Unusual ships. Continuation. The most unusual ship in the world The strangest ship in the world

Prelude Most big ship on the planet and the largest floating structure ever created by man with a length of 488 meters. On board could accommodate five full-size football fields or...

Prelude The largest ship on the planet and the largest floating structure ever created by man, with a length of 488 meters, it could accommodate five full-size football fields or 175 Olympic swimming pools. However, its purpose is different: it is the world's first floating factory for the extraction and processing of natural gas

Enterprise is the largest aircraft carrier in the world. Its length is 342 meters and according to this indicator it “rubs the nose” of any other warship. Construction of the vessel took about three years. Also Interesting fact- one load of nuclear fuel is enough for 13 years of ship service. During this time, it can cover about one million miles. On November 4, 2012, the aircraft carrier completed its last 8-month voyage. Under which he went to sea only 25 times. Enterprise was decommissioned on December 1, 2012.

Freedom. The development of this ship has been going on for quite some time. This is not just a cruise ship; more than 40 thousand people will be able to live on board permanently. The ship will receive up to 30 thousand guests per day, and its crew will be 20 thousand people. The upper deck is one large airfield, and everything below is one large metropolis.

Vessel, Flip. the 108-meter-long hull is partially submerged, turning 90° so that only 17 meters of the bow remain above the surface of the water. Everything inside is arranged in such a way that when there is a revolution, everything adapts to the new position. The cabins have two doors, making it easy to move to a new position. Toilets and some elements in the kitchen are duplicated here. The entire turning process takes 28 minutes, which is quite fast for such a giant.

Blue Marlin is a ship that transports ships. The incredible size of the ship can withstand a load of up to 75,000 tons. Instead of the usual cargo of toys, televisions and oil, it carries other ships and oil platforms. To load super-heavy cargo, Marlin uses an unusual technique - it is immersed in water to 13 meters, which makes it possible to transport almost any luggage by water to the deck of the transport.

Ekranoplan. in the official Soviet classification “Dynamic hovercraft” is a high-speed vehicle, a device flying within the range of an aerodynamic screen, that is, at a relatively low (up to several meters) height from the surface of water, ground, snow or ice.

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Project 632 minelayer

In the middle of the last century, military sailors of the Soviet Union ordered a special ship - an underwater minelayer. TsKB-18 was assigned to work on the project, and in 1956 work began on the design of an underwater minelayer.

Due to the heavy workload of TsKB-18 on the design of missile submarines, the design of the submarine, about 40 percent complete, is transferred to the TsKB-16 team.
Based on the requirements of the project, the submarine had to have a diesel engine and accommodate special weapons about 90 PLT-6 mines, specially designed for submarines, there also had to be the ability to quickly convert the minelayer into a transport submarine for transporting people and transporting oil, fuel and water. Storage of special weapons was carried out according to revolutionary technology, location of mines between compartments.
By the end of 1958, the project of the underwater minelayer “632” was accepted State Commission, but the project was not included in the seven-year shipbuilding plan that began in December 1958, but the Project 648 submarine was included. All work was stopped after the seven-year plan for the minelayer project was approved, and was eventually abandoned. The main reasons for the non-implementation of the project were the high cost of batteries and the fact that the Project 648 submarine could perform all the tasks solved by the 632 Project and, in addition, could also perform other underwater transportation tasks.

1 – torpedo compartment; 2 – compartment for installing batteries; 3 – personnel compartment; 4 - CPU; 5 – compartment for storing mine weapons; 6 – racks for storing mines;
7 – diesel compartment; 8 – mine acceptance and release pipe; 9 – electrical machine compartment; 10 - aft compartment

Main characteristics:
- displacement 3.2 thousand tons;
- length 85 meters;
- width 10 meters;

- navigation autonomy 80 days;
- submarine crew of 90 people;
- average speed 15 knots;
- voyage duration one month;
- about 90 mines;
- mine devices 4 units;
- 4 TA caliber 533 mm;

4 TA caliber 400 mm.
- people up to 100 people;
- ammunition, cargo, food up to 120 tons;
- fuel up to 130 tons.

Submersible missile boat "Dolphin"

The idea of ​​​​creating such a unique project was submitted by the First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Nikita Khrushchev. While in Sevastopol and inspecting the naval base, Khrushchev noticed missile boats and submarines standing nearby and expressed the idea of ​​​​creating a submersible submarine fleet when the enemy used atomic weapons. Only because the idea was suggested by the First Secretary himself, the project, so incompatible with the requirements, continued to be persistently developed.

