What is it called when one is rich and the other is poor. Why are some people rich and others poor? Three types of human thinking

To be poor or rich? What do you choose? Why are some people rich and others poor? It all depends on the views and beliefs that a person develops from childhood. The rich and the poor have completely different ideas about the world and about wealth. There is a concept “psychology of poverty”, what does it consist of? Why doesn't abundance come to everyone?

Let's look at the core beliefs of the poor.

“It so happened...”

Often a person who cannot earn enough money for himself complains about fate and external circumstances. He believes that his financial situation depends primarily not on him, but on some circumstances. These circumstances allowed him to create the amount of money he earns. And the poor person is forced to live on this money. He is not the cause, he is the effect. There are a lot of “objective” reasons why he cannot earn more money... It just so happens...

The poor person relieves himself of responsibility for his financial situation and shifts it to others: to the government, to the husband (wife, parents, boss), to difficult times, to the economic policy of the state, to age, to education (or lack thereof), etc. .d.

"Money is tight"

The poor believe that money is never enough. A-priory. There cannot be many of them, there are always not enough of them. Most people are sure of this. Please note: does anyone even say that there is enough money, a lot of money? No. Everyone blames money for insufficiency. Moreover, this position - “little money” has nothing to do with their quantity.

As a result, a person depends on money all his life and feels need, no matter how full his wallet is. He is afraid of the future and is never satisfied and calm.

Poverty is a voluntarily chosen state. Moreover, not so much material as internal. This is a state of mind, and the mind will always talk about the lack of money to relax, about the lack of security to sleep peacefully.

Abundance and wealth are also not a state of wallet - it is a state of soul. Rich is not the one who has a lot of money, but the one who knows how to live and enjoy life with his money. A rich person is one whose income and needs are in balance.

"When I have..."

A poor person comes up with an excuse that life will change when he has a certain amount of money, or some event occurs (for example, winning the lottery, receiving an inheritance, etc.). After this, he begins to live in anticipation of this supposedly happy moment. And the real, “normal” life will begin when he has a certain amount of money. And now it’s just preparation for this bright day. With the money he earns now, this is not life. This is existence, a miserable existence.

But a person with the psychology of a poor man will not feel happy and protected even if he receives the coveted amount. He will be sure that the amount is not enough to relax and enjoy simple things. And we need to strain ourselves again so that, at a minimum, we don’t lose the standard of living that we have. And losing him is already scary. And everything starts all over again.

“You can’t live on this money!”

A poor person is often not happy with what he has. He internally despises his income. He often uses phrases: it’s not money, it’s laughter, it’s shame, it’s mockery, you can’t live on it, chickens laugh. He complains about his low income, discusses the high prices, says to himself: “I can never afford this. It's so terrible to be left out."
“It’s better to have a low-paying but stable job”

A person with a poor person’s mentality, as a rule, chooses a low-paying but stable job in government agencies. Because the state will always provide. And if you go to a commercial organization, then there is a risk of remaining on the street after some time. A person does not believe in his own strength and that his knowledge and experience will be in demand. As a result, he goes to boring work and, instead of growing and developing, stops learning new things, sours and becomes useless to anyone.

“It’s scary to change something”

People with a poverty mentality are afraid of change. They believe that it is better to have a little than to risk and possibly lose everything. Such people will never open their own business and will not receive a second higher education at 40, they won’t move to another city in search of a new life at 50!
“It’s easier to be frugal”

The poor spend their energy not on attracting, but on retaining. They spend hours shopping, comparing prices, and shopping where it is cheaper. They go and write to different authorities, seeking a meager reduction in utility bills or social assistance, instead of spending the same efforts on earning money or finding a good job.

Poverty negatively affects a person's psyche and his ability to plan and make the right decisions.

1. Lack of money, time, food and other resources causes the minds of poor people to focus on a narrow range of problems, preventing a broader “look” at life prospects.
2. Poor people get used to thinking only about the immediate and do not plan expenses or build their life strategy.

3. Taking out money on credit to buy an expensive phone or a branded bag is a sign of a poor person. A rich (or potentially rich) person takes out a loan only to develop his business or invest money in education.

4. The poor are afraid to give their all to achieve their goals. They think that once they open their own business, they will have no personal time left.
5. People focused on poverty constantly feel sorry for themselves: that they got married or didn’t get married, that they were born a woman because men are paid more, that they are not slim enough to work in a prestigious position, etc. They believe that if they had been given something more from birth, their lives would have turned out differently.

6. The inability to make plans, to think about what else you can get besides money, does not contribute to getting rich. A poor person tries to get a job that pays more, and a potentially rich person tries to get a job where they can learn something and where there are prospects for the future.
7. Greed. This tendency must be eliminated first. Only at first glance it is useful for increasing wealth. In fact, total savings on small things is not a sign of frugality, but of stupidity. When buying a cheap and low-quality product, a person loses more than he gains. No wonder they say that a miser pays twice. When hiring staff, a greedy person pays little, and as a result, all the valuable employees who can lead the company to prosperity leave.

A team of psychologists led by Anuj Shah from the University of Chicago conducted an experiment in which volunteers aged about 25, divided into two groups - "poor" and "rich", were asked to play three games.
They were given a certain number of attempts to correctly guess the answer, and they could also take an extra attempt if they did not have enough. During the games, the “poor” spent a lot of time before making their choice each time. They also spent more attempts solving tasks, taking them on “credit.” The "rich" demonstrated good game, it took them almost no attempts to answer correctly. The “poor” simply “driven” themselves into the position of losers when they actively “borrowed” all new attempts to guess the desired answer.

According to scientists, this test showed that a lack of funds creates a tendency to borrow the necessary resource without thinking through the costs and benefits of a life strategy. In their opinion, it is this “effect” that is behind the popularity of short-term, high-interest loans among the poor.
The results of the study found that, for example, very poor people often refuse treatment for their illnesses, paying more attention to the price of medical services and not thinking about their health, which, in fact, is a higher priority in life.

Have you wondered - " Why do some people have a lot of money?“Everything they touch literally turns into hard cash. And others fight like fish against ice. They work all their lives, but remain in the same place. What's the secret? In information? So it is accessible to everyone, everyone reads the same books, everyone is given the same advice.

So how are the rich different from the poor?

1. The biggest brake is in our heads.. Remember what they tell you about the rich (and about wealth) from early childhood. All the rich people are stealing the country, exploiting the poor people, profiting from us mere mortals. And in general, being rich is bad! And how many proverbs and sayings on this topic:

  • We didn’t live richly, so there’s nothing to start with
  • So, said the poor man.....
  • The rich eat sweets, but sleep poorly. Sleep better without money.
  • Wealth dies, but poverty lives.
  • Let your soul go to hell - you will be rich.
  • The rich man can't sleep: the rich man is afraid of a thief

That is, from birth you are given the attitude that being rich is bad. In fact, it's the other way around. It is the rich and wealthy people who are the most educated. 95% of all donations to charity come from wealthy people. They create jobs, open new enterprises, develop the country’s economy and, as a result, increase general level life in the country.

2. Our social circle.

If you want to get out of your financial situation higher, start communicating with more successful and rich people. They charge you with energy and motivation to be better and more successful.

Try this experiment. Make a list of 10-15 people with whom you constantly communicate (relatives, friends, co-workers). Next to each name, write how much you think that person makes. Add up all the amounts received and divide by the total number of people on the list.

With a 99% probability, you got an amount approximately equal to your personal income.

Your social circle sets the limit for you to earn a higher income. Break it up, start communicating with more successful people, and soon you will see your income begin to increase. Of course, this will not happen in a day or a month, but the first step towards wealth will be taken.

3. The poor reason and dream, the rich act. Take a look around. Look at your successful friends and acquaintances. Perhaps you played football together in the yard as a child; your parents worked at the same factory. Only they are now wealthy people, and you still work and live on one salary, which is still constantly not enough. Why is that? It’s just that someone acted, tried, and someone lay on the couch and dreamed of wealth!

Hello, my dear readers and blog guests! Have you ever asked yourself why some people are lucky with money and others are not? Why are some people rich and others poor? Where does this inequality come from? Typically, a child’s attitude toward poverty is ingrained in his childhood. He observes the behavior of his parents and listens to their opinions. Some people are convinced that they can’t earn a lot of money, that they can get it either through crime or through hard work. They don’t like everything; they see deception and fraud in everything. Even if you improve the standard of living by providing everything you need, they will find a way to find a flaw and complain again.

For example, when asked by a lonely young man why he doesn’t get married, he replies that women only need wealthy men with a good car. If you give it to him, then after a while he will talk about bad work and housing. In this case, the person simply does not want to work, achieve something in life and get out of the financial hole.

Why are some people rich and others poor?

To solve money problems and stop being poor, you need to change your attitude towards life. Stop waiting for miracles and start creating them yourself. You should start right now, from this moment, otherwise it will be too late later.

You should not look for easy ways to get money and make a quick profit; as a rule, this only entails trouble. For example, playing in a casino, selling prohibited goods, etc. It's a slippery slope.

In life, there is no universal way to get rich. Everyone comes to this in their own way. One of the most important conditions A successful life is finding something you enjoy doing and focusing on it. It’s so nice to work on something you like and earn money from it. Of course, it’s easy to say this; there are few people who know what they want and how to achieve it.

Wealthy people, unlike the poor, are constantly in a state of mental stress. They make sure that the system they created functions normally. People with a poverty mentality want to work according to the “work and forget” principle.

If a person has no desire to open own business, this does not mean that he will be a poor loser. There are many excellent specialists in their profession who reach impressive heights in their careers, and there are any number of examples of failed businesses. The most important thing in a person is the desire to earn money and the desire to work.

Basic signs of the psychology of poverty

In order to determine what type of consciousness yours is, analyze your attitude towards life and determine whether you have the following signs of poor thinking:

  • greed and stinginess

Money needs to be earned, not saved. It is surprising that the majority of young people are busy running around the authorities, seeking a meager reduction in utility bills, and looking for cheaper things. For the time they spend standing in lines and chasing cheap products, they could not earn much more money than they save. Finances do not like to be kept, stored and carefully saved. They love freedom and reasonable attitude. It will be much more productive to take them to the bank or invest them in some business than to keep them in a stocking at home.

  • feeling sorry for yourself

All people experience certain difficulties, few people have it easy now. If you think that you are the most unfortunate and have the hardest time compared to others, then this is a mistaken opinion. Self-pity leads to selfishness, selfishness and self-destruction. Pull yourself together, stop harassing your friends and relatives, believe me, their life is no easier than yours.

  • work for money

If you go to work only for money, then this is the wrong approach to achieving financial well-being. Aversion to work causes a state of depression and hopelessness. If you look forward to Friday evening with pleasure, and dread Monday morning, then think about changing your place of work. Currently, employers welcome initiative workers, but if you try to sit from call to call and go home quickly, then this is not particularly welcomed by your bosses.

  • success and financial well-being are synonymous

These are not always synonyms, of course, there is truth in this, however, there are any number of examples where people, being rich, are very unhappy. But this does not mean that you should not strive for it. To achieve it, you need to work, educate yourself and avoid stagnation.

  • difficulties in planning expenses

If you're spending more than you're getting, you're getting into debt, then you definitely need to do something about it. First, start planning your expenses. There are many techniques that allow you not to spend too much and even save a certain reserve for a rainy day. Then you can think about looking for additional income or a higher paying job.

  • envy and comparison

Stop envying others, considering them more successful. If you feel your own inadequacy, then act to improve your quality of life. Perhaps while they were earning money, you were relaxing and living a measured and calm life.

  • constant whining and complaints about life

Usually people who love take the position of a victim. They like it when people feel sorry for them and try to help them. They are the center of attention and care. However, if you try to correct the situation, help them, then having received what they want, they will find flaws in this too. Don't be afraid to experiment. It’s okay if you don’t succeed the first time, you need to fight until victory. Remember the legendary group The Beatles, they applied to 20 recording studios and were rejected everywhere. However, they did not give up and were lucky; some small company paid attention to them, which later brought them great success and fame.

  • focusing only on your problems

This property is for those who constantly feel sorry for themselves. People are so focused on own problems that they are not interested in anything else. They withdraw into themselves, talk to few people, considering others to be universal evil. They are afraid to decide to do something and expect a miracle from life. To achieve financial well-being, you need to communicate with other people, delve into the affairs of your family and relatives. They need you, and you need them.

  • dissatisfaction with managers

This is a favorite way to shift all your problems onto someone else, the government, bosses, etc. They believe that life is better somewhere else, and that it is someone else's fault that they are poor and unhappy. Stop criticizing, because you will be irritated and offended, nothing will change. Better get busy and use your time to benefit yourself.

  • the desire to get everything in an instant

Achieve gradually. It rarely happens in life that wealth falls on your head in an instant. To achieve it, you need to work and constantly think about how to extract additional profit. For those who want everything and only one path is open at once - criminal. But he has never brought anyone to any good.

Three types of human thinking

Among people, according to their type of thinking, we can divide them into three types:

  • victims

These are the whining type of individuals who are always unlucky in everything. They can only criticize, but they themselves are afraid to do or decide anything. They prefer to work for the owner in order to bear less responsibility.

  • organizers

People who have a clear idea of ​​how to make money. They usually know a lot and work hard. They are constantly in a state of nervous tension and bear great responsibility. They have an active life position and believe that success in life can only be achieved through their work. They often employ people with a victim attitude.

  • lucky ones

These individuals perceive life as it is. They complain little and do not work until they lose their pulse. They are optimistic about the future and happy with what they have. Often they are lucky in life and achieve a lot. This is the very last stage of personality development, when it has already passed the stage of victim and master. Such people are usually rich, successful, but at the same time kind and not offended by life.

Change your attitude towards the process of making money. The poor man's reasoning is to go and earn the necessary amount. And the rich man’s reasoning is aimed at coming up with a method for getting a stable income. At the same time, the poor begin to work for such people according to the scheme they created.

Now you know why some people are rich and others are poor. The psychology of poverty is quite simple. It all depends on your mindset and attitude. Be rich! See you again!

Why are some people rich and others poor? Why do some people own millions while others barely make ends meet? Esotericists answer this question unequivocally: “Karma is like this.” Psychologists find the reason in various attitudes and beliefs embedded in the subconscious. Believers sigh: “That’s how God wants it.” But where is the truth really? Is a person’s well-being given to him by fate or is wealth solely his merit? Having studied this topic inside and out, having considered the basic concepts of acquiring wealth with different points point of view, I will try to answer the question that has tormented me since childhood: “Why are some people rich and others poor?”

Who is right in the eternal dispute, esotericists who believe that wealth is acquired through karma or psychologists who claim that any person can get rich and karma has nothing to do with it? Both are right in their own way. Wealth is truly acquired through karma. A person is either born into a wealthy and wealthy family, or he is shown success in life. If you look at natal chart(an accurate astrological forecast compiled by the time of birth) of a person, then by the position of the planets at the moment of his birth, one can judge his well-being in a particular period of life. obviously. The stars either promote wealth or they don't. That is, basically it is laid down from birth, due to karma or fate.

But every person in life has favorable periods during which he can achieve success. This applies to all people, even those for whom the stars do not promise millions. And therein lies the rub. Why? Yes, because success and financial well-being can only be achieved by a correctly thinking person, with certain attitudes regarding himself, money, and the world. And if a person is constantly in a financial hole and thinks that he does not have enough money, then even in favorable periods of his life, when the stars “shine” for him, he will not be able to achieve anything.

Psychologists and coaches are partly right here. personal growth who claim that if you just change your attitudes, wealth will fall on your head. Firstly, it will not fall right away and secondly, during periods of favorable positions of the stars, it is not enough just to think correctly. It is also necessary to act correctly, without violating universal laws. But it is still theoretically possible.

It turns out that in order to start earning significantly more, you need, first of all, an astrological chart, and only then a complete replacement of internal attitudes and new thinking.