Management - Conversations - Additional reading - Applications - Educational program. Russian language. OGE. Unified State Exam. Humanitarian reconstruction of the formation of classical music Orphan – orphan

A fairly clear picture of how the Fed sees the near future of monetary policy is given by the so-called dot plot - the forecast of each participant at FOMC meetings, what the rate should be at the end of the year. 12 out of 16 participants in the last FOMC meeting predicted another increase at the end of 2018; Thus, it is very likely that the Fed will raise rates again in December. In 2019, the regulator is inclined to three or more increases in the key rate, in 2020 - to one. That is, in two years the level of the base rate may reach the range of 3.25-3.5%.

The need for the “stimulative” characterization for US monetary policy arose after the 2008 crisis, when the Fed needed to “anchor” investor expectations in order to stimulate economic growth, recalls Igor Klyushnev, head of the trading operations department at Freedom Finance Investment Company. To do this, it was necessary to reassure economic agents that low rates would remain low for a long time in order to stimulate lending and investment activity. For the same purpose, the Fed began publishing dot plots. According to the analyst, the situation is now changing and the future trajectory will become less predictable and more dynamic, as uncertainty around the role of the neutral rate for the economy increases. FOMC members will be less likely to show unanimity, and a revision of the mechanism for forecasts made by participants in committee meetings is also possible, Klyushnev suggests.

How did Trump react to the Fed's decision?

US President Donald Trump, when it became known about another rate increase, once again expressed dissatisfaction with the Fed's monetary policy. “Unfortunately, they have raised the stakes. I'm not happy with this. I am concerned that they seem to like to raise rates,” the American leader said at a press conference in New York.

Donald Trump (Photo: Justin Lane / EPA / TASS)

Trump's reaction to the regulator's actions is extremely atypical for the United States. Since Bill Clinton, the White House has avoided commenting on monetary policy to ensure the Fed's independence in decision-making. However, Trump in an interview with CNBC in July and then in a closed meeting with Republican donors in August criticized the Fed for raising rates, which, in his opinion, runs counter to the president’s policy of stimulating economic activity. He admitted that when nominating Jerome Powell for the post of Fed Chairman, he hoped that he would adhere to the policy of affordable money.​

However, as practice shows, criticism of the American president does not affect the Fed, and this time Trump’s words did not cause any additional reaction in the markets.

How the market reacted

Tightening monetary policy in the United States is traditionally one of the factors of pressure on the currencies of developing countries, including the ruble. They react especially sharply to changes in a state with a serious imbalance in the current account and public debt. However, this time the Fed’s decision was expected: based on futures quotes for the federal funds rate, the probability of a rate hike on the eve of the FOMC meeting was estimated at 95%. The FOMC communiqué and Powell's speech also did not bring any big surprises. Therefore, the market reaction turned out to be neutral: such a development of events was already included in prices and rates.

The euro only briefly strengthened against the dollar (increasing from $1.175 to $1.179 per euro). The ruble also did not react to the Fed’s decision: the exchange rate of the Russian currency against the dollar at the close of trading was at the same level as at the close the day before (65.8 rubles). The ruble was trading in the same area on the morning of September 27.

For a long time, the factor of divergent policies of regulators in Russia and the USA (increasing rates by the Federal Reserve and lowering them by the Central Bank) put pressure on the ruble. For investors adhering to the carry trade strategy (borrowing government currency with a low interest rate, converting it and investing in government instruments with a high interest rate), the convergence of interest rates made the ruble less attractive. B and the Fed made the same decision - to raise the rate by 0.25 percentage points. However, the carry trade support factor for the ruble is no longer as strong as it was several years and even months ago, says Vladimir Osakovsky, chief economist for Russia and the CIS at Bank of America Merrill Lynch. Now the Russian currency is supported by other factors, such as the current account, which has grown significantly. The positive current account balance, according to the Central Bank, reached $69.0 billion in January-August compared to $19.1 billion in January-August last year against the backdrop of rising oil prices and a moderate increase in imports.​

The human physical body is just a battery, a thermonuclear reactor that processes physically dense matter into energy to power the essence (soul), which allows for accelerated development, or degradation, depending on who you choose.

Without a physical body, all processes slow down thousands of times and time (and this is the speed of processes) slows down - 100 years of being in a physical body is equal to 1.5 months without a physical body.

People, having observed the work of DNA and RNA, created a controlled thermonuclear reaction.

Nothing is stored in the physical body. All information is stored in entity bodies.

The body is just a connecting link between the physically dense world and the essence (soul).

Why don't we remember past lives?

We have all heard about such a phenomenon as Reincarnation. Some have read about this in books, some have seen films about it, heard from friends, but for the most part, this is where acquaintance and analysis of this concept often ends. But understanding this phenomenon and process plays an important role for each of us.

