Gate temple martyr. Theodotus of Ancyra. Charitable Foundation "Big Deeds" Information about the gate temple

The martyr Theodotus from the city of Ancyra, was an “innkeeper”, had a family and lived according to the commandments of the Christian faith, in unceasing prayers. He had a healing gift and helped the sick. Talking with Jews and pagans, he tried to convert them to Christianity, instructing them to repent and correct their lives.

During the persecution of Christians by Emperor Diocletian (284 - 305), the cruel Theoteknos began to rule in Ancyra. On pain of death, he ordered all Christians to make pagan sacrifices. Many residents who professed the Christian faith left their homes and fled. The remaining Christians were tortured. During these difficult times, Saint Theodotus gave shelter to Christians who were left homeless and hid them from persecution. He fearlessly made his way into prisons, helping Christian prisoners, convincing them not to change their faith. Redeeming the remains of the holy martyrs from the soldiers, Theodotus secretly buried them according to Christian rites. When all the churches in Ancyra were closed, Christians celebrated the Divine Liturgy at Theodotus Hotel.

At that time, not far from Ancyra, seven Christian martyrs were drowned in a lake. Saint Theodotus, together with his friend Polychronius, were able to retrieve their bodies and bury them. Having learned about this, the angry ruler Theoteknos ordered that all Christians be found and tortured. Saint Theodotus was also captured. They offered him to renounce Christ, enticing him with wealth and frightening him with various torments. But he did not give in to persuasion and bravely endured all the torture. Then the ruler ordered the condemned man’s head to be cut off, which was carried out. But his soldiers did not have time to burn the executed martyr. The priest Fronto, to whom Saint Theodotus bequeathed to bury his body, found his remains and honorably interred them. Later on this place he erected a church in the name of the martyr Theodotus of Ancyra.

Bogdan (Theodotus) of Caesarea (Cappadocia), martyr
Remembrance Day was established by the Orthodox Church on September 2/15.

The holy martyr Theodotus of Caesarea suffered for his faith in Christ in the 3rd century. Father of the holy martyr Mamant of Caesarea. Even before the birth of his son, he was imprisoned. The Lord heard his fervent prayers and, even before his torment, took Saint Theodotus to Himself.

Bogdan (Theodotus) Kizichesky, martyr
Remembrance Day was established by the Orthodox Church on April 29/May 12.

The Holy Martyr Bogdan (Theodotus) is one of the nine Kizian martyrs who suffered for the Christian faith at the end of the 3rd century.

In those days, the Roman emperors sent orders to all cities to force those professing the Christian faith to idolatry or put them to death. Many Christians, frustrated by persecution, abandoned their homes and went to deserted and inaccessible places; others remained, but hid their faith from the pagans. But there were also those who, in the name of love for Christ, openly confessed the Truth and consciously went to torment for it. These were the nine holy martyrs - Theodotus, Theognis, Rufus, Antipater, Theostichus, Artema, Magnus, Faumasius and Philemon. They were completely different - in origin, age, social status, but they were united by an ardent faith in Christ and a desire to reveal it to people.

The saints met in the city of Cyzicus in Asia Minor and began to boldly preach the Christian faith. At the same time, they denounced the worship of soulless idols and convinced the pagans to know the truth and believe in the One God - Jesus Christ. Soon they were captured and handed over to the executioners. In addition to the usual tortures, they were subjected to the most sophisticated torture: they were taken out of prison, tempting them with the possibility of freedom. But the martyrs preferred freedom from sin and betrayal of faith in prison to a godless life in the wild. After much torture, unable to break their spirit, all nine were beheaded.

A few years later, when the persecution of Christians ceased during the reign of Emperor Constantine the Great, the inhabitants of Cyzicus found the buried bodies of nine holy martyrs and solemnly transferred them to a temple built and consecrated in their honor. History claims that many miracles and healings were performed from these incorruptible relics. And to this day people turn to the miraculous help of the Kizian martyrs with requests for deliverance from bodily illnesses and epidemics. In addition, according to the testimony of many believers, prayers to the nine holy martyrs help in finding a good job.

