Conversation about the underwater world in the preparatory group. Summary of nodes in the preparatory group on marine topics. Technological map of GCD

Topic: Travel to undersea world».

Program content:

To strengthen children's ideas about the diversity of the inhabitants of the underwater world. Introduce the possibility of using a variety of materials to create an artistic image.

Develop communication skills, experience of cooperation and co-creation.

Material for the lesson:

Laptop or multimedia setup,

Presentation "Underwater World";

Luntik toy; cartoon about Luntik
Audio recording Sound of the sea;

Decoration "submarine"

A box for decorating the seabed, pebbles, ready-made seaweed, corals, tree branches covered with plasticine, cardboard covered with yellow plasticine, combs, brushes, napkins, a jar of water, gouache paints, paper, beads, seed beads, sequins, salt dough, cookie cutters, rolling pins, stacks, modeling boards, oilcloth, stapler.

Progress of the lesson.

One day, a baby was born on the moon.

I was born!

Who is speaking? Where is he? Let's go, let's look. (Luntik is sitting near the tape recorder). Ah, there he is. Let's sit down and find out why he came to us with this lunar guest.

I speak on behalf of Luntik.

Hello guys,

My name is Luntik

I live on the moon and

I know all its inhabitants and inhabitants

And I’m often on the ground

And I know its inhabitants

I have many friends on earth

Do you know them?

Me and my friends have a dream

We want to meet you

With the inhabitants of the underwater world

This is why I came to you.

Can you help me?

Of course Luntik, we’ll tell you and show you,

and we’ll even make crafts for your friends

Guys, do you know the underwater inhabitants?

Have you been to the seabed?

That's the problem!

What then will we tell Luntik about the underwater world?

Think about how we can obtain such knowledge?

Have you come up with anything?

Okay, I have a hint for you.

Look at this diagram on it you will see a hint with which you can learn about the underwater world.

Look at the diagrams, you will see hints on them.

How can you learn about the sea and marine life? (think for yourself, watch and read books, ask an adult, look on the Internet or on TV).

And I invite you to go on an exciting journey to the kingdom of the underwater world. Do you agree?

How do you think you can get there?

I would like to invite you to sail in a submarine. Here she is already moored.

Well, Luntik, will you sail with us?

Take your seats. I am the captain, and you are my sailors. Smile at each other and wish a pleasant trip! In our boat we can only see in front who lives in the underwater kingdom. The boat is ready to dive. The sea waves rock her. On the count of three, we dive. Close your eyes and count loudly to three. (Children count to three. The sound of the sea sounds).

Now you can already hear the sound of the sea. We are diving into the underwater kingdom. Open your eyes. The first inhabitants appear.

Straight ahead

Across the ocean,
A miracle is swimming - a giant.

Who is this? That's right, it's a whale, like a big steamship.

You see, there, in the distance, exposing people’s backs

They will save us at sea... (Dolphins). Mischievous, cheerful fish. Look how they frolic.

We are heading south. Guys, do you see who is swimming towards you? Learned?

Yes, this is an evil shark. Look, Teeth in the mouth: in three rows.
This is not passion, but trouble. Are you afraid of her? Are you Luntik? Something scary. Let's quickly swim away from here, I don't want to fall into her mouth.

Look how many different beautiful fish there are. What color are they? Yes, sea fish come in different colors: yellow, blue, red, striped, spotted, silver...

Look how beautiful it is. What is this? What do they remind you of? What does it look like? On the bushes, on the trees, as if the forest was only under water. Guys, these are corals. They are different in different seas and oceans.

What do you know about this? That's right, it's algae. Fish eat algae.

What a wonderful horse?
Very strange habits:
The horse neither sows nor plows
Dancing underwater with fish.

Do you remember the humpbacked horse from the fairy tale, he has a tail and a mane. So funny

Guys, who is this? You know? Octopus. Does anyone know why they called him that? It turns out he has eight legs.

I see someone at the bottom, guess the riddle who is it?

Deep down she is
As if visible in the sky.
But it doesn’t shine and doesn’t warm,
Because he can't.

Of course it's a starfish. How many rays does it have? Five. What colour? That's right red.

We saw a lot of marine life. Maybe it's time for us to return? Oh, what is this? It looks like a cave.

Let's swim into it or return to kindergarten? Or are you afraid? No. Then we swam. It's probably interesting there.

Oh, where have we found ourselves, this is a fabulous cave. Guys, let's swim to the cave? What can you dive underwater in?

You can wear scuba diving suits. And Luntik can be under water without scuba gear. And you come to me, let’s put them on. We put them on, put them on heavily, on our legs, on our arms, don’t forget to put on masks, fins, and scuba gear behind your back. Let's try to breathe. Is it easy to breathe? Then we swam. Look guys, there's something written here.

-Can any of you read? Yes, it says fabulous underwater workshop. Some kind of letter. It says that we can get into the cave as soon as the magic happens. An evil cuttlefish has bewitched the entrance to the cave and the owner of the cave, and we can enter if we recognize the owner of the workshop in this blot.

Let's think about who the blot looks like? Who could be the owner of the workshop?

What can you finish drawing and where, so you can guess?