Someone may ask why you need to know this and what is the benefit of it? The benefits are actually huge. It’s as if our cravings and desire for knowledge, our interest in understanding ourselves and the world around us, have been taken away. After all, every person must ask himself the question: Who am I, why do I live, and what will happen next? People need to see a deeper meaning in life than satisfying their physical needs at the level of existence. Human life is not just vegetation, as they try to convince us. A person has this natural interest and questions to which deep down he strives to find answers, but the social environment does everything possible to prevent this from being realized.

So to the question “What happens next?” answers, including such a phenomenon as reincarnation. More precisely, it reflects the answer, but there are other sources of the answer. Essentially every religion has this answer. The phenomenon of reincarnation of souls is considered in most Indian religions, but I would like to pay attention to where the Hindus got their knowledge about this, and what quality it was. The Hindus themselves know that the knowledge - the Vedas, including about reincarnation - was passed on to them by white people from the north. Hindus do not shout about this at every turn, but try to pass it off as their own. And what country is located north of India and what kind of white people they are, I think it’s not difficult to guess. It turns out that this knowledge of reincarnation is not alien to us.

What do other religions say about what will happen to a person after death? Take Christianity, for example. The answer to this question in this religion is this: after death a person goes to either hell or heaven, i.e. This is where life in the physical body ends, according to the concepts of Christianity, and the soul ends up where it deserves to go. But few people know that the idea of ​​reincarnation previously existed in Christianity and was excluded from its doctrine only in 1082 at the next Ecumenical Council.

Here are the words of Arthur Schopenhauer:

“If an Asiatic asks me to define Europe, I will have to answer this way: “It is a part of the world that is in the grip of the incredible delusion that man was created out of nothing, and that his present birth is his first entry into life.”

These words make us think about understanding reincarnation or denying it. Knowing that reincarnation exists, a person will consciously acquire and accumulate the best qualities in himself, strive to gain positive experience, new knowledge and understanding in order to advance even further in the next life. And vice versa, by rejecting, a person in ignorance can make a mistake, for which he will then have to pay in the next incarnation or even fall out of the circle of incarnations, which often happens with suicide and other violations of the laws of nature. As they say, ignorance of the laws is no excuse.

And here it’s worth asking the question: “Who benefits from this?” Who benefits from people living their empty lives, not realizing themselves and their destiny, and often also creating problems for themselves that will then need to be sorted out? Let us remember that ideology is a powerful weapon in dark hands. With each change of power in states, the ideology changed, and the one that was beneficial to one or another ruler was established. The people often only had to accept, what someone decided for them was often imposed by force, and gradually people forgot everything old and believed in the complete opposite, as if by a magic wand. Thus, everything important that man knew and realized was gradually forgotten, including the idea of ​​reincarnation.

I would also like to draw attention to why reincarnation exists and what some of its mechanisms are based on. Apparently the soul, or to put it another way, the essence, requires a physical body to accumulate experience at a certain stage of development, otherwise the essence would not incarnate again and again. And here the interesting point is why a person, being born in a new body, does not remember his previous incarnations. Supposedly someone blocked our memory so that we would not go along the already beaten path, but would take a new path, since the previous path apparently turned out to be not so correct. It turns out that even nature itself disposes us at this moment to develop.

“It should be noted that in most cases, information about previous incarnations is not available to a person during his lifetime. This is due to the fact that information is recorded on the qualitative structures of the entity. And in order to “read” this information, a person in a new incarnation must reach the same level of evolutionary development that he had in previous or previous lives. And only when a person has progressed further evolutionarily during his life than in any of his previous lives, is it possible to open and read all the information accumulated by the entity over the entire history of its existence.”

But how can a person move forward if he doesn’t know that he needs it, or rather, it was instilled in him so. The illusion that we live once is detrimental to the development process. Thus, fertile ground is created for various manipulations and traps. Especially for young people, when the concept of freedom is substituted, presenting it as licentiousness and permissiveness. Slogans such as: “Life must be lived in such a way that you would be ashamed to remember later” are a consequence of a social illness that arose as a result of a stolen worldview and understanding of the laws of nature. Following the logic: “you only live once, you have to do everything,” and a person without understanding and proper education goes to great lengths in pursuit of pleasures, entertainment and imaginary happiness. But happiness still doesn’t come and doesn’t come.

All this negatively affects not only the individual, but also society as a whole. People were deliberately deprived of the core that would help them resist many temptations. People have been taught to be passive. With the ideology of a single life, the fear of death, the fear of getting problems, losing a job, money, home dominates a person, but if a person knows about reincarnation and the laws of karma, then the situation will change radically. The worst thing is not to die, but to step over such concepts as conscience and honor. A person would think twice before committing a crime, because then he will have to work it out in the next incarnation. After all, repentance will not correct the situation and there is no one who could atone for all the sins of humanity for us. Imagine what society could be like if the correct worldview prevailed in it.

Then a person becomes responsible for his own life. Injustice in society is no longer perceived as someone’s punishment or test, but as something that a person himself has the right to cope with. Without putting your vices aside, but starting to work with them, while changing yourself and your future, the future of your people and society as a whole. A person becomes responsible for his every action and thought. At the same time, he consciously develops positive qualities not only for himself, but also for his future descendants, wanting to leave them goodness, not problems. But all this happened once, we just need to remember and figure it out. In conclusion, the words of Eduard Asadov:

It’s not enough to be born a person; you still have to become a person.