In Moscow there is the Church of the Nine Martyrs of Kizi, founded in 1698 by Patriarch Adrian in memory of his healing through prayers to the Kizi martyrs. The place where the temple is located is named after these saints, Bolshoi Devyatinsky Lane.

Bogdan (Theodotus) of Marcianopolis (Misian), martyr
Remembrance Day was established by the Orthodox Church on September 15/28.

Saint Theodotus of Marcianopolis lived at the end of the 3rd - beginning of the 4th centuries in Moisia, and was born in Marcionapolis of Thracia. He suffered under Emperor Maximian Galerius.

In some cases, among the saints of the same name, there is one who is most revered and depicted on icons. For the name Bogdan (Theodotus) - this is the holy martyr Theodotus of Ancyra, an innkeeper.

Bogdan (Theodotus) Melitinsky, martyr
Remembrance Day was established by the Orthodox Church on November 7/20.

The holy martyr Bogdan of Melitin suffered for his faith in Christ during the reign of Emperor Diocletian, known for his particularly cruel persecution of Christians. Information about his life is very scarce; it is only known that he suffered as a martyr for Christ along with other thirty-two martyrs in the city of Meletine (Armenia). Residents of the regions of Armenia and Cappadocia refused to make sacrifices to the pagan gods, as ordered by the emperor. Then two warriors loyal to paganism were sent there to exterminate all Christians in this territory. Many Christians suffered at this time, including the martyr Bogdan.

In some cases, among the saints of the same name, there is one who is most revered and depicted on icons. For the name Bogdan (Theodotus) - this is the holy martyr Theodotus of Ancyra, an innkeeper.

Bogdan (Theodotus) of Rome, martyr
Remembrance Day was established by the Orthodox Church on July 4/17.

Life of mu-che-ni-ka Fe-o-do-ta An-kir-sko-go and mu-che-nits of these maidens: Te-ku-sy, Fa-i-ny, Claudia , Mat-ro-ny, Julia, Alek-san-dra and Eu-fra-sia

The holy martyr Fe-o-dot and the holy martyr seven virgins - Te-ku-sa, Fa-i-na, Claudia, Mat-ro-na, Julia , Alexander-sandra and Ev-fra-sia - lived in the 2nd century of the 3rd century in the city of An-ki-re, Gal-tiy region sti, and died so much for Christ in the early 4th century. Saint Fe-o-dot was a “core-something”, had his own go-sti-ni-tsu, and was married. Already then he reached you-spiritual perfection: he maintained cleanliness and whole-wisdom, restored -you-have-been aroused self-restraint, quenched the flesh with the spirit, practicing fasting and prayer. With his own be-se-da-mi he brought the Jews and pagans to the Christian faith, and the sinners to the race -i-nu-yu and correction. Saint Fe-o-dot received the gift of healing from the Lord and healed the sick and laid his hands on them.

During the reign of im-per-ra-to-ra Dio-kli-ti-a-na (284-305) on Christianity in the city of An-ki-ru was The ruler of Feo-tekn is famous for his own hundred years. Many Christians fled from the city, leaving their homes and property. Feo-tekn informed all Christians that they are obligated to sacrifice to idols, in case they will be -we are facing torment and death. The pagans are not Christians, but their property is ras-hi-sha-li.

There was famine in the country. In these harsh days, Saint Fe-o-dot in his hotel gave shelter to Christ-a-us, left homeless , fed them, hid them under the pre-following, from their own backs, let them into the dis-established churches. you see everything that is necessary for the fulfillment of the Divine Li-tur-gy. He fearlessly entered the prisons, providing help to the innocent but convicted, convincing them to be faithful to Christ Spa to the end -si-te-lu. Fe-o-dot was not afraid to scoop up the remains of the holy mar-ties, secretly carrying them away or buying them for money from the warriors. i-nov. When in An-ki-re the Christian churches were opened and closed, Divine whether-tur-gia became whether to perform in his guesthouse. Knowing that he also faces a great feat, Saint Fe-o-dot in be-se-de with the saint com Front foretold that he would soon receive much-needed power in the place chosen them both-and-mi. In confirmation of these words, Saint Fe-o-dot gave his ring to the saint.