Do you think this could be a goldfish?

Go to the easel. Consult with each other which of you will draw, maybe just the two of you. Don't be shy, grab your brushes and paints and start painting. Imagine what kind of goldfish she is? And others can give advice. Luntik, maybe you can recommend something? You can draw a crown.

Do you think we coped with the task? Shall we try to come in? The gate opens. Then go forward into the cave. There are so many photographs of the inhabitants of the sea kingdom. Are they familiar to you? Yes, there are also those who met us on the way.

There are so many different materials here. We promised to help Luntik, right?

Let's remember what is on the seabed? Sand, stones, shells, algae. So I suggest you design this box to look like the seabed. The bottom of the sea is uneven, Anya will make grooves with a comb, and you Kolya, sprinkle sand, take the rest, stones, shells and place them where you want along the bottom of the box. But what is this? What does it remind you of? Seaweed. Are there algae in the underwater world? Let's put them here too. Don't forget we need to do everything quickly, otherwise we won't have enough air. Hurry up.

Who else is missing here? Fish, starfish. Let's go see what we can make them out of.

I wonder what it is? Look, touch. It looks like plasticine. Do you know what this is? I think this is colored salt dough. What colors of dough are there? This is how it turns out if you immediately add the paint you need into it. And a simple salt dough is like this, because it only contains flour, salt and water. I like to make various crafts from it. Do you want to try making fish and starfish from dough? So let's make sea creatures for Luntik.

Who would you like to do? (Ask each child). You can make a starfish in the usual way: roll out a lump of dough into a ball, flatten it between your palms and stretch out five rays to the sides. But you can do it differently, roll out the dough with a rolling pin and cut it out with a cookie cutter or just a stack. Such stars can be decorated differently. Look what's on the table. What would you like to decorate with? You can use beads, cereals, seeds, or better yet, sprinkle with semolina or sand.

Guys, after you make a craft from dough, you need to dry it. The thinner the dough, the faster the craft will dry. That’s why I suggest making a piece of foil first, and then covering it with dough. (I show and explain how this is done).

We saw a lot of them while we were on the boat. Let's remember what inhabitants we met along the way?

Who wants to try making starfish? Look, Luntik is sad. Is he really going to show only the stars to his friends? Let's... make a starfish. And the rest will make different fish?

Independent activity of children. Individual work.

Well, now we can move in our inhabitants. Guys, it seems to me that something else is missing here? What does this remind you of? Corals. Let us decorate them with bugles and beads so that they look like real ones. Let's not forget the fish that was bewitched. Let's put it here. Luntik, look how beautiful it turned out.

Guys, everything worked out, what did you have in mind? What didn't work out? Why? For whom did we make the seabed and its inhabitants?

It's time for us to return to kindergarten. Well, then take your seats in the submarine. We got ready to ascend. Close your eyes and count to three. Now we are back. Let's show our guests what beauty we have created.

Slide captions:

A miracle - a giant - is swimming across the ocean

Turning people's backs They will save us at sea...

Teeth in the mouth: in three rows. This is not passion, but trouble. This predator is famous for being a “sea bandit.”

What a wonderful horse? Very strange habits: The horse does not sow and does not plow Under the water it dances with the fish. Call him buddy: Rybok friend...

Don't you know me? I live at the bottom of the sea. A head and eight legs, that's all I am...

Deep at the bottom it is visible as if in the sky. But it doesn’t shine or warm, Because it doesn’t know how.

Project “Journey to the underwater world” for children of the preparatory group of kindergarten

Description: A project for children in the preparatory group of a kindergarten, it helps to systematize the knowledge of preschoolers about the underwater world and its inhabitants.

Relevance: The multifaceted underwater world remains poorly understood today. Known to live underwater a large number of rare and amazing creatures. In the depths of the seas and oceans, there is its own, incomparable, amazing, and unlike the underwater world that surrounds us. The underwater world has its own rules and conditions for survival. But besides all the dangers, this world harbors amazing beauty and its uniqueness, which cannot be found on land or anywhere else.

Problem: As a result of a survey on the topic, it was revealed that children show interest in studying the underwater world, but do not have a clear understanding of the flora and fauna of bodies of water: rivers, lakes, seas and oceans.

Target: Systematization of children's knowledge about the inhabitants of the underwater world.

- expand children’s knowledge about the class of fish (names, structure, feeding methods, reproduction);
- learn to highlight characteristic features various fish, classify them (freshwater, marine, aquarium);
- develop the ability to find cause-and-effect relationships, establish the relationship between habitat and nutrition; reason, develop observation skills, the ability to use evidence and defend your point of view;
- cultivate a caring, friendly attitude towards living beings.

Project participants: educators, older children preschool age 6-7 years old, parents.

Implementation deadlines: February 2016

Location: MBDOU "D/s No. 47", group "Strong".

Project type: cognitive - research.

Project support resources:
- Personnel: educators.
- Informational: methodological developments, presentations, scientific and fiction on the topic of the project, Internet resource.
- Material and technical: visual and teaching aids, stationery, stereo system, laptop, multimedia projector, screen, digital camera.

