum of the city of Tomsk, and after serving in the army, Yuri cameto Nadym: the young man was then engaged in industrial mountaineering and came there to earn money. He immediately liked the city - “ small and clean, people are friendly”. At the end of the working season, Gustov decided to stay in Nadym forever. Soon he was offered a job at the Nadymgazremont vocational school as a fourth-grade turner, where he has been working ever since, never regretting his choice.

Since January of this year, Yuri Alekseevich has been working as a foreman of the mechanical repair department.

Location - "Nadymgazremont"

The industrial world of the North turned out to be generous with new experiences and new impressions. At the very beginning of his “gas” career, Yuri Alekseevich worked for two years on a rotational basis in Western Siberia at the Priozernaya compressor station, working as a turner and mechanic in one person. Despite the fact that the area was remote and practically impassable, the activities were varied: they carried out routine work on gas air cooling units at minus 35 degrees, and replaced the NK-16 ST power unit at minus 40 ºС. “It’s easy for young people everywhere,” Yuri Alekseevich says with a smile. - True, sometimes we were physically very tired, and it’s difficult for families without husbands and fathers, especially in winter. But nature has always generously given us gifts. In the summer, after a shift, it happened that you had time to pick mushrooms and fry them with potatoes, and in the winter we even caught hares in a noose literally next to the CS. The meat of a wild hare is tasty, no match for a domestic rabbit.”

This is probably how it is in life: the more interesting the profession, the more complex it is and the more it demands from a person. Yuri Alekseevich considers his profession to be exactly like this - both difficult and interesting. He has perfectly studied the design of components and parts of gas pumping units and auxiliary equipment, knows very well the design and rules for checking the accuracy of RMU machine tools - lobe lathes, rotary lathes, milling machines of various types and designs and a whole range of other equipment.

The components repaired on site are installed on gas field equipment, on gas pumping units of compressor stations of main gas pipelines, which transport gas to Russian regions and to foreign countries.

Yuri Gustov: “Metal cutting is a special matter. A person, like a sculptor, can make anything from a piece of alloy - from a simple bolt to a complex shaped part. This is why I like my profession so much. I process every detail with pleasure, sometimes I don’t notice how the shift goes by. At the same time, you always need a cool head - you can’t make a mistake even by a hundredth of a millimeter, otherwise it’s a defect. The slightest mistake means not only the lost work of many people, but and equipment downtime for customers who are waiting for this part at the compressor station.”

"Northern" nature of production

In the North, people are special: the more you get to know them, the more they open up, and this does not at all mean “opening their hearts.” The main character traits of a “northern” person are resilience, composure, and a sense of comradeship.

So the team of the Nadym section of the vocational school “Nadymgazremont” is very united. Over many years of work, people have become accustomed to looking into the future with optimism; mutual support and trust are always present in the work process.

From the outside it may seem that the work of a machine operator, although important for the common cause, is boring and monotonous. Is this so, is there room for creativity in work? Yuri Alekseevich answers these questions like this: “yes, the work is important and difficult, but it definitely cannot be called boring and monotonous”. On the contrary, in his understanding, the repair process is often associated with making extraordinary decisions. “Although repair technologies have long been developed and are in use, many technical decisions are made directly during the repair process”, - Gustov is convinced. - Each unit that is repaired is, in fact, individual in its condition, types of defects and approach to its restoration.”

The site’s employees strictly observe labor safety rules, since powerful machines with rotating mechanisms are used in the daily activities of the site.

Appreciation of good work

Work Yuri Alekseevichis highly valued by the management of the enterprise. One of the confirmations of professional recognition is the nomination of Yuri Gustov for the award of Gratitude JSC Gazprom Centerenergogaz in honor of Oil and Gas Industry Workers Day.

When asked what principles he is guided by in his daily work, Yuri Alekseevich answers briefly: “Do as you would like to be done to you, that’s the main thing. The rest - skill, experience, qualifications, responsibility, creative attitude to work - is inherent in all good production workers. We have a lot of such people.” According to him, in an educational institution a person receives only basic theoretical education; practical experience is acquired directly at the workplace. Today, in order to become a highly qualified specialist who will be respected, you need to work for at least five to six years. In the future, such a specialist will be able to independently make production decisions and be responsible for his work, so that the customer is satisfied with its quality, so that there are no complaints either about the quality of the repair or about the further operation of the repaired equipment.

This is how it is at Nadymgazremont: young specialists initially work under the guidance of experienced mentors - foremen, highly qualified workers. Yuri Alekseevich himself combines independent self-improvement of his qualifications with support for less experienced workers, helping them master complex machinery, equipment and repair technology. “A person well trained in his specialty is always valued, and finding such people is not easy. During almost twelve years of my work at Nadymgazremont, many young specialists came to our site, but only a few of them remained to work. Over time, they became real professionals. You can’t do everything at once, you need to gradually immerse yourself in work with your head.”

Since work occupies a very important place in Yuri Gustov’s life, he has practically no free time. However, when he does get it, a walk for mushrooms, as well as hunting and fishing, is the greatest pleasure for him, as for a true Siberian.