Is it possible to pay for travel?

Let's remember what a grammatical connection is management. This is a connection between the members of a sentence, which is expressed in the correct choice of case form (with or without a preposition). So, we will choose prepositions and cases.

The above epigraph contains the phrase “pay for travel,” which can often be heard on a tram, bus, or trolleybus. Let's compare the phrase with it pay for travel in the same meaning of “to give money for something” and ask the question: are these constructions equally correct or is one of them preferable from a grammatical point of view? Answer: in literary language a prepositional construction is adopted pay what (pay travel, pay workers, pay business trip expenses) and prepositional construction pay for something (pay for travel, etc.).

In other cases, constructions with and without a preposition have equal rights, for example: go by tram - go by tram, return by train - return by train, ask for help - ask for help, interesting to everyone - interesting to everyone, understandable to everyone - understandable to everyone, useful to children - useful to children, pleasant to friends - pleasant to friends, necessary for many - necessary for many.

Another question: if non-prepositional and prepositional constructions are equal, then perhaps constructions with different prepositions are equally valid? Answer: yes, and in these cases we are talking about synonymy of prepositions.

This can be shown with prepositions V And on: despite the obvious difference in their meanings ( V- "inside something" on- “on the surface of something”), they often act as synonyms. For example: ride on a train - ride a train, work in the field - work in the field, tears in the eyes - tears in the eyes, ships at sea - ships at sea. Wed: I ran to the kitchen...(M. Gorky). - The nanny came to the kitchen...(V. G. Korolenko).

At the same time, it should be noted that in most cases these prepositions differ in accordance with their inherent meanings.

The preposition is combined with geographical objects V : in the city, in the village, in the village (but: the first worker in the village), in Belarus, in Siberia, in Ukraine.

When naming islands and peninsulas, the preposition is used: in Alaska, Kamchatka, Sakhalin, Taimyr, Novaya Zemlya.

With the names of mountains and mountainous areas the preposition is used: in Kazbek, on Mount Ararat, in the Caucasus, in the Urals. Using prepositions in - on When mountain names are plural, it is associated with different meanings: relax in the Alps, in the Pyrenees- means “in the mountains, among the mountains”; events in the Balkans- means “on the Balkan Peninsula”; forests in the Carpathians- means “on the surface of the mountains.”

We are speaking: in the theatre(in the old days they said: at the theater), at the cinema, at the circus(meaning closed spaces), but: at a concert, at an opera, at a play(meaning presentation, performance). Combination serve in the navy is of a professional nature, that's what the sailors say, and there is no mistake about it.

When naming vehicles, the preposition is more often used on : by train, by boat, by plane, by tram, by bus, by metro. Using a preposition V involves being inside the named object: is on a train, sitting on a tram, having lunch on a plane.

Prepositions V And on have their own antonyms: in - from, on - from. For example: went to Crimea - returned from Crimea, went to the Caucasus - came from the Caucasus, entered the building - left the building, went to the station - came from the station. However, this situation is not always maintained: went to the Volga region - returned from the Volga region, send to all parts of the country - receive from all parts of the country.

We continue our observations above prepositions. Or maybe: observations behind pretexts? No. Let's compare: watching the stars - observations of experimental animals. The first construction refers to the study of an object without our intervention in its “behavior,” and the second construction has the meaning of “studying a phenomenon and regulating it.” Since we not only consider prepositions, but also experiment with them, the correct construction is observations on prepositions.

A very peculiar pretext By: it governs three cases - dative, accusative and prepositional (in this respect only the preposition competes with it With).

How do you say: upon receipt of a response or upon receiving a response? We miss you or for you?

We answer the first question this way: the preposition po in the meaning “after” controls the prepositional case, therefore: upon receipt of a response, at the end of the performance, after studying the issue(book versions, and after receiving etc. - neutral options). In the meaning of the reason ( retired due to health reasons) or goals ( city ​​landscaping work) the preposition po controls the dative case. By the way, what case is this preposition used in combination with? walk down the street?

The second question is more difficult to answer: we miss you or for you? If in combination with nouns ( we miss our son, we miss our children) and with 3rd person personal pronouns ( we miss him, we miss them) the preposition po controls the dative case, then in combination with the personal pronouns of the 1st and 2nd persons, the same preposition is combined with the prepositional case: we miss you (not for you), miss us(Not according to us). Such are the vagaries of the pretext.

It also has a stylistic feature: when denoting an object that needs to be obtained, obtained, the use of the preposition by has a colloquial character, for example: go for mushrooms - go mushroom picking. Wed: One morning a young woman went to the lake to fetch water.(M. Prishvin). - In the spring, girls go to the grove for lilies of the valley, in the summer - for berries (V. Panova).