Types of children's activities:
- directly - educational;
- research;
- gaming;
- artistic creativity.

Forms and methods of work:
- directly – educational activities;
- conversations;
- art workshop;
- experiments, research;
- didactic board games;
- plot-based role-playing game;
- watching videos, presentations;
- thematic exhibition.

Expected result: Children
- highlight the characteristic features of living objects living in water bodies;
- classify fish: freshwater, marine, aquarium;
- establish the relationship between the habitat of fish, their structure and nutrition.

Project implementation stages:
- Research – interviewing children, identifying the problem.
- Preparatory – processing of received information, selection of visual and gaming material, study methodological literature, development of a plan for joint activities.
- Practical – implementation of a plan of joint activities through integration different types children's activities.
- Final – assessment of the effectiveness of the project implementation.

Implementation plan

Direct educational activities:
- “Underwater world” - cognitive development;
- “Visiting the Sea King” - speech development;
- “Man and the Sea” - social and communicative development;
- “Who lives in the endless ocean” - reading fiction.

Research activities:
- “How the seas and oceans appeared”;
- “Who lives in the water”;
- “Why did armored fish disappear?”
- “Water is good or bad”;
- “Who eats algae”;
- “Who cleans the aquarium”;
- “Water filtration.”

Game activity:

Didactic games:
- “Where, whose house”;
- “Recognize the fish by description”;
- “How a fish appears”;
- “Name the fish and its home.”
Board game:
- “Fun fishing.”
Plot-role-playing games - travel:
- “Journey to the depths of the ocean”;
- “Journey to the River.”

Artistic creativity:
- “Seahorses play hide and seek” - applique;
- “The Little Mermaids in the Underwater Kingdom” - drawing;
- “Scuba divers and divers” - modeling;
- Creation of the composition “Underwater World”.

Working with parents:
- informing parents about the content and objectives of the “Journey to the Underwater World” project;
- learning poems and riddles about the inhabitants of reservoirs with children;
- creating booklets together with children “Fishes I Know.”

Abstract of GCD on the surrounding world "Journey to the underwater world" preparatory group


Expand and enrich children’s horizons about sea inhabitants and their way of life;

To consolidate children's understanding of the shapes of fish and other inhabitants of the underwater world, to consolidate the initial idea of ​​the sea.


To develop children's interest in living and inanimate nature;

Develop coherent speech, the ability to answer questions and the ability to substantiate your judgments;

Develop independence and activity.

Educator:- Guys, today we will have an unusual activity, I invite you on a sea voyage. We will learn a lot of interesting things about the sea and its inhabitants, and dive into its depths. (I take the globe)

Here's our assistant. Guys, what is this?

Children: - This is a globe.

Educator:- Look at the globe, everyone. If you don't twist it, what does it seem like?

Children: - Multi-colored.

Educator:- And if you spin it too much, it turns blue. Why?

Children: - Because there is more blue paint on the globe than green and brown.

Educator:- What does the blue paint on the globe mean?

Children: - Seas and oceans are marked with blue paint on the globe.

Educator:- Seas and oceans take up 2 times more space than land. Guys, all seas and oceans are very deep. Even the most high mountain and she would have disappeared into the salty abyss. Imagine that we are on the seashore. Sit directly on the sand. (Children sit on the carpet).

Educator:- What do we hear while sitting on the seashore?

Children: - The sound of the wind, the sound of the surf, the rustle of sea pebbles, the cry of seagulls, the splashing of fish.

(I turn on a recording of the sounds of the sea.)

Educator:- While you listen to the sounds of the sea, imagine that you are on the waves, splashing in the sea, breathe in the sea air.

Educator:- Guys, what can you go on a trip with? (children's answers)

Educator: - What do you think you can use to sink to the seabed? (children's answers)

Educator:- That's right, and you can also go down to the bottom of the sea using a bathyscaphe. Repeat please. A bathyscaphe is such a large iron ball with portholes, inside it there are many different instruments to observe sea life. (I show the picture.)

All the girls and boys

I know they love books very much.

They love fairy tales about the seas,

About the underwater king.

Where the sun doesn't shine

The underwater world lives.

But no one knows about him

Everyone dreams of going there.

Educator:- On your first underwater trip, it’s better to sail together on a large submarine. We get to know and see the sea, its underwater inhabitants, the riches of the seabed. Passengers, take your seats. The boat is ready to dive. The sea waves rock her ( bending to the sides). On the count of three we dive.

1 -2 -3 – we’ll all freeze!

Let's go to the underwater world.

Now miracles will begin!

You just need to open your eyes.

Our kindergarten has changed

Turned into the bottom of the sea.

We'll go for a walk.

Study the bottom of the sea!

We did not dive deep and are on the very top floor of the underwater world. It is light and warm here, as this floor is illuminated and warmed by the sun. Look, a miracle giant is floating on the right side. (Show a picture of a whale). Who is this? ( Blue whale).

1 Child: - Blue whale- the largest animal on our planet. The blue whale can grow up to 33 m in length and weigh 150 tons. It is found in almost all areas of the World Ocean. The blue whale got its name due to its skin - it is gray in color, with a blue tint. This giant swims quite slowly. They prefer to live alone, because it is difficult for several whales to feed themselves in one territory. The whale feeds on crustaceans, algae, and small fish. The whale swims slowly, opening its mouth, into which a huge amount of food falls along with the water.