The project, which received the number “1231,” was assigned to develop TsKB-19; for the development and construction of prototypes, it was given the Leningrad Marine Plant. This is what served as the basis for the merger of TsKB-19 and Leningrad TsKB-5 into the Almaz Central Design Bureau.
The development of the unique ship was carried out with great difficulties; it is worth noting that the main developments were done by the boat bureau, which had to study the design of submarines on the fly. Connecting a surface ship and a submarine together was a difficult task, and designers had to show miracles of ingenuity and simplification.

In accordance with the technical specifications received from the naval department of the Soviet Union, Project 1231 was to be used to launch rapid missile strikes on enemy surface transport in places close to the main enemy bases. The missile ships were supposed to arrive in a given area and remain submerged in it and await the approach of enemy surface forces. When the enemy approached sufficiently, the missile ships surfaced, came within range of a missile strike, and then left at high speed in an underwater or surface position.

Work on the design of the unusual ship began in early 1959 and ended with the departure of Nikita Khrushchev from leading political positions in 1964. No one can now say for sure how the work on building a submersible rocket ship would have ended if Nikita Khrushchev had not resigned from the post of First Secretary of the Party Central Committee.

Main characteristics:
- surface speed 38 knots;
- underwater speed 4 knots;
- ship crew of 12 people;
- four cruise missiles of the P-25 complex;
- approximate cost in 1960 - 40 million rubles;

Project 717 landing transport boat

By 1962 the American submarine fleet makes a breakthrough in the construction of nuclear submarines. Soviet Union is urgently trying to catch up and overtake its main competitor in nuclear shipbuilding.
To gain leadership status, the Soviet Union begins designing large submarines for various purposes. In 1967, the Malachite Design Bureau received a technical assignment from the Navy Department to design a submarine to transport troops of up to 1,000 people and a dozen armored vehicles to perform combat missions.

Design Bureau "Malachite" already had experience in developing large submarines of Project 664 and Project 748.
If the nuclear-powered submarine had been built, it would have become the largest submarine ever. Displacement 18 thousand tons, height as a five-story building, length equal to 2 football fields - a real giant underwater world intended for transporting a regiment Marine Corps and various weapons and cargo to specified landing areas to capture bridgeheads on enemy territory.
In accordance with the project, the submarine's hull was made of 2 cylinders. The central compartment housed the personnel of the boat and landing units, numbering more than one thousand people. On the sides of the boat, the compartments contained up to 400 bottom mines, the placement of which, according to calculations, could trap the entire composition of the US Sixth Fleet in Norfolk. By 1969, work on the design of the Project 717 boat was completed.
But by that time, the Soviet Union urgently needed submarines with ballistic missiles to achieve military parity with the United States, all the forces of the Central Design Bureau and shipyards were thrown into the development and construction nuclear submarines with nuclear weapons. All work on the sea leviathan was suspended and eventually stopped.

Main characteristics of the “717” project:
- width 23 meters;
- diving depth up to 300 meters;
- speed 18 knots;
- duration of autonomous navigation is 2.5 months;
- six torpedo tubes;
- 18 anti-submarine missiles;
- artillery guns 2 installations;
- Marine regiment with 4 BTR-60;
- a battalion of marines with 20 units of armored vehicles.

Project "667M" - nuclear submarine "Andromeda"

In the early 80s, the United States began to have nuclear submarines with Tomahawk missiles capable of hitting a target at a distance of 2.5 thousand kilometers. In the Soviet Union, in the Design Bureau named after. In pursuit of Chelomey, the Meteorit-M complex is being urgently developed. The cruise missile of the ZM25 complex was superior in speed to its American counterpart, the Tomahawk, and was intended to destroy enemy ground targets and targets.

It was under this missile system that they began design work on the re-equipment of the Project 667A submarine, which entered service with the USSR Navy at the end of 1970. The work was carried out from 82 to 85 at the Severodvinsk plant. The missile compartment was completely replaced; the new compartment housed 12 missiles of the Meteorit-M complex.