What do you think is better to say: I haven't read this book or I haven't read this book? Let us not be categorical in our answer: both constructions are correct, i.e. after a transitive verb with negation, the object can be in either the genitive or the accusative case.

However, such variant constructions are not always equally used: in some cases the use of the genitive case predominates, in others the accusative case form is preferable, in others both forms are truly equal.

1. The genitive case strengthens the negation and is used in the following cases:

a) if there is a particle in the sentence neither or a negative pronoun, or an adverb with a prefix neither-, For example:
However, I did not lose either courage or hope.(A.S. Pushkin);

b) if the addition has the meaning of some part of the objects, for example:
I didn’t buy a bagel for tea(K. Fedin);

c) if the addition is expressed by an abstract noun, for example:
does not waste time, does not feel desire, does not miss an opportunity, does not accept


2. The accusative case weakens the negation and is usually used in the following cases:

a) when indicating a specific, specific object, for example:
I won't take this book; didn't read the story sent to him;

b) when expressing a complement with an animate noun, for example:
Don't scold your Tamara(M. Yu. Lermontov);

c) with double negative, which denotes a strengthened statement, for example:
A woman can't help but understand music(M. Gorky);

d) in the construction “not + auxiliary verb + indefinite form of transitive verb + object”, for example:
couldn’t buy a new dictionary, didn’t have time to read this book, doesn’t want to wear an old suit; compare: I don’t want to quarrel for two centuries(A.S. Pushkin).

3. In other cases, both the genitive and accusative cases are used: the construction with the genitive case is bookish in nature, the construction with the accusative case is neutral or colloquial in nature.
Wed: Andrey did not take his eyes off Teresa in fascination.(M. Bubennov). - Don't torment mesoul(M. Gorky).

Say who owns the book referred to in the sentence: Book by my neighbor's son's teacher's husband's niece? To answer this question, you start going through the links of this chain of genitive cases from the end: I have a neighbor, he has a son, the son has a teacher, the teacher has a husband, the husband has a niece... finally, having caught your breath, you find who owns the book. It is not difficult to see the stylistic drawback of such constructions: one genitive case clings to another, forming a ball that has to be unwound. An example of such an unsuccessful proposal in a school textbook on literature was given by K. Chukovsky: “The creative processing of the image of the courtyard goes along the line of enhancing the display of the tragedy of his fate.” Try to convey this idea in understandable language. It's not that simple, is it? Let's try to accomplish this feat together. Maybe this option would be suitable? - The image of the courtyard is based on his tragic fate.

How do you understand the sentence: Mayakovsky's reading made a strong impression on the listeners? Did V. Mayakovsky himself read or did someone else read the works of the great poet? The ambiguity occurred due to the fact that the word Mayakovsky can be understood as a genitive of a subject (he performed the action expressed by the verb read) and as a genitive of an object (the subject of the action was his works).

Sentences in which these two cases appear side by side are unsuccessful, for example: “Evaluation of Belinsky’s novel “Eugene Onegin.” One could say: Belinsky’s assessment of the novel “Eugene Onegin”.

Often there are constructions in which two control words have a common dependent word, for example: read and take notes from a book, meet and talk with friends. Such constructions are constructed correctly because the verbs in them require the same control: read what And take notes that, meet with someone And talk to someone. But the sentences in which there is a common dependent word with words that require different controls are stylistically incorrectly constructed, for example: “be interested and collect stamps” ( be interested in what, collect what), “to love and play sports” ( love that, what to do). It is not difficult to correct such constructions: with the first control word, a dependent noun is used, and with the second, a pronoun replacing it: be interested in stamps and collect them, love sports and play them.

Now tell me if the sentences are constructed correctly: “Our physical education teacher organized and runs a swimming club.”

The agreement of the predicate with the subject - the title of a literary work - has its own characteristics.

We are speaking: "The day before"written Turgenev(adverb the day before substantivizes and takes on a neuter form); "Guilty without guilt"resumed in the theater repertoire(we agree with the leading word in the title); “The Living and the Dead” by K. Simonovfilmed (we agree as is done with homogeneous subjects)..

But we said: “War and Peace” was written by L. N. Tolstoy, that is, they coordinated the predicate not with the “homogeneous subjects” found in the name, but with the first word, although the second belongs to a different grammatical gender. Can we follow this pattern and say: "Ruslan and Lyudmila" written Pushkin"? If not, how to say: ...written? ...written? The same thing in combination "Romeo and Juliet" was written by... Shakespeare(what ending should I add?). As you can see, the question is not easy: none of the theoretically possible three options (masculine, feminine, plural) is acceptable.

In such cases, the generic name should be added (the word poem, drama, play, opera etc.) and coordinate the predicate with it. By this we will save ourselves from difficulties or curious combinations like “Wolves and sheep” are sold out.”

The same technique of adding a generic name is recommended for names such as “Don’t sit in your own sleigh,” consisting of a group of words in which there is no leading word suitable for coordinating the predicate with it; sometimes encountered expressions like “Don’t sit in your own sleigh”are coming in Moscow at the Maly Theater cannot be considered as a sentence with an agreed predicate (after all, the word sled stands in the accusative case, which the speaker “grabbed” without finding another way out).