Well done! Very interesting!

Guys, look, another sea animal flashed by. (Show a picture of a dolphin). Yes it is. ( Dolphin).

2 Child: - Dolphins- These are small whales. Dolphins do not breathe with gills, but with air. They never leave the sea. They have sharp teeth and their head ends in a mouth like a bird's beak. The main food of dolphins is fish, shellfish and small sea animals. Dolphins are very smart and fast animals.

Whales and dolphins are mammals. They have lungs, they feed their young with milk, and their tails and fins are adaptations to life in the water. They live near the surface of the water, since they do not have gills, they need to swim up to take a breath of air!

Educator:- Well done!

For some reason we lingered on the top floor. We're going deeper. It’s already darker here and the water has become cooler. Why do you think?

Children: -Sun rays It's difficult to get here.

Educator:- Oh, who is that swimming? (Show a picture of a shark).

A large predatory fish swooped in like a block.

Instantly the victim was swallowed up by the insatiable... ( shark).

Educator:- What does a shark eat?

Children: - Fish, sea animals.

Educator:- Can sharks attack humans?

Children: - Yes.

3 Child: - Shark is a predatory fish, widespread in all seas and oceans. The skin of a shark is covered with sharp scales. The eyes are able to see objects only in black and white. A shark's teeth are a terrible weapon; with them it grabs, kills its prey and tears it to shreds. Unlike whales, sharks breathe through gills. They feed on animal food. Among the sharks there are many that are dangerous to humans: tiger shark, hammerhead shark, cat shark, white shark and the largest whale shark.

Children: - No. Humans have no gills.

Educator:- How can you travel along the seabed?

Children: - Wear scuba gear and diving suits.

Educator:- So, we put on scuba gear and diving suits (children imitate putting on suits). We leave the ship. How beautiful it is here.

Finger gymnastics« Undersea world»

Look around quickly! ( make a palm on the forehead« visor» )

What do you see, dear friend? (put fingers in rings near eyes)

The water is clear here ( spread your palms to the sides)

A seahorse is swimming here. (wave-like movement with palms forward)

Here's a jellyfish, here's a squid (palms of both hands down in the shape of a cap)

But this is a fish ball. (join the fingers of both hands in the shape of a ball)

But, having straightened his eight legs, (show the back of both

palms and move them upward, performing oscillatory movements


An octopus greets guests.

V.: - Look, there’s an octopus!

4 Child: - The octopus has a soft body without bones and can freely bend in different directions. The octopus was named so because eight limbs extend from its short body. Octopuses live near the bottom, hiding in crevices between rocks or in underwater caves. Octopuses are true predators. At night they get out of their hiding places and go hunting. Octopuses can not only swim, but also move along the bottom by rearranging their tentacles. The usual prey of octopuses are shrimp, crabs and fish, which they paralyze with poison. With their beak they can break even the strong shells of crabs and crayfish or shells of mollusks. Octopuses take their prey to a shelter, where they slowly eat it. Among the octopuses there are very poisonous ones, the bite of which can be fatal even to humans.

Educator: - Oh, I noticed something among the algae. (Show a picture of a fish). Who is this?

Children: - Fish.

Educator:- Let's play with the fish.

A game« Questions - answers»

We pass it on to each other, answering my questions.

(Children stand in a circle and answer questions, passing the fish to each other.)

Whose head? ( This is a fish head).

Whose tail? ( This is a fish tail).

Whose gills? ( These are fish gills).

Whose belly? ( This is a fish belly).

Whose fins? ( These are fish fins).

Whose bones? ( These are fish bones).

Whose scales? ( These are fish scales).

Whose eggs? ( These are fish eggs).

Whose body? ( This is a fish body).

Whose eyes? ( These are fish eyes).

Educator:- Well done, let's let the fish swim. These are the amazing animals we met, and now let's rest a little.

Physical education lesson “And above the sea - you and I!”

Seagulls circle above the waves,

Let's fly after them together.

Splashes of foam, sound of the surf,

And above the sea - you and I! ( Children flap their arms like wings.)

We are now sailing on the sea

And we frolic in the open space.

Have fun raking

And catch up with the dolphins. (Children make swimming movements with their hands.)

Educator:- Look how beautiful the corals are here!

5 Child:- Corals are animal organisms, although they are not similar to plants. There are about 5,000 species in the world. For their growth, they need adequate conditions: sufficient salinity of water, transparency, warmth and plenty of food. That is why Coral reefs live in the waters of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Most often, corals are brown, white, red, less common are yellow, green, black, and pink. Corals grow very slowly. The growth rate depends on lighting, water temperature, oxygen saturation and is 1-3 cm per year. Jewelry is made from coral.

V.: - Well done! Very interesting! Well, let's swim further? Look how beautiful the jellyfish are.