At that time, seven holy virgins died for Christ, of whom the eldest, Saint Te-ku-sa, was the aunt of the saint. go Fe-o-do-ta. The holy girls - Te-ku-sa, Fa-i-na, Claudia, Mat-ro-na, Julia, Alexandra and Ev-fra-sia from a young age are sacred to God, we lived in constant prayers, in constant prayers, in abstinence, in good deeds, and we all reached old age -What's the age? Brought before the court as Christians, you saints are courageous, but you showed your faith in front of Feo-tek-nom -ru in Christ and were given to us, but remained incomparable to us. Then the ruler handed them over to shameless young men to be desecrated. Holy girls, you prayed fervently, asking God for help. Saint Te-ku-sa fell at the feet of the young men, taking off her head-covering, and showed them her gray head . The young men came to their senses, started crying themselves, and walked away. Then the government commanded that the saints take part in the celebration of the “amo-ve-niya of idols”, as it is believed -sha-li pagan priestesses, but the holy girls have left again. For this they would have been sentenced to death. Each one had a heavy stone tied around his neck, and all seven holy virgins were drowned in the lake. The next night, Saint Te-ku-sa appeared in a dream to Saint Fe-o-do-tu, asking to get their bodies and ro-thread in Christian-sti-an-ski. Saint Fe-o-dot, taking with him his friend Po-li-chro-niy and other Christians, headed to the lake . It was dark, and the path was indicated by the burning lam-pa-da. Meanwhile, in front of the guards, placing his tongue on the shore of the lake, the holy monk So-Sandr appeared. The frightened guard turned to flee. The wind drove the water to another side of the lake. The Christians went to the bodies of the holy women and took them to the church, where they were buried. Having learned about the theft of the bodies of the holy martyrdoms, the ruler flew into a rage and ordered to seize all the Christians indiscriminately and let them suffer. Po-li-chro-niy was also captured. Unable to stand the test, he pointed to the holy Fe-o-do-ta as a vi-new stealer of bodies. Saint Theo-dot began to prepare to die for Christ; together with all the Christ's diligent prayers, he ordered to give his body to the sacred Fron-well, he gave his ring to someone earlier. The saint appeared before the court. Do he need different instruments of torment and at the same time are they promised greater honor and wealth, if he is from Christ. Saint Fe-o-dot glorified the Lord Jesus Christ, confessed his faith in Him. In the fury of the pagans, the holy pro-long-living is-for-no-yam, but the power of God is supported -la holy mu-che-ni-ka. He remained alive and was taken to prison. The next morning, the governor again ordered to torture the saint, but soon realized that he could not be killed. the same thing is impossible. That's when he ordered to cut off the man's head. The execution was completed, but the storm rose up and we couldn’t burn the man’s body. So, sitting in the pa-lat-ke, they remained to watch the body. At this time, the priest Front-ton was walking near-lying along the road, leading a donkey with a bag of wine from his -go vi-no-grad-no. Near the place where the stinging body of Saint Fe-o-do-ta lay, the donkey suddenly fell. Were we able to lift him up and tell Fron that the body of the kaz-nen-no-go christi-a- no-na Fe-o-do-ta. The priest realized that the Lord had brought him here. He placed the holy remains on the donkey and brought them to the place indicated by Saint Fe-o-do for his rite -be-niya, and gave it up to the earth with honor. Subsequently, he erected a church on this site. Saint Fe-o-dot accepted death for Christ on June 7, 303 or 304, and his memory is restored on May 18, on the day of the death of the saint - those girls

Description of the life and suffering of the holy Fe-o-do-ta and the suffering of the holy virgins -a contemporary and follower of Saint Fe-o-do-ta and an eye-witness of his death - the Nile, who visited the city ro-de An-ki-re in pe-ri-od go-ne-niya on Christian-sti-an im-pe-ra-to-ra Dio-kli-ti-a-na.