Sometimes an indivisible group of words forming a name is perceived as a substantivized whole, and the predicate is put in the form of a singular neuter, for example: “Don’t scold me, dear” was performed a second time.

Takes two more... rooms

We often pose one or another grammatical-stylistic task to our readers, but these tasks are not invented: they exist in language, in living speech.

In fact, what letter should be added at the end of the adjective-definition in the above title? You will probably be given two options: twobig rooms(the definition is in the nominative case) and twolarge rooms the definition is in the genitive case). Observations show that in our time the first construction is more common. Speakers and writers proceed from this position: two three four)large Houses(with masculine nouns), two three four)large window(with neuter nouns), but two (three, four)big rooms(with feminine nouns).

However, if in the singular genitive case of a feminine noun the emphasis falls on the ending (mountainmountains, sistersisters), and in the nominative plural - to the stem (grees, sisters), then the definition in the construction in question is usually put in the form not of the nominative, but of the genitive plural: threehigh mountains, twojunior sisters

In the examples given, the definition is placed between the numeral two three four) and the following noun. If in such combinations it precedes the numeral, then it is placed in the form of the nominative case, regardless of the grammatical gender of the noun, for example: latest two month,first two weeks,upper two windows. In some cases, for example, adjectives whole, complete, good also in this position they are used in the genitive case: two whole glasses,whole two plates,whole two buckets, a full three months,kind three days.

Finally, a third position is also possible: the definition comes after the combination of the numeral two three four) and noun and, as a rule, is isolated; in this position it is used in the nominative case, for example: To the right of the door there were two windows,hung scarves(L.N. Tolstoy); The last two letterswritten pencil, they scared me(A.P. Chekhov).

Orphan - orphan

The attribute for common nouns is masculine or feminine, depending on the gender of the person designated by the noun. For example: Ivanovwas an orphan (N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky). – And the moon dies above herthis one is round orphan (M. Isakovsky).

Compare other examples: Sleep,my little one , sleep(V. A. Zhukovsky). – Again I hear behind the wall abovesick little one Baiushki bye(A. N. Pleshcheev); Komarovwas a serious person, stingy with his words,big worker (A. Makarenko). – I earn a little money myself. I'mcreepy worker (L. Leonov); Milovidov...desperate bully and brawler (M, Gorky). – Zinaida is not at all as badass as they say about her(I. A. Aramilev).

Therefore, if a boy can be said to be bully, bully, slob, glutton, slob, sleepyhead, disheveled, lazybones, onlooker, angry, confused, dirty, slob, sweet tooth, stupid etc. (of course, not all of these “merits” are attributed to the same boy, they should be distributed among many), then, wanting to strengthen a characteristic that is unpleasant for him, you can add definitions big, incorrigible, scary, creepy etc. And speaking of a girl, we would use the same nouns with the addition of an adjective in the feminine form.

But in colloquial speech, with words of a general gender that have the ending -A, The definition is also stated in the feminine form in cases where we are talking about a male person, for example: He's such a bungler; He is a famous gourmand.

Speaks German and French language...

What ending is not completed in a noun that has two definitions listing different objects? For such cases, in general, there is no single solution: in some cases the noun is placed in the singular, in others - in the plural. Additional instructions are as follows:

1) the singular number emphasizes the internal connection of the defined objects, their semantic or terminological proximity, for example: head and backbrain, abdominal and rashtyphus, in right and lefthand , verbs imperfect and perfectkind, masculine and feminine nounssort of , first and second pronounsfaces , opera and balletart , middle and high school studentsage , industrial and agriculturalcoup it. P.; Usually the singular number is used if the definitions are expressed by ordinal numbers or pronominal adjectives, for example: workers first and secondshifts, between fifth and sixthedge , mine and yoursfather, in bothcase , this one and that oneteams and so on.;

2) the plural emphasizes the presence of several objects, for example: biological and chemicalmethods , Bulgarian and Polishteams, gold and silvermedals , salt and sulfuracids, turning and millingmachines , sheep and vealskins, widescreen and regularoptions film, academic and masspublications books, Oryol and Kurskregion and so on.

On this basis, we will write the example given in the title as follows: speaks German and Frenchlanguages.

What number do you think is best to choose for the word enclosed in brackets in the following phrases: active and passive verbs(pledge), in western and eastern(Part) countries, first, second and third pronouns(face), manganese and chrome(ore), War of Scarlet and White(rose), gap between first and last(racer)? How do you explain your choice?

I haven't seen you for a long time my brother and sister

The question is resolved this way: if it is clear from the meaning of the combination that the definition refers not only to the nearest noun, but also to the subsequent one, then it is put in the singular form, for example: Wild the goose and duck arrived first(I.S. Turgenev) - we could not talk about a wild goose and a domestic duck. Therefore, the following combinations are common: summer heat and heat,nautical ebb and flow,street noise and roar,school academic achievement and discipline,our technology and science,every plant and factory, writemine address, surname, first name, patronymic etc. Compare: unusual noise and chatter(A.S. Pushkin); overall cheerful talking and laughing(L.N. Tolstoy).