6 Child:- Jellyfish are mysterious and very beautiful inhabitants of the seas and oceans of planet Earth. Jellyfish can only live in salt water, so their habitat is oceans and seas. Jellyfish have 24 eyes. Jellyfish increase in size throughout their lives, and their final size depends on the species. There are tiny ones, and there are giants. Their color can be white, pink, yellow, orange, red, blue, green and multi-colored. Jellyfish feed on small marine organisms, crustaceans and sometimes other jellyfish.

Educator:- Well done, you made me very happy, real researchers, but it’s time for us to return to the ship, we surface, take off our suits ( simulate removing costumes).

1 -2 - 3 – we’ll all freeze!

We're going to kindergarten!

Educator: - You and I have learned a lot of new and interesting things, and to relax, I suggest you play a game.

A game "One is many"

Target:- teach children to agree nouns in the singular and plural.

Game description: An adult names objects in the singular to the child, and he must name plural these items.

Sea - seas;

Fish - fish;

Scuba - scuba gear;

Bathyscaphe - bathyscaphes;

Boat – boats;

Diver – divers;

Whale - whales;

Octopus - octopuses;

Dolphin - dolphins;

Jellyfish – jellyfish;

Shark – sharks;

Coral - corals.


Guys, did you enjoy our trip? (Children's answers)

Where have we been today? What new did we learn and see?

I also really enjoyed traveling with you, you are all great guys.

Children love nature:

Rivers, lakes, seas,

Take care of her -

There will be miracles then.

GCD Cognition. Research activities.
(for children of the preparatory group)
Author: Zhulina Lyubov Vasilievna, MBDOU Kindergarten No. 35 in Engels Saratov region, a kindergarten teacher.

1. Continue and expand children’s knowledge about the inhabitants of the sea, their characteristics, appearance, nutrition, movement.
2. Introduce children to properties sea ​​water: lack of its own shape, transparency, density.
3. Develop skills in conducting laboratory experiments: consolidate the ability to work with transparent glassware (glasses, test tubes).
4. Work with unfamiliar solutions, while observing the necessary safety precautions.
5. Activate children's mental abilities through puzzles and storytelling.
6. Foster children’s need to communicate with living nature, increase interest in learning its laws, and actually participate in activities to protect the natural environment.

Vocabulary work: sea anemone, oceans, crystals, evaporation.
Activation of the dictionary: sea creatures, corals, sea salt.
Materials and equipment: globe, “underwater” masks for each child, recording (sound of the sea), experimental diagrams, holder, alcohol lamp, black screen, pipette, glass, chicken eggs, sea salt, aquarium, foam fish, oil, glass tubes , basin, juices, octopuses - souvenirs.
Preliminary work:
Examination of a globe, map, equipment for conducting experiments with sea water; inhabitants of the underwater world in illustrations; reading works: Colleen Payney “The Adventures of Little Dolphins”, B. Zakhoder “The Hermit and the Rose”, “Who Lives in the House?” Conducting experiments with water. Observing fish (how they breathe, feed, swim).
Progress of the lesson:
Children enter the hall (the curtain is closed).
Educator: What is the name of the planet on which we live? (Earth).
The earth is the only planet solar system, which has land and water.
Educator: What is this? (pointing to the globe) (Globe)
What does he represent? (Earth model)
If you quickly spin the globe, it will seem like it is multi-colored. Which? (Blue). Why? (there is more blue paint than yellow, white, green, brown).
Educator: What is depicted in blue paint? (rivers, seas, oceans, lakes). Seas and oceans occupy 2 times more space than land.
Educator: What rivers do you know? (Volga, Kama, Oka, etc.). Name the seas (Black Sea, Caspian Sea, Baltic Sea, etc.).
Educator: There are many rivers, seas, lakes, oceans and together they make up one big one, it is called the World Ocean. It plays a big role in the life of our planet.
Educator: Today I invite you to take a trip to the underwater world in order to expand your knowledge. But before you go there, answer: “What and how do we breathe?” (air, nose - lungs).
Educator: Do fish breathe? How? (Yes, with gills).
How will we breathe underwater? (you need to wear special masks, fins, oxygen cylinders). And so, we put on masks, fins, oxygen tanks and dive to the seabed (music plays, the curtain opens and the children are greeted by the king - Neptune with octopuses).
Neptune: “I am the ruler of the abyss
The formidable king of salty waters.
Whether you want it or not
Just further excuse me
You won’t take a step forward.”
Educator: Your Sea Majesty, why such disfavor? This is us, from kindergarten. We descended into your kingdom to get acquainted with your domain.
Neptune: What do you know about my kingdom? (children talk about 2 fish: a seahorse and a sea rooster; then about algae, a dolphin, and the rest of the inhabitants are simply called: hammerfish, sawfish, sticky fish, stingrays).
Neptune: Now solve the puzzle. The marine artist deliberately mixed up the body parts of the inhabitants of the seabed. (children approach the flannelgraph, on which there are: a seahorse, a shark, a shrimp, a hammerhead fish). You must fix this. (children correct the mistake).
Neptune: You corrected my artist's mistake. And now I will tell you about a very amazing animal of the seabed. (According to the diagram, Neptune says that it is very beautiful on the seabed. Even flowers grow with long petals, but in fact these are not flowers, but animal sea anemones. Their “petals” are stinging tentacles, like nettles. In the middle of the “cup” - mouth. The fish gapes, accidentally touches a “petal” and immediately falls into the sea anemone’s lunch. The sea anemones stand motionless on the seabed, they just move their tentacles, cling to the shell and move on).
Neptune: Here's my next task. Tell us about what is shown in these illustrations? (children tell about the starfish that she is a lover of oysters. She moves on her rays with suction cups. She has 5 rays, her mouth can be located in the center of the body on the lower side).
Neptune: What can you tell us about sea water? (salty, not drinkable, medicinal).
I suggest you guys rinse your mouth with sea water (gargle). Indeed, sea water tastes salty. In my laboratory you can find out why the water in the sea is salty. (children go to the laboratory, where everything necessary for the experiment is on the tables).
Experience: (conducted by Neptune).
Separation of a homogeneous mixture - salt + water by evaporation.
For the experiment we will need the following equipment: alcohol lamp, holder, porcelain cup for evaporation, black screen, magnifying glass, glasses.
Stage 1. – Evaporation. We fix the holder on the evaporation cup, pour in some sea water, light the alcohol lamp and start heating. During the evaporation process, the water evaporates, leaving salt crystals at the bottom of the cup.