The submarine receives a new designation “667M”, number “K-420”, the Americans called it “Yankee-sidecar”. At the end of 1983 it became part of Northern Fleet, and after 30 days combat tests begin missile complex. The missiles not only accurately hit the target, but also exceeded all declared indicators; there were no breakdowns or emergency situations.
In 1989, after conversion, the project was closed. The missiles are fired, and the submarine is used as a torpedo submarine. In 1993 the boat was put into long-term storage.

Main characteristics of "Andromeda":
- displacement 7.7 thousand tons;
- length 130 meters;
- width 12 meters;
- draft 8.7 meters;
- diving depth 320 meters;
- speed 27 knots;
- crew 120 people;
- RK "Meteorit-M", ammunition 12 missiles;
- TA caliber 533 mm;
- control system of the Andromeda spacecraft.

Submarine barges and tankers

In the 80s, the idea of ​​underwater barges and tankers became relevant. In the confrontation between Iraq and Iran, about 300 different oil ships and transports were destroyed in just 2 years.

Western countries and the Soviet Union are forced to protect vehicles, and therefore in the USSR, at the Malachite Design Bureau, the project of a nuclear submarine for transport purposes is beginning to be implemented.

By the beginning of 1990, designs for tankers and barges with a cargo capacity of up to 30 thousand tons were fully ready. But because of the change political system, the collapse of the USSR into separate states, the projects of underwater super-transporters were never implemented.
They began to return to the idea of ​​underwater heavy-lift vehicles today due to worsening cases of maritime terrorism.
Underwater transport will be able to deliver more cargo at depths of up to 100 meters at speeds of up to 19 knots. The team of such transport workers will be about 35 people.

The American naval research unit owns some rather strange oceanographic equipment, in particular, the floating platform Flip, created at the Laboratory of Marine Research and Oceanography at the University of California. The Flip is not exactly a vessel, although researchers live and work on it for quite long periods of open ocean research. In fact, this is a huge specialized buoy, and the most unusual thing about it is that it actually turns over (Flip - literally translated as “turn over”)... Let's find out more about this floating miracle.

The Flip is 108 meters long, with small narrow compartments along almost the entire length and a large hollow compartment at the end. When these long tanks are simply filled with air, the Flip is in a horizontal position, but when they are filled with seawater, it floats like a float above the sea surface, which gives it very great stability during strong storms. When the water is released, the vessel returns to a horizontal position and can be transported to a new location.

Everything inside is arranged in such a way that when there is a revolution, everything adapts to the new position. The cabins have two doors, making it easy to move to a new position. Toilets and some elements in the kitchen are duplicated here. The entire turning process takes 28 minutes, which is quite fast for such a giant.

This shifter was built 50 years ago, in 1962, by scientists Fred Fisher and Fred Spiess, who needed a quieter and more stable vessel to study the behavior of sound waves underwater.

Flip was designed to study wave heights, acoustic signals, water temperature and water density. To avoid interfering with acoustic instruments, the vessel has no engines and must be constantly towed to the research site where it will be anchored. In a vertical position the vessel becomes extremely stable and quiet.

Already during the very first tests, a lot of important data was collected on water circulation, the formation of storm waves and the movement of seismic waves, the temperature interaction between the ocean and the atmosphere, the sounds of marine animals and many other important areas.

They can capsize, navigate fierce storms and transport oil platforms. We present to you a selection of eight of the most remarkable specimens that will change your understanding of maritime vessels.

Scientists Fred Fisher and Fred Spies created the RP FLIP in 1962 as a vessel to study sound waves underwater. This ship, which is owned by the US Navy, has one remarkable feature: it can capsize perpendicular to the surface of the sea and plunge its leading edge under water, leaving only the rear part above the water.

This also makes FLIP an ideal tool for studying wave heights and water temperatures. To flip FLIP, the crew fills with 700 tons sea ​​water tanks located in the long, narrow stern. When the examination is completed, the crew replaces the water in the tanks with compressed air, causing the ship to return to a horizontal position.

Built in 2012, Vanguard is the world's largest cargo ship. This massive vessel is 70% larger than any analogues and, unlike them, has a completely flat deck. This means that all 275 meters of length and 70 meters of width can be fully used for loading.

The ship is also semi-submersible - using watertight ballast tanks, the crew can lower the deck below the surface of the water. This is useful when the Vanguard needs to capture floating cargo, such as the capsized Costa Concordia.

