The experience of a fool or the path to insight read online. Mirzakarim Norbekov - the experience of a fool, or the key to insight

Mirzakarim Norbekov

The experience of a fool or the key to insight

In classes, Mirzakarim Sanakulovich Norbekov often repeats: “I am an ordinary person, just like everyone else. No better and, I hope, no worse than you. Everything that I have achieved in life, you can also achieve, the only important thing is to want it!”

And he really achieved a lot. Today M. S. Norbekov is a doctor of psychology, doctor of pedagogy, doctor of philosophy in medicine, professor, full member and a corresponding member of a number of Russian and foreign academies, the author of many patented inventions and discoveries in science. However, he himself calls all these titles “dog regalia”, because he does not work for recognition.

Mirzakarim Sanakulovich is a true research scientist.

His range of interests is very wide. Many people are surprised at how all this can be combined in one person: an artist, a composer, a writer, a film director, an artist, an athlete, a coach who has a black belt in karate, second dan, and a black belt in sam jong up to ninth dan. But most importantly, the author of the book is a specialist in Sufi medicine and practice, one of the most ancient among all existing ones.

Sufism, the teaching of wisdom, belongs to the classical philosophical tradition of the East.

He gave the world algebra, writing, and three major religions originate from him.

Sufis are deeply religious people. But they do not have their own sacred cities, temples, hierarchy, or paraphernalia. The temple of God is in the heart. They do not reject any religion, but they consider talking about God to be pharisaism. Anyone can talk about goodness!

These people prefer actions to words! Through actions, deeds and life itself, they sow love and protect the divine light in everything that surrounds them. Sufis are warriors of light, guardians of goodness, love, harmony, beauty and wisdom.

Outwardly, they are no different from ordinary people, they live a normal life: they work, raise children, take care of loved ones. Their main rule: “The heart is with God, and the hands are at work.”

Mirzakarim Sanakulovich - Sufi, or wandering dervish. He chose the path of service - the path of creating, storing and transmitting knowledge along the chain from teacher to student, so that the wisdom accumulated over millennia passes to people who are ready to recognize it.

In every area of ​​activity, Mirzakarim Sanakulovich has his own students who continue his work. This gives him the opportunity not to stand still, but to move on, to master new frontiers.

It is very difficult to be around such a person. Working side by side with him, you need to constantly improve and change internally in order to move forward together with him.

He is demanding, tough, decisive when it comes to achieving his plans. He gives each person a chance to reveal and manifest their divine nature. For you, dear reader, this opportunity is provided through the book.

The ancients considered the sky a symbol of unity and eternity. When people look at the stars, even if they are far from each other, at that moment they are together. Let these pages be a small symbol that unites you and me on the path to health and success. And every time you pick up a book, know that we are together!

Literary editor

FROM THE SCRIPT, that is, from me

Dear reader!

You are holding in your hands a book that was written for you with the goal of helping to restore your vision, awaken the abilities hidden in your soul and realize yourself as a Personality.

But be prepared for the fact that from the very first pages the book will shock you and cause a storm of negative emotions: dissatisfaction, ill will, anger, resentment, aggression towards the author.

I'm ready to take it all on my head. Moreover, I will tell you that if this is the case, then I consider my task completed.

I know in advance that you will say that books are not written like that!!!

What is allowed in oral speech, is unacceptable in print!!!

That all these insults and rudeness are vulgar and do not honor the author!!!

That there are certain boundaries, standards of ethics and morality that cannot be crossed under any circumstances, under any guise, and nothing can justify this!!!

That all the same things can be stated in delicate language, explained intelligently, then everyone will understand, etc.

I would have thought so myself more than twenty years ago, when I was dependent on doctors, procedures, medications, unfulfilled in life, a person without a future, even thinking about suicide.

Yes! There was such a moment.

What do you want from a disabled person of the first group, “tied” to a machine for artificial blood purification?! So and so suicide bomber! And this at twenty years old!

Official medicine does not treat such a disease (glomerulonephritis, and especially at the stage when the kidneys no longer function at all). A patient who lives out his life is only observed, supported by the means available in the arsenal, and watched as he slowly fades away.

Isn't this scary?!

I value life too much to bow and scrape at a moment when there is simply no time, when you need to quickly help you free yourself from the shackles that keep you in the swamp of illness and the unfulfilled.

You are fussing, doing something, constantly rushing somewhere, but you don’t even allow yourself to stop for a minute and think: “What is all this for? Where am I going, and what will be left behind me? Although in the depths of my soul, somewhere very deep, no, no, something will respond with pain, that somehow everything is not right...

But there is no time! We must, we must constantly run somewhere. The whole question is where and for what? In fact, we are marking time, walking in circles and not even noticing it ourselves. And all efforts come to the starting point.

It is precisely in order for you to stop this senseless walking in a vicious circle of problems and failures that I am deliberately pulling the rug out from under your feet. This is the essence of the method.

This is a method of accelerated vision restoration through volitional emotional self-coercion.