However, in cases where there may be uncertainty as to whether the definition is associated only with the nearest noun or with the entire series of homogeneous members, this definition is put in the plural form, for example: capable student and student, finesliced greens and meat,brown wardrobe and chest of drawers, talentedfulfilled piece for cello and concerto for violin and orchestra etc. In business speech, where clarity and accuracy are important, constructions of the second type are used, for example: Buildstone house and garage(wording stone house and garage would give reason to think that the house would be stone, and the garage, perhaps, wooden). Compare: young rye and wheat(A.P. Chekhov).

It happened in the desert Sugar... or on the island Sicily...

Doubts in the grammatical construction of such sentences are associated with the fact that geographical names (proper names), acting as applications, in some cases are consistent in indirect cases with the word being defined - a generic geographical name (a common noun of the type city, river, lake, island, peninsula, desert etc.), and in others they do not agree. As a result of an insufficiently clear distinction between such compatible and inconsistent applications, fluctuations in the choice of appropriate forms are observed, and often the same or similar case finds different expressions in speech practice.

So, in the newspapers we read: in the city of Kemerovoin the city of Kemerovo, on the banks of the Nile Riveron the deep Nile River, on the island of Sicilyon the island of Sicily, on the Kamchatka Peninsulaoff the coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula, on Lake Baikalnear Lake Medyanki, to the port of Alexandriain the port of Nakhodka, into the waterless Sahara desertin the Sahara Desert etc. A generalization of the material related here allows us to make some practical recommendations.

1. The names of cities, as a rule, agree in case with the words being defined: in the city of Moscow, near the city of Smolensk, not far from the city of Novgorod-Seversky. Often disagree:

a) names in specialized literature, in official communications and documents: Turkmen Republic with capitalthe city of Ashgabat; 400th anniversary of the city of Cheboksary;

b) compound names: in the city of Lodeynoye Pole, near the city of Mineralnye Vody;

c) little-known, rarely encountered names, so that the reader can see the initial form on the letter: in the city of Nis.(with the combination “in the city of Niš,” the initial form could be perceived as both Niš and Nisha);

d) names on - O neuter, so that they can be distinguished from similar names of the masculine gender; compare: in the city of Kovrov(city of Kovrov) – in the village of Kovrovo(Kovrovo village).

2. The names of rivers, as a rule, also agree in case with the words being defined: on the Dnieper River, between the Ob and Yenisei rivers, beyond the Moscow River(That's why: beyond the Moscow River, although it often occurs in colloquial speech beyond the Moscow River). There may be no agreement in the same cases as with city names: near the Northern Donets River, on the non-navigable Lovat River.

3. The names of villages and villages are often consistent: was bornin the village of Goryukhin(A.S. Pushkin), to the village of Duevka(A.P. Chekhov). But if the grammatical gender or number of similar names (proper names) does not coincide with the gender or number of words village, village, then usually these names do not agree: in the village of Pogrebets, near the village of Berestechko(M. Sholokhov), in the village of Berezniki, in the village of Malye Mytishchi.

Try to remember these cases, especially the first two, that is, cases of matching the names of cities and rivers. Then you will solve the remaining cases (and there are dozens of them: names of lakes, mountains, mountain ranges, bays, straits, islands, peninsulas, capes, bays, etc.) by the method of elimination, reasoning something like this: if the given name is not the name of a city or river (also, although less often, the name of a village or hamlet), then the proper name does not agree with the generic designation, for example: on Lake Baikal, near Mount Kazbek, above the Pirin ridge, in the Gulf of Alaska, near the Bosphorus Strait, on the island of Cyprus, on the Taimyr Peninsula, at Cape Heart-Stone, in the Golden Horn Bay, in the Sahara Desert, at the Sharabad oasis, above Etna volcano etc. Although, as stated above, there are also cases of agreement (on the island of Sicily, in the Sahara desert), they are not mandatory, and you have the right to be guided by more general provisions.

It remains to add that names that have the form of a full adjective are consistent: on Lake Ladoga, in the Gulf of Bothnia, near Mount Magnitnaya. The names of stations and ports do not agree: at Orel station, in the port of Odessa. The names of foreign administrative-territorial units do not agree: in the state of Texas, in the province of Liguria, in the Principality of Liechtenstein, in the department of the Hautes-Alpes, in the county of Sussex and so on.

The names of stations and ports retain their initial form with generic names: the train approached the Orel station, at the Luga station, from the Boyarka station, regular flights between the ports of Odessa and Novorossiysk, to the ports of Ceuta and Tangier, from the Polish port of Gdynia.