See also: "" in the text of St. Di-mit-ria of Ro-stov.


“In the Charter of this day of St. Fe-o-dot is named sacred to anyone and the bishop; the tro-par-pair is supposed to be sacred to him. What could have contributed to this is the fact that St. Fe-o-do-ta was a prayer temple and al-ta-rem for priests, he himself was a teacher of faith and goodness and convinced others to suffer for Christ, so that in some way he performed pastoral deeds. But he is not a holy man, but a holy man... He is commemorated for the second time on the day of the death of St. gray maiden, May 18, and in the Charter on that day he calls him a mu-che-no-com” (Bul-ga-kov S.V. Na-stol-naya book -ga for priests-but-servants. K., 1913. M., 1993, p. 216; cf.: Sergiy (Spassky), ar. -hi-ep. Full month of words Vladimir, 1901. M., 1997, T. 3. S. 212, 185-186).
It should also be noted that the name in the divine service books of St. Fe-o-do-ta June 7 is sacred-to-mu-che-ni-com ha-rak-ter-but as for the Slavic li-tur-gi-che-tra-di-tion (cf.: Charter M., 1610. L. 727 vol.; Charter. M., 1634. L. 109; Charter. M., 1641. L. 684 vol.), and for the Greek (cf.: Mi-neya-June. Ve-ne-tsia, 1843. P. 25, 27; Ve-ne-tsia, 1852. P. 22, 23; Ve-ne-tsia, 1868. P. 25, 27).

The gate church above the western Holy Gate of the monastery. The single-domed temple with a pile of kokoshniks at the end, surrounded by porches, was built in the name of St. Theodotius of Ancyra in 1599 with contributions from Boris Godunov in honor of his patron saint. It was greatly rebuilt in 1834 and was re-consecrated in the name of the Image of the Savior Not Made by Hands. The church served as a parish church. It was heavily destroyed during Soviet times, and the paintings were lost. In the early 2000s. restored by O.V. Gaeva in its original appearance and consecrated as Feodotievskaya.

The Holy Gate with the gateway church of Theodotus of Ankyra (Spasskaya) in the complex of the Vvedensky Vladychny Monastery is an object of cultural heritage of federal significance (Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR dated August 30, 1960 No. 1327, Decree of the President of Russia dated February 20, 1995 No. 176).

Gate temple martyr. Theodotus of Ancyra

The Church of St. George the Victorious is a unique monument of Godunov architecture. The time of its construction dates back to the end of the 16th century. In the “Historical Description of the Monastery” V.A. Rozhdestvensky mentions that “the blessed charter of Patriarch Job of 1599 is preserved in the sacristy of the monastery.” for the construction of a gate temple.

Information about the gate church (from the historical description of V.A. Rozhdestvensky): Above the holy gates there is a church, small, stone, built by Abbot Vassian at the end of the 16th century. in the name of the Hieromartyr Theodotius of Ancyra. The blessed charter of Patriarch Job of 1599 for its construction is still preserved in the sacristy. Already in 1834, at the request of Abbess Nazareth, this church was restored and consecrated by His Eminence Philaret, Metropolitan of Moscow, in honor of the Image of the Savior Not Made by Hands.

Excerpt from an article by architect O.V. Gaeva about the gate church of the Vladychny Monastery: Unique results were obtained from field studies of the gate church of Theodotus of Ancyra, the only monument with the exact date of construction - in 1599, Patriarch Job issued a charter, where “... he blessed the builder Vasyan and his brothers, ordered, at the Entry of the Most Pure Mother of God, to holy gates, erect a new stone temple in the name of the holy martyr Theodotus of Angirsk, and give on that temple and ontimins...” As research has shown, the message of the letter should be understood literally - the new temple of Theodotus of Ancyra was indeed erected on the existing stone Holy Gates.

