What kind of snow is there in October? S. Ivanov. What kind of snow is there? IV. Learning new material

Development of a lesson on literary reading

for 2nd grade

on the topic: “What is snow like? according to S. Ivanov"

teachers primary classes

Panina Irina Alexandrovna

Subject: What kind of snow is there? according to S. Ivanov Tasks: Familiarize students with the text and develop skills conscious and correct reading; - develop observation skills, the ability to compare what is being studied material with the surrounding reality and with works art; develop communication skills in a group; - cultivate interest in native nature, aesthetic qualities.Equipment: illustrations of K. Yuon’s paintings “March Snow”, “March”, educational cartoon “Why are all snowflakes different”, video “First Snow”, projector, computer During the classes: I.Organizing time The bell has already rungLet's start our lesson.We turned to each otherAnd they smiled a little.We wish everyone good luckTo solve the assigned problems.II.Updating knowledge 1. Tongue exercises -To read well, we need to stretch our tongue(moving the tongue back and forth, right - left, up - down,“we brush our teeth”, “lick the jam from our lips”, the horse clatters its hooves)2.Breathing exercises A) (blow out a large candle - deep exhale, many small candles - sharp exhalations, a snowflake lands on your palm - let’s blow it away)B) tongue twisterWhite snow, white chalk,The white hare is also white.But the squirrel is not whiteIt wasn't even white.

3. Checking homework: A) “Competition of reciters” of a poem by V. KirilenkoI extended my palmTo grab a snowflake - a crumb,And she caught it!"Mother! That’s what’s in the fist!” -But there is no snowflake in my hand...I didn’t hold on well and she ran away.
III. Lesson topic message. Motivation. Lesson motto: “It’s nice to listen to smart speech”Riddle: He is busy all the time He can't go in vain. He goes and paints it white Everything he sees along the way. (snow)During the lesson we will have to answer a number of questions (written on the side board):1.What is snow?2. What does it consist of?3. What kind of snow is there?4. Do we need snow at all?IV. Working on lesson material

    "Problematic issue"
What is snow? (children's answers)
    To find out the answer to the second question, we only need to look cartoon "Why are all snowflakes different" Let's check: did our children draw the snowflakes correctly at home?
children's drawings - “Snowflake – ballerina” (homework)
    Let's try to find the answer to the fourth question
(I write down the children’s answers on the rays of a snowflake)Exercise "Snowflake"
White light fluffy
dazzling sparkling
Guys, when does it snow? Check which month.
    Work with text
A) Vocabulary work: The text will contain words and expressions: timid, haze, tightrope walker, thawed patches, bottomless sky, breathtaking, pull your hat down, airplane seeds. How do you understand the meaning of these words and phrases?B) Pre-reading task: - What does the author compare snow and earth to?IN) teacher reading - To find out what else snow can happen, let's listen to the story S. Ivanov and decorate our snowflake. After reading the story, write on the rays what kind of snow there is. - Did the author manage to convey his mood to us?G) Exercise "Angles" Group 1 – when reading the text, must find a description of the state of the sky and snow in October, Group 2 - in January, Group 3 – in February, Group 4 - in April. (results are written on the board in a table)Name of the month D ) ratio of text and illustrations - What kind of snow do you think is depicted in K. Yuon’s paintings? Why did you decide so? 7. Interactive exercise “Cross combat” (work in groups) - What do you think: do we need snow? (2 teams of like-minded people are created. They think about their arguments for 2-3 minutes. Then they take turns presenting their evidence) Conclusion: Winter without snow is not winter, but you need to be extremely careful and careful not to get into trouble.V. Lesson summary - What kind of snow are we talking about? A) Angry and prickly; B) Leaky, sticky; B) Timid, quiet.VI. Homework Read and retell p. 70-72Mini-essay “First Snow”VII. Reflection Video "First Snow" Sources:
    “Guess” L.V. Gurash, G.G. Klyueva, A.M. Bogush, Kyiv, 1981. “I extended my palm” by V. Kirilenko "Why are all snowflakes different"

The snowball is fluttering and spinning

Answers to page 58

Sergey Ivanov
What kind of snow is there?