Sea Shadow
Lockheed Martin built the Sea Shadow during cold war as a secret test ship for the US Navy. The ship was stationed in the waters off Southern California from 1985 to 1993 to study the possibility of creating a stealth ship using the Stealth technology of the F-117 Nighthawk aircraft.

It was hoped that the ship would be less affected by waves and would be more stable even in extreme storms. In addition, its unusual body of large flat panels set at 45 degrees to each other, as well as a ferrite coating that absorbs radar waves, makes the Sea Shadow very stealth to radar indeed.

Entered service in June 2014, this Russian attack nuclear submarine is equipped with fourth-generation supersonic cruise missiles and homing deep-sea torpedoes. It is the lead ship of the Yasen project of the Russian Navy and the first submarine in which torpedo tubes are located behind the central control compartment.

The 119-meter Severodvinsk can dive to a depth of 600 meters and travel at speeds of up to 30 knots (55 km/h), outpacing most torpedoes. The submarine is equipped with a virtually silent nuclear reactor, a low-noise propeller and a hull coated with sound-absorbing material to avoid detection.

Alvin (DSV-2)
The DSV-2 debuted in 1964 as the world's first manned deep-sea submersible and its design has been continually improved since then. He completed more than 4,600 dives, including a mission to explore the wreck of the Titanic.

The robust steel body, 7 meters long and 3.6 meters wide, was replaced with lightweight titanium, which made it possible to reach a depth of almost 6400 meters. Inside there is enough space for three people, and outside the submersible is equipped with two mechanical manipulators.

With its ability to scan the seafloor up to 7 km deep, the Japanese research vessel Chikyu is an important tool for scientists in understanding global geological changes. The ship monitors seismogenic areas of the earth's crust to provide early warning of future earthquakes.

It can also be used to drill earth's crust and examine her mantle. The vessel is equipped with a sophisticated on-board computer that takes into account data from the navigation system, wind speed, waves and underwater currents, controlling the engines based on these readings.

Wave Glider
A small Californian company, Liquid Robotics, has developed an unmanned vessel designed to collect data on environment in conditions too dangerous for humans. The Wave Glider consists of a solar-powered surfboard-like hull and belt-driven hydrofoils - a design that makes the Wave Glider an ideal vessel for operating in extreme ocean conditions.

The drone can be equipped with 70 different sensors to collect data and mapping tools, sending information online to the cloud.

Currently only a prototype, SeaOrbiter would be the world's first non-stop exploration vessel, allowing scientists to spend months at sea searching for new life forms. SeaOrbiter will be powered by wind and solar energy, and the 60-meter-long, 1-tonne hull will be made from recycled aluminum known as Sealium, which is suitable for the harsh conditions of the deep sea.

Inside there will be a research laboratory and several small bathyscaphes for individual research. Construction of SeaOrbiter is scheduled for the end of the year.

Ramform Titan
Seismic exploration company Petroleum Geo-Services has placed a preliminary order for the construction of two W-class Ramform vessels from the Japanese company Mitsubishi Heavy Industries. The vessels are representatives of the new fifth generation of the Ramform series. The cost of each of them is estimated at $250 million.

Safety, efficiency and productivity are key features of the new Ramform Titan, equipped with 24 offshore seismic streamers, which was recently unveiled at MHI's shipyard in Nagasaki, Japan. New ship will be the most powerful and efficient marine seismic vessel ever built. She is also the widest (at the waterline) ship in the world. Safety and performance were the main considerations when designing the vessel. This is the first of four ships to be built in Japan.

The futuristic vessel Proteus looks like something out of a sci-fi movie, a catamaran reminiscent of a water strider spider. The cabin for the crew and passengers is mounted on four giant metal “spider legs”, which, in turn, are attached to two pontoons that provide reliable buoyancy. Proteus is about 30 meters long and 15 meters wide. The unusual vessel is powered by two diesel engines with a capacity of 355 horsepower each. The displacement of Proteus is 12 tons, the maximum payload weight is two tons.

Its cabin (with four berths), when parked, can be lowered into the water, separated and sail independently for a short distance. This increases the flexibility of using the new device. The cabin can approach the pier, leaving its feet hundreds of meters from the shore. And, most importantly, the cabin can be changed, turning one Proteus into a multifunctional device. Proteus is aptly named after the Greek sea god, according to legend, capable of taking on different guises.