ATTENTION! To extinguish the burner flame, under no circumstances should you blow on the fire.

Taking a special cap, cover the flame. The burning has stopped.
Conclusion: When seawater evaporated, the water evaporated, leaving sea salt.
Neptune: Guys, you have sea salt crystals on your tables. Examine them with a magnifying glass (children look at them). What are they like? (for sugar, frost, etc.).
What colour? (white)
What shape? (rectangular, star-shaped, etc.)
Do they have a smell (no).
Stage 2. Now let's place these crystals in fresh water By stirring with a glass rod, we speed up the process of dissolving these crystals. What happened to them? (dissolved).
Conclusion: Near the water important property: it can dissolve many substances (salt, sugar, etc.).
Neptune: and now I suggest you spend exciting experience on one's own. But before starting the experiment, I would like to know whether all seas are equally salty? (children call the Dead Sea, in which there is a lot of salt, and where there are no animals and flora: and all objects do not sink, but remain on the surface).
Experiment (according to the scheme).
Stage 1. We take a transparent container with fresh water, lower the egg, it sinks because... the egg is heavy.
Stage 2. Take another container with fresh water, add a large amount of salt there, stirring until the salt is completely dissolved. Now imagine that the egg is a person, and the water in the container is Dead Sea water! The "man" is swimming.
Neptune: you are great, you completed all my tasks.
Educator: Sea King, we have learned so many new things, and now it’s time for us to return to kindergarten.
Neptune: wait guys, I have a big problem. People heavily pollute my property, but the worst thing is when oil gets into the water and waste from industrial enterprises is dumped. The sea becomes dirty and poisonous because the water becomes covered with a greasy film, which, like a lid, prevents oxygen from penetrating deep into the sea. As a result, algae and small crustaceans suffocate, fish and dolphins die, and seabirds get sick. Now I will show you how this happens.
Experience with oil.
Neptune: This is a model of the sea (points to an aquarium with clear water, at the bottom there is a fish made of foam, crushed by a weight). Imagine that oil has fallen into the sea (using a glass tube, Neptune collects oil and drops a few drops onto the surface of the “sea”).
Neptune: Look, a film has formed, covering the entire surface of the “sea”. Oxygen no longer flows deep into the “sea”. It became difficult for our fish to breathe at depth and it began to float to the surface (the weight is removed and the foam fish floats up and dies).
Neptune: what can be done to clear oil from water? (children suggest methods: you can blot with a multi-layer napkin, collect with a net with a filter or a glass tube. Then the children take glass tubes and collect oil from the surface of the water).
Neptune: with this small experience we prevented an environmental catastrophe.
Educator: Children, if you were wizards, what would you do to prevent the water spaces from being polluted, so that the water in the reservoirs is clean and healthy? (do not throw garbage, do not wash cars near bodies of water, etc.).
Educator: We must save water. To save water means to protect life, health, and the beauty of the surrounding nature.
Neptune: Thank you, my friends, for everything. These octopuses are for you, remember me and my inhabitants (he gives them “octopuses” and a model of the seabed with its inhabitants). The children thank Neptune and go to kindergarten.

Municipal budget preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 10 “Romashka” town. Novomikhailovsky

Abstract of the GCD in the speech therapy preparatory group “This mysterious underwater world!”

Teacher speech therapist


Tatyana Mikhailovna


Educational area : speech

Kind of activity: direct educational

Age group : preparatory

Subject: “This mysterious underwater world!”

Target: enrichment of the active vocabulary; development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogical speech.

Program content:

Correctional educational :

    expand and deepen children’s knowledge about the sea and its inhabitants;

    improve vocabulary;

    grammatical structure of speech;

    sound pronunciation;

    expressiveness of speech;

    improve the skill of using prepositions in speech;

    improving the skill of sound - letter analysis of words.