The Holy Gates are almost completely preserved, at least their lower, stone tier. The arch of the gate, opening inward, with a semi-circular top, is somewhat shifted in the main volume to the south; a gate is installed in the northern pylon. The presence of an internal staircase in the northern pylon suggests the existence of an original second tier, possibly wooden. The dimensions of the structure in plan are 8.48×3.64m. The gate was obviously part of the system of wooden fortifications of the monastery. Considering the location of the monastery on the banks of the Oka and the border nature of the city, it can be assumed that it was not just a fence, but a solid structure that had a defensive nature.

Authoritative researcher of “Godunov” architecture A.L. Batalov, when studying the problem of ordering in the architecture of the late 16th - early 17th centuries, drew attention to the dedication of the gate church to Theodotus of Ancyra, the patron saint of Boris Godunov, which confirms the special royal attention to the monastery in commemoration of the successful completion of the “Serpukhov campaign” of 1598 against Crimean Khan Kazy-Girey (Gazi Girey II, 1588-1608). On July 29, 1598, the Crimean embassy was received directly by Boris Godunov and, recognizing his royal title, accepted proposals for peace. This campaign immediately preceded the royal wedding (September 3, 1598). Boris Godunov's camp was located in the meadows near the monastery, the abbot of which was Vassian (Ladizhensky), a relative of Leonty Ladyzhensky, the Tsar's envoy to the Crimea, whose diplomatic actions greatly contributed to Godunov's political victory. The monastery, which found itself at the center of such major political events as the accession of a new dynasty to the Russian throne, received significant royal contributions.

Mch. Theodotus of Ancyra and mcc. seven virgins: Alexandra, Tekusa, Claudia, Faina, Euphrasia, Matrona and Julia (303).