The names of foreign republics are usually consistent if they have a feminine form (that is, they coincide with the grammatical gender of the word republic), and do not agree if they have a masculine form: a) in the Republic of Bolivia; b) in the Republic of Cyprus. However, there are deviations: in the Republic of Cuba and some others (not ending in -and I, and on - A).

Street names usually follow the same principle, that is, they agree or disagree depending on their grammatical gender: a) on Petrovka Street, on the corner of Sretenki Street; b) on Arbat Street, on Kuznetsky Most Street.

Astronomical names do not agree: orbit of the planet Mars, soft landing on the planet Venus.

What does control link mean?

- You heard these conversations V kitchen? - Yes, on kitchen.

Let's remember what a grammatical connection of control is. This is a connection between the members of a sentence, which is expressed in the correct choice of case form (with or without a preposition). So, we will choose prepositions and cases.

How can we explain that different prepositions are used in the question and answer? (Von the) in the same spatial meaning? It would seem that their distinction is quite simple: the preposition V denotes direction into something (with the accusative case) or being inside something (with the prepositional case), and the preposition on- respectively, direction to the surface or being on the surface of something (with the same cases). And the combinations are quite clearly distinguished: V tableon tablefrom tablewith table(prepositions from– with are the corresponding antonyms of the pair Von the). Therefore, in different verbal environments, prepositions Von (from– c) do not act as synonyms.

If we are talking about any territory that seems to be a limited space, a closed area, then we use the preposition in: workV field; if there is no thought about spatial limitation, then the preposition is used on: to beon field. The cars are standingin yard(space surrounded by a fence or houses). – On construction debris has not yet been cleared from the yard(open space); On the yard is cold today(that is, outside the home).

Compare also: V Crimea(steppe space partially limited by mountains) – on Caucasus(mountainous area without sharply defined boundaries); V Alps(in the mountains, among the mountains) – on Carpathians(on the surface of the mountains). Inconsistency of prepositions in combinations V Belaruson Ukraine is explained by the fact that the second of them arose under the influence of the Ukrainian language (compare: on Poltava region,on Chernihiv region) and is supported by the expression on outskirts.

The choice of preposition is influenced by the semantics of the control word and the meaning of the entire combination, for example: went to railway stationentered railway station[affects the correspondence of the prefix V-(in-) and preposition in].

Sometimes we proceed from an established tradition: V village, But on farm;V village, But firston village worker;V institution, But on enterprise; in a consumer service plant, But on meat processing plant;V sports games, But on Olympic Games. In professional use there are combinations: “works in the theater”, “serves in the navy”.

The prepositions in question are not always clearly differentiated, for example: tears,V eyestearson eyes, workV vegetable gardenworkon garden, shipsV sea ​​- shipson sea,V there was a fisherman standing on the boaton there was a fisherman standing on the boat it. p. Our title also applies to these cases: V kitchenon kitchen. Compare: I ranV kitchen tell grandma everything I saw and heard(M. Gorky). – The nanny cameto the kitchen have supper(V.G. Korolenko) (second version under the influence of folk speech).

Prepositions are used synonymously V on also in combination with nouns naming means of transport: driveV train,V bus,V tramdriveon train,on bus,on tram(do not rush to conclude that in the first case you are sitting inside the carriage, and in the second - on its roof).

There is also a third synonymous option - the use of the instrumental case without a preposition: travel by train, bus, tram etc. In this case, only means of mechanical transport are meant (hardly anyone would agree to be told about him that he “came here donkey or camel").

As was said earlier, prepositions Von have their own antonyms: the first corresponds to from, to the second - With. Compare: V Crimeafrom Crimea,on CaucasusWith Caucasus. Given this, you obviously wouldn't say "Students from different classes arrived" but would say Students from different classes came, since the antonymous pair is formed by: goV Classcomefrom class(they don’t say: “go to class”). What do you think is correct: Representatives gathered (from everyonewith all) corners of our country! Now remember this phrase - “pay for travel”, you can often hear it on a tram, bus, trolleybus. Let's compare the phrase with it pay for travel in the same meaning of “to give money for something” and ask the question: are these constructions equally correct or is one of them preferable from a grammatical point of view? Answer: in literary language a prepositional construction is adopted pay What? (pay travel, pay workers, pay business trip expenses) prepositional construction pay for what? (pay for travel it. d.).

In view of past rains... - No, due to upcoming frosts.

Is the choice of prepositions in these sentences successful? After all in view of suggests something to come, and due to- something that has already happened. Yes, we'll say due to the expected departure, and not “as a result of the proposed departure” (the departure has not yet taken place and does not yet have any “consequences”). On the other hand, the idea is more accurately expressed in combination provide leave due to illness, than in the combination “provide leave due to illness” (it would turn out that the illness, which has already become a fact, is, as it were, “planned” in advance). From writers: I am writing to you from the village where I visiteddue to sadcircumstances (A.S. Pushkin); In view of upcomingoffensive I declare the meeting closed(E. Kazakevich).