Correctional and developmental :

    expand and activate your vocabulary with nouns, adjectives, verbs on the topic “Underwater World”;

    improve word formation skills;

    develop articulatory motor skills, speech breathing;

    learn to coordinate speech with movements;

    develop gross and fine motor skills;

    develop dexterity, speed of reaction, coordination of movements;

    develop expressiveness of speech and expressiveness of movements;

    activate logical thinking, attention, memory, imagination;

Correctional and educational :

cultivate educational and environmental interest in representatives of marine fauna;

cultivate a tolerant attitude towards children’s answers;

develop the ability to work and play in a team;

foster a sense of collectivism and responsibility.

Preliminary work : A story about the underwater world - about amazing creatures that can only live in water (plants, animals). Examination of pictures, photographs depicting sea inhabitants, posters from the albums “Natural World”, “Animals”, reading “Sea Tales” by S. Sakharov, the story “The Good Shell” by S. Voronin, learning finger gymnastics “Underwater World”. Looking at illustrations in books, reading works about the underwater world, memorizing words for finger exercises, talking about children’s trips to the river and sea.

Vocabulary work : bathyscaphe, scuba gear

Materials and equipment :

  • presentation “Inhabitants of the Sea and Ocean”;

    CD with a recording of the sounds of the sea;

    flat images of the inhabitants of the seas and oceans made of sandpaper;

    a playing field depicting the seabed;

    planar images of animal inhabitants of the seas and oceans on Velcro;

    small pebbles;

    toy - fish;

    blue canvas depicting the sea;


    container with chips for sound analysis words

Progress of activities

Speech therapist : Guys, today we will have an unusual activity, I invite you on a sea voyage. We will learn a lot of interesting things about the sea and its inhabitants, and dive into its depths. ( I take the globe .)

Here's our assistant. Guys, is this?

Children : Globe.

Speech therapist: Look at the globe, everyone. If you don't twist it, what does it seem like?

Children: Multi-colored.

Speech therapist: And if you spin it too hard, it turns blue. Why?

Children : Because there is more blue paint on the globe than green and brown.

Speech therapist: What does the blue paint on the globe mean?

Children: Seas and oceans are marked with blue paint on the globe.

Speech therapist : Guys, all seas and oceans are very deep. Even the highest mountain would disappear into the salty abyss. Imagine that we are on the seashore. Sit directly on the sand. ( Children sit on the carpet )

(I include a CD with a recording of the sounds of the sea, and 1 presentation slide with an image of the seashore).

Speech therapist : What do we hear while sitting on the seashore?

Children : The sound of the wind, the sound of the surf, the rustle of sea pebbles, the cry of seagulls, the splashing of fish.

Speech therapist : While you listen to the sounds of the sea, imagine that you are on the waves, splashing in the sea, breathe in the sea air.

Speech therapist: Guys, what can you go on a trip with?

(children's answers)

Speech therapist : What do you think can be used to sink to the seabed?

(children's answers)

Speech therapist : That's right, and you can also go down to the bottom of the sea using a bathyscaphe. Repeat please. A bathyscaphe is such a large iron ball with portholes, inside it there are many different instruments to observe sea life. ( I show an image of the bathyscaphe 2 slide.)

Speech therapist : On your first underwater trip, it is better to sail together on a large submarine. Let's take a camera with us to photograph everything interesting we see. We get to know and see the sea, its underwater inhabitants, the riches of the seabed. Passengers, take your seats. The boat is ready to dive. The sea waves rock her ( bending to the sides ). On the count of three we dive ( children count to three ). We did not dive deep and are on the very top floor of the underwater world. It is light and warm here, as this floor is illuminated and warmed by the sun. Look, a miracle giant is floating on the right side. ( Showing an image of a whale slide 3 ). Who is this? ( Blue whale ).

Sound-letter analysis of a wordwhale.

Articulation and breathing exercises.

"The whale surfaces." Open your mouth wide, push your narrow tongue forward as much as possible (hold for 5 seconds) and retract it deep into your mouth.

"The whale is swimming." Open your mouth wide, press the lateral edges of the tongue against the lateral upper teeth almost to the fangs, raise and lower the tip of the tongue, touching the upper and lower gums.

Guys, look, another sea animal flashed by. ( Showing an image of a dolphin slide 4 ). Yes it is. ( dolphin ) .

"The dolphin splashes" Alternation of a “cup” and a spread tongue (dolphins alternately raise and lower their tails).

Whales and dolphins are mammals. Why animals and not fish? (They have lungs, they feed their young with milk, and their tails and fins are adaptations to life in water). They live near the surface of the water, since they do not have gills, they need to swim out to take a breath of air. Let's show how dolphins and whales surface.

"Dolphins and Whales". Children lock their hands, lower them down and do breathing exercise: inhale through the nose, pause (counting “one”, “two”, “three”) and exhale through the mouth.

Speech therapist : Guys, now let’s play the game “Clap your hands when you hear the sound [l] in a word.”

Words: scuba, fish, whale, boat, sea, diver, shark, octopus, fin, turtle, stingray, flounder, fisherman, jellyfish, skate.

For some reason we lingered on the top floor. We're going deeper. It’s already darker here and the water has become cooler. Why do you think?

Children : The sun's rays find their way here with difficulty.