The holy martyr Theodotus and the holy seven virgin martyrs - Tekusa, Faina, Claudia, Matrona, Julia, Alexandra and Euphrasia, lived in the 2nd half of the 3rd century in the city of Ancyra, Galatian region, and died as martyrs for Christ at the beginning of the 4th century. Saint Theodotus was an innkeeper, had his own hotel, and was married. Even then, he achieved high spiritual perfection: he maintained purity and chastity, cultivated abstinence in himself, subjugated the flesh to the spirit, practicing fasting and prayer. With his conversations, he led Jews and pagans to the Christian faith, and sinners to repentance and correction. Saint Theodotus received the gift of healing from the Lord and healed the sick by laying hands on them.
During the persecution of Christians by Emperor Diocletian (284-305), the ruler Theoteknus, known for his cruelty, was appointed to the city of Ancyra. Many Christians fled the city, leaving their homes and property behind. Theotekn informed all Christians that they were obliged to make sacrifices to idols, and if they refused, they would be handed over to torture and death. The pagans brought Christians to be tortured, and their property was stolen.
There was famine in the country. During these harsh days, Saint Theodotus, in his hotel, gave shelter to Christians who were left homeless, fed them, hid those subject to persecution, and from his reserves gave the devastated churches everything necessary for the celebration of the Divine Liturgy. He fearlessly entered prisons, providing assistance to the innocently convicted, urging them to be faithful to the end to Christ the Savior. Theodotus was not afraid to bury the remains of the holy martyrs, secretly carrying them away or ransoming them for money from soldiers. When Christian churches in Ancyra were destroyed and closed, the Divine Liturgy began to be celebrated in his hotel. Realizing that he, too, was facing a martyrdom, Saint Theodotus, in a conversation with the priest Fronton, predicted that the martyr’s relics would soon be delivered to him at the place chosen by both of them. In confirmation of these words, Saint Theodotus gave his ring to the priest.
At that time, seven holy virgins accepted death for Christ, of whom the eldest, Saint Tecusa, was the aunt of Saint Theodotus. The holy virgins - Tecusa, Faina, Claudia, Matrona, Julia, Alexandra and Euphrasia, from a young age devoted themselves to God, lived in constant prayer, fasting, abstinence, good deeds, and all reached old age. Brought to trial as Christians, the holy virgins courageously confessed their faith in Christ before Theoteknos and were subjected to torture, but remained unshakable. Then the ruler handed them over to shameless youths to be desecrated. The holy virgins prayed fervently, asking God for help. Saint Tekusa fell at the feet of the young men, removing her head veil and showing them her gray head. The young men came to their senses, began to cry themselves and left. Then the ruler ordered that the saints take part in the celebration of the “washing of the idols,” as was done by the pagan priestesses, but the holy virgins again refused. For this they were sentenced to death. A heavy stone was tied around each neck, and all seven holy virgins were drowned in the lake. The next night, Saint Tecusa appeared in a dream to Saint Theodotus, asking him to take out their bodies and bury them in a Christian manner. Saint Theodotus, taking with him his friend Polychronius and other Christians, headed to the lake. It was dark, and a burning lamp showed the way. Meanwhile, the holy martyr Sosander appeared before the guards stationed by the pagans on the shore of the lake. The frightened guards fled. The wind pushed the water to the other side of the lake. The Christians approached the bodies of the holy martyrs and took them to the church, where they were buried. Having learned about the theft of the bodies of the holy martyrs, the ruler became furious and ordered that all Christians be seized indiscriminately and given over to torture. Polychronius was also captured. Unable to withstand the torture, he pointed to Saint Theodotus as the culprit of the theft of bodies. Saint Theodotus began to prepare for death for Christ; Having offered up fervent prayers together with all the Christians, he bequeathed to give his body to the priest Fronto, to whom he had previously given his ring. The saint appeared in court. They showed him various instruments of torment and at the same time promised him great honors and wealth if he renounced Christ. Saint Theodotus glorified the Lord Jesus Christ and confessed his faith in Him. In rage, the pagans betrayed the saint to prolonged torture, but the power of God supported the holy martyr. He remained alive and was taken to prison. The next morning, the ruler again ordered the saint to be tortured, but soon realized that it was impossible to shake his courage. Then he ordered the martyr’s head to be cut off. The execution took place, but a storm arose and prevented the soldiers from burning the body of the martyr. The soldiers, sitting in the tent, remained to guard the body. At this time, the priest Fronto was passing along a nearby road, leading a donkey with a load of wine from his vineyard. Near the place where the body of Saint Theodotus lay, the donkey suddenly fell. The soldiers helped raise him and told Fronton that they were guarding the body of the executed Christian Theodotus. The priest realized that the Lord had providentially brought him here. He placed the holy remains on a donkey and brought them to the place indicated by Saint Theodotus for his burial, and honorably buried them. Subsequently, he erected a church on this site. Saint Theodotus accepted death for Christ on June 7, 303 or 304, and his memory is remembered on May 18, the day of the death of the holy virgins.
A description of the life and martyrdom of Saint Theodotus and the suffering of the holy virgins was compiled by a contemporary and associate of Saint Theodore and an eyewitness of his death - Nile, who was in the city of Ancyra during the period of persecution of Christians by Emperor Diocletian.

Mchch. Peter, Dionysius, Andrew, Paul, Christina (249-251).
St. Macarius (Glukharev), Altai, Siberian (1847).
St. John (Gashkevich) presbyter of Kormsky (1917).
Sschmch. Michael the Presbyter (1932).
Novomoch. Damian Grahovski (1940) (Serb.).
Sschmch. Basil the Presbyter (1942).
Mchch. Simeon, Isaac and Vakhtisiy (IV).
Mchch. Heraclius, Paulina and Venedim (250).
Mchch. David and Tarichan (693) (Georgian).
Mch. Euphrasia, Nicaea (Greek).
St. Stefan Novy, Patr. Constantinople (Greek).
Sschmch. Theodore, Pope of Rome (Greek).
St. Anastaso of Lucada (Greek).
St. Martinian of Areovinth (Greek).
Sschmch. Potamona, ep. Irakli (341) (Greek).