Most people are emotionally repressed or, more precisely, emotionally castrated. They go: to work - from work, to work - from work. Like clockwork dolls. And all experiences are inside. But if something breaks through, then, as a rule, it will be aggression.

My task is to pull out this evil that sits deep and corrodes you from the inside. You walk around with this “abscess” in your soul, and you need to break it open and let the pus out. Clear! Then the ability to create, dream and implement your plans will open, paths will open.

Most of all, I don’t want you to remain indifferent after reading the book, especially with the same glasses you have now. The change in emotions, consciously conceived in the book, is a “surgical” instrument.

Mirzakarim Norbekov

The experience of a fool or the key to insight

In classes, Mirzakarim Sanakulovich Norbekov often repeats: “I am an ordinary person, just like everyone else. No better and, I hope, no worse than you. Everything that I have achieved in life, you can also achieve, the only important thing is to want it!”

And he really achieved a lot. Today M. S. Norbekov is a Doctor of Psychology, Doctor of Pedagogy, Doctor of Philosophy in Medicine, professor, full member and corresponding member of a number of Russian and foreign academies, the author of many patented inventions and discoveries in science. However, he himself calls all these titles “dog regalia”, because he does not work for recognition.

Mirzakarim Sanakulovich is a true research scientist.

His range of interests is very wide. Many people are surprised at how all this can be combined in one person: an artist, a composer, a writer, a film director, an artist, an athlete, a coach who has a black belt in karate, second dan, and a black belt in sam jong up to ninth dan. But most importantly, the author of the book is a specialist in Sufi medicine and practice, one of the most ancient among all existing ones.

Sufism, the teaching of wisdom, belongs to the classical philosophical tradition of the East.

He gave the world algebra, writing, and three major religions originate from him.

Sufis are deeply religious people. But they do not have their own sacred cities, temples, hierarchy, or paraphernalia. The temple of God is in the heart. They do not reject any religion, but they consider talking about God to be pharisaism. Anyone can talk about goodness!

These people prefer actions to words! Through actions, deeds and life itself, they sow love and protect the divine light in everything that surrounds them. Sufis are warriors of light, guardians of goodness, love, harmony, beauty and wisdom.

Outwardly, they are no different from ordinary people, they live a normal life: they work, raise children, take care of loved ones. Their main rule: “The heart is with God, and the hands are at work.”

Mirzakarim Sanakulovich - Sufi, or wandering dervish. He chose the path of service - the path of creating, storing and transmitting knowledge along the chain from teacher to student, so that the wisdom accumulated over millennia passes to people who are ready to recognize it.

In every area of ​​activity, Mirzakarim Sanakulovich has his own students who continue his work. This gives him the opportunity not to stand still, but to move on, to master new frontiers.

It is very difficult to be around such a person. Working side by side with him, you need to constantly improve and change internally in order to move forward together with him.

He is demanding, tough, decisive when it comes to achieving his plans. He gives each person a chance to reveal and manifest their divine nature. For you, dear reader, this opportunity is provided through the book.

The ancients considered the sky a symbol of unity and eternity. When people look at the stars, even if they are far from each other, at that moment they are together. Let these pages be a small symbol that unites you and me on the path to health and success. And every time you pick up a book, know that we are together!

Literary editor

FROM THE SCRIPT, that is, from me

Dear reader!

You are holding in your hands a book that was written for you with the goal of helping to restore your vision, awaken the abilities hidden in your soul and realize yourself as a Personality.

But be prepared for the fact that from the very first pages the book will shock you and cause a storm of negative emotions: dissatisfaction, ill will, anger, resentment, aggression towards the author.

I'm ready to take it all on my head. Moreover, I will tell you that if this is the case, then I consider my task completed.

I know in advance that you will say that books are not written like that!!!

What is acceptable in oral speech is unacceptable in print!!!

That all these insults and rudeness are vulgar and do not honor the author!!!

That there are certain boundaries, standards of ethics and morality that cannot be crossed under any circumstances, under any guise, and nothing can justify this!!!

That all the same things can be stated in delicate language, explained intelligently, then everyone will understand, etc.

I would have thought so myself more than twenty years ago, when I was dependent on doctors, procedures, medications, unfulfilled in life, a person without a future, even thinking about suicide.

Yes! There was such a moment.

What do you want from a disabled person of the first group, “tied” to a machine for artificial blood purification?! So and so suicide bomber! And this at twenty years old!

Official medicine does not treat such a disease (glomerulonephritis, and especially at the stage when the kidneys no longer function at all). A patient who lives out his life is only observed, supported by the means available in the arsenal, and watched as he slowly fades away.

Isn't this scary?!

I value life too much to bow and scrape at a moment when there is simply no time, when you need to quickly help you free yourself from the shackles that keep you in the swamp of illness and the unfulfilled.

You are fussing, doing something, constantly rushing somewhere, but you don’t even allow yourself to stop for a minute and think: “What is all this for? Where am I going, and what will be left behind me? Although in the depths of my soul, somewhere very deep, no, no, something will respond with pain, that somehow everything is not right...