The very first snow is timid and quiet. Lies down on the black October soil: “Oh! Sorry!" And it melts. Only here and there lurking along the grooves left by the snake trail of the last cyclist.
First snow. It lies as if just for beauty - to only emphasize how black the earth has drunk autumn water, how the winter field sparkles freshly... The sky is gray, the snow is white and light, as if in a watercolor painting. And the winter field shines, shines, as if it were illuminated by some invisible sun.
Sometimes you come out of the forest and look at it - how it lies on the gentle slope of the opposite hill. And you will understand: everything around you is sleeping, but this field is truly illuminated - by the sun of life.

The January snow is strong and calm. He covers the fields with a heavy cold blanket. Bends trees to the ground. And which Christmas tree is weaker - he will break it!
The sun will come out in the morning, light up, and rise high into the sky. And the sky is blue, bottomless. Look out the window - what a wonderful day! It's just spring! It seems that just a little more and drops will begin to fall from the roof.
But as soon as you step out, it will take your breath away. And now you’ll regret that you didn’t take second mittens... Frost, what a frost! A lot of snow means a lot of cold. The sun hangs above, like a light bulb in a refrigerator: it shines, but does not warm.
There is a blue path through the field. When you walk along it, you place your foot carefully, like a tightrope walker. A slightly wrong step - he fell knee-deep, or even waist-deep, into a loose snow swamp... The crow strainingly pulls across the frozen icy sky: “Oh, it’s cold! Oh, it’s a long time before it gets warm!”

The most evil and prickly snow is February snow. One-legged snowstorms whirl, jump across the fields and over the forest, collapsing into one howling lump. And the sky is hazy and low. It seems that you just stretch out your hand - and here it is... But you can’t raise your hands, you can’t open your eyes. You walk with your hat pulled down over your forehead. And the wind just throws you and drives you around, like paper.
The February snow is angry, furious - it hits the traveler on the hat, on the quilted back... Beat, beat! You don't have long left... Villain! Witch! Witch's son!
And suddenly you stop: “My God, where have I wandered? Where did he take me? Ooh! Just to get home!”

The most recent snow is April. It is dense and sticky, no wind can lift it, it sticks to the ground like white plasticine.
April snow is full of holes: it’s full of thawed holes, it’s full of puddles. There are already trees, there are bushes, the hummocks are starting to raise their heads. She will crawl out from under the snow - red-haired, unkempt: “And here she is!”
There is still a lot of snow in the birch forest, but it is all covered in small pockmarks of birch airplane seeds. Skis glide poorly... I am standing among the birch kingdom. The birches are already whiter than snow. The ski track goes away, gets lost among the trunks, as if among fog.
Yesterday Grandfather Frost left us along this ski track.

1. What kind of snow is there? Specify ⇒

in October ⇒ timid
in January ⇒ heavy
in February ⇒ angry
in April ⇒ leaky

2. Read the text silently. Prepare expressive reading. Underline the words with which the author conveys admiration for a winter day.

The sun will come out in the morning, light up, rise high into the sky. A the sky is blue, bottomless. You look out the window - what a wonderful day! It's just spring! It seems that just a little more and drops will begin to fall from the roof.
But as soon as you step out, it will take your breath away. And now you’ll regret that you didn’t take second mittens... Frost, what a frost! A lot of snow means a lot of cold. The sun hangs above, like a light bulb in a refrigerator: it shines, but does not warm.

3 ∗ . Write down a description of the February snow (part 3). What does the author call snow? Emphasize.

The most evil and prickly snow is February snow.The February snow is angry, furious... Villain! Witch! Witch's son!

Lesson type: lesson in acquiring new knowledge.

Goals: to develop the ability to work with the text of a work; enrich children's reading experience; develop reading skills; introduce literary concepts; enrich students’ speech with expressive means of language (epithets, comparisons), expand children’s vocabulary; awaken a vision of the beauty of nature.

Equipment: cards with words, musical fragments from the works of M. P. Mussorgsky, P. I. Tchaikovsky, F. Chopin, a fragment from the movie “Morozko”, TV, tape recorder, textbook: Literary reading. 2nd grade. Author: L.A. Efrosinina

During the classes

I. Organizational moment:

The bell rings merrily

Let's start our lesson.

II. Checking homework:

Guys, let's listen to Z. Alexandrova's poem “Winter,” which you learned by heart (survey of 3 students).

III. Setting goals:

Guys, guess my riddle:
He is flying white flock
AND sparkles on the fly.
He a cool star melts
On the palm and in the mouth.
He ruddy in the sun,
Under the blue moon.
It's behind the collar and in your pockets
Flies in with you and me.
He both white and furry,
And fluffy like a bear.
Scatter it with a shovel
Call him, answer!