Speech therapist: Oh, who is that swimming? ( Show an image of a shark slide 5).

A large predatory fish swooped in like a block.

Instantly the victim was swallowed by the insatiable... (shark).

Speech therapist : What does a shark eat?

Children : Fish, sea animals.

Sound-letter analysis of a wordshark.

Speech therapist : Can sharks attack humans?

Children : Yes.

Speech therapist: Let's swim away from this dangerous fish. The dive continues. So we ended up on the seabed. Will we be able to breathe underwater?

Children : No. Humans have no gills.

Speech therapist : How can you travel along the seabed?

Children : Wear scuba gear and diving suits. (showing an image of a man in a scuba diving suit, slide 6).

Speech therapist : So, let’s put on scuba gear and diving suits ( children imitate putting on costumes) . We leave the ship. How beautiful it is here.

(performed finger gymnastics)

"Undersea world"

Look around quickly! Make a palm at the forehead as a “visor”

What do you see, dear friend? They put their fingers in rings


The water is clear here. Spread your palms to the sides

A seahorse is swimming here. Wave-like movements of the palms


Here's a jellyfish, here's a squid. The palms of both hands are lowered down in

the shape of the cap moves towards

And this is a fish ball . Connect the fingers of both hands in

ball shape.

But, having straightened his eight legs, Show the back of both

palms and move them up,

An octopus greets guests.

(Show slides with images of a seahorse, jellyfish, squid, ball fish, octopus, slides 7-11)

Speech therapist : What kind of green algae, how many different inhabitants. Oh, I noticed something among them. ( Show an image of a fish slide 12). Who is this?

Children : Fish.

Speech therapist : Let's play with the fish.

The game is called “Questions and Answers”. We pass it on to each other, answering my questions.

(Children stand in a circle and answer questions, passing the fish to each other.)

Whose head? (This is a fish head). Whose tail? (This is a fish tail).

Whose gills? (These are fish gills). Whose belly? (This is a fish belly).

Whose fins? (These are fish fins). Whose bones? (These are fish bones).

Whose scales? (These are fish scales). Whose eggs? (These are fish eggs).

Whose body? (This is a fish body). Whose eyes? (These are fish eyes).

Game “What is there no fish without? "

Guys, tell me, without what there is no fish?

Children answer: “There is no fish without a head (gills, fins, scales, eyes, mouth).”

Game "On the Seabed".

(on the playing field representing the seabed, images of sea animals are attached using Velcro: jellyfish, stingray, shark, starfish, crab, dolphin, octopus, seahorse, etc.)

Speech therapist: guys, look carefully and answer my questions. Where is the seahorse?

Children : A seahorse hides between the corals.

Speech therapist: where does the jellyfish swim?

Children : A jellyfish swims under a stingray.

Speech therapist : Where does the crab come from?

Children : A crab crawls out from under a rock.

Speech therapist : Who is the shark chasing?

Children : A shark is chasing a fish.

(the speech therapist asks a number of similar questions)

Speech therapist: Look carefully again to remember where the sea animals are located. Now close your eyes.

(children close their eyes, and the speech therapist swaps places between the jellyfish and the stingray)

Speech therapist: what changed?

Children : jellyfish and stingray switched places. Previously, the jellyfish was above the stingray, but now the jellyfish is below the stingray.

Mobile exercise “At the bottom”

Snails are crawling move in a circle in a half-squat, . with your hands folded behind your back

They are bringing their houses.

They move their horns, make “horns” from fingers, rhythmically. tilting your head left and right.

They look at the fish.

The fish are swimming move in a circle, making strokes. hand movements

They row with fins.

Right, left turn , perform torso turns. left, right and vice versa

And then vice versa.

We admired the seabed, met sea inhabitants, and played with sea animals. And now we, in diver suits, will descend to the very bottom, the darker it is, and explore it by touch. (I invite the children to a large piece of fabric lying on the carpet. Under the fabric are hidden the inhabitants of the seas and oceans - flat images of animals made of sandpaper, covered with small pebbles. I suggest sitting around a piece of fabric.)

Speech therapist : And now a new interesting one game "Find out by the contour." Put your hands “under the water”, which this fabric represents, look for sea animals and, by feeling them, try to recognize them. ( Children put their hands under the fabric, find sea animals, feel them and name the sea animal without removing them from under the fabric, after answering they take them out and check the correctness of the task.)

Speech therapist: Well done, you made me very happy, real researchers, but it’s time for us to return to the ship, surface, take off our suits ( simulate removing costumes ) .

Speech therapist : You and I have learned a lot of new and interesting things, and to consolidate our knowledge, I suggest you play guessing game.

1. Without what is there no sea? (without water)

2. What is the biggest fish in the sea? (blue whale)

3. Which fish has both eyes on the same side? (at flounder)

4. Who has a mouth on its belly? (at the shark)

5. Which dog doesn't bark? (sea)

6. Which skate can’t you ride? (in maritime)

7. A person who works underwater in a special suit? (diver)

8. Cancer relative? (crab)

Speech therapist: You did very well, you tried. We completed all the tasks. What did you like about the lesson? What difficulties did you experience? The lesson is over.