It is a unique monument of Godunov architecture. The time of its construction dates back to the end of the 16th century. In the “Historical Description of the Monastery” V.A. Rozhdestvensky mentions that “the blessed charter of Patriarch Job of 1599 is preserved in the sacristy of the monastery.” for the construction of a gate temple.

Information about the gate temple

(from the historical description of V.A. Rozhdestvensky)

Above the holy gates there is a small stone church, built by Abbot Vassian at the end of the 16th century. in the name of the Hieromartyr Theodotius of Ancyra. The blessed charter of Patriarch Job of 1599 for its construction is still preserved in the sacristy. Already in 1834, at the request of Abbess Nazareth, this church was restored and consecrated by His Eminence Philaret, Metropolitan of Moscow, in honor of the Image of the Savior Not Made by Hands.

Excerpt from an article by architect O.V. Gaeva about the gate temple of the Vladychny Monastery

Unique results were obtained from field studies of the gate church of Theodotus of Ancyra, the only monument with the exact date of construction - in 1599, Patriarch Job issued a charter, where “... he blessed the builder Vasyan and his brothers, and ordered, at the Entry of the Most Pure Mother of God, on the holy gates, to erect a new stone church, in the name of the holy martyr Theodotus of Angirsk, and give to that temple and ontimins..."
As research has shown, the message of the letter should be understood literally - the new temple of Theodotus of Ancyra was indeed erected on the existing stone Holy Gates.
What was this earliest building of the Vladychny Monastery that has reached us?
The Holy Gates are almost completely preserved, at least their lower, stone tier. The arch of the gate, opening inward, with a semi-circular top, is somewhat shifted in the main volume to the south; a gate is installed in the northern pylon. The presence of an internal staircase in the northern pylon suggests the existence of an original second tier, possibly wooden. The dimensions of the structure in plan are (8.48×3.64) m. The gate was obviously part of the system of wooden fortifications of the monastery. Considering the location of the monastery on the banks of the Oka and the border nature of the city, it can be assumed that it was not just a fence, but a solid structure that had a defensive nature.
An authoritative researcher of “Godunov” architecture, Andrei Leonidovich Batalov, when studying the problem of ordering in the architecture of the late 16th and early 17th centuries, drew attention to the dedication of the gate church to Theodotus of Ancyra, the patron saint of Boris Godunov, which confirms the special royal attention to the monastery in commemoration of the successful completion of “ Serpukhov campaign" of 1598 against the Crimean Khan Kazy-Girey (Gazi Girey II, 1588-1608)
On July 29, 1598, the Crimean embassy was received directly by Boris Godunov and, recognizing his royal title, accepted proposals for peace. This campaign immediately preceded the royal wedding (September 3, 1598).
Boris Godunov's camp was located in the meadows near the monastery, the abbot of which was Vassian (Ladizhensky), a relative of Leonty Ladyzhensky, the Tsar's envoy to the Crimea, whose diplomatic actions greatly contributed to Godunov's political victory. The monastery, which found itself at the center of such major political events as the accession of a new dynasty to the Russian throne, received significant royal contributions.

Troparion martyr. Theodotus of Ancyra, tone 4
Thy martyr, Lord, Theodotus, in his suffering received an imperishable crown from Thee. Our God: having thy strength, overthrow the tormentors, crush the demons of weak insolence. Save his souls with your prayers.

Kontakion, tone 6
Thou hast appeared as a bright star, unadorned in the world, proclaiming the suns of Christ with thy dawns to the passion-bearing Theodota, and thou hast extinguished all the charm: give us light, praying unceasingly for all of us.