That's right, it's snow. What words and comparisons helped you solve the riddle?

See how different things can be said about snow. We can see snow in a picture, in a movie, on the street. And every time we are amazed by the beauty of the snow, its uniqueness. Let's watch an excerpt from the film “Morozko” and admire the beauty of the winter forest.

It turns out that snow can not only be drawn or seen, it can be imagined by listening to the works of writers and poets, such vivid pictures will appear before your eyes.

And today in the lesson we will get acquainted with the work of S. Ivanov and learn many interesting comparisons and epithets about what snow is like. Try to remember them, and then your speech will become richer and brighter.

IV. Learning new material.

1) Primary perception:

S. Ivanov. What kind of snow is there (teacher reads).

Did you like the story?

2) Work on the first part.

Let's start getting acquainted with the description of snow in the first part, but before that we will find out the meaning of a few words.

  • Vocabulary and lexical work:
  • Reading text in a chain.
  • Conversation after reading:

What kind of snow are we talking about in the first part? (About the first snow, about October).

  • Listening to a piece of music

Listen to a musical fragment that seems to emphasize the timidity and lightness, the weightlessness of the first snow. (The first fragment sounds: P. I. Tchaikovsky Christmas)

Have you seen the first snow, imagined it.

In this part we encounter the expression “field illuminated by the sun of life.” This is a figurative expression. What kind of life do you think shines, shines in this field? (These are young shoots)

What would you call the first part?

  • The name of part 1, epithets and comparisons appear on the board.

3) Work on the second part.

And now we will meet another snow. Let's learn the secrets of words again.

  • Reading paragraph by paragraph.
  • Conversation after reading.

What kind of snow did S. Ivanov talk about in the second part? (About January)

How is January snow depicted? Find it in the text. (Strong and calm, oppresses, breaks, free-flowing)

What does it say about the sun? (It will look out in the morning and light up like a light bulb: it shines and does not warm)

What is the sky like in January? (Blue and bottomless)

Now listen and feel the power and strength of the January snow in the music. (Musical fragment by P. I. Tchaikovsky Borodino)

So what do we call the second part?

  • The name of part 2, epithets and comparisons appears on the board

V. Physical exercise.

Snow Maiden - jumped up, made snowballs, snowman - sat down, snowflakes - spun.

VI. Studying a new work.

1) Work on the third part.

Let’s continue to reveal the description of snow in S. Ivanov’s story “What Snow Can Be Like.” And let's move on to the third part.

  • Vocabulary and lexical work.

Let's get acquainted with some words.

  • Reading to yourself.
  • Conversation after reading

What words, expressions, epithets did S. Ivanov find for February snow? (Evil, prickly, villain, witch's son, sorcerer)

Why do people walk with their hats pulled down over their foreheads? (The snow does not allow you to raise your head)

And this part must be read tensely, harshly, in abrupt phrases, conveying the mood of the traveler and the character of the snow. But to understand the reading intonation even better, let's listen to a musical fragment. (Musical fragment from M. Mussorgsky “The Hut on Chicken Legs”)

  • Intonation reading

Now let’s try to read the third part together and convey the character of the February snow. (Intonation reading)

How can you title the third part? (February snow)

  • The name of part 3, epithets and comparisons appears on the board

2) Work on the fourth part.

So, we come to the last fourth part and again turn to the dictionary.

  • Vocabulary and lexical work.
  • Reading in a chain.
  • Conversation after reading.

What kind of snow did we read about? (About April)

What April snow? (It is dense and sticky, like white plasticine, full of holes)

Tell me, is the April snow still clear? (No, the birches are already whiter than snow)

Is there much snow left? (No, it's full of holes in the thawed patches)

Let’s read again what April snow is like.

What should we title the fourth part? (April snow)

  • The name of part 4, epithets and comparisons appears on the board

VII. Generalization

What did we talk about today? (About what kind of snow there is)

What is the first snow?

What kind of snow is there in January, February, April? Name comparisons and epithets.

Complete the task in the literary notebook on page 57 No. 1.

What conclusion can we draw about what kind of snow there is? (It is different in different months and is suitable for it different descriptions and comparisons)

  • Grading.
  • Homework assignment.

At home, prepare a retelling close to the text of one part you like.

Fold a landscape sheet of paper 2 times, dividing it into 4 parts. Label each part with the name of the snow in the work and sketch, try to convey the character of the snow with a pencil.