True, this situation is not always maintained, and the excuse in view of often used not only to indicate a reason expected in the future, but also to designate connections that are present, permanent, even related to the past, for example: Due to food shortages shortening the journey was now especially important(V.K. Arsenyev); The boat went on a special mission, anddue to stormy weather they were worried about him(K. Simonov). Still, at least in business speech, it is better to adhere to the above distinction.

“The student did not come to school thanks to mother's death"

Agree that the sentence sounds ridiculous due to the inclusion of the preposition thanks to, which has not yet lost its original lexical meaning (due to connection with the verb thank). It is logical to use it in cases where we are talking about the reasons that cause the desired result, for example: recoveredthanks to mother's care , escapedthanks to hisresourcefulness and so on.; Stepan Arkadyevich studied well at school,thanks to with your goodabilities (L.N. Tolstoy).

However, the following proposals are often encountered: "Thanks to snowy skidding traffic interrupted", "Train crashed thanks to negligence switchman”, etc., violating the above provision (“nothing to be grateful for”). The use of the preposition is noted here thanks to to indicate a reason in general, and not just one that “deserves gratitude”: this reason can be neutral and even cause negative consequences. For example, among writers: Lost contact with peoplethanks to lastarrests (M. Gorky); He returned from the war almost deaf,thanks to a grenade shrapnel, with a sore leg(A.I. Kuprin). And yet the impossibility of sentences like our title (“The student did not come to school thanks to mother's death") indicates that in the preposition thanks to to some extent its original meaning is preserved.

What better way to say it? – ...didn't come to schoolas a result (due to, due to) mother's death.

What V forehead that By forehead

If this proverb is interpreted literally, then we do not see any difference between the content of its left and right halves. And yet there is a slight difference.

To verify our statement, let’s compare the following phrases: lookV skylookon sky. Despite the closeness of their meanings, we also find a shade of difference: lookV sky means “to look at one point”, and lookon sky- “look at the entire surface.” By analogy, let's say: V forehead means “at one point” (hit with a finger V forehead), A By forehead means "over the entire surface" (hit himself with his handBy forehead).

We also find shades of difference in other prepositional phrases that are similar in general meaning. Here are some examples: WalkV forestwalkBy forest differ in that the first combination denotes a limited action - “walking in a certain area of ​​the forest”, and the second - a scattered action - within the named space.

Combination rideV cities indicates the direction of action, and the synonymous combination rideBy cities has a distributional meaning (the action is distributed to objects sequentially one after another).

In combination goBy shore the location of movement is indicated, and in combination goalong shores– the direction of movement in a space elongated in a line.

Combination the paintings are hungon walls indicates only a place, and the combination the paintings are hungBy walls has the added value of spreading the action over the entire surface of the object.

In combination the fog was risingfrom land only the direction of movement is indicated (the fog might not touch the ground), and in combination the fog was risingWith land- the place where the movement began.

To go downWith stairs means “to move from the top to the bottom step”, and to go downBy stairs means “to move along the surface of an object” (maybe from the middle of a flight of stairs).

In combination V Latelybehind Lately the first denotes a certain moment, and the second a certain period of time: IN He's been feeling better lately.Behind His health has improved recently.

Combination the situation has changedwith father's death indicates immediate consequences (immediately after this event), and the combination the situation has changedafter father's death may indicate more distant consequences (after some time).

In combinations visitedV holidaysvisitedBy holidays the second contains an additional shade of meaning, indicating the regularity of the repetition of the action at certain times.

- I'll go to the store behind flowers. - And I’m off to the forest By mushrooms.

The difference between synonymous prepositional combinations may not be semantic, but stylistic in nature.

Yes, expressions goBy water, goBy mushrooms inherent in vernacular (compare neutrals: gobehind water, gobehind mushrooms). They can be used in fiction with a stylistic task, for example: In the spring, girls walk through the grove of lilies of the valley, in the summerby berries(V. Panova).

In combinations By end of the performanceafter the end of the performanceBy arriving in the city -after arrival in town the first options in each pair are bookish in nature.

Combinations walked about a kilometerpassednear kilometers, it will take about a month to complete the workwill be needed to complete the worknear months differ in that the first option in each pair (in which the preposition With used to roughly indicate a period of space or time) has a colloquial character.

In combinations nearly diedWith hungernearly diedfrom hunger the first option is used in colloquial speech.

Combination there were a lot of childrennear hundreds stylistically neutral, and its synonymous combination there were a lot of childrenbefore hundreds has a conversational tone.

In combinations started to get sickTo old age - began to get sickunder old age the first option is neutral, and the second is colloquial. In combinations this rolefor me this rolefor me, why these things for youon What these things for you The first option in each pair is neutral, the second is conversational.

A touch of formality is inherent in the combination behind signature and seal(compare neutral with signature and seal).

The currently widespread use of the preposition gives a clerical character to the statement By instead of other prepositions, for example: “response That's why work" (instead of ... on this work),"answers By interested questions"(instead of ... on interestedquestions ), "competition By the best meeting"(instead of... trips : Journey V country Logicians. Traveler's Reminder: 1. Study the map...