"France II" is a French five-masted barque. It is considered one of the largest sailing ships in the history of shipbuilding.
Laid down at the shipyards "Chantiers et Ateliers de la Gironde" in Bordeaux in 1911. The total length is 146.20 m. The ship was used for cargo transportation on the route Europe - New Caledonia. The ship was also spotted in ports in Australia, Northern and South America

. Mostly ore, coal and wool were transported. In 1922, on July 12, 43 miles from the capital of New Caledonia, Nouméa, the France II hit a reef and was abandoned by its owners.
Ship achievements:
In 92 days, coal was delivered from the city of Glasgow to New Caledonia.
In 90 days, the ship reached London from New Zealand, rounding Africa from the south.
During the First World War, 90 mm cannons were installed on board.
On February 27, 1917, on the way to America, a sailing ship managed to elude a German submarine after dark.
In 1919, the ship's engines were dismantled.
In 1944, the ship, which until that time had been aground, came under the gun of an American bomber. The remains of the ship, scattered after the training bombing, are still under water.

In France, there is a project called “Renaissance France II”.
Displacement - 10,710 tons
Length along the upper deck - 131.90 m
Midship width - 16.90 m
Engines - Sails + diesel engines with a power of 2 × 900 hp.
Sail area - 6,350 m² (you can make a large tent)
Speed ​​- 17.5 knots, under sail; 10 knots, under engine

Crew - 50 people

The only seven-masted sailing ship in the world: Over the thousand-year history of shipbuilding, people have created many ships and vessels of various types and classes, each of which has its own destiny. Among had their own giants. One of the largest is the sailing ship "Thomas W. Lawson". She is a steel seven-masted, double-deck schooner built at the Fore River Ship & Engine Building in Quincy, Massachusetts in 1902 for the Coastwise Transportation Co., Boston. The sails were made by E.L. Rowe & Sun Gloucecester.” The sailing ship is named after the famous yachtsman Thomas W. Lawson and about $240,000 was spent on its construction. Initially, the schooner was planned to take part in sailing regattas, but the material benefits of the company's owners quickly determined the functionality of the ship.

With the rapid development of industry, the need for coal, which was transported across the Atlantic Ocean, grew. The need for profitability and the reluctance of company owners to increase wages for sailors led to the construction of large sailing ships with a small number of crew.


Victory was Admiral Nelson's flagship at the Battle of Trafalgar. This most famous three-decker ship of all that existed has survived in its unchanged form to this day. The ship was built at the naval dockyard in Chatma and launched on May 7, 1765.

In 1805, Victory was armed with thirty thirty-two-pounder guns located on the lower battery deck, twenty-eight twenty-four-pounder guns on the upper deck, thirty twelve-pounder guns on the main deck, ten twelve-pounder guns on the quarterdeck, two twelve-pounder guns and two sixty-eight-pounder carronades on forecastle
On October 21, 1805, Nelson's flagship Victoria, leading the fleet to defend the coast of England from Bonaparte, eventually, thanks to competent command, defeated the joint Spanish-French fleet under the command of Admiral Villeneuve.

Even at dawn, he ordered a change from a marching formation - five wake columns - to a combat formation - one wake column.

The first column approached the enemy's allied squadron. At 12:30 p.m., her flagship Royal Sovereign cut through the enemy formation under the stern of the Saint Anne, which was sixteenth from the end. Nelson's intended creation of quantitative superiority in the direction of the main attack by cutting through the formation at the twelfth French ship from the end was not achieved due to a miscalculation in maneuvering. The following English ships cut through the formation one by one, subject to ineffective broadsides from the Allies, while the longitudinal salvos of the English ships were very effective.

"Victoria" was subjected to fierce artillery and rifle fire, as a result of which the English squadron lost control. During this shelling, Nelson was mortally wounded by a French non-commissioned officer firing from the mast of the Redoutable, and died before the end of the battle. But the British did not lose heart and continued the battle with even greater ferocity. The battle lasted 11 and a half hours! The Allies lost 18 ships (17 were captured, one burned) and more than 6 thousand people killed, wounded and prisoners.

The British lost 3 thousand people. The English ships were so badly damaged that they were unable to bring the captured French ships to their bases. Some of them were repulsed by the French the next day, while others sank during the assault.