But there is no time! We must, we must constantly run somewhere. The whole question is where and for what? In fact, we are marking time, walking in circles and not even noticing it ourselves. And all efforts come to the starting point.

It is precisely in order for you to stop this senseless walking in a vicious circle of problems and failures that I am deliberately pulling the rug out from under your feet. This is the essence of the method.

This is a method of accelerated vision restoration through volitional emotional self-coercion.

Most people are emotionally repressed or, more precisely, emotionally castrated. They go: to work - from work, to work - from work. Like clockwork dolls. And all experiences are inside. But if something breaks through, then, as a rule, it will be aggression.

My task is to pull out this evil that sits deep and corrodes you from the inside. You walk around with this “abscess” in your soul, and you need to break it open and let the pus out. Clear! Then the ability to create, dream and implement your plans will open, paths will open.

Most of all, I don’t want you to remain indifferent after reading the book, especially with the same glasses you have now. The change in emotions, consciously conceived in the book, is a “surgical” instrument.

There is a simple formula: CHARACTER AND DESTINY EQUAL DISEASE. It turns out that if a person has hemorrhoids, what is his character like?..

This has been tested by time practical experience, including personal ones.

This means that in order to change your health and life in general for the better, you need to change your character, and you won’t achieve this simply by persuasion.

Character is melted from the inside with your direct participation. And I only play the role of a catalyst. Therefore, get ready for the most unexpected and unconventional attacks on you in the printed publication.

There is a huge diamond inside of you. All that remains is to find it, cut it and arrange it so that it sparkles with all its facets. Then you will be able to look at everything with different eyes, open new horizons in life. And I am ready to serve you along this path!

Life is not such a bad and difficult thing. She is who she is!

With sincere respect and with all my heart, Mirzakarim Norbekov

Instead of a preface, Or did you order a guillotine on your own head?


Important information in the book is presented using accelerated learning techniques! To exclude your possible offense against the author, I kindly ask you to read the chapter “Roast from the accelerated learning method and how to use it!”

In classes, Mirzakarim Sanakulovich Norbekov often repeats: “I am an ordinary person, just like everyone else. No better and, I hope, no worse than you. Everything that I have achieved in life, you can also achieve, the only important thing is to want it!”

And he really achieved a lot. Today M. S. Norbekov is a Doctor of Psychology, Doctor of Pedagogy, Doctor of Philosophy in Medicine, professor, full member and corresponding member of a number of Russian and foreign academies, the author of many patented inventions and discoveries in science. However, he himself calls all these titles “dog regalia”, because he does not work for recognition.

Mirzakarim Sanakulovich is a true research scientist.

His range of interests is very wide. Many people are surprised at how all this can be combined in one person: an artist, a composer, a writer, a film director, an artist, an athlete, a coach who has a black belt in karate, second dan, and a black belt in sam jong up to ninth dan. But most importantly, the author of the book is a specialist in Sufi medicine and practice, one of the most ancient among all existing ones.

Sufism, the teaching of wisdom, belongs to the classical philosophical tradition of the East.

He gave the world algebra, writing, and three major religions originate from him.

Sufis are deeply religious people. But they do not have their own sacred cities, temples, hierarchy, or paraphernalia. The temple of God is in the heart. They do not reject any religion, but they consider talking about God to be pharisaism. Anyone can talk about goodness!

These people prefer actions to words! Through actions, deeds and life itself, they sow love and protect the divine light in everything that surrounds them. Sufis are warriors of light, guardians of goodness, love, harmony, beauty and wisdom.

Outwardly, they are no different from ordinary people, they live a normal life: they work, raise children, take care of loved ones. Their main rule: “The heart is with God, and the hands are at work.”

Mirzakarim Sanakulovich - Sufi, or wandering dervish. He chose the path of service - the path of creating, storing and transmitting knowledge along the chain from teacher to student, so that the wisdom accumulated over millennia passes to people who are ready to recognize it.

In every area of ​​activity, Mirzakarim Sanakulovich has his own students who continue his work. This gives him the opportunity not to stand still, but to move on, to master new frontiers.

It is very difficult to be around such a person. Working side by side with him, you need to constantly improve and change internally in order to move forward together with him.

He is demanding, tough, decisive when it comes to achieving his plans. He gives each person a chance to reveal and manifest their divine nature. For you, dear reader, this opportunity is provided through the book.

The ancients considered the sky a symbol of unity and eternity. When people look at the stars, even if they are far from each other, at that moment they are together. Let these pages be a small symbol that unites you and me on the path to health and success. And every time you pick up a book, know that we are together!

Literary editor

FROM THE SCRIPT, that is, from me

Dear reader!

You are holding in your hands a book that was written for you with the goal of helping to restore your vision, awaken the abilities hidden in your soul and realize yourself as a Personality.

But be prepared for the fact that from the very first pages the book will shock you and cause a storm of negative emotions: dissatisfaction, ill will, anger, resentment, aggression towards the author.

I'm ready to take it all on my head. Moreover, I will tell you that if this is the case, then I consider my task completed.

I know in advance that you will say that books are not written like that!!!

What is acceptable in oral speech is unacceptable in print!!!

That all these insults and rudeness are vulgar and do not honor the author!!!

That there are certain boundaries, standards of ethics and morality that cannot be crossed under any circumstances, under any guise, and nothing can justify this!!!

That all the same things can be stated in delicate language, explained intelligently, then everyone will understand, etc.

I would have thought so myself more than twenty years ago, when I was dependent on doctors, procedures, medications, unfulfilled in life, a person without a future, even thinking about suicide.

Yes! There was such a moment.

What do you want from a disabled person of the first group, “tied” to a machine for artificial blood purification?! So and so suicide bomber! And this at twenty years old!

Official medicine does not treat such a disease (glomerulonephritis, and especially at the stage when the kidneys no longer function at all). A patient who lives out his life is only observed, supported by the means available in the arsenal, and watched as he slowly fades away.

Isn't this scary?!

I value life too much to bow and scrape at a moment when there is simply no time, when you need to quickly help you free yourself from the shackles that keep you in the swamp of illness and the unfulfilled.

You are fussing, doing something, constantly rushing somewhere, but you don’t even allow yourself to stop for a minute and think: “What is all this for? Where am I going, and what will be left behind me? Although in the depths of my soul, somewhere very deep, no, no, something will respond with pain, that somehow everything is not right...

But there is no time! We must, we must constantly run somewhere. The whole question is where and for what? In fact, we are marking time, walking in circles and not even noticing it ourselves. And all efforts come to the starting point.

It is precisely in order for you to stop this senseless walking in a vicious circle of problems and failures that I am deliberately pulling the rug out from under your feet. This is the essence of the method.

This is a method of accelerated vision restoration through volitional emotional self-coercion.

Most people are emotionally repressed or, more precisely, emotionally castrated. They go: to work - from work, to work - from work. Like clockwork dolls. And all experiences are inside. But if something breaks through, then, as a rule, it will be aggression.

My task is to pull out this evil that sits deep and corrodes you from the inside. You walk around with this “abscess” in your soul, and you need to break it open and let the pus out. Clear! Then the ability to create, dream and implement your plans will open, paths will open.

Most of all, I don’t want you to remain indifferent after reading the book, especially with the same glasses you have now. The change in emotions, consciously conceived in the book, is a “surgical” instrument.

There is a simple formula: CHARACTER AND DESTINY EQUAL DISEASE. It turns out that if a person has hemorrhoids, what is his character like?..

This has been time-tested through practical experience, including personal experience.

This means that in order to change your health and life in general for the better, you need to change your character, and you won’t achieve this simply by persuasion.

Character is melted from the inside with your direct participation. And I'm just playing a role

If you do not have this book, you can download it from (if you are a subscriber, if you have not yet subscribed, then you can)

The book itself is dedicated to helping restore vision, awaken hidden abilities in the soul and realize oneself as a Personality.

Enjoy reading!

“At one time I had to work in an organization that served former bigwigs out of the blue - the nomenklatura.

Although all of them were already retired, they still came to our organization with ambition. They had a very arrogant, sedate gait, like that of a child who had peed his pants a long time ago and forgotten about it.

In a word, he got off his horse, but forgot to take the saddle between his legs! We knew each of them like crazy.

One day, a colleague of mine, pointing to a patient, said: “This man is healthy.” I didn’t believe it because I knew him well. This former minister, who had been suffering from an advanced form of Parkinson's disease for many years. This is brain damage, you know, right?

One of the symptoms of the disease manifests itself in such patients in the complete absence of facial expressions. The face becomes a mask.

Having examined him full program, came to the conclusion that he was healthy. I started asking: “Where and how were you treated?”

He told me about some kind of Temple, but, to be honest, I didn’t think much of it at the time. special significance. And although I wrote everything down, after a while I forgot about it.

The next year, during a preventive examination, we discovered that four more respected old men had joined him. They had suffered from incurable diseases for many years, and now they were “like cucumbers.”

It turns out that the retired minister also sent them to guda, where he himself was cured.

Now I was seriously puzzled. All this did not fit into the framework of my worldview, which had developed over years of practice.

This time I asked everything in detail and wrote it down carefully. It turned out that in the mountains there is a Temple of Fire Worshipers, where groups of people seeking healing are received every forty days, mainly in the summer, because it is impossible to get there in winter.

The decision matured in me to go there and see with my own eyes how miraculous healing occurs. We agreed to go together with my friends: a director and a cameraman. They worked on republican television and made the program “The World Around Us.”

On the appointed day, we reached the meeting place by nightfall. Our car left. They promised to provide us with transport for further movement. And suddenly we find out that this transport is donkeys.

A mountain road leads to the Temple and it turns out you have to walk 26 km or ride donkeys. But since we arrived later than everyone else, between the three of us we got two donkeys.

I launched a propaganda attack. I say: “Have you ever hiked in the mountains? Let's try".

The operator was a very overweight man, weighing 130 kg with five chins and a huge belly. But, despite this, the romantic in him turned out to be still alive. Therefore, by a majority vote, we successfully overcame the first “obstacle.”

They loaded all the equipment onto the donkeys, and off we went. I was the first to start whining, because I had city shoes that wore out very quickly. My legs started to hurt. But I still walked and thought: “Since such patients have been cured, then, having written down every prescription, I will be a great doctor in the city.”

And then, after walking ten kilometers, the operator sat down in the middle of the road and said:

- All! Even if you kill me, I’ll go back. We began to persuade him:

– What difference does it make where you go? If you go back, you will have to walk the same 10 km as forward. It's better to go ahead!


We arrived around midnight. We were accommodated and settled. The next day they woke me up at 11 o'clock. They gathered everyone and said:

- We ask you not to sin in our Temple; whoever does not fulfill the request will help us with the housework - carrying water.

It turns out that walking gloomy is considered a sin in this Temple. That's why I paid attention to the monks.

They walk with such a slight smile and their figure is as straight as a cypress tree, to be precise, as if they had swallowed a stick.

It turns out that we have to smile all the time. We all listened, smiled a little, and two minutes later the old habit of walking around with a city face, always sour and dissatisfied, took over.

And in general, I expected to see gilded domes and the like, but there were such small, neat houses and that’s it. True, their fire is constantly burning. They worship fire and the Sun. But it doesn't look like the Temple at all.

It so happened that the monks found a place where it comes out of the ground natural gas, and here, on the top of the rock, they founded their Temple.

I started asking:

– When will you start seeing patients and making diagnoses? When will you start treatment?

I'll find out. It turns out that no one is accepted or treated here at all. This was the first blow for me.

Secondly, our transport, i.e. donkeys, was taken by the owners. You won't get far with trunks like ours. Gotcha!

Not only did we end up in a Temple where no one has ever treated anyone and is not going to treat anyone, and we can’t leave from there! Moreover, you need to walk around with a stupid smile on your face when everything inside is seething with anger and frustration!

I see the operator looking at me intently, as if he was planning something. And the director with irony addressed to me:

-Where have you taken us, you unfortunate scientist?..

How do I feel about myself?!!

Then the concerts began. Fifteen out of thirty people immediately went to get water. I got it too, because... In general, you understand why! I had to go “help with the housework.”

A sheer vertical cliff of six hundred meters, and along the serpentine 4 km there and 4 km back. Is this the way we came up here last night?!

When I saw this, I almost had a miscarriage! Can you imagine? Not only is this vertical wall higher than the Ostankino Tower, but in some places we walked on logs driven into the rock. These logs acted as drawbridges, blocking the enemy's path to the Temple at one time.

It was necessary to carry sixteen liters of water with you, and the jug itself weighed five kilograms. In total, we had to drag 21 kg up this road. It is most convenient in such conditions to carry the load on your head. That's when I learned about the true purpose of the spine.

The spine is needed to prevent your head from falling into your panties!

I went for the first time and returned to the Temple at about four or five o’clock in the evening, very tired, but with a smile on my face in case of fire. Suddenly one of the monks comes up to me and says so friendly:

- Please go again.

- Why?!! I already went!!! - and I feel that labor pains are starting from horror, despite the fact that I am a man!

– When you rose, you already carried sin with you.

- No, I smiled! – Out of despair, I began to argue. Imagine just walking 8 km, the day before - 26 km, without dinner, without breakfast, without lunch. Your legs are broken, swollen, buzzing with fatigue, and they tell you “one more time”! You can die!!!

“Come on, we’ll show you something.”

In one of the windows I saw an observer with binoculars and realized that the bickering was pointless. Everyone who rose with a load was at his fingertips. I had to go back.

I went downstairs and from time to time, remembering my stupidity, furiously screamed: “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...!!! I ended up in some place where idiots sit and mock me!!!

Now I smiled a brutal smile and said to everyone I met: “Smile, idiot, they are looking through the telescope from above!” For a consultation, pour half a liter of water into my jug.” Now there was already something splashing in my vessel. I sat for a while to let the time pass and went back.

This, it turns out, is why, when I asked my patients what and how they were treated, they smiled and avoided the answer: “You see, it’s hard to explain.”

Before the gate, I realized that it was already dark, but I smiled. Well, good, but what if they still have a night vision device?!

Hungry, exhausted, he barely made it to his cell and just sighed with relief, removing the idiotic smile from his face (his face was tired!), when suddenly he felt someone’s gaze on him from his back. My heart skipped a beat.

Once again stretching my mouth right up to my ears, I turned around sharply and saw... Who do you think?

It turns out there was a mirror hanging on the wall. The face was haggard, dusty, with traces of streams of sweat and an unnaturally wide smile.

That's when I became hysterical. I laughed uncontrollably and loudly. My cheekbones cramped, my stomach hurt, but I couldn’t calm down. I laughed at the absurdity of the situation I had created for myself.

My friends, the cameraman and the director came running to the noise, and at first they also began to guffaw, and then, having laughed a lot, they began to look at me strangely...

Every day there were fewer and fewer people carrying water. And after a week there was no one left. Then they gathered us and said:

– Thank you for bringing light to our Temple. If you need water, you can get it there.

They open the gate to the Temple territory and point to a stone house. The guest half was separated from the monastic territory by a wall. It turns out that there is a spring inside this house. They built it so that the spring would not freeze in winter.

And a jug of water is a specially invented way of bringing a simple truth to the brain through the legs.

It turns out that everyone who came to this Temple considered themselves smart, everyone had their own ambitions. To knock everything superfluous out of us, the Temple servants came up with this method of “treating” arrogance.

I also came there with my charter, well-read, stuffed with knowledge and some abilities that others do not have. They're idiots, but I'm so smart!

In just a week, they also “knocked” all the crap out of me. In one week they made me human!

There I met myself. Flowers, insects, and ants again became interesting to me. He crawled on all fours and watched them walk, moving their legs. It seemed to me that I was the only one who suddenly felt like a child. I see the same things happening to others. We forgot all our ranks, and the most interesting thing is that we noticed that when everyone smiled, the city facial expressions, once familiar to us, now began to be perceived as a deviation.

Have you ever seen adults playing children's games? Funny, right? And we played. This was generally a natural state for us.

Then I started paying attention to what people were saying: “I feel better. I feel better". I connected it with the weather, nature... mountains after all! Only later did I come to the conclusion that the main secret was related to facial expressions and posture.

On the fortieth day I came to the abbot of the Temple and said: “I want to stay here.”

- Son, you are young. Don’t think that we are here because we have a good life.

The monks here are weak people. They are unable to remain clean in the midst of dirt. They are not adapted to life, son, and are forced to run away from difficulties. We exist so that you can continue to carry the light in your soul.

You are strong people, you have immunity.

I started to say something, and then, in the end, I said: “But I’m probably the only one from the group who came to you.”

-You are one of the last.

It turns out that almost everyone from our group had already visited the abbot with a request to stay. Do you understand?

Forty days later we left the Temple.

On the way back we met a group of people thirsting for healing, just like we did forty days ago. Tree sticks! Well, make faces! It was a crowd of cannibals that attacked us:

- Did it help? What were you sick with? What do they give? Does it help everyone?

I answered:

– Everyone will get what they deserve!

I look at us - at them, at us - at them. We are all smiling...

Suddenly I felt myself moving away. And they, too, somehow shy away as if from lepers. Next to me, leaning on the arms of his sons, stood an eighty-year-old man. He said: “Were we really the same?!”

When I arrived in the city, I saw a crowd of soulless, indifferent, absolutely indifferent people who were always in a hurry somewhere, they themselves did not know where or why. It was very difficult to get used to the city lifestyle again.

Something in me has changed once and for all. I suddenly felt like I was in a theater of the absurd, and life going on in the city seemed empty and worthless. It was impossible to look at these faces.

If you only knew how uncomfortable I felt! But recently I myself was the same as them.

Then, when I went back to work, I had to check whether the whole essence of recovery is really in a smile and posture? What if it’s a matter of weather, climate or some other external conditions?!

And we organized classes in the clinic’s gym.

We invited volunteer patients from among those who were registered with us, explained the task to them and began training.

We studied for an hour or two a day. We just walked around the gym with a smile, maintaining good posture. Do you know how hard it is to keep a smile all the time?! Don't believe me?!

If you try to smile on the street and keep your posture straight, you will immediately feel such pressure from the surrounding world! It will be very difficult for you, especially at first!

You walk and walk, and then suddenly you imperceptibly catch yourself again bustling around like a business sausage. After 15 minutes, in the reflection of some shop window, you suddenly notice that a mug is looking at you!

You have a fight ahead of you! To resist the pressure of the environment, which seeks to grind you into powder, and to remain yourself, you need strong-willed coercion!

Some time after the start of classes, such interesting problems. One of our enthusiasts says:

- I lost my glasses. At one time I brought them from France. I carried it for so many years, but now I left it somewhere.

Why did you lose it? Because the need for them began to disappear. Another's intestines began to work. The third began to hear, and hearing problems had been going on since childhood. Improvements were noted for everyone.

The result I received made me go crazy. I couldn’t understand why people have been sick for so many years, but because of some idiotic posture or smile they get better.

Then, in laboratory conditions, we began to study what changes were occurring in the body. And this is how one incident turned out fundamental discovery in science.

What happened to the cameraman and director? The operator has lost weight, his weight still remains at about 85 kg. He recovered from his illnesses.

But the biggest success of the three of us was the director. Several years ago, he and his wife divorced because he pawned his collar every day. He quit drinking and married his wife again. “

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Best regards, Natalia.

P.S. It is very difficult to smile all the time; for several days now, when I go for a walk or to the store, I try to watch my face.

But thoughts constantly run away somewhere, and when they return, it turns out that there is no trace left of the smile. 🙂 But I try, because I understand that when we withdraw into ourselves and begin to think about the events and problems in our thoughts, our body experiences stress.

You probably know about the existence various techniques, read a lotbooks on restoring health and, in particular, vision. Each ofthey are good in their own way and, of course, have the right to exist.But the main secret of success is not in the methods and books, but in thewhether you are working on yourself or not. If you do not provide anyefforts, then nothing will work out on its own.

Today I wanted to re-read the book by M.S. Norbekov - “The Experience of a Fool or the Key to Insight.” I read this book a long time ago, I forgot a lot, if anyone has not read it yet, I advise you... You will find a lot of useful things for yourself, you will see yourself with different eyes. Well, if someone is depressed and despondent, it will help to get out of this state. The book “bursts” with optimism.

Norbekov’s system is based on a sensory state of joy; many authoritative authors, for example G. Braden, talk about this. The book describes psychological portraits“chronic patients” of different types, where you can easily find yourself. After reading the state, the mood changed noticeably in better side M.S. Norbekov recommends reading the book in its entirety, like any teaching, but I provide excerpts from the book that may interest someone to read, or re-read this wonderful book. The experience of a fool or the key to insight. M.S. Nobekov. (book review, excerpts.)

The whole catch is that you know how to be healthy, beautiful, rich, happy. You know everything, Y-K-L-M-N, but you do nothing! Do you understand?! The trouble is that you don't act!
There is a simple formula: CHARACTER AND DESTINY EQUAL DISEASE. It turns out that if a person has hemorrhoids, what is his character like?..
This means that in order to change your health and life in general for the better, you need to change your character, and you won’t achieve this simply by persuasion.
My dear interlocutor, many people have been sick for many years not because doctors and medicine are bad, but because the least important thing in the world is life and health, especially when they exist.
There is a huge diamond inside of you. All that remains is to find it, cut it and arrange it so that it sparkles with all its facets. Then you will be able to look at everything with different eyes, open new horizons in life. And I am ready to serve you along this path!
Sufis are deeply religious people. But they do not have their own sacred cities, temples, hierarchy, or paraphernalia. The temple of God is in the heart. They do not reject any religion, but they consider talking about God to be pharisaism. Anyone can talk about goodness!

These people prefer actions to words! By actions, deeds and herselfwith their lives they sow love and protect the divine light in everything thatsurrounds them. Sufis are warriors of light, guardians of goodness, love,harmony, beauty and wisdom. Outwardly they are no different fromordinary people, live a normal life: work, raise children, take care of loved ones.Their main rule: “The heart is with God, and the hands are at work.”
He is demanding, tough, determined when it comes to achievingplanned. It gives each person a chance to reveal and express theirdivine nature. For you, dear reader, this opportunity provided through the book .

The ancients considered the sky a symbol of unity and eternity. When people watch to the stars, even if they are far from each other, at that moment theytogether. Let these pages be a small symbol that unites uswith you on the path to health and success. And every time you takebook in your hands, know that we are together!

... But there is no time! We must, we must constantly run somewhere. The whole question is where and for what? In fact, we are marking time, walking in circles and not even noticing it ourselves. And all efforts come to the starting point.

It is precisely in order for you to stop this senseless walking in a vicious circle of problems and failures that I am deliberately pulling the rug out from under your feet. This is the essence of the method.

Most people are emotionally repressed or, more precisely, emotionally castrated. They go: to work - from work, to work - from work. Like clockwork dolls. And all experiences are inside. But if something breaks through, then, as a rule, it will be aggression.

My task is to pull out this evil that sits deep and corrodes you from the inside. You walk around with this “abscess” in your soul, and you need to break it open and let the pus out. Clear! Then the ability to create, dream and implement your plans will open, paths will open.

Said Muhammad Hassan...He was an outstanding personality. For him, a person like an open book. Sometimes he said, sighing: “What a husband this ceremonial binding. It's a shame there's nothing but thick inside intestines."

Although I returned to him a month later, the meaning of what the old man said reached me “soon”—ten years later. When I myself began to delve into the character of chronically ill people, I realized that they always expect help only from the outside, blocking themselves as a creative person.

How difficult it was for me to overcome my own laziness, how difficult it was do it all simple tips and instructions, but the fact remainsfact. He made me believe with his huge soul and lovein our own strength, and together, a year later, we defeated mydisability, and six years later I was completely healthy.

Uh-oh! It would be nice to hit the top of the head once or twice with such a smart guy, philosophizing about the exceptionality of his disease and at the same time not wanting to lift a finger for his recovery.

They don’t want to work - they’re lazy! Swallow the pill, inject it in the back is easier. But you can’t buy health and you can’t get it for free. You either have to earn it later, or it’s a fig from Mother Nature and from the native trade union.

Thanks to my mentor and hard work on myself, I escaped the clutches of death. And then, when I started working independently, I conducted research for a number of years. Observed, compared, analyzed the results of tens of thousands of sick people with all kinds of diagnoses, varying lengths of illness, varying severity of illnesses.

The task was to find and highlight character traits those people who were able to overcome the disease. How are they different from all the others?

In other words, I needed a detailed portrait of the Victorious Man.

What type of patient do you consider yourself to be, a smart guy or an idiot? If you are an idiot, then you should have recovered a long time ago. This means that you are one of the very smart, educated suicides.

That is physical state“Assholes” are actually always much worse than the mood. About these people, the dogs say to each other with envy: “Your wounds, Tuzik, heal like Maria Ivanovna’s!”

The second group is the clever ones - a detachment of articulated arthropods. Well, very smart, well-read people, they know everything. Well, after all, they have been sick for twenty years, “stinking” with their judgments and poisoning environment.
They drive their relatives to heart attacks and doctors into white heat.

When you say to the “moron”: “You need another month of treatment!”, doubt appears on his face that he will survive for so long. He can’t believe that he needs to be treated for so many days because of some severed head.

And the first subgroup of “clever people” is a widespread mistake of nature. These are patients for whom recovery is the only goal in life. Just imagine that getting well is the purpose of existence itself. What happens when you reach it?

“The main thing is not what you do, but how you do it.”

But now, seeing hundreds of people every day and recognizing my old self in them, I go crazy.

Now I understand how difficult it is to convey the essence to them. With barely concealed irritation, they tolerate my chatter about the inner essence and wait, like I did then, for practice. I see a painfully familiar expression in their eyes, as if they had an awl in one place. They look at me like I'm boring.

When I needed to work on my problem on my own, It turns out I forgot, or didn’t pay attention, or rather, neglected the main, but, from my point of view, secondary things. We are talking about artificially created, necessary for recovery inner mood.

The army of the lazy has always been, is and will be - this means that there were, are and will be chronically ill, poor and unfulfilled people in life.

It turns out that the patient goes to the doctor not for health, but in order to get rid of pain and discomfort! And the majority of people that is, the crowd thinks almost exactly the same as you yourself! But there is always a chance to separate yourself from the crowd! It's important to want it.

Tell me what, the bulk - creative people, whether? Consumers! There is nothing of your own in your head, everything is put in from the outside: other people’s opinions, rules, judgments.

Being an individual is very difficult, because loneliness is a terrible thing! Yes, loneliness, because you are automatically at the top. A person cannot be poor, sick, or unfulfilled. But it’s even more terrible to sway in this gray, faceless mass. Such melancholy! Is life given for this?!

Have you ever sat for at least one hour and gotten to know yourself? There was no such case! We are most afraid and try to run farthest from ourselves.

We know many things, but we don’t know ourselves. That's why we poke around in life, like blind. Sick, unfulfilled, unable to optimally solve the most simple problem, helpless as children, we skillfully disguise ourselves under adult uncles and aunties, playing a role, pretending to be important.

Remember! The crowd always strives for peace. And peace has its final stage - eternal peace. The crowd is dead from the start. She can only eat and... What were you thinking?! Go to the meeting...

So, being healthy is easy. You just need to become a PERSONALITY. Any of your victories, any success will depend only on you. It all starts with recognizing yourself as a PERSONALITY, a PERSON with a capital H.

My dear, please listen carefully to your Soul. Spirit and Mind. You will hear the Great inner call of the one who created us.

Create, create, love, be loved, healthy, happy, rich in all respects: everything and everyone is GIVEN to you!

How long can you wait, my dear reader, time is running out! Before you have time to blink your eye, life will pass! Tell me, please, how many lives have you been given? Yesterday has passed. Try to return it. All! This is already history. Do you agree?

Just yesterday we were children, just yesterday we crawled on all fours, rolled your pot under the table and checked whether it splashed wellurine. We were carried to the bathroom to wash our hands.Now look in the mirror!

Life, especially in the city, is a huge theater of the absurd, where everyone lives, guided by fictitious values, playing a role that is alien to him and not his own. And he plays so hard that he loses yourself, your unique personality. Do you understand?

To be natural, to be yourself, to live with true feelings, to perceive the world with an open soul and not to be afraid of disapproval from others - this is the most difficult thing.

From repeating an action, a habit arises, a character is formed, destiny is created. Today's little more self-respect than yesterday, tomorrow will make you a little different. So gradually you become in life the person you intend to be, and with You will overcome any difficulties in life with your passion for sports..
The only thing left to do is to invent it, suck the joy out of your finger and play this joy as a role until you get the result and this state becomes your essence. How? To help yourself, remember how you went on your first date. Did you really go? You flew, maybe crawled from fear, or spontaneous enuresis occurred.

In general, find something when you felt inspired, inspired, in seventh heaven....
And yet (the System) it is not a panacea, because it challenges not the disease, but the chronic patient! It is not the disease that is the killer, but the chronic patient himself, who does not want to change anything about himself.

It is impossible to change human nature from the outside. It is melted from the inside, by the person himself, his desire, aspiration and iron will.

Of our hundred people, one hundred restore their sight. And they do it not only simply! 0-very simple!


Norbekov - What distinguishes a successful